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The gleaming tip of a slender chain whip inched through the air, approaching its victim with a quiet, lethal grace.

“Gently,” Lexi Roberts mumbled, staring at the marshmallow on the concrete floor a couple of meters away. “Calmly.”

“Lexi? You’re not jogging this morning?”

Writher wrapped around the marshmallow and sliced it in half, filling the apartment with a burnt sugar smell and making Haoyu Zhang-Demir smile sheepishly from where he stood by a leather armchair.

“Sorry. You were practicing.”

“Not like it was going well.” Lexi huffed and went over to pick up the marshmallow pieces and fling them toward the trash.

“Don’t throw them away!” Haoyu protested. “Toasted marshmallows are good.”

“They’ve been on the floor.”

“It’s pristine. The robot vacuum cleans it every day.”

“The bag’s on the counter if you want a fresh one. You don’t mind me using them for this, do you?”

“The marshmallows?” Haoyu asked. “Why would I?”

“They were on the shared food shelf. I figured you’d bought them.”

“No. Alden did. He won’t care. It seems like he’s easygoing about most things.”

Writher hung by Lexi’s side, writhing slightly. “Do you think he’s…?”

Haoyu looked at him.

“Do you think he’s one of those people who just gets how to use his powers naturally?” Lexi asked.

Haoyu shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t known him that long. I haven’t had powers that long. He hasn’t either really. It’s premature to guess.”

“I know you were thinking the same thing as me last night,” Lexi said. “I saw your face.”


“Several times.”

Haoyu sighed. “Okay. I was a little envious.”

“Yes,” Lexi hissed. “This isn’t the first—”

“I know. We met him a little less than three weeks ago, and that skill of his looks vastly more impressive than it did on assessment day.”

“It’s so different than I thought it was,” Lexi said. “Even Kon mentioned it this past weekend, and at that point, we hadn’t even seen him do…whatever that was last night.”

“The skill seems really versatile. I’m glad for him. Stop worrying about your own progress so much. You’re doing great.”

“Writher’s supposed to be versatile, too. But it randomly attacks—”

“It was a tiny scratch. It was right after you first got it, and Kon wasn’t even mad about it.”

“I don’t want a deadly weapon I’m responsible for to scratch my brother.”

“It’s responding to your mood.”

“That’s not a good thing for it to respond to.”

“I mean it’s responding to your mood right now. It just singed the edge of the fluffy rug.”

Lexi swore in Russian, and ran over to stomp on the smoldering spot while Writher withdrew.

Haoyu walked over with a pair of scissors and started trimming the burnt fuzz out of the rug.

“Maybe I should get Kon.”

“It’s such a thick rug. It hides mistakes like this all by itself.”

Lexi stared down at him. “How many times have you trimmed it?”

“Just once. There was an itty bitty tiny little stain that wouldn’t come clean. And now it’s gone. Like it never happened.” He snipped some more. “I don’t think Alden’s had the opportunity to try most of the things with his skill that he’s trying now. He wasn’t surrounded by older Avowed when he affixed who could take him to safe places and let him experiment. And even though he’s leveled, I doubt he was in the mood to take creative risks when he was stuck in a situation where mistakes would get him killed. If you think about it that way, it’s natural for him to be finding a ton of new things he can do all at once.”

“I know. Still. Last night it took him two hours to find the soup…”

“Right. And he was like, Oh no that’s such a long time.”

“After the first time I activated Writher’s phase out feature, it took me a week to get it to do it again.”

Haoyu stood up with a fistful of trimmings. “It was his certainty that he could do it reliably from now on that stung my ego. But maybe he’s figuring his skill out so fast because he’s been through bad stuff with it.”

“I considered that.”

“So stop comparing your pace to his. He’s just got interesting circumstances. After you’ve been summoned to another planet for months, then you can worry you’re slow.”

Lexi was quiet. Then he said, “When do you think it’ll happen for us?”

“Late uni maybe? If we both level as fast as we hope to. Unless some wizard who knows our parents decides to request us for a job out of curiosity.”

“Are you seriously going to that party tonight?”

“Yes. It’s not that much trouble. And Lute needs support. You’re coming too.”

“No, I’m not.”

“We’ll see.”

“I’m not.”


“The Rabbit’s interestin’.”

“Morrison, I hope you’re talking about a cute animal or the zodiac right now and not one of our students,” Lesedi Saleh said as she phased her hand through the top of the mini fridge beside her bed and pulled out a bottle of water. “Students are work. And I don’t discuss work when I’m not fully clothed.”

Morrison Waker rolled over to grin at her. “You were just tellin’ me about that time you shoved your hand through a Meister to punch the Brute behind him.”

“I’m retired from being Ghosten. Old work isn’t work anymore. Alden Thorn is current work. Current work is off limits when I’m naked or when the person I’m talking to is naked.”

“Good policy.”

She twisted the cap off the bottle, drained half of it, and then passed the rest to him.

He sat up to take it.

“When you’re not Big Snake or Little Snake, do people ever call you Medium Snake?”

He shook his head. “Hardly ever get around to being my natural self in front of strangers these days.”

“I like you this way. You look more like when we first met.”

“I can look exactly like when we first met if you want. Right down to the mullet.”

She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Not that I don’t appreciate the possibilities of your morphing, but let’s keep it simple for our first time trying this.”

“You’re the boss,” he said happily. Then he gasped in false horror. “Wait. You really are my boss now. I’m sleepin’ with my boss.”

She slapped his thigh.

“This is terrible. I’m being taken advantage of.”

“If you don’t mind, I’m going to take advantage of you a little bit more.”

Some time later, as the lights in the room gradually brightened to indicate the arrival of morning, they lay staring at one another across the rumpled expanse of the sheets.

“Was this a ‘just in case you die out there’ kind of night?” he asked. “Or something else? I’m happy either way, and I don’t like to assume…”

“Come back home safely so we can talk about it more,” she said. “It was that kind of night. There are a lot of people here on Earth who would miss you if you were gone.”

He nodded. “Will do. You want me to sneak off before your daughter wakes up?”

“Do you need to head home and pack?”

“Nope. Got a bag stashed in System storage.”

“Then stay for breakfast. She’ll be excited to have company, and she’s too young to care about why the company is here first thing in the morning. But be prepared to hear a lot about treehouses. I read her a bedtime story with one in it and now she wants one.”

“Who doesn’t?”

“Morrison, do you know how hard it is to find a house with a yard with a treehouse-appropriate tree on this island?”

After they’d dressed, while the coffee was brewing, he said, “So. The Rabbit.”

Lesedi sighed.

“We’ve got clothes on. And this really is interestin’. He can use that skill of his with his eyes closed.”

“Why wouldn’t he be able to?”

Morrison examined the selection of coffee cups and picked one with red stripes. “I mean he can use it to catch things out of the air and freeze ‘em without opening his eyes to see what’s coming his way. Saw it plain as day, but I still reviewed the video after class just to make sure.”

Her expression changed.

“See? You are interested.”

“I’m surprised. I’ve put quite a lot of thought into his skill, given the situation. An ability like that is beyond my expectations for its development.”

“He still has to target the person throwing stuff at him, so—”

That drives Torsten insane. We all know the skill vanished from the list after Alden chose it. But even if it’s experimental, the thing he calls entrustment seems like a pointless limiter on a fairly harmless power. Luna Plim thinks it’s the most wonderful mystery. She’s trying to find other skills with similarly impractical requirements.”

“How many levels do you think he’d have to get on the one skill before he can catch bullets with it?”

“You want the B-rank Rabbit to be a bullet catcher?”

“I want to see him get something worthwhile for his troubles. He’s had it rough.”


On the rooftop of a mirrored, cube-shaped building that stood by itself, reflecting nothing but the endlessness of the sky and the waves, a woman looked east toward the place where Earth’s newly risen sun hid behind thick gray clouds. Her brown hair hung down her back in three braids, cuffed together with wooden hoops. The uniform she wore was decorated with metal studs, and the fabric of her coat was a pale shade of green that one of the humans on the residence levels below her had said might be called “sea foam” in his language.

She was slightly disappointed that the sea here had not produced foam in a similar color since she’d arrived.

This is a lonely place on such a lively planet, she thought.

But she did not feel alone.

She smiled and a minute later, her partner appeared on the roof beside her.

“Lind, you’ve been out here for hours,” he complained. “I think you’re doing it just to see if I’ll miss you.”

“Did you?”

“A little. Isn’t that absurd? I’ve never been more aware of your presence. You’d think it would make me less inclined to follow you onto cold rooftops, but here I am.”

His own hair, so dark it was almost true black, was braided to match hers. He crossed his arms over his chest and shivered dramatically.

“Are you quite serious, Esh?” she said in an amused tone. “The last time we visited the first Rapport there was a blizzard, and I didn’t notice you complaining about the weather then.”

“I was complaining in the privacy of my mind. I’ll make sure you notice it next time.” He looked toward the horizon. “What are you out here for?”

“Late in the night I felt something unusual. I wanted to get some distance from the humans to think about it.”

He waited.

“An authority greeting,” she said. “But such a quiet, undirected one. As if they didn’t seek an answer.”

“I didn’t notice it.”

“You were observing the Avowed in their training. And as I said…it was very quiet.”

“Let’s send a message to all of the unbound here on Earth and demand that the person sending out random hellos confess,” he suggested. “The mystery will be solved in moments.”

She laughed. “You cruel man. You’ll have some frightened person convinced we’re angry with them.”

“We will tell them that their strange behavior distracted you from your work.”

“Let’s leave whoever they are alone. There was something charming about their greeting. It was why I was curious in the first place.”

“Speaking of curiosities…I asked the local Contract for the profiles of all commended Avowed on this planet.”

She turned to him. “Were you going to invite them over for socializing, training, or work?”

He lifted his hands. “I just don’t know what to do with myself when you’re hiding on roofs and there are no disasters in progress. I thought if there was someone very interesting who wasn’t already here we might ask them to stop by.”

“Come over. Enjoy the chaos miasma with us.” Her tone was wry.

“Yes. Something like that. Do you remember that story we heard about Alis-art’h finding a human on Thegund?” he said.

“Of course.”

“Because of that experience, he has the highest commendation of any human Avowed. A thirteen-year-old Ryeh-b’t boy. Isn’t that interesting?”

“It is,” she agreed. “Very interesting. And disturbing. He must be a remarkable child. I do hope he’s resting well now that he’s made it back home.”


Alden Thorn dropped out of his bed, and his feet hit the rug beneath him with a thump. He could hear the quiet sounds of Lexi and Haoyu having a conversation in the living room. And the shower running meant Lute was already up, too.

Nice, he thought. I slept a reasonable number of hours.

His messages light was blinking.

[Haoyu: Good morning, everyone! Happy Velra Mafia Infiltration Day! Let’s talk about our goals.]


* Alden is 13 in Artonan years. (Their three main planets have different year lengths, but in a casual conversation when Artonans refer to a year, they're all referring to how long it takes Artona I to orbit its sun.)



Very interesting, loved the chapter! Poor Alden going to meet some knights soon!


I hope 2023 treated you well, everybody! And if it didn't, I hope you enjoy slamming the door on it. Happy New Year! :)


Its New Years here in China! A wonderful present right as the clock strikes. Really appreciate it here reaction chapter. Here's to another year of SS!

Robert Lethiecq

Not exactly what I expected from the short chapter, but I like it.


Hahahaha I knew being in Alden's had had twisted our sense of normal. I just kinda underestimated by how much. Also: highest commendation of any human. It's a confirmation of something we suspected, but it's still kinda shocking. Happy New Year!


So much forshadowing in one chapter, very ominous.


Nice to see some more outside views of Alden. Happy 2024 everyone!


Thanks Sleyca, we all wanted to know what people think of Alden and that was some nice points of view. Happy new year

Swiss Jeez

Honeymoon Knights! This might be short, but it's *packed*. Thank you so much, and Happy New Year!


thanks for the surprise present.


Interesting chapter indeed. Alden has the highest commendation of anyone on the planet. Bravery in the absence of obligation being one of the highest makes sense since bravery>strength according to kibby and the Artorans as a society seem to be structured around obligation with all the contracts or even something like word chain preservation. So for someone to do something brave when they didnt need to, would be something super uncommon.

Kinga K

Thank you so much for the chapter! Best new year present! Happy 2024! May the year of the dragon bring you and Alden good fortune! I mean I don't celebrate the Chinese New Year, but don't think I didn't notice that last year was Ryeh-b't year haha It reminded me of SoupSoup. Yummy marshmallows. Who needs a bonfire when you have Lexi next to you? Loved the teachers talking. Didn't really expect that. And Alden unknowingly pinging all the wizards on Earth is just really funny to me xD


This is a really fun chapter. I do feel kinda bad for Lexi and Haoyu. We know Alden is cheating because knights level super fast and authority is haxx, but I'm not looking forward to their next few years until Alden explains. Gotta be rough to be paired with the next Hyperbole in the making. *** Haha, that was a fun little vignette with Snake and Ghosten. > “That drives Torsten insane. We all know the skill vanished from the list after Alden chose it. But even if it’s experimental, the thing he calls entrustment seems like a pointless limiter on a fairly harmless power. Luna Plim thinks it’s the most wonderful mystery. She’s trying to find other skills with similarly impractical requirements.” I'm kinda curious if anybody is going to guess that the entrustment isn't just a limitation but a fundamental part of the skill. *** Huh, I guess the "facing his affixation towards the sun" metaphor accidentally sent out an undirected authority pat-pat? I wonder if that's a result of his authority sense, BOAB being an unusual skill, or both? Seems like most skills can't do that since they're assuming it's an Artonan doing it. (I'm guessing "unbound" is the knights' term for non-knight wizards.) Also, YESSSS invite the rabbit over for a friendly chat in the chaos miasma. (Also, interesting phrasing. Why is Matadero, which I presume is where they are, in chaos miasma? Are they artificially increasing the chaos levels to summon the demon, or are they concentrating all of Earth's chaos in one spot to protect Earth, and this means sometimes a demon pops out?)

Matt DiMeo

Sounds like Knights call wizards “unbound”, which is interesting. Also, I would not have guessed Alden could pat-pat across the city. Or possibly the world.


It's unclear if highest means "given by the highest rank" (AKA Alden got it from Numero Quatro) or "most prestigious wording".


“My Alden is the best!” That’s what I’ve been thinking in the past three chapters I just want to say that and show him off to everyone.


It wasn't the metaphor, it was "There was a spot where the universe made room for Alden. A spot that was him. And when he finally found himself… I have the authority to move here. He delivered a wizardy fistbump for the first time in months. He sent it rippling out like a tiny, undirected pulse since there was no Kibby here to receive it." From last chapter, when he sat down to figure it out.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Thanks, Sleyca! I actually tend to look forward to these shorter chapters, because they tend to be odd perspective shifts like this one. I don't know exactly why it is, but the slightly different tone and the tantalizing bits of outside perspective are something I savor as a rare treat. It's good that you don't overdo them, but they make for a nice palate cleanser at the end of an arc. Happy New Year!
2023-12-31 16:26:24 Thanks, Sleyca! I actually tend to look forward to these shorter chapters, because they tend to be odd perspective shifts like this one. I don't know exactly why it is, but the slightly different tone and the tantalizing bits of outside perspective are something I savor as a rare treat. It's good that you don't overdo them, but they make for a nice palate cleanser at the end of an arc. Happy New Year!

