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Hello guys :) I just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking a break in December, although I will probably continue to post some content here, like sketches

If you were here since last year, you probably know the process, but in case you don't know, let me explain what I'm going to do :)

There's an option for creators to pause all pledges for a whole month, but it only works during that current month, so I'll have to wait until around December 5th to pause all pledges. So this is what we are going to do until then:

Before the end of this month, I'll be posting all the polls to vote on the characters that I'll be doing in January. Then, at the end of this month, pledges will be processed normally like always and around December 5th I'll make a new post letting everyone know that I've paused all pledges for that month (you'll also get a notificacion from Patreon, so don't worry about that) meaning that Patreon will save your pledges until I come back but you won't be charged at the end of that month.

Once I'm back, I'll un-pause my page and I'll start posting content again in January and pledges will be processed after the end of January like always :)

If you have any questions, you can ask me in the comments or you can check out this article where the process is explained in much more detail :) https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/214013323


Uncle Flaco

It's all good dude :D 👍


No worries, broseph.


I hope you have a good December!