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Moments after the Artonan rose from his bow, he pushed the entire tray full of mugs into Alden’s hands. This is not what I was expecting, thought Alden, staring down at the selection of many teas.

The tray was heavy. Most of the ceramic vessels were giving off fragrant steam, but some of them were iced. He remembered Stuart saying he’d had to drink eight cups of wevvi before first meal one morning to be polite to the LeafSong faculty, and he wondered if he was about to have to do the same kind of thing.

Wasn’t I just standing on a possibly-broken bridge?

“The Span,” said Alden, while the Artonan studied him. He had metal iris rings, like Stuart’s, though they were a shade of pale brown that almost blended in with his eye color. “I was on the bridge, and the water was trying to pull it down. The people there—.”

“Do not worry,” the Artonan said in very clear English. “Earth’s Contract is performing to the best of its capabilities, and its capabilities are substantial. I wasn’t expecting you to arrive with a companion.”

There was nothing at all reproachful in the tone, but Alden wondered if he’d done the wrong thing.

How could it have been? I was just trying to get somebody away from trouble and help out the others. I didn’t know I’d be coming somewhere more exclusive than a shelter.

Maybe he should have suspected something like this, given the swiftness of his exit compared to everyone else’s, but he’d had a lot on his mind.

Mr. Dandelion was wringing out his Club Dandelion tank top onto the floor.

“This man was on the bridge with me,” Alden said slowly. “It was dangerous there. I thought bringing him with me would be helpful.”

“Of course,” said the Artonan, bowing his head once. “You were accomplishing all you could with your skill. I understand.”

“I’m Marks!” Dandelion said. “The letter s on the end is for luck according to my mother. So we’re going in some kind of escape plane? Sounds great to me! If there’s room for more, I’ve got some friends, my girlfriend…you’ve got ways of calling people from here I bet. You can make the System send messages like normal?”

He stepped over and reached for the nearest mug of tea.

“My name is Zeridee-und’h,” said the Artonan. “I’m sorry to meet you both under such unpleasant circumstances. That is a butterfly peaflower tea, Marks. You may have the cup. It’s a short walk to the train. A team has been summoned to keep the line running in the event of flooding, but we are endeavoring to clear this area swiftly so that the Avowed assigned here can head to more populous neighborhoods soon. Please enjoy your drink while you follow local evacuation orders.”

Oh shit, thought Alden. No company allowed.

Zeridee-und’h sounded polite and professional, but there was not a hint of wiggle room to be found in that voice.

Alden couldn’t imagine this going over well. And it was his fault even if he’d only been trying to make himself useful. He held his teas and tried to think of some way to smooth it all over.

“So there are evac teams helping out nearby!” he said. “And the neighborhood’s almost empty already? That’s great. The Span was chaotic, and I didn’t see rescuers other than Plopst—”

“Now wait a minute,” said Marks, narrowing his eyes at Zeridee-und’h. “Why am I supposed to go to a train if you two are taking a plane?”

“I’m sorry, but there is no plane. Only a single flyer. Its course is preset, so even if there were room for your friends aboard it, there would be no way for us to retrieve them.”

Zeridee-und’h walked over to one of the shuttered floor-to-ceiling windows, and hooked a finger through a latch Alden hadn’t noticed. When he pulled it open and pushed aside one of the heavy shutters, the window revealed itself to be a door that opened onto a tiled verandah. Beyond it, a terraced garden led down to a picturesque brick lane that overlooked the tiled roofs of cottages that lined a seaside boardwalk. In daylight, Alden was sure the hill this neighborhood sat on would provide an excellent view of the ocean. Now, it provided an excellent view of a pair of parked police cars that bathed the area in flashing red and blue. A small group of people carrying backpacks and bags were climbing a stairway that led from the boardwalk up to the lane. They were escorted by a lighting drone and a man in a raincoat with reflective striping on the sleeves.

Zeridee-und’h paused at the sight of them then muttered in his own language, “Still more children. The humans need to practice ———. Not enough faith in the Contract. No ————.”

This feels uncomfortably familiar.

But at least there were people around.

“Come with me, Marks!” Zeridee-und’h motioned for him and stepped out into the rain. “Don’t be afraid for your safety. The evacuation teams are taking everyone to secure locations. There are no shortages, and there will be very minimal danger to those who arrive promptly.”

Marks looked over at Alden. “Don’t you have anything to say about this?”

Alden’s brain shuffled through options. He wanted to point out that if he was going to beg a person he’d just met to give strangers access to what sounded like a limited escape resource, he wouldn’t do it for Mr. Dandelion when there were more endearing people in plain sight.

This guy had already been rescued three times tonight from his own stupidity by Alden’s count. Once by the guys stopping to free him from the traffic pile-up he’d only been in because he’d refused to leave his car, once by Dee talking him out of just standing around waiting for someone to carry him to F, and once by Alden giving him a free ride from a bridge under oceanic assault to this place, where there were professionals directing people to safety.

My classmates are still stuck on the Span. You’re here on land. There’s a kid with a ewtwee plushie climbing the stairs with their family. Move your own ass this time.

He took a breath.

Marks is scared. Everyone’s scared. Don’t make it worse. Do the right thing.

He actually wasn’t a hundred percent sure what the right thing was. What he wanted was to shove this man off the verandah, run straight to whatever an escape flyer was, and buckle himself in. Having two Peace of Minds was great. But the wordchains didn’t make him eager to suffer through a disaster.


Why is something like this happening again? Less than an hour ago, I was hanging out in the mall with everyone else, and now…

The disaster alerts he still hadn’t dismissed were shining in his eyes.

“I’m really sorry my teleport didn’t take you to F, Marks,” he said, trying to sound as calm as the ambassador’s assistant. “I can go with you and everyone else to the train station to make sure you get there safely. If that would make you feel more comfortable. Or I could help with—”

“Fuck,” said Marks, glowering at him. “I should’ve known some Rabbit globie wouldn’t follow the rules. I’m a D. You’re an A. You think about that! Think about that on your private jet while you’re li—”

“There’s not a jet,” Alden protested. “He just told you. And I don’t know what you think I can do for you that I haven’t already done! Do you want me to carry you to a shelter in my arms? I don’t see how it would make any sense. I probably don’t have many more physical foundation points than you. I might even have less. And I’m a B, and I don’t have any powers that make me immune to floods.”

“What about this house?” Marks demanded as he rounded on Zeridee-und’h. “You’re not letting people in? Just keeping it all to yourself.”

“The house isn’t a safe location, except for the natural safety provided by its position on the hill. This entire neighborhood is being evacuated. There is no magical shielding on this structure, and there are no wizards currently in residence to offer protection to Avowed. Ambassador Bash-nor must refuse you this household’s hospitality tonight for your own wellbeing.”

The way the assistant delivered the news sounded rote, and Alden wondered if it had been delivered to others already tonight.

Marks threw the mug of tea at the floor hard. The ceramic bounced instead of shattering, but Alden still jumped enough to make the other mugs rattle on their tray.

He felt himself stiffen up. He wondered what his body thought they were going to do if Marks got violent.

Do I hit him with my many teas? Do I swap targets and try to turn this tray into a shield? Or…

His auriad shifted against the skin of his wrist.

But instead of making even more of a scene, Marks turned and stalked out the door. By the time he hit the lane, he was waving toward the officer and the family and calling, “Wait up!” in a voice that was almost cheerful.

Alden stared after him. I guess he tries nice to get what he wants then switches to angry and forceful when it doesn’t work.

He now understood why Writher had been looking so unfriendly when he’d found Lexi yelling at this guy.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t just leave him on the bridge.”

“Don’t worry,” said Zeridee-und’h, looking slightly distracted. He was squinting toward the family climbing the hill. “That’s Mrs. Chandola. She is a reasonable person. Why…? I must speak with her. I’ll be right back!”

He took two steps out the door into the rain, then turned around.

“By the way, Alden Ryeh-b’t, I’m female. Hip width and nape hair aren’t good indicators in my case. I have noticed humans are less embarrassed by such misapprehensions if I clarify as soon as possible after our first meeting. Please enjoy your beverages!”

“Oh! I—”

He…she…was already running after Marks, lifting her extremely long braid as she hurried down the verandah steps with the practiced air of someone who was used to keeping it from dragging.

Alden’s first thought was, Crap. I did so good at LeafSong. I was bound to get it wrong at some point.

His second was, How many of them have noticed me checking their hips?

He was sure they didn’t really care, but he’d also prided himself on doing it quickly and unobtrusively. Zeridee-und’h was even wearing relatively form-fitting clothes—light brown trousers and a darker brown sweater with a cowl neck. Wizards were sometimes dressed in layers upon layers of fabric. The assistant’s simpler outfit had given him false confidence in his first guess.

She’d told him to enjoy his beverages, but there was no table in this room for him to set the tray on. And he was nervous about Marks’s behavior still. He stood at the door, watching the Artonan talk to the group who’d just reached the lane. She used very human hand gestures, but she used them a bit too much and a bit too emphatically.

She must be trying hard to communicate human-style. Her English is amazing.

It would make sense if the ambassador himself spoke an Earth language or two… although it did seem to be a position with a lot of turnover. In an Anesidoran history lecture Alden had attended for exit credits during intake, he’d heard at least three different ambassador so-and-so’s mentioned. But even if the ambassadors had to learn local languages, he wouldn’t have expected all of the staff to be so fluent.

There were a couple of other surprises, too. For one thing, the ambassadorial residence wasn’t in F, with the larger building that was the official embassy. The Artonans must have wanted to be fair to Apex. Either that, or they just preferred this very cute seaside residential area on the western point of the crescent to the urban tangle around their office.

And Alden also would’ve assumed that anywhere an important Artonan official lived would be magically protected.

It’s one thing for the art’h family living in their knight-governed state-sized rapport, but you’d think here on Anesidora…

Maybe she was lying just to get rid of Marks. But if the house was completely safe other Artonans would be weathering this mess here, wouldn’t they?

The residence was large enough to be home to quite a few people, but it was silent at his back. If there were others here, they were being awfully stealthy.

A man was coming up the lane now with what looked like half the contents of a home piled on his back in a teetering tower that had to be held in place by magic in addition to his strength. A woman was following along behind him with her own arms loaded with bags. It was a ridiculous sight, but…

They’re all worried about their houses flooding.

Such a different tone in the middle of the same disaster. On the bridge, people were ditching shoes so they could run faster. Here, they were trying to save their whole closets.

Alden didn’t blame them for it. They’d been woken up by blaring sirens and flashing lights a very short while ago. They were confused. The neighborhood was evacuating fast, all things considered. He kept catching glimpses of a speedster running from door to door down near the water, checking houses for stragglers.

This was just danger happening at a different pace.

Zeridee-und’h smiled widely at the woman she was talking to. Bowed. And a moment later, the little girl holding the ewtwee doll disappeared.

The ambassador’s assistant hurried back to Alden.

“We’re having some unexpected trouble with people refusing the teleportation of their children,” she said, taking the tray from him and striding toward the door with the welcome logogram. “Your Contract is being a little too abbreviated with its orders and explanations, I think. But it’s all right! Mrs. Chandola understood. Come with me. I have dry clothes for you.”

“Is there time for something like that?”

“Yes! It’s fine. There are people shifting the contamination away from shore here. An alert will come before they lose strength, and you are shivering.”

He realized she was right. He was drenched in frigid seawater, and the wind on the bridge hadn’t helped matters.

He had a lot of questions to ask if she was a person who had answers, but first—“Zeridee-und’h, is there a way to find out if my classmates are okay without distracting the System from its work?”

“Please call me Zeridee if the familiarity doesn’t make you uncomfortable. I prefer it. I will help you. And there is some business for us to complete together. Do you like sugar in your tea?”


The Artonan woman led him through the mansion so quickly that he wouldn’t have had time to appreciate the floors, tapestries, and alcoves full of carvings even if he’d been in a touristy mood as opposed to a stressed and slightly dazed one. She took him to a windowless parlor that was probably for the residents to socialize and smoke in, if he was right about those little bowls on the side tables being some kind of ashtrays.

Beside an open suitcase, a few supplies had been laid out on a long sofa covered in silky gray fabric, as if someone was meant to inspect them before they were packed away.

Me I guess.

This was surreal.

“Did you prepare all of this for me? Just now?”

Over the last half hour. While sirens went off and everyone else evacuated. Why?

“Not exactly.” Zeridee was looking at him with one eye while the other scanned the items on the sofa. “I did run to one of our neighbor’s houses to purchase clothing for you. I didn’t know what state you would be in when you arrived, and I believed you might take comfort in having some casual human garb with you. Everything else has been prepared and kept ready since your return to Earth. I thought you would be presented with it very soon after your arrival. I assumed the ambassador would meet with you at once to ascertain your well-being and discuss your status with you.”

There was a brief pause.

“I failed to anticipate his pace. I’m sure he wished for you to be settled first, and there was no reason to rush.”

She sounded very, very polite. Alden didn’t know if she was dissing the ambassador or herself or merely stating facts.

“This is all because of Alis—Knight Alis-art’h’s commendation,” he said.

He chose to use the Artonan word for knight. The one with all the subtle layers of meaning he still hadn’t fully unpacked.

Hn’tyon was probably how he would spell it if someone asked him to, but it had an unusual first syllable, even by the standards of a language that had been forcibly unified during its history by people who didn’t want to leave out any of the cool sounds their species could make. A kind of inhaled hum, as if the word demanded a tiny gasp from the speaker before it could proceed.

“Yes,” she said. “Do you want help dressing yourself?”

It took Alden a second to realize she was literally asking rather than telling him to hurry it along.

The clothes she’d bought from the neighbor were a long pair of khaki walking shorts, hiking sandals, and a sweatshirt that said CANADA in red letters.

“Um…no, thank you. I can handle this on my own.”

He stripped off the poncho. There was no good place to drop it and he’d already trailed water through the entire house without her complaining about it, so he just let it fall onto the floor. As he shrugged out of his soggy green plaid over shirt, she turned her back.

“I will explain the situation to you while you dry off and reclothe yourself.

She’s not even leaving the room?

The auriad was tucked under his bracelet and he had no reason to hide his contract tattoo from her, so he guessed it was fine if a turned back was as much privacy as he got. And now that dry clothes were right in front of him, and his adrenaline was giving out, he was acutely aware of how uncomfortable being drenched in cold salt water was.

“I wouldn’t mind having a towel.”

“I have given you something to dry with,” she said. “On the back of the seat.”

Alden looked around the room. The sofa was the only piece of furniture with anything on the back of it, and that couldn’t be right.

“The quilt with all the different shades of silver and gray?” he asked hesitantly.

“Yes,” said Zeridee.

It looked like something you kept as a family heirloom because your great-grandmother had stabbed herself ten thousand times stitching it together. Not something you dried your butt with.

I’m not crazy, Alden thought as his t-shirt slapped against the floor and he started to peel off his jeans. Artonans have towels. Those microfiberish things. I have seen them. I have used them.

“I can’t justify using the Contract to monitor the classmates you’re worried about,” said Zeridee. “But there is alternative footage of the situation on The Span. The steam is obscuring much of it. What area would they be in?”

“We were just a kilometer from the end. They might be off by now. They should be. If the water went over the bridge again, Maricel had a granite countertop. She’s a Shaper. They were riding on it. Mehdi has an infogear watch if that helps.”

“I will search for them while I talk to you. First, do not be overly alarmed by the fact that you have been summoned for special evacuation. Most of the people with insight at this early stage do not believe that Earth has a serious problem.”

“This isn’t a serious problem?”

“It’s a problem for Anesidora. I speak on a global scale.”

That’s better than nothing.

Zeridee went on, “However, in the unlikely event that this incident or a future one leads to a catastrophic erosion of the Contract on Earth you will………priority………assure you…….many different methods of exit……….the tablet in front of you can be—”

“Stop,” said Alden. He was staring down at the tops of his bare feet. The extremely beautiful blanket that was clearly not intended to be used as a towel no matter what planet you came from was wrapped around him. “I don’t think I’ve…I haven’t really heard anything since you said the System might collapse.”

Zeridee turned to frown at him. “It’s important that you remember all—”

“I’m sorry,” Alden said in Artonan. He felt like he needed to apologize in her language. He had the impression that she might have been speaking for quite a while before he stopped her. “The thought of the Contract failing causes me pain. I’ll listen now.”

It was interesting how having an incomplete vocabulary to work with could force you to be more honest than you really wanted to at times. Right now, he couldn’t seem to come up with words that would politely brush over the matter.

Zeridee-und’h stared for a few seconds, then her expression softened. “I will explain again. The Contract doesn’t appear to be in danger; however, it’s behaving with extreme vigilance. Failing to anticipate an incident at Matadero is unprecedented for it, and it’s responding in a defensive manner. One of the effects of this is that it doesn’t wish to initiate exit teleports from Anesidora at this time. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” said Alden. “No. Why—?”

“Its reasoning is complex. Drain on resources, the potential for an inimical Avowed to escape and instigate a second attack in another location while its focus is here, and a desire not to choose courses that might be anticipated by enemies are large parts of the whole.”

The System’s panicking and playing chess with an unknown enemy at the same time?

That was what it sounded like she was saying.

She’d turned her back on him again, so he went about dressing himself in some other guy’s clothes while he listened.

What it boiled down to was the fact that Earth was almost definitely not about to dissolve into an unsalvageable puddle of chaos, but since the possibility wasn’t completely off the table, the Artonans were quietly rolling forward with the first stages of planetary evacuation. Apparently planetary evacuation, “in its most desirable form,” involved mass teleportation from secret locations.

The flyer, designed to provide an escape from a wide variety of crises, would take Alden to one of those places now with no involvement from the System at all.

He was paying attention to Zeridee-und’h this time, but he was still reeling from the pace of it all. And from the sudden need to redefine which catastrophe he was being saved from.

“You didn’t bring me here to protect me from the ocean,” he said, just to confirm it.

“As I told that man you carried with you—and several others tonight—there are many places on Anesidora for people to shelter from this incident. Having you directly teleported to one of them would have been a simple matter. I brought you here because one of our last flyers is here. You will be among the very first to arrive at the evacuation site.”

The CANADA sweatshirt hid Alden’s wrists thoroughly, so he unhooked the itchy wet leather bracelet and shoved it into the pocket of the shorts. A quick shove had his auriad settling into place farther up his arm.

“The System says the probability of chaos exposure is low.”

“It is. It is so low that the ambassador was somewhat annoyed that it was mentioned in the alerts at all.”

“So it’s low. But you’re starting preliminary evacuations for the apocalypse anyway?”

“Should we wait?”

Okay, there was definitely some sarcasm there.

“What about…?” The number of things he wanted to ask was creating a mental clog. “Aren’t there some other people who should leave first?”

“If there are, then they are already in possession of the means to do so. There were a dozen flyers here at the house and five times as many at the embassy. Others were in the personal homes of the Artonans and Avowed who were assigned them.”

Alden watched the water from his clothes pool across the floor. Leaving Anesidora to get away from what was happening here was a simple enough idea for him to get a handle on it. Leaving Earth to fall to chaos and never coming back, even though it was just a tiny possibility, was…not computing well.

Zeridee, obviously deciding he’d had plenty of time to put some clothes on, turned around and walked over to the sofa. She picked up a shiny metal ball. “This orb functions as a beacon in the event that your flyer crashes. It will also be useful if you fail to make your destination in time and must escape into space.”

“So that’s an option too, huh?”

She must have heard the high note in his voice. “I will schedule a meeting with you after this is over and you return to Anesidora. I will explain it all in more detail,” she said gently. “If the ambassador does not have time, I’m sure he will not mind me taking on the task.”

She tucked his stranded-in-space beacon into his Earth’s-about-to-die suitcase, then moved onto the next thing.

“This is your personal medical kit,” she said, opening a shoebox-sized container and holding it out for him to see. Neatly packed potions, injectors, a stubby looking stick, and something like a glue gun greeted him. “All of the dosages are tuned to your body size. I have translated the labels into English for you. Instructions are in the booklet at the bottom.”

She really has been prepping all of this for a while then.

The medical kit went into the suitcase beside the beacon.

“It is inconvenient that some of the things in your kit are illegal for Avowed to possess and use here. From now until you return, you will be on or within property under Artonan jurisdiction, so please don’t fret about legal consequences.”

I’ve got too much other stuff to fret about anyway.

“This tablet will be kept in storage for you at the embassy and frequently updated by staff. At the start of any future emergency, it will be transported to you directly or it will be waiting for you at your final evacuation site. Its last update was ten days ago.”

Alden hadn’t realized the thing she was holding was a tablet. It was thick enough to be used as a little step-stool.

“What’s on it?”

“A copy of the internet,” said Zeridee.

“A copy? Of the whole internet?”

One that was updated at least every ten days.

“Yes. For your entertainment, education, and to remember your people by.”

Their eyes met.

“Not…that the last one should be taken too seriously” the Artonan woman said. “Someone…a well-meaning person…had the idea that humans might appreciate having their own personal copies during trying times. And giving these out to many trustworthy people ensures the survival of the information.”

“Are you the well-meaning person?” Alden asked.

“The tablet is also how you make your official requests known to deciding parties during an emergency.” She handed it to him and pulled back the cover on the screen. A stylus rolled down, and he caught it. There was a form glowing there, waiting for him to fill it out. “You are allowed to name two people. Their evacuation priorities will be changed to match your own.”

Alden looked down at the form then back up at Zeridee-und’h.

“Thank you.”

She nodded.

He wrote in the names, and the form faded.

A moment passed. Zeridee seemed to be looking something up with her eye rings.

“It’s inappropriate of me to…I feel obligated to mention that one of the people you have named is an Avowed of high rank and unique ability.”

“I know.”

“His own evacuation priority is significantly lower than yours, but in many planetary loss scenarios, he would still be saved. My people have a responsibility to Avowed. Even those who have rejected the Contract. If that was a factor in your decision, you can change your mind.”

“I’m still sure,” said Alden.

“Good,” she said.

“Do most people have to agonize over it a lot?” he asked. “I don’t have much family, so maybe it’s different.”

“I have only seen a few people make their choice,” said Zeridee after a pause. “They all chose quickly and did not change their minds. If they agonized, they must have done it afterward and gained no insight from it.”

He watched her put the tablet in with the other items.

“This is a bag of oranges,” she said, picking up the final object on the sofa. “They are my favorite Earth fruit, so we had them in the kitchen. I didn’t know if you would be hungry or not.”


“The Span remains mostly intact,” Zeridee said as she led him through the house again.

Alden was pulling his new suitcase along behind him, and his messenger bag was slung over his shoulder. Zeridee had stared at it a little but made no comment.

“A gap at this end of the bridge is preventing people from exiting, but your friends don’t seem to be among them. I’ve been examining the scene for a while.”

“Thank you for looking for them. A gap wouldn’t be a problem if they were with Maricel.”

That’s right. Kon’s teeth.

“Zeridee, do you mind if I target you? I need to preserve my messenger bag.”

“I don’t mind,” she said.

A few seconds later, bag safely preserved, he followed her into a closet-sized room full of monitors.

“I think the fastest way to obtain information will be for you to send a message to the one with the watch. Infogear is currently suffering from minor delays, but it should go through. Here.”

As she said “here” she reached into a cabinet and produced a small metal safe that opened only after she laid her hand on top of it for a while. Inside the safe was a second safe.

Alden fully expected her to pull out a bomb or a diamond the size of a baseball.

Instead, she handed him a normal infogear cellphone.

Okay. The Artonan Ambassador keeps his infogear in two safes even in the privacy of his house. I’m never saying a freaking word aloud in front of a piece of this stuff ever again.

“To use it, you need to—”

Before he could tell her that him blanking out earlier was really no reason to explain what oranges were or how to use phones, she sighed.

“Again?” she murmured in Artonan. “So many people assuming…”

“What’s wrong?” he asked in the same language.

“Contact your friends,” she said, switching back. “I will return. There are people in the garden.”

She hurried away. He typed Mehdi’s name into the phone and listed his address as the third floor of the Garden Hall boy’s dorm. Infogear didn’t care if you actually knew somebody’s number. You just had to narrow down who they were tightly enough. It was convenient right now.

He tried a voice call first, got a delay notice, and sent a text instead:

[Mehdi, this is Alden. I’m safe. The guy I brought with me should be too. Is everyone all right?]

While he waited for a reply, he stared at the monitors. There were none that showed rooms in the house’s interior. They were all outside. Front Garden. Verandah. A very large back yard by local standards with an enormous greenhouse.

Nothing that looks like a hangar.

Motion on the verandah monitor drew his eye, and he watched Zeridee-und’h using her big human hand gestures to explain to a group of four people—two middle-aged men and a younger man and woman—that they couldn’t come in.

He could practically hear the conversation through the way her arms moved.

A bow—she’s so very sorry for the unpleasant circumstances. A sweep of her arm toward the water with a shake of her head—no, no, the Ambassador isn’t here and the house isn’t flood proof. Pointing at the place where the police cars had been and then north, toward the train station—please go that way. You’ve only just missed another group.

Alden watched the pantomime.

They’re not happy with her answer.

One of the men was pointing angrily at Zeridee herself and then up at an angle. Alden wasn’t sure if he was gesturing at the second floor of the house or the sky.

She bowed again, more deeply this time, gripping the end of her dark purple braid in both hands so that it didn’t trail in a puddle.

Alden suddenly wondered if maybe Ambassador Bash-nor was a piece of shit for leaving the assistant here to handle both Alden and a tense situation on her own.

The house had had a dozen of the escape flyers. Now it had one. Eleven must have left without Zeridee-und’h.

He frowned at the monitor. The two older men were arguing with each other now, and Zeridee was back upright. She didn’t look flustered at all. Nothing seemed to have fazed her yet except for the mother of the little girl she knew from the neighborhood not having accepted the teleport.

But Alden was suddenly reminded of his first visit to the lab. And the fact that Joe’s assistants had been a little scared of him.

A human! Probably it is a man human. I wonder if it’s going to do magic. I hope it’s going to help us. I hope it’s not going to hurt us.

That was what Kibby said she had been thinking the first time she’d seen him. Such simple, obvious stuff.

He left the monitor room and headed back to the front of the house.

When he made it to the entryway with the all the windows and spiky shadows, the group of people was just leaving. Zeridee was stepping back inside, a bit damper than she had been.

“Zeridee, will you be coming on the flyer with me?” Alden asked.

She let her braid drop down to swing behind her.

