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So the family situation seems to have stabilized, so things should proceed better from here on.

Meanwhile, the upcoming caption is going to be quite extravagant, as well as a bit radical, seeing as how I had the benefit of a shit ton of extra time to work. Please bear with me just a bit longer, and thank you all for remaining so supportive. I don't like the fact that I've gone so long without any new releases, and I'm quite disappointed things turned out this way, but I guess it was a long time coming and better this sort of delay happen now than later when I have a much bigger pool of patrons.

Also, I'm looking to make a bunch of changes to the goal and reward structure in light of the many situational changes that occurred over the last few weeks, and for what I have in store for future works. You'll see why when I release the next caption. Pricing won't change.

Thank you.


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