Thanks, Sleyca! I actually tend to look forward to these shorter chapters, because they tend to be odd perspective shifts like this one. I don't know exactly why it is, but the slightly different tone and the tantalizing bits of outside perspective are something I savor as a rare treat. It's good that you don't overdo them, but they make for a nice palate cleanser at the end of an arc. Happy New Year!


the island for the demon summoning is some way from the city as the episode with Lexi's boat implies.


Short but one of the densest chapters we've had in a while, which is awesome.


Can you imagine your teachers talking about you while they have sex.......eww


This chapter was pretty much what I hoped for, which was different perspectives on Alden and his growth. I wonder if he'll meet those knights... Will they figure him out?

Duncan Lester

Thanks for the chappy! Happy New years.


Happy New Year!! Thank you for the chapter!


Great chapter, I wonder if the knights have bound their authority together in some way, and that is the ceremony that they are celebrating. If that is the case, it seems like the most intimate thing possible for them, literally becoming a part of each other existence


We know that the System is slightly empathic, even if it just to handle/manipulate the avowed better, so I wonder if the earth system will be traumatized when Alden finally levels up. It would be the first time it experiments the indescribable pain Alden feels. I imagine Alden screaming in his bed, his noise cancelling activated and his roommates wonder why an army of drones knock down their door to deliver vegan hot chocolate and funnel cakes.


I agree. If it is as you say, that would seem to be a more intimate relationship than marriage. It sounded like they couldn't leave each other's side for too long withput repercussions and Alis arth is away from her family for months and considers it a relaxing vacation.

John D Jones

We meet the Knights and they seem like nice people. Poor Lexi and Haoyu feeling weirdly inferior in the face of Alden's protagonistness. Also the principal x Medium Snake. A very good New Year's Eve chapter.

Twara Sandeep

Happy new year everybody and thanks for the chapter Sleyca! I know this is considered a short chapter by Sleyca standards, but it's a very satisfying one! I could not hold my excitement in seeing how everyone, even the Artonan Knights talked about Alden! It also seems the reveal about Alden's authority may happen sooner than I thought! Just what I wanted, and a perfect New Year's gift

Kim Enteiu

Lind’s dialogue brought a tear to my eye. How sad it must have felt to her, to know that someone out there was reaching out and not expecting a return. How beautiful. How strange.

Brandon Steele

The "targeting" requirement is likely to prevent him from randomly taking the burdens of every person and thing around him at once.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

This is such great writing. We all wanted to see different reactions to Alden, and a lesser writer could have given us pages and pages of people standing around just talking about him. But each scene is so efficient in developing the other characters, plot, and setting. Putting Snake and Saleh together in a bedroom scene is just brilliant; it helps it feel less indulgent when we see that they have their own lives and activities they care about more than Alden. And I love how Saleh has her firm bedroom rules and Snake doesn't argue, it makes both feel stronger and more likeable. Details like her phasing her hand through the minifridge to get a bottle of water just feel so natural and real, while making clear what she and Snake have been up to in the classiest way possible. I was wondering if that undirected wizardly fistbump would find anyone. I love how Lind feels it as being like, a greeting but extra charming. I hope she gets to experience human fistbumps in real life. And I don't know why I like Writher so much, but I just do! This chapter is a great New Year Present :)

Spirit Stones

Happy new year! Thanks for the chapter!


Thank you for the chapter!

Ano Ano

Happy New Year's, Sleyca. Interesting. So knights can bond in a way that is not marriage and indeed is probably more profound. And they can sense little fist bumps from like a mile away. Neat. Also lmao at the most emotionally constipated teen we've met having powers that directly react to his emotions. Get wrecked Lexi. Get wrecked, but don't compare yourself to Alden. That's a recipe for poor self esteem.


Happy new year soupers! Wonderful alt POVs today. Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

yeah, my understanding was that it did not even occur to them that an avowed might develop an authority sense. It might be too tragic a thing for them to even consider.


Ugh that was so good. Happy New Year! This story has grown so much, you have achieved some amazing things! Best wishes for the upcoming year

Swiss Jeez

It is called the *Mind* Writher. Seems like Levi's state of mind is going to be really important for his character and his powers going forward


I'm pretty sure they're referring to the people without powers, since nobody is around to teach wizardry to the avowed


Happy new year's day to everyone And what a nice chapter to close the year on, an analysis of Alden's progress with his powers from different points of view we never get to see and it's great to see the difference in perspective compared to Alden's usual "Wow i'm barely learning enough tricks to keep up with school, i bet the instructors all think i'm underperforming" Joe's decades of exp boost turned out to actually be true after all, All of Alden's tricks ever since coming to school are clearly stuff someone with intermediate to advanced level knowledge of their build's meta would start figuring out - i guess like Haouyu said it was mostly just a matter of Alden not being in a good environment for skill development (but excellent for power/authority leveling). Finally, I can't even imagine what this chapter would look like if Alden actually had used his real profile and actually used 100% of his skill's true power instead of simply half.

Matt DiMeo

“bound” is what happens to your authority when you affix. The knights assumed the pat-pat came from an Artonan wizard using their own (unbound) authority.


It's totally funny because before he tried the momentum reversal technique he was thinking that he'd be considered a slacker if he failed what he was trying during that current practice session, when in fact he was probably in the top 5 most impressive students growth wise for more than 2 weeks in a row

Michael Blue

Kudos to PatienceHoney in particular for calling that this chapter would be about the pat that Alden sent out last chapter. Heather White called faculty reacting to his performance in gym. Mike Warfield called a non-Alden POV setting something significant up for the Velra party that Alden’s about to go to. If you gave me a million guesses I would not have guessed Big Snake (Medium Snake) having sex with the principal and then talking about Alden. But I also would not have imagined the pat he gave rippling out to the Artonans on Matadero.


I guess now we know why the cultural admissions was freaking out

Alberto Muñiz

--No mention of Ghosten seeing the "Big Snake". Unsubscribed.


This was a really fun chapter, Sleyca. Little snippets of the lives of people nearby was a great way to provide a glimpse of how Alden's reputation is growing. Also, highest commendation of any human avowed? Damn!


[“That took you two hours,” Lexi said. Alden checked the time. “It did. Sorry. I thought I was faster than that, but I got kind of invested in the process.”] Reads so differently now.


That's a lot of range on sensing that authority shoulderclap! Also Lexi's mind writher probably does what Haoyu said! It reacts exactly to lexis thoughts and mood! Literal MIND writher, my thoughts about it until now was just "its just a lazor whip that he can direct with thoughts".


Poor Medium Snake. Being used by his boss


Ooohh? Is this where the art family become aware of aldens wizard status?


...why did you have to point that out? This is gonna haunt me till the next chapter *shivers*

S Money

I feel like eventually he should be able to entrust himself with stuff. It’s originally called the Bearer of *All* Burdens not the Bearer of Everyone Else’s Burdens. At least I think he should be able to do that eventually. The other really obvious thing to work on, is being entrusted by two different people. He can carry at least 2 items, stands to reason he should be able to have items from multiple peope


She wants to start with the Medium Snake and work her way up from there!


That is interesting i haven't thought of that. But I think it's safe to assume that Earth's contract has afixed levels for Knights that were stationed at Earth at one point or another it might not necessarily be the first time for Earth. Earthy? What's a good nickname? Earth's contract is too wordy.


I like to think of Mind Writher like one of Doc Ock's arms. Especially since Lexi keeps it wrapped around his torso.

Michael Blue

Shingi, it should be only wizards who are able to send out authority pats.


All the way back to "Super Sex Ed". Ghosten would break a normal mortal!


Thank you for the chapter!! I knew Alden's pseudo sonar hello would be picked up by someone. This knight couple is definitely gonna meet him in the near future before their honeymoon is over. Interesting. There seem to be certain human Avowed that just are able to "sense" things about their skills. Pseudo authority sense perhaps?


I don't remember who Lind is. I also don't remember what unbound are. I figured they were Artonian's on Earth who haven't gotten their Auriad, but that doesn't make sense to me unless they were children.


🎙 "First I'd like to thank Sleyca for her wonder..." 🎶 The band starts playing and Michael gently but insistently nudges PatienceHoney away from the microphone... "Wait. What do you mean this was just a hand shake and photo op award... don't I get to make a speech...I've been practicing my speech..." Sigh... 😃 📸 🤝

Twara Sandeep

It's like "look at my blorbo from my stories! I'm very proud of him, you know!"


My theory is that the targeting requirement is an early feature to teach him to "separate from the whole". Just like walking taught Alden that he has to "bear" things, this is there to teach him that he can't just pick things up. He has to "take" them from the world. Right now that means being entrusted the item.


Lexi needs to learn to become the whip


If Lexi wants to master Mind Writher, he must master his mind (and emotions) first! I like that it is also his weak point and what he needs to improve his character and connect to people better.


Stu mentioned a while ago that the knights assigned to assist with the Matadero demon fight that's coming up are on their "honeymoon". (Not exactly honeymoon but they made some sort of important and happy decision.) The other knights agreed to let them handle Earth for a few months because it's an easy assignment. We don't know for sure it's them, but it's a couple, and the telepathy seems to be new for them, and the big cube in the middle of the ocean definitely sounds like Matadero. We've never heard the term unbound before, but I think it's referring to non-knight wizards, ie. wizards that have no bound authority (aka no affixations).


I had not considered that. Actually, doesn't Boe friendly-swear at the earth contract? That implies it can have sorta friendships at least. I wonder if it feels affection for its avowed the way the Mother contract does. If so, it really might send all the hot chocolate, which would be hilariously hard to explain. And, Earthy sounds like a fine nickname? I think something more contract based might be better, though, since that's what it really is. Can't think of anything good, though.




Alden continuing to regularly do the fistbump as part of his training routine unknowing that it pings wizards noticeably and becoming a sort of meme among Artonans around Anesidora as a spammer who they can't get to knock it off


I had a thought.. if Alden is catching balls and they maintain their velocity, then it kind of follows that he would be catching them before they contact his body since they maintain their velocity. Does that mean that he will be able to level up the distance such that he will be able to preserve things remotely? He has to bear the cost of preserving it, but maybe bearing it with his authority is enough?


My assumption is that it's more conceptual than that. Alden seems to have a very conceptual view of his skill, and that view seems to help him use it. This is not just a really fancy preservation skill. It is fundamentally a *support* skill. The name of the skill isn't Magic Preservation, it's Bearer of All Burdens. You can't bear a burden without someone you are bearing that burden *for*. IMO Alden is never going to get rid of the entrustment requirement. He might loosen it in various ways (like allowing him to bear a burden that was thrown at him), but fundamentally the skill is one of sacrifice, on someone else's behalf.


Right? Alden's perspective is so skewed, and this makes it really obvious.

Gail (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Mother said the skill has its "roots in Burden and Sacrifice" and we know the skill is designed on older principles than newer ones. I think the entrustment is a true requirement for the skill to function.
2023-12-31 17:45:20 Mother said the skill has its "roots in Burden and Sacrifice" and we know the skill is designed on older principles than newer ones. I think the entrustment is a true requirement for the skill to function.

Mother said the skill has its "roots in Burden and Sacrifice" and we know the skill is designed on older principles than newer ones. I think the entrustment is a true requirement for the skill to function.

John D Jones

It seems like Alden's "fistbump" was really quiet "Authority-wise." It could be that it requires someone like a Knight to be able to sense it. And yeah, I'm looking forward to Alden being at a chaos miasma get together.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 I vote for calling it Terra. Gaia could also work, but that tends to be more strongly associated with the natural world. Terra feels like the right spot between a name and a description to be a good way of referencing Earth's Contract.
2023-12-31 17:45:43 I vote for calling it Terra. Gaia could also work, but that tends to be more strongly associated with the natural world. Terra feels like the right spot between a name and a description to be a good way of referencing Earth's Contract.

I vote for calling it Terra. Gaia could also work, but that tends to be more strongly associated with the natural world. Terra feels like the right spot between a name and a description to be a good way of referencing Earth's Contract.


Oooo? Instructor Waker is sleeping with the Principle? Now that's some juicy gossip right there. On a more serious note, wow, this really hammers home how abnormal Alden is. We're in his POV so much that I didn't realize the extent of it.


Thank you so much for the note at the end- I read 13 and my whole world upended for a moment.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Lol. Thanks for posting this quote for context. Alden's perspective looks just a bit different once you know what his roommates were actually thinking. 😆
2023-12-31 17:50:47 Lol. Thanks for posting this quote for context. Alden's perspective looks just a bit different once you know what his roommates were actually thinking. 😆

Lol. Thanks for posting this quote for context. Alden's perspective looks just a bit different once you know what his roommates were actually thinking. 😆

Bzitka Yaknotz

Don't mind me, I'm just over here giggling at the teachers thinking that Alden's skill is new and experimental

Alex Bennett

This anti-chaos mission has been mentioned so often by so many different people that I can't help but feel it will end up being very important. Which implies to me that something will go very wrong. Looking forward to seeing if I end up being right or not.


That's one of the super advanced uses he was trying to cook up by mixing his authority sense with his skill to use a sort of "telekinesis" by touching/bearing objects completely using authority without needing to use his hands


Yeah, i think the reason why it's such a rigid and sharp weapon is simply because Lexi is also very rigid and "sharp" mentally

Wesley Miller

I don't see why he wouldn't be able to, we know he can still keep things preserved if he puts them in his pocket, which technically is keeping things preserved from a distance

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Happy New Year everybody! May your soup be hot and your spirits bright.
2023-12-31 18:11:49 Happy New Year everybody! May your soup be hot and your spirits bright.

Happy New Year everybody! May your soup be hot and your spirits bright.


Happy new year! If someone told Alden to pick up the carpet stain alone, would he be able to do it?


thanks for the chapter! I love how every character behaves naturally according to their background and personality, I really appreciate that the artonans think in their years and not human years, like if they are judging someone by looks it is natural to say (like Alden did with Kibby) she looks about 8) and if they saw Alden they would think he looks like whatever Stuart's artonan age is, but when they see a profile in the system, they would read it in their time unit. I just really appreciate these natural details that enhances the believability of the world and characters.

Paul Sneddon

I'd guess that they're the knights Stu said are there and that unbound are just people not bound by the knight oaths.


She felt a quiet directionless ping on the other side of the island? Knights are scary... Anyway, fun to learn that actually Alden didn't *just* get a Commendation from the fifth-most respected person in the known galaxy, he got the highest level of Commendation that has ever been awarded to a human. This will definitely be conducive to a quiet, peaceful life.


Fun little realization with the info about the commendation. The artonans value bravery more than just about any virtue and this was kind of known earlier when he was talking about knights with kibby but it's nice to have confirmation that bravery is a more important commendation than anything a human has ever done in their eyes.

Bob Ross

“Let’s leave whoever they are alone. There was something charming about their greeting. It was why I was curious in the first place.” You guys...Aldens authority greeting has an accent. And it's charming. Move over Finlay!


All the Avowed who *haven't* learned to feel their soul being twisted and creased into artificial structures against their will are basically trying to learn how to use complicated power tools blindfolded and one-handed. The tools might be designed to be easy to figure out, and the ones with more common classes and better teachers get to read the instruction manual first, but they're never going to progress as fast as the guy who can actually see what he's doing and apply all three hands to the situation.


Happy new year Sleyca and everyone else too. I hope Lexi doesn't developpe jalousy, but if he does it would be better if it is before Alden get to explain his moon adventure to his roommate.


All the Knights we've seen seem like fundamentally nice people. Maybe it's something about coming from a super strictly formalized culture, but being so highly regarded that you can freely ignore any protocol that you feel isn't worth your time? More likely anybody who knows what Knights go through would just never Affix unless they cared more about the safety of others than about their own suffering.