“No,” she said. “You will leave as soon as you have heard from your friends on the bridge. I’ll stay here. As you see, people still think this is a safe place to evacuate to, even though they have been told that the area should be abandoned. The house is on a hill, and they believe it is guarded by magic. Like a chaos fortification. If people try to shelter here, they may be swept away when the contaminant shifts toward us again.”

“Is the house really not protected?”

She blinked at him. “If it was, I would have let them in.”

“It just seems strange. I see why they all assume it.”

“The ambassadors come and go so often,” said Zeridee. “It’s a good way to get experience on Earth and gain a larger voice to influence the committees that make decisions about your species. Many ambassadors have fractious relationships with their predecessors, so they all prefer to install their own personal security measures. Ambassador Bash-nor’s protective enchantments are contained in a portable form. He took them with him to protect the chambers of the Anesidoran High Council while he met with them.”

“What about you?” Alden asked. “You’re just going to stay here, trying to make sure nobody tries to use the house as a shelter? Where will you shelter?”

She smiled. “You are kind to worry. But I will not stay too long after the last train leaves. Once I’m sure that the neighborhood is empty, I will walk to safety. It’s not very far.”

If safety was the nearest inland skyscraper, as Alden suspected, then it was a very long walk.

“I’ll stay with you,” said Alden. “You said it wouldn’t be long until the last train, right? I’ll stay, and I’ll help you explain to the people who come, and then we’ll both leave on the flyer together.”



Sorry to present characters named Dee and Zeridee back to back. I had Zeridee in mind already, and when it was time to name Dee I guess it bled over. (I might change Dee's name to something slightly different for Royal Road.)



Wow I literally just refreshed before going to bed. Tyftc


Thank youuuu (looking forward to the delicious soup)


"Have you e'er felt a sudeen lust for soup?" - Aristophanes, The Frogs




Thank you!!

Giants Craft

I was just working myself up to finish a paper. Now that’s postponed for another half an hour. Goddamnitall



Scarlett O'Hare

Woo! Thank you for the chapter! Always a highlight of any date it comes out. <3


Thank youuuuuuuu



John Anastacio

Thanks for the (relatively) early chapter Sleyca. Very much appreciated. Reading now.

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! I think this went differently than what a lot of us were expecting, but it is really tasty Soup nonetheless. And now we see the potential for a crisis situation to show up again, with Alden choosing to wait with Zeridee. I am both nervous and excited for this part!

Marcus Rodriguez

I would prefer you keep Dee's name the same. It is not confusing, and people have similar names all the time. Like the birthday problem, after you introduce so many characters, it is weird if they are all highly unique.

Heather White

Thank you for making Marks every bit the jerk I thought he was. It was very satisfying. I was worried you’d make me like him like some other characters, but this time I get to sit back & enjoy the schadenfreude. Not as much as with Hazel, but still enjoyable. Does that make me a bad person?


Thanks for the chapter. Literally the same situation as CosmicOrange. There was some bellyaching last chapter about how it felt like nothing was going to happen, I love how this chapter upped the stakes even more, even if it's not clear if it will happen this time.


Aaaawww. Look at Alden proving his commendation right to an Artonan who knows what it means. Even in an awful no good very bad situation with the doomsday prepper alien not helping calm him down he still tries to do the rightest thing he can. What a good kiddo


Too excited to read had to stop for coffee and <<___>> and Peace of Mind before continuing


How big is the flyer? Lol. They send dandelion away and then he says he'll fly with her.

Peter Moras

A small, itty bitty, tiny winy, little planetary evacuation.


I find it hilarious how nobody of any kind of note wants to touch an info gear with a 10 foot pole


Zeridee seems lovely and she’s probably going to be quite anxious about Alden staying with her instead of evacuating, which might reflect poorly on her in the Ambassador’s eyes. What else would they expect of the boy who was brave in the absence of obligation though?


1. "The tray was heavy." Alden Ryeh-b't, Bearer of All Mugs 2. "How many of them have noticed me checking their hips?" lmao 3. "you will………priority………assure you…….many different methods of exit………" i liked the way you used this to depict alden's dissociation 4. “This orb functions as a beacon in the event that your flyer crashes. It will also be useful if you fail to make your destination in time and must escape into space.” i thought things were calming down (relative to last few chapters) and then zeridee throws in sentences like this one. and the "download the whole internet to remember your species". 5. the moment with the oranges is really cute. < 3 6. infogear continues to be scary powerful. 7. i really love that at the heart of this story is just, alden choosing to be kind 8. btw i think dee/zeridee are find and distinguishable character names 9. marks got even More annoying than last chapter >:T 10. OH marks's mom adding the s to his name for luck is because of rankism. this plus the derisive way he says globie means he's probably born on Anesidora huh. casual tiny bits of worldbuilding

João Vene

Good soup. I guess in the future Alden will completely ruin this ambassador's career by politely explaining to Alis and the Primary that he stayed longer during a possible apocalypse crisis to help an assistant to evacuate

Alexander Dupree

Alden’s gotta hold up others as well. Be the bearer of all burdens.

Tannim Murphy

As usual, great update. Really been impressed with the entire handling of panic and PTSD last few chapters. I’m looking forward to seeing Alden getting a chance to be brave.


I have a question: What are the odds that you can peg whether an Anesidoran is a Wizard or not with whether they get left for dead in an emergency? Cause I'd bet a mountain of argold that Zeridee-und’h is about as magically inclined as an empty yogurt cup.


I have a strong concept for this arc and what it does for Alden/the story. So seeing all the guesses and seeing the differences in what people imagine it will be vs. what I envision it being has been so interesting! There were a lot of different plot events that could've happened, but I picked the ones that worked best thematically, in my opinion. It's been a very exciting one to plot out.

Skull Leader

To add to the Dee and Zeridee name confusion there is also BeeBee of B-List. The fun of similar sounding names and keeping people's name straight. It was BeeBee that I first confused Dee for being.


My eyes lingering too long on someone's hips: "Why are you staring at my hips?!" "Uhhh...so there is this really good story"


Thank you for the chapter!! Glad Alden got a slight breather i the midst of the craziness, and Zeridee seems really cool too!

Alex Scriber

What a sweet end to the chapter. All the sweeter for the contrast with the way other people are acting.


I thought it was interesting that Alden decided he had done enough to help one stranger (Dandelion/Marks), but also decided to help another stranger (Zeridee).


Marks was a jerk making things more complicated and will be fine


Alden's good character coming through again to demonstrate why he got commended. It strikes as very interesting how the Systems and I guess the Artorans who made them seem to value proven character traits like bravery and selflessness over current power. Obviously they put the powerful in places they're needed, but I wonder how much the System's investing in Alden's safety has to do with his commendation vs having one of the original skills and being a mage as an investment for the future. On the other hand his place in the Artorans' PLANETARY EVAC PLAN (holy shit that they even have a "just in case" plan for it) is surely entirely due to his commendation. And it apparently comes with a status he hasn't been made aware of yet. If new ambassadors often disagree with the old ones, I wonder where the current ambassador stands on the question of "beast of burden, ignorant child, gift from the stars, or existential threat?" and if that has anything to do with him not talking to Alden yet like he was apparently expected (supposed?) to.


Yes, it's such a callback to the Thegund disaster. Alden really couldn't have done anything else lol


Wow, I knew the commendation was a big deal but apparently I underestimated it. It's "Artonans will prepare a secret survival kit for you personally and arrange for you to survive the potential end of your planet" important. Which makes it very interesting that the ambassador has avoided meeting Alden for months. Definitely not getting a good impression of them at all.


Delicious soup as always Sleyca


I think Marks is my new most hated character, surpassing Winston, Marsha, and Hazel lmao


Marks is a piece of shit. I am vindicated lol


I was thinking the opposite, don't really have a reason but totally thought his Auriad was going to be a plot point soon, they know he has a commendation but I'm ready to see what happens when one of them finds he's a pre-knight

Aidan Geverdt

Being on a VIP escape list for when disasters hit seems counterintuitive to being someone who wants to be a rescue superhero. I hope something goes wrong with the flyer lol.


actually I'm wondering if Zeridee is the relative of someone Alden rescued on Thegund? She seems way more concerned about him than the Ambassador or any of his other staff...

John Anastacio

It really is typical of Alden to offer kindness to other people who are troubled, especially adults, who by all rights ought to be offering -him- kindness instead. Hannah, Alis, Joe, now Zeridee. One of the things I like most about Alden. Acting as backup to Zeridee with stressed Avowed who don't understand Artonan priorities seems excessively heroic, though. I don't think Alden has worked in customer service before. He's diving into the deep end of the pool if so. It bodes to be even worse than the mishnen scenario with Stu. The Kobiyashi Maru of social work, a truly no-win scenario.

Cyrus McEnnis

Worth asking the question - what, precisely, could Alden be expected to do in a situation where the island is threatened? Evacuation and removing himself from the list of people who need to be rescued is not really counter intuitive at this point of Alden's development.


Poor Jeremy - I'm guessing Alden's 2 priority people were his Aunt and Boe.


It's only for chaos disasters, which... as far as we know, this may be the first in earth's history.


People elsewhere must be baffled that a random house cat was suddenly given top priority for the evacuation, lol.

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the chapter! “His auriad shifted against the skin of his wrist.” — Oooh, I think Alden was about ready to make a triangle shaped hole in someone. Edit: I’m getting the sense that Zeridee has been stationed on Earth for a long time watching various ambassadors come and go. That’s probably how she got so good at english and human hand gestures and how she can recognize so many random neighborhood humans. That might also explain why the ambassador left her behind. She wasn’t part of his personal retinue. Edit 2: Info guy now has data indicating that Alden was conversing with the Ambassador’s assistant at the residence during the disaster. Edit 3: “One of the men was pointing angrily at Zeridee herself and then up at an angle. Alden wasn’t sure if he was gesturing at the second floor of the house or the sky.” — I bet Mr. Marks with an S told everybody at the train station about the Artonan’s secret escape jet. I sure hope that doesn’t cause any issues.


Wow, it's been a while since of seen a charactee who is as entitled and ungrateful as Marks. He's like Hazel with none of the political or financial power.


This chapter is just *chef's kiss*. Such a great look into Artonan culture. "Hey, so there's a small chance your entire planet might get corrupted. But don't worry, you're important enough we'll summon you, give you snacks and a change of clothes, a tablet containing your entire culture, and let you take two (but ONLY two) of your loved ones with you." Just, that says so many things about the Artonans. (1) The humans need to practice ———. Not enough faith in the Contract. No ————.” Wonder what the translation is here. (2) His second was, How many of them have noticed me checking their hips? Hahahahahaha oh no (3) Everything else has been prepared and kept ready since your return to Earth. I thought you would be presented with it very soon after your arrival. I assumed the ambassador would meet with you at once to ascertain your well-being and discuss your status with you.” Oh, this is super interesting. I guess Alden was supposed to get an official "by the way, you're one of the most important people on the planet" speech. Pretty curious why the Ambassador delayed that talk. (4) “Yes. For your entertainment, education, and to remember your people by.” YIKES (5) “Are you the well-meaning person?” Alden asked. Haha, poor Zeridee (6) “It’s inappropriate of me to…I feel obligated to mention that one of the people you have named is an Avowed of high rank and unique ability.” Boe, and I'm guessing Connie is the other. Feel bad for Jeremy lol (7) “I have only seen a few people make their choice,” said Zeridee after a pause. “They all chose quickly and did not change their minds. If they agonized, they must have done it afterward and gained no insight from it.” YIKES (8) “This is a bag of oranges,” she said, picking up the final object on the sofa. “They are my favorite Earth fruit, so we had them in the kitchen. I didn’t know if you would be hungry or not.” This chapter has so much mood whiplash lol. "Please pick which of your loved ones you wish to save. BTW, here's some of my favorite fruit for the road." (9) Zeridee had stared at it a little but made no comment. "Damn, this kid is loaded." "Did the A'rths give him that?" (10) That’s right. Kon’s teeth. Can't forget the teeth lol. (11) Ambassador Bash-nor’s protective enchantments are contained in a portable form. He took them with him to protect the chambers of the Anesidoran High Council while he met with them. What a dickhead (12) “I’ll stay with you,” said Alden. “You said it wouldn’t be long until the last train, right? I’ll stay, and I’ll help you explain to the people who come, and then we’ll both leave on the flyer together.” Aww, Alden's probably got some PTSD here about leaving assistants to die lol


Amazing chapter


People elsewhere must be baffled that a random house cat just received top priority evacuation, lol.


Not sure I would like this story as much if it became a tale of the small group of ragtag survivors trying to rebuild human culture after the chaos apocalypse. Just throwing that out there.

Spam X

Thank you for the chapter.

Will T.

I've been wondering, Most of anesidora's communications are down becasue they are tied to to the system. Is this just an anesidora thing or is internet/cell-service entirely system based for the whole planet?

Heather White

This chapter reinforced one of my favorite things about SupSup — it always goes in its own direction. I love how it doesn’t get stuck in standard tropes and predictable patterns. The flexibility and unpredictability are so much fun. It’s wonderful-crazy that Alden’s day included gym victories, Filipino food, an expensive wishing fountain, a four-story tall slide, terrifying System warnings, wordchaining for sanity, an ocean hoping for a bridge dinner, a mad dash across said bridge, marble counter theft, Writher getting to slice cars apart, marble carpet riding, jerkface confronting, emergency teleport, arrival at the freaking Artonan ambassador’s house, more jerkface confronting, and then a conversation about global evacuation protocols. And I’m 100% looking forward to where we head next.

James Nagy

I mean but he isn’t a rescue superhero yet and he can’t control how he is valued. When he is stronger he can always turn down teleport requests.

Ricky Kukowski

completely agree with point 8, the names were fine. the characters were 3d enough, especially Zeridee, that they're names having a similar a common syllable didn't make them confusing. and they start with different letters. no worries.


What a guy, Alden. What a guy.


She is probably much smaller than him. Artonans run short

Lucy Severine

Good chapter! I like Zeridee the (butch-y?? For Artonans?) assistant!


I am looking forward to Alden's customer service arc. I hope that works out well for him.


Sleyca. What planet does Wevi originate from? Is it a wizard gmo fruit?

Brett Peterson

Chekov's apocalypse: if the possibility of Earth turning into a puddle of corruption is mentioned in the first act...


I didn't find this strange. Marks had several chances to help himself and continued to be selfish about it. Zeridee had a clean slate with being offered help, so of course Alden offers. Marks is also only thinking of himself while zeridee is not. It's not equivalent.


Alden's gonna have a tense meeting with Haoyu's mom at the evac point.


Omg you guys. Jel’nor’s sister or Joe’s daughter is the best you guys! [“I have only seen a few people make their choice,” said Zeridee after a pause. “They all chose quickly and did not change their minds. If they agonized, they must have done it afterward and gained no insight from it.”] Lol. As Alden says when seeing the people not letting the flood take their luggage, the pace and immediacy of the danger is different, but the momentous changing feels are back and different. Ripples isn’t about the water guys, it’s about the Artonans. They downloaded the internet for him and prepared Alden shots for his space travel! This really does feel wild. Medhi, don’t blank your boy. Alden, I know you will, but please don’t tell them you’re going to space. Boe is in cat space. Do we think it’s Boe or Lute that he’s chosen alongside his aunt?

c c

Alden's plan is to be a rescue hero/support, but the vibes I'm getting from the artonans is like when Jeffy used his life jacket power to prevent the other team from submerging the boueys to finish the race challenge.


Man, the commendation keeps making itself a bigger deal. I wonder if this is where he's going to need to make some explanations to his classmates.


I am hyped to see this. Hyped? Dread? They’re synonyms right?


“2. "How many of them have noticed me checking their hips?" “ I wonder if this explains the number of sensory gum he received. With Artonan eye control I bet they’re way more subtle with their checks than a human.


Dr. Stone...only it's Dr. Thorn and he uses his one copy of the internet to rebuild a modern Earth!


Well, that's to be expected. Jeremy has a whole family that wouldn't be included in the rescue which would break him.


It's mentioned he has a "unique power", that definitely sounds like Boe.

Box Jellyfish

Zeridee is going to be Alden's ordinary Artonan friend, right? Not a knight or wizard, just a glimpse into the regular people. Interesting math with the flyers. I'm trying to guess whether Alden's in the 12 to evacuate as a reward for his actions on Thergund or if it's because Alis was involved in his commendation - what he earned vs who he knows. Which it is will be a significant insight into Artonan society. We really need a scene where Alden explains the space beacon to Boe or his roommates. No one will believe him.


Personally I've lowkey wanted Alden to abandon Earth and join Artonan society for a while now, so I think I'd be okey if the story went in that direction.


Definitely Boe-- she mentions his "unique" ability.


Regarding number 9, what is the significance of the messenger bag? I don't remember anything about it. Why would it make Zeridee think that Alden is loaded?


It's enchanted and has some sort of bio-lock/authority check. He got it from Mother (ch 62). I'm assuming it's the sort of enchanted bag most humans wouldn't be able to afford/access. (Notably, it's "beefy" enough that Hadiza, a B, tried to beautify his bag and got skill fatigue.)

Skull Leader

I don't think she is a relative. I don't think that is at all necessary to explain her actions. She is not a wizard which places her outside the Artonan politics sphere. She is just doing her duty to someone that a Knight of considerable note highly regards.

Jeremy Goldberg

hahaha now I’m picturing some hapless artonan aide rummaging around in the bushes behind Jeremy’s house, knocking over trash cans, trying to catch this stupid cat and stuff it in the stupid evacuation flyer…


Well, this was terrifying. Few things are as scary as a knowledgeable person telling you that you may want this image of the internet to REMEMBER YOUR SPECIES BY. I'm now wondering how many populations of endlings have been rescued by Artonans and how many of them subsequently went extinct.


Hmmmm maybe I went to the wrong parties in my youth


I actually wondered if someone was going to mention Mrs. Zhang-Demir with her two commendations.


Thanks for the chapter.


I think Alden is being a mildly unreliable narrator and REALLY doesn't understand what a gigantic deal his commendation is - which is understandable given all the trauma surrounding his commendation.


So, i had wondered if Stu just used his sister's free communication/network access to use human internet.... Now, i'm pretty sure he has a copy of it lying in his house for common use that just updates regularly.


Yeah the polite explanation of like "here's your copy of the internet just in case earth stops existing today" was very well written and very scary.

Skull Leader

Sadly I don't see Alden cheating to win this Kobiyahsi Maru. He certainly isn't Kirk. Then again he has all those people throwing magic sensory gum at him...

Zenopath (AEV)

This line reveals to me that Antoran internal politics are bloody: "Many ambassadors have fractious relationships with their predecessors, so they all prefer to install their own personal security measures." That implies that they seriously consider the possibility of being assassinated by their fellow Antorans. If you recall, when a big corporation had a dispute with the staff at their lab refusing to abandon the previous owner, they left them to die. Antorans are clearly not particularly concerned with keeping their own people safe. It suggests that rule of law is fairly flimsy in Antoran society. Really, to me, this reinforces my mental image of them as behaving a bit like Romans, with wizards being citizens and the rest of the species being servants at best.

Skull Leader

No no everyone is wrong. That unique Avowed of high rank was HAZEL!!! >_< Hasn't anyone listen to her? She is important. She is special. Only she can sense imbalance chain debt. /s


Dee and Zeridee are sufficiently different, i think. I personally wouldn't confuse them any more than I'd confuse Poseidon and Don

Giants Craft

Alden isn’t the narrator. His humbleness comes through in the dialogue. I think you’re misunderstanding what an unreliable narrator is. In this story, third limited shows us that a) the commendation is a big deal and b) Alden doesn’t think it is; that’s not unreliable narration.


I'm thinking that the person who issues the commendation probably affects how highly it's measured.


I gotta say that after the last few chapters’ worth of people expecting/wanting Alden to do action hero stuff like going to Matadero or flying around the city to save people, it’s incredibly satisfying to see all of that shut down with a chapter-long “No. Alden is a child, and the only thing that should be expected of him in an emergency is to be safe. He is important, and the implications of that will need to be discussed, but right now he gets to be cared for and guaranteed safety in a way that wasn’t possible on Thegund.”


Zeridee seems to be working hard to save everyone she can right now. Getting people to let their kids be teleported safely, warning folks that the residence is not a safe shelter, being the very last one out. I don't think her consideration for Alden is out of line with the rest of her behavior.


tbf I think Alden also didn't realize himself until just now. He was supposed to get a "you're a big deal now" meeting with the Ambassador but the Ambassador decided to delay that for some reason.


I'm looking forward to this. Alden has a guiding virtue: no one gets left behind. Not Kibby. Not him, during the gym team competition. Not Marks, even though Marks isn't great. And now, not Zeridee.


I think it's both. "Bravery in the absence of obligation" is hitting all those Artonan brave>strong cultural notes, plus it comes from Alis.


Really? I'm thinking it's Boe and Jeremy. Connie might make the list if he had room for three. Might. But she was never the parent he needed, even if she loved him in her own way. On the other hand, Jeremy is an angel among men who says stuff like, "I'm your friend so I'm not going to ask you for details about your trauma unless you *want* to share them."

Giants Craft

Regarding question 3, I read the reason for postponement as the ambassador being very ideological about their politics, and the assistant disapproves. Either that or they’re some incompetent fail son of a senator.


I get the feeling that the ambassador and hasn't met Alden yet as both the ambassador and Anesidoran council are both trying to use it best and so keep putting it off.


The most unpleasant part was how quickly he went back to cheerful after his outburst. It implies this isn't just a result of stress, it's how he lives his life. Truly a shit human.


Of course you're not, you're above rehashing someone else's story (Wipes bead of sweat from worrying you might)

Skull Leader

So I feel like this whole pick two people for high priory is another sign of how Artoran eye control and two independent brain halves affect their culture and priories. Feels like it would be common as a society to have two people that is always on your brain and an eye is watching.


"Inside the safe was a second safe." Yo dawg, I heard you like safes.

John Anastacio

Actually I think the greater danger is that your predecessor and/or successor might be spying on you using their security system. You don't want that, so you replace it with your own and your own is replaced.


@John: I don't believe the bag was mentioned while Alden was at the mall, but it WAS mentioned while he was on the bus heading back, and he's been carrying it all over the place instead of a backpack. So no. He didn't return to campus, and he doesn't have his learning cushion, nor his books.


Some other comment pointed out that Zeridee has served for multiple ambassadors and so probably isn't part of the ambassador's retinue. This tracks well with Thegund. The new owners were harsh to anyone who wouldn't shift loyalty, but Joe put a lot of effort into rescuing his assistants. Combine with Alden's commendation being a big deal because of the "in absence of obligation" and I think it's safe to say that Artonan society considers that its moral (or not immoral) to only protect those you are obligated to.


I was more concerned by the logistics of fitting the entirety of the internet onto a cute little tablet and ALSO being able to make that copy of the internet WORK. like holy shit. That means that every single encryption/decryption key for everything hooked up to the internet is stored on that thing. And it's perfectly able to emulate the hardware of things that are heavily reliant on hard coded values and automatically scaling systems. That is a feat that should only be possible with an extremely large investment.


"They just like me better than you, and honestly I can't blame them. Can you?" - Alden. See, he can totally downplay it and explain it all away, no problem.


We know cell phones exist and all. Hazel has one; Lute had one as a kid. The main issue seems to be that most Avowed don't carry communications devices at all, because they get by just fine using the System as a glorified text messager.

John Anastacio

Saving Jeremy but not his family might be a cruel kindness, especially to Alden's perspective.


Am i the only one who is thinking he chose Boe and Jeremy? I mean, Connie probably makes more sense, but... Idk, it just seems like he'd take Jeremy. I mean, if he wasn't so disinterested in romance and if he hadn't fumbled so hard, I'd assume he'd have started dating Natalie or someone by now and they'd be a strong contender. On that tangent, do we think he's just had way too much on his mind to notice anyone or are we thinking he's aro/ace? Until told otherwise, I'll probably assume the former.


The books are in System storage, I think. He keeps them there for safekeeping/so no one finds them. The bag is mentioned in 130, as well as later chapters. Seems like he brought it to the mall. No learning cushion tho :(

John Anastacio

Terrestrial - Thanks. I only belatedly checked to see if he had his messenger bag with him in previous chapters. Once I saw he had it, I deleted that reply.


I am VERY interested to see who else is present in the VIP evacuation group. I'm betting we'll see the Gloom there, and I wonder who else might make the cut.


Or it may have been standard practice. During one of the video calls stu’arth mentions that human avowed aren’t at the level yet where they can take over earth. If they determine Alden is going to be extremely powerful, it is an ambassadors job to keep a positive relationship with such a person just in case.

Zenopath (AEV)

@John Anastacio I suppose that's fair. Still, to put it in perspective, Democrat and Republican presidents both appoint ambassadors, but both parties trust in the security provided by the embassy staff. As divided as the US political groups are currently, they still trust each other enough that they are more concerned about being spied on by foreign adversaries than rival political factions.


> On that tangent, do we think he's just had way too much on his mind to notice anyone or are we thinking he's aro/ace? Until told otherwise, I'll probably assume the former. Alden has mentioned a couple of times he's aware he doesn't particularly feel sexual attraction. The bit with Gorgon in the first couple chapters, and he notes surprise that he *is* attracted to Natalie the first time he sees her. I don't think he has fully labeled himself, but I think he definitely leans aroace. But he's been too stressed to think about it much.

John Anastacio

Zenopath - Yes. But the counter-example is Joe talking about how the Grand Senate deliberated on things. According to Alden it was unforgettable unfortunately. Artonan wizard politics I guess is really rambunctious. Perhaps even gokoratch-y.


Boe. Zeedee referred to having responsibility to those who have rejected the contract.

Billy Corcoran

No need to think about their different motivations and actions imo. Marcs was able to leave and go to safety. He wasn't really in danger anymore. Poor Zeridee has to wait until everyone else is safe before she can leave. Alden going out on a limb to help her when he didn't offer to help Marcs more doesn't have to reflect on Alden's opinion of them imo. Just the different situations.

Benjamin Collins

Is it just me or is this lady just blowing things way out of proportion


Part of it, I think, is that Knight Alis'arth gave Alden the commendation partially as they only trick she could pull to give him his best odds post-teleportation. It may be disproportionate to his (incredible) deeds, but have been the one way to maximize his survival.


not only text messanger, video calls, voice calls and the whole internet

Zenopath (AEV)

That evacuation site is going to be full of very interesting characters who will all be very interested in why a 16-year-old kid was given the same super high priority must evacuate from the planet as they were. I mean, there were only a few dozen escape fliers, the system is not teleporting anyone to that site, so the less than a hundred or so people there will all be the cream of the crop of Anesidorian society... and Alden, lol.


