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This caption was quite complicated in that I needed to tell basically an entire romance story and somehow frame the text in the negative space in such a way that doesn't look stupid.

Necessity is the mother of invention as they say. The final result I think is extremely clever, even though I feel it's execution could've been better. I love the blurred body parts, sweat, and steam; gives it a feeling very reminiscent of that scene in Titanic.

I absolutely adore the story being told and love the sense of adventure these two have to pull off the fitting room heists and may actually revisit their story in more detail in the future. I also feel like their story espouses the essence of yuri,  that feeling of soft, tender girl-on-girl affection, while adding a huge dose of sexual lust and impact. Everything about the scenario sounds super hot and fun to act out.

Overall though, I'm a bit disappointed with how the final paint job came out. The colors feel a bit unfocused and undramatic, especially compared to the first two. I tried a technique for gradient map optimization that I thought would work in theory, but in practice the results looked boring. Not necessarily bad or wrong, but boring.

I'm also not satisfied with the look of their vaginal juices. Admittedly that's because I didn't give myself time to figure it out because I wanted to meet my self-imposed deadline.

This, combined with the lack of visible sweat on the two characters makes the atmosphere kind of jarring. At first, I thought I was being clever by showing the sweat explicitly in the blurred closeups of the body parts that make up the caption frame, and while it is conceptually clever, the actual execution sucks and makes the drawing feel "incomplete".

The red-haired girl's face proportion is also kind of off, but too lazy to correct it.

I'm going to give myself the weekend to study and work on the things I've been meaning to work on.




Love it


Love the yuri!