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The rooftop-to-rooftop coaster in F-city was part sightseeing experience, part thrill ride, part ode to magical engineering. It was also very popular. Even though they bought tickets the second Alden expressed an interest, they still ended up with time slots staggered over the course of two hours.

People rode the coaster in pairs, and before they left the apartment, Lute tried to establish elaborate social plans to ensure that he could ride with Emilija without it seeming ‘unnatural.’

“Don’t you think this Hadiza would rather ride with one of her friends instead of me?” Haoyu protested. “It’ll be weird to walk up to them with established boy-girl roller coaster partners in mind already. Like we’re trying hard to make it a date.”

“It will,” Alden agreed. “Why don’t I ride with Haoyu? Natalie and Hadiza can ride together. And then you and Emilija can still pair up.”

Lute, who was leaning toward the bathroom mirror and doing things to his hair with pomade, said, “Fine. But I don’t think it sounded that strange.”

Apparently, neither did the girls. Almost as soon as they met up and Lute explained about the roller coaster, they suggested dividing the group exactly as he had hoped with zero prompting.

He kept shooting knowing looks at Alden and Haoyu as if to say, “See. I understand these things.”

The building where people boarded the coaster had ground floor shops to browse while they waited for everyone to have their turn.

“Your friend likes Emilija,” Hadiza observed as she, Alden, Haoyu, and Natalie wandered the aisles of a store that sold mostly paper and art supplies.

Alden hastily messaged Haoyu, [What are we supposed to say?]

Haoyu gave him a blank look, then pointed at the shelf and said, “Ryeh-b’t wrapping paper! You don’t see that every day.”

Good idea. Distraction. “I’ve held a ryeh-b’t before,” Alden announced. “They’re awesome.”

“Lute talked to her in Lithuanian,” Natalie said, giggling.

Hadiza was nodding. “He said she was beautiful.”

“Emilija said his pronunciation was pretty good!”

Haoyu’s mouth dropped open.

[He did do that,] Alden confirmed via text. [He’d performed a self-confidence wordchain. I told him not to try it again today. What if he thought he could ride the coaster without a safety harness?]

Just then, he spotted a pack of dark jewel-toned origami paper.

“Are you buying that?” Natalie asked when he picked it up.

He flipped it over to check the price. The back of the paper was gold. “Yeah, I think I will.”

“If you learn to make things out of it, make me something!” she said brightly.

“Sure. What do you want?”

“Surprise me.”

Their turn to ride came not long after that. They boarded their car on the roof of the building, after receiving a brief safety lecture about how they’d probably explode, fall, and die if they tried to zap the ride vehicle with their powers.

“So much for trying to make a roller coaster taste delicious,” Natalie joked as the oddly large and squishy lap bar lowered.

Alden was about to ask her if she’d ever actually tried to cook something inedible before when the lap bar and the seat distracted him by melting slightly and molding themselves around him.

Natalie was blinking down at her legs. “Are the seats hugging us?”

“They are huggers,” Alden confirmed. “That wasn’t in the safety lect—”

Without so much as a countdown or a green light in warning, the car shot forward and over the edge of the roof. They plummeted straight down ten stories, Natalie shrieking and Alden gripping the lap bar, which molded helpfully around his hands when he placed them on top. Then they slowed, to a float rather than a stop.

Heart racing, it took him a second to appreciate the fact that he was hanging off the side of a sky scraper. They were facing forward, the back of their car having caught the track during the vertical drop, and he felt nearly weightless thanks to some magical effect.

Laughing excitedly, Natalie nudged him with an elbow. “Your hair!”

Your hair,” Alden replied.

The blond strands were drifting around in the air over her head.

A second later, they dropped again, and then they shot forward along a completely invisible section of track that Alden assumed existed since it still sounded like they were riding a coaster and not a coaster car that had turned into an aerial vehicle.

“This is the best!” Natalie shouted, throwing her hands up into the air.

It really was.

The ride took them up, down, and across from rooftop to rooftop. It was lengthened by a couple of slow spots—another pause to take in the city skyline and a journey over a particularly gorgeous series of climate-controlled gardens where they could wave at the people below them. And it was enhanced in ways that regular roller coasters couldn’t hope to mimic. At one point, the car seemed to jump from one building to the next in a tall arc. Like a frog leaping between lily pads. Alden had no idea if they really had hopped or if it was some illusory effect set into the track.

When they made it back to the start and climbed from the car, he said, “They need to do this to all the roofs in the city.”

“A whole rooftop theme park,” she agreed.

Back downstairs, they found everyone in a fast fashion shop. Emilija and Hadiza were discussing something by a dressing room door, and when Natalie went over to see what they were talking about, Haoyu caught Alden’s eye.

“Lute’s letting them pick outfits for him,” Haoyu said, gesturing toward the girls. “They’re taking it very seriously. They’re trying so hard to get him things that will fit him without looking too out-there.”

“They clearly haven’t seen his closet. Should we tell them he’s making a vest for himself out of tape?”

“I think we should just throw the most unusual clothes we can find in there and see if he can make it work.”

“I like that plan,” said Alden, eyeing a pair of pants that had been decoratively splattered with a substance that looked like grape jelly.


Alden made it back to campus just in time to attend the B-list gym session. Instructor Plim, sitting in the center of the floor in her yellow raincoat just like last time, listened to his questions about what he should be focused on for the next few weeks while other B-ranks who were hoping to talk to the club advisor hovered at Alden’s back, eager for their turns.

“I can’t believe they are limiting you to a single type of tool when there are so many fascinating things we could do with you! Not that I’m criticizing them. Have they no curiosity!? Not that you growing in competency with a tool type isn’t important, too.”

Ding. Ding. “She wants to take you to her lab and make you preserve every material in the known universe,” Francis the Sway whispered.

Instructor Plim waved him away. “If you must use rope-type things and you have only a few weeks before the end of term, then I think you should research similar tools and weapons and come up with ways your skill can shore up their weaknesses or take advantage of their unique properties. Take, for example, the sling…”

After a brief practice period, Alden carried his gym suit to the on-site laundry. There were a couple of normal washers and dryers, but they were almost never used. The cleaning cabinets set into the walls, on the other hand, were in use all the time.

Max was there, dressing one of the headless, shiny silver humanoid torsos that emerged from the cabinets when you told them you wanted to start a cleaning cycle.

“Someone’s suit is on the floor,” Alden noted, pausing for a moment to examine the dark gray fabric before he stepped around it. There was a rule about not doing anything at all with or to suits that didn’t belong to you, and while he thought picking it up and setting it on a table wouldn’t count, he wasn’t completely sure. He couldn’t forget the warning he’d been given during assessment day about Principal Saleh phasing through the wall of someone’s bedroom in the dead of night to recover a missing suit.

“It’s Jeffy’s,” Max said in an annoyed tone.

“How can you tell?”

Do you have our body sizes memorized that precisely? Have you been spying on Jeffy today?

Alden thought it would be amusing to say these things, but Max looked kind of tired, so he refrained.

“Because the second I saw a valuable piece of magical equipment lying on the floor, I wondered who would be that big of an idiot. And for some reason, my roommate’s face immediately sprang to mind. So I texted him and asked if, perchance, he knew where his suit was.”

“You’re the first person I’ve ever heard use the word perchance in real life. I respect that.”

Max sealed his suit around the silver torso as Alden summoned a dress-up body of his own from a cabinet nearby. It emerged from the wall with a set of pegs. He hung his neck, wrist, and ankle cuffs on those.

“The Superlatives had their own club gym time this morning,” Max said. “Jeffy says he left his suit in one of the cabinets afterward because he didn’t want to wait through the cleaning cycle. He thought he’d just pick it up tomorrow before our class.”

“Tomorrow night?”


“Someone got mad about him hogging the cabinet,” Alden concluded.

“People in the larger classes and clubs sometimes stand around for half an hour or more waiting their turn, so I’m sure seeing a cabinet permanently occupied annoyed them. But whoever did it is an even bigger idiot than Jeffy. If one of the faculty walks in and sees it there before he gets over here to pick it up, the hothead who actually messed with it will be in more trouble than the asshole who left it in the cleaner.”

Max lifted his hand like he was going to slap the button that would start the cleaning cycle, then he paused and pressed it gently instead.

He stalked over to sit down on one of the benches by the door. Alden started his own cleaning cycle, then went to join him.

“You seem tense,” he noted.

Max was staring at the gym suit on the floor. “Jeffy’s a nice enough guy,” he said. “He just doesn’t think. Or he thinks so hard about all the wrong things, it leaves no room in his skull for anything else. And it’s annoying to be reminded that he can screw up in so many ways, so many times and still be the right kind of person for this school on the first try when I had to spend half a year turning myself inside out to become interesting enough for them to let me in.”

At that moment, Jeffy sprinted into the laundry room wearing a short bathrobe and sneakers without socks. His hair had shampoo bubbles in it.

Max sighed.


When they woke up on Monday morning, Lexi was back. He was drinking black coffee and cracking an egg into a bowl of Haoyu’s latest attempt at oatmeal.

“Is that good?” Alden asked, watching him whisk the raw egg into the steaming oats with a fork.

“I like it.”

“There’s an animal cafe that just opened in F. They have chickens that wander around under the tables.” Astrid had told Alden about it. “You can hold them.”

Lexi squinted at him.