No, I believe it was stated the commendation was given after she knew he survived.

John Anastacio

Not just you. On the other hand she might be old and experienced and seen some bad stuff happen, and Alden is too old for loving lies. We really don't know a lot about how bad things can get. Chaos news doesn't get to Earth much.

Jeremy Goldberg

You’re probably right, but for some reason I like the idea that the ambassador completely forgot about Alden because he’s an incompetent political climber who is just using this posting as a stepping stone and doesn’t take his duties seriously. In my head, the assistant runs around behind the scenes keeping everything together, kind of like Kip for Zap Brannigan.


Haoyu's parents, who both also have commendations? His mom has two iirc, so she might be quite high in the priority list


Thanks for the chapter! This is why I love this series so much; Alden is kind. Staying back with Zeridee despite his PTSD and fears because it feels right to him was just beautiful. I also adore how you elevate the stakes, Sleyca, while keeping it feel so grounded within the absurd. I cannot wait to see the development within this arc. And I hope he and Haoyu's Mum find comfort in each other (I expect Haoyu and his father to be on her own list). Also adore the image of Artonians having to heavily prioritise a cat, to the shock of any humans that find out, lol.

Jeremy Goldberg

If Haoyu’s parents are there I bet he’s there too, since his parents would choose him as one of their extras.


He's getting the full "in case of emergency" speech he should have had a month ago, not the one for this specific situation.


Aww, very sweet ending to the chapter :)

Skull Leader

It occurs to me that their is a way to get the infotech cell phone from recording anything happening around it. All that Alden has to do is preserve it and it will be timelocked. Not that I expect Alden to do anything that he wants to keep secret but if he does, he got a way for it to remain a secret from the informer.

Zenopath (AEV)

Why would the Anesidoran council be interested in Alden? I mean they don't really have a reason to care, other than the cynical decision to let him enroll in CNH to try to atract alien gifts. Alden is just a B-Rank who happened to be brave that one time, in their opinion.

Jeremy Goldberg

It begs the question, what would happen if the next person to want access to the house is some pissed off A-Rank brute who won’t take no for an answer?


The sudden change from "Just some flooding and minor demon" to "Earth will vanish and you'll be one of the few humans left" is really dramatic. I'm not feeling it right now, and Alden isn't either since he hasn't yet panicked about all his new friends dying. Well written chapter. It really throws in a spanner and relays the scope of a chaos threat that Artonans understand (but not Earthlings). I hope Earth can learn a lesson or two from this episode. As for where Alden will be evacuated to, space is only an option right? I certainly hope it's not space. There's nothing there!


"Blowing up the mansion would signify its lack of safety ontop of keeping your assistant safe" -Life Lessons by Joe

Jeremy Goldberg

Sure, but he is the protagonist of a superhero novel. It’s reasonable to expect him to engage in some kind of super-heroics during a catastrophe. Like, do we really think the arc is going to be “experiences catastrophe” -> “gets rescued” -> “helps with customer service” -> “gets flown to safety” -> “goes back to school next week” -> “the end”? That would be a little odd, right?


I'm pretty sure this won't be the case. Sleyca is only using this case to highlight how big a chaos threat is and the potential of Alden that warrants special attention from the Artonans.


agree. And I'm glad he's not fighting, and he's being taken care of. He's already freaking out facing another chaos event. He's not ready to actually face one yet!


TFTC! A little bit of the bigger picture is starting to creep back into Alden's life.


I think she's trying to emphasize this is super duper unlikely. But it's better to start evacing the planet *now*, vs. in 5 hours when the System realizes it's fucked. If you were overly cautious, well, Alden got a free vacation. But if you're right, you get 5 more hours to evac Earth.


She mentioned that the ambassadors come and go, I was wondering if she's been the long term low ranking but dedicated administrator that has been keeping things running smoothly while the ambassadors swan around.

Kthryn C

I bet Zeridee-und’h has hated that quilt for a long time and is taking one last opportunity to diss it by letting a guest dry his butt with it.


Nobody gets left alone. I really like Zeridee-und’h. I'm always a sucker for these ultra-professional (even to the point of self-sacrifice) but still kind and thoughtful types. The bit with the oranges was an especially nice touch. I do wonder about the sheer volume of data storage that the Artonans have dedicated to preserving backups of all the porn on the human internet tho. Part of me says you should have some sort of advanced algorithm filter through it so you can preserve the great cultural achievements and stores of human knowledge while discarding things of no actual value... but then I remember that the committees alone to decide what does and does not get saved would take several very awkward decades. And it would be cruel to the filter AI.


I feel like everyone keeps assuming that just because he has an auriad he'd be considered a knight. Remember, he needs to have one of the original 300 skills as his primary skill to be eligible for being a knight, and those skills don't advertise themselves as such.


Alden was never super close to his Aunt. Like, he loves her, but mostly from a distance. Jeremy is probably getting the second slot.


Alden as a concept makes me cry if I think too hard about it.. Sleyca you've singlehandedly rekindled my love for heroes. He's such a good boi +1


Ah I had wondered how he would stay involved in the plotline since the teleport countdown started. The teleport into danger theory sounded unlikely but MC just sitting this out and n a shelter also seemed unlikely. But both staying with the assistant or the escape location with other high prio people can give him interesting interactions and keep him more apprised of the situation than he would be in an normal shelter. That dude will gossip about him though. (Also this wasn't intended as reply, oops)


"(5) “Are you the well-meaning person?” Alden asked." Alden's secret power is calling people out. I was also thinking Boe and Jeremy but Connie is about the only other real contender that comes to mind.


The cat of course knows that it is one of the most important people on this planet.


Ooh! What if Anesidora needed to be closed down and quarantined for awhile? What if the Avowed needs to stay on the mainland with the globies for an extended period of time? An Arc about Alden and his classmates living the Globie life. Maybe in Austria, for Lute.


Last time there was an evacuation in a Chaos outbreak and it came down to Alden and some irrelevant servant who had been left behind by everybody in a position of power, he stayed for eight months and then carried them out on broken feet. You should have known you weren't gonna be able to make him leave you behind.


Honestly I'm more likely to mix up Hannah and Hazel than Dee and Zeridee.

Matt V

No Marks, your name is Dandelion now. And frankly, you should be happy it isn't anything worse. On one hand, I'm really hoping we've seen the last of him, but on the other hand, he's been fun to hate on. I'm also digging the baby-step heroing with Alden declaring he'll stay with Zeridee. I've been impressed with how pragmatic he's been throughout the crisis, even while dealing with his trauma and dissociations. He's not tried to overdo the heroing to prove anything to himself or others. He took the teleport even when none of his friends agreed to go with him. He took Dandelion because even annoying people deserve to be saved, but he didn't put himself out when the man started to get unreasonable. He made sure he had a path to safety, but he wasn't going to throw his weight around just because it wasn't the path he wanted. And now, after learning Zeridee's plans, he's going to make sure she gets to safety as well. Good for him. Hope he doesn't need to rebuild Earth's culture from his copy of the internet.


Before the teleport Alis said something like 'May the Mother place both eyes on you' but I don't think that counts as the commendation. It might be even more significant now that I think about it haha


I didn't think there was any connection at all between the 300 original skills and knighthood. A Knight is somebody who is both a Wizard and Affixed at the same time, which causes both "sides" of their magic to grow at a greatly accelerated rate in exchange for eternal soul-torture because they are fully aware of their fundamental Self being folded into artificial shapes. The original 300 skills are the first powers granted to the Avowed of the various Resource Worlds, and as such don't have any of the modern nerfs or balance patches, allowing them to grow to theoretically infinite rank (and meaning that they were all designed for practical utility, rather than spectacle or convenience).

Carl Earl

I don't remember that being a requirement of knighthood, only both bound authority and wizard ability.


It might just be the public facing internet, more like a better internet archive than copying the exact workings of all servers.

Carl Earl

I think it shows Alden internalizing some of the things that Boe talked to him about and things he learned on the moon. Alden has learned that it's ok for a superhero to have limits.


I don't see any eventuality where Alden saves Boe but doesn't save Jeremy. Jeremy is literally the perfect man, and was the sole source of emotional support on multiple occasions. I could see an argument for designating Connie and Jeremy if Alden was determined to get all three out and thought Boe could handle himself better, but we already know that one of the two is a U-type who refused the contract. So, uh, sorry Connie!


...I think the Artonans have a history of dealing with disasters on the scale of "entire planet becomes chaos puddle", so they are proactive about exercising due caution when it's a possibility.

Carl Earl

She's a member of the Artonan Deep State. 🤣 /s if that wasn't apparent.

Carl Earl

I'll put him at #3 on the list. Hazel Marsha Marks Winston He and Winston could be tied...but I bet that Winston will eventually grow better, while I doubt Marks will.


When a Knight calls you brave, that means something. And while a lot of humans probably got commendations for their exemplary service when summoned specifically to fight against Chaos, Alden did it when he was supposed to just be doing casual little Rabbit things. Anybody who hears the whole story would obviously be overcome by the radiance of his heart.

Carl Earl

"Zeridee, would you entrust this annoying person to me so I can bear him to the train?"


1) [ “Still more children. The humans need to practice ———. Not enough faith in the Contract. No ————.”] Potentially word 1: Decisiveness, Assuredness Potentially word 2: Conviction, Credence 2) [Marks threw the mug of tea at the floor hard.] Not as bad as Hazel's tantrum, but still not great. Alden really took a bullet for his friends by teleporting this guy away from them. 3) [His auriad shifted against the skin of his wrist.] I don't remember if Alden's poncho is opaque or not. Zeridee-und’h may have noticed this. 4) Items: - Orb beacon - Personal Medkit - INTERNET Tablet - Bag of Oranges


They probably have detailed statistical analysis of the cost of a 'false alarm' evacuation, versus the chance of a situation like this escalating to full global destruction and the number of VIPs that could have been saved and weren't because things escalated too slowly.


I love this idea. ...there's a whole Artonan word for 'things that touched buttocks which should not have been allowed to touch buttocks'


Space is the backup plan, if the real evac site becomes non-viable. The locator beacon being particularly useful there implies that a flier can make orbit but not get to anywhere else, so you'll need to get scooped up by a rescue starship.

Kim Enteiu

Alden “Bravery in the Absence of Obligation” Thorn has just told Zeridee that the idea of the contract failing scares him so much his mind blanked out, then declined to leave immediately on his personal evacuation flyer so that he could make extra sure she was safe. I hope they have sunglasses at the evacuation point or his bare luminous heart is going to blind someone.

Carl Earl

I hope we get confirmation of which it is, Connie or Jeremy. I can't decide between the two, tho I lean Jeremy.


Oh man, Boe is gonna be so pissed when he learns that he's now top priority in a planetary evacuation... but instead of flying to safety immediately he's contractually obligated to find a doomed/abandoned servant and stay behind to ensure their safety.

Cyrus McEnnis

I'm actually wondering if he might have selected Lute over Connie or Jeremy. He knows that Lute is on the island, whereas Connie & Jeremy are half a world away. I'll need to reread the chapter to see if picking Lute would give him a measurable benefit right now, but...


You say that, but a lot of modern day historians would *kill* for access to that level of detail into the private thoughts and opinions of everyday people from the past instead of only having "the great cultural achievements".

Carl Earl

It seems to me there was a chapter once where people were theorizing that the Internet would never have existed without the System and Anseidorans arriving. This makes me think their Internet is much more system dependent than it is like ours.


Yeah if Marks had been left behind he could have gotten several people killed. Now he's out of the way, and can't do any damage except through social media. Alden's ponchos are transparent so he can see through his impenetrable shields, but he wears a leather wristband over his auriad most of the time.

Carl Earl

I read this comment to my GF (who isn't a Sup-eater) because it was the perfect way to describe how crazy this book can get.


Journals would be extremely valuable. Correspondences too, if you're ignoring privacy concerns. Stupid internet arguments would offer a surprising degree of insight into culture and values at any given moment in time. And of course any random fanfiction might be the single greatest work of human literature, you never know until you read it. Maybe even a small cross-section of pornography, enough to get a sense of what the general trends are in the industry across time periods and different cultures. But making a copy of every single picture and every single video, every couple weeks? That's a metric fuckload of data, most of which just says that same things over and over and over.

Carl Earl

It's ok, this is DEFINITELY not the first act, it's at least the third, maybe fourth. We've got nothing to worry about... *Hides personal internet backup and emergency Sleyca clone*


Not to mention boe is gonna have to copy this heroic feet somehow :D


Cheers Sleyca!

Carl Earl

I love how well this is written. We viscerally feel both Alden's trama and fear, and the ongoing cultural divide between humans and Artonans. Question for Sleyca. Do you sometimes find it difficult to give us readers the information we need to understand while filtering it through these two lenses of traumatized teen and interspecies cultural misunderstanding, or do you find those helpful for hiding things you don't want us to know yet, or both? Follow up, will there be a time when Alden can talk plainly and at length with someone who understands these things and can communicate clearly with him so he can better understand the confusion running rampant in his life since Theogund?


I see you have been postponing the Jeffy POV, but I'm here to remember you, Sleyca. Nice chapter as always.


Mother implied it was in a very fake surprise voice in their chat. Maybe you’re a technical knight without a 300 skill, but you’d have to keep capping and not leveraging things well. I bet all the Knights are 300 in fact even if you’d categorically be one without a 300, because why sacrifice so much to not even do it properly.


Thank you for the chapter! 1)I've seen this format being used and like it so I'm going to steal it 2) Mark was truly the human speed bump we all thought he was. As ridiculous as his behaviour may seem you will always have people like this in emergencies. From Personal experience I have seen "Marks" that make it exponentially more difficult for the people incharge. I have feeling he might try to start some problems either during or post-catastrophe.( Like others have speculated) 3) The "Informant" (was that his moniker? Not sure) seems like cool character. The man behind everything. The one that knows all your secrets. The scene with the safes and the infogear showcases that powerful people respect the threat and power he has. I can see Alden or other characters seeking him in the future for information. And his motivations seem vague enough that there can be tension. ( Tension is essential characters like him) 4) Zeridee seems like a nice lady. Professional, kind and efficient. ... another person to trauma bond with? Looking forward to seeing what Alden can learn from her. 5) On Dee and Zeridee names being similar. I think it's fine. The characters and their name are different enough to not cause confusion. They are phonetically (pronunciation) similar but they are different enough visually so it is easy enough for readers at a glance. 6) ....a copy of the internet....how ? My brain can't comprehend. I feel like everyone else is taking it in stride...


His mind blanked out while under the "peace of mind" wordchain, so you know its bad

Andrew Tobin

Oof, chances he meets Haoyu there because he’d definitely be on his mum’s list?

Andrew Tobin

Boe. Boe and Alden have a lot of love for each other, and a lifetime of being brothers. Sorry, but Lute is very appreciated, but new.


Alden isn't exactly risking his life to save the life of the Ambassador's butler.

Andrew Tobin

Yeah, that escalated quickly. “So, but of a problem in Anesidora and we’re going to evacuate the planet and leave it in case of apocalypse.”

Andrew Tobin

I think Jeffy is more the what if puppy but human, but Alden is up there.

Jumping Flounder

i would die for zeridee. i hope we get to see some more of her. you do a great job of characterization because even with this small amount of contact i can tell she is kind and helpful

Andrew Tobin

I kind of love how observant and cool Zeridee is. I hope she’s around for a bit, as Alden could use another instructor beyond first instructor Kivbee, and Stuart, to navigating Artonans. I also adore when she called him out because Artonan Social Dynamics.


All I kept thinking for the entire first half of the chapter was: "So Earth*must* be having one of those bad days it mentioned before...


As Joe told Alden before, Artonans are not flawless and more fallible than most resource planets think.. Having useless people assigned to political posts. ✔️ Having (usually female) assistants do the real work ✔️ Not caring about the well-being of those from a lower caste ✔️ Obviously, there are exceptions, but on average this is the case


It has to be Boe. In addition to a rare and powerful affixation, Zeridee mentions that avowed won't be penalized for refusing the contract.


I love Alden so much, he has such a soft spot for the outcasts..


Marks with an 's'. Almost as bad as Keitha


In that situation the sane thing would be to just let him but report him for trespassing. She isn't a security guard violently stopping people hopefully doesn't fall under her duties


There were none that showed rooms in the house’s interior. "house's" is split by an unruly line break that copy/pasting on my phone doesn't also copy, apparently


I sometimes wonder if Mother didn't suggest to Alis to give Alden that specific wording for his commendation.. just because it was exactly what he needed to get into CNH and be kept safe. And Mother would've been able to predict that.


So many Ripples.. Sleyca gave us that hint in the comments last week "from now on all Chapters will be called Ripples". I thought she was joking, but now I can truly envision this event as the epicenter of changes in Alden's life and in Anesidora/Earth as well..


Who needs science when you have the Internet? (Aka what every millenial thinks nowadays)


Bash-nor, any relation to Jel-nor?


Like human ambassadors, the Artonan ones probably have zero motivation to do any work on their assignment .


Lol that would be funny.. Alden can start a group of people he indirectly caused to 'do community service ' at the Palace of Unbreaking


Poor Alden, now Earth won't feel entirety safe to him anymore


Alis is still without a system. So unless Mother create a message from thin air to send it the way her spouses keep contact, it might be difficult for Mother to keep in touch with Alis (C59 : “I don’t have access to her right now, but searching through your memory of her,[...]" The commendation must not be disproportionated. In view of the importance Artonians give to these, The Quaternary would not abuse them. And thinking about it, Kibby having encensed Alden has probably said he came several times to help people. So the commendation must be for saving Kibby in months of chaos but also for the other assistants he saved. It was not a non refusable emergency call from the system, it was a side contract that he could refuse.


A static snapshot of the internet. This is totally viable, and you find it all over the place in smaller scopes (like just for particular sites). It is just an absolute hassle to maintain due to the huge scope of it, coupled with the digital space it would occupy, making it an expensive thing to do with dubious gains in return in real life. I assume magic-universe, or even just simply Arthonan high tech (AI?) makes it cheap enough to give it to some small selection of people. Of all the things you accept as part of a Fantasy story, this is not really one to even blink at.


Is that stolen magical artifact (submerger or something?) trying to do its job, but confusing the artificial island for a boat, so it's trying to... submerge it? Would then the island be classified as "Object Type" as a whole? That MAY mean the source of the danger is a spell going awry, as it may have become corrupted by the proximity to matadero. However, the boat wasn't actually that close to matadero to trigger this naturally, so... Did that Object Shaper weirdo target the island on purpose? Or maybe he targeted Matadero island, and the subsequent effects are a result of Matadero going down? If so, someone might be a new orphan...


When Zeridee mentioned the tablet had the whole of Internet downloaded, am I the only who thought 90% of it was porn...? Marks has a hard time dealing with the fact the evacuation priority does not apply to the System or Artonan as he continues to expect to be given higher priority than higher rank...


“If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate" -Zap Brannigan I don't think that the Anesidoran concil has something to do with his admission in CNH. It is the school who wants him to get better stuff. The council should not care where he study, just that he lives there. And the Gloom is apolitical, she just cares for Alden who helped his daughter


Remember Haoyu's dad was on Matadoro actively fighting a chaos demon when a submerger went full Chernobyl after hitting the island and caused this mayhem. He's unlikely to have had a simple tp out of danger.


So if the infogear phone is believed not to be trusted (vault) what about hazels blackmail, will they trace the submerger back to her?


Wonderful chapter, poor zeridee dealing with all this panic and probably a decent bit of occasional xenophobia. I hope she ends up okay. Discord: discord.gg/SuperSupportiveFans

Michael Blue

I’m sure the Velras can afford technology that is not made by the Informant


Perhaps the submerger that was in Velras possention will be the evidence that lute is looking for..


What about the whole accepting an offer to get out of a disaster because you don't know when the next one will come? you are sending mixed signals Alden!! Jokes aside I wonder who are his two picks. From what Zeridee said one should be Boe, but who is the other? His aunt or his other friend(Jeremy)? Also if his other pick was going to be saved anyway it is a bit of waste to pick Boe


On the first read when she said high rank avoud with a unique skill I immediately thought he had picked Lute until I re-read it and realised it was an unregistered so Boe. Lute would be the obvious choice if he was saving someone from his roommates, neither Hauyo or Lexi would accept coming without their family but Lute would.


Oooo mama, lots to unpack here, particularly relating to Artonan culture! Let’s dive in. Thoughts: 1. “Ripples V”: when will they end! 2. “they were a shade of pale brown that almost blended in with his eye color”: perhaps signifying they are less high quality than Stu’s implants? 3. “my girlfriend”: looks like he wasn’t lying about having the girlfriend, though may still have been lying about the pregnancy. She’s not high up on his priority list in any event lol. 4. “Its course is preset”: so limited options for Alden to re-route it to save the day anywhere else (unless this is a kind lie from Zeridee to Marks). 5. “Still more children. The humans need to practice ———. Not enough faith in the Contract. No ————”: hmm, what are the unknown words here? Possibly Artonan equivalents of “mindfulness” or “giving oneself over to a higher power”. Clearly in Artonan society, the Contract is the omniscient / omnipotent god, so should be obeyed / trusted completely. 6. “there are no wizards currently in residence” / “wearing relatively form-fitting clothes—light brown trousers and a darker brown sweater with a cowl neck”: so she isn’t a wizard (they wear baggy clothes). One reason she’s been left behind presumably. 7. “Ambassador Bash-nor”: how common is the surname “-nor” I wonder? Any relation to Jel-nor? 8. “Or…His auriad shifted against the skin of his wrist”: ready to get blasting with his magic force attacks if need be. 9. “By the way, Alden Ryeh-b’t, I’m female. Hip width and nape hair aren’t good indicators in my case”: I wonder if she has grown her hair extra extra long as a way to clue humans that she is female? One of the only ways to distinguish herself physically for humans. Thoughtful and professional if so, like everything else about her. 10. “the ambassadorial residence wasn’t in F, with the larger building that was the official embassy”: thoughts as to why? Easy to teleport to your work so might as well live in the nicest area? A clue that the actual embassy isn’t where real business gets discussed? 11. “Such a different tone in the middle of the same disaster”: a nice observation. Your Maslow pyramid of needs starts losing levels very quickly once you’re about to be swept off a bridge and die. But most people on Anesidora won’t have seen much going wrong at all so far. 12. “the little girl holding the ewtwee doll disappeared”: we know they look like “large fennec foxes with furless, prehensile double tails”, so very suitable for cuddly toys. A merchandising opportunity here Sleyca! 13. “Your Contract is being a little too abbreviated with its orders and explanations”: lol, I had thought this as well. For something that’s intimately connected to every person on Earth, it seems still to be somewhat childish in its understanding of humans. Rather than “Rejecting teleportation is not advised”, I would have gone for something much stronger…I guess it’s very concerned with freedom of choice. 14. “There are people shifting the contamination away from shore here. An alert will come before they lose strength”: so she knows that the avowed defending the coast will tire before the contamination – it is only a matter of time before this area gets flooded. 15. “Please call me Zeridee if the familiarity doesn’t make you uncomfortable. I prefer it”: may be reading too much into this, but is there a bigger reason she doesn’t like her surname? Is she the non-wizard lesser member of a powerful family (like Lute) which allowed her to get this presumably quite high status role as an assistant on Earth? Perhaps she doesn’t like her family if she has been excluded in the same way avowed exclude whiffs? 16. “a windowless parlor that was probably for the residents to socialize and smoke in, if he was right about those little bowls on the side tables being some kind of ashtrays”: so we’ve seen the drug hookahs at the LeafSong party, and Evul smoking her “lungstick” – clearly there are various Artonan herbs that are fun to puff on. 17. “I believed you might take comfort”: I think a deliberate use of language to recall Stu, who also is kind enough to want to offer “comfort” to people. 18. “I assumed the ambassador would meet with you at once to ascertain your well-being and discuss your status with you….I failed to anticipate his pace”: possibly the ambassador is incompetent (unlikely given Zeridee thought the meeting would happen soon), or there are other reasons he didn’t want to meet with Alden. Possibly he is of a political faction opposed to the Art’hs. Possibly he is a dodgy wizard like Joe, so is keen to stay out of their notice and avoid their chosen one. Possibly he’s one of the factions less favourable to avowed in general (“Beasts of burden, existential threats, children that should be bossed around”). Possibly he is aligned with the Yipalck corporation. 19. “This is all because of Alis—Knight Alis-art’h’s commendation,”: like Alden, I keep on underestimating the importance of the commendation. I’d thought the cushion gift was more likely to be the reason behind the teleport, but actually, this commendation from Alis has basically made Alden the most important person on Earth by itself. 20. “The one with all the subtle layers of meaning he still hadn’t fully unpacked”: the alternative translations in C62 were “Valorous Servants”/”Honored Warriors”/”Oathbound”/”The Ones Who Stand Guard”. Personally I think “knight” (in the medieval, chivalric sense) does a very good job at capturing all of these meanings. There are lots of traditional knightly virtues that Alden embodies. 21. “Hn’tyon”: finally we get the actual word for knight! A fun word to say – I can’t think of any English words that require an inhale as part of the sound – anyone got any suggestions for English or other languages? Apposite that a sound of awe is built into the very name of knight. 22. “It looked like something you kept as a family heirloom”: what is the provenance of this lovely blanket? Alden keeps on being given fancy stuff by wealthy people lol. 23. “Most of the people with insight at this early stage do not believe that Earth has a serious problem”:….. “most” of the people…uh-oh. 24. “However, in the unlikely event that this incident or a future one leads to a catastrophic erosion of the Contract on Earth”: so essentially confirmed that catastrophic erosions of Contracts have happened before on other resource worlds. And “erosion” is an interesting choice of word – ties in with the way a chaos assault behaves, constantly pressing in on and eroding a person’s self. 25. “Its reasoning is complex. Drain on resources, the potential for an inimical Avowed to escape and instigate a second attack in another location while its focus is here, and a desire not to choose courses that might be anticipated by enemies are large parts of the whole”: looks like the Contract suspects, like I do, that there is a guiding intelligence behind this attack, not just a lone crazy. 26. “the Artonans were quietly rolling forward with the first stages of planetary evacuation”: the Artonans can be pretty ruthless and self-interested when they want to be. 27. “Apparently planetary evacuation, “in its most desirable form,” involved mass teleportation from secret locations”: you might recall Lunervikk, the “Famous Avowed Wright” died trying to repair an evacuation ship. A less desirable form of evacuation indeed. 28. “You will be among the very first to arrive at the evacuation site”: more evidence that Alden is essentially numero uno in terms of Earthlings? 29. “he unhooked the itchy wet leather bracelet and shoved it into the pocket of the shorts. A quick shove had his auriad settling into place farther up his arm”: uh-oh…possible auriad discovery incoming… 30. “It is so low that the ambassador was somewhat annoyed that it was mentioned in the alerts at all”: charitably, perhaps because he didn’t want to cause panic. Uncharitably, is this because he didn’t want humans to be reminded that chaos can attack them on their home planet at all, leading to all sorts of awkward questions down the line… 31. “If there are, then they are already in possession of the means to do so. There were a dozen flyers here at the house and five times as many at the embassy. Others were in the personal homes of the Artonans and Avowed who were assigned them”. Are all of the 17000 Artonans currently on Earth going to be rocking up to this evacuation point? Plus the highest avowed? The only people we know have commendations are both of Haoyu’s parents. So they’re likely to be there (if both are still alive…) with Haoyu presumably as one of their dependents. Who else might Alden run into? Vandy and her parents (her mum who is on Matadero) Hyperboles (Sonde / Flopmind / Gloom) High council members (possibly Vandy’s dad Archibald?) Other powerful S-ranks (Neha, Aulia, the Informant, Arjun) 32. “She picked up a shiny metal ball. “This orb functions as a beacon in the event that your flyer crashes. It will also be useful if you fail to make your destination in time and must escape into space””: oh god. Will the orb get used? How does it work in allowing Alden to space travel? A submerger but for space? 33. “He wrote in the names, and the form faded”: I think fairly clear that he puts Boe and Connie (given his reference to small family). Sorry Jeremy and Lute ☹. Though it might be very funny if/when Connie and a cat turn up to this evacuation point. 34. “A gap at this end of the bridge is preventing people from exiting, but your friends don’t seem to be among them. I’ve been examining the scene for a while”: I think the gang are still likely to be there, trying to help people across the gap. Given their previous behaviour, I can’t see them abandoning people in need of rescue. 35. “reached into a cabinet and produced a small metal safe that opened only after she laid her hand on top of it for a while. Inside the safe was a second safe”: lol. Hilarious evidence of how powerful the infogear is. 36. “Infogear didn’t care if you actually knew somebody’s number. You just had to narrow down who they were tightly enough”: this is very useful…and presumably Alden keeps this infogear cellphone on him. So it will be picking up more confidential conversations soon enough. 37. “A very large back yard by local standards…Nothing that looks like a hangar”: prediction – the flyer will come up from beneath this suspiciously big back yard, similar to the X-men jet! 38. “One of the men was pointing angrily at Zeridee herself and then up at an angle. Alden wasn’t sure if he was gesturing at the second floor of the house or the sky”: possibly this guy has seen the previous 11 flyers leave, and is like…”what the fuck guys”. 39. “Alden suddenly wondered if maybe Ambassador Bash-nor was a piece of shit for leaving the assistant here to handle both Alden and a tense situation on her own”: yes, that is the indication. The non-wizard has been abandoned. Possibly also because Zeridee isn’t one of “his” people, and he doesn’t owe her anything? 40. “Alden was suddenly reminded of his first visit to the lab. And the fact that Joe’s assistants had been a little scared of him”: non-wizard Artonans are very aware of how powerful both wizards and avowed are, and how low their status is compared to them. 41. “they believe it is guarded by magic. Like a chaos fortification”: so there is such thing as a chaos fortification. Like Matadero? Like the vault at the lab? 42. ““The ambassadors come and go so often,” said Zeridee. “It’s a good way to get experience on Earth and gain a larger voice to influence the committees that make decisions about your species. Many ambassadors have fractious relationships with their predecessors, so they all prefer to install their own personal security measures.” Lots of interesting stuff here. a. Quick turnover of ambassadors – form over substance when it comes to Artonan politics. b. Decisions get made about whole species – Artonans really are fairly all-powerful. c. Artonan politics are dirty – they don’t trust previous security measures. d. Recalls Joe’s comment about how they’re not even “competently evil”, but lots of warring committees. 43. ““I’ll stay with you,” said Alden”: oh Alden, this is quite low-key heroic. Would Boe approve? Possibly he might do – he may be acting like a proper hero type 3 – taking the rescue teleport, but taking someone with him as no extra risk to him. Then a considered delay to take another person with him on the flyer as a calculated risk. Alden doesn’t subscribe to human rankism, nor to Artonan wizard-racism (yet to get a word for it, but there must be the Artonan concept of discriminating against non-wizards even further than that allowed by law).


