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I'm working on a new cuckolding/NTR piece that involves a female bull, but I'm wondering if the cuck (the person being cheated on) should be a boy or a girl? I've been gearing up to do a spiritual successor to https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/1stGarden/789069/My-Wife-Loves-Her 

which I think is a hilariously underserved niche, but I'm wondering if it's more enticing for the tied up girl to be from a male (straight relationship) or female (lesbian relationship, like the recent Modern Marriage piece) perspective. I understand the male one better, but I feel like if I did that it wouldn't be so different from any other normal cuckold piece.

Any input from you guys is greatly appreciated, and happy holidays!



I think a female cuck from a lesbian relationship would be interesting to see, and yes, I've been long anticipating a sequel/ successor to that linked piece! But here's a suggestion, maybe a trans cuck would be interesting in terms of story/potential cucking situations?


Interesting that never occurred to me. Can you outline how you imagine a fantasy like that would work? What drives the character's arousal?


Absolutely keep writing what drives you and brings you passion. None of what I'm about to write is intended to dissuade you from that. That said, if you're wondering what makes a bisexual, trans, female cuck in a relationship with a woman tick... Well, I can tell you what makes at least *one* tick because I *am* one. I'll say right off the bat that, for me, it's *far* less interesting if the... okay heck with it I'm using the term "bull" even though it's gendered. For me, the "bull" can be male or female, and you've actually helped me realize that a female bull might be *preferable* in some ways (more on that later), *but* it's far less interesting if the bull doesn't have a dick. This is probably far from universal, but for me personally, the thought of someone else penetrating (and especially cumming inside) the woman I love is extremely erotic, and if it's a strapon... Well, yes, that's *sex,* I understand that, but it feels a lot less violating when it's a piece of silicone thrusting deep inside her instead of a cock, and even if the "bull" has one and doesn't finish inside her. (Condoms are not half as fun.) The transgressiveness of that, the idea of my beloved being marked in such a powerful, intimate, physical way, is extremely powerful to me, and I'm quite glad your recent pieces on this topic (like Modern Marriage 2 and the one where the cuck is tied up in the hall) made it at least ambiguous as to what the "bull" had going on downstairs so I could imagine some good old-fashioned *fucking.* So there's that. I should also note that I personally don't find much mileage in the whole "inferiority complex" thing, except in terms of sheer sexual performance. ("She's better than me," and such sentiments.) One of the most powerful aspects of the You Are Special To Me comic is that the girl in it deeply loves her cuck, *and is choosing to take a lover anyway.* The cuck in that comic is deeply loved and reassured by her beloved that she is special to her, that she will always love her, and then *immediately* put in her place by being brutally reminded that her beloved lets other people fuck her, and is then informed, as a combination gesture of trust and mind-shattering act of humiliation, that her beloved has fallen in love with someone else, is going to pursue her, and is even asked to *help her beloved figure out how to show clear interest in the relationship oh my GOD.* So here's the thing about that! I wouldn't want my beloved to leave me, so just as the cuck in that comic needed reassuring, I would too. The idea of my beloved just *finding someone better* doesn't work for me. *But,* with that level of security established, it's possible for the Special Girl to then enjoy/agonize over the situation she's in. Even though love is in the equation. Especially *since* love is in the equation! Also, I don't fully understand this part myself yet, but something about the way that this security brings the pair closer together makes it even more searingly humiliating and darkly compelling that the cuck then has to just *deal with* the fact that her beloved is *falling in love with someone else.* There's something deeper to this, something I can't explain or express, but it's something *powerful.* And "powerful" is certainly the word. One big part of why this kink appeals to me is that a woman who takes a lover (or several), openly and brazenly, who taunts her cuck about it, who never asks permission or forgiveness, is *unutterably* powerful. Domination and submission are about power, and a woman like that feels less like a mere mortal and more like a force of nature. The power of what she can do, and of what it does to *you* as you are helpless to resist her or stop her or to even resist the dark and overpowering allure of the utter humiliation of it... It's like standing in front of a hurricane or an erupting volcano. It is *awe-inspiring,* and it makes me understand why the term "fetish" is sometimes used to describe kinks - the overwhelming power of it feels like something supernatural. Mind you, the humiliation is *also* a huge part of it, but the point is that powerful women are incredibly appealing. But, then again, so are *powerless* women - when both cuck and beloved are helpless to stop the violation, and the cuck simply has to watch (or be shut out) and endure the fact that their beloved is either enduring or enjoying the, uh, coercive situation. So... Honestly, I guess I just used a whole lot of words to probably explain that it's not even that different for me than for a straight cis guy. (I can't say for sure as I'm not a straight cis guy.) You don't need to be masculine to be intimidated by a powerful rival who wants to fuck your woman. You don't need to be male to find it humiliating (and hot) when someone transgresses that relationship, whether it's your beloved or someone else. And you don't need to be a guy to find the idea of someone pumping a load of cum inside your wife, the sperm cells living on for days inside her and maybe even impregnating her, or of having to kiss her after he shot his load across her face, incredibly violating and *incredibly* hot. And you can find being outperformed in bed to be incredibly hot whether or not you want to keep and/or use the "equipment" you were born with. (I personally do want to keep mine, but I am the worst top in the observable Universe, and *wow* do I love being taunted about it!) I also think it's way hotter if the girl is falling in love with another girl (with a dick), but that's probably because I'm bisexual but homoromantic - I don't think *I* could fall in love with a guy, so it's harder for me to empathize with someone else doing it. That's probably far from universal. I hope all of that makes any sense whatsoever? Edited to add: As a homoromantic girl, I also have absolutely zero interest in "traditional" cuckquean content, except in the rare case where I can imagine the relationship is switched up (male "bull," female lovers). I can't say what appeals to people who like that, and while that's also an underserved niche, I feel like possibly the one I just spent way too many words ranting about is even less so?


One hell of a write-up but this is exactly what I'm looking for. Gimme a few days to process this.