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#9, now titled "For Your King", is progressing very well, albeit slower than scheduled as I decided to change the painting style because the one I tried just didn't look good enough to me. As such this is probably gonna be by far my highest quality work yet. Expect late Tuesday release.

In the mean time, I like to plan my works ahead of time, and want to interact more with you guys. The next work I'm thinking doing is an animation involving a futa and a "chocolate dip cone", but of course that's more what happened to pop into my head and I'm not dying to do it next.

What do you guys want to see next? No promises I'll run with your ideas, but I want to hear your beautiful voices.



Femdom stuff like your "Strawberry-flavored Latex" piece are great.


Do you prefer females dominating males in particular? Or is it just female domination in general?


I'm a huge yuri fan. Femdom yuri would be so great.


I can tell. I don't see very much femdom yuri, as most of it tends to be very mushy and strawberry sweet. Is there a particular trope or fantasy within femdom yuri that you like seeing?