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1 新たな表現の追求

2 継続支援してくださる方がより楽しんでいただける方法



そして2について、私のPatreon ではバックナンバーを設けていません。なので金銭面でいえば正直一年間支援するより、一年後に一回支援してしまえば一ヶ月分の金額で一年分のコンテンツを見ることができます。






Thank you for your continued support!

We are pleased to announce that we will be creating a new series of limited-time content that will be separate from our existing works.

I have been feeling two major issues with my current activities, and they are

1. Pursuit of new expression

2. How to make it more enjoyable for those who continue to support us.

I have two major issues to resolve: 1.

Regarding the first issue, we have received comments from time to time that they would like to see new expressions, but we have felt an itch to create something that is too burdensome to incorporate into our daily work (e.g., something with a high failure rate and time-consuming).

And 2, my Patreon does not have back numbers, so from a financial point of view, I can honestly say that I have been supporting the project for a year. So, to be honest, from a financial point of view, rather than supporting for a year, you can support once a year and see a year's worth of content for the price of a month's worth of content.

There are some people who do that, of course. However, my activities are made possible by those who continue to support me, and I am truly grateful for their support.

So, I came up with this content as a way to make it more enjoyable for those who continue to support me.

Specifically, I am thinking of making available for download for a limited time, for about three days, works of expression that are difficult to make continuously in formats other than the current one, and then transferring them to the limited time plan when the time period is over.

This would allow us to try out expressions that are difficult to create on an ongoing basis, and would allow those who continue to support us to enjoy the content more than others.

We will continue to do our best to make this project enjoyable, so we ask for your support!



shibaさんは、支援者の事をよく考えられてて、素晴らしいクリエイターだと思います^ ^ これからも応援します!頑張ってください( ^ω^ )

神夜 神崎

毎日お疲れ様です bbsさんのイラスト最高なので毎月支援します(笑)