LOL! I was thinking the charm probably comes from the kinder-wizard tonality of it. Pure Alden!


Calling it now, the ultimate climax of the story will involve Alden targeting either the Primary or Mother and being entrusted with the safety of the universe. (Or maybe that's too big, he tries and he can't hold it, so he targets Kibby instead and is entrusted to do whatever it takes to keep her alive, and keeping the universe inhabitable is just a means to that end)


He should practice some wordchains! Turn Peace of Mind on to get perfect control of his weapon, then accidentally demolish half the dorm on the backswing!


Something I couldn't help but do back when we first saw the commendation was look up the criteria for the Medal of Honor, and wouldn't you know it? It sure could translate into something right along the lines of 'exceptional bravery in the absence of obligation.' And as another interesting bit of serendipity, the current wording is from 1963.


Alis has more than one partner. Maybe not everyone does it

John D Jones

Honestly, I think the "without obligation" is more important to the Artonans than the bravery. Figure plenty of Earth Avowed have demonstrated bravery, even exceptional bravery. Still, they've done that in the course of fulfilling a Contracted obligation. Alden didn't.


Happy New Year! Thank you for the chapter- I love Alden but I also love Alternate POVs. Can't wait for Alden to somehow get messed up with the earth chaos mission!


It's because he learned from Kibby, who is well established to be the greatest teacher in the galaxy.


I'm starting to get the sneaking suspicion that Alden will cause his roommates to be summoned for something early. Either because he mentions that they would be suited to something where a wizard can hear him (we know from the Boater that the recommendations of particularly respected humans play a big part in the choice of Avowed), or just because somebody learns that they live with The Alden and so they *must* be exceptional.


I had some fun with Google Translate and Latin words for Contract and Earth and came up with this humdinger! Lexiconsistorium Lex = contract Consistorium = Earth Knock knock. Whose there? Lexiconsistorium No! That was NOT the desired response... The dad joke has struck again!!

Adam Andersson

I'd bet it's because intention carries over, and he thinks of it like a fist bump rather than a super formalized Atronan ceremonial wizard greeting


The fact that he moves to catch things without thinking about it (and can find the soup) confirms that there's some connection between Alden and an item which has been entrusted to him, probably from the moment his target acts to send it his way (physically or verbally). I don't see any reason he couldn't reach back through that connection to use magic on the object, though he can't preserve it until he "bears" it.

John Anastacio

From the way they refer to Alis by her full name, I suspect Lind and Esh might not be Art'hs. Or maybe they're just distant relatives. I suspect Mind Writher is just not made for non-violent manipulation of objects, that to do so is to go against the inherent nature of the skill Lexi is using. Harmless manipulation might be possible in the future when his level is not so low. Maybe Lexi could ask for a book on the history and cultural significance of the weapon? There must be tons of stuff Lexi isn't getting for that reason. Hero gym teachers on Anesidora really are like regular sports coaches - they do a lot of reviewing video to analyze stuff, probably in slomo. Oh and Happy New Year Sleyca. Thanks for the lovely chapter. I am very pleased that there's actual sex going on in this story. A lot of people probably think that Super Supportive is a Young Adult kind of story and sometimes I'd agree, but then chapters like this come along. edit: Forgot to mention - the first Rapport is very probably the Art'h Rapport, given the Artonans like warm temperatures and we know from Stu's memory as shown by Mother that it snows there. Another reason to suspect Lind and Esh are not Art'h.

Zachary Sloan

@cafenacet Agreed - I think the entrustment aspect is fundamental to the Skill and that he'll never be able to do things like "use his Skill on someone else against their will."

John Anastacio

It's been mentioned in previous chapters that Artonans like to assign rank numbers to everything. Plus the Artona 1 Contract was made 20k years ago. I'm sure over the years a few dozen types of commendation have been given, and the Artonans vote or something to decide what their relative ranks are. Or maybe the rank of the commendation here refers to its coming from Alis the Quaternary? I think it unlikely but not impossible.


I think you mean The HUMAN Alden... there is another absurdly cute Alden... who, as yet, too young to be summoned.


From off the island! It sounds like she's at the chaos arena island nearby-ish.


My current bet is that Alden will receive an Emergency summons to evacuate someone who can't be safely removed from Demon Island. It's the sort of thing that would place him in danger around a situation where he is hopelessly out of his depth but still able and expected to contribute.


Most people probably also don't survive exceptional bravery beyond obligation. Avowed obligations seem to take into account what they can handle so bravery in the face of danger out of one's depth seems like the sort of commendation that's mostly awarded to the dead.


I hadn't thought of that! Alden greets the universe the way he learned to from an extremely respectful little girl. The Authority equivalent of "Alden politely greets the Universe and wishes it good morning."

Matt DiMeo

No reason to think they were art’h. There’ lots of knights. Kibby said explicitly it’s not hereditary.

Matt DiMeo

I think he’s still mentally hung up on “object”, so probably not yet.

John Anastacio

If they aren't Art'hs it will be nice to get a different view of the knight caste, their personalities and priorities. Though so far Lind and Esh act just like the Art'hs we've met, so maybe the training that leads to knighthood just naturally makes them gentle and wise and kind. Though personally I hope not - I'd be disappointed if there aren't any crabby cranky knights.


I've been thinking about it and because a stain is in between the rug fibers it would rip them out if it worked. However, I think he could wet it and preserve the rug only forcing the water and stain out. It definitely would require mental gymnastics.

Matt DiMeo

Since he's theoretically off-duty, is he eligible? Would it be phrased as a request?

Matt DiMeo

She seems to have thought it could have been from anywhere on Earth, too.

Matt DiMeo

I still laugh at the idea of the gokoratch-song crew getting mass summoned to perform a gokoratch medley at some artonan wedding.


This was a great chapter to end the year. Things are heating up!

Matt DiMeo

It's like the Medal of Honor, which you can't get for doing something you were ordered to do, since that's just duty.

Michael Blue

This reminds me that Alden has been meaning to hire a Wright to soundproof his room and not gotten around to it. I wonder if that means he’s going to be spied on or if he’ll do it in his own time (presumably before his next affixation) without it being a big deal. I also wonder if hiring a soundproofer brings (more) attention to an otherwise relatively unremarkable dorm room, and hiring one puts more eyes and ears on it than would’ve been otherwise.


I think the following paragraphs show that Alden can pickle things against somethings will. He is just too weak right now: “So I couldn’t carry it for long because it was more magical than the other projects?” “That’s not quite right…” Joe hesitated. “The concept may be hard for you to grasp.” “I’m sure I can handle it.” “We’ll see,” Joe muttered. “The bowl was made of living wood that is beloved by its mother tree. The tree has a natural right to remain connected to the bowl, like an organically occurring contract between the two. Your skill preserved the bowl and its portion of the magic, but having one part of the ‘contract’ out of temporal synch with the other would have put the stability of the connection between the tree and its wood at risk eventually. The tree objected. You struggled because the tree’s dominion over the bowl was more profound than your own. You rapidly became exhausted, and your own authority was suppressed.” Alden stopped pacing to stare at the professor. “I lost a magic fight with a tree?”


The targeting is impractical, like the moving to keep the skill active was impractical... is the targeting a training geas, like the moving was a training geas?


For some reason this made me smile, that is incredibly cute

Box Jellyfish

So the knights can sense the greeting. Have to wonder if the sense of unease Alden now while using his auriad will also create some sort of effect that is similarly detectable. Someone running through beginner exercises improperly on Anesidora would be very out of place.

Heather White

Lind: “An authority greeting,” she said. “But such a quiet, undirected one. As if they didn’t seek an answer.” Me: (very loudly) Oh, fuck! My cat: *stops purring & glares at me* Very interested to see if this leads to Alden being outed to the Artonans in the upcoming chapters or if Sleyca is just messing with us.

Matt DiMeo

Pretty sure Knights call non-knight wizards unbound. They wouldn’t call them wizards, since Knights *are* wizards. Knights become knights by getting their authority bound into a skill.

Jacob Everist

@sleyca I think the conversation between the Artonans was a story-telling mistake. Up until now, all interactions with and between Artonans has been done in the 3rd person. At no point in time, did we hear their internal monologue or hear their dialogue between each other in a human-sounding English. There has always been a remove caused by the distinct alienness of their thought process. A huge part of this story, and what gives it so much mileage, is trying to bridge the gap between human-ness and Artonan-ness, in the culture, in the meanings, and even in the magic. It's a rewarding journey and can never be complete. Making a human-lke dialogue between two Artonans completely kills this mystique for so little gain.


TFTC! It's interesting to find out Alden is probably the most respected Human on all of Earth, and he doesn't know it. He thinks he got a gold star on his star chart, but really, he got a Nobel prize.

Heather White

Michael — He’s a teenage boy. He could imply that he’s shy & have a different, stereotypical reason to not want people to hear what he’s doing in there. Though given his lack of interest in sex I don’t know if that excuse would occur to him.

Swiss Jeez

Speaking of full names, its a bit odd that Saleh refers to Luna Plim by her full name. I would have expected Luna for familiarity or Plim for professionalism but Luna Plim sounds almost like they barely know each other.

Heather White

Perhaps he’ll still have to target/be entrusted but be able to go more abstract with who he’s targeting, like “all the heroes I’m here with” or “all the chaos creatures who are here”.

Jeremy Goldberg

I was picturing some scene in the future where Big Little Snake throws a dozen tennis balls at Alden and they all just stop in mid-air and hover around him ominously before simultaneously shooting back the way they came :)

Heather White

Yes! It was so great seeing Saleh and Snake as people with their own lives.

Jeremy Goldberg

That would be really interesting! Could he preserve a floppy object and allow it to retain its floppiness if he wanted?


Oh! I forgot that marshmallows are not vegan, since they contain gelatin usually. Since Alden is not eating the marshmallows and only smashing them with his magic practice I guess he put them on the community food shelf for his roommates to eat.

Heather White

Dude, this community is so much fun! Kudos to you, Michael, for being so engaged.

Jeremy Goldberg

Big Snake's slide in the sex-ed presentation is just his picture with YES printed in fourteen languages.

Christine Thomas

I wonder with how Alden is progressing with his gift if he will move from a B to an A for instance, that does happen right?


I don't think so, having an entruster was a core part of the skill description he got from Mother. But perhaps he can get a skill aspect for multi-targeting, at least?

Heather White

This is inaccurate. Reread chapter 56, “A Polite Request.” The entire first section is full of Alis’ internal reflections. Example, 1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph: “Indecorous bliss, she thought, humming to herself as she brushed her dark lavender hair and read the messages scrolling across her mirror with one brown eye.”

Gail (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 You also forgot the Kibby-perspective segment.
2023-12-31 21:17:42 You also forgot the Kibby-perspective segment.

You also forgot the Kibby-perspective segment.


How did you feel when we had the chapter written from Alis-art’h’s perspective (ch. 56)? Or Joe’s interactions with Alden?

Barrett Fogarty

Remember that in the previous chapter, Haoyu was the entruster and the soup was the target. Targeting is a fundamental part of the skill but be don't know if having an entruster is the same. Maybe it's like at the beginning, only bearing "tangible" objects and having to "move" to be a bearer. These were two requirements that were removed once Alden had learned their lessons.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 @Kettle, I had forgotten how much the "lost a magic fight with a tree" line made me laugh.
2023-12-31 21:19:45 @Kettle, I had forgotten how much the "lost a magic fight with a tree" line made me laugh.

@Kettle, I had forgotten how much the "lost a magic fight with a tree" line made me laugh.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Kudos to Michael, PatienceHoney, and you, Heather. Y'all really do liven up the comments sections. This story is great fun in itself, but the readers make it all the better in my view.
2023-12-31 21:21:43 Kudos to Michael, PatienceHoney, and you, Heather. Y'all really do liven up the comments sections. This story is great fun in itself, but the readers make it all the better in my view.

Kudos to Michael, PatienceHoney, and you, Heather. Y'all really do liven up the comments sections. This story is great fun in itself, but the readers make it all the better in my view.

Heather White

Gail - oh right, the museum theft! I forgot there was that one too (ch. 101, Anesidora Time - 7:15 pm). That girl is so awesome.


I don't think so Jeremy. As far as I'm aware the objects(or people) who are preserved don't get effected by time. floppiness would require time to move.


At this point we’ve heard so much about how safe it is and how nothing ever goes wrong that it would be a great twist if it just… works fine.


More likely he got vegan ones because why not have multipurpose foods?

Swiss Jeez

Aww, I didn't catch that but you're right. Alden is going so well at the good roommate thing


I think the things he does has to be in service of another, or at least sacrificial in some way. That just goes along with what we know of the spell right now. With that said I don't think he's going to always have the "must be told to pick something up" requirement forever. It could be a forever thing, but it feels far to specific and restrictive for anything more than a basic servant spell. Let alone one of the original anti chaos spells.


I always found Alden’s plan of getting the best possible training without revealing his secrets a bit questionable, and we are starting to see the cracks in that plan here. He is too interesting to be showing his whole hand.

Alan Miller

Writher is going to be very auriad-like eventually - and Alden will help Lexi learn to use it.

Alan Miller

Not necessarily an easy assignment but IIRC a pleasant one. The planet is a bit cool for Artonan tastes, but having local foods they can eat and similarly sized bipedal natives instead of flyers, extreme carnivores with prehensile tongues, etc could definitely make for a more vacationy assignment.

Matt DiMeo

Knight life is an escalating series of horrors, and they take what peace they can.


@Lauren K It is a BLAST! And I was going to say that it's like a super fun global book club... but then realized ...ummm.. it IS a SOUPER fun global book club... so not the most souper insightful comment.

Alan Miller

He wasn't going to survive it - even with an S-class healer devoting the better part of a week to his physical health he was going to die horribly, and if the teleport had gone without interference there was a distinct chance it'd be 'horribly as some kind of chaos entity destroyed by the Knights'

Alan Miller

There are multiple kinds of vegan marshmallows made with a variety of ingredients so there's a good chance he'd have some available. Hot chocolate without dairy might be a less common thing.

Michael Lambus

Yes but very rarely only a couple people have done it in all of human avowed history


Whenever the aliens are mentioned in this story my already considerable interest spikes. The knights are so interesting

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Ooh. It's so obvious, now that you point it out. Lexi was a serious dancer before giving it up for Writher, but his ballet skills are exactly what he needs. To get into his ballet flow and turn the whip into an extension of his body, with all the perfect control and grace that it takes years of serious ballet training to master. I cannot wait for this arc.

John D Jones

Sure, but by definition those humans weren't Knights. If a Knight actually showed their Rank in human terms it'd probably be something like a 5 to 15 or so (and a human hyperbole is considered to be a 1). Based on the admittedly asspull calculations I've made, the next time Alden Affixes his Free Authority, he'll have a Skill level in the 30s or 40s. That's probably easily enough for him to be considered to be a hyperbole.


Aw, even Alden's authority is adorable!

Joel Wells

I'm not sure he ever will improve in rank. I think its been discussed and possibly confirmed that the way you improve in rank is to get enough extra authority where it lets you purchase/get another skill that is at a higher rank. Since it is doubtful that Alden will ever choose to do that, even when his spell reaches level 50 or still it may still be considered to be B rank. Although I hope this isn't the case. I would love for when his spell reaches the point where it has the same amount of authority bound in it as a A rank level 1 to increase his overall level.

John D Jones

The Demon Execution is just writing tropes 101. It's Chekov's Chaos. Of course something mentioned that much is going to be an important thing coming up.

