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Hey guys! I wanted to make this post a few days ago but I didn't have time unfortunately ^^; 

As some of you might have noticed, my Patreon is not suspended anymore :) It was actually quite quick honestly and the person from Patreon's Trust and Safety Team that I've been taking to for the past two weeks was very helpful and very honest with me.

Apparently, the main problem with my page and the reason why it got suspended was because of the amount of works with underage characters... that has been solved now. I had to delete every work that had underage characters in it. Another reason was the "sexual violence/abuse" but this is very subjective... unless there is a very clear case of abuse, there shouldn't be any problem, so I probably won't be able to add very explicit dialogue on my drawings anymore... I did have to delete my whole comic though, since the dialogue and story were a bit too much...

They were also very clear that I can't post any links here to the drawings I had to delete... so I'm still trying to find a way to post the rest of the comic pages without having to involve Patreon directly... Some people suggested that I should try Gumroad, since they are not very strict with that kind of stuff (at least for now) and I think it's a pretty good idea and I could even use it for future comics and other projects as well... the problem is that I can't post the links here... but what I could do is post a 100% discount code here and post the links on DeviantArt, like I've been doing with my Teasers... Idk, what do you guys think? Would that be too complicated?

Some people suggested Discord as well, but I honestly don't think I'd be too comfortable using that platform to post my drawings...

Anyway, from now on, underage characters are completely prohibited. No exceptions... So keep in mind guys, in the next poll, I'm going to check the ages of every character that is suggested... if they are underage or there's no info and they look too young, I won't include them in the poll, no matter the amount of likes it has.

I'll keep making the tickling part as intense as I usually do, since that's my style and that's how I like it :) but I'm not going to draw any kind of penetration or vaginal fluids... I might keep making vibrators and stuff like that, as long as I can make it clear that there's no sexual violence in any way...

Well, I think that's all for now, sorry for the wall of text ^^;



Glad everything is resolved! I've never used Discord and I have no idea what the other site is but whatever you decide, I'm game! I'm also glad to hear that we'll be professional fetishists from now on 😂 Keep up the good work!


I've literally never ever heard of Gumroad before, which is why I can't say that's a good idea. If any other option at all, Collide or Subscribestar oughtta be the best bets.


Hey, is there any way I could do a private request for a photo? Or a commission? I have really wanted to see a hunger games drawing but idk if thats possible now with the new guidelines. Wasn’t sure if it would be at all possible to do a commission like that and then maybe post it on deviant art? Hope to hear back :)


include exrtra NSFW versions on gumroad with penetration and such and comic pages exclusive to patrons (via discount code) for us. They cant punish you if you dont necessarily post direct links.

Rodrigo Digsby

As much as it’s not a terrible idea, you weren’t obliged to put it as a demand, instead of - say - a polite request...


Change the platform. F*ck Patreon


Yeah wtfeather. Your comic and alleged sexual abuse is why ive followed you since you first started out online. And why i continue to pledge. Youre the best artist in the tickling field. But on a rare occasion we get a dripping wet tickled clit like you did for your friend in a commission. That boldness and sexual topic is something I and many others im sure look forward to especially from SUCH a high quality artist. Nobody else in the field posts stuff like you mate. Please find an alternative. We as fans will support you wherever you go.


Thank you very much buddy :) Don't worry, I'll definitely find an alternative... extreme tickle torture and forced stimulation is what I enjoy drawing and I don't want to have that taken away... so I'll find somewhere else to post that kind of stuff ;)