“I’m going to go,” Alden said, spooning nutritional yeast into his own oatmeal bowl. “Soon.”

Why are you telling me this?”

“Obviously because he’s inviting you to go to the animal cafe with him.” Lute was yawning as he entered the room. “He thinks time spent with woodland creatures would be good for you.”

“The egg just reminded me of it. But you can come. Everyone can come. And if one of the chickens looks like it wants to be held, let me know so that I can hold it.”

Chickens laid eggs. If a chicken came to Alden and happened to lay an egg, it would be like he’d been given the egg. He could then eat it and prove once and for all that eggs should be on his menu. Whether the cafe allowed you to take home souvenirs from their chickens or not was irrelevant; if he got his hands on an edible egg, it was going to be his even if he had to buy the whole restaurant.

“Lexi!” Haoyu said as he bounced in. “You’re back! Let me invite you to our group chat.”

“I’m already in the roommate chat.”

“This is a separate one! For business.”

Lute gave Haoyu a thumbs up. “Operation Odin’s Revenge.”

Since Alden had originally created the chat, he had to approve the invite. Wondering how this was going to go over, he did.

[Lexi Roberts has joined A Group Chat for Insane Things Nobody Else Ever Needs to Know About.]

[Lute: I get to make up your codename.]

[Haoyu: Lute thinks there will probably be something for his Uncle Benjamin’s birthday this week. He’s going to invite himself to that. At least one of us should go for backup.]

Lexi frowned and started scrolling back to see what all of this was about.

“Why does Alden keep insisting that he’ll only be a socializer instead of someone who breaks into locked rooms?” Lexi asked. “What is this…”

His frown deepened.

He looked at Lute, then Haoyu, then Alden.

[Lexi Roberts has left A Group Chat for Insane Things Nobody Else Ever Needs to Know About.]

“Hey!” said Haoyu.

“Your codename is Betrayer,” said Lute.

“Are you really not going to help?” Haoyu asked. “It’s important.”

“I don’t see how it could be.”

“We’re doing it to help Lute and better our homeland. And nothing illegal is happening! We’ve agreed. Nothing’s going to blow up. Nobody’s getting hit with cars. This is mostly about roommate solidarity,” Haoyu insisted. “I’m inviting you again.”

“While I was gone for the weekend, you all decided to go into politics?” Lexi said. “Was it that boring around here?”

“It was actually a very exciting weekend,” said Lute.

“You guys have fun going to awful parties and listening to awful people talk about awful things. I’ll be doing homework. And training. And sleeping eight and a half hours a night.”

Haoyu sighed. “If you feel that way, I understand. I guess if we ever do need a fourth man for some reason, we could ask Konstantin to help us ou—”

[Lexi Roberts has joined A Group Chat for Insane Things Nobody Else Ever Needs to Know About.]

“Just so that I can keep an eye on all of you,” he muttered.


The morning passed uneventfully. Alden attended classes, then he spent his lunch break in his room, practicing his new wordchain.

The gremlin was being a helper now, unintentionally. Alden had gotten good enough at the chain to interest it, so whenever he made a significant mistake and that interest dropped suddenly, he knew he had a problem. It wasn’t as good as having Lute standing over him, identifying what the problem was and correcting it, but it was definitely something.

As usual, he skipped his three o’clock formal study hall. On his way back to the dorm, he ran into Maricel.

She was listening to music on a pair of earbuds that matched the pink streaks in her pixie cut, and she didn’t notice him until he was walking right beside her.

“Good music?” he asked, when she pulled a bud out and smiled at him.

“It’s a group Tuyet said she enjoyed, so I thought I’d try it. When I listen to the songs my friends and I used to sing along with back home…” She straightened her back. “Anyway! Yes! I do like it.”

“Are you on your way to class?”

“I’m supposed to be in study hall.”

“We must have the same one,” said Alden. “I didn’t know. I’ve never gone to it.”

“I’ve been going to all of them,” Maricel said. “Because Vandy goes. But I think I do my homework better in the room. And today I’m going to watch other Ground Shapers practice at Earthbox. Instructor Fragment recommended it.”

Alden had gotten the impression that their Rescue instructor and Maricel were getting along particularly well.

“Congrats again on being the gym MVP last week. Haoyu is excited about eating Filipino food on Friday. I think he might order the whole menu.”

“I don’t know if I deserved that,” she said. “I think Fragment might have encouraged the other teachers to pick me. Because I showed a lot of improvement. But I only did because she kept pulling me aside more than everyone else to explain specific Shaping techniques to me and talk about all the ways you can use them to help people. It was so nice of her, but maybe—”

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that,” Alden cut in. “The instructors are all going to have more to say about their own subclasses because they understand them best of all. Eventually, everyone will run into a faculty member who matches up with them…except for me, obviously. And you still had to do the work to take advantage of the advice. Fragment seems straightforward. She wouldn’t pick you if you hadn’t really impressed her.”

Maricel glanced away, her smile turning embarrassed. “I am glad about it. I’ve eaten at that restaurant at least twice a week since coming here. The owner’s going to be so excited to have the whole class.”

Alden wanted to ask Maricel Alcantara a lot of things. Was she still thinking about getting summoned off the island? How was she doing really? Was the “fake it ’til you make it” thing she was trying working for her? Was she liking the hero program more than she’d thought she would since she’d been excelling?

His questions would only satisfy his own curiosity, not help her in any way he could see.

“I think I should try to be a little more like I used to be while I still can.” That was how she’d put it.

“I like the hair,” he said. “You look cool.”

She reached up to touch it. “You have to say that to me all the time, don’t you? It keeps changing.”

“It keeps changing in cool ways. Chopped off by Knife Guy was the most impressive, but—”

“I can’t remember his name either,” Maricel whispered. “I’ve been calling him <<Hair Cutting Boy>> in my head.”

“A surprisingly large number of people just call me ‘Rabbit’ to my face, so at least we’re not that bad.”

He said goodbye to her right after that since they were heading in different directions. As he watched her go, she stopped to levitate a piece of a paver that had cracked and come loose—no doubt thanks to some overpowered footfall—back into its proper position.

I think she’s doing all right, thought Alden, while she smashed the damaged block into place with her telekinesis. She did it too hard, and it sank an inch more than it should have. Looking around sheepishly, she pulled it back up until it was properly leveled.

His roommate chat window opened suddenly.

[Haoyu: Alden, will you check on the minestrone in my slow cooker? I think I left out salt.]

[Lexi: It’s fine. I told you it was fine when I stopped by the room earlier.]

[Lute: He can’t trust you. You think club soda has plenty of flavor.]

Alden went back to the apartment and checked the minestrone, which was fine. Then he grabbed the individual icepop molds he’d bought from the kitchen supply store Natalie had pulled them all into yesterday, along with a bag of jumbo marshmallows and a jug of fruit punch.

What more could a wizard need?

He locked his bedroom door, shut the blackout curtains, and went to the corner to kneel on his knockoff learning cushion.

He cast all the spells he knew one by one, starting with the promise stick lighting spell. Not being in possession of actual promise sticks, he cast it on the cedar-scented jar candle he’d bought in hopes of mimicking the smell of the burning wood. In his head, he promised Kibby he would be a good learning partner and do his sincere best.

After he’d gone through his small repertoire of hands-only spells, he took his auriad from its place around his neck. When he started to loop it around his fingers, he felt anticipation. He always did. But today it was tinged a little more than usual with an unwelcome melancholy.

Alden wasn’t sure what the cause was. When he tried to find the problem, it wasn’t like he could point at any one thing and say, “That’s bad.”

He tossed a pillow across the room with his square strike. Then he smashed a mound of marshmallows into a perfect disc with the press spell. It was satisfying. And safe. They just blobbed together, no shrapnel. If he made his pile large enough or aimed slightly differently, he could make sure some of the marshmallows got sliced in half by being left partially out of the crush zone.

He didn’t trust his own shielding abilities enough to crush anything more dangerous here in the apartment. The spell never let anything fly back at the caster as far as he could tell. It all went directly away from him every time. Still, trying something crazy like a big hunk of steel or a glass sphere didn’t seem like the neighborly thing to do.

Haoyu was making a lot of his slow cooker meals vegan; Alden couldn’t repay him by embedding metal shards in the wall between their rooms.

Next, he used his flash freezing spell to make a couple of fruit punch pops. He’d hoped to be able to do more, but on the second pop he started to feel the strain on his free authority combined with that sense of resistance from the world around him that meant he’d hit his limit. He checked the time and saw that he still had an hour until he had to be at the MPE building.

That’s long enough.

He called his book in from System storage and adjusted his knees on the cushion until he was in a comfortable position to study his next spell. It was the cutting one that sent a triangle of magic flying through the air like a dagger.

The sharper brother to the square strike.

The author recommended that the wizard practice by visiting an orchard that was ripe for harvest to help the workers trim the bounty from high branches. Not for the first time, Alden wondered just how old this book was. The Triplanets had orchards and they had to get the fruit down from the top branches somehow. But he assumed that it probably involved technology, not Artonans clambering around in the treetops. Elepta Farm’s marleck berry facility had been heavily robotized.

Hey, what do I know? Maybe there’s some kind of magic nut that tastes bad if it’s not picked by hand or by spell.

The auriad flowed between his fingers as he practiced the patterns.