Joel Wells

I agree. I think to truly progress as a wizard he will eventually need an instructor. There is a reason why wizards go to school. I think there is a definite limit to self instruction.


I think it's more likely that they seek him out when they are done or have a break. They probably wouldn't expect him to like being brought back into a chaos miasma after the moon incident.

Joel Wells

I'm very curious whether Lind could tell if the Authority greeting was coming from the Island or not. Becuase I don't think there are many wizards on the island. Also, what really want to happen in the future if Alden every does that again for her to respond with her own authority/pat greeting. I think that Alden really needs a wizard teacher... I'm not sure who would be the best instructor, but he really needs to be able to confide in someone and get instruction.


I liked this chapter a lot. New, but temporary perspectives help ground the story.

Charlie Staner (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 I’m leaning toward a chaos/demon portal break at the school which Alden jumps headfirst into
2023-12-31 22:58:41 I’m leaning toward a chaos/demon portal break at the school which Alden jumps headfirst into

I’m leaning toward a chaos/demon portal break at the school which Alden jumps headfirst into

Michael Blue

I can see Alden getting involved a couple of ways that don’t involve an emergency summons. I believe Haoyu and Lexi have already used Lexi’s boat to go to Matadero, it wouldn’t be surprising if they invited Alden to go and somehow get thrown into the chaos. Alden also seems to be in the process of getting an invite to Matadero by Esh and Lind, his visit seems like a great time for things to go wrong.


I think it's likely to be when his skill crosses some kind of threshold and can no longer be classified as B rank. Most skills are capped so they can't reach a high level, but we know Alden's isn't. We know normal skills can go up to at least level 14, so he's going to need to hit level 15 at minimum in his skill before that happens. It might happen next time he affixes in a year or so. I'm a bit curious if his fake profile will be able to hide a rank up or not.


Or maybe she's aware the Luna and Big Snake don't really know each other and haven't interacted much so she is saying it for his benefit(and ours) because she is a slightly less recurring character than Torsten


He just wanted to lay low and be normal again for a while to recover mentally, not live incognito forever. Several months of intensity 4 was what he needed most after what happened on Thegund. Becoming recognized not only as the first ever human wizard but also the human equivalent of a knight is going to bump the intensity level of his life up a ton. Which he might or might not be ready for yet.

John D Jones

The Primary was also a bit cranky. He took an actual paper book to a party. That's refusal to socialize on an advanced level.


Yeah it happens. Ch. 23: ***** So far, rank-ups had only been assigned to S’s [he says less than a hundred just before this] and a a few hundred more A’s and B’s. Most of them were Uniques instead of regular classes. It almost always happened immediately after a summons. They all claimed not to know why it had occurred. ***** It seemed to me a matter of course that he will. I also just figure that he will at some point move beyond S. In ch. 60, Mother said: ***** “But the route you’ve chosen is faster!” she said brightly. [note: faster than other humans who have learned to level well. It’s in the preceding paragraph, but I already felt like I was quoting a lot.] “I kind of figured.” “You still don’t understand how much faster it is. When you have an authority sense and you bind a skill, your power can rapidly snowball. Especially if you work at. It’s why even Artonans can’t affix without swearing oaths that prevent them from harming the Triplanets.” He considered that. “Cool.” “An image of you running across Moon Thegund fearlessly and with ease just came to your mind. You are underestimating your future potential.” Alden blinked. “Now you’re picturing yourself slicing Earth’s moon in half. With a preservation skill. That’s overestimating. And what did the poor thing ever do to you?” ***** Since Alden is choosing to affix after his authority has more or less doubled, and it more than doubled at the affixation by mother, then Alden’s total authority at each affixation will be roughly: (original B rank authority) x 2 (at affixation by mother) x 2 (at this next one) x 2… If I have that right, represented mathematically I think that is 2^x, where the original affixation in Chicago is when x = 0, since 2^0 = 1 (our original 1 b-ranked rabbit). So at his 8th affixation, 2^7, Alden will have 128 times the authority he originally had when he first affixed. If Joel is right and your rank has to do with the size of your largest skill, I would guess that if Alden has grown 128x, and Bearer has close to all his authority bound into it, then I just figure it (and Alden) have surpassed B-rank, maybe even A... maybe S? It just seems a matter of course to me that he will pretty much be cruising through the ranks, if his growth continues like it has been. Alden seemed to guess that his next affixation could be anywhere between 6 months to a year from about now. So if his affixations are happening about that often, then his 8th affixation could be anywhere from 3-6 years from now. ............ At his 20th affixation, 2^19, he would have 524,288 times the amount of his original bound authority. That is mind-boggling. Can that be right? Is the authority growth narrative that straightforward? I don't know. That's a really big number.


Didn’t Maricel learn the floating ground platform thing pretty fast too? The ground shaper instructor taught Maricel around Monday last week and by Friday, Alden was mentioning that Maricel have gotten the hang of it. I wonder if she could be considered as one of those people who gets how to use her powers naturally too.

Robert Mullins

Between his targeting work and his catching he probably got decent growth on his skill. Maybe not quite enough to push it to a new level yet but every bit of skill growth gives him slightly more time before his free authority creates a problem.


I dunno, plant-based milks are really common even today, I doubt they'd be hard to get for Alden.


For some reason Alden, through all the perspectives in this chapter, including his own, gives me a Tom Bombadil feel. I admit the connection is a loose one, and only caught in the right light. I was looking up Tom and found my way to an interesting paragraph in a letter from Tolkien to a Naomi Mitchison. I think it’s really interesting for itself, and that’s a large reason I quote it, but I have some comments about Alden after: ***** Tom Bombadil is not an important person - to the narrative. I suppose he has some importance as a 'comment'. I mean, I do not really write like that: he is just an invention (who first appeared in the Oxford Magazine about 1933), and he represents something that I feel important, though I would not be prepared to analyze the feeling precisely. I would not, however, have left him in, if he did not have some kind of function. I might put it this way. The story is cast in terms of a good side, and a bad side, beauty against ruthless ugliness, tyranny against kingship, moderated freedom with consent against compulsion that has long lost any object save mere power, and so on; but both sides in some degree, conservative or destructive, want a measure of control. but if you have, as it were taken 'a vow of poverty', renounced control, and take your delight in things for themselves without reference to yourself, watching, observing, and to some extent knowing, then the question of the rights and wrongs of power and control might become utterly meaningless to you, and the means of power quite valueless. It is a natural pacifist view, which always arises in the mind when there is a war. But the view of Rivendell seems to be that it [note: Tom’s way of things, I believe] is an excellent thing to have represented, but that there are in fact things with which it cannot cope; and upon which its existence nonetheless depends. Ultimately only the victory of the West will allow Bombadil to continue, or even to survive. Nothing would be left for him in the world of Sauron. ***** This quote I think on its own is so interesting, but to bring it back home: I think the connection to Tom for me is that many of the things in Alden’s life reference to him, if I can use that turn of phrase, differently than they do for others. And so it makes him removed in some ways, delightfully so, that feel Bombadil-ish. For Lexi and Haoyu growth in facility with their skill means something different than it does for Alden. For Alden it is something much simpler, much more for itself, as are a lot of other things post Thegund. As is, for example, getting a good nights sleep, or the feeling of a good rug. Now I know that there is a lot more to it and him than that, hence having to have the right light, but it is a charming thing in Alden that he (at least in part) experiences many more things in life for itself without reference to being incredibly unique or being a super hero or big life plans or schemes. Alden will at some point have to take into account larger things, because Sauron marches, but I hope he never loses this side of things. It certainly wouldn’t hurt if Goldberry were with him 😉


wait. can authority easily breach through dimensions? if so, Alden might be able to find a way to bypass the fees for the systems calling features.

Andrew Simpson

Yeah but she's a very driven s rank with an obviously useful and well known skill. Alden is b rank bunny with a mystery skill that looks not very useful on its face.


@G more than double I think. the bound authority also grows, but at a slower rate than the free authority. Part of the point of having affixations occasionally is to bring the ratio back into alignment.

Andrew Simpson

I think it's more like getting the medal of honor, but I also think that it's the highest commendation in part because it was granted by the fourth general of the knights, not necessarily because what he did made him the most respected.

Morog T Tiny

I could see the Next time Alden is offered something to sweeten his affixing early, it might be an offer to upgrade his rank. Maybe instead of moving up to a 17 or 18 B rank he could be offered to keep the level and move to A 9 or something like that. ;-)


My understanding is that it's customary for a person to have two different romantic partners in Artonan society. Not sure if it's more normal to form three-sided relationships or sorta make long chains of romantic entanglement... Alden was theorizing that it had something to do with how an Artonan has two separate and simultaneous streams of consciousness going on in their brain at all times.


I wonder if Alden will be able to give his fellow classmates some tips regarding their own skills :) Is he so good with his skill because he can feel his own authority?

Temp One

Man, I'd love it if the Artonans asked Alden to visit, or if they'd drop by to say hello and check out the commended human child.

Andrew Simpson

I believe they can sense it because he was specifically broadcasting a greeting. It's kind of like yelling real loud because you don't think there's anyone around to hear you. Afaik, using magic doesn't give off the same kind of greeting signal.


I think you’re right for sure. I had considered that, but I didn’t know how to begin guessing what the right number would be. And 2^x is so clean.

Andrew Simpson

I don't think he'll be summoned to earth. I think that the gang is going to take Lexi's boat over to save haoyu's parents. I can't figure out why else the boat would even exist. Also don't forget that the night of the party haoyu and Lexi literally sailed to Demon Island to check it out.


There's thousands of wizards on earth. Most of them are probably spread around operating the houses of healing or doing political stuff, but there ought to be several on this island too... Certainly dozens, probably hundreds, possibly low thousands? As for who the best teacher is, that was well established a long time ago: Kibby. She just needs to convince the Quaternary to bring her to earth.


Well, Maricel is at the top of the gym class right now so we can probably consider her to be in the top few percentiles of an already elite group (at least so far)


God these last three chapters have been the most excited about this story that I've been almost since Thegund, tbh. My least favorite development of this story so far was the secret/hidden profile - though I admit I fully understand it both for story pacing reasons and for in character reasons. It's so nice to see other perspectives of Alden and see him being... GOOD at shit. Like genuinely good at shit. I don't need it all the time, but I hope the frequency is upped a little bit as Alden's low intensity time comes to an end, lol.

Alex Anderson

Not sure how far it would be “audible”. The honeymoon knights aren’t super far away though they are a decent number of miles.


Pat, pat. Alden unknowingly teaching lessons across all of Earth.

Gyoza Dog

I really want to see Alden helping his roommates with their powers. It’s almost frustrating that he isn’t.

Calico C

Just want to say I love the low intensity of this story. I really, really want a super powered story that doesn’t revolve around world /universe ending threats. I just want one. If anyone has a recommendation, that would be amazing. The closest I have is Constellations the Worm Fanfic


I don't think he can? The contact with Joe should prevent him from sharing anything about authority


Remember that he doesn't want to stand out too much.

John Anastacio

Only now did I catch that Haoyu knows Alden has leveled. How did Haoyu learn of it? Not many possible sources - either from Kon/Maricel/Tuyet or from eavesdropping on Morrison's conversation with Alden. I don't think Alden himself has discussed it with his roomies. Either way it's good that that secret is out. Helps explain some of Alden's many oddities. In other news - while Lute can get away with a(nother) secrecy tatt with Alden, because Lute is estranged from his fam, neither Haoyu nor Lexi can get away with a tatt even if Alden learns how to do it, because their families will definitely want to know how and when they had the opportunity to deal with a wizard. I guess Alden will just have to trust them.


He’s only known his roommates for less than 3 weeks. He offered advice to Kon but had to do it cryptically. I think if Haoyu, Lexi or Maricel ask him for advice Alden will tell them what he can, but he learned about the momentum halting trick from Joe when he was throwing balls on fire.


While the critique of aliens not being truly "alien" across various forms of media is an interesting one, as usually they become mirrors of humanity, I don't think Sleyca is interested in making the Artonians as alien as something like the Trisolarians in the Three Body Problem or Heptapods from Arrival for example. I think there's value in making them slightly relatable, because in stories like Arrival or TBP, the "alien-ness" works with the themes in the story, and in this story's case with the budding themes of sacrifice and duty, how does one do that with something completely inhuman? Perhaps it is possible, but we aren't the ones writing this story.

Swiss Jeez

Its "public knowledge" that Alden is level 3, as he leveled while away from Earth. Of course, he's actually level 9 now, 8 originally, and nobody knows that. But most people at school with Alden are level 1.

John Anastacio

Alden has shared his profile with security and with the schools but all those institutions are supposed to keep the details of his Avowed profile secret. Certainly from teens and students. Thus I disagree that his level is public knowledge, unless someone has been both irresponsible and talkative. Maybe a non-Lute Velra?


On the same topic of characters acquiring knowledge off-screen: Alden also mentions Kibby at the sauna, without the others asking him to clarify who he's referring to - granted, they're distracted by his whole psychic rabbit thing :P


tbf keep in mind Alden doesn't actually know *that* much. Joe showed him a number of perception tricks (one of which he tried to hint at to Kon), but I'm not sure how useful those would be to a Meister or Brute. I think a lot of Alden's gains come down to his authority sense and rapid leveling, rather than any knowledge he can pass on.

John Anastacio

As I recall Alden has let it be known he had a roomie with him on Thegund. It should be easy to infer that the roomie is Kibby. But I'm not sure anyone on Anesidora knows anything much about Kibby, except for Boe and Jeremy when they were visiting. He hasn't shared with any Anesidorans her videos, for instance.


while it definitely isn't new, it's not off the table to call it experimental. If I recall, Mother actually hinted that avowed and knights get different skill options. It's entirely possible that nobody has ever taken an avowed skill to the heights that Alden intends to take it.

John Anastacio

I'm sure that Alden will help Lexi and Haoyu and maybe even Lute with their powers, when things are less busy and especially when they ask first. He offered, so it's best to let them decide rather than tell them directly and act like an expert.


It’s been awhile, but I previously commented on the fact that the Artonans are less alien than some actual Earth cultures. Joe explicitly states that “We’re unbelievably similar” back when he was explaining Lesson One. In terms of not being that alien, that ship has long since sailed.


I actually wonder whether part of what made his commendation unique and his actions so valuable to the Artonans was that it was “in the absence of obligation”, which I suspect means he did things he wasn’t summoned or contracted by anyone to do. I also figure the opportunity for an Avowed to be in a situation to take actions “in the absence of obligation” are incredibly rare.


This setting still works quite well with humans being bizarrely close to Artonans in demeanor, culture, and some convergent evolution. A couple Artonan characters have pointed that out already too so we may be going there more concretely. Humans end up being an uncanny valley species to the Artonans, especially since they found a whole host of very alien alien species before Earth. Plenty of good storytelling room in a pair of alien lineages dealing with the "problem" of seeing themselves a little too strongly in the other. Especially when the junior partner seems to be capable of doing an end run around the senior with woops here's a human qualifying as a member of the Artonan top caste within a few decades of contact despite the Artonans very specifically trying to keep that from happening organically.

John Anastacio

This is just a wild ass guess but I think Mind Writher is based on one or more snake-like predators, especially after reading the first paragraph of this chapter. Vipers to bite and envenom, anacondas to crush. I'm not sure it will ever become practicable for Lexi to make his Writher wrap itself around something to gently pick it up; boa constrictors don't constrict gently; they squeeze and crush. What might be practicable is to have Writher expand and open its mouth and swallow part of its target, holding the object in its mouth and manipulating it that way. Lexi might sell it to Writher as delayed gratification; once prey is in the snake's mouth, its fate is the snake's to decide.


