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Still alive, and things have been a lot less messy this week, but still have to repair car tmrw then more teeth appointments Friday.................. I honestly can't believe how much shit I have to deal with on a daily basis even though I'm doing art full time. will show you  guys stuff later this week, sorry for the terrible rate of progression you guys deserve better, but things will get faster this upcoming week, I'll make it happen.



Eh, don't worry about it. I can't speak for anyone else, but as far as I'm concerned the quality of your work is well worth the wait.


Take your time - getting sick isn't your fault. :)


Thank you I really appreciate the patience. Most of the tedious and problematic stuff is now behind me and I can really start working on them in earnest. I will likely work on them each day for a few hours on Twitch stream (behind a recording)