Kibby would really like watching me do this. She was always so excited when I got a spell right. I hope she’s impressing the hell out of one of her tutors right now.

When he’d practiced for long enough, he blew out his candle and tidied up.

Overall, it was a successful wizarding session. All his spells were working for him. It felt good, as always, to stretch his authority out in this way. And the memorization of the new spell had felt natural. He wasn’t sure if that was some Processing clicking into place for him or if he’d just gotten very used to this kind of studying.

He decided his subdued mood was probably a mix of this weekend’s level-up reminding him that his ability to do magic freely like this was always going to be something he nurtured for a time and then lost for a time. And also a little bit of loneliness. Practicing without a partner was still fun, but there was nobody to share your extraordinary juice pop making powers with.

On his way to the gym—hauling his duffel bag full of supplies since Instructor Fragment was still open to him experimenting for the Rescue sessions—he looked up a number on the internet.

If it was right, there were around seventeen thousand wizards on Earth at the moment. The number fluctuated a lot from day to day. Most of them were running Houses of Healing, teaching, being diplomatic, or maintaining magical equipment and facilities. Some of them were longterm residents of Earth; others were just visiting to complete some quick task.

Seventeen thousand Artonan wizards, thought Alden. And one human who’s just getting started.


The locker room was rowdy when he entered. “Alden!” a Scottish voice called excitedly. “You’ll sing with us, won’t you?!”

Finlay was already in his gym suit. He was waving a black tablet eagerly at Alden from across the room.


“If he’s smart, he won’t,” Winston said. He was tying his shoes over by that Brute guy who was always editing his social media pictures to make himself taller than the other people in the photos. “We have to start thinking about our internet presence now. Do you want to look marketable or do you want to look like a dork?”

Finlay glared at him. “Other people have been doing it! And Jeffy and Kon are singing with me. We’re going to ask the girls, too.”

So that rivalry is only getting uglier as time passes, Alden noted.

He had no idea what Winston Heelfeather had expected from the hero program. Surely, as an A-rank, he hadn’t assumed he would be one of the brightest stars in the school? He hadn’t even gotten in on the first try.

When they’d first met on the bus, Alden had had the impression that Winston was rude, shallow, and not particularly intelligent. And then the guy had developed this weird competitive streak with Finlay at the party, before Finlay had even noticed him.

Did he think he’d be the only speedster in the class?

It would have been a ridiculous thing to assume.

And he was annoyed everyone was talking about me at the party, too, even though they weren’t exactly praising me. Just extreme limelight hunger?

Maybe Winston had been super popular back home, and he’d thought he would be here, too. It was Alden’s best guess without directly asking him what his problem was, and that sounded like a lot of trouble for little reward.

“Finlay,” Alden said, “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, but just so you know, I have a terrible singing voice. So the answer is probably no.”

“It’s fine if you sound bad. That’ll make it even funnier. I spent all day in class making up gokoratch songs, and we’re going to sing them in our gym suits and see if we can go viral!”

“I’m in,” said Alden before Finlay could draw another breath. “Yes. Don’t do it without me. I’ll be dressed in moments.”

Haoyu was pulling on his own suit, and at the intensity of Alden’s voice, he started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Finlay asked.

“Nothing!” Haoyu said. “I’ll do it too. I want to.”

“The more the merrier!”

Alden was already in one of the showers, stripping at lightning speed. His desire to go viral—below zero. Definitely in the negative numbers. He’d like to be the opposite of viral forever and ever. However…sacrifices could be made in the interest of having as many humans as possible sing about gokoratch.

So that he could see the look on Stu-art’h’s face during their next phone call.

A few minutes before class started, around ten of them stood in a group in one of the halls, singing the songs Finlay had written in class that day. Alden’s personal favorite was set to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star:”

Stinky, stinky, gokoratch,

Eat your nestmates as they hatch

Up above the trees you fly,

hunger gleaming in your eye…

Alden wasn’t the only one with a bad singing voice. And Astrid made the back row flap their arms “cannibalistically.”

It was truly a thing of beauty.


*I made up some gokoratch songs weeks ago. This is the one that has been stuck in my head ever since, so I decided it must be the most worthy of sharing.

*Next posting day is Christmas Eve. I will be doing a post as usual.



Woohoo! New chapter




Hyped, I am. Read this later, I must. Enjoy yourselves, please do.

Cyrus McEnnis

Oh, Alden. I can see the look on Stu'arths face. That dawning realisation that he has sired a gokoratch and it's all. His. Fault

Maddy Weller

This was a nice downtime chapter! I hope Alden can send the video of them singing to Stu, that’d be even funnier then just telling him about it XD

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! Ahahahaha Alden just wants to embarass Stu'Arth. I mean, I'd do the same


Thanks for the chapter! Love the rollercoaster adventures

Carl Earl

Yay! Brunch Soup! I loved this chapter. Every part of it was fun.


[“If you learn to make things out of it, make me something!” she said brightly. “Sure. What do you want?” “Surprise me.”] I’m only this far through but oh. I see. And the girls suggested Em and Lute and Nat and Alden share roller coasters? I shall have more thoughts on my return. But poor super-appeal Nat. Poor oblivious Alden.


Oh gokoratch, Oh gokoracht, How tasty are your nest mates? Your putrid not only in summertime, But malodorous when it snows, Oh gokoratch, Oh gokoratch, Can I eat your egg before it hatches?


I hope the Gokoratch isn't an intelligent species. It would be sad if they found out that a bunch of humans were calling them "stinky".

John Anastacio

Great chapter. Thank you Sleyca. 17k wizards is a lot more than I expected. The Contract with the Triplanets must be immensely beneficial to Earth if there are so many wizards stationed there. I thought there were orders of magnitude fewer. I mean, Chicago and Manila both have wizard clinics but they're also both major cities, so I figured their presence was limited to big cities. Haoyu knows how to manipulate Lexi. I wonder if other classes of hero high school have their own ugly rivalries; it feels like that must be true, given human nature. Edit: If Alden -really- wants to wind up Stu, he should make up a song in Artonan about gokoratch but using human melodies.

Andrew Khitry

I’m running circles gabbling. gokorach song is the best


How does the “Empathy” of the Appeal stat works? Is it similar to Boe’s power?


Thank you Sleyca! You should know that you (probably by accident) gave a server member a great birthday present today. It's a long story, but thanks for making his day. Speaking of discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

Alexander Dupree

Omg this was a beautiful chapter. I’m ready for them to go Artonan viral and become a meme that gets them all summoned from school together.


The english language can do magical things sometimes.

Chas Becht

That is so funny-mean.


Jeffy, the ADHD hero. He is just the definition of ADHD at that age especially with no medicine.

Matthew Lester

I need to see the evil shaper queen pick up on the fact that Alden is in fact a huge deal. The party can’t come soon enough.


What if Stu-art'h decides he likes them, and learns to sing them in English as a cultural exchange thing


I think at the very start there was mention of how it's one of the things that changes how your brain works (yeah making you nicer), and therefore is something you can opt out on


I WHEEZED at “Your codename is Betrayer”


Man trying to go viral is just one of those generational things I will never understand. I'm feeling old.


I liked the coaster outing. Hopefully these interactions keep happening from time to time. :)

Victor Cavalcanti

The sling is an interesting idea, I wonder if preserving something with potential elastic energy is more taxing than if the rubber band was lax.


I love that Alden is building relationships with the rest of his classmates as well as becoming closer with his roommates. Thanks for the chapter


What if the video goes viral, but mainly because Alden is in it?? Since we know there are super fans who *obsess* over aspiring supers and track their progress, I’m sure some of them are going to watch this video. And while they’ll want to watch it to see how the locals are doing, they can also use this as an opportunity to research the globies who also made it into the school. And then it could become a big deal that the rabbit whose parents were killed in a super attack and was lost on a mission not only survived, but made it into one of the best hero schools, could garner a lot of attention!


Feels like a calm before the storm


Up above the trees you fly Hunger gleaming in your eye… Haha I love this line

Michael Blue

The title had me thinking there was going to be a timeskip to Stuart, but I’m glad we got to see Alden in the routine


Probably some increased perception / processing to determine when people are unhappy mostly, with a bit of a notch to make making others happy more rewarding to the Avowed.


Maybe Em will let something slip to Lute? I just looked up origami rabbits and they look super cute. Some even have eyes. The gold paper just had my thoughts go that way. Hopefully no super drama in the future. Sweet lighthearted stuff every now and then in the story is nice, especially if it is sorta realistic and not beauce of MC plot.



SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Beautiful. I am so glad to see Alden living well. That being said, this definitely does feel, as someone else already noted, like a "calm before the storm." Velras and Artonans are on the horizon, and oddly enough the aliens aren't the scary ones here.


lovely chapter! I love seeing Alden interacting with friends, didn't excpect to see the Rollercoaster, I am happy we did! I love Astrid's antics and can't wait for Stuart to see the song! I like all the characters Alden talked to really.


Thing is, Natalie has ridiculous amounts of Appeal which boost Empathy so she *should* be able to tell Alden's feelings about her (just like what Hadiza and Nat did to Lute). Also what was the overall consensus on Alden? Is he Aro/Ace/Demi or just trauma focused? Like depending on the answer Alden being in a relationship with someone would be possible, it just wouldn't be the "typical" way (and might cause a breakup sooner or later if perceptions are too different)


If you just click +1 to Empathy and leave it up to the System what it gives you is a dose of the good social skills -- interest in others and an ability to more accurately analyze their emotions through social cues + feelings of warmth toward those others. It is also optional, and the System is (as exemplified by Lute's special request) able to do some really interesting and specific things if the Avowed wants. It's also able to suggest alternatives to points in some cases.