You would think that the ambassador could as well..


I'm assuming when Zeridee says "there are people shifting the contamination away from shore" this isn't chaos contamination this is magical contamination from the submerger going Chernobyl. Got to wonder how much power was in that artifact and why the hell the system allowed something like that to get freely traded around on the black market.


Shines a different light on the chaos danger people seem to downplay.


But if anyone in that pool party was wearing an infogear then it knows that one of the alleged terrorist got something from the velras


I really hope Zeridee will be a recurring character. Although I find it equally likely I just jinxed her and she will die next chapter, which would make me sad.


I’d thought the confrontation was going to be at Stuart’s house since strong avowed train there sometimes and I’d imagined Alden just bumping into her many times. This is about as awkward so it still is very funny.

David Giles

I got the distinct sense that in terms of evacuation priority Alden ranks above even most of the Artonans present


He only stated his intention so far, without having seen her answer. I think he is a bit of an optimist with both fitting in the flyer. But since he stated his commitment to it, I think he'll stick to his words, at least as much as possible. Probably at least delaying his departure until the last moment, possibly even accompanying her to her safe location instead.


If it ever becomes a point, Boe could probably attach himself to Jeremy (Jeremyspace?) and force them to take him :P


TEA + PILLOW, ZERIDEE, RULE 34, DOUBLE SAFE, CHAPTER OR COMMENTS TEA + PILLOW The hyper competent assistant ambassador ( we know who does the real work ) trying to do her job ( give Alden emergency instructions, and kit ) while delivering Stuart’s pillow mail was total blocked by Alden having a rough day I thought she might be curious, or working for the ambassador, but it looks like she was just trying to balance too many things and not enough time ZERIDEE I officially have a crush on Zeridee and will take 3 days of mourning if anything bad happens to her RULE 34 @Sindri Sleyca is such a good writer, I FORGOT THE INTERNET HAS PORN ( temporarily speechless ) Sleyca is now an actual Sway DOUBLE SAFE I love the double safe Incompatible magic? Make the Artonans think twice before using it? More Artonans faction politics? So many possibilities from a simple story sentence CHAPTER OR COMMENTS Exciting chapter!‼️ Exciting comments!‼️ Which do I like better?! Neither, I mean I like both the same! ( what is up with all these exclamation marks? ) 🔲


The effect this commendation has had is extraordinary, I do wonder is Alis'arth actually knew or at least strongly suspected Alden could feel his authority and would one day join the ranks of knights and gave his such a strong commendation not just over what he experienced on Thegund but will experience in the future too. To have him rank amongst the most important humans to the Artonians on earth; which is what this feels like; is extraordinary for a B rank rabbit who, as far as anyone knows, was quite brave on a scary place for half a year.

Jean Bohdel

Thank you for this great chapter. I didn’t find the two names too similar. It may be because I am accustomed to Dee as a human name and Zeridee is so very foreign. It does emphasize the differences between them: Dee is someone thrust into a situation beyond her while expected (at least by the students) to be amazing at it. Zeridee is someone who does not seem to have much expected of her (or at least seems to be overlooked by the ambassador as an amazing resource) and is handling a difficult situation as if it were an everyday occurrence.

Maddy Weller

Zeridee is great, I bet she’s been there smoothing things over through a ton of ambassadors. I hope Alden got to at least try one of the teas she put together for him.


Alden offers help to those who need it, not everyone who wants or demands it. Help is also different from sacrifice. One of those he reserves for people who deserve it (in his eyes). On the bridge, he offered it to his friends first and it was also an open invitation, as he could have taken multiple people. There was no reason to refuse Marks at that point, especially since he thought he was going to a regular shelter. His help in this instance did not cost him anything. Potentially sacrificing himself by giving up his spot on an additional safety net for a selfish dick like Marks is a different prospect altogether. That is reserved for kind and innocent or equally self-sacrificing people like Kibby or Zeridee.


I do find it very funny that Alden doesn't seem to realize that "Alis—Knight Alis-art’h" says *way* more than just "Alis" or just "Knight Alis-Art'h" would about their relationship. Obviously they aren't like, super personally close or aything but that need to intentionally enforce formality about the Quaternary is one of those things I'd expect her to take note of.

Jean Bohdel

I was thinking maybe this way Boe would have a friend. If Boe were rescued with others who didn’t know him and it was clear he was a high rank there would be a lot of questions asked.


@Aidan It's not like he put himself on that list, or even knew it existed. Not sure counterintuitive is the right word here. Also, his main goal in attending the superhero program after his experience on Thegund is not to be a superhero anymore, as he has admitted a few times, it's to become strong enough so he doesn't have to be afraid of a similar situation again. He most definitely is not at that point, yet. @Jeremy We know he is the protagonist of said novel, Alden doesn't. That's one of the things that's so good about this book/story: Alden doesn't behave like he sees himself as the protagonist with plot armor, he behaves a lot more believably and realistically (for the given setting). It's only "reasonable" to expect him to behave that way based on other stories in the genre, not based on this story so far.


When the story includes the difference in Artonan thighs then i'm golden.


The ambassador has it because the Informant answers calls only through his system. If he needs something from him, he must have an infogear.

Aspiring Moth

Alden isn't thinking straight in this crisis (understandably). He just sent a text from the artonan ambassador's phone to mehdi, all but outing his VIP status in combination with his early teleport and possible rumours spread by dandelion and the other VIPs he will meet at the shelter site. He also signed for Boe with a half depleted shield to be teleported into (the emergency shelter of) a crisis where people will have heightened emotions and where he will be surrounded by avowed and wizards, even knowing that this is in all likelihood going to be a disaster localised to anesidora

Jean Bohdel

Honestly, given another fictional Dandelion (at least in the English translation from the Polish) I’d prefer he kept Marks.


Even if some plot finish faster delivering an awesome suprise (looking at you Manon), I don't think that the Grandwitch is gonna be done so easy. At best, the submerger will comme back to Orpheus who steals stuff for drugs. If you wanna go conspiration style : Orpheus did not check the drugs when giving the submerger so it is possible that the transaction was sanctionned by Aulia. And Orpheus is not able to extract himself from the patsy role due to a new tatoo/"you taking the fall" is the best for the family.


@Cyrus I was wondering about that at first, too, but Lute hasn't rejected the Contract. Zeridee specifically mentions that the Artonans already have an obligation to all avowed, "Even those who have rejected the Contract.". The only avowed Alden knows who fits that description (and that we know about) is Boe.


On a close read the fact that the assistant was annoyed/resigned at Alden not listening to him at first (when she mentioned the contract failing) also lends credence to the assumption that the ambassador(s) often don't listen to her or zone out when she's talking.


Alden's plan WAS to be a support hero, now his plan is to become strong enough so he doesn't need to be afraid of a Thegund-repeat. The hero program is his best shot to get there. In his spare time, he might also do rescue work.


Technically I think she said it has to be a good-enough skill. It's possible that there are knight-exclusive skills besides (some of?) the 300.


I think you are right about the text to Medhi... I didn't think about the phone giving the name of the owner... But, I think for Boe, it is if there is an evacuation of Earth (and not "just" Anesidora) then he will be moved up in order to be transported away. I don't think anything is going to happen to him right now.


Iirc she did not expect him to survive at all and certainly didn't suspect any of the strangeness. She was rather distraught by that fate as in her eyes Alden was/is basically a child (she even gave him loving lies until he requested her not to...). She might think about some of the odd points again after his survival, but we Haven't heard anything about her again, so that is only speculation. Also her rank is probably part of why the commendation is SO high, which she can't really change.


I think the "... in the absence of obligation" part is the thing that stands out about his commendation. Most other avowed probably got commendations during and in line with their summons at the time, thus being within their obligation. Not to mention that he is a rabbit, which even the Artonans don't see as household help.


The cherry on top is he chooses to act heroically anyways by staying with the assistant

Robert Lethiecq

This really isn’t very dissimilar to the way the state department works. Many ambassadors are political appointees but a lot of the core staff at embassies are in some of these assignments and foreign missions performing the day to day for much longer. As she is not a wizard, or isn’t wearing artonan wizard garb, she is also likely the lowest on the evac list among the artonans.


It's get out of the middle of the issue vs waiting the last guy in close proximity with the escape module, not exactly the same situation. And he took someone with him when leaving the bridge. And if he knew other people would have followed, he would have taken the max he could carry.


I think you need to have an uncapped skill. And whilst the original 300 seem to be the only uncapped skills Avowed get, I doubt they are the only ones Knights have access to. If for no other reason than the Artonans have no reason to stop developing Knight skills 2000 years ago.

Jean Bohdel

@Giants Craft: This is a common fight (see all those fighting about Mat in Wheel of Time) but in writing classes such a position is considered an unreliable narrator. We have 3rd-person POV narration, that narration is unreliable because the view we receive is heavily tainted by someone who is lying to themselves about stuff like this.


I think it's a case of "if needs must". Alden putting himself in those situations would have been wildly out of character, I completely agree. On the other hand, we also learned that Earth might be slightly overreacting to the situation, meaning there is more leeway to care for people's sanity than most of us anticipated. Keeping people safe and sane is well and good if you can afford it. But I don't think Alden would prefer the "we kept you safe because you are special, but now you and these other two dozen humans are all that's left of your civilization even though your help could have saved the rest of your species" option over actually helping, even at risk to his safety and sanity. Especially, if he is a (small) part of a group, instead of everyone relying on just him.

Robert Lethiecq

I agree that the names were not confusing for me. I do see where both characters were introduced in a short period but still shouldn’t be confusing from my perspective.


There were a lot of comments in previous chapters saying that the Dad who was waiting for his children to be teleported out was lying to keep his kids calm. Here, we see that is very much not the case. The kids get zapped out, while their parents take the train. It's good to see.


I don't think it's Zeridee blowing things out of proportion, rather it's the system overreacting a bit and the protocols to go with that. Plus being ambushed by the whole thing vs. expecting this kind of reaction. She actually tries to make sure he understands that these are just precautions. Some of the shock comes from the difference in cultures and how things that aren't meant to be a big deal come across, i.e. the whole "here is a copy of the internet in case your species goes extinct" deal.

John Anastacio

I think his public very early teleportation was enough to prove his VIP status, or at least to raise a lot of questions.


Hn’tyon… Has anyone figured out how to hum while inhaling?

Bob Ross

Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and close it. Gasp through your nose, tightening your throat to constrict airflow. Try not to cough. Profit!


There were a dozen fliers at the ambassador's mansion, plus a lot more at the actual embassy. Doesn't mean those are the only places that had them, I think she even mentioned avowed also being issued private ones. And that's just Anisodora. She also mentions that the fliers will take people to the place(s) from where they will actually get evacuated via mass teleport. Although I expect most people to be allowed to use these to be the Artonans scattered across the globe at their local embassies and healing houses and only a small group of avowed. I also think, however, that we'd be surprised by which avowed actually get to be there, and I don't think there will be a huge overlap with Anisodoran high-society. Most likely it'll be more avowed with commendations.


So he picked Boe. I presume the other is Jeremy and Connie can take her chances alongside the rest of humanity?


1. Never! like it was said, it is ripples in Alden lives. From now on all chapters will be ripples :D 2. or Stu's are not permanent. If he becomes a knight, he will have an access to the system. So they did not care if the colors matched 24. Maybe not experience with corruption of Earth system but from other planet (like Thegund) 25. Indeed, too many things that were needed to be a fortunate situation for scapegoat Will 26. They know what corruption does and they do not want to lose people because they started late 30. Neither, it makes his jobs more difficult and that annoys him 33. Lute is an double S chainer, he is not low on the list In my mind Jeremy and Connie are still in battle (Connie being in front) 34. Yep, and Mehdi is too busy to answer (or spitefull)


Advice Time: I edit the chapter to make them more Text-to-Speech friendly. Whenever Alden hears something he doesn’t understand in another language I always replace it with [unknown word], but it doesn’t really sound right. Any good alternates you guys would recommend? Also, in case anyone is curious, I tend to gloss over text when I’m reading, so text to speech really helps me with absorbing a story. I usually read a chapter once through and then listen to again after.


Mother ( super intelligence that affixed Alis) strongly implies, only Mother knows Alden is an accidental Knight, and has magic But Mother knows this cannot last QUOTE My Alis. “She was trying to get you to help me? When she said that stuff to me right before I teleported?” “I don’t have access to her right now, but searching through your memory of her, I am sure she only hoped I would expend a little more energy than you are owed in order to facilitate the teleportation ritual she used. Which I did. But she didn’t realize you were in the process of making yourself so unique. If she had known, she would have wanted me to spare a bit more of my efforts for you. So I shall.” END QUOTE 🔲


There's also Sess-nor from The Chainer, coda. There was a skill created in his memory. I'm beginning to suspect the Nors are an important family. Bit of a jump, but I wonder if the Secondary or Tertiary is a Nor?


@Noppes LOL I know it is a typo, but I got such a kick (pun intended) out of picturing Boe drawing Alden's feet for posterity... What a feat!


I had so many thoughts but I forgot them all when Alden said he’d stay.


This is an important point, does Alden have a “Victor the cat if Boe is unreachable” option?


I think some of the clicks in Xhosa may require inhalation.


Mehdi is going to have such a complex when he sees who the phone is registered under.


Yes, the invisible ones who are actually keeping everything running

Bob Ross

"Infogear didn’t care if you actually knew somebody’s number. You just had to narrow down who they were tightly enough. It was convenient right now." I wonder if that also means it doesn't reveal the number of the person trying to contact you. Mehdi might just get a generic device ID number instead.


I remembered one of my thoughts! Was the gokoratch video less than ten days ago? If so, the planet should be safe. If not, Alden already has everything he needs from the internet so this could be the real deal 😢

Aidan Gorman

TYFTC! 1. I hope Granwitch doesn't have a flyer. 2. He is planning on leaving with the teeth. Sneaky bone thief

Bob Ross

So being an Ambassador is a good way to end up on the committee that makes decisions about Humans, and many Ambassadors have a fractious relationship with their predecessors. That....doesn't seem like a ringing endorsement for the committee. [ And some idiot is always off in the corner trying to convince his friends that all Avowed should look like supermodels, or have their brains turned off when they’re not in use, or be able to chew through boulders with their teeth.” -Joe, Chapter 39]


***POTENTIAL TRIGGERS *** I would definitely ask that that they get rid of any snuff films.. underage… fourchan… flat earth level conspiracies.. etc… I couldn’t give a flouting spect of dust worth of care about what historians would want. I don’t want that bile anywhere near anything that could remotely be considered a personal device of mine. ……. Sorry to make it serious in the extreme.


I think it was? It’s definitely been a least a week because there were multiple gym sessions in between


Holy shit. Dee is a Turbocunt. That he got his way with it kinda makes me angry. And no being scared doesn't justify his behavior.

Bob Ross

Alden may have also saved his life, or at least limb. Not that Lexi would intentionally unleash writher on the guy, but that's the problem with empathic weapons when you're the world's most annoying Dandelion!


“He’s just a B, and a rabbit, not even a real hero! I could snap him like a twig and I’m not even a strength brute. How the hell does he get access to the artonan ambassador’s personal phone?!?! And getting teleported out before even the S!!!! You know actually it all makes sense now… Alden is a secret nepotism kid” nods head in conspiracy theorist and concious disregard of Occam’s razor.


I'd like to believe that it's the Ambassador's favorite quilt. The current one, who left her at the residence with no flyer.

Todd Hunter

With his personality would Jeremy leave his family behind would be my question?

Joel Wells

No. My guess is that it’s Boe and Aunt Connie. His aunt is his only family and Boe and him have been friends forever. It sucks that he can’t have 3.


wow who did Alden choose to abanden his other friend or his Aunt


2. Definitely! He already ordered a second putty ball for kon's teeth

David J.

I think he picked Lute and his Aunt. Lute has no family and has gotten close with Alden.

John D Jones

@ Hailhound Medhi wouldn't be completely wrong here. It might not be strictly nepotism, but the Commendation from the Fourth Most Important Person in the Universe very much gets him special treatment not available to other. Now that his panic is subsiding a little, it's nice to see Alden displaying his superpower of... niceness by waiting with the assistant woman and offering her a ride on the Flyer.

Bob Ross

Alden: " I need you to pretend you're an officially commended Avowed and that I came here with you, can you do that for me?" Aunt Connie: "An official what now?"


I wonder how the commendation effects Aldens summons. Will it make him more expensive so he gets summoned less, but by more important people? Will it make wizards walk on tight ropes around him when he’s summoned instead of treating him like any other avowed??

Bob Ross

Connie at the Evac point: "Boe, why does your name tag look so different from mine?"


13. I'm curious how long it's been since a new species has been added to the Triplanets. Maybe the Artonans who programmed Earth's Contract didn't account for humanity's lack of knowledge. Like, say, when they should trust the Contract to keep their kids safe.


that was monday, this is friday. alden leads a busy life


You think it's Lute when they mention 'unique ability' and 'Even those who have rejected the Contract'?

Brett Peterson

21 - In Swedish, especially the northern dialects, a sharp inhale with your mouth in a tight "oo" shape, or with your mouth in a broad "Haah" shape, means "Yes." I think it comes from the difficulty of speaking in the cold, which I only experienced to a small degree there. But, yeah - you'd hear people in conversation respond to questions with "whooph" or "Hoaaaahh". A little jarring, but kinda fun when you get used to it.

Brett Peterson

@Jazehiah - I don't... think so? I was in SA in East London for three months, and picked up a little - the q is like clacking with your tongue (like little kids do), but without hitting the bottom of your mouth, the x is like clicking for a horse but on both sides of your mouth, and the c is like tsking (with your tongue against your teeth), but with your mouth open. That said, I was never anywhere near fluent, so that may have just been my thick tongue not getting it right! I've heard Swahili has a bunch more clicks than Xhosa; that maybe another option.


I didn’t mean it was strange — I absolutely understood why he reacted as he did in both cases. I meant it was interesting that it happened so close together and contrasted. It showed that he doesn’t have a need to “play hero” to everyone (who thinks they are) in distress, but he is also more likely to try to help if he feels there is a genuine need that is being unfulfilled. Many people (especially teenagers) would be more eager to leave someone if they had just felt embarrassed (mistaking Zeridee for a male) or vulnerable (being honest in Artonan about his fear of the Contract going down) in front of them. Alden puts that aside to offer support.

Michael Blue

I don’t think Occam’s razor applies to a situation where the MC has a commendation no one ever heard of from a high ranking knight no one knows exists. (I’m saying no one in terms of the general population of Earth/Anesidora)


“The clothes she’d bought from the neighbor were a long pair of khaki walking shorts, hiking sandals, and a sweatshirt that said CANADA in red letters.” Even on magical future earth Americans pretend to be Canadian while traveling.


Very interesting, thanks Brett! Especially the idea that environment might shape sound and speech. If a gasp always precedes a knight, it makes sense that it might become part of their name!

John D Jones

I doubt Alden would be more expensive. He's still a B-rank Rabbit. But, yeah, that second bit is going to be a thing. Anyone summoning Alden will treat him really, really well lest they risk angering what might as well be the Artonan ruling family.

John D Jones

I think Occam's Razor applies quite well to this situation. The kid with the high Commendation from the really important Artonan leader does in fact receive special treatment not available to other humans or even Artonans.


On the internet front, I think the more remarkable thing about it is less the storage and more that they managed to scrape it all. How does that work for stuff that’s behind a paywall and such? Storage I can comprehend. But (I would assume an AI, even one as complex as the system) able to scrape and comprehend the ENTIRE internet (including random comments like this lol) all at once is what really breaks my brain

John D Jones

Having a crush on Zeridee is fine but always remember that your PH levels are not compatible.


Alden has found his Artonan etiquette instructor at last.

Matthew Lester

[INCOMING CALL FROM: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PERSON’S PRIVATE PHONE]: Hey it’s me, your classmate you don’t like because you think you’re better. The planet’s magic disagreed by the way. I’m on my private plane to evacuate early from this disaster and wanted to check up on you.


I saw some people shortening it to Dandy in the last chapters comments. Which I think works hilariously well XD


I agree with PatienceHoney. They need to teleport Boe *anyway* since he's too far to fly to a secret location, so it's easiest to just teleport Boe off-planet immediately, rather than teleport him to a secret loading zone then teleport him off-planet. I guess if inter-planetary teleports are way more expensive, maybe it makes sense to teleport to the loading zone, then have him join the bulk teleport off planet? But yeah, I think nothing is happening to Boe until it get urgent enough they start teleporting people out of the loading zone.

Aspiring Moth

maybe I'm missing something, but it just says that their evacuation priority will be changed to yours, meaning that they are due a teleport 5 minutes ago


At least Joe put in real effort to save his assistants. Seeing how this ambassador acts, I'm guessing that's actually unusual. No wonder Kibby still calls him 'Distinguished Master '

The butler did it

Bzzzt? Or some other onomatopoeia that would make it clear 'this isn't an understandable word'?

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I have no idea if I am right, but for some reason I have a very specific sound in mind that I almost immediately connect with the description in this chapter. Have you ever tried very lightly engaging your vocal chords while inhaling as if to gasp? Do that, starting with the tongue in a neutral position, then moving it to form an "N" sound toward the end. That is how I read it, anyway.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I was absolutely fascinated with that sound as a kid. It has been years since I so much as thought about it, but I immediately knew it from the description in the chapter. The fact that Artonan makes use of it in speech makes me unreasonably happy.

Master Program

Its very interesting that the system is kind of panicking here. In all of Alden's interactions with it, the system has come off as calm and almost onniscient which makes it all the more impactful that it didn't see this coming. I am also curious where the secret evacuation sites are located. From a logistical standpoint, it feels like it would make sense for one to be located on or near Anesidora since that is presumably where many priority targets reside at but from the way Zeridee is talking about the system not wanting off-island teleports that might not be the case? How many high ranks would even be evacuating at this point vs trying to contain the Anesidora situation? If a planetwide exodus does occur later in the story, I wonder where Gorgon falls on the priority list. We're never given a precise answer as to what his exact status is beyond some kind of prisoner but he seems like someone you probably don't want to leave behind to make deals with chaos.

Heather White

Carl - I hope you’re able to convince her to join our wonderful [cult] reading group. I’m happy to have contributed to the cause.


