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As I mentioned previously I'm going to focus more on still images. Virtually all of my growth so far has been from still images and captions, and the amount of time it takes to make a single film compared to the return on investment simply doesn't make sense economically at this point, especially with the greater works I have in mind. I also need to up my artistic skill to meet the needs of these ambitious works, and working on one animation at a time, considering how labor intensive they are, doesn't give me enough opportunity to practice.

I will continue to produce short films, but they will be split with the others in focus.

I've also changed the wording on my page from "hentai" to "erotic". My work is designed for anyone to consume, but I realized that the word "hentai" could alienate a lot of potential patrons who think I might be targeting anime-ish people in particular. Also, aesthetically the style I've been developing may be starting to straddle the lines between the western and Japanese styles, so I fear calling it hentai may be excessive if not misleading.

Finally, I want to find ways to more court new patrons, so my question to all you current patrons is: what brought you here to begin with? I saw a lot of growth in the first month and maybe if I can tap into those channels I used earlier better that might help get new patrons coming my way.

Thanks for your help and patronage as always.



Um. Hot and descriptive short stories about breaking fair maidens in sexual torture? Your artstyle is also nice. While cuckolding is on my shitlist, the Sylvarra animation and her shit-eating grin at the end was pretty ace.


Great info. What website/community did you encounter my work? Also, kind of a tangent, but have you ever played a game called Life is Strange?


Either Rule34 or H-foundry. Or both. I think I see where you are going with your second question. I own the game, but have yet to play. I've watched some snippets here and there, though.


I don't want to spoil it for you, but there's a certain bizarre interaction that happens in the final episode that I've been fantasizing about drawing, that I think could really be up your alley if you end up developing an attachment to the main character like I have.


I can't remember where I first found you tbh, it may have been directly through Patreon, but I tend to find a lot of artists through DeviantArt, Tumblr, Rule34, and H-Foundry. Cuckolding, chastity, and femdom are a large part of why I started following you, especially combined with futanari which I absolutely love. On H-Foundry there are very few artists that have the cuckolding or chastity tags, so some quality work there would likely get a lot of targeted hits.


Also, I completely agree with your decision to go towards making still images. I would go so far as to suggest that you focus on still images entirely for the next few months up to even a year while you work to increase your portfolio among the platforms I suggested above (and any others you may find along the way). The more places you share your work with direct links back to your Patreon and a request for support, and the more work you share, the faster you're going to increase your fanbase and get more people interested. The most important thing for me as a Patron is seeing a steady flow of work coming from an artist. I've stopped supporting a dozen or more artists at this point because they take unannounced 6 month breaks and I'm just putting money in their pocket for nothing. Consistent content is the #1 thing that keeps me subscribed long term, and still images are just as good for me as video content. I know you feel that video content offers the unique factor that might bring in a wider audience but as you suggested, while it's cool, I don't think it will offer enough reward for the effort required and I think you'd benefit more from tapping into various niches that interest you with a larger number of still images that you can use to advertise yourself around the web. (I think the video clips are likely harder to upload/share around than still images, since when people are fapping they are usually lazy and not looking to interrupt the flow to download a file or anything like that).