I think that Alden is pretty conclusively asexual, but as you say that doesn't necessarily rule out a romantic relationship.


I wondered if I was mean to share it. It's been stuck in my head ever since I made it up!


Happy Birthday reader! I hope it is a lovely one in every way!


Thanks for the chapter Sleyca. BUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAOYU THOUGHT ABOUT THE TRIP!! Anyways, glad to see Alden is keeping up with everything and still managing somehow to have a relatively social life even in his situation - he totally beats me in that regards. Also dude doesn't realize it, but he's been viral at least twice already. Suddenly seeing him singing silly songs in a superhero uniform when he's a Rabbit that was declared MIA on a chaos filled planet (because i'm sure that humanity would at least be able to know that a planet has been declared temporarily off limits due to chaos) would blow up tremendously. I can also see Winston, Mehdi a couple of other guys being super jelly and causing drama over Alden overshadowing them in other people's eyes. Although Alden is probably used to being the center of (unwanted) attention so it's going to be interested how that goes. Hopefully no shoe pissers like what Lute is going through


17K wizards among presumably between 8 and 11 billion humans means there's about 500,000 humans per wizard on earth. I'm guessing most of those are running the houses of healing, since that seems to be a relatively accessible institution (even if most of the people who come in for treatment just get human nurses, a little advanced tech, and maybe a wordchain instead of a genuine healer). And on the other end of things, I think I remember about 20% of the Artonan population being wizards? The Triplanets are probably each going to be at least as populous as earth, and then there's all sorts of smaller colonies going on... I'd guess a bare minimum of 40 billion Artonans, which would mean 8 billion wizards, probably much more. So it's really a very small fraction of the wizarding population that go out to live on the resource worlds and spend their lives doing humanitarian stuff for the primitive tribals. ...Now I really want a story about the artonans who live on the Griveck homeworld.


I wonder what the list of all the loose threads currently are? So far i've got: - Boater/Manon situation almost but not really solved, now leading into... - Velra Party and Operation Odin's Revenge - Jealous and hyper competitive classmates looking at Alden funny (although we haven't seen this really blow up or happen yet) - T-Minus second Affixation - Rabbit Dinner Party (forgot when it was supposed to happen) - Haoyu and Alden going to see the offshore Demon battle from a distance - Visiting Stu'arth before his affixation - Potential visit of the school by some Artonans who get to see Alden's commendation maybe?

John D Jones

I don't think Alden really wants to wind Stuart up or embarrass him. He just wants to tease him a little. The real horror for Stu'art'h isn't the song. It's Evul'art'h AKA the "Seat-cushion-squisher-sister" seeing/hearing the song.

John D Jones

Evil Shaper Queen? Who is that? The closest person I recall with "Evil Queen" potential is Aulia Velra who is a Chainer.


Possibly that melancholic practice session too. Alden gave some good rational explanations for that pervading sensation. However, it could be that something wizardly in his growth is going wrong and he doesn’t realise as he’s self taught. It gave me bad vibes.

Michael Blue

Ooo that griveck with Kibby who wants to find out if Alden is the best Avowed Alden telling his roommates about his commendation That wright who got equipment from Orpheus to leave the island Maricel getting summoned and returning home Is Hannah actually dead? Who has been peeing in Lute’s shoes and why?

Barrett Fogarty

Huh, I thought she was referring to a Balearic type sling with rotational energy. Maybe not.

Donncha crowley

Wait till his teacher sees it kiddy will get a huge kick out of it


It would kinda be hilarious it Nat has an:"I can fix him." attitude about Alden's asexuality. Though I just remembered that it might depend on the definition of perfectly healthy of an alien. It probably asked Alden in advance though.


Lute style, when Alden becomes an A rank people are going to HATE him. Winston. That other brute guy. Some of those who are but insecure about the B rank rabbit, who don’t have the perspective to realise you’ve got to special to be where Alden is as a B and a rabbit. Particularly if the commendation has come out by then. Someone will say ‘OK, he’s a mascot, he’s a fundraiser - a political admission’ and justify their bitterness, the attention Alden gets and dismiss how much work he puts in. A rank up will be dissonant and distressing for a lot and I think if Lute is his best friend some will take it out on him. Based on Lexi’s struggles, depending where he is in his arc, he might disappoint me and go Ron Weasley on us, or he might shine at that moment and move past it. Ironically, when Alden gets S (I think as quick or quicker if I remember rightly) it’ll be easier. He’ll be an oddity. The super rabbit. Of course they don’t need to compare themselves to the B rank who became the first human 2.

Skull Leader

Two Origami Rabbits. One wearing a chef hat and the other wearing a cape. Now Alden's not smooth enough to do this on purpose but he could stumble into this without realizing the connotation.


nooch x oatmeal?? I've tried ice cream and nooch, but Oatmeal??? Well, seems like I know what's for breakfast tomorrow


Don't you dare cheat us on this, Sleyca, we need Stuart's reaction on screen!

Kim Enteiu

I haven’t even started reading yet & I’m already so pleased by the title.


IME it doesn't necessarily follow from Alden's behaviour that he's firmly in the no-sex camp - I wasn't very much different at the age in that regard and at most I ended up at the demi thing. So, at least for me, it's too early to tell if he's full-on asexual, or just he's a late bloomer sidetracked by trauma. But if we see him again in a decade and he's still like that, then I guess I'd have to update my priors at the time.


Are they bulling an entire species?


This was great! A lovely breather after that emotionally exhausting last arc. I like the little glimpse into Max and the general student dynamic here, very exciting potential for future developments!


All the mentions of how safe and routine the demon summoning is practically begs for something to go wrong.


There’s lots of potential with slings. If alden freezes it before spinning, when he unfreezes it probably won’t have the extra “whip” of a sling. But he could swing it normally, freeze it, the let it go at any point in the future - removing any wind-up delay. I wonder if he could also double-up the speed of release? I.e. swing it normally, freeze it with momentum preserved, then swing it again before unfreezing, adding original plus new velocities.


Ok, hear me out; the song doesn’t go viral on earth, but Stu’s sister sees it, thinks it’s hilarious and shares it around. 6 months later a group of wizards come to fix the gym and nerd out seeing Finlay and co - the favoured human choir of the Knights.

Cyrus McEnnis

I don't think it'd work like that. When an object is pickled, the velocity is set. Until the pickling stops additional manipulation shouldn't have an impact on that saved value - it would be an external force acting on the object. Rather more interesting for me is the gravitational frame of reference >.>


Poor Maxey, even friend-to-all-living-things Alden is SO suspicious of him, meanwhile he got Jeffy 'JEFFYISIN' Jeffy as his roommate.


I remember him training with kivbee to deflect/redirect small stones while keeping their momentum, so maybe he could freeze while swinging, appear totally inoffensive then release ?

Ano Ano

I like the interaction with Maricel. One, she rules. Two, it highlights how deliberate Alden's thoughtfulness is. His kindness is really a considered choice, and I love how this has been consistently shown as part of his character.

Box Jellyfish

More: - Boe's family situation, and what he's doing about it - what is it that Evul wants from/for Stu-art'h - the secret that Earth System wants Boe to tell Alden under contract

David Burchfield

To put it in perspective that is about 5 times as many billionaires as we have irl. Still super super rare.

Heather White

My brother has been obsessed with rollercoasters since Mom checked out a rollercoaster picture book for him when he was two. I’m pretty sure he’s ridden all the famous ones in the US, and a number in other countries. Aside from my own desire to ride a magical coaster that hops like a frog and has invisible tracks, I found myself thinking that my brother would be the only kid in the world who wanted to be an F-rank Avowed, just so he could just spend his life on Anesidora riding that coaster over and over and over.

John Anastacio

In other stories by different writers, Alden learning and mastering and memorizing the auriad spell for concentrating cold would be a milestone in his development. Here it's only mentioned in passing. Interesting and different approach. I wonder what event comes next. Filipino restaurant maybe, but that shouldn't take up more than a few paragraphs unless something untoward happens. Rabbit-only soiree? First gym glass with chosen rope weapon?


Thoughts about this chapter... Natalie seems very interested in Aiden, and he is entirely clueless or desperately trying to pretend not to notice. Especially that part where she asks him to surprise him with any origami present feels really obvious. The gokoratch song is an absolute hoot and should do fine to terrify Stu about humans. Reading about people trying to go viral is as weird as ever. I don't think I'll ever get the mentality behind such attention-seekers. Maricel is going to blow up mentally sooner or later if she keeps forcing herself like this. I feel so bad for the poor girl every time. She's trying so hard, but she's just a teenage girl who got ripped out of her life, forced to leave friends and family behind, who has been shoved into this entirely different life in a very different society and now has to somehow deal with it. The support structure of intake seems utterly insufficient and not nearly longterm enough. The entire system for globies sounds like a recipe for disaster with a good chance of producing damaged people who have been removed from normal human society. Aiden needs a proper confidant. No wonder he feels down and lonely, with the whole host of carefully kept secrets he keeps dragging around with him. So, so many things he can't talk to anybody about, having to practice magic in secret, the recurring trauma of losing authority with ever affixation hanging over his head all the time, all of that? That's a lot for a teenager to bear alone. It's hard enough for the artonan knights/avowed, and they've got a big support structure, fellows that they can talk to, and socíetal acknowledgement build around them. Aiden has even more to deal with, like the whole Gremlin thing, and nobody to talk to about it.