Nice thoughts G! Quite a bit to unpack. Alden is incredibly mindful. He lives in the moment and enjoys the little things. In that I can see the similarity. The difference is that when Sauron was getting stronger, Bombadill was not pulled into the fight. I feel like if Alden is the analogue of any LOTR character, it would be Sam. Happy with the simple life but unwilling to let his friends (and especially Frodo) face danger without him. He is the Super Supporter in LOTR. And he was my very favorite character - so strong and incorruptible that even bearing the ring couldn't taint him.


It'd be weird if no human in sixty years had equaled Alden, so I think the commendation has to count extra for being from the Fourth. Of course most Avowed summoned to dangerous environments will be combat types, and likely they aren't eligible for "absence of obligation" commendations. But plenty of Healers would get summoned near to danger; it's weird if none of them, ever, in sixty years, showed exceptional bravery and survived. So I think part of what makes Alden special has to be the rank-obsessed nature of the Artonans, combined with the luck of Alden being found by the Quaternary.


We've had an alien internal perspective from Alis, Kibby, and Gorgon at least. Edit - I should have reloaded the old page before commenting.

Bryan Thew

Nah, this was Lexi using Alden's advice from the previous chapter and re-doing his mindset using the weapon.


Thanks for the chapter and Happy New Year everyone!


He kind of did unleash his skill's full power with the ball catch. By setting Big'n'Little Snake as his entruster he dropped preservation on his two objects


Will Alden rank up to A when he affixes in a year? His bound skill and free authority each gained one level in the last two months, so in a year his bound skill might rise from today's Level 9 to Level 15. Level 15, per remarks from Lute and Klein, is already about as high as even "fat" normal skills get. Meanwhile, if his free authority reaches equal to bound by affixation time, that would be another 15 levels, meaning after affixation he'd be at Level 30! So, are we going to get "Alden, B-rank, level 30" on his secret profile? Or will he secretly rank up to A instead?


So, there's a couple of hints here regarding the two knights and their "honeymoon" that doesn't involve marriage. --- This is a lonely place on such a lively planet, she thought. But she did not feel alone. She smiled and a minute later, her partner appeared on the roof beside her. ... “Lind, you’ve been out here for hours,” he complained. “I think you’re doing it just to see if I’ll miss you.” “Did you?” “A little. Isn’t that absurd? I’ve never been more aware of your presence. You’d think it would make me less inclined to follow you onto cold rooftops, but here I am.” ... “I was complaining in the privacy of my mind. I’ll make sure you notice it next time.” He looked toward the horizon. “What are you out here for?” --- There's not really enough information to make anything concrete, but I'm getting a definite Warder-Aes Sedai psychic-bond vibe from this?


I would say Superpowereds but it has a very different tone. And reading it now seems a bit like a caricature of college life a couple decades ago. Eitherway I liked the characters, especially how some of the developed over the course of the series, as some were quite unlikeable in the beginning. And the stakes aren't world ending multiverse stuff. Also its not as grim dark as Worm, but slightly darker than this story (as of now I suppose). And its very much a school/academy setting if thats your cup of tea.


Ah you’ve got me looking up Sam quotes: “Come, Mr. Frodo!' he cried. 'I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you and it as well. So up you get! Come on, Mr. Frodo dear! Sam will give you a ride. Just tell him where to go, and he'll go”


My bet is the crazy exponential growth rate only holds for the first one or two post-awareness affixations. Then the time required to pile up authority to hit the next critical point hits its stride in exponent land as well. Otherwise we'd have the Primary trivially slapping apart the concept of reality instead of a moon sized demon as an accomplishment. So A next affixation? maybe


I guess I would say, and maybe you get this, that I’m not calling Tom an analogue for Alden, but more that there are Bombadil-ish features to him.


Ch 78. Alden told Kon his skill level is 3. Kon would tell Lexi. Lexi would tell Hauou

McIntosh Ewell

More like a medal of honor. Also, I'm not sure he's as oblivious as he seems. I think his humility is at least partially an act he puts on so he doesn't have to think about it.


Jacob Wright's stolen "Submerger" (ch.101) could easily break down if he passes too close to Matadero's chaos aura during his underwater escape attempt from Anesidora. If Alden and the gang are nearby on Lexi's boat, they may get involved in the rescue of Jacob Wright and his fellow would-be escapees.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Nice observation, G. I have always had a soft spot for Tom Bombadil, so I appreciate the comparison here.
2024-01-01 04:21:10 Nice observation, G. I have always had a soft spot for Tom Bombadil, so I appreciate the comparison here.

Nice observation, G. I have always had a soft spot for Tom Bombadil, so I appreciate the comparison here.

Swiss Jeez

Also the fact that Alden shared it with Kon suggests that he isn't keeping his fake level a secret. Its supposed to be his cover story after all. Hence he's probably mentioned it to Haoyu at some point.


I do get that. The quiet energy in Bombadill is also present in Alden. It's a comforting feeling.

John D Jones

You can kind of understand why the Artonans want to keep Knight-Skills away from human Avowed. I mean, would you really trust Medhi or Winston Heelfeather with an ability to cut moons in half?


Try industrial strength magic, there are some stakes, but the tone is mostly very funny lighthearted


Yes, he can feel his power and therefore infer some of its mechanisms, reread last chapter

John D Jones

Calling it now: Saleh's daughter is going to get a treehouse because Alden's going to plant one of the 'arth' trees in her yard for that specific purpose.


Calico C, I loved Superpowereds! Definitely +1 to that rec

Ryan Brudnicki

I was thinking something similar, with all the focus on targeting someone for aldens skill, i wonder if the final point is to permanently pick a partner and thats what the knights are celebrating, i think that fits with the themes of aldens skill more than having multiple targets would


I didn't like Superpowereds, but Villains' Code (same author) is my current favourite super powered story.

Neil H

I'm curious what would happen if Alden tried to use his ability to "catch" the Writher during sparring.

Heather White

Another possible similarity pops to mind. Tom has a profound knowledge/understanding of nature & the magical, far beyond the hobbits, which is why he can rescue them from the willow and the barrow, and why the ring doesn’t affect him. With Alden’s free authority skills, Alden perceives & can interact with the magical world at a far deeper level than his roommates are ever likely to.

Gail (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 It might be able to, but that's not what is happening here. These knights are on Matadero, the demon-killing-place on earth, so they're in the same dimension and only a matter of miles away from Alden.
2024-01-01 06:28:43 It might be able to, but that's not what is happening here. These knights are on Matadero, the demon-killing-place on earth, so they're in the same dimension and only a matter of miles away from Alden.

It might be able to, but that's not what is happening here. These knights are on Matadero, the demon-killing-place on earth, so they're in the same dimension and only a matter of miles away from Alden.

Michael Blue

I have to wonder if a Life Shaper making a treehouse worthy tree is really too expensive for the principal of one of the most prestigious high schools on Earth

Matt DiMeo

Yeah; a guy with an internet connection in his head and a split brain that can do two separate things at once, and he brings a book to your party. Oof.


I guess it might also be because there’s an instructor mentoring Maricel who have the exact same class and rank as she does that she’s getting the hang of things rather quickly. But Hazel looks like she definitely falls into the category of what Lexi meant. And Lute might low key be too considering he learnt that long sight word chain so quickly.

Michael Blue

Heather, totally fair point. I guess the question is exactly (how) soundproofed he wants his room, and then how does that compare to what other students are doing to their dorm. Do other wealthy teenagers soundproof against S-rank audial brutes?


I wonder if they control what is already there, and take a relatively long time to grow big trees, although I remember reading about Jupiter taking a leaf from Kon's tree in his character notes, so maybe she'll use it to make her own tree.


New theory. We know the matedero is seeped in chaos miasma and we know that alden awakened his authority sense from similar thing what if the matedero is just the way for artonans to help resource world species unlock authority senses. We know already that there have been knights of other species maybe this is how they get that going.


If they wanted to awaken authors sense, they would teach them. They don't because they never would want to inflict that pain to someone who is not fully committed to the sacrifice. They use those training session as training avowed against the real monsters

John Anastacio

We probably will get Aimi and possibly even Keiko during the party, btw. Because they're Benjamin's kids. as per ch 109: After having Hugh with Corin, Hikari divorced him and married Aulia's other son, Benjamin. Benjamin and Hikari are parents to Aimi, Keiko, and quite a few other offspring of varying ages (all of whom have Japanese names.) Unless heroes like Keiko are just too busy to attend their dad's birthday party? I'm not sure how important birthday parties are to families who have reliably extended lifespans. For all we know it's just a networking event for the Velras. It would be nice to see Keiko in any case. Edit: I thought of something funny - the Superlatives (the club for S-ranks) should rename themselves Slytherin. Then they can ironically wear black and hiss and talk about purebloods and how all the other clubs are mudbloods, dirt beneath their feet. I fear that would require too much sense of humor and maturity than can be expected from teens, though.

Bryan Thew

I'm thinking a "oh shit that thing broke! summon Kon!" moment happens. Face it his skill /spell combo is begging for emergency summons.


Rank-ups may be a chaos thing. Otherwise, why do they mostly happen to Uniques, and almost always happen right after off-planet summons? I suspect "rank up" is a deceptively positive framing for "something stimulated your Chaos Potential, and we needed a larger affixation to stabilize you."


We are aware of his extraordinary potential, yet he starts with a significant limitation: the necessity to target someone or to receive a request. I wonder how much he needs to develop to overcome this restriction, or if it's simply a matter of how he interprets his own abilities. he's already self aware that brainwashing himself that certain things arent out of reach make it possible. I wonder if hell continue that route.

Temp One

If humanity comes to develop an Authority sense, and comes to understand that humans with Authority are universally consigned to a fate that regularly drives Artonans to suicide. Things are not going to look pretty for the Artonan relationship with humanity. No way do they want to deliberately foster a nuclear bombshell like that.


I don't necessarily think they hide it from the people there we know of hayous parents are tatted and maybe one of those is essentially hey look we have a thing that might make you level significantly faster however it'll cause you excruciating pain for a awhile after you afix you down? Also keep it a secret

Temp One

From what we've seen, I fear some of the S ranks might feel that way unironically.

Marcus Rodriguez

The primary cut something the size of a moon in half. Why the hell is the growth not exponential? Alden describes the Quaternary power as "An authority so massive it dwarfed understanding...".

Anzel Capparelli

Wondering if it's as significant as marrying/mixing their authorities together, which is why it's kind of seen like a marriage (no easy way to explain to planet that doesn't explain authority), and why the artonians place a lot of significance on it, given their emphasis on authority

Temp One

@aaaaaa: Two things: Sleyca never said the growth rate is exponential. It might be geometric, but all we know is that it's -much- faster than Wizards or Avowed grow their Authority. The Primary 's power is so daunting that an Authority deaf Alden could still get an impression of his power, and that impression alone was enough to nearly paralyze him. The second thing is that slapping reality's conceptual surface of Thegund is literally what Alis-art'h is doing when Alden meets her for the first time. And she was likely doing it with her free authority -alone-. I'm basing this off the fact that she has to stop doing it while preventing Alden's affixation from popping, which would be a task that I can't imagine would fall under the purview of a Skill. The power growth of Knights is so impressive that, way back when Kibby was describing power rankings to Alden, Kibby squarely placed all Knights, even the weakest, as being tier above the best Wizards. That being said, I think surmounting the gap between an A and a B will likely take longer than a year.

Anzel Capparelli

How much of it falls under Joe though? Since he learned most of it practicing with Kvbee If Joe barred directly talking about it, he might be able to help still, without telling what it is Thought Joe was more about telling the secret to classes (don't accept the rewards for leveling, which is what we now knows puts free authority in conflict with bound authority and promotes fast growth), also he revealed the true nature of the Bearer of All Burdens

Temp One

I kind of thought it was the context of the greeting. Like randomly encountering a person looking up at the stars at night. And while they don't notice you, you hear them quietly say "hello universe."


It's a combination of Joe's skill advancement lessons giving him the right mindset in terms of skill development plus the Authority making it easier to sense precisely what is happening when he does something skill related. Also, he already tried giving tips to Kon about how he can revert "collections of objects" for the same authority cost as one object at a time but I don't think Kon actually got what Alden was hinting at


I think the maths is slightly off since Alden's initial 8 level boost in 6 months happened partly from being stimulated by soaking in a chaos rich environment. We don't actually have to do too much guesswork because Alden literally states himself that he grew by a level in roughly 3 months and that's also around the time Earth (who pings you every level up) informed him that he was ready to affix again. That's roughly 2 levels in 3 months and 4 levels in 6 months, for his free to surpass his current where he HAS to affix or die it will probably take exactly a year. I'm on mobile so I can't exactly type it out but if the rate of growth keeps up with the size of affixation such that he has to affix every year....and I think from the context clues we got B->A is around 30-40 levels and A->S is also the same (Lute had enough authority for 2 S rank skills and it wasn't enough to be affixed as an 1, Alden at 9 levels could barely afford another B skill), then Alden might hit A by the end of HS year 3 to around college admissions and probably hit college graduation or just after as an S rank


I fear for happy Hayou the main mediator of our little group. And if it goes down while he’s at Lute’s party. Oh poor Hayou.


Oh my god. No. No. But yes. He needs to become that rhythm ribbon gymnastics things. And it’s so obviously slapped in our faces and when it does happen I’ll be annoyed because of course it is. But if it doesn’t I’ll be annoyed when the other obvious answer happens and I’m like ‘durr, of course it was boats and sailing lines’ or something else. Sleyca you sly salty sea dog you.


I enjoy that the fashion professor is going to identify other 300 skills for the purposes of fashion. Maybe the Super aspect of this story is actually going to be a culture shift from super heroes to magical girls.


I think if it doesn’t go wrong then it’ll be that Alden is able to sense as the only human wizard what the purpose of the demon slaying is. They can sense his authority Pat from so far away. May be that Alden can perceive for the first time what demon slaying does to the world and why. Could be a big dilemma.


Marshmallows, were originally made from the roots of marsh mallows. As in a plant from the mallow family that generally grew in marshes. So vegan option shouldn't be a problem.

Jeff Wells

We also know that most of the restrictions, like having to move for example, are a form of training wheels, and either become less necessary over time or can be bought off with skill upgrades. IMO what's probably necessary is making a connection between himself and the one whose burden he bears with his authority, and the skill facilitates that via targeting. If that's the case he may be able to overcome the limitation and connect to multiple people at once. To speculate even more, this could be a path to split focus casting, enabling the full range of wizard spells for Alden, which would be super cool. Though it might be a better story if that never happened.


@Blorcyn: Are you talking about Luna Plim, who's looking into other oddly restricted skills? She's not the fashion teacher; that's Colibri. Luna teaches Creative Power Applications, mentors the B-List, and collects weirdos in general.

Cyrus McEnnis

I have long held that if the teachers at CSN knew of the commendation, then it's going to be more widely known - not at a student level, but the implication was that if Arjun was more plugged in he'd have known of the commendation. And that the other schools were aware of it as well. Not a big leap to people knowing Alden's public status page details if they care to go looking for it. If it's known across multiple educational institutions, and available to people with sufficient "social credit" for want of a better way to put it, then it's hardly what if call a secret that he's levelled up.


I don't know about that - I think the entrustment restriction might be permanent. Always having to ask/target someone stops this incredibly OP skill from being limitless. We know that the Artonan's only allow 1 BOAB per species (maybe only 1 non-Artonan anywhere?) because it's such a powerful skill. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the 300 skills have some similar limitation (at least for other species) to prevent anyone with it going power crazy?


