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Hey everyone!

As some of you might know, over the past few months, I've been thinking of new ideas for future projects as well as new rewards for patrons, like short comics such as this one I'm working on https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-ruka-1-6-78022725 and more complex and customizable variants on psd files.

However, there are two big projects that I would like to do this year. One of them is making animations a monthly reward for $10 tier patrons (or at the very least one every two months with monthly updates) and the other is a remake of my old comic "Hunter", which would include a remake of all the old pages and some of the newer ones, more dynamic poses and expressions, extra pages and panels and even making some animated panels as well!

I'm honestly very excited to work on these projects and hopefully have them fully implemented and finished this year :)

However, the main problem I face is the lack of time to work on all of this... For the last few years, I've been doing two monthly exclusive pictures for patreon, but as I started to make them more complex and adding more variants, I realize that they are taking a very big part of my time every month, and even though I love making them for you guys, I start to think that they are getting more and more repetitive and there's nothing new to look forward to...

So I'm making this post to ask you if you'd be ok with me reducing the monthly exclusives to one per month, but in exchange, I'd start working on those projects and add more different rewards for each tier! :)

Please, let me know what you guys think! If you have any suggestion, any other solution you'd like to share or even ideas for future rewards and projects, please post them in the comments!



Fully supporting this idea. Quality over quantity


I see no problem, if it means more animations and more customizable pictures then I'm all for it.

Rodrigo Digsby

Sounds good to me! The two monthly exclusives have been fun, but it’s been a challenge from both your side and the community’s to keep things fresh, given the same sorts of characters and scenarios tend to keep winning. I doubt reducing it to just one will make the general will of the community all that more interesting, but it should give you the opportunity to try a greater variety of things yourself, so I’m all for it!


I'd love to see more animations from you! That kind of change sounds exciting to me :)

Uncle Flaco

Cool Man :D I'd say go for it, plus I feel it'll help ya too in terms of reduced stress & more time to chill XD .


That's mostly what I was thinking :) I've been trying to keep things fresh by making different scenarios, variants and things like that but I feel that's it's not going to last forever. It's not going to removed completely though, because I know many people enjoy the voting process, suggesting characters, scenarios and variants... it's just going to be reduced a bit in favor of a different kind of content that will help keep things fresh and my motivation high, as well as give everyone something to look forward to every month :)


haha thanks! I honestly don't feel stressed or burned out at all :) I just think this is a change that would benefit everyone and help me give you guys more content without having to drop quality :)


Definitely more animations :) Since I'd be making one exclusive picture every month, I'd have to do the customizable variants to the rest of the content I'd make. I could even try making customizable animation variants but that's going to take some time to learn


can't wait for you to finish ruka comic! i definitely would enjoy more of stories like this and of course your animations are GOAT right now so i'm scared what would happen when you will actually focus on it! Quality over quantity as someone said above


How long do you think it will take you to finish coloring the Ruka comic?


I think for a long time that the quality of your patreon-exclusive pictures has gone down because you're too rushed when making them. I think there are too many characters/complex variants. You are a very talented artist and i feel like you excel when you're allowed to draw characters you like or when you're given enough free time. This is a great idea, hopefully we can see more poses showing ahri's butt in the new hunter comic. i think you should make some polls for patrons to decide the tickling tools/positions/type of bondage ahri is put in. It could be a progressive thing where maybe ahri or rengar break the fourth wall and address the audience/viewers (patrons). I really want to see her in bondage positions you haven't drawn her much in like a hogtie. I just have a couple of questions. Do you think you'll change her design to look more like her new visual rework? How many pages do you think you'll release a month? And how many do you think will be released in total? Do you think it would be possible for you to draw some more sexual action between rengar and ahri in this comic (maybe blowjobs, penetration, etc)? Will you release psd files for the comic pages or variants for certain key pages?


Hmm I don't know how long it will take me to finish all of it, probably around two months, but I will have page 3 finished soon


Well I have a few ideas of what I'd like to do but I'm still thinking about that so I don't know what I'll be doing with the poses, number of pages and things like that. I don't think I'll change much from her design, maybe just the starting outfit a little bit. I plan to release at least one or two every month, maybe more, but the idea of this reward change is to remove a strict deadline to have more flexibility with the monthly rewards, so I don't think I'll have a specific number of pages to release each month. For example, one month I might release one page and use the rest of the time to work on another project, like an animation, then the next month I might release two or three pages and work on some other project, and so on. I don't think I'll do penetration since it's not something I usually enjoy doing. Yes, I could probably release the psd files for the reworked pages this time


Maybe, after all, you could also go for another theme other than League of Legends, maybe something else that interests you and what others would like to see, maybe a poll.


making animations and remak of old comic that great idea interesting to see it and also you should do more of your things like seeing your work of your idea, seeing characters of your idea and see your oc characters of your idea. I love putting characters I wants to see but you should do you first and us second.


I’m ok with that


Thanks bud :) I'll always prioritize everyone here because you are the ones paying for the content xd but in order to do that I need more time to make more content variety, so I think this change will benefit both parts in the long run :)


I'll definitely do more content other than League. The comic was already about Ahri and Rengar, so I can't change that, but the rest of the content I'll be making like short comics and animations will have different themes :)