Right, thanks for the correction ;) dang it, I got one of my favourite jokes wrong but I'll leave it for posterity.

John Anastacio

Agree. He did sort of the same with Winston, not asking him what his problem was. Not that Alden is kind only by omission, not pushing when pushing would be unwise. I just appreciate silence more than speech.

Benjamin Collins

I think the affixation and visit to stuarth will be at about the same time so that the older system can help him rather than the newer earth one

Kim Enteiu

I liked “Jeffyisin” better anyway. He doesn’t get to be called “Jeffygotin” until he puts enough foundation points into strength and appeal to give himself a transformation sequence.

Benjamin Collins

Pretty sure the author is just focused on the hero part of the story kinda like Batman, theres a small bit of romance randomly but never central to the story line more of a blip

Christian Kenney

Christmas Eve? Yay that’s my birthday!


He'll probably make a Gokoratch since that's what's on his mind atm. XD

Box Jellyfish

Alden's transition to A rank is one of moments I'm most anticipating from the story. He goes straight to intensity 90+ at that point. There will be a ton of speculation on how he did it so soon after affixing, and what role Thegund played in it. Aulia will double down. He's off the B-List, and Plim won't leave him alone. The added attention makes any contact with Boe much more risky. The questions on why he sticks with only a single B-rank skill will start. His 'public' levelling progress and odd stats mix won't look right next to his rank jump. About the only characters that won't take a close look at Alden will be the offworlders.

David Bailey

Human brains are weird. She could see pretty conclusively he's just friendly and be totally attracted to it, because he's probably the only to treat her normally.


I think it was confirmed early on, that Artonan population is about 30 billion


I thought that showed so much awareness as well.


This comment made me smile. Your brother sounds lovely.

David Burchfield

The melancholy feeling from the auriad is driving me nuts, does anyone have any theories.


I'm really looking forward to seeing Joe and Kibby again. Leafsong's year lasts 15 Earth months. Admissions should happen again in ~May, just about the same time Aldens "time off" expires. I hope he gets summoned again. With Manon. It's going to be a glorious mess.


Oh my gosh I want Alden to get an egg so badly! He needs to stay at that restaurant and shake those chickens until they give him some eggs! It would really open a lot of culinary doors for him. He'd be so happy. And then he'll that weird rabbit who walks around with a basket full of eggs.


If Alden gets an egg, he won’t be Vegan anymore, he’ll be Eggan!


The explanation Alden came up with seems perfectly sufficient to me. Alden seems pretty good at introspection.


Absolutely. I think Alden might be the closest thing Max has to a friend at school since I don't see him complaining about Jeffy to Kon.


I think that Sleyca really nailed the 'teenage'-ness of the cast, in that a lot of them have pretty bad plans and are in a transitionary part of life that they are NOT handleing well. Alden appears really mature compared to them but it reads more to me that his secrets and the stress they cause him make him unable to actually realax


I don't think the thing with Winston was Alden showing kindness. That was just him being nonconfrontational and deciding that trying to help Winston work though his issues wasn't worth it. Alden definitely showed how kind he was during his conversation with Max though.


I think it's likely he'll just keep using the fake profile to hide any rank-ups until one or more of his other secrets blow up. By the time people find out about his overwhelming power growth it might not even be in the top 3 things about him people are talking about.


Will have to go back and check but did the girls 4th roommate vanish from the story without a word or name?


This is the most kid(teen) like I’ve seen Alden in awhile. I think it’s fantastic

John Anastacio

More or less to the first, yes to the second. Tailor Environment girl was never named.

John Anastacio

I'm curious about it, too, David. I'd ascribe it to regular teen depression, except -melancholy- seems too old and wise a word for that. It's a pity Boe isn't available; if anyone could answer Alden's question, it's the empath with lots of experience reading teenage emotions. It's also a pity Alden can't ask the other teenage wizard and soon to be knight that he knows for his opinion.

Michael Blue

I am vaguely remembering an author's note where Sleyca said they were writing that character out of the story


I am not so sure about Maricel after the scene where she tries to fix the street stone. I can't imagine someone who hates Anesidora to do that. Maybe she was just in a good mood? It seems to me that she slowly comes to accept Anesidora, because people accept and encourage her goals here, even if she is not actively aware of that.


Yep, hitting a new personal milestone in a thing you love and understanding, that you will lose that thing again and again untill you die (since system talk was recently) would probably do that. Maybe like an alzheimer suffering family member suddenly remembering you again, but knowing that it is only temporary?


I had a random thought that the auriad felt Aldin getting stronger and knows that a time of no magic is coming... I mean that makes the auriad binding with him much greater than I anticipated, but I really didn't expect emotions from it either.


He could send gorgon a few chickens to have him test it out for him, since gorgon has a lot more time. Crickets are allowed, so maybe chickens too?

Jeff Wells

I think with eggs is ovo- vegetarian. At least that's what Scott Pilgrim taught me.

Robert Lethiecq

It’s all fun and games until everyone in the video get summoned to perform their hit singles in front of an audience on the tri-planets

Matt DiMeo

isn’t that way too soon for affiixation? The stu party is in like a month I thought.

Matt DiMeo

Natalie is crushing on the only boy to treat her like a human friend.

Andrew Khitry

Gokoratch, gokoratch, what are they feeding you? Gokoratch, gokoratch, it’s not your fault… (Chorus) They won’t take you to the vet, You’re obviously not their favorite pet. You may not be a bed of roses, And you’re no friend to those with noses.


Not sure why the idea came now, but are the unique classes rewards to the system? Not BY but TO. Like: "you've done good work managing the avowed this year, as a reward you can experiment with x people and deviate from the template". So it would mold them to achieve its goals in a way that is not nessesery intended by the artonans. It sounds super interesting if true.

Flying Goat

My birthday was yesterday. I demand another chapter, backdated to have been released then!


It wouldn't surprise me if Natalie doesn't see Alden as more than a really good friend and the other girls are pushing for it to be more. I don't get the feeling she's crushing hard on Alden. And if she was - I think he would would strongly consider it for the food alone.


i just laughed so hard i cried. thankyou

Jeff Scott

Stuart should become his confidant after they meet in person which should be a major bonding trip, or after Stuart becomes a proper Knight giving Alden more reasons to confide in his as they'll share that pain. And of course, once Kibby is off the moon he'll have her.

Jeff Scott

Huh, that's a really interesting question. Who would be Earth System's manager? One of the Artonan systems? A wizard council? I can see this happening, especially since we know that the systems develop their own personalities, which means someone needs to mentor them to ensure they grow in the right direction.

Andrew Simpson

I don't think the system is really managed by anyone. I think it has certain things injected into it by the artonians who design skills and such, but also I think it's kind of a self governing ai.

Andrew Simpson

Is Alden asexual? For hanging out with what is a good approximation of the prettiest girl in world, he sure isn't interested.

Andrew Simpson

Would have been hard with the whole Boater thing if another named character had tailor environment.


Alden is surprisingly un-introspective around or about Natalie, Hadiza, and Emilija. Except for that one addition to a chapter Sleyca made where he and Natalie run across that guy from the boater and he introspects about how kind the girls have been to him by not pressing into his idiosyncrasies, I can’t think of any other time he has ever given them much real thought, which is very unlike him. Also, am I wrong in thinking that they really should be some of his closest friends on Anesidora? Or at least some of the most familiar? So perhaps it is author intentional? Maybe Sleyca doesn’t want to unduly fuel our ship fantasies. A decision I could respect. Or perhaps as an Alden x Natalie shipper, I’m overly sensitive haha


Those are still literally a universe away. They don't share his daily lives, don't even understand most things about humans and the society they live in, and video calls aren't the same as being physically present. And neither can know about Gremlin stuff.


I think Gokoratch are an animal species like ryeh-bits rather than a sentient avowed species.


I was originally going to use her as a fourth girl character, but then I didn't think she really stood up to the rest of the Rabbit girls. And the scenes were feeling full enough with just the three named ones. So I decided not to name her or bring her forward. I figure it would be pretty normal for a lot of the teens to go separate ways after intake.

Alan Miller

Line 3 replace only with just, last line 'before the hatch' would flow better.

Alan Miller

Might the sensation of something wrong be early stages of what Avowed start to feel as they get closer to breaking their affixations? Didn't Alis describe it as a feeling of dread?


My theory is it is a Chekhov's gun for something bad happening with Maricel. I really hope not as that is going to take the story in a super dark direction.


I think it's just Alden being oblivious to romance because he is so preoccupied with his problems. Notice how he is friend of those girls and hadn't had even ounce of romantic thought inside his head. There was also snippet from beginning of the novel where alien mentions Alden's colleagues being interested in him where he kind of pushes away that thought due to fear.


Alden is so preoccupied with his problems that he pushed away any thought of romance away subconsciously. I remember also at the beginning of the novel where alien says that there are people who are interested in him but he pushed that thought away due to fear. There also may be some kind of imposter/survivor syndrome at play due to death of his parents. He may feel inadequate to be seen as romantic partner. Also he may simply be too nice. Do you remember how Natalie was harassed by people wanting her cooking? I assume that Alden may want to respect her too hard.