In the Mother chapters she said that Alden was so far ahead of any other humans in terms of authority sensing that there was no comparison. Even without authority lessons, a skilled avowed (as all who go to matadero are) with an awakened authority sense would presumably have progressed further than a teenager with less than a year of training.


Feeling his authority is definitely a huge factor, but it's far from the only advantage Alden has. He got perspective training from Joe. He got secret BoAB lore from both Joe and Mother. He has kinderwizard training that introduced him to some important concepts, albeit at a very low level. He has a skill that he can use sixteen hours a day, every day, if he wants. His skill is *way* stronger than everyone else thinks it is. He got help from Mother setting up his Processing points specifically to support his magic learning. And to top it off, he's very hardworking and motivated. It's a bunch of factors, really, but they add up something fierce.


I think that if the birthday party is on the Velra megayacht that there might be a problem there. i can see all the Velra's selfishly fleeing for their lives while Alden and the boys go around saving everyone else.


@Michael: We know (normal) Healers work pretty slowly, and human Healers can't do stuff like regrow lost eyes. Force-growing trees might be one of those things that takes a lot of time and power to do. It might be something no human is currently capable of, or something only a few (very powerful, very expensive) humans can do, to the point that importing and transplanting a full-grown tree is cheaper.


I'm also thinking that Haoyu's Dad or Vandy's Mum gets too badly hurt to be be teleported and is going to die - and then Alden points out that is exactly what his skill is for - and volunteers to carry them to the Artonan hospital where they can be cured.


We know ONE restriction is training wheels. Nothing similar has been said about Bearer's other restrictions. Some might well be, but some are probably fundamental to the skill on some level. Multi targeting... might happen. But I'm confident entrustment is here to stay, because Bearer "has roots in service and sacrifice", according to Mother. Alden will probably get more ways to meet the entrustment requirement; we saw one just recently, with his epic game of catch. He'll probably extend his entrustment range. Maybe he can get multiple entrustments at once. But entrustment itself will not go away.


I'd like to point out that in the privacy of his own mind, Lexi calls his weapon "Writher" like it's a personal name. It doesn't mean anything, I don't think, but I find it delightful. Also, I place good odds on Alden having a panic attack when he gets to Matadero and feels that chaos miasma. I'm sure that will be fun to explain.

John Anastacio

It doesn't have a mouth in its present state. I think it might be able to open up, so to speak. I know that sounds improbable but Writher is an alien weapon.


I Don't think he'll fully get around that, he'll probably learn to target more than one person simultaneously (so be entrusted items from multiple people) and probably also the ability to be 'implicitly' entrusted stuff. For example "that guy probably doesn't want to be vaporized by that fireball... I bet he'd entrust me with it!" It'd probably work so long as it is actually a good faith belief, and not mental gymnastics, I think.

Barrett Fogarty

Alden told Boe all about his understanding of Authority. Why can't he tell his roomies? I thought Joe's proscriptions were about BOAB and its development alone.


My very sad thought is, would the HP books even exist in this version of earth? Would it make sense for JKR to imagine a secret wizarding school when real magic exists? Even if she did, would the books have the same renown and following.

Zenopath (AEV)

If Alden grows his free authority from 0 to 100% as large as his bound while at same time growing his bound authority, that is more than a doubling. Lets say bound authority grew by 10% of base and free by 13% of base in a 70 day period, that's more than 1% growth every 3 days. Even ignoring compounding, that's 122% growth in a year.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

I wonder is matadero stuff for the sake of getting rid of chaos that naturally accumulates at earth


This comment chain needs more attention like that is such a heckin good idea

Invalid Entry

I figured it was a method of coping with/protecting against the buildup of depression and suicidal impulses due to the binding of one’s authority and magic.

Invalid Entry

Wait they mentioned messaging the unbound on Earth… does that mean there are a bunch of Human wizards on Earth? Do they actually have authority sense and magic or just free authority and the system is simply leaving some free? I hope it’s the latter, was kind of hoping Alden would be the pioneer.


@PatienceHoney, "That Time I got transported to Wizarding School on Another World, Vol. 12"

Twara Sandeep

They’re talking about the Artonan wizards who aren’t knights, meaning unbound by affixation on Earth; there are 17,000 of them I think, and the Knights are assuming one of the wizards sent the greeting


The thing about the skills is that interpretation has a huge influence on its limits, so if something should technically be possible then as long as Alden has enough Authority and the right mindset then it should be possible, and if it isn't then Mother can create Alden-specific upgrades/addons. If Alden believes that the Bearer of ALL Burdens should include his own burdens then theoretically he should be able to select himself. Likewise, if you interpret the skill name literally then any burden goes, do you need permission to carry someone else's burden? I don't think so, or at least the bearer of ALL burdens shouldn't have to ask for such permissions since they would be the ones to decide which burdens they wish to carry. So the entrustment will probably remain, but he'll definitely be able to target multiple people, then he'll probably stop having to ask for permission, then he'll most likely learn to target himself so that he can decide for himself what he interprets as a burden. I just don't believe that the Artonans would design their original 300 meant to be as powerful as possible for the sake of protecting the world with such a heavy limitation. I believe it's more likely that each of the 300 was designed as a supreme law/domain where the user becomes akin to a god that has full control of every aspect of their domain and their opinion about their domain is law. So as the Bearer of ALL Burdens Alden would eventually turn into a 'God of Burdens' and would have full Authority to enforce his will pertaining to Burdens on all beings regardless of permission, such is a god's Authority..


He likely can't. The high level wizards have just enourmous authority that spanns kilometers. So they can probably feel when someone inside their's pats them. Maybe it has even something to do with Aldens feeling of melancholy. If they were indeed within each others authority, it should go both ways. Funny thing was that Alden theorised he could use his free authority to find his roommates but decides against trying. That would probably have the Knights on him in a snap to check it out. :)


He could pull the loud-nightmares-because-of-traumatic-experience card. Though he should have done it immediately upon entering. Or he can buy an expensive sound system at the same time to deflect attention.


Mabe not? Time allows physics to do its thing. What it magic circumvents the need for that? "Imposing one's will on the world." Seems like magic is sort of a Joker you can slot everywhere in.

Jeff Wells

Bear in mind with Superpowereds that it's the author's first work, and the early parts really show it. That said it's also one of the stories that led me on the path to here, so I definitely recommend it for nostalgia reasons if nothing else. I'd say check out out, and if the writing quality doesn't bother you you'll likely love the story.

Kim Enteiu

With the original skills being designed with knights in mind, it’s possible that the final form of targeting unfolds until it incorporates the affixed’s authority sense. The current state of entrustment could be a work-around until the affixation advances enough to always be open or connected through authority sense. Additionally, rather than a flaw it could be a Feature. We know that Boe has a unique permanent affixation that makes him more receptive to the world around him & the emotions of others. As Alden’s skill grows even more passive additions to his senses as he prepares to bear the burdens of feelings, memories, and more would be chaos without a targeting feature and even if he does gain the ability to expand his influence from one person to more than one person or an area it would be important to be able to scale that back down so that the burdens aren’t overwhelming.


The primary cut something the size of a moon. Probably because it was inside his authority. The Knight in this chapter felt the pat, probably because it happened within her authority. The systems are world wide and can affix, which suggest they are part authority. Those numbers are very much believable to me. Especially if the volume formula grows slower that raw authority numbers would suggest, trading quantity for quality.

Kim Enteiu

The only reason he isn’t trying them is because letting them know needs to include letting them know he’s a Wizard at the same time or it involves a lot of information that makes little to no sense & he’s worried about alienating them by coming across as too weird.

Matt DiMeo

The knights implied it could have been from much farther away, with their talk of messaging all 17000 artonan wizards on earth to get them to confess.

Kim Enteiu

It’s like headphones on a bus instead of earbuds; when you want to make absolutely sure people know you don’t want to be bothered.

Gail (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 He also calls it Writher out loud.
2024-01-01 19:13:58 He also calls it Writher out loud.

He also calls it Writher out loud.


The whole day, I have been imagining a high-speed chase on Lexi's boat where our favorite roommates are trying to run away from an escaped demon. Alden is protecting the boat, and they are trying to lead the demon back toward Matadero in order to protect the Anesidorans.


That Sam quote even has him being a burden-bearer. Very applicable!


I think Alden must have a very different way of greeting than Artonans, who are all suckers for structured and strict learning - they all do it exactly the same, I'm sure


Of course, it makes so much sense! Great, great insight right there


Mrdelta, I was kinda surprised that Sleyca can make those kinda jokes too!


I also feel proud of Alden. And sorry for the roommates, because they have no way of doing anything remotely the same..


Nobody mentioned that tidbit about Torsten yet.. I would never have imagined him to feel any emotion regarding anything Alden - he seemed like he didn't care about him..


Just want to show appreciation for Big Snake again - he *gets* what Alden has been through and what he is accomplishing in a more profound way than any other instructor


And lastly, the Instructors not getting the entrustment requirement has me feeling very superior with my omniscient reader's knowledge. They are just thinking of the powers like they are computer programs- why did they add this feature, it is useless etc etc. Meantime, they just don't get it at all. The skill draws power from the entrustment and the carrying, and magic is about symbolism and a universe running a big scale in the background, weighing what is given and taken and the willingness with which they are done.

Jacob Everist

I was more in comparing the Artonans to the Atevi in the "Foreigner" series by C. J. Cherryh. They get very close to understanding the Atevi but eventually reach a point of diminishing returns. Cherryh gets about 6 books in before she feels compelled to add another species with a similar degree of alien-ness and a similar approach. Mining that separation and slowly building the bridge gives lots of material for plot motivation. Given that in this story, Alden's power is alien by nature, this plot device performs double-duty as "figuring out the aliens" and a "hero's journey of self-discovery".

Joseph Lemongello

I like to think eventually he will realize the Bearer of Burdens doesnt specify targeting specifically other people. He should be able to carry his own burdons technically.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Whatever happens, we may be rapidly approaching intensity level 99, or at least ramping up to around intensity 60-something.
2024-01-01 22:09:48 Whatever happens, we may be rapidly approaching intensity level 99, or at least ramping up to around intensity 60-something.

Whatever happens, we may be rapidly approaching intensity level 99, or at least ramping up to around intensity 60-something.

Gail (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 You're not unjustified in feeling superior, there are some Omniscient Readers who seem to be under the impression that entrustment is just a limit Alden will get over.
2024-01-01 22:11:45 You're not unjustified in feeling superior, there are some Omniscient Readers who seem to be under the impression that entrustment is just a limit Alden will get over.

You're not unjustified in feeling superior, there are some Omniscient Readers who seem to be under the impression that entrustment is just a limit Alden will get over.


What I really like about this story is that the conflict driving it isn't combat, as is usual for this setting, but social conflict, or man vs nature in the arc before.

Michael Blue

I wouldn’t say that, I’d say Torsten ✨disliked✨ Alden, or at the very least, was honest in his opinion that Alden going to CNH was a waste of his (and the instructors’) time. I’d imagine that seeing Alden attend school is a reminder for Torsten that Saleh, or the superhuman training programs of Anesidora are willing to compromise their principles and sacrifice student futures for clout.


He does, but it's not as obvious from a third person perspective that he's capitalizing it.

Temp One

They're certainly circumspect about it. Regardless though, why would they try to force unwitting humans to gain a sense that would turn their lives into an existential hell?


I think the targeting is an integral part of the skill. It is necessary to interact with the authority of others which may be necessary for certain kinds of loads to bear, like memories, spells and other exotic stuff.

Matt DiMeo

Since the difference between bound and free authority drives authority growth, I’d mathematically expect each level to take around the same amount of time, regardless of whether the “XP per level” gets bigger. So maybe knights and alden get linear growth over the long term, where everyone else gets logarithmic. Under a model like that, growth is fastest right after affixation, and slower right before, which might mean Alden has more time than he fears.

Robert Mullins

Yeah, personally I feel like Torsten has been portrayed in an at least neutral light since his first appearance. He's the only one that objected to Alden's entrance because that's what the information he had on Rabbit's and their skills suggested was right and he stood by that decision even though he knew he'd be overruled. And everyone else was fine throwing Alden under the bus by admitting him for the political benefits.

Cyrus McEnnis

I don't think it's that he doesn't care, but more that he doesn't have any guidance applicable to hm - that was one of the major issues he had with Alden's application in the first place. I think it's more likely that he's watching Alden rather closely to see if there's any meaningful advice he can give: he doesn't strike me as a man to talk to something he doesn't know about.


The entrustment is fundamental to aldens powers. Both his bound authority and the inheritance he got from Gorgon. I don't think it's an accident that Gorgon got Alden to get a hero power that makes people give themselves to him constantly. At some point I think the Gorgon inheritance will kick in(maybe it's already started) and amplify or add dimensions to his Burdens . I think the entrustment aspect may become even more important not less


If they're not one of the endless growth they might be close to a computer program. Alden compares them to robot spells, I think. To them Skills are a black box, where they hit a button and things happen, and without an authority sense it'll remain that way.


Fear for his safety. All of Alden's totally healthy, head screws on right mentors keep dying

John Anastacio

The instructors could just ask Alden what he knows or thinks about his skill. It's funny that none of them have tried that yet, not even Plim.

Calico C

@Daniel Starr I think the commendation is so high because of how extreme the situation was, how NEW he was as an avowed, how low his chances of survival was, and the fact that he was not summoned to do any of this. But most of all, how obvious it was that he cared for a stranger child from a difference species, caring for her even above his own life. He was fully ready to die for Kibby to make sure she was okay, and he almost did. And even when he was facing death as he was about to be transported to Artona I, his main thoughts were how to traumatize Kibby the least in the event of his death. The amount of character he showed during his physical recovery on the ship, as well as Kibby’s high praises, was monumental.

Calico C

I’ve read Superpowered’s and loved it. Forgot to mention it for some reason. I did drop it during book 3 as the plotting was getting very “internal conspiracy” which tends to be a plot I dislike. I’ll definitely check the others out!

John D Jones

I'm really looking forward to Velra Mafia Initiation Night.


I just caught up once again and the story just gets better and better. Rest up Sleyca and thanks for the amazing words :)

David lance

Happy new year! Love how far this story has come.


After these last few chapters I can't wait for Alden to target a wizard or knight. The recent findings with the targeting system makes me think Bearer of All Burdens will work alot better when the entruster has an authority sense.

John Anastacio

Calling it Writher is like naming a dog Dog. A bit obvious but maybe emblematic of Lexi's character.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Huh. Steffen above speculated that maybe the two honeymooning knights have connected their authority somehow, which isn't something I would have thought of. But combine that with your idea, and... maybe this is how a Bearer might discover that Entrustment is possible from a target that's bigger than one person?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I feel like something about Alden makes Torsten existentially uncomfortable. Torsten wants to be the tough-love battle-hardened no-nonsense guy who understands the dangers and stakes of superhero work, and I think his instinct is to protect the young, kind, traumatized, squishy rabbit, both from real danger and political manipulations. A combination of good intentions and ego make him not want to understand the extent to which Alden has already seen death and danger, is dealing extraordinarily well with it instead of becoming bitter and egotistical, deserves his commendation, and is making an informed decision going to superhero school.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I hope he's being temporarily taken off the board just so that there's fewer local experts to help deal with whatever's going to happen with Matadero, and will be back afterwards to swap demon battle stories with Alden.