Curtis, do we know that for sure or is that just conjecture? It does seem silly to choose (one or more) limited skills if you have the knowledge to avoid it but the sacrifice is similar.

Emily Gurnavage

Have you seen the kids movie Teenage Kraken? Recent-ish release. Anyway they are sea monsters that explain all their oddities as them being Canadian and everyone accepts it like its the obvious answer lol.

Heather White

I think it’s the Z. A Z starting a name puts it in its own category of standing out. (However, if there are multiple Z names, I could see myself getting them confused).

Emily Gurnavage

Depends which Avowed profile he uses, too. It was explained that if he keeps his fake profile "active" when its time for him to be summonable again, the info shown to summoning wizards and the associated costs will be based off of the fake info. So significantly cheaper than he should be. I guess the commendation is visible on both profiles though, isnt it? Hm. Im guessing it wont make him any costlier to summon, but that it will definitely influence *who* summons him and how he is treated. I doubt tight ropes, hes still an Avowed and exists to serve and protect, but prolly treated much better still. I dont see him getting summoned to carry some rando's groceries or do laundry like other Rabbits.

Heather White

Jeremy, if this were a superhero story, sure. But this is a pre-superhero story, a proto-superhero story. It’s the story of the person between when they get their powers and when they become a full blown superhero. Sleyca has said something to that effect. I think it might’ve been in the Q&A.


@Michael Blue Yeah I get your point. I was actually chuckling to myself while writing that because I think Occam’s razor applies well to both sides lol. It is a simple solution that Alden just is that powerful and important to be able to do what he does. But also as you said the mechanism that has made him so is practically inconceivable for most avowed

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

1. The similarity between Writher and Auriad is strengthened by being shown each of their reactions to Dandelion. There's definitely something there. 2. I feel bad for Earth Contract. Everyone is going to be mad at it, but it's just a young contract doing its best in a difficult situation. I hope Alden's relationship with it grows through this, because Alden appreciates it in a way others don't understand. And remember when Lute was like "guess you're my family now," to Earth Contract when affixing? I hope Lute's doing ok and not getting drowned by the bath.


I feel like if that were the case jel nor would be treated differently like stu arth is. To me it seems the knight families have a different relationship to politics, and the nors might just be a very rich influential family without the knight baggage

Heather White

What’s really going to piss Boe off is needing to rescue the most irritating person he can find from their own selfish stupidity.

Heather White

#3: …who has also been humanized for us as being the man who pulls on galoshes to take his elderly dog out to play fetch in the rain with a soggy tennis ball. For me that took him from potential cliche to interesting, possibly likeable character.


Not completely ignored: the Grandwitch trying madly to build connections.

Heather White

I imagine that in almost every situation in his life Marks gets pissed off if he isn’t the #1 priority.

Skull Leader

@Nait02 - To be fair, if you think about it, Alden's Artoran cultural understanding and language skills is coming from a child. He learned almost everything from Kibby and from watching children programing. Therefore it not impossible to say that for all the Artoran adults that interact with him, Alden sends without realizing it, signals that a child of their culture would.


For the paranoid crowd: reminder that besides career diplomats, embassy employees are often.... spies.


Makes you question how many died from that last time. And how long ago that was.


That may be why Soup didn't go there. Too much unraveling too fast.


To 1): "Talks about the contract failing and planetary destruction in the next sentence." But they need more faith in the contract!

Skull Leader

Remember there are three gym classes a week. M-W-F. Wednesday was the first run of the obstacle course. Which was many chapters ago given the exciting and busy life Alden leads. Heck it was only a full week ago where Lute told his life story to Alden or when Earth decided that Alden "leveled up." Consider for a second just how many chapters ago that was... The slow burn story is real. And I for one love it!

Heather White

I like the balance Sleyca has struck here. Alden isn’t out running around the island doing big heroic things. However, he does choose to stay with the ambassador’s assistant, support her in dealing with obstreperous humans, and make sure she gets to safety instead of jumping in the flyer and leaving her behind. Given his current fear level (he wanted to shove Marks aside, run to the flyer an get the hell out of there), choosing to stay with her is heroic. But on a small, personal scale, not a dramatic saving-the-day scale. It gives us the hero in training, not the superhero, which is perfect for him right now.

Skull Leader

No, he is not the only one that got mixed up. I had at first confused Dee with BeeBee. They are both older hero students. Just one is a upper class Highschool and the other is University.

Skull Leader

A distant voice is hear in the call. "As I have said before, a flyer is not a plane. Why do humans have a hard time understanding what a flyer is? Am I saying the words correctly? It.is.not.a.plane."

Wheels of Terror

So I went back to the beginning of the story to reread some and refresh. In chapter 39 Joe gives Alden lesson one and says that his skill could cause certain people to want to assassinate him. Perhaps Alis gave him the commendation to prevent that as well, a way to say “This Avowed is acknowledged and under the protection of the Quaternary, don’t mess with him.”

Ella Hughes

tbh I was guessing he would choose Connie not Jeremy. kind of a tie tbh. apparently not to Alden though


Yeah, like, i would have guessed he would have picked his two non avowed loved ones

Neil H

I also think Alden wouldn't want to separate Jeremy from his family.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

Arrrg! Having a +2 on your evacuation party invite would be almost worse than a +1 or a +0. Imagine if you had three or more kids and trying to explain to the left-behinds that you love them just the same as the lucky two. Or, post evacuation trying to explain to the survivors why their beloved parent and or sibling got left behind!


30. with its reminder of earth being vulnerable leads to actually having to give earth the power to defend themselves: wizards and with it knights. Remember Alden is so far ahead in the race others are not even worth mentioning. That is on purpose. 32. with the orb it might work like the life-saving one-in-a-lifetime gift that gives earth pressure and air. If earth gets eaten and Alden is still there it just continues on giving its bubble on earth with Alden walking around wide-eyed at the destruction while fully covered.

Anton Shomshor

This. I appreciate the plot flow that’s happening. I think it resonates well with how Alden’s character is developing.


Obstreperous has made my vocabulary list. The crowds at Mardi Gras can be obstreperous, especially when drunk.

Barrett Fogarty

How many of Velras are VIP's? I assume the Grandwitch is, but who else is Alden likely to run into?


No epub?

Anton Shomshor

I assume he took his Aunt as well? And left his other friend?


The flat earth conspiracies themselves might not have value, but from a historic and cultural perspective you cannot understand modern humanity without knowing that they exist and what impact they had on society. And despite all the horrors, there's been a *lot* of good which started on 4chan before filtering out into the rest of the internet. Hrm. Maybe there needs to be a customization system on the personal tablets, so the 'histirical archive of Earth' backup copy can include everything and then individual earthlings on the run from the apocalypse get a slimmed down version that takes out the things they don't consider to have any value?

Barrett Fogarty

Chapter 39 is one of my favs. But I'm not sure that anyone other than Joe has taken the time to actually look up the skill and find out the specifics of it. I'd be surprised if the Quad knows and certainly the Primary doesn't. The Primary is the only one that Joe has given Alden permission to spill the details. And only at some specific time in the future.

Robert Mullins

Haoyu's mom has 2 commendations so she will be a vip. Not a velra but still going to be awkward to explain.

Robert Mullins

@sleyca, I want to see a pov scene from the person responsible for caring for the cat that just got made one of earths VIPs.


Okay. I haven't seen it commented on and felt I had to put my 2 cents in regarding the names Dee and Zeridee. (1) It isn't MC, we'll call him "Jake," and major secondary character, we'll call him "Jacob," interacting and having scenes that take place in similar but different circumstances. To the point where the author themselves makes fun of it later in the story when the MC kills off a guy with the side benefit of removing a "Jake" from the world with too many "Jakes." (2) It's not an MC, we'll call him "Zac," whose consciousness has split into two bodies who is fighting on two different fronts of the same war and either of which could be commenting on something that happened to the other consciousness since they share the consciousness, so that you don't know which character you are reading about until a page in and are getting more and more confused until you realize, Oh, it's the Other "Zac." So, all this to say, I think you are fine with Dee and Zeridee.

Bob Ross

Epub was up a minute ago and I was able to download it. Maybe refresh or check your browser?


I think a bigger source of awkward would be Haoyu likely not being there... Though he did seem well-informed about the teleport timers.


I don’t think artonans generally even check who they are summoning for small tasks. They just check in their weird code interface for someone with fitting abilities. So I’m guessing they will sometimes be surprised when a highly commended rabbit appears to keep their drinks cold. But there will probably also be some artonans who specifically summon Alden for fancy events because of the commendation. So they get the fancy rabbit to keep their fancy drinks cool.


Also gotta love the fact that these Committee members only actually interact with humanity for the bare minimum amount of time to get the position before they start making grand sweeping decisions about the fate of the species. Real A+ bureaucracy.


Wait, I've got it! Alden is delaying his evacuation until Zeridee is safe in order to ensure that Boe will do the same for Connie, thereby ensuring that all three of his family make it out! Sheer elegance in its simplicity.


I think it's probably rooted in the Artonan tendency towards having two (and no more than two) simultaneous romantic partners. Or more fundamentally, their dual consciousness brain structure. You're essentially giving both halves of a person a single +1, allowing them to save the single most important person in the world, the first person they think of when in danger... twice. Then you give the same policy to a human's single track mind and suddenly they're trying to figure out the difference between their second and third priority.


One of the items Alden was given was to "be useful if you fail to make your destination in time and must escape into space.” So my guess is around the moon or the L4/L5 Lagrange points.


@skyseeker it took me a hot min to understand the joke and then I actually read OP's name and loled so hard I snorted out loud


This bit - “Yes. For your entertainment, education, and to remember your people by.” Their eyes met. “Not…that the last one should be taken too seriously” the Artonan woman said. Is hilarious. Aside, but it really seems like Artonans are overall much more inclined toward cooperation and communal behavior than humans as seen by Zeridee's thoughts here. I wonder if that's explicitly biological or cultural enlightenment. It does go a long way to explaining why their society isn't ruled by wizard-kings and why they're very generous to Earth and earthlings despite it basically being a population they keep around to harvest for magical servants.


@FruitsPunchSamurai I don't remember exactly which chapter it was said, but yeah pretty much. The system recommends an avowed that is a good fit for the task, and the summoner usually just goes with it. They wouldn't even know what specific skills the avowed has unless they go through the code page on the profile. They'd see the commendation though, since that's on the front page iirc. As long as they open the profile..

Aidan Gorman

If a submerger is really that rare, I wonder if they can tell which exact one is missing on Earth.


Marks will accuse a 16 year old A rank Rabbit of not saving him, and everyone will be like, what did you want, your hair done? Your room cleaned? It's a rabbit, they don't do much. And the actual B rank Rabbit in hero school will manage to pass unnoticed


@Fabian The Artonians already know that is a possibility that is why they have an evacuation plan. They might increase the number of knights if the planet is considered higher risk than expected and valuable enough to be worth doing so. It seems unlikely that wizards are meant to fight chaos at all given that is why knights exist. They aren't going to teach humans to be wizards because that is hard for a race which can naturally exercise their authority. Alden only managed because he had several advantages it would be unsafe or impossible to provide to non-avowed such as the chaos field/gorgon's blessing. They also aren't going to turn avowed into knights because they consider it so immoral to do it probably won't even be suggested.

Skull Leader

"Sir he was a bellhop rabbit. All you can do is Let him take your Luggage"


Thanks for the chapter! It makes me happy Alden chose Boe without hesitating even though his evac priority is pretty high. I feel bad for Jeremy though, since Aunt Connie probably got spot #2.


Alden handed Haoyu a bunch of rope before he teleported out. I wonder if they can rig up a rope bridge for the gap in the Span to allow others to cross.

Jason Harpster

Wow this chapter was incredibly awkward on so many levels and in all the right ways for an evacuation. Truely impressive characterizations. Plus OMG huge lore dump eith the whole slave rebellion being known and idiots risking their planets melting. I mean I could see humanity shooting our own noses to spite our faces, but not prefacing it with "earth avowed" really makes it seem like a multiplanetary movement. Out of it all probably the two bits that really made me sad/laughter the people wanting to stop at the first place that they think is safe, because that really does happen every time irl, and giving him what amounts to a dodgy super soldier potion kit. (side effects may include : Addiction, liver damage, kidney damage, lung cancer, esophageal erosion, stomach cancer, IBS, Night Terrors, tremors, restless leg syndrome, premature baldness, erectile dysfunction, incontinence, and seventy nine versions of heart failure)

Explo Rin

The hardest part is having to switch from inhale to exhale mid-word

Explo Rin

Anybody wanna guess how many levels Alden will have gained by the end of this emergency? Will he be able to merge two "level up" Authority-torture-contortions into one? Will he end up with just enough free Authority to make the contortions less painful?


L4 L5 Lagrange points are now on my vocabulary list! Kind of the astronomic equivalent of the place in the ocean that has all the trash?


I don't think the demon is even really a problem right now, unless the water anomaly let it escape Matadero somehow, or powered it up in some way.


Personally, I doubt he will gain more than 1 or 2 levels at most. It took him half a year of being constantly exposed to chaos to gain 8. The probability of chaos even being released is minimal In this situation and there is no real reason for the contract to place Alden on any assignments. He is high priority and lacks much unique functionality that would make him the best choice for any given situation. I do think he will probably level when the situation is close to over though. The end of an overwhelming experience seems like a good place for the system to give a level up message. He will probably be to relieved over being free to fret over the level up.


@Explo: Dee was the college age hero track adjuster that Klein roped into helping him herd the baby hero students.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

@PatienceHoney, lol. I had never seen that particular comparison before! Lagrange points are like valleys and plateaus in the gravitational topography of a region of space. Things sitting in those areas are pretty stable, and less likely to "roll downhill" into nearby gravity wells (ie, the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, etc.).


I imagine that if infogear doesn't need a full name or phone number to call someone, it's also smart enough to say the call came from Alden, instead of "from Bash-nor's phone".

Bob Ross

*Quaternary looking at her triplets with visible distress*


I don't think the call WILL say who the phone is registered under. If infogear is smart enough to call someone based on a description, it's smart enough to say WHO is calling instead of whose device is calling.


I don't think she knew. I think the things Alis definitely does know are more than enough to justify the commendation as it stands. Alden demonstrated extreme bravery; he spent days killing himself by inches so another can live. He would have died at least two different ways (his body was dying, his authority was killing him) if there weren't by some miracle two incredibly powerful people able to help solve those specific problems. He did this without obligation; no one with any authority ordered him to, nor even asked. The real disconnect happening here isn't "why did Alis give that commendation"; it's exactly what was appropriate. It's "why does this commendation make him such a VIP". And that comes down to a difference in culture. Our own culture wouldn't prioritize war heroes over scientific geniuses or political leaders for a spot in a doomsday bunker, but Artonan culture does.


I don't see how, really? Alden initially went familiar because he is a bit familiar, then remembered his manners and the culture of the person he's speaking to.


If infogear's smart enough to call someone based on a description, it's also probably smart enough to say who's calling instead of whose phone is calling. I don't think anything is getting outed by this text message.


...or the nors are like the Smiths. They're highly numerous, but not actually a single family line.

Temp One

I was thinking about this, and I think it's because Alden thinks Jeremy wouldn't want the priority if it meant he left his family behind. Maybe? Boe and Connie get the benefit of being almost as isolated as Alden is in some ways. They've got close connections, but nothing that would tie them down like Jeremy's family.

Heather White

1. Yes — two bonded objects who recognize a bad actor when they see one. 2. Poor Earth Contract freaking out because it failed to anticipate the attack. Is it having a confidence crisis? Is it discovering that it can experience anxiety? Both seem like bad things for an AI that controls so much of the activity on earth.

Andrew Boyer

I wonder how long until his auriad accidentally spills the beans in front of someone it shouldn’t. When it moved without his intending it, I felt like some combination of increased authority and leveled up wizardry was at work.


@FuriousDee this is the slightest of quibbles but I think it's more accurate to say some Artonians can naturally sense their own authority. From there they learn to exercise it but it's far from a given and not natural to the whole race (hence the wizard/servant class divide).

Jeff Scott

There's no chance he can skip a torture and do a 2 for 1 because it's only done when he has so much free authority that his affixed authority starts to break. He also can't have extra because the entire point of the process is to bind all of it so he has longer between torture sessions. Keeping some behind won't even make it less painful, the pain isn't because he has nothing free to play with, it's with the authority that used to be free now being locked up.

Temp One

I dunno, from what we've heard about some of the Wizard class (and seen, the pure hedonism of that Leafsong party was a little disturbing) I'm inclined to think there aren't any Wizard-Kings for other reasons. Like perhaps it's because they're so self-absorbed, by and large, that they don't have the patience or acumen to run a functional multi-planetary government? Or perhaps it's because the other Wizards wouldn't tolerate it? And any would-be Wizard-King would get a giant target pasted on their forehead and find themselves assassinated by their competitors in short order. Or maybe it's because we already have a de facto Wizard-King: the Primary? The Primary's sole purpose and concern is to guard life from Chaos, and maintain the systems that let him and the other Knights do their job. So if the Wizard class ever attempted an outright authoritarian uprising, he and the other Knights (all of which are by and large far more powerful than any regular Wizard) would likely crush it immediately.

Jason Harpster

I know right?!?!? Is his auriad is going to pull a writher and just boop out one day to squareness puch somebody one day in gym class?

Jeff Scott

The catch is that any VIPs among the humans would be VIPs because of their power, so they'll be sent to fight instead of evacuated. He'll be running into mostly Artonans and the weaker family members of the human VIPs.


@Aspiring Moth there's a difference between Priority and Time. It almost certainly jumps him to the top of the queue.


it certainly makes sense. The children have not be stabilized by the system so they have a higher chaos potential than avowed parents do.

Jeff Scott

Occam's Razor is about making the fewest assumptions, adding the fewest unknowns. Coming up with a theory about him earning a commendation he's never heard of from a person he doesn't know exist is much more complex and just assuming nepotism. Nepotism is where Occam's Razor takes you, it's the most probable option with the fewest assumptions.


The gremlin has not told him that he cannot eat those teeth.


Thank you for the chapter! I love how we get always get surprised in this story. Bouncing between a disaster scene last chapter, to a tense social situation. Ch. 105 : Earth's Contract :"I’m not allowed to give you information about other Avowed in that fashion" But Zeridee can access Boe's profile. Interesting...


@FuriousDee If humans were biologically incapable, then no one would be in the race in the first place. I think its a conscious political choice without the necessity so far that they may have to reverse. Maybe this whole disaster is even Aulia's plan to get Artonans to share wizard knowledge. It's her submerger after all. @Shawn I think its the training from a young age. Just re-read the Artis chapters and she specifically mentioned her small children get their authority sense poked every day so they develop well.

Jason Harpster

oh I am with our chained friend in the lobby, all avowed are slaves. The avowed fighting against the contract are in rebellion...... so it's a slave rebellion.

Flying Goat

But what about his cat?! Edit: Oops, looks like I was beaten to the punch by the next comment.

Ano Ano

Great chapter, but I find myself oddly annoyed by Alden's reasoning mistake about the Internet back up. The last back up was 10 days ago, and he concludes from that the back up happens at least once every ten days. This is completely wrong. What he knows is close to the opposite. It isn't updated any more frequently than every ten days. Could easily be a once a year update that just happened. I know Alden is stressed and logical reasoning can be tricky, but he should really live up to his responsibilities as a narrator and not mislead the readers.

Flying Goat

I agree, Temp One - I wonder if Artonan Wizards and non-Wizards have very different cultural expectations placed on them / learned attitudes towards others. I'd love to see more of them, and get a better understanding of their society.

Heather White

I don’t remember if it’s been said straight up, but it seems like Gorgon is the last (almost the last?) of his people. They’re unique as the only other race to have developed magic, and it’s a completely different magical system from the Artonans. The Artonans really want him to agree to a contract, because when he logs in for the day the computer is polite to him & asks him if he’ll sign up. When he says no it switches to referring to him as a prisoner. It kind of implies that if he’d just agree to submit to the Artonan System he’d be freed. Someone like that they’d put at a very high evacuation priority. He’s unique & they really want something from him. I can’t imagine they’d leave him behind.


If Alden was calmer, I think he'd hesitate a little (although Boe is still #1), but currently, I think he's going off of personal feeling/instinct. Boe and Connie were all he had until Hannah and Jeremy. Jeremy, being the angel he is, is a really good friend, but they only met at the start of highschool (a year or two ago?), so Connie ranks higher for Alden. But I do agree that Jeremy wouldn't leave his family behind and Alden knows that


Thematically I’m guessing he won’t affix again until after he meets with Stuart again and goes through the holiday episodes.


The "uncredited FEMALE assistants" thing is specifically a human flaw, not an Artonan one. Artonans barely distinguish the sexes at all in social contexts. ...That said, "uncredited nonwizard assistants" is clearly a very serious issue.


Reading comments and the ambassador not talking with Alden made me paranoid. I hope he doesn't take the flyer.


Imagine the scene : When Alden is 30, the Primary comes back to check Alden and start a long term contract with Alden. After numerous battles, they both look at the aftermath from their last and biggest battle. Alden : "I knew everything, Ro-den told me" Primary : "everything what?" A:"He told me everything about my skill and it's possibilities... And he wanted you to know" P : Suprised pikachu face


about choosing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtRb4qEpWRg


You're absolutely correct, but that's kind of a funny thing to get hung up on. I feel obligated to point out that Alden is a reliable narrator in the sense that he is honest with himself about what he's hearing, seeing, and thinking, but unreliable in the sense that he's not always perfectly correct in his conclusions. This has been a recurring thing; the most notable time was when Kibby said the Primary was too small to see onscreen, and Alden jumped to "the Primary shrunk himself? Weird flex but okay," instead of "the moon-sized demon was being observed from space by a satellite". Which is to say, Alden is a 100% normal human level of reliable as narrators go. Maybe above average, even, since in confusing situations he often stops to think about what he knows and how he knows it, and new evidence changes his mind.


What I read from the ESA was, "L4 and L5 are resistant to gravitational perturbations. Because of this stability, objects such as dust and asteroids tend to accumulate in these regions." And I thought Pacific garbage patch...


bro really? Is this some poes law nonsense?

Ricky Brent

In Jeremy's shoes, I wouldn't want to leave my family behind either -- if that's the call Alden made I think it's the right one.

Paul Sneddon

Could be that she's a wizard, don't they get access to all avowed profiles so they can pick summons?


I assume that Jason is considering the Human Avowed to be slaves.


She accesses his profile as Artonan and embassy employee. She does not know how is Boe, where, how he affixed (he seems to know how/why U-types exists). The system refused to answer questions on the U-types or the status of another avowed (he refused to speak about Hannah too)

Heather White

Aspiring Moth - there are two different teleportations/evacuations. Local: the first one (5 min. ago) was simply to get him to the embassy. Planetary: from the yet undisclosed evacuation sites for Earth’s evacuation. Boe’s & probably-Connie’s priorities have been changed to match Alden’s for the planetary evacuation, presumably both for this & any future ones.

Temp One

I get what you're saying, but I think it makes sense in the context of the number of days it's been updated. It's just a discrepancy on perspective and what is meant by 'at least'. You're talking frequency, but Alden is probably thinking time interval. Alden knows that the update happened ten days ago, this means the absolute minimum length of time it takes for an update to happen is once every ten days- if the update happens on a consistent, periodic, basis. The updates could take far larger time intervals though. So at least ten days. At most that frequent.

Matt V

This is exactly the point. The commendation could just be a professional acknowledgment of a job well done. Starting to refer to her as just Alis before correcting himself to a more formal address implies that he is more personally familiar with her, not just through official channels.

Heather White

It was very thoughtful of Sleyca to withhold the names of Alden’s two people-to-be-rescued. By not naming them, by only giving us hints, she has guaranteed we have a topic to debate endlessly, keeping us busy until the next chapter drops. Rather than repeat my conclusions, here are what I consider the two most important hints… #1 (both quotes come from the same passage & refer to the same person): “I feel obligated to mention that one of the people you have named is an Avowed of high rank and unique ability.” … “My people have a responsibility to Avowed. Even those who have rejected the Contract. If that was a factor in your decision, you can change your mind.” (keywords: unique, rejected) #2 (our only hint regarding the second person): “Do most people have to agonize over it a lot?” he asked. “I don’t have much family, so maybe it’s different.” (keyword: family)


I think [Untranslateable]/[Untranslated] probably makes a lot more sense

Flying Goat

This had occurred to me as well - I think it would increase the cost. Commendation aside, he's also a wizard now, and the system knows it, which I think would also increase the cost. But it's not at all clear.

Explo Rin

@Jeff good point with the pain bit. But the 2 for 1 seems like it could still be possible if 1. the System would normally bind his authority before it gets to the most critical breaking point (so that it doesn’t find itself unable to do it if some emergency pops up, like the one currently in progress) 2. If even after breaking, Alden can keep his authority together for a short period of time. He seemed to do that for a day or two last time.

Heather White

There are those cop cars conveniently nearby. Hopefully they come with cops included.

Explo Rin

Yeah, this seems like a bit of a grammar mistake. Makes the wording seem like the opposite of what was intended

Heather White

Carl - I think that was Sleyca making a bit of a sly joke or perhaps straight up commentary on how post-Artonan humans see themselves. We know that humans were able to invent the internet on our own, but in their reality they believe that any major advancements, such as the internet, were only possible because of Artonan intervention.

Temp One

I kind of wonder if the information about Alden's Auriad is just Sleyca being diligent about her descriptions, or if Alden removing his leather bracelet is going to be important in the next couple of chapters; and she's laying the ground work for events to come. I really like Zeridee. She seems equal parts compassionate and competent. The impression I've gotten is that she seems to genuinely care about her role at the Artonan embassy, and has stuck around in that role for awhile. Whereas the Artonan Ambassadors are political asshats who quickly cycle through to gain the auspices of some authority on humanity. I doubt the Ambassador asked her to stick around to redirect scared humans from the Ambassador's home to an actual shelter. That, on top of the fact she has shown esteem for Alden's commendation, makes me think that if Alden were to inadvertently reveal his Auriad to her, she might be willing to keep it quiet or even help him. I just don't know what context that revelation could arise in. I don't think other people could be involved, as Alden getting outed as a Wizard would raise the intensity of the story to 99.9 real quick. While right now I'd say it's in the range of 40-60.