Alden is also hitting on her unknowingly by trying to be nice lmao


I don't think Alden is asexual but rather he is so stressed out by his problems that he unconsciously pushed away any thought of romance. There is also possibility that he is too nice and seeing as Natalie was harassed by others for her cooking and looks he tried to do differently which lefts him clueless or he desperately tries to not notice. In a way this is relatable to me as a teen and guy as back then I was so preoccupied with my ruminations, worries, anxieties and financial problems that I was so oblivious to romantic matters that only at 17 when angry girl said directly to my face she likes me and wants to go on date that i kind of "noticed" girls in romantic dimension lmao. Earlier I was kind "aware" of romantic matters of other people but it was always "not me", thought pushed away by more naggling matters which left me clueless.


People crave attention, to feel important, validated. For anxious teenagers that cocktail of positive feelings is like a drug. Moreover it's not only teens that behave like that. Hollywood stars, politicians, YouTubers, music stars etc


He is simply an idiot who bumbled his way out of mediocrity and wasn't punished by life hard enough yet to do something about his flaw. I had friend as a teen with ADHD as it made functioning unbearable who really struggled to mold himself into functional human being. But it took making him deeply unhappy before he decided that enough is enough.


Did Alden had Empathy point? I can't remember at this point.


Something I’ve been wondering, but how is Alden going to do gym classes after he affix when he won’t be able to use magic for a period of time?


That's also something I thought about when I read the chapter, that the Earth system offered him to affix the time it did because the tension is starting to get a bit too much for Alden's authority to handle sustainably. Like it might still be months till it HAS to make him affix but he'll start feeling slightly uncomfortable waaay before then and it grows until it's actually painful.


The blatant manipulation of Lexi did make me chuckle :P I fully expect Jeffy's suit (or the gym itself) to be tampered with at some point. And I wonder if Alden is contemplating trying to find an Earth-stationed wizard as a practice partner?


Thank you in advance e for the Christmas Eve chapter. What an amazing present! 😀


yeah I have a feeling that the storm is going to be at Stu-art'h's place


He'll take a break quarter probably. The system will also very likely not send jobs his way.


Any significant class gathering outside of class itself (and possibly in, depending on the teacher - the language teacher has clearly checked out mentally) has a potential to go wrong - Winston and Mehdi have specific issues with Alden and we've been told a few times that more people than that may be unhappy. At some point info on the commendation is going to spill because too many people know about it (a ton of school staff, security people, probably anyone who is "political" given the staff discussion of the Gloom knowing), and that'll make his life interesting. Really, any event could become dramatic so it's hard to predict.


Boe is his most significant confidant, which is inconvenient since he's off in catspace. He doesn't know all of Alden's secrets, but he's actually pretty close. Alden hasn't told him about the fake profile (though if Boe ever saw Alden's public profile he'd have reason to wonder since it lists the definitely not a spell impression candle lighting spell), Alden hasn't told him about the knights, and Alden can't tell him about Joe's lessons including the 300... but he knows almost everything else.


If Natalie knows that he's not interested in that way, she could use a close friendship with Alden as a convenient way to divert the bulk of the people who are just chasing her S-rank Appeal score (and cut off any attempts by her friends to find a perfect boy for her)...


either ask for a long term summoning, go in to hiding on earth or power trough the discomfort and just use his skills.


he could also talk to someone on earth, i think he is going to tell Lute at least but i dont know about anyone else


I know its not the most significant thing that happened in this chapter but i was wandering, what exactly is Alden plan after getting an egg? does he swallow it whole? i doubt he can brake and still be entrusted with it. this was a good start but he definitely needs to plan his gremlin adaptation plans more!


After he is entrusted with an egg he can still eat part of it. The gremlin thinks it’s ok to eat the bone fragment from Stu’arth. Alden is hoping that after he eats an egg and no power sharing occurs then the gremlin will realize eggs are non-sapient.


I don't mean romantic thoughts specifically. I mean just Alden being Alden. Examples in this chapter would be the things he thinks to himself about Max, Winston, and Maricel. But I do think anything he might think about the girls, even non-romantic in nature, could very easily be run with by ardent shippers.


Alden's going to need to use his skills on Natalie to carry her back to the friend zone she's sneaking out of.


didnt remember that part, i thought he was going to use his skill on it before eating it


Well, the development of this story has stalled.


Man, I enjoy these chapters


.... This is a really excellent question


He can losely put the rope round an object. Freeze the rope only then use it as a sling with the object held only because the rope is frozen. This lets him put a ton of speed on whatever weight of object his authority can handle, so rather deadly. He can also get a rope spinning pretty fast (with some weight at the end) then freeze it. He can then use it as a pole in a fight that he can at any time turn back into a fast traveling rope, Good for entangling and possibly trapping people in frozen rope (assuming he can work out a way to get past the other person holding it up, hmm maybe if he pulls on the rope so it works in the same way as the helium ballons)


I offer up my Gokoratch song for you earworm pleasure. To the tune Manah Manah by the Muppets: Go/kor-at/ch You do be doo doo Go/kor-at/ch You yuc yuc yuc Go/kor-at/ch You do be doo doo You doh doh Be doo doo You yuckidy yuc yuc yuc


I do wonder if the 2 month's off he took and the unbelievable pain he went through is because of his affixation in general or his authority being severely damaged then going through the affixation process? Don't get me wrong i'm sure it's terrible but i don't think the knights would be very effective if it took 3 months for Alden's authority to need affixing again and he has to take 2 month's off after the procedure


And OMM (Oh My Mother) did it take forever to get this placed correctly as a new comment. Sorry to all that had this accidentally added as a response to your comments.


I don't think it was confirmed, i'm pretty sure Sleyca just said romance isn't going to be a big part of the story and Alden might even date various aliens throughout the story


Haoyu didn't react to Nat. Are we already and that point where the author does not write reactions every time, because it is already established that it happens every time?


Narf, I love your username! I have fond memories of watching Pinky and the Brain.


It's worth noting we know very little about the other resource worlds, or even how many there are. 10 billion humans may be on the high or low end of population numbers, so 1 wizard per 500k resource world people might be standard, but we have more people than more resource worlds. I think it's also possible that Earth has an above average wizard population, either because we're a new resource world (so the wizards gradually go away as more humans learn wordchains/get selected as Healers and can replace them) or because the Palace is pushing for greater involvement due to our ability to learn wordchains.


I think the somewhat mean answer is that the Rabbits are all "easy". They're nice to him and not obnoxious like Winston. They're not super curious and observant like Max (which Alden has to be a little wary of, given all his secrets). They're not dealing with family trauma and high school drama like Lute or super high-strung from a late selection like Lexi or wanting to break the law like Maricel. I do think Alden would consider them good friends. At the same time though, Alden was able to keep them at a bit of distance because he wasn't living with them and Intake had a hard end date. Meanwhile he's already revealed his contract tattoo to Haoyu and talked about some pretty intense stuff with Lute. That's not to say they don't have any problems. (The fact that Natalie dumped literally every single point into Appeal is maybe a bit worrying.) But Alden hasn't noticed these problems so he's content to view them as just good friends, but not share any of his own problems or discuss any problems they might have.


Not really. From this chapter alone, we know that Alden has mastered the freezing spell and is on his way to mastering the triangle spell. We find out about Lute’s uncle’s party coming up which is something to look forward to in Operation Odin’s Revenge’s progress. We know about the growing tension between Winston and Finlay which could be building up to something. We also get an insight to Max’s feelings about testing into the hero program which might be important for later when Alden’s commendation gets out.


Well, Alden doesn't come across as someone who's into dating even if he's not fully AroAce. He'd probably prefer something happening naturally with one of his closest friends.


Most of that shows that Alden is a bystander in his own story.


Lute's reaction wasn't all that strong either. I'm guessing that Anesidora natives, especially people from high ranking families, are more used to seeing people with high appeal than all of the kids in intake which would mean smaller reactions.


It's not hard not to be un-introspective when 1) They don't have any glaring flaws/troubles to gain Alden's attention and when 2) Alden's not all that interested in them. At this point, it feels like he's mostly going out scheduling meetings with them for Lute's sake. Their relationship with Alden is actually quite shallow, they rarely interact with each other and when they do it's usually as a group and their conversations are always surface-level. Their relationship feels as unremarkable as their interactions are short/skimmed over. Since they're all rabbits it feels more like they are friendly colleagues/workmates who interact for career networking. Besides, it's obvious at this point that Alden at least isn't sexually attractive to girls considering how odd he felt when he first got exposed to Natalie's appeal and how easily he shook it off right after. It's also not hard to see that Alden seems to be unconsciously drawn to troubled individuals (especially boys) whom he can relate to and only seems to be forming deep emotional bonds with other boys (Boe, Lute, Stu). Make of that what you will. But if Alden's demi it isn't looking so good for the girls.


Or maybe he's just more drawn to other boys rather than girls. lmao


There wasn't any indication of that though. We do know that Alden is stressed and excessively nice as a person.