John Anastacio

I think Haoyu will spend a lot of time gorging himself on the wonderful food. Hope they prepare enough to satisfy his enormous appetites. I think it may shock a lot of Velras to see Lute with friends who are kind to and protective of him.


There are things Alden can't tell them about their skills, but he can certainly say "Artonans design skills with a purpose in mind, and meditating on that purpose can be helpful." He might be able to send Lexi a video of Stu using an Auriad and say "This is a wizard's tool that I believe the meister class is based off of, note that the auriad is an extension of the Wizard."


I don't think Alden *can* reveal his full profile. I think doing so might violate his "Rule 1" terms of contract with Joe as it might indirectly hint at his planned path of development.


I don’t reckon he’ll be able to rank up until the end of the school year. We haven’t had enough time with the B list, and it’s about when he’s due for a summons. He may fit the mold and come back from a summons with a rank (via Mother rather than earth) or he may rank up then go, and so leave behind a host of problems.


Look at what Torsten says about the psychologist in that one chapter. I think he’s the only one who comments too.


I am intereste that they felt the need to add "any human Avowed". I assume that they are consider human Avowed compared to all the Avowed. But they could also mean that there is a non Avowed human that has a higher commendation. I don´t belive it, but it is one way to read it.


I can´t see any reason why Alden has to hide his full profil. His promise with Joe does not have anything to do with his fake one, it was mad long before Mother gave Alden his fake one. He simply need to bear the burden of being even more unique.


Does the increase in rank actually change anything other than other peoples perspective of him?

Morog T Tiny

I get the letter rankings as providing a quantitative view of how big a bite each level of skill takes from free authority and its consequent effect, probably related to prime numbers. F would be 1, unit D would be 3 units, C would be 5 units, B would be 7 units, A would be 11 units, and S would be 13 units and this may also be related to some degree to Chaos potential. There are with most skills, a max level, so F10 would be significantly less than C10 and S10 would be so much more free authority locked in and consequentially, that much more powerful. If this is so then as Alden progresses higher , the letters may be progressed simply because its easier to rate someone as S9 vs B huge number. I guess we will find out when Alden next affixes free authority. ;-)

Zenopath (AEV)

I think Ghosten has a point. The entrustment feature is a pointless limitation. I bet the next advancement Alden pulls off is learning how to target himself.

Zenopath (AEV)

I think Alden will figure out how to target himself. It would satisfy symbolism for him to reach the ability to serve himself. It would satisfy his character arc (becoming less self sacrificing).


that would be unfortunate though, since it seems that sacrifice/duty etc. as a potent symbolic power is so embedded into the nature of that ability and Artonian society as a whole. Also storywise its just more interesting that way, Hunter x Hunter or some of the more recent series are more compelling when there's drawbacks to powers. that might be just an endgame thing though, powercreeping this early I think would be a big disservice to Sleyca's set up and pacing so far


No entrustment means that Alden would eventually be able to steal emotions, secrets, and other dark things

John D Jones

Alden feels really tired, so he entrusts his fatigue to himself. He's in pain so he entrusts that pain to himself. Pretty soon he's so full up with stuff he's entrusted to himself that he can't support anyone else. Except the entire point of the Skill is to bear burdens for others. To help and support other people, usually other Knights. I think there will come points where the entrustment requirement will loosen. Where Alden will be able to catch and release multiple things without necessarily obtaining entrustment permission for each of them. Suppose Big Snake brings in Haoyu to throw tennis balls with him at Alden, Alden wouldn't need to get entrustment for each ball but could maybe "stretch" his entrustment to include Big Snake and Haoyu without losing it. Like that. But Alden wouldn't be able to just randomly catch balls without targeting someone as an "entruster." Otherwise... think about stuff that's already been mentioned as "entrustable." Secrets, Word-chain debt. Spells and Enchantment. Temporal instants (whatever that means). Anything, including non-physical concepts could potentially be considered to be a Burden to be Borne by the Bearer. Free Authority. Bound Skills. Knowledge (a criminal wants a computer scientist to hack into and disable the power grid for Anesidora, but Alden accepts the Burden of that knowledge/skill so the scientist no longer knows how to do that). Maybe even Attributes (Inside a high chaos zone is a valve that needs to be turned so Big Snake entrusts Alden with his Strength so Alden with his Chaos Resistance has the Strength to turn that valve. Now think about how terrifyingly over-powered Alden would be if he could do stuff like that without permission and against other people's will. Especially when you consider that Skill vs. Skill is resolved based on the amount of Authority/Levels in a Skill. Alden would be able to take anything from just about anyone.

Barrett Fogarty

Yes! Exactly, and what do imagine he would feel comfortable saying? Under what situation would he say anything about authority awareness?

John D Jones

So actor Danny DeVito (who is 4'10" and 79 years old) wants to enter the Mr. Universe competition. He's offering big bucks to those trainers willing to help him get into shape to do this. Torsten is the trainer who tells him "Mr. Devito, you're 4'10" and 79 years old. If you do this not only will you fail, but you'll probably kill yourself trying." Torsten sees Alden as being a bit like those high school or college sports kids who take easy (or faked) classes instead of getting a real education because "football/basketball/Qudditch is gonna be my life." Except that it turns out that they're not going to be good enough for it to be their life so they "graduate" as under-educated people whose career choice now boils down to "Ya want fries with that?" Torsten doesn't want that for Alden and he pretty clearly thinks that the school is being fucking evil for encouraging Alden in something that will never work for him. Torsten will do his job of teaching Alden, but he's not going to encourage him because he hopes that Alden will come to his senses, leave the Hero Track and go for something that will actually give him a future.


That doesn't make a lot of sense to me either; there's enough Avowed getting summoned that surely at some point one has leapt in front of a car to save a kid or something. Well, probably not that literally, since Artonan cars are self driving, but charged into a burning building or whatever. Surely someone has been brave without being obligated to. Whatever makes Alden's commendation special I don't think it's as simple as being brave when you don't have to.


And that would make sense since the Artonans most likely designed the 300 to be as powerful as possible for the sake of the world. There are also already plenty of drawbacks for the skill to be as op as it could be. For one, Alden has his Authority unlocked so he'll be living the rest of his life dealing with affixation pain that brings plenty of knights to wish for death. Two, the burdens are exactly that, burdens and Alden's skill is to take on burdens himself, right now it might seem like there's barely any backlash but I'm sure as his skill develops and he takes on more diverse forms of burdens the worse the consequences of bearing those burdens will be. Kinda like how wordchain debt works, there's a balance to uphold, but as the bearer of all burdens, the skill will help alleviate a great deal of the backlash. Three, the skill has basically no options for attacking (I don't really count deflection), and the higher the level his opponents are the more he'll have to leave the offensive to others. (I guess his free Authority and magic will be able to make up for his skills shortcomings in this regard, but even so, he'll never be able to match his offensive power with a real wizard as most of his authority is bound unless he completely outclasses them in levels which he has the potential to in the far future.)


I don't think the entrustment requirement will ever go away, but there are certainly ways for it to loosen. For example, only having one target seems totally arbitrary, he's not a "bearer of one person at a time's burdens". Of course multitarget would mean "track multiple people at once trivially" but he hasn't even thought about doing that with one person yet. And people need to remember that he's always carrying the weight of things entrusted to him. If he's entrusted an object, he feels like he's lifting it (and will even if he figures out how to use authority rather than hands to carry it). If he's entrusted pain, he will feel it (and therefore he really doesn't want that ability). If he's entrusted a secret I imagine he would need to remember it all the time.


It would also be interesting to see how they felt as his target. Alden can feel when he's targeted by, for example, Hazel, but he also suspects that his own targeting would feel different. Visiting Stuart will be a great chance to find some of this stuff out if it doesn't come up before then.


I'm looking forward to Alden having a healer arc. Target someone, extract a sickness or disease, drop target, lose entrustment and therefore the disease. Is a disease like an enchantment? When he tries to hold enchantments, and drops them, where do they go when they "break"? This haxx is worrisome however in that the gremlin of balance in terms of "health" must be maintained. Maybe the "Palace of Unbreaking" has a solution for getting rid of unwanted disease states.


It's going to be really funny when Alden eventually meets a knight with his same skill. There are at bare minimum thousands of knights and only 300 unlimited level skills, presumably a number of them currently have it.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 Off topic for this chapter, but I finally broke down and started a reread of the series so far. Man, some of those earlier chapters read differently with context! Was Body Drainer actually draining authority? The Velras are so much worse than Alden initially thought! Boe was hiding his affixation, and had a good reason to know all the extra information about avowed life he was pulling out of nowhere. Will we see Leo the Postbox again as part of the story? Alden's innocent anticipation of working toward his superhero dream really highlights the tone shift after Moon Thegund. Also, Corin of the Velra's seems much more reasonable the first time he shows up in the story than we now know him to be. In short, rereading is quite the experience.
2024-01-03 00:48:50 Off topic for this chapter, but I finally broke down and started a reread of the series so far. Man, some of those earlier chapters read differently with context! Was Body Drainer actually draining authority? The Velras are so much worse than Alden initially thought! Boe was hiding his affixation, and had a good reason to know all the extra information about avowed life he was pulling out of nowhere. Will we see Leo the Postbox again as part of the story? Alden's innocent anticipation of working toward his superhero dream really highlights the tone shift after Moon Thegund. Also, Corin of the Velra's seems much more reasonable the first time he shows up in the story than we now know him to be. In short, rereading is quite the experience.

Off topic for this chapter, but I finally broke down and started a reread of the series so far. Man, some of those earlier chapters read differently with context! Was Body Drainer actually draining authority? The Velras are so much worse than Alden initially thought! Boe was hiding his affixation, and had a good reason to know all the extra information about avowed life he was pulling out of nowhere. Will we see Leo the Postbox again as part of the story? Alden's innocent anticipation of working toward his superhero dream really highlights the tone shift after Moon Thegund. Also, Corin of the Velra's seems much more reasonable the first time he shows up in the story than we now know him to be. In short, rereading is quite the experience.


In chapter 59, it's described as Avowed Skill 112. I think Avowed and Knights mostly have different skills, though I would guess Knights have the option to grab Avowed skills if they want to for some reason. It also explains why the Entrustment aspect seems to deeply embedded in the skill. It was always meant to be a support skill.

John D Jones

I believe you presume wrongly and that a meeting between Alden and a Knight with BoAB probably won't take the form that you're expecting. IIRC Joe or Mother told Alden that BoAB hadn't been selected by Knights since the early days of the Contract. I mean, think about it. If BoAB were still in common use, figure the Primary or Alis would have noticed it and recognized it. OTOH, if no Knight has taken it for the last couple-three thousand years, it's understandable that it would fly under their radar. Joe only recognized it because he's a wizard super-nerd with a lot of esoteric knowledge about weird shit. Still, recall the bit about Knights' Authority being preserved by the 'Art'h forest after their deaths. Maybe some of their personality and memories is also preserved. Alden and Stu'art'h seance, anyone?


We've seen Leo several times since then. People notice flushing noises when near a mailbox occasionally and are confused.

Zenopath (AEV)

I think Totten and other heroes who think Alden should be discouraged are full of shit. They honestly think telling a kid to give up on his dreams is helping him? Nah they could be right that B rank rabbits shouldn't be heroes, but what are they pointing him towards? Be normal rabbit and live off your summons? If it literally doesn't matter what career choice he picks since he will also be wealthy from summons, why not let him pursue super hero course. Its exactly same as telling Lute to give up on music. Why should he? Let the kids pursue their own ambitions so long as they also get decent education.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 I know. I meant more along the lines of seeing him interact as a character, or getting more information on what exactly he is that is very likely illegal. The latter probably has to do with the fact that he seems to have true sapience, but I am sure there is more to the story. Leo has the potential to be a character, not an Easter egg or cameo.
2024-01-03 01:57:38 I know. I meant more along the lines of seeing him interact as a character, or getting more information on what exactly he is that is very likely illegal. The latter probably has to do with the fact that he seems to have true sapience, but I am sure there is more to the story. Leo has the potential to be a character, not an Easter egg or cameo.

I know. I meant more along the lines of seeing him interact as a character, or getting more information on what exactly he is that is very likely illegal. The latter probably has to do with the fact that he seems to have true sapience, but I am sure there is more to the story. Leo has the potential to be a character, not an Easter egg or cameo.

Michael Blue

Just for the record, I am much more on the ‘it won’t go away, it’s a feature, not a bug side.’ That said, there are aspects of entrusting that don’t make a lot of sense to me at the moment. For example, Alden asks someone else to entrust his suitcase to him. Alden uses his BoAB on the luggage. Why is Alden’s suitcase considered to be that person’s burden? Is it a matter of Alden’s perspective or is a solid feature of the skill that an entruster just has to be in a physical range of the burden?

Joel Wells

I don't think mother said that BoAB hadn't been used in since the early days... Also, there is no reason why the primary or Alls should have reconized his skill. I don't believe he actually used it in front of them.


We know the set of 300 Alden got his skill from were ancient. The Artonans lost the political will to keep adding more or update them or even to really allow aliens to even take them let alone make use of them as originally intended. We don't explicitly know but it seems likely that that set of 300 skills was designed *for avowed* primarily or exclusively. So even though these skills were designed with winning an existential war in mind, they would have different design considerations from a knight because the user cannot feel authority. This is in contrast to their knights who are kept in extreme reverence by society. Ain't no way the art for affixations of Artonan knights has languished in apathy. The knights are the business end of an interstellar magical empire.

Matt DiMeo

I am not sure Kon can be summoned on short notice like a Rabbit can. The 49 second grace period was in Alden’s class description. I don’t know what it looks like when the Artonans want an Adjuster in a hurry.

Matt DiMeo

It’s almost exactly the requirements of a medal of honor. “distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty”

Matt DiMeo

People keep talking about the original 300 skills being for Knights, and I see no evidence at all for that in the text.

Matt DiMeo

I’v been toying with a theory that wizards (and maybe avowed) create chaos by using magic, and the demon event is there to blow off steam.


Disagree with aaaaaa. Pretend the demon moon was the same size as Earth's moon, Luna. Luna has a radius of 1700 km. Cutting through it would be akin to cutting apart about 9 trillion square meters of material. An S-rank cutting skill probably works on 90 or less square meters. So, to level from S-rank to Luna-lopping, the Primary had to get a factor of ~100 billion times stronger. If he's twice as strong with every affixation, it would take 37 affixings to get there from 9 square meters. At a bit less than two affixes per year, this tracks with him being Stu-art'h's dad. Suppose he gets another 100 billion times stronger (37 more affixings). That's enough to cleave a demon as wide as Mercury's orbit. Another 100 billion (111 affixings total) and he could cleave a demon-sphere 1.8 light years across. Still way smaller than a single observable universe. So the math works out for him being able to go toe-to-toe with a black hole soon, but not being able to casually crack universes just yet.


@Matt DiMeo: They're not so much *only* for knights (being part of the main skill list kind of means that regular avowed will pick them up sooner or later, even with them being hidden behind layers of obscurity). However, in ch59, when Mother is going over the requirements of becoming a knight, the last one is having one of those skills: -- “The other requirement,” he said. “For being a knight. You said there was political stuff. But also one other requirement. I’d like to know what it is.” So I can avoid ever meeting it. “Oh that. They’re wizards sacrificing massive amounts of authority, their lives, and enduring sometimes torturous pain for the sake of others. It’s not like they’re going to go through all of that only to take a bunch of dumb little skills that let them arrange flowers or shoot fireballs or fluff pillows. They can do that nonsense with a spell and a bit more time and effort. And spreadingyour authority over fifty different itty bitty talents isn’t how you slice something the size of a moon in half, you know?” “I heard it was an eleventh of a moon.” “Thegund is a big moon.” She stretched her legs out in front of her and wiggled her toes at him. “Anyway, most Knights can afford a few supplementary talents for their own convenience, but those aren’t important. Defending the universe is all about having that one useful, well-designed, infinitely expandable skill to funnel all of your power into. As long as you don’t choose one of those, nobody will be interested in—” She paused and then gasped dramatically. “You’re making fun of me,” said Alden, astonished to find himself saying something like that in this situation. “You’re a mean System. I didn’t even know Systems could be mean.” --


That sounds like something that would generate demons and chaos. Maybe that’s why high end healers are in such short supply?


