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Thank you all so much for your continued support over the year. Things have been slow on the lust side recently because of my Twitch commitments and real life stuff, but now that that's more or less figured out, I'm ready to get back into Lust firmly. So here's my plans for 2018:
  • Stream Lust on Picarto 3+ times per week. I really enjoyed streaming on Picarto and won over a lot of fans doing that, and I plan to continue the good thing we had going. I will stream Wednesday morning (or evening for European viewers).
  • Produce short visual novels for variety of fetishes. I'm working on a WebGL+JS powered visual novel engine to scratch my programming itch I've kept suppressed for a long ass time, and I will use it to produce some exciting stuff. And I'm looking to use some of you patrons as beta testers for these upcoming works.
  • Moving more onto discord: With Patreon's recent crackdown of NSFW content, it's become harder to rely on Patreon as my main source of connecting with and updating you all, so I think it'd be better shift some resources around. It's impossible to say what will happen with Patreon in the future as it becomes more mainstream, so I need to have an infrastructure in place in case the worst happens. More on this in the coming days.
  • Expand expand expand expand expand. With my adventures on Twitch,  and the recent growth I've had in fans, I really think it's time to push hard for doing art/content production full time. One of my goals is to make a sustainable income doing this stuff by the end of 2018.


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