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[UPDATE] New Rules: https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-pack-90109286


I want to express my gratitude for all the support you've given me, allowing me to create more characters that we all adore.

I've received numerous messages requesting the release of my original characters (OC). Initially, these cards weren't intended for distribution and I intended to let them sit as decorations. I had fun creating them, but it required quite a bit of brainpower and time to create the characters, write their lore, and establish connections between the characters, making the situation more intriguing and spicy.

Nevertheless, I truly appreciate your enthusiasm for them. Therefore, I'm devising a plan to distribute my OCs. Since these characters mean a lot to me, I want these cards to be exclusively in the hands of my loyal members. I will likely set certain requirements that need to be met in order to obtain it. Long membership, perhaps? Who knows.

It's still on plan and won't be happening anytime soon. If you have any concern, please reach me on message privately. Until the release, stay tuned!




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