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Made a few changes to the reward structure.

First, the I deprecated the $3 reward and combined it with the $2 reward. I'll open up a poll for #32 tomorrow, with Dystopian Devices as an option as requested.

I will also publish native PSDs of #28 and #29

I also created a new $5 reward tier. Allow me to explain the logic behind it:

tl;dr - more drawings, I want to see what would happen if I put you guys in charge of writing some of them.

The most fun I've had running this Patreon thus far is when you guys open up and share with me your sick little fucking fetishes-- I mean, ideas and fantasies. As such, I want to encourage more of that. This is also coincides with a trend I've noticed behind the scenes in my work. 

I want to draw a lot more works. Like two or three a week (as I've repeatedly stated before but never lived up to because I'm a degenerate piece of shit with apparently very fragile hands). There's a huge backlog of pictures that I take inspiration from that I want to breathe life into.

However, from the feedback I've gotten, a lot of people really like my stories, and I really don't want to disappoint on that front. So I feel like I can't draw something unless I have a great story idea behind it. I'm putting this rather awkward pressure on myself to make sure everything I draw has this amazing, award-winning idea behind it, and that creates a sort of creative constipation.

As such, I've been wracking my brain for weeks trying to reconcile the desires above, and incorporate that into a new reward tier. And I think I've found a good answer.

With the new $5 reward tier, I'll give you guys the tools necessary to fabricate your own stories based on my drawings. I haven't worked out entirely the best method to make this accessible (since most of you aren't artists), but the intent is that in the future: 

new patrons and you guys will opt-in to the $5 reward and have early access to non-captioned drawings. A bunch of you will write stories/captions behind them, and I'll pick the ones I like and publish them to the general public, giving you guys credit. My hope is that it grows into something of a festive sport among $5+ patrons.

Feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions.


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