Flying Goat

It's obviously Hazel, whom Alden totally has a thing for! Err...or are we no longer shipping Alden and Hazel, who was, for quite some time, the only (significant?) named young woman of comparable age? (Edit: Note that wasn't intended as a complaint about the gender composition of major characters, it's just the reason why I assume people were shipping Hazel with Alden)

Brett Peterson

It would raise the intensity... but I'm not gonna lie, I am very ready for Alden to start throwing triangles

Brett Peterson

Question that's been bothering me all day: does Zee's comment mean that Boe refused the Contract? I never caught in the prior chapters if Boe accepted the Contract or not (regardless of his decision not to go to Anesidora.) In my head, he had accepted the contract, but was hiding, like Alden's only-not-brainwashed work colleague at LeafSong. Was it already revealed that Boe rejected the Contract altogether?

Master Program

Its interesting that Zeridee refers to the first person (presumably Boe) as high-ranked. I wonder if this is just relative to the Earth Avowed she usually deals with or if A-rank (and its alien equivalents) is actually considered strong even in the larger universe. The theory that rank 1 is the baseline for Artonan wizards and alien avowed never quite made sense to me since that would potentually mean the existence of millions of individuals who were capable of things like changing an entire planets weather or blowing up a city. The scale just doesn't seem right. Or it could just mean theres a lot of moon sized demons out there to fight I suppose.

Temp One

【“As part of this alliance,” the System continued in a volume that was barely above a murmur, “Earth is required to deliver a number of suitable individuals into contractual servitude. You have been selected for this honor. You may refuse to sign your planet’s version of the Interdimensional Warriors Contract out of personal principle, and your objection will be taken into consideration hereafter. Ultimately, however, you may not refuse to serve.”】 Text from Alden's affixation event. I think the contract Zee is referring to is Earth's version of the Interdimensional Warriors Contract. But that doesn't preclude Boe from still serving. It likely just dings him considerably when it comes to priority. Whether for missions, or whatever boons the contract might provide.

Master Program

Boe tells Alden when they meet back up in chapter 83 that he hasn't accepted the contract yet which can be interpreted as a refusal given the time that has passed. Like Gorgon, the system asks him every day whether he has changed his mind and Alden freaks out while telling him not to burn that bridge.


Boe said that he didn't sign it because he didn't want to risk being summoned to use skill 2 on anyone.

Temp One

I definitely agree with that! I figure in some ways sooner might be better? It would perhaps mean that Alden could begin proper wizard tutelage sooner rather than later. But it'd also put a target on him if the information isn't carefully controlled.


Then why did only Kibby and not her sister get wizard training. They are in the race because they are trying to get authority sense that doesn’t mean they will ever manage. Avowed could probably do so but the Artonian’s value consent and you can’t consent to the pain that causes before it starts unless you were a wizard before an avowed.

Joel Wells

Also… keep in mind that he is a U-type. I think that means he wasn’t even given a chance to select his own class. Like was automatically affixed. At least that is my understanding of U-types


Also note that we have only met specific artonans like Joe and Zeridee who have taken the time to learn English and know human mannerisms. Not all would do that and based on how some artonans are scared of human avowed.. I'd say Joe and Zeridee are somewhat exceptions to the rule.


Ah, the professional civil service being competent is always my jam.


I know I am late to this particular party, but Archibald Carisson has to be related to Vandi right? I adore how these small details are sprinkled through out this story. Also Bash-nor and Jel-nor have to be related in some way too right? Based on the names? Or am I reaching here..


Who would she be a spy for? I am thinking one of the Avowed are... factions. And from her actions I am thinking Avowed are children or saviors...

John D Jones

Look at my name. Do you think I'm somehow closely related to every other "Jones" out there? That said, Jel-nor is a wizard student. Bash-nor might well be her father or uncle or second husband of her mom or something.

Heather White

Yes, I think that since she’s talking about priorities for evacuating Earth she’s only referring to Earth Avowed, where an A level is a high rank. It will be interesting over time to learn more about Avowed & demons in the larger cosmos. I wonder if Earth Avowed have lower levels of authority than other planets’ Avowed because of our species or if over the generations Avowed tend to be born with more and more authority.

Brett Peterson

I suspect the bigger issue is the ocean becoming sentient and apparently hostile. Even if you don't have "capital C chaos" on Earth, a sentient/sapient, hostile ocean would make a whole lot of "lower-case c chaos", and make life on Earth pretty darn difficult, if not impossible.

Brett Peterson

I don't like pornography - but the pornographic frescoes from Pompeii have revealed a whole lot about Roman life that we didn't know in other ways. In terms of data storage - I am with the Artonans - keep it all. Humans can edit the record and improve our image while we're alive; after we're dead, whatever we leave behind speaks for us on its own terms. (Which also makes me really want to curate what I leave behind, and make sure I finish writing my own stories!)

Alex Scriber

I agree that this decision may have consequences for Alden, but I also think he has his priorities straight. He is prioritizing the welfare of people he knows above privacy about something that may cause him discomfort or embarrassment, but that he thinks won't harm him much. I'm not sure he's correctly assessing the consequences of a reveal here, but otherwise, his behavior is thoroughly admirable.

John D Jones

Alden is still supposed to talk with Stu'art'h Monday. I'm imagining him mentioning the really nice, really capable Zeridee. Stu'art'h will mention this in passing to his father. Anesidora will be welcoming the newly promoted Ambassador Zeridee.

Brett Peterson

@FuriousDee - I like that sound idea! For me, it sounds like "hh-un", which I think translates nicely to how Sleyca handled that. Makes me wonder - @Sleyca, do you have a lot of linguistic training? I asked my wife (who has a master's in linguistics) about this over dinner, and she mentioned inhalation-onset-consonants are REALLY rare, so I'm surprised you included that detail. Well done!

Zenopath (AEV) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-27 01:27:02 I don't want to criticize the story. It is obviously a very good story, or I wouldnt be paying Patreon but... This arc has been disappointing. I get that the story has a heavy slice of life focus and not action, but this isn't really slice of life either. It's like a meandering trip where Alden's PTSD is slowly worn down via exposure therapy. Really the only throughput in every chapter so far has been a brief reminder that, "oh yeah, Alden is still dealing with his PTSD." I get that PTSD is bad, especially in real life, but "Alden muddles through, bravely overcoming his trauma as events happen around him," is realistic, perhaps, but feels anticlimactic and somewhat dull. Sure there's a big event happening, earth shaking importance, but our PoV is just kinda there for the ride. I've made many wrong predictions about this arc, mostly because I never really expected that the real plot of the arc is "System tries to save the day as best it can but no one is happy about it, while Alden watches." The System appears to be the real unappreciated hero here.
2024-02-27 01:23:11 I don't want to criticize the story. It is obviously a very good story, or I wouldnt be paying Patreon but... This arc has been disappointing. I get that the story has a heavy slice of life focus and not action, but this isn't really slice of life either. It's like a meandering trip where Alden's PTSD is slowly worn down via exposure therapy. Really the only throughput in every chapter so far has been a brief reminder that, "oh yeah, Alden is still dealing with his PTSD." I get that PTSD is bad, especially in real life, but "Alden muddles through, bravely overcoming his trauma as events happen around him," is realistic, perhaps, but feels anticlimactic and somewhat dull. Sure there's a big event happening, earth shaking importance, but our PoV is just kinda there for the ride. I've made many wrong predictions about this arc, mostly because I never really expected that the real plot of the arc is "System tries to save the day as best it can but no one is happy about it, while Alden watches." The System appears to be the real unappreciated hero here, or at least, it's certainly the main protagonist of the arc.

I don't want to criticize the story. It is obviously a very good story, or I wouldnt be paying Patreon but... This arc has been disappointing. I get that the story has a heavy slice of life focus and not action, but this isn't really slice of life either. It's like a meandering trip where Alden's PTSD is slowly worn down via exposure therapy. Really the only throughput in every chapter so far has been a brief reminder that, "oh yeah, Alden is still dealing with his PTSD." I get that PTSD is bad, especially in real life, but "Alden muddles through, bravely overcoming his trauma as events happen around him," is realistic, perhaps, but feels anticlimactic and somewhat dull. Sure there's a big event happening, earth shaking importance, but our PoV is just kinda there for the ride. I've made many wrong predictions about this arc, mostly because I never really expected that the real plot of the arc is "System tries to save the day as best it can but no one is happy about it, while Alden watches." The System appears to be the real unappreciated hero here, or at least, it's certainly the main protagonist of the arc.


It’s also very reasonable of Alden to do so, since Copycat-hero Boe will be trying to recreate with Alden just did in another context. Now all Boe have to do is save a life (or stay with someone and make sure they’re okay) without compromising his own safety. He also have to help out a jerk like Marks with a lee-way to put his own well-being first.


With each generation of avowed breeding with other avowed, the average power of new avowed should increase. Other planets have had avowed for 1000 years and more, so I would expect them to be much stronger, on average, than humans if they started at the same power level. That said, other planets don’t isolate their avowed like Earth does, so it probably happens at a slower rate.

John D Jones

I think what's happening a little like I guessed a couple chapters back. This isn't about Alden affecting the plot (by stopping the bomb, rescuing important people, etc.) This is about the plot affecting Alden. Right now Alden is getting an up close view of how the System handles a crisis like this. He gets to see how some people (like him) get tea, blankets and a Flyer to even safer safety while other people (like Zeridee) have to provide that tea, blankets and Flyer before walking toward dubious safety. During a Chaos Tsunami. Maybe Alden will reconsider shunning Knighthood because Knights have authority, not magical Authority, but political pull authority to make changes. And that that might be worth the increased Intensity.

Michael Blue

It’s unclear if Alden would’ve survived if Alis didn’t tell Mother to watch him with both eyes/(spend more resources). Mother explicitly advises Alden to take the binding in a smaller dose than what she was about to give. I doubt Alden would’ve survived the process if his authority had been double what it was - I don’t even think he would’ve gotten to Alis before destroying himself/his authority completely

Zenopath (AEV)

@John D Jones maybe that's the case, but unless Alden actually does something interesting at some point, its still an arc where the only entity with notable agency and impact on the plot appears to be the System. I suppose Torsen could have counted too, but he got removed, even the brief actions of Alden classmates to clear traffic happened offscreen. Marcel did something too, I guess... But Aldens main contribution appears to be transporting Marks.

Michael Blue

That’d be a bad way to find out that heroes need a wilderness survival class to learn how to tie a solid knot


This chapter and the last have been anticlimactic, but I have hopes that Sleyca is going somewhere with it. Ripples-1 was good slice-of-life; Ripples-2&3 were delightfully terrifying.

Marcus Green

@Temp One I can't say that wasn't the intention, but that is 100% the wrong way to say it if it was. I would be much more comfortable with it being Alden's logic error or an editing mistake than claiming the intention was to say "at least every 10 days" means "every 10 days or more". If you sold some sort of backup service as happening "at least every 10 days" and then did it once a year, no one on the jury is going to agree with your interpretation when you get sued.

Temp One

For characters to grow, they need to have room to grow. Alden isn't a perfect Gary Stu. He's going to make mistakes , or have shortcomings he needs to overcome. Because Sleyca isn't interested in writing a dull caricature of a portagonist. I can see how this arc might be frustrating if you want a character at the center of the action. And I agree that a character chronically driven by the plot isn't that enjoyable compared to a character that drives the plot. But that isn't what this is. This is fertile soil for character growth, and while it might not look that exciting now, we'll better enjoy its fruits in time for having gone through this period. Because this gives us context for Alden's growth.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Heather White I consider the arc to start at the point Alden gets on the bus, that's a scene transistion if ever there was one.

Robert Mullins

On the other hand, this arc is exactly what I was hoping it would be. I'm tired of plots that go to insane lengths to make adults and authorities incompetent just so that the teenage can be a hero. Alden's a kid, a gifted one certainly, and one with a lot of potential. But he's still mostly a kid that is strong only in very limited ways at the moment and there are far better people than him to handle most problems.


All the people complaining about Alden not being the center of the world is getting tiresome. Alden needs to consider how much Boe-debt he is racking up by saving others in a potential end-of-world situation too.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Temp One The problem with that is he's not actually making mistakes here. I would agree with you if this arc was about Alden doing dumb stuff and getting in trouble. The problem is, he's not doing much of anything. Overcoming PTSD is very noble and stuff, but Alden isn't even really doing that to a noticable degree. He's coping with magic as a crutch, and just walking forward. Yes, technically forcing himself to cast Peace of Mind was him surpassing a challenge. It was a moment in time where his PTSD was preventing him from doing something, but he powered through it. That might be character growth. But it had no real impact on the plot, nothing much changed except that no one had to help Alden which might have happened otherwise. Not needing someone else to help you walk forward is the participation trophy of character growth, unless the story is specifically about a handicapped person...

Matt DiMeo

Packing them together on an island can’t possibly make them breed slower. Having A and S-ranks marrying each other is how you breed better S’s.

Zenopath (AEV)

I feel you are kind of using a strawman, I don't need the world to revolve around the MC. I just want the MC to do stuff that impacts the plot. If Marcel were the MC, I'd be satisfied, she at least did something to contribute. In the Gym arc, Alden contributed to his team's victory without being the star of the team, that was fine. Here Alden is just a background character being used as PoV while stuff happens.


Jel-nor was, I believe, one of the wizards Alden suspected might be trying to arrange for his death during the Mishnen incident. Assuming she is related to Bash-nor, what are the odds that Bash was trying to arrange for the death of Zeridee?

Matt DiMeo

I mean, so far he’s done less with his authority during the crisis than he would in a normal gym class, or even a solo practice session. Dunno why he’d level from that.


The way Artonans treat the commendation seems to imply that it sort of *can't* be just given away. Maybe it has to be signed off on by the local System?


Sorry, What was the mishnen incident again? I forgot who j-jel-nor is

Ano Ano

I thought saying Alden needed to live up to his responsibilities as a narrator was tongue in cheek enough to show it doesn't actually annoy or anger me, but I guess we're being serious anyway. I understand Alden's limitations as a narrator, Terrestrial Biped. That doesn't mean it's good for him to make this logic mistake in narration here. Readers will tend to assume things Alden says are true. Your example about the primary, or his misgendering in this very chapter, are mistakes which the text immediately corrects. Sometimes a narrator will be wrong, but it should serve at least some purpose. I am not sure it's doing much interesting here. Most readers will probably not even catch the mistake, and it's surrounded by much more direct, dramatic examples of Alden being distraught and not thinking straight.


It was at the lake where stuart fed his very high quality self to the alien fish (mishnen)

Temp One

@Zenopath, Alden's passivity might not be a mistake but, like I said in my earlier post, it is a shortcoming. Especially in the context of someone wishing to be a hero. And I didn't mean to imply this chapter is showing us character growth. Rather it's showing us (and Alden, judging by his reflection on how nonfunctional he's become at the beginning of this catastrophe) the need for that growth. This chapter is the context by which we'll better appreciate that character growth in the future. Like sampling something salty and bitter to better appreciate the taste of something sweet.

Matt DiMeo

I bet kids your kids get a free ride with your evac. Alden’ single; nothing says his deal is the only kind.


It sounds like you are reading the wrong story for what you want.

Matt DiMeo

kon didn’t entrust him, so I don’t think he can eat the teeth.

Heather White

I think he meant the other planets’ Avowed become more powerful slower because they aren’t packed together. The “it” in that last sentence is a little confusing.

Matt DiMeo

I’d like to think it helps keep him from getting summoned in front of a convenient bullet.

Jason Harpster

The chapter has an absurd level of tri-planet plot development. I really wouldn't expect him to be the center of attention, not with the top hundred thousand or so people on the planet getting very politely yoinked to safety. Maybe don't read the comments if it's bothering you? I like super Supportive enough that hey here I am on Patron tossing the Author coffee money. But I'll happily tell you I find the plot development and pacing terribly uneven in service of the chapter release format Overall the story would be much better as a novel rather than a serial in my opinion ... but hey whatever.


Yes, that's true. But frankly when taken with all your other commentary on previous chapters, I find it to be childish petulance that things aren't going the way you personally thought they should go.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Temp One well that is probably the most optimistic possible interpretation of this arc. I doubt that s where its going. My take is that we are just witnessing the world learning that Artorans think Alden is important and the fallout of that on Aldens hope of a low intensity life. But we will see I guess.

Zenopath (AEV)

There may be some frustration speaking sure. Honestly it baffles me why a good writer would write an arc that sidelines the MC so much. It does go counter to how I think a story should work. I can see that I'm clearly in the minority opinion though. You may be right that this is not my type of story. But you seem really annoyed by me expressing my opinion, could it be a tiny bit of cognitive dissonance?


@Jeremy Honestly I am actually starting to think this arc may end up being ' “experiences catastrophe” -> “gets rescued” -> “helps with customer service” -> “gets flown to safety” -> “goes back to school next week” -> “the end” ' except there's probably going to be a lot more lore and info given to us and Alden about his seeming specialness and what that means between the flown to safety and goes back to school. On the one hand this probably isn't an 'omg, system breaking, world ending catastrophe!' but it has the slim potential of being one. On the other hand this is an unprecedented incident that is going to cause *ahem* major ripples in not only the Anesideron sphere but the world at large.


This is so much better than reading the details of an obstacle course in *excruciating* detail that it feels like a slice of heaven after that, so I'm utterly baffled that you complain about this.

Bob Ross

In a version of this story that was more to your liking, what would our protagonist be doing in this arc? What decisions would alden be attempting to make in this pseudo end of the world scenario?

Zenopath (AEV)

@Seriously The weird thing is I kinda agree with you. At first I was super hyped about this arc. That may be the problem, I really thought this arc was going to be great, and it's been sort of meh. I just wanted Alden to do something cool, or at least be an active participant.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Bob Ross The scenario has not unfolded in a way that gave Alden much room for anything particularly impressive. Given events as have unfolded, what could Alden have done differently? Not much, but it's not like events had to unfold in this particular way. The scenario itself was written to preclude meaningful participation on Alden's part.


I think the overall plot is (finally) moving forward in an exciting way, which is a huge change for the better. The fact that alden is just along for the ride for a change doesn't bother me at all, the events themselves are still much more high energy and envovle real risk, whereas alden has been at 0 risk whatsoever since returning from his first summons.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Seriously I suppose I can't argue with your statement. I guess I was just hoping for more Alden being awesome when I should have been content with more world-building.


It would be really funny if the primary only finds out when Alden is 30 (and super-powerful), though. Especially if his son knows well before that.


Considering aldens skillset I'd say it will be quite some time before he is personally 'awesome.' Also the story is called super supportive, alden is never going to be the flashy "star" member of a hero team, or be a flashy star center of attention at all. he intentionally chose support, a notoriously under appreciated and thankless role. His contributions to a situation will always be more subtle than say, a strength brute.


I'm annoyed by significant portions of my phone's screen being covered by a juvenile screed when I want to open the various chapters, yeah. Patreon is slow on the best of days, and that doesn't help Your opinion can be summed up as, "Sleyca should write my personally imagined plotline." And frankly, I've read your opinions on where the plot should go. They're quite cringe.

Heather White

When you say “the plot”, what plot are you following? This big catastrophe that’s going on? It’s not the plot. It’s the setting.

Zenopath (AEV)

I believe Sleyca gives us periodic updates about the Auriad just to keep us guessing. If she never mentioned it, and in one chapter she mentions it, we'd all guess that it's about to be important. But by mentioning it periodically, we don't know, and it just adds background suspense.

Heather White

Alden has done more than wordchain and continue to function in the first real test of his ability to deal with his PTSD, and he has not been passive. He saved a guy (jerk) from the bridge, at the same time increasing his classmates’ likelihood of survival since the marble flying carpet wouldn’t be overburdened. When told that the Ambassador wanted him to prioritize his own safety and abandon someone he saw as vulnerable and potentially in danger, Alden ignored that authority figure’s wishes and resolved to stay in the more dangerous situation long enough to make sure the woman would be safe. He’s been heroic. Sleyca’s just too smart about the kind of story she wants to write to have him suddenly saving the island or stopping a bomb from going off. That big scale stuff is for adult superheroes, and there are plenty of competent, well trained ones on the island. Alden’s age, power, and training move the plot forward closer to the ground, with the people around him. Making a difference for them forwards the story of him as a hero in training (even if right now he’s not focused on becoming a hero — we all know he’ll come back to it eventually, and he’s still making heroic choices in the meantime). Him walking the path to becoming a superhero has always been what this story would be. If he suddenly starts acting like a SuperHero now it would defeat the whole purpose of his story.


I don't think so. Mostly because the sway guy "changed his mind" after he calmed down. If he didn't? Possibly.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Adunk Am I to take you seriously when you claim your objection is that it takes you an extra nanosecond to scroll past my comment? The phone always displays the same number of comments, you know, so if I had said nothing, you'd be scrolling past any of the other 500 comments to get to the previous chapter. Some of which are far longer than my own, lol. Im not interested in telling Sleyca what plot she should write. I'm trying to guess where she's going. There's a difference. Perhaps my guesses were way off base, but the way you've decided to personally attack me for making them, does make you seem like the juvenile one.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Heather White I suppose that's a valid point. Maybe I have a skewed sense of pacing. I should hold off on expecting Alden to be awesome until chapter 400ish.

Jason Harpster

Well all of them really Shawn. Yes the Tri-Planets have a lot more humanitarian nobility about it from our side as Readers. But hardly anyone knows the why of it in the story. ... I would love to see how informed the world leaders were, or if it was more like the whole eizard-knight issue where the screaming agony for the rest of your life just isn't mentioned.


I believe she also gave him candy that basically implied lets get high and see what happens next.

John D Jones

@ Charlie Very low. He's the ambassador. If he wanted her gone (in a non-murdered way) he'd just fire her and replace her. I think it's less "the ambassador wants Zeridee dead" so much as "the ambassador doesn't care all that much whether or not she lives."


Rearing between the lines I feel like you want Alden to make Sins of Commission rather than Sins of Omission. I.e. take action even if its the wrong action.

Zenopath (AEV)

@Shawn Yes, I would rather Alden do the wrong things rather than nothing. I don't mean commit evil actions, of course, Alden is pretty solidly Paragon. But I dislike passive Alden more than overachiever Alden. Boe may have had a good point when he told Alden to stop trying to kill himself, and logically Alden is currently doing everything he needs to do in a crisis (allow himself to be evacuated and let the grown-ups handle everything) but to a certain extent, he was more interesting when he was trying too hard. That having been said, I can't really think of anything he could do in this scenario. But as I said before, maybe the scenario should have given him an opportunity to shine. It didn't have to be anything super amazing. I guess there is still time left for Alden to shine in this arc, we will see.


This is still Alden keeping things on the down low. Just wait. He has Knight clothing available to him, all he has to do is reach into his wardrobe and ask for it. It's clearly too early for that, but it's there, and sooner or later he's going to put it on. Maybe not this year. Maybe not next year. But before this story is over, it'll be like Clark Kent into the phone booth/Superman coming out. Maybe to the tune of Thrift Shop.

Zenopath (AEV)

It seems likely that cost is related to system priority score. Which would make him more expensive because of the commendation.


Alden is spending this arc and the previous arc learning how to use his powers and deal with disasters, this is necessary. Besides I have loved reading both the gym arc and this arc has been off to a great start.


Joe was part of the avowed are an existential threat faction, wasn't he?

Andrew Tobin

@WhiteToaster Alden really has to eat that piece of Stuart’s foot, it sounds like it might be a delicacy.

David Burchfield

It doesn't mean they are... but Ambassador is a politically significant position and Jel-nor was at a super prestigious university. It increases the likelihood that there is a connection.


I pretended to be English in Thailand because being Australian was met with barely disguised horror/distain/O Buddha one of THEM so pretending to be Canadian resonates


I think infogear guy already figured it out when he investigated Jacob's disappearance.


I meant that other planets likely progress at a slower rate because they don’t have Anesidora equivalents

David Burchfield

I am reserving judgement on this arc until it is complete. I have enjoyed it immensely so far, but how it ends could dramatically shift its overall impact. I can't help but feel like this chapter put me more at ease which just makes me think the real sucker punch is still coming


From what we have gathered, ambassadors are basically positions for the powerful to build their carreer up from (like roman cursus honorum). So it would be a really unpopular decision to apoint her as a new ambassador, as she wouldnt have the political backing


Do you mean hyperboles? Superlatives is the S-rank club at CNH


I think it might be difficult to promote a non-wizard who can't vote or hold political office to the role of Ambassador, which is a political office.


But didn't Orpheus just steal it from Grandwitch's yacht?


From Sleyca *Small affixations being less traumatic than larger ones is a natural assumption, but it’s not really accurate. Affixation itself is something it’s nearly impossible for someone with an authority sense to accept as it’s happening; Alden definitely can’t. As Mother says when he asks her to tell him what it will be like, after he’s decided to do it, “You will beg me to stop, and I will not. You will fight back, and you will lose.” ch 105 You’ve Grown Patreon comments 🔲


@Kimberly: I've been wondering about that. Could be the Mleirt (four-armed, bipedal mole-like folk) are endlings too; Alden said in ch. 62 that they had a population of under 20,000. At the time, I thought to myself, "How can a viable sapient species have a population that low? Eh, maybe it's an alien thing, I shouldn't be so anthropocentric." But now, in this context, I'm wondering if that 20,000 isn't the tiny remnant rescued from a dying planet. Seems like about the right number for a bad but not fully fubar'd evacuation. A number large enough to be genetically viable, but not nearly large enough to preserve the culture of their lost planet and people. There's been mention of other low-population species, too. Like in ch. 110, when Lute was talking about the possibility of monopolizing Chainer, he said only Humans, Tmithans, Fetuna, Lortch, and "some rarer species" were anatomically capable of the job. So... maybe a fraction of Gorgon's folk were evacuated when their planet died. And maybe there weren't enough rescued. Or maybe they couldn't stand the conditions where they got dumped. Or maybe being away from their planet shattered their collective psyche. But one way or another, they died off and left Gorgon the last, bitter survivor, too angry to give up and too powerful to die naturally. Like I said... I wonder how many times this has happened. I'm afraid of the answer.


Zeridee is like most secretaries, and Sargeants, critical to running the operation, but to run the operation they have to be there But this chapter implies Zeridee disagrees with some of the Ambassador’s actions ( no regular towels left? ) and might be happy if the Ambassador leaves Earth permanently 🔲


@gryphon good catch on the towels I had completely missed that explanation.


I'm pretty sure Alden is going to do something awesome before the end of the arc. He could've helped people cross the broken bridge and it would've been cool, but he hasn't. He will probably have more agency in the upcoming chapters.

