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Time to vote for next month's characters! The two options with the most votes will be the ones I'll be drawing next month! :) Polls are usually up for around 48 hs. Once this one's over, I'll be asking you guys for suggestions on the scene for each picture :)

There's a limit on the amount of options I can include, so here are most supported suggestions from the previous post! If one person made multiple suggestions, I usually include only one or two of the most supported ones. That way, everyone has a chance :)

You can vote for as many options as you want! ;)

Note: If you'd like to see previous polls and suggestions, click on the "poll" tab on my front page

Good luck! :D



I have a feeling the AC girls might win. Here's hoping.


Jett and Viper would be nice but no one choose them:(


Damn. Every time you do your monthly poll, someone suggests the same girls from AC and they get closer and closer and closer to winning each time and I get super excited, and then I scroll down and see several characters doing better than them... sigh... maybe one day, Kassandra. Maybe one day...


For real, man. It's frustrating. At least there are people who want to see them, so we're not alone.


Am I the only one a tiny bit annoyed that characters from Overwatch/League of Legends and Elizabeth from Bioshock are winning? It's not that I don't like them but Wtfeather has drawn plenty of both. Give him something he's never drawn before instead of the same old.

Rodrigo Digsby

Agreed, yeah: our boy’s work is as good as it gets, so it feels like a waste for Feather to just end up doing the same characters over and over again :/ On the one hand, I love democracy; but on the other hand, it might be worth putting a soft limit on the number of times the “regulars” get on the poll, for the sake of variety


Please do Elizabeth 😆


Hmm, seeing how some people in here are frustrated with the way the montly polls work out, how about this idea: Every few months instead of nominating and voting on two brand new characters, we instead have a poll containing only the runner-ups of previous months and choose the two monthly characters based on that. That way some of the stuff we consistently see in the polls every month might finally get the win.


Yep exactly. If Feather's reading this, I hope he'll consider it


That's not a bad idea! I can do that every couple of months :) If I can finish both monthly pics early, I'd have enough time for another poll with only the previous runners-up :) I'll think about it and let everyone know next month :)