@John Anastacio: You're correct, the Art'h rapport that Alden visits is referred to as "Privately Governed Territory - Knight Rapport 1" in ch62.

Gail (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 TBH I'm glad he's just a cameo/easter egg thing. There's not really anything more to be gained from including him anymore, he's one-note and he's been played.
2024-01-03 05:06:05 TBH I'm glad he's just a cameo/easter egg thing. There's not really anything more to be gained from including him anymore, he's one-note and he's been played.

TBH I'm glad he's just a cameo/easter egg thing. There's not really anything more to be gained from including him anymore, he's one-note and he's been played.

Heather White

In addition to whatever concerns Torsten has about how the school may not benefit Alden, Torsten is also concerned about the school’s limited resources. Look at how many kids want to be at that school. They have to turn away hundreds every intake period, many of whom have what it takes to be very successful heroes and have skills the teachers already know how to be helpful with. The commendation shows that Alden’s actions were valued by the Artonans but not what those actions were or if they’d translate into anything useful for superhero work. Plus, rabbits get summoned without any control or warning. That makes them less useful for superhero careers on Earth, which is what the school focuses on. In Torsten’s mind, accepting a student from a class not designed for the battlefield with a skill they have zero records of, who could be summoned away at any time is a huge gamble that isn’t worth taking. From the impersonal perspective of cold logic, he’s probably right. We know better, but we have a crazy amount of information that he doesn’t.

Zenopath (AEV)

@John D Jones If he entrusted his fatigue or pain to himself, couldn't it just work exactly like a word chain? I think there's ways for those abilities to make sense if he is targeting himself. Also certain features might not work but being able to freely use his main ability on any object would not be OP, since he still has limitations. This story is LitRPG isn't it kind of the point that MC become OP in clever ways? I'm not sure there is any other knight with this talent. I don't think these avowed skill were meant for knights. The old avowed for whom the 300 skills were designed for were meant to fight beside knights, not become them. Andorians learn to wizard first then afix. Alden may well be only person to affix first then learn wizardry. Its a unreproducable result according to mother contract. There may well be unintended usages for a skill that was never meant to be used by wizards.


@aaaaaa it also seems like all the 300 skills weren't designed at the same time, as Knights were mentioned by the Mother as worried they would need a more supportive endless growth skill when it was designed. Or maybe they didn't exist as Avowed/Wizard hybrids yet in the way they are currently.

Zenopath (AEV)

If the school didn't want to accept Alden because of limited slots or other concerns related to school itself, I would agree with you. What irks me are those that think Alden should be discouraged for "his own good". Not only is that patronizing, it's also based on the assumption that Alden should give up because his goal of becoming A hero is unlikely. That he would be better off in a normal school because that's somehow a better option for him because he should take it easy after his trauma. Why do they think they know what's best? Based on what?


Wasn't Joe's contract extremely restrictve? He learned about the existence of bound and free authority during their lesson. He can tell others that he is a wizard but the details of authority can't be shared IMO.


Michael, maybe a burden is anything a target doesn't want or need or wants to get rid of ...


I feel like there are more secrets around Body Drainer, which we can't comprehend right now with the info available. It is just my instinct but something feels off about that whole disaster..


Rereading the start/pre chaos moon is amazing after reading the Boe chapters bc he goes from smug know it all, to desperate guy sucking knowledge as fast as he can go save himself (while still a smug know it all)

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 @Francis, yeah, Sleyca certainly won't be running out of plot to explore for a long time yet. I had forgotten just how many seeds have been planted so far.
2024-01-03 15:50:58 @Francis, yeah, Sleyca certainly won't be running out of plot to explore for a long time yet. I had forgotten just how many seeds have been planted so far.

@Francis, yeah, Sleyca certainly won't be running out of plot to explore for a long time yet. I had forgotten just how many seeds have been planted so far.


It is possible the Knight's authority covers the whole planet So Alden's not directing it is why the Knight did not automatically dismiss it It is hard for humans to ignore phone calls because we only hear half the conversation so maybe a one sided wizard fist bump is the same

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I reread last month because I have no willpower where this story is concerned. But this just means I get to do my third reread sooner. I always enjoy Leo easter eggs. Leo has such a positive attitude, it's like the Alden of artificial beings. New and learning and nothing compared to the Earth System it's trying to mingle with, and yet Earth System can't help but acknowledge it. And we know Leo has a relationship with the Velras, so maybe it will become relevant in a way that feels natural while keeping Leo's charm. My biggest fear is a super cliche robot sentience plot, since it has already been established that AI can be somewhat sentient in this world, unlike the real world, so there's nothing of interest philosophically to explore, or at least there hasn't been in any sentient AI plot I've ever seen before. Sleyca could make it work, I'm sure. But so far it has worked because this world has already figured that stuff out behind the scenes, so let our Leo have his pleasures. Maybe he'll help Alden with some info and Alden will send him toilet flushes from his travels or from the internet, just like he sends Stuart marching band videos and Gorgon crickets.

Andrew Simpson

I don't think he targets himself, I think he learns how to designate multiple targets and how to interpret entrustment implicitly like he does with the thrown objects.

John D Jones

Th overall art didn't "languish in apathy" but the Knights considered BoAB to be "Dogs Playing Poker" so that Skill languished because they stopped taking it. That could be why it ended up on the Human Rabbit skill list.

Kinga K

Hell yeah, toilet flush compilation! I kinda wonder if Leo has any authority


I keep rereading the most recent 3 chapters, love how significant this development is while still feeling completely natural, and then getting everyone’s reactions to hammer home than no that ISN’T a normal thing to pull out of nowhere

Heather White

Torsten has both concerns. He believes the schooling won’t be useful for Alden, and he’s pretty arrogant in his unwillingness to consider that Alden’s ambitions could work out. However, in addition to that he also states explicitly that having Alden at the school will be a waste of the faculty’s time. I think he may only say it once, so it’s overshadowed by his other objections, but it’s there. Given how competitive admissions are & how many people they turn away, he’s basically saying that the faculty’s limited time would be better spent on a student who they will do a better job teaching & who is more of a sure thing for becoming a super hero. I’m not in any way saying you’re wrong. I’m saying that Torsten’s and the other teachers’ concerns are more complex and that those concerns may be arrogant but make sense from their perspective. If they knew what we know about Alden and his skill, they might have been more open-minded.

Martin Roa

I hope. Decided to quit smoking yesterday. Feeling like shit right now. A new chapter would be the best distraction.


yes, but it can come in an hour or 6, so if you need sleep you might want to read it tomorrow


Good luck Martin! It might be hard but it is worth it!

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask) (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 15:29:57 @Kinga K, exactly! How does Leo interact with authority? We don't know! All sorts of interesting questions to answer...
2024-01-03 20:27:29 @Kinga K, exactly! How does Leo interact with authority? We don't know! All sorts of interesting questions to answer...

@Kinga K, exactly! How does Leo interact with authority? We don't know! All sorts of interesting questions to answer...

Temp One

It's definitely symbolic, but I personally think it is a sort of training wheel that's meant to get Alden in the right head space for the ability. I think ultimately being we'll get something like the Bearer of ALL Burdens looking at the universe's Burdens being universally entrusted to them to bear. Thus no need for an individual entruster. Because the alternative means that Alden would forever require one conscious being in the area to entrust things to them. Which would be a crippling downside in disaster situations.


I would, but I'm getting SupSup withdrawal symptoms so I'll just wait an hour longer....

Radha Patel

Good luck Martin! When my dad quit smoking, he started carrying a pack of gum and would chew some when he got the urge to smoke. You could try that if it sounds like it might help!


Probably but could be hours away at the latest

Ano Ano

Way to go Martin. Nicotine is one of the most addictive things out there, but you got this.

Martin Roa

Thanks for the words people. Love this story and this community.


I wanna see Alden teach his roomates to sense their authority, making them wizards. Just flexing.


No one lives forever. Being knight > not being knight.


Ask anyone living with chronic pain if they would not give away years of their lifespan to live a shorter life free of pain. Even the aliens who go into knighthood willingly have ritual suicide as part of their culture for those who cannot bear it anymore.


They can still bear it. The problem is they will be consumed by chaos one day or another, that is where the ritual suicide comes from. I do not think it is pain all the time, as bad as you portray it. Alden does not seem to be in pain. We have not heard enough of knights to deduce they are in constant pain. Even if it would induce chronic pain. It is their own choice to take it or not. Senseless chronic pain is pointless. Bearing pain to be more powerful than anyne else on earth is not pointless, it would be a completely different situation.


it's not pointless, it's meant to teach something to the bearer. Eventually in years he will be able to change that.


I think it will reach the point where he will need a skill upgrade to allow for more esoteric entrusters. For example, targetting an organisation instead of an individual.

Alex Anderson

You’re a lucky person @Fabian. You haven’t experienced the kind of intense pain that burns out every other thought in your mind with single focus on “how do I make it stop?!” It isn’t pain all the time. But the memory of that moment is so intense that it literally caused Alden to vomit just from thinking it was coming again “soon”. Caused him multiple panic attacks over various chapters just thinking about it.


If it is so bad, why is he not skipping it again? No one forces Alden to practice wizardry. No one forces him to store up unbound Authority. We cannot decide for others what they are to do. It is their own choice. Not giving the option for such a huge opportunity because you think you know better for them is infantilizing.

Alex Anderson

He is skipping it. He refused affixation in ch 105. He will continue to refuse until he is forced. He is training his authority because of the fact that he has experienced a chaos-related situation, and he wants to be better prepared. Because of the Contract, he has no choice on when he will be summoned nor what he will be summoned for. Alden absolutely can decide things for others when it affects him. He decides how to present himself, he decides what secrets he wants to reveal, he decides what level of investment he has in others/himself. In no way is he obligated or infantilizing others by not offering the choice. Alden has explicitly referenced your question and with regards to Kibby, although he loathes for her to experience the pain, and that he wishes she would do something else, he knows that she will choose this path (to be a Knight). He is also not trying to dissuade her from it.


Sure. That's an entirely different argument though, not related to pain. I kinda agree that it might not be the best idea overall. My point was that it would be funny and an interesting story line. Punishing all those crossed out on his list. Maybe I'm too much into revenge.

D Lynn Frazier

I think that topic falls under his contract with Joe. He might be able to nudge them to it if he doesn't speak about authority directly, say, by doing a similar exercise to how he felt the authority fist bump? But he would be signing someone else up for the same misery of having his free authority locked up without being able to talk about it fully, or possibly at all.


When I binged this fiction on RR last week, I was excited to find a fiction so incredible. I wrote a review and then went hunting for previous bad reviews. To my astonishment, I found them. Many of them were "I can't suspend my disbelief this far in direction X" or "I wanted a superhero story and this isn't one." Those are easy to discard with a "too bad, so sad". One review that both had merit and didn't was "Alden is boring". When we spend so much time on other character perspectives, I fear Sleyca is beginning to believe this criticism. Alden is great! Sometimes you can't tell the story from his perspective and that's fine. But I, for one, am always ready for more Alden. Tftc!


I think he might go together with Hayu's mom to meet them if he gets the commendation-party invitation.

Pedro Henrique

But why would any of them choose that? Lexi wants to travel the world bodyguarding his parents, Lute is hilarious power adverse, the only one who might hear the terrible consequences and still go for it is Haoyu.

Pedro Henrique

We finaly got definite confirmation that high ranking heroes have kinky weird sex with their powers, surprised to see it took this long

Kim Enteiu

The authority of the knights who end their duties in ceremony is “An honorable release from something [they can] no longer bear. An escape…from pain and [allows them] to still be of service to those [they] loved. The remnants of [their] authority are gathered here, woven into the ground beneath us and the forest around us. Old magic. They become part of a ward against chaos.” (Chapter Fifty-Nine: Mother, part 1). It isn’t chaos that drives the knights to this honorable end, it’s the level of pain affixation brings; the anticipation of which is as enough to send Alden running to throw up when he realized he might have less than a year


SO I've just read Chapter 107 on RR and noticed the following conversation: “Oh,” said Alden. He smiled down at the stone. “So they’re a kid.” An Artonan exactly his age should be physically and emotionally closer to human twelve. and Esh in this chapter calls Alden a 13 yr old child - both of these imply that the Artonan year is longer than the human year. But Kibby is only 8/9 Artonan years old and seems older, we don't know how old Stuart is, but he's going to university and preparing to take up knighthood and Alden refers to him as 'about our age'. According to the above Kibby should be mentally 6/7 and if Stuart is mentally 16 then he should be c18/19 Earth yrs old? Is this a bit of an inconsistency?

Pedro Henrique

Atornans age slower than humans , both physically and mentally. Kibby looks to Alden the human equivalent of an 8 yo, but by Earth years she might be 10~12. Stuart is older than Alden , and is doing his first year of university, but from Alden's point of view he looked the same age or a bit younger even.


Hi, SFGuru! When Alden mentally ages an Artonan, like Kibby or the LeafSong kids, he's trying to convert their ages into human maturity equivalents. Artonans reach maturity more slowly than humans *and* they have a longer year. So an Artonan the exact same age as Alden would be 13 in Artonan years, 16 years (and 8ish months) old in Earth years, and more developmentally similar to a human 12-year-old. This is why Stuart protested when Alden called him the same age during their phone call. They're at the same stage of life--nearing adulthood but not there yet. But he's a few years older in the literal sense.

Pedro Henrique

The Mother stated that the skill takes power from the very concept of sacrifice and servitude, the entrustment thing is a drawback that feeds even more power in the skill

Michael Blue

The first couple of times I read this I don’t think I caught/appreciated Alden talking about training himself to learn how to instantly preserve sharp rocks to Lexi in the last chapter and the first thing we see Lexi doing in this chapter is train Writher to be more gentle by handling marshmallows


But how does one ‘entrust’ a disease to someone else tho? Do they go “I hate you, I wish you were sick instead of me” or smth lol

JJ Hunter

Oh Lexi - Alden is still working through the concentrated benefit of Joe's perception training boot camp, *and* he's got his authority sense to help him feel when he's actively aligning better with his affixation/role, or tweaking it to align better with him and how he wants to be using it. Those are really significant advantages! I do wonder what would happen if Lexi relaxed enough to trust his roommates to help him try out skill training in a way that was more fun / playful - Lexi seems so worried all the time re: hurting people with it, I bet it would be an equally amazing tool for impromptu metal, wood or ice carving, or pulling him up into a perch of some kind. Maybe paper cutting or paper airplane sniping - practice for protecting Lute from drones! Chopping vegetables for Haoyu's slow cooker. Wonder how Mind Writher would interact with rope Alden has preserved - would it be a direct authority clash? Could Lexi figure out how to lift it instead of cut it so Alden's authority over it will drop? That seems like it might be easier place to start for practicing lift instead of cut compared to marshmallows, though marshmallows are delicious and low-budget.