John Anastacio

Alden should ask Zeridee what if any wordchains she's using to remain calm and clear of mind and patient with other people during this crisis. Or maybe Zeridee is just on some really good drugs. Artonans don't have a problem with altering neurochemistry.

Partha Peddi

Alden found another Kibby in Zeridee. If he stays, he gives her a chance to escape with him. Zeridee can show Alden the interfaces for an island overview so that he can deduce the situation and help out Earth's System with an updated response when the attacker is identified as the Submerger.

John D Jones

Or Zeridee is just used to things being in constant crisis and upheaval. Plus, she's a secretary. She might not have a lot of access to word-chains and the really good drugs. Like asking a secretary in our time which car repair shop she uses to keep her (non-existent) Maybach maintained.

John Anastacio

Aren't wordchains relatively common lore among Artonans? I could be wrong there.

Explo Rin

@Matt, yeah, he def hasn’t leveled yet, but he’s literally only *just* decided to be a hero. If (not when) his escape plan goes awry, the stuff he’ll have to do to recover from it is likely to teach him new ways to use his power which is what seems to lead to the level ups

John D Jones

@ John Anastacio Maybe. It's more like we're assuming that Zeridee is calm and composed due to mood altering drugs or mood altering word chains when maybe she's just good at being calm and composed.

John D Jones

Kibby's a literal child that Alden has "adopted" as his "sister from another mister." Zeridee seems more like Joe - an otherwise capable person who could use Alden's help in the moment but who can share info with Alden, in this case info about Artonan internal politics.


This really begs the question. Given that authority is "me". Does the nature of the affixation (i.e. the shaping of their authority) change the fundamental nature of the person to be more in line with their affixation?

Alexander Dupree

I would assume it would to some extent. Though it’s probably more that behavior contrary to its constraints is uncomfortable so people choose to be more like it. Alden already experienced some of that when he learned magic.

Partha Peddi

@John Zirdee does not have a way out just like Kibby. Alden can save her life by staying. Zirdee might not be a wizard based on her clothes. Zirdee can share info, like video feeds for Alden to review and suggest actions. If Zirdee becomes Alden's friend, he will have internal knowledge and access to the embassy. A conversation partner, like Kibby.


How long does Peace of Mind last? Is it 3 hrs? Will the flier even get to the evac point before that? It would make sense for it to be nearby, but if it’s not on Anesidora (why would they need fliers if it were?)… well, it’s going to be a long flight.


[Copied from a comment on Discord] So far, the ambassador.... * Failed to inform Alden the meaning of the commendation * Failed to explain evacuation procedures in a timely manner * Took *all* the house's defenses with them when leaving * Left the near-defenseless, non-wizard assistant to protect the (otherwise undefended) house from Avowed * Required the assistant to stay behind after the last train to safety * Provided no means of safe escape from disaster except a miles-long *walk* * Failed to help with the evacuation of Punta de Luna (though, if they were helping at Matadero, this complaint would be withdrawn) * Is implied to have taken the position purely for political gain * Was a bad enough boss that the assistant gave their fancy quilt (speculated to be a cherished heirloom) as a towel Did I miss anything?

John D Jones

That's true enough. I guess I think of Kibby as sacred/special. Alden's a nice, friendly guy. He's happy to help Zeridee, but I don't think he's at the "carry her to safety while I'm bloody, broken and literally dying" point with her. I compare Zeridee to Joe because while Alden likes and respects Joe, he doesn't have the depth of emotional connection with Joe that he has with Kibby or even Stu'art'h.

John D Jones

@ Zenopath (AEV) I think part of it is that up until now, Alden really hasn't been in much of a position to do anything "interesting." He can't dispel the magical anomalies or stop a tsunami. He got the annoying Dandelion guy to safety (and more importantly out of everyone else's hair). I think he'll be getting into more "interesting" bits pretty soon now that he's going to help the nice, somewhat androgynous Artonan lady deal with dumb, panicky dangerous animals AKA humans and then try to get her to something like safety.

Zenopath (AEV)

Probably any posistion of power in Antorian society requires a wizard. But we don't know for sure Zeridee isn't a wizard. I mean she acts like a servant, sure, but 20% of Antorans are wizards, it's not impossible that one of them is assistant ambassador and is so low status that she gets left behind in the middle of a planetary evacuation.

Partha Peddi

please share the discord link so that I can join it. Is it for patreon users or for RR users?


It's an unofficial server for both. RR has a link in the Chapter 119 comments.


3h04m11s (C98) It will depend on the trains. The average running time for a mile is 10m25s (according to data from Strava), so our super students should at least be under that (the slowest have been moved by Torsten) With the issue with the bridge (what? 10min) it should be 1h30m maximum since Alden did the Peace of Mind. Alden said that it wouldn't be long before the last train but I did not see Zeridee giving any time indication But I don't think that the evacutation center is that far (the others go there by train)


It's also in the comment on this chapter, Flopmind always put a reminder Discord: discord.gg/SuperSupportiveFans When you connect, you have to choose which part you want to join (RR and/or Patreon) by clicking on different reaction emojis to a post (read the post to know which for what)


He mentioned in the chapter that it has been around half an hour

Matt DiMeo

Zeridee is awesome. Her picture is in the dictionary next to the word “unflappable”. But I hope someday she snaps and punches her boss in the face.

Matt DiMeo

By the law of conservation of story detail, you are probably correct. Especially for Carrison, which was edited into the story, which must have been done for a reason.

Partha Peddi

I think one of Alden's choices of people to save is Gorgon. It is to get him out of his imprisonment.

Second Raddish

I think developmentally this arc will be one of the more important ones for Alden. My wish list for the next few chapters is that he learns how to handle people in a situation like this by watching Zeridee, then gets stuck in a little room at an evac staging point with Gloom so he has to talk about Hannah and the impact her influence had on his actions when stuck on the moon. Then I want Gloom to go mom-mode and tell Hannah's previous teammate (forgot the name) to stop being grumpy in the background and talk to Alden. The setting and characters in this story are so detailed and thought out. Having Alden's trauma crop up so strongly only to be dealt with quickly and on his own would feel empty.

Sean Shivers

If she was willing to comment on boe and his unique class she definitely would have commented about gorgon. Plus i dont think alden would risk publicly tying himself to gorgon like that when he's clearly wary about how folks will see that relationship.

Sean Shivers

5. Word probably means something along the lines of [proper respect for children's safety] since the woman wasnt letting the kid leave. Tied with the artonan culture of education and clear demand for the safety of kids (tele priority and.

Sean Shivers

10. Bash nor clearly cares about powerful humans, but probably doesnt care much for the average one. I mostly draw this conclusion from his willingness to leave zeri behind. The placement of his residence is just part of that

Sean Shivers

15. If she does have a powerful but unloved family it would explain both why she was here on earth... and why she might have survived a purge of former abassador's staff... given the distaste she is hinted at having for bash.


Since this is the thread of unpopular opinions, let me just say: Screw Boe's manipulative emotional blackmail. If Alden wants to be careful so Boe doesn't morn his death, great. But if Alden is restricting himself because Boe threatens self-harm, screw him.

Sean Shivers

24. Erosion, panic,etc. It seems clear to me that the contract is very young and maybe not fully formed. As such things go. It also doesnt seem able to fight the chaos directly... instead fortifying people, empowering them, and then using them to fight in its place. But even still, this seems more like an abundance of caution rather than genuine existential threat... at least at the moment. Alden is getting babied and bashnor is a coward who abandons people.

Sean Shivers

31. Maaybe neha... but its very unlikely that anyone who can actually fight will be recalled unless things genuinely break down. Which, even if it happens, wont happen for a while. They will definitely be recalled before the contract fails, but probably not soon enough to cross paths with alden

Sean Shivers

The way i read this... the script etching hardened the envelope... and then will just... unsubmerged... turning the ship into a rocket.


If anyone, I think Thenn-ar would be a lot closer than Joe, since she's also a non-wizard that was kind and helpful to Alden. But obviously no one person is completely similar to another person.


I really enjoyed Boe's plan as a reader. It was very much a smart teenager (pejorative) kind of plan.


I can see it plausible that Bash-nor might have delayed meeting with Alden because Alden was party to the issues that Jel-nor and company caused and that he potentially knows things that might be uncomfortable for Bash-nor to acknowledge. However, I don't think we see anything here that directly implies that Bash-nor was trying to arrange the death of Zeridee. I do agree that he didn't seem to place as much concern on her safety though.

Sean Shivers

I'm not sure there is actual heritability of authority. It seems like any designer babies actually have less authority than you might otherwise expect.... at least, heavily modified ones. I think there probably is some compnent... but it seems far more likely to me that the average authority increases over time because people learn more about how to effectively build authority... and that needing to assert your identity is the primary factor of this... large families, people who have experienced significant trauma, people with overbearing parents all seem to experience higher than average power. UNLESS they have been modified extensively.

Sean Shivers

i find this so funny because we are specifically told by stu that artonans find writing on clothes weird/significant

Sean Shivers

Great character quality... also incredibly indicative of trauma. Excellent realism.


Just my 2 cents (maybe more than 2..?). How you feel is how you feel, so I won't say you're wrong. I'm glad you (and others) like the story enough to stay subbed to patreon even when you feel it's in a slump. That said, I do disagree, so here's my view. A story is the protagonist's (MC's) experiences navigating the plot, but it doesn't have to be *driven* by them. As in causing or resolving every event. A lot of authors put the MC in crazy situations they can't handle then force the MC to resolve them, instead of characters that make more sense. Sleyca does NOT do this, and I really enjoy it. Instead of an arc, I'd say the crisis is an event with multiple scenes (bridge, embassy, etc). We're still in Alden's post-Thegund recovery arc. It seems slow because recent chapters have only covered a small time frame, but a ton of significant things have happened. Given past events and his current views, Alden's choices are in character, which I appreciate. He's doing impressive stuff, but on a personal level, not a global crisis level. I think it (and learning more about the artonans) is exciting, but if you want action where Alden looks impressive and wows people with his powers in most scenes, I can see why you're disappointed.

Sean Shivers

I'm just excited to see the fallout to the ambassador andnto aldens social life... "what do you mean the b rank rabbit got teleported to another planet" from his friends and "what do you mean he didnt IMMEDIATELY get his evac package?" From alis


As odd as this is to say, experiencing Marks these last few chapters makes me appreciate Manon more. She may have been completely amoral, but at least she was self sufficient and ambitious despite her low Rank. Marks has been infantilized so much that he sees needing to make the slightest effort to save himself as harassment.

Skull Leader

Zeridee said " There is no magical shielding on this structure, and there are no wizards currently in residence to offer protection to Avowed. " I think we can safely say that Zeridee is not a wizard given that she is not able to offer protection to Avowed.

Heather White

“Marks threw the mug of tea at the floor hard. The ceramic bounced instead of shattering.” When the mug didn’t break, I found myself imagining a rabbit avowed whose skill makes objects unbreakable, perhaps specifically objects made from earth materials. I think the idea came from the rabbit in intake whose skill fixed chipped paint. I could see a rabbit being summoned to a pottery studio, walking down an aisle of finished pieces, touching each cup, bowl, plate, and teapot, protecting them from future tragedy and jerks who throw mugs when they don’t get their way.

Heather White

Yes, he’s really embraced the island’s rankist belief that D’s are useless.


A few chapters ago, I had this suspicion that whoever taught Aulia the Gloss is secretly a terrorist and while I would not have expected this turn of events, it does still kinda fit. It all depends on whether the contract survives and gets more resources from then on or not.

Sean Shivers

Or he was trying to get Alden killed... And zeri actually stayed behind and is giving her ship to Alden.

Sean Shivers

Or she's using one half of her brain to freak the fuck out... And the other half to be business brain.


I don’t think he’s dealing with it quickly on his own at all. He is under the effect of two stacks of Peace of Mind and he’s still struggling - this should definitely be a wake up call for how far he is from being disaster-resistant


@Sean It's likely authority or chaos potential, but most children of avowed do end up being selected, and with ranks similar to their parents, although it isn't guaranteed. It's likely enough, however, that they structure their schools around it, have "sorry you didn't get selected" presents at 16, and call people whiffs if they don't make it. Avowed siblings are common in Anesidora, but rare in the rest of the world. I don't know the answer, but there has to be some non-trainable hereditary factor, since there are non-wizard artonans.


Quaternary would squish whatever chaos would come close to the planet, while the triplets clap in the background.


Part of me wonders if the mugs were just of high quality. Really good ones can take a shocking amount of abuse.

Heather White

Yeah, the ambassador’s a class act. I can’t imagine Alden confronting the guy, but remember how Alden was accidentally the downfall of Hazel & Manon? Here’s hoping his karmic enforcement effect hits the ambassador.

John Anastacio

John D. Jones - I hope I'm not assuming. I'm speculating that just maybe so much composure isn't natural to Zeridee. Sean - Yeah that is possible. Being 2-brained would be an advantage there.

Benjamin Collins

It's because that one avoweds power is controlling all that tech so they don't want him spying on them

Heather White

It will definitely be interesting if he has to interact with important people tied to his earliest traumas. I imagine that being sent to a place full of human VIPs he’ll also be pressured to talk about Thegund, which he’s been trying to avoid since he got back. Likely his ties to famous/powerful Artonans will also be outed, and when that does finally happen he’s going to have to figure out how to cope with the way people treat his proximity to power. Imminent character growth incoming.


I am personally tired of OP MC stories where the only character who matters is the super special main character and everyone else is pretty much just a sycophant. There are thousands of those stories online for you to read, but you’re reading this story because it is of a higher quality due to the same reasons that you are complaining now. It’s more interesting when side characters are fully fleshed out and not hollow shells. If the main character is too much of an overpowered Gary Stu, it comes at the expense of his personality and of the other characters and of the setting

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-29 00:09:15 Alden seeming awesome and getting lots of praise should not come at the expense of the setting, the plot, characterization of other characters like Haoyu, Lexi, Kon, Boe, etc or even Alden himself
2024-02-27 21:56:36 Alden seeming awesome and getting lots of praise should not come at the expense of the setting, the plot, characterization of other characters like Haoyu, Lexi, Kon, Boe, etc or Alden himself

Alden seeming awesome and getting lots of praise should not come at the expense of the setting, the plot, characterization of other characters like Haoyu, Lexi, Kon, Boe, etc or Alden himself

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

A note for Zeridee. Humans might not respond well to implacable calm politeness in a crisis. It implies that the calm person is not in as much danger as everyone else and hence must be concealing something that makes them safe. On the other hand, those who remain calm and rational despite sharing the same dangers are often heavily relied upon for direction. So I advise emphasising your shared peril in your next interaction with those seeking refuge in the residence. Something along the lines of the following. "Greetings. I am afraid the ambassador has already left the residence, and taken ALL of the magical defences with him. This place will NOT be safe when the assigned Avowed are reassigned from protecting the district, which will be very shortly now. You still have time to reach the station if you do not delay... Why am I staying, you ask? I may only leave after the evacuation is complete... So I would be grateful if you hurry!"

Aspiring Moth

I mean, D ranks are kind of useless in terms of powers especially for the soft supers like shaper. It doesn't mean that they're worth less as people, but if people are valued only by their powers then of course they're going to end up being viewed as lesser. the rankism problem is that people fixate on this one attribute of a person to determine everything about them.

Second Raddish

Asyn I agree with you that he isn't dealing with it quickly on his own. I'm not a word wizard so if my earlier comment reads otherwise my bad lol.

Partha Peddi

From an earlier chapter, Gorgon was pre-avoved as well, with possibly a U-type affixation. He refused to agree to the contract. I guess it could be either him or Boe (currently in catspace). Since it is for future emergencies, it might be Boe. Alden's aunt must be the other person selected.

Partha Peddi

Aulia might be in the emergency shelter since she was on the council, and she is very influential. I wonder if Alden will go there, or if the emergency will be dealt with before he takes the flyer.


Alden << ass-abusing >> the Ambassador’s favorite quilt is direct karmic enforcement, no worries


They should post a sign. Humans love to argue so when we see a sign we think the point has already been argued to death. Works for the majority but there are still Marks and Karens.

John D Jones

Why would the Gloom be at an Anesidoran evac point? As I understood, she basically handles Europe's weather, so she lives in Europe. She came to Anesidora for Hannah's funeral, but presumably she went back to Europe.


As a hyperbole the Gloom is probably high on the list of people to get seat if a planetary evacuation is required. If she also has a commendation then it’s highly likely she has an evac flyer stored somewhere.


I read your last response, so I know it wasn't a serious complaint, but I don't think Alden made a mistake? He thought "at least every ten days" NOT "once every ten days". The 'at least' is applied to the number of days, so a min of ten days between updates. Every ten days means exactly ten days between updates. With no tone to indicate otherwise, saying the narrator isn't doing well and is misleading readers does sound serious.

John D Jones

@ Wheels of Terror I think it's more that Alis felt guilt over being technically able to save Alden but being forced by her circumstances to let him "die." She asked Artona I to look after him, but that came off more as a prayer than an actual instruction. However, when she learned that Alden had survived, she made sure to push the Commendation through whatever process for it that there was to at least partially make up for "failing" Alden.

John D Jones

Honestly, I'm kind of imagining the Flyer as a cross between a Segway and a Moped. That flies.

Matt DiMeo

Alden would rewrite it in spraypaint as “not safe!! No magic! Everyone already evacuated! Go that way —->”. and it would be twice as effective

Matt DiMeo

Alis probably doesn’t know what his skill is. Or else she would have told the primary, and we don’t get the big joe/primary payoff later.

Matt DiMeo

Earth ambassador roles are often like that. It’s a way to pay your political ally with an impressive sounding job involving a lot of cocktail parties. Obviously some abassadorial roles are super important jobs. but most of them aren’t.

ewie (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-28 02:31:14 I got impression that the temple cares much more about maintaining the chain for the sake of maintaining it rather than the effects of a chain on the world. And a resource world is likely even less important.
2024-02-28 02:26:10 I got the impression that the temple cares much more about maintaining the chain for the sake of maintaining it rather than the effects of a chain on the world. And a resource world is likely even less important.

I got the impression that the temple cares much more about maintaining the chain for the sake of maintaining it rather than the effects of a chain on the world. And a resource world is likely even less important.

Bryan Thew

Nah time to trot out the rabbit to greet the wizards who will be fixing this shit.

Bryan Thew

#3 Might want to find out if there is a cost to NOT talk about specific info. Honestly, probably going to end up with an sudden invite. Lute tells him to take it. And then Puppers.


TOWEL THIEF ( HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY QUOTE ) The galaxy traveling Ambassador took all the towels The Ambassador is a BAD man A towel, [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy] says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (such a mind-boggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1)

Bryan Thew

1. My hope was grandma is on the island doing chaining support. 1 in 3 or 4 I believe.

John D Jones

Alis is on Moon Thegund, presumably smushing Chaos dirt into non-Chaos dirt (and possibly digging an ocean per Alden's request). There's still no System there. Alis and her bunch, including Kibby, are clueless about what's happening until someone actively tells them.

John D Jones

My thought is that Zeridee is just keeping a white-knuckled death grip on her emotions by trying to concentrate solely on her duties. Inside her theme song is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSJXle3LP_Q&ab_channel=KornVEVO

Zenopath (AEV)

@Shiyon To a certain extent I don't really care anymore. I can see my opinion is not a popular one, and the story is still good despite my complaint. I just find it hard to understand why Kon, Lexi, Marcel all got to do something, but Alden didn't. My best guess is that he will do something later in the arc and maybe I'm just bieng impatient. Too many cliffhangers and build up for very little payoff. I will be the first to cheer when that happens. I suspect that when Alden does do something cool, people will not be telling me they preferred the Alden being passive part, and dislike that he was able to show off.

John D Jones

@ Meridun and Sean Shivers That doesn't really make a lot of sense. You know who else knows things that might be uncomfortable for Bash-nor acknowledge? The Primary. Because Stu'art'h would have told his father everything that caused his foot to get eaten. I think the consequences of "You let the human with the highest Commendation die through willful neglect" will be a lot worse than "It might be uncomfortable to speak with the kid who knows that my dumb-ass daughter got the Primary's son's foot eaten."

Zenopath (AEV)

@Fruitpunchsamurai Well that's my hope. It's possible I'm just being impatient and Alden will get his chance to shine before the arc is over. If that happens I suspect that a lot of people who claim that they prefer that Alden be a passive observer will not be complaining at the change.


Random thought number 1: It's really interesting that Alden is going through such a focused arc of dealing with PTSD, fear and so on. When Ro-Den gave Alden his first lesson (well "lesson two") in ch28, and started to delve into the concept of perception, one of the first questions he asked Alden (regarding how he percieves tangible objects, and preserving a more broad variety of things) is "are emotions real?". Considering what we now know of things like "Burden of Pain" that the skill has available to it, I have to wonder if Alden is capable of bearing the burden of -fear- for another person in a similar manner. In that context, Alden exploring the ability to experience fear and process/withstand/remain functional in spite of it, seems like a very worthwhile ability to have. I'm always a big proponent of progression fantasy meshing character-arc-progression to character-power-progression, and this would be a very neat way to do that. Random thought number 2: I've also been a believer in the Gloss being responsible for a whole bunch of things, and going back for a re-read to see Aimi thinking about the upcoming Gloss backlash in ch21: "At this rate, she wouldn’t be surprised if the entire island sank like Atlantis sometime next week." Definitely hits a bit different now :P

Alan Miller

Given the difference in how wizards and non wizards seem to be viewed, it's not just that he showed bravery. He did it to save a *wizard* *child*. In a culture where some people are seen as "blessed" he saved a blessed child.

John Anastacio

Yeah Atlantis sinking has been mentioned I believe twice in the story. I thought it was only Matadore that was going to sink, not the whole of Anesidora.


I don't think Alden would burn one of his slots for that but I do hope we get more Gorgon. Alden needs to be inducted into the ways of Altruistic Cannibalism.

Bryan Thew

Best thing is, its going to look like he spent one of his rescue spots on his cat. 🤣🤣 Bonus points if Boe drops out of cat-space A) Gloom B) Principal C) Being Smuggled.


@Zenopath - I wouldn't say your take is wrong or unpopular, but I would say that there are hundreds of stories online that take the path you mention. Many of us are THRILLED that this story isn't treating Alden like a shonen protagonist. I think that's a reason for a large part of it's popularity. Taking the route you want might be satisfying for most readers, but not most readers of this particular story. Thank you for sharing!


Pretty sure that's right Mortch but it hasn't been 100% confirmed even if it fits with the story.

Ano Ano

Shiyon, that's just not what "at least every ten days" means. The "at least" doesn't simply apply to the ten. It's applying to the "every ten days." It's setting a floor for the frequency. Another way of saying what Alden expressed would be, "once every ten days or even more frequently." If that sounds wrong for describing the situation, that's because Alden is wrong here.


The system knows Victor is the cat. Alden doesn't need to tell anyone or write it down. But it increases the odds Boe will be discovered by others as avowed.


From chapter 111 - Yes, thought Lute, sitting at his desk with the red dice again. I wanted to be evenhanded. Nobody ever actually dies on Matadero. (Jinx!)


Oh, and then there was actually foreshadowing about Orpheus stealing the submerger? -- ch113 -- I feel sorry for him. Did you hear Orpheus got caught trying to break into the engine room yesterday? To steal equipment? Or did he think it was the bathroom again?


@Mack rather than shonen protagonist, I would use the word isekai protagonist instead. Shonens usually don’t have too much of a Gary Stu problem in my opinion, but Isekais are very blatantly guilty of it


That would be because of things such as timing, characterization, and the setting. Alden shining should not come at the expense of the story

Zenopath (AEV)

@Mack Fair enough. I suppose many readers are eagerly awaiting the social dynamic implications of Alden's introduction to Antoran high society.


Can't help but wonder how they're going to get the submerge up from the ocean. (Like throwing a mattress into a pool prank). Wouldn't be the craziest thing if Alden had to go down there and preserve it to get it back up!

Skull Leader

Now the image of Astrid mentally writing the sign pops in my head. "Danger! Run. Raccoons flee fast. No magic raccoons!"


I kind of assumed the submerger sphere has smashed releasing the magic infused oily liquid inside out into the ocean like some kind of handsy oil slick.

Heather White

This is the passage that Blorcyn is referring to, from Mother part 1. Mother is listing the requirements for being a knight (and basically confirming that Alden meets all of them): “Anyway, most Knights can afford a few supplementary talents for their own convenience, but those aren’t important. Defending the universe is all about having that one useful, well-designed, infinitely expandable skill to funnel all of your power into. As long as you don’t choose one of those, nobody will be interested in—” She paused and then gasped dramatically.”


Vera family going to have to release an "I'm sorry" video like BP oil company south park parody. I'm kinda blanking on why that guy just lowkey was allowed to take it. I think it was mentioned in Lute's backstory how a guy just walked up and wanted it?

Zenopath (AEV)

@George Cao If only there was a word for a type of media where the PoV passively watches events unfold without doing anything. Wait, there is, it's called a "Documentary".

Bob Ross

Mack reminds us in his comment below (or above, God I hate patreons comment ui), that Orpheus Velra was known to steal equipment from the family yaht. In this instance it seems likely that he stole the submerger and traded it to Jacob for access to Artonan drugs.

Heather White

Oh no! He doesn’t have all the videos of Hazel’s meltdown or the radish memes either!!!

Heather White

I think many of us wish Alden would/could have chosen Jeremy simply because we know him better, have more invested in him, and like him more than Connie. She has not been a responsible parent. However, from their interactions we’ve seen Connie loves Alden & he loves her. Remember her panic when he shouted for her to see how long it would take for a parent to respond (when he was obsessing about the 90 seconds between Body Drainer’s explosions)? There’s no way he’s going to abandon the woman who opened her home to him, loves him, & is his only blood family in favor of a friend he met his freshman year of high school. Even if we like him more.


I have a feeling someone going try steal his escape pod

Pedro Henrique

Chapter just dropped in RR , stay tunned folks , we might actually get an early chapter. That or i am getting worked up for nothing.

Heather White

Folks in Discord are saying that Sleyca promised RR an early drop because she didn’t post for them on Sunday. That could mean ours will be tonight as usual.


@saaski Just like the real internet, just because certain content is there doesn't mean you have to go and look at it. I don't condone such content, don't get me wrong, but when storage isn't an issue, you can just use common sense and your regular browsing preferences instead of mandated censoring. Starting down the censorship route is a slippery slope.

