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YO It's been exactly a week after my surgery and I'm finally able to sit up for more than 5 minutes at a time. THAT MEANS I CAN FINALLY DRAW AGAIN GOODNESS GRACIOUS.

I'm going to update everything on Patreon to better reflect how I'm going to be working this year and beyond. Not much will change immediately, and most of the changes are just on my end (posting more often, hhhA). I need to re-do my about page as well, I definitely didn't do any major developments on my graphic novel. In fact, I came up with entirely new characters for an entirely new project. Good job, me. 

Give me a bit of time to make some new art to share with you fine folks, I've missed working so much and I have too many ideas built up. 

Also just a bit of advice, don't get gallstones. 

Thanks everyone! My 2019 starts now!


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