Maybe it's me who's wrong but it feels like a lot of people are mistaken about what happened. The reason he wasn't able to use his magic/skills after the last affixation was that he had completely messed up his Authority, almost shattering it. The affixation is extremely painful yes, especially since he's aware of his Authority, but it's because Mother had to completely repair his that he ended up being overly sore/sensitive until it had healed. Since it's now healed he should only be going through the excruciatingly painful part and then be fine once it's over.


If he's not Ace then I'd say there are more indications of him liking boys than girls.


What do you mean by Ace? Besides like I said before there wasn't any indication of Alden homosexuality. Have you seen him at least once being self conscious about living around his flatmates? Besides I remember alien revealing his sway "criminal" friend having crush on Alden and MC feeling uncomfortable around that.


Ace = Asexual. But there are even fewer indications of Alden being straight, he also seem rather queer in general. So far he hasn't really shown any sexual attraction towards anyone of either gender, but he's clearly more emotionally invested in his male friends. (Boe, Lute, Stu) and considering how openminded he is It wouldn't be a surprise if he swung both ways or no way at all. Obviously, he's not being self-conscious about his flatmates, since he's not thinking about them sexually and it's not as if he's sharing a room with them, just like how he's not thinking about of the girls that way. It's possible to be gay and not act shy and bashful around other guys you know. In what chapter did that last one happen? I don't recall that happening at all. Are you talking about that really early moment when he was talking with Gorgon? If you are then you remember it wrong. This is from end of chapter SIX. [They giggled and waved at him. He waved back absently. “You should tell them you’re not interested,” said Gorgon. His face was fixed on his monitors again. “What?” “Because they’re interested.” Alden stared at him, perplexed. “They’re attracted to you, stupid. So is that boy with the blue hair in your four o’clock. Best to put all three of them out of their teenage misery unless I’m reading you wrong.” There was a mirror behind the desk, and Alden had the pleasure of seeing himself turning into a human stoplight. “Oh my g—” “Point Jeremy at the tall girl and Boe at the short one. Problem partially solved.” “You can’t just comment on private pref…Gorgon, it’s not okay to…stop that!” Alden hissed.] Because Alden isn't even commenting about that boy at all, if anything it can be read as Alden getting red from embarrassed about the boy liking him which might be the biggest reaction Alden's had so far when it comes to romance, but he definitely isn't 'uncomfortable' in the way you're insinuating.


I haven't considered that actually, good point! The most I can argue is: Probably not that many people with that much appeal in their age group though, even in Anesidora school. Alden got some long looks from the girls because of his muscles (when he showed his scar at the party) and he has only 1 point in appeal. Though I am comparing face to stomach. :/ Lute's reactiong was short, but he was forewarned, had a chain active and grew up with a lot of high level S people around him. That's like an upper bound on behaviour since he had so many advantages, most people should react slower/worse. I am mainly focused on Nat, because I am very curious what train of though led her (or anyone for that matter) to put everything in appeal and whether or not she regrets it. It was said that she was likely already good looking, so why maximize? Traumatic event? Hopefully we'll see her getting a level soon and what she picks as a skill. I am kinda hoping that she decides to forgo the nutrition skill in favour of a kitchen-cleaning skill because that's a part about cooking she might dislike. (A skill like:"The object you touch has 0 traction as long as the skill is active") It would be a usefull skill to wash dishes - since you'd just need to turn them around - and cooking too, because no more ingredients sticking to cookware. Then Alden might find combat potential in combination with his own skill in the future.


Frankly it's bizarre slang word. Ace -asexual? How those two even relate? Anyway, frankly it feels the least possible outcome considering Alden's situation. He would have commented at least once that be feels nothing and prefers friendships or something when topic of romance of his friends comes up. Notice how he isn't awkward around the topic which asexuals would be as it's something incomprehensible for them You're right about Boe. Alden had strong reaction here which fits awkwardness as teenager but it made me remember it being Boe as he had strong almost platonic relationship with Alden. He had emotional breakdown and ran away from home when he thought that Alden has died! That aside I feel that you are too hard pushing idea of Alden having different sexuality that it blinded your sight to Alden's situation and something I mentioned in first comments It's less about what is Alden sexuality but rather his personal situation There may be deep mental issues in Alden's psyche since the day his parents died plus he is a teen which makes everything doubly confusing as growing up kid. His strong friendships have nothing to do with his sexuality but rather Alden was described as nice if not excessively nice individual. He is so nice, so respectful of other people that he is unknowingly flirting with some of them (complimenting girls hair in a way that reminds her of her home she cares about or going into date with Natalie where he thought he is only friendly. Maybe even Lute could count should he was gay since Alden is the only one that truly acknowledged him. Boe the same. I really thought he is a gay lmao ) and either it makes him clueless or he desperately pushes this idea out of his mind. I wonder whether it's deep seated survivors guilt cause of his problems that stems from the day where his parents died. Frankly I also feel that there is big possibility of Alden rejecting any kind of romance even if he is not asexual on the basis that his life is complicated as is.


I agree with Mike; high appeal is more normalised on the island, and I also bet Lute had a more sensible reaction and warned Haoyu properly, unlike Alden who is mostly oblivious. Enough to not make it a non-noteworthy reaction at least. As for Nat’s high appeal, the simplest answer is she’s just an ambitious teenager who got a golden ticket to stardom as a super-celeb. Is that really any different to any of the other kids in hero school? Instead of her path being a wall-puncher, she’s going to be a famous chef, and high appeal is the obvious choice to get there (how much is crazy high dexterity, strength, or speed really going to help a chef).


It’s not a 100% slice-of-life story, but it’s pretty close. imo the focus of the story is these great character chapters, with the progression / action aspect just helping tie things together. I think it’ll get more enjoyable for you if you embrace the SOL aspect, that slow progression, and settle in for the long haul :)


"Notice how he isn't awkward around the topic which asexuals would be as it's something incomprehensible for them" That's not quite quite correct, well, everything exists on a spectrum but that's definitely not always true. You can be Asexual and understand where people are coming from but just l let the conversation go through one ear and out the other. If anything, being asexual doesn't make it awkward since we just don't care about the topic, if anything it can be annoying how everyone is so obsessed with it, speaking from experience. I would not say I'm pushing the idea too hard nor that it has blinded me, if anything I'd say it's the other way around. Straight people are so hell-bent on that everyone's always straight that they completely ignore any hints or queer coding that indicate otherwise. Alden's clearly on the asexual spectrum but in your first post you completely disregard it and excuse it with Alden 'being stressed and unconsciously pushing away any thoughts about romance' when he's simply not interested, he's still a teen with hormones, and stress wouldn't just make the hormones go away (heck, it's more like they never existed in the first place). I'm simply arguing against the whole "Alden's not actually asexual, he's just straight and stressed" that your first post came across as for the sake of arguing. Alden's hasn't shown any indication of actually being straight (not gay either for that matter), so I simply argued that from what we've seen in the story so far he seemes to lean more toward guys than girls from a pure romantic perspective, not sexual. You know that Sexual Attraction (physical) and Romantic Attraction (emotional) are two sides of the same coin and you can have one but not the other, hence why Asexuality is a spectrum and can be so complicated. Clearly, Alden hasn't shown any sexual attraction towards either gender but he's clearly showing more emotional attachment towards his closest male friends even if he may not view it as romantic feelings himself at the moment. Who's to say that if Alden turns out to not care about being with a girl/boy and starts thinking about what kinds of people he'd like to be with that he wouldn't conclude that his current closest friends are actually his most ideal partners that he would want to spend the rest of his life with and that that could turn his current attachments into actual romantic feelings? Anyway, it's all up for interpretation at this point of the story so arguing about is pretty pointless. I mostly just like to play the devil's advocate whenever someone just defaults Alden as straight when he's not written how straight characters are normally written and there are enough nuances and queer coding that could indicate that something else is going on. So let's just agree to disagree :D


In the chapter he was healed in (for 1 week), it was said that the authority already begun healing, but that the problem was with the affixation. His authority was fine. The soreness is because his previous free affixation did not react well to being confined. I think I remember him describing it thrashing against the binding. He felt fine "fixing" the affixation. He felt fine after 4th generall stabilized him, but before the teleport, even though he knew he would die, if she stoped. And on the off chance that it really was because of the repairing: if he affixes at the recommended amount of authoritiy, it will be an equal amount to the one he has now. So the total change will be the same as when he was repaired. So the effects should be the same.


It isn't really up to interpretation, he's clearly ace, the only people thinking otherwise are those not very familiar with the concept


It's going to help more than Appeal. At the very least speed would make prep faster, which could mean she gets to cook for a bigger audience. Same for Dexterity. I had so many accidence in the kitchen. From spilled X to getting eggshells somewhere they should not be. Not to mention if she wants to get fancy and decorate. Food doesn't care about Appeal. And damn, you are right about the reaction. I have not considered, that LUTE could warn HAOYU. I am really not thinking too deeply before writing. Good catch!


Weird thought but one of the first examples of rabbit skills we were given was folding napkins. What if Alden got a skill meant to fold paper decoratively and he used it with an entrusted roll of wrapping paper for example. Could create the shape of any weapon or shield he needed I'm seconds and then preserve it. Also if he got a skill or spell that telekinetically lifted something could he still preserve the thing he is floating? Because he would still be carrying the burden, and if he got a telekinetic paper skill could he manipulate the paper while it is preserved? Because that would be some dramatic power scaling in my opinion and would take him almost close to Hannah's skill set


I just realized that I described essentially a wrapping paper green lantern and now I want nothing more and the aesthetic seems like weirdly glamorous to me, like with super pretty origami paper.


