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The first part of my comic is finally finished! :D Eleven pages but no tickling... yet ;) Now the real fun begins hehe





How many pages you think there are in the end?


when will you post it, and when do you think the whole comic will be finished/posted?


Hmm I'm probably going to post it after I finish the whole thing... but I don't know when I'll have it finished ^^; I thought I'd have it finished by the end of the year but it's probably going to take a bit more :v

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 08:27:59 巫女さんも無事(?)に揉まれて良かったです(*´▽`*) 下着も可愛い感じですね!
2017-06-27 18:43:13 Honestly, I think all of us here on Patreon would appreciate a chapter-by-chapter or even page-by-page release more than a full release. It's up to you of course, but I think an ongoing release would be really awesome and help encourage more people to support you. :)

Honestly, I think all of us here on Patreon would appreciate a chapter-by-chapter or even page-by-page release more than a full release. It's up to you of course, but I think an ongoing release would be really awesome and help encourage more people to support you. :)