Aspiring Moth

what's the best way to make the most of a D or F rank assignment? one option is to get some sort of brute, and put the few points you get into processing and appeal to just be a smarter and more attractive version of yourself. you're never going to be able to do much with low rank powers, so this seems like a good way to go another option is to pick something focused around making money. a low rank Wright can still work in a workshop. rabbit goes without saying, but is rare and summons are probably uncommon. the D rank sway who only has a lie detection ability at the privacy booth is an example of turning a low rank into an advantage


Dont give me hope. As a european i should know better and just go to sleep but i already know ill be checking at midnight if it dropped...

Jonathan Marhold

I'm refreshing patreon like every 10 mins rn


It was in plain text in C101 : “Haha! All right! Jacob, wasn’t it? How did someone your age get your hands on the good stuff? Hand them over! Your half of the deal is in the cabana over there. Good luck hauling it out of here. It’s heavy.” [...] His interface responded. [Device: Submerger Device Status: Complete] [...] “Because my brother is giving you extremely rare magical equipment in exchange for a few illegal potions and snorts he could have gotten in other ways. Stolen equipment…it’s not his, you know. He’s a brat in his thirties, so you’re getting something extraordinary practically for free. I dislike that.”


Building on your RT No. 2 Gloss/Backlash I wonder if the greater part of the negative that is happening has been caused by the Gloss then what was gained in balance... Examples: I have wondered if you proposed to Lute that he could have his eye back - but would have to give up his friendship with Alden, what would he choose? The balance of Alden becoming a wizard is his pain and suffering on Thegund. He has already stated he would not give that up, either the memories of the pain or the friendship with Kibby. So, if Anesidora sinks (as is foreshadowed) and it is tied to the Gloss, what would be the benefit? Avowed spreading over the world? Outing Alden as a wizard/knight in time to .... Because I think that quite a bit of what happened was a huge shift in timing. Gorgon notes that Alden was selected earlier than he anticipated - was that to get him rabbit - to go to LeafSong/Thegund and have the opportunity to become a wizard? I am probably "finding" correlations that aren't there, but these are the ramblings in my mind and I thought they might resonate with you.


I feel like in all of the disaster movies, the teenage boy rejects immediate rescue to find his girlfriend. While Jeremy seems like a very reasonable young man, I think asking him to leave without his family and girlfriend would not go over well. I think he’d just be happy that he didn’t have to also worry about herding Aunt Connie and the cat.


When Alden was choosing LMTYL he noticed the next Rabbit skill was an F rank called Let me make you Toast - he wasn't impressed at the time, but after he ate Natalie's food he wondered if it was much better than he thought. I think there might be a few skills that could be subskills of Cook of the Moment. They could be moneyspinners.

Sean Shivers

best d or f would be going fully under the radar... imo. Chainer would probably be the best to get initially assigned... stay on the poriferae of the velras, train hard, still get magic and a bunch of money. Rabbit would be a close second though. If you want to completely avoid velra BS.


That's interesting. Why didn't RR get a Sunday post?


I just had an image of Victor the cat getting teleported to the chaos shelter (since Victor has Boe in cat-space). First, people would think, wth, how is this kid a getting a personal ET for someone, and second, he spent it on a cat?!? Second, Boe popping out of cat-space in his birthday suit inside the chaos sheter would be one hell of a way to have his U-Type affixation exposed 😂


Soup, soup, soupity soup 🍲 gonna grab a spoon and slurp up some delicious soup


FYI for those still wondering: I just downloaded the app (iPhone) and when I click on a notification about a reply to my comment (email or on the sidebar in the app) it takes me directly to the comment. Also, italics show up in the app.

Aspiring Moth

@SFGuru - Let me make you toast is a good one. it opens up a whole new archetype in addition to the two I already posted. the nice to have quality of life powers. it doesn't even need to make money. I think everyone can appreciate having a delicious easy breakfast in the morning. this also blends well with staying undercover, which is easily doable for most F and D ranks

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I would almost certainly try to fly under the radar and stay in my home country if I were selected as a D or F in this universe. It wouldn't be all that difficult to not get caught, it would be a general quality of life improvement without overwhelming obligations, and I would rather not move to a completely urban island nation in the middle of the Pacific (country girl at heart).

Duncan Lester

On the Android one, tapping the notification about replies and likes just brings me to the main comment screen and loads the recent comments

Bob Ross

When I use an android device, I also run into this problem Duncan, I've found that if I select older notifications a few times it'll eventually send me to that comment. After that, selecting the newest notification works the way it should. Hope that helps!


This is a great question… honestly, I know this is not optimal since it’s best to have as few skills as possible - but couldn’t a low level keep maxing out their skills, slowly rising through the Ranks? My understanding is that once you max out a Skill, you need to select a new one. Some seem to be really small Skills compared to Rabbit Skills, so perhaps you’d need to take on multiple F-Skills and max them out before reaching E Rank, and so on. From what we’ve read, though, it sounds like only B Ranks and above have actually ever Ranked up, and there’s only like a hundred of them or something like that, so I could be totally wrong

Jason Harpster

also works properly doing a new line rather than posting the comment....like in android mobile.


Even if some did not like the obstacle race (as seen in the comment), I Iiked them very much. Between the failure in the first session, the planning, and the two final races, they were really entertaining. But I think that they are moslty useful to show that Alden does not suck in the gym, so there is no more obstacle for him explaining his commendation. I imagine the scene with most of those who saw his early teleportation (I would guess Haoyu, Lexi, Kon Maricel) in their appartement (so with Lute too). And I see Kon nearly dismissing the commendation while he's obsessed with the appartment decoration. Speaking of Kon, I think he is really happy to tell Alden about his breakthrough with his skill because he understood Alden big tip on his skill (with the stack during admission C78). And this is why he talked about him at home (C119 : “Even Kon mentioned it this past weekend, and at that point, we hadn’t even seen him do…whatever that was last night.”)

Heather White

She’s trying to build her backlog a little, at least get a bit ahead for them.

Pedro Henrique

I assume because we patron readers got a delayed chapter recently , and Sleyca decided for RR to keep pace with Patreon.

Aspiring Moth

5haun - level ups are percentage based, so low ranks should level at the same rate as high ranks with the same amount of work put in, but it's probably also harder to work out weak talents since they aren't as useful. this is the reason why only late career avowed get talents of the same rank as their starting one, as only late in their growth will a 10% increase in free authority be roughly equivalent to the size of their starting skill. this does make me wonder what happens to F ranks though. can they not even be offered skills when they level up? is it just foundation points and spell impressions? as for having multiple skills being bad, that's only if the alternative is having an infinitely expandable skill for fighting demons with the use of free authority spells on the side to cover most of the things that the small talents would do anyway. it doesn't apply here, I don't think on rank ups, I suspect that only B+ people rank up because there isn't as much in the way of seriously pursuing levelling and summons to chaos zones for low ranks. I could be wrong though. we don't know much about the rank up process, and we do know that there are multiple factors like authority quality and chaos potential in addition to the authority quantity provided by levels

Aspiring Moth

on the F rank skills point, maybe the system delays the level ups until they have a large enough amount of free authority to take an F rank skill? just like how Alden was offered another B rank skill with 4 levels worth of free authority after getting off the moon. if this also applies to D ranks to a lesser degree, it would partially explain the apathy to levelling among low ranks, as they would be getting little in the way of visible results

Pedro Henrique

@5haun. There are people who hardly ever level, i imagine if you became an F-rank Sniffer Brute because you couldnt trade out of your awful subclass you might just say " Fuck my class and skill, i will just study and become a teacher or cook or something". Even if they put their nose to the grindstone and dedicated their lives to try and ranking up, the end result would be they would become a D-rank, and that seems like a really poor reward for that ammount of effort, wich would preclude the majority of people from ever making the attempt , since ranking up seems something that takes decades of effort in the first place.

Flying Goat (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-29 00:09:15 Alden can remove enchantments - if he ends up having anything to do with the submerger, I imagine he'd just remove the enchantment from the corrupted submerger. I've been thinkin that might how his mostly unused enchantment preservation ability would become relevant.
2024-02-28 20:02:09 Alden can remove enchantments - if he ends up having anything to do with the submerger, I imagine he'd just remove the enchantment from the corrupted submerger. I've been thinking that might how his mostly unused enchantment preservation ability would become relevant.

Alden can remove enchantments - if he ends up having anything to do with the submerger, I imagine he'd just remove the enchantment from the corrupted submerger. I've been thinking that might how his mostly unused enchantment preservation ability would become relevant.

Alan Miller

D- or F- rank Rabbit with mad breakfast skills and all their points in Appeal, out at nightclubs. "Hook up with the cutie, stay for breakfast."

Alan Miller

"Wait, they're affixing CATS??" Evidence of the superiority of the species.


But with Emilia's chipped paint skill, you could endlessly work on that until you got skill fatigue, so surely you would level quickly

Bob Ross

Forgive me if the question has already been asked, but does it seem odd Tuyet offered her brother to drive her and her friends from intake to the new apartment? I thought maybe she had more than one brother, but Chapters 90 and 91 refer to her brother singular, [Tuyet probably wouldn’t share rumors with just anyone, but I think she does tell her sisters and brother everything. She seems really close to them.”] [Tuyet sounded worried. “Move-in is going to be hectic. Vandy, maybe we should offer to help her carry her things over from intake? My brother could drive us.”] Chapter 131 refers to Tuyets brother as living on [...a ship that served as a low-security housing facility for Avowed, who were best kept away from the larger population], and I'm having a hard time reconciling that with him being able to do errands "in town" so to speak.

Heather White

I also enjoy the gym chapters. Getting to see how their skills & spells can be used & seeing them figuring out how to use them synergistically, especially Alden, reminds me of what Hannah wanted — to be the kind of hero whose powers would increase the effectiveness of other heroes’ powers. It’s an exciting time of discovery.


At least implies a minimum. You're right. It is applying to "every ten days", which means the min is every ten days, but it could be more days. Adding "once" after "at least" changes the number that's uncertain from the interval between regular updates to how many updates occur in the given period. With "once" added in, I see it grouped like this. "[Updated at least once] [every ten days]" which means the number of updates is uncertain (at least once, maybe more), while the interval is fixed (every ten days, no more or less). I couldn't find definite grammar rules for either interpretation, so I can't say 100% I'm right. But if we agree 'at least' implies a floor or minimum, and it's being applied to "every ten days", I'm pretty sure I am.


I thought Tuyet had multiple brothers? I vaguely recall her saying she came from a family of 7 or that she was 1 of 7 children, but idk when.


Hmmm... I like this question. I think, if I were a globie, I would take a quality of life skill - something that Iis useful every day (but just stay at home under the radar doing my own thing). For instance, if brute is the most likely class having either a speedster or dura build would be helpful at just at being a human being (we always need to get things done faster or have more endurance) and I feel like longsight or audial brute would be good if you are a parent, or a teacher, or a police officer, or a spy, or a bird watcher, or... I think Alden has the right if it, use your talent(s) to make your world a little brighter.

Aspiring Moth

Mortch - levels are percentage based. reaching skill fatigue quicker doesn't mean you'll level quicker unless the higher ranks aren't also reaching skill fatigue in their training, which they apparently are. there should be a notable level gap between B ranks and S ranks if it were the case that lower levels level quicker


that was Jupiter (I think) and her siblings are named after planets


She has multiple brothers. From Chapter 131: "I just got a message from my brother. The oldest one." She wouldn't need to specify unless there were multiple. The first quote was from Maricel, who had only met Tuyet a few days earlier. I assume "I have a second brother who is a Sway living on a boat to safely isolate him from the larger population" isn't a topic that comes up in the first week of knowing someone.


I really enjoyed the obstacle chapters too. For me, it was the interaction of character dynamics and power showcasing. The moments between characters/teams, like Alden helping Lucille, the analysis from other teams on the sidelines, it was all so good. That’s also a really good point about Kon - of course he was excited about his breakthrough, but he wanted to tell Alden about it specifically. Would not be surprised if it’s because of Alden’s tip like you mentioned


I just meant reaching it daily like the superhero students

Josh Brooks

Aspiring Moth - In addition, leveling up is aided by these perception shifts that Alden has had multiples of. Somewhere in like the first 20ish chapters, someone mentioned that pushing yourself to the absolute limit is usually when a skill levels up. That could look like skill fatigue, but in Alden's case it was more like tons and tons of constant authority use over months and changes in perspective on top of abusing the hell out of his mind and body to focus on a single goal for a few days. I don't believe he reached skill fatigue during Moon Thegund (did he reach it when he met Alis? I forgot) yet leveled extensively.

Heather White

Yes, in Ch. 113 (Chainer V) Tuyet’s described “grabbing the back of her little brother’s coat”

Josh Brooks

Plus seeing some of the heroes not part of the roommate squad be put in the spotlight (Jeff's land moves, Maricel's tunneling, Reinhard trying to get along with people, Max absolutely plotting someone's death during the entire course, etc.) is some of my favorite parts of Super Supportive in general

Ano Ano

What is uncertain is the frequency of the updates. Where you're getting confused is that a higher frequency means fewer days between updates, not more. So you're third sentence is where you're wrong. At least every ten days implies the minimum is every ten days, but it could be even more often, which is to say, even every 7 or 3 days. This is what Alden says, but it's an incorrect inference. The correct inference is that that the pad is updated at most every ten days.

Bob Ross

@curtis, I remembered being confused by that specificity if she only had one brother, but thank you @heather White for finding the specific mention of her little brother. @all Follow up question, even if she has a younger brother, why would he be able to drive and not her?

John D Jones

Alden can remove enchantments to the extent that his B-rank Level 9 Skill lets him. But it's likely that a Submerger is probably beyond him at this point.


"The oldest one" implies to me that she has multiple older brothers - otherwise she'd just say "The older one". I think you might be putting too much emphasis on Maricel saying "sisters and brother". Again, they only knew each other a couple of days. It's not that unusual for Maricel to be wrong about how many siblings Tuyet has, especially if she's not used to how large Anesidoran families are. I get this a lot actually. I live with one of my brothers, we're pretty close friends and I regularly mention "my brother" in passing to people. There have been multiple times were someone who has known me for months or even years was shocked to learn I actually have two brothers. And then shocked again when I mention I have a sister too.


@ImNotHere Ahh, it was her instead. I think you're right. Thanks for the correction! @Bob Just a guess, but maybe she doesn't have a car or license? Public transport seems good, so her brother might just like cars and got one? Or it's the family car and he got a license?

Kim Enteiu (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-29 00:09:15 Letting someone piggyback on his own emergency teleport won’t require a balance from Boe, it was a zero-risk hero move that Alden didn’t put Alden at any additional risk & he didn’t step one toe out of line from his own evacuation efforts to do it. Staying with Zeridee *might* require Boe to hang out and make sure someone actually gets to safety during an emergency, but again, it’s a much more minor blip than if Alden actually added him to his priority teleport list. I think it might be Lute, though.
2024-02-28 22:58:27 Letting someone piggyback on his own emergency teleport won’t require a balance from Boe, it was a zero-risk hero move that Alden didn’t put Alden at any additional risk & he didn’t step one toe out of line from his own evacuation efforts to do it. Staying with Zeridee *might* require Boe to hang out and make sure someone actually gets to safety during an emergency, but again, it’s a much more minor blip than if Alden added him to his priority teleport list.

Letting someone piggyback on his own emergency teleport won’t require a balance from Boe, it was a zero-risk hero move that Alden didn’t put Alden at any additional risk & he didn’t step one toe out of line from his own evacuation efforts to do it. Staying with Zeridee *might* require Boe to hang out and make sure someone actually gets to safety during an emergency, but again, it’s a much more minor blip than if Alden added him to his priority teleport list.

Kim Enteiu

In defense of LMMYT, making “near perfect toast every time” would probably include a foundational adjustment to chronoperception (sense of time), olfactory sensitivity (sense of smell), and possibly thermosensation (the ability to sense temperatures), all of which are things that a Grievik would use to enhance their ability to hunt.


Do Artonans have facial hair? Was that ever mentioned?


I have no idea how detailed Sleyca's pre-planning is on this story, but I just started my first full re-read yesterday, and I got to this section of Chapter 14 and thought "oh wow, they're gonna be real handy in a few months!" Excerpt (looking at class trade offers) : "The others were a strength-type Brute, like Arjun Thomas, and…a Bridge Wright? What on Earth? Wrights were the crafting class. Usually they weren’t so…weirdly specific on first assignment. Bridges. And S-rank? What is that dude supposed to do with that one? Clearly the new S-rank was supposed to build bridges. AMAZING ones. But that seemed like a really strange thing for the Artonans to have ordered up." Seems like Anesidora could use an S ranked bridge wright in the near future...


I think you're raising great questions :D My mind has been tumbling through the "would Sleyca actually sink Anesidora?" question, and while I'm trending towards no/not soon, there's still the lingering shadow of how surprising, impactful and drastic the Thegund arc was. Hypothetically, if Anesidora were to be sunk (any time soon) there's a lot of world building crammed into the area, but there's only hints of goings on in the outside world, at this stage. With that all said, having the entire world thrown into chaos by widespread evacuation/immigration tensions across the planet could totally be an endgame for the entire premise behind Anesidora, in the first place. It would be -shocking- but I could see it working. My money's still on it not going that far, but it would be certainly ballsy to just fire off all the Anesidoran-story-groundwork into the rest of the world, like cruise missiles. After all, let's not forget how restrained Sleyca was in setting up the Thegund arc. I did not expect Alden to be evacuated into another evacuation at all, so I'm super stoked to see what's in store next, while my mind tries to keep up with the rapidly shifting landscape :P

Ano Ano

All Artonans have big bushy mustaches, but only for the first 10 years of their life.


I could see Grievecks going the other way: taking skills like laundry folding so they don't waste time on things that are not hunting.


Thoughts about Alden's commendation. From this chapter: "I assumed the ambassador would meet with you at once to ascertain your well-being and discuss your status with you.” Given Stuart's emphasis on how much etiquette was involved in the part of Artonen society in which he lived, I wonder how much the ambassador has "tarnished" his own "honor" by not having honored Alden and explained, "his status" with him? I wonder if "his status" is more than "just" being one of the first humans to leave the planet in the event of a global chaos threat. Could the ambassador be one of those "wizard's first" Artonens who doesn't wish to honor a mere Avowed with perhaps a status that makes them equal in the eye of Artonen society? Yeah. I am pretty sure this is going to bite him in the butt. Because what if our wonderful "aid," Zeridee, failed to warn him about who (what family) was sending Alden gifts and simply took it on herself to pass it along? There would be no way that he is thinking, "this kid is in regular contact and has a close personal relationship with members of the Art'h family (clan?). Whoops.

Flying Goat

Maybe Victor is actually the U-type Avowed Alden picked...And his ability lets him transport humans to a pocket dimension, who will then think they're actually the U-type Avowed. It's the perfect cover! Though come to think of it, if he picked Victor, and Boe is in cat-space when Victor is evacuated from Earth, that's basically two for the price of one!


I don’t think ‘documentary’ is the word you’re looking for, it means something totally separate. Also, Alden is not ‘passively watching’. He put his best effort in getting off the bridge and helping his teammates. He did the best he could in the current situation, and in a way that fits his characterization. If he behaved differently, it wouldn’t fit his character, which would detract from the story. He’s Alden, not Superman

C. Adkins

Man I gotta get on that discord. But thank TDarwin for pointing that out! It’s wild thinking how the system might’ve known. Or many like it’s just a statistical possibility the system wanted even if unlikely to actually be needed?


Something I notice people misunderstanding about character development, it’s not simply about becoming more powerful. It’s more about developing their personality, motives, history, place in the setting, and how they are affected by events. And it’s not solely about the main character, characterization of side characters to the extent that they should be known help make a world seem more alive


Yeah... That discord is amazing. I got in yesterday... But it is way too chatty for me to see everything. If I look away to work for a few hours, the chat is novels of chat away from where I last looked...

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

I'm right with you. This ambassador situation really looks like it is shaping up toward some political drama. We have not even come close to seen this Artonan politicker show up in person on the page, but I already don't like this person!


Man, that commendation is going to be more of a pain than a benefit in the next couple of chapters.


It feels weird, but I'll accept it. It made more sense to me that the 'at least every ten days' was the duration of the period between updates, like min 10 max 30 days. I completely glossed over the fact you said frequency. You're completely right about frequency. I'll probably still interpret Alden's thought as referring to duration (easier for my poor brain), but thanks for explaining until I got it!

John D Jones

Maybe. I tend to approach stuff like this with "never attribute to malice what can be explained by laziness or stupidity." I figure the guy's thought process was "Well we have plenty of time for that later." If Alden was going to be living on the Tri-planets or just likely to get summoned there soon, then the Ambassador probably would have taken time to meet with Alden. But since Alden was on a summoning moratorium and living (and going to school) on Earth, there's probably a bunch of stuff that took precedence.

John D Jones

Left unmentioned is that there's an S-rank Skill called "Let Me Make You Into Toast" which shoots fire at things.

Heather White

1) For all we know, he got more info than the humans, saw the huge amount of no-summons time, & basically got the impression that the boy needed to be allowed to recover before introducing the idea that Earth could ever have a crisis like the one Alden had just lived through. 2) him being a jerk for the reasons above is fun to theorize about & opens up a boatload of potential drama. (Edit for clarity — 2 may be funnier, but with Sleyca I’d consider 1 more likely)

Jason Harpster

It could be really interesting if the ambassador was slighting him. But it could just as easily be Mother passed him a post-it on Quiet Rabbit and he decided to just role with it.


@SkySeeker (Patreon formerly known as LaurenK) Given that I doubt that Sleyca is about to turn her story into a Telenovela ... boooo... (unless it's April 1st - and wouldn't that just be the FUNNIEST!) I bet that John D Jones is more correct. And sometimes the worst people are the least ruffled by the issues they cause. (I'm looking at you Marsha) people who think... oh that rule / lesson is for someone else ... I'm not the problem. @JDJones Yeah. Beyond the above, laziness also sounds more likely. Maybe under the guise of embracing the more relaxed attitude of Earth. But, I can still see Stu art'h having another shrill session over it. 😀 @Heather It is fun to theorize about the next Alden opponent. Is it Mark's or Bel'nor... Cause Winston has been nicely dealt with for now. But, as other's have speculated it is probably going to be a more internal struggle as he finally fully confronts his time on Thegund, his fear of his next affixation, and his PTSD. Good thing his "therapist" Boe is going to be at the evacuation site with him...

Heather White

“I’ll stay with you,” said Alden. “You said it wouldn’t be long until the last train, right? I’ll stay, and I’ll help you explain to the people who come, and then we’ll both leave on the flyer together.” Alden showing up with more people than expected is going to be his calling card.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Reading people’s theories about the S-rank bridge wright being prepared in advance, seeing how the system is described here as ‘panicking’, and thinking back to Mother’s comments about how her morality would be based on something mortal minds can’t fully understand… Putting this all together sort of sounds like the system has a big complicated plot, the Matadero attack was meant to happen in exactly this manner, the system is only pretending to panic, and the ‘no off island teleporting’ thing is a plausible excuse that is relevant in the next step of the plan, somehow

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Yes, the less devious explanation is most likely the correct one, but it is still fun to do some overly-tropey theorizing. If there is any actual trouble with the ambassador, I suspect it will only be gradually built up to an eventual tipping point way, way down the line. That being said, some earlier comments did make the point that he has left his assistant in an unnecessarily tough spot in this crisis, and we have seen some hints that everything might not be sunshine and rainbows at the embassy. I still am not a fan. I guess we will just have to wait and see what he is like in-person. (Or she, I guess. Have we gotten confirmation either way on that?)

Antony Laporte

Based on Earth being a "new and simple" system, I don't expect that level of omniscience from the Artonans. We've seen repeatedly that they make mistakes too. Plus, we've seen the Primary overrule the system and allowed a translation, so the Knights in Matadero would probably put an end to that supposedly "planned destruction" based on their POV chapter.

João Vene

That does sound like a plausible theory, if Sleyca is going down "the system is actually evil/amoral/doesn't have your best interests at heart" route. But classes are picked by the Artonans, not the system. Maybe the system has some input on what classes should be prioritized, but everything Joe said implies it's a wizard council deciding what kind of sl... involuntary servants they want.


@SkySeeker Especially when we are jonesing for a hit of soup! And still waiting for the Telenovela, Sopa Soap Opera! 🐰

Ano Ano

She's putting Sam Elliot to shame, and we should all applaud her for it.


Just shouting it out, go back and read chapter 56 “A Polite Request,” such a banger of a chapter.

Kim Enteiu

Teleporting out of places with people carted off like luggage? Alden’s Villain name would be Sheogorath 😆


I wish Alden could preserve me until the next chapter is out..


But would you be happy as Pickle Mortch?


Until the next chapter came I think I could embrace that

Andrew Tobin

rofl, we say the same thing every time a chapter drops. I wonder how expensive it would be to cryogenically freeze myself vs crowd funding cloning sleyca?


You know the time is near when every song you hear reminds you of soup. For tonight's lyrical offering l give you, Drop the Soup Soup, One More Time Oh, Sleyca, Sleyca, how was I supposed to know That Soup Soup wasn't right here Oh Sleyca, Sleyca, I shouldn't have let it go 'Cause now Patreon's out of sight, yeah Show me how the story is to be Tell me, Sleyca, 'cause I need to know now, oh because My curiousness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I'm not reading, I lose my mind Give me a sign Drop the Soup Soup, one more time.

Second Raddish

The personal cost for cloning would be less because of the split sources of funds. Cryogenic freezes would be entirely on you I imagine. Plus the dying thing.


Working a boat like that sounds like a two weeks on / one week off situation.

Eitan G.

I actually did this at your recommendation. ‘‘Twas a good one.

Andrew Tobin

Temporarily dying. tbh, I think I can convince several dozen people to chip in with the “how’s you like me to not be in your life for a few years?” line.


I enjoyed them but wasnt a fan of how many people were in the scene at once. The amount of names and people in a scene at one time both confused and slowed down the scenes in my opinion, but its like a 10/10 chapter getting knocked down to a 7.5/10. Still pretty good overall

Billy Corcoran

Weirdly, bridge-based drama in super hero stories is so common, a full or even half plan might not have even been made back then. Like, if you're making your own coming of age spiderman kinda story, stuff is gonna go down on bridges. That's just how it goes.

Kim Enteiu

Mmm—hm-mmm… This soup is fire, I burn with desire, Believe when I pay, To get more soup right away. Tell me why, I’m still refreshing pages after midnight, Tell me why, I’m letting darkness fade into twilight, Tell me why, I’m up all night every release day, I’m Soup-ed up in a big way. (Too tired to finish it tonight, hopefully I still have inspiration tomorrow).


Deez nuts