To the tune of spiderman: Gokaratch Gokaratch What'd you catch, Gokaratch? Gokaratch Gokaratch Nice meat you've mashed, Gokaratch Thanks so much for the chapter


@Amit, So anybody that disagrees with you is automatically wrong?


For some reason the egg part just reminded me we still don’t know who got Alden’s matching stone

John Anastacio

cafenacet - I agree that Earth might have more wizards than other resource worlds even though Earth is relatively new. I don't think it's because of the Palace, though. Stu mentioned once that Earth is a nice place to visit for the 2 knights he knew, and I vaguely recall Joe saying that Artonans and humans are rather similar. I gather and believe that the Palace is only a minor force in the Triplanets and in Artonan culture and society. Just a small and isolated religion. I don't believe they have more than a few million Artonan adherents.

John Anastacio

Alden just got 1 point of Appeal. No mention of how much it was tuned to Empathy. Then again he was reasonably nice and kind before his affixation. We know that his affixation cleaned up his skin. He lost all his pimples. Should be a side effect of his point of Appeal. I don't believe he got enough extra Stamina to matter.


@Zenty, Alden is a teen. I said he would be awkward around topic of romance as a asexual when he hadn't shown any clear indication of attraction yet is too nice so his inability to understand things would make attraction of his colleagues feel awkward. The reason why I written off Alden being asexual is due to lack of author foreshadowing and MC personal personal experiences. We weren't shown indication clues that would clearly mark Alden as asexual. If he is one there would be more indications of it written by author like your mentioned annoyance at others kids obsession around the topic or maybe ruminations here and there. Instead there is not anything. No gay, no straight not even indication of asexual. Not single thought or reaction Alden was shown about the topic other than probably only one reaction of panic at the thought of somebody being attracted to him which may indicate literally anything. What do were shown were MC personal experiences and that is all horrible things he went through. Things like that can block kid from growing up into who is he meant to be. It isn't just stress. It's also mental blockades, preconceptions, prejudices, etc There are a lot of teens that due to their horrific experiences block their romantic drive unconsciously. This may create weird dischotomy where physical attraction do exist like in watching pornography but real world colleagues exist outside of spectrum of attraction. You're right that Alden may not necessarily turn out straight but in absence of more obvious clues regarding Alden's orientation it's safe to assume he is straight. 90 percent of world's population are heterosexual with remaining being literally everybody else. Hence why I wrote my first post based of what we know. Albeit this chapter may have been a red herring. Natalies getting not enough screen time to develop her as character effectively becoming convenient plot device whose obvious attraction to Alden can be used to indicate he is not straight. Discussing things is pointless since we aren't author but it's fun ;). It's part of the experience

John Anastacio

Rubeno, ace is short for asexual because of how it is pronounced. Long a + s sound. To put it another way, ace is asexual minus the -exual part.


There's a certain subtle beauty to the signs that Natalie might be interested in Alden, and then Alden later practicing magic and feeling a little lonely, without consciously making any connection between the two concepts.

Lidja (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 13:47:00 So it turned out that Alden didn’t have a choice between rooming with Jeffy or rooming with Max since both of them Finlay’s roommates. That’s another strike against Finlay getting invited to the hunt ski lodge .
2023-12-22 04:15:26 So it turned out that Alden didn’t have a choice between rooming with Jeffy or rooming with Max since both of them are Finlay’s roommates. That’s another strike against Finlay getting invited to the hunt ski lodge .

So it turned out that Alden didn’t have a choice between rooming with Jeffy or rooming with Max since both of them are Finlay’s roommates. That’s another strike against Finlay getting invited to the hunt ski lodge .

Michael Blue

Re: WannaBeATree, I agree that dex and speed would help as a cook, but in terms of marketing and people’s perception of Nat’s competence, appeal would clearly help. Does it matter if she preps food a bit slower for her guests/audience if she looks great while doing it? (Obviously it might in some situations, but there are others where there might be less of an emphasis on food and more on presentation.) Her whole thing looks like it’s going to be building a brand that people prefer to summon and pay top dollar for, cooking in front of customers/presenting her food in person to guests.


Maybe? It would make a lot more sense if she wasn't one of only 2 humans with that skill. But I guess one could argue that she wants to take some of her clients as soon as possible and thus focuses on stuff that her competition does not have? We also never figured out how payment is determined . . . only that S avowed cost more than B. Her wanting to level the skill as fast as possible to get summoned makes me think that both chefs will be paid equally, not dependent on skill lvl, or that skill lvl cost is tiny in comparison to S-summon-cost. I guess - as you said - if someone wants to have a live cooking event then Nat would maybe be a better choice, even if her cooking is subpar in comparison. Yeah okay, if I reframe the goal from "better cook as soon as possible" to "taking a bite out of the competitions clients as soon as possible", then this might really be a good strategy. Like: Don't play 10 games, that you know you will lose, play 1 that you know you will win, sort of way. Hmm yeah, you convinced me Blue. I hope Sleyca mentiones it inside the story some time in combination with the Appeal strategy. :)


This will be a problem for Alden, but not to the degree it was when Mother bound his authority. Alden had leveled up both his bound and unbound Authority by about seven levels each. Joe had recommended about four levels at a time. His next level up experience will be unpleasant and painful, but nowhere near as awful as what Mother put him through.

Kim Enteiu

-Indians jones theme starts playing- Where are your neeeestmates—Gokoratch? Where are your neeeestmates? Where’d they go go go? Where are your neeeestmates—Gokoratch? Gokoratch Gokoratch smelly smelly smelly smelly Gokoratch.

Andrew Khitry

Hi everyone, let’s zoom twinkle gokoratch for Sleyca. Like = “I’m in”, comment = timezome prefs

Lucia A

I'm pretty sure you are wrong. From what we have read in the book it's not that his authority had to be repaired, but just the fact of doing an affixation is gonna be painful, no matter the size or state of the authority he's affixing


Sleyca has mentioned on the RR comment section that Alden is on the asexual spectrum and that he hasn't really explored what that means for him (yet). I don't know the chapter number, it was the chapter where Alden told Boe he loves him. I also don't know what you mean by "there being no hints", he compared Natalie's beauty to seeing a very pretty painting and more or less admitted to himself he didn't seem to get how his other peers experience attraction.


Well if Sleyca has given direct confirmation then it changes things. Despite Natalie's beauty Lite and Haoyu seemed to be interested in different girls. Sometimes too good to be true looks can be off-putting or person may have different tastes. There is no such thing like universal beauty standard that appeals to everyone. Personally I'm into brunettes and blondes regardless of how good looking aren't my thing. It's a shame though that foreshadowing Alden's asexuality was foreshadowed so weakly. Across entire novel especially in the beginning more could have been done in this matter. Like shown Alden's lack of understanding why others are so preoccupied with mating behaviors or maybe even annoyance? Instead it feels as it Alden hasn't ever given it little bit of thought. By now it's little bit annoying because anything could explain Alden's sexuality. For example, Alden is excessively nice so he desperately pushes out any thought of attraction of any kind, he is too preoccupied with his traumas which made it so he hasn't had ever time to explore his sexuality so he remains clueless, he enters deep relationships with guys because he is a gay etc As for Alden declaring "love" toward his friend well, frankly it felt that Alden treats him as part of his family. I also want to apologize because I assumed that asexuality is like other types of sexuality like homo- or hetero- but as I googled topic not every asexuality Is gene induced. It just came to my mind that Alden's asexuality may be trauma induced. Add onto that he wasnt yet undergoing puberty when his family was murdered which would explain his cluelessness (he is subconsciously flirting with girls sending wrong signals lmao) Im not sure what kind of other sexuality Alden could have but it's entirely possible that his asexuality is temporary matter until he will find a way to deal with his traumas that seem to pile on or if it may simply go away as he grows up.


And the only people he thought about the whole chapter were Artonans...


I laughed so much when I read about Alden's motivation for wanting to go!


Boe did say that Alden is lonely. Perhaps he felt it more acutely, when he couldn't share his magical progress with anyone.. There is also the fact that Alden thinks of how Kibby and Stuart would respond to something, but his new relationships feel quite superficial to me.. idk.. but I would understand if Alden has experienced just too many alien things and that it is natural for him to feel closer to his new Artonan friends than his new Earth friends..

Juan Diaz

The only way the gremlin will let Alden eat animal produce is if the animal offers it to Alden. Like how Gordon could eat Alden’s blood because Alden offered it to him.

Juan Diaz

Mother explained that authority rejects being bound and confined by its very nature. That’s why Alden’s affixed authority is always thrashing against the affixation, which incidentally accelerates its growth. It’s also why Alden’s bound authority will always be a constant source of mental stress. Affixing will always cause Alden indescribable pain, because he can feel his authority being forcefully bound to a fixed state.


@cafenacet and @zenty I think there is definitely sense to your theories. Alden definitely seems to be drawn to troubled individuals. And there does seem to be a distance between him and the girls vs him and others given the lack of certain Alden-ish things, but I'm not ready to fully commit to your thoughts. My impression of Alden is one that is generally too caring and, importantly, too curious as a person to not be introspective and thoughtful around anyone that is in his orbit. Like when he was about to ask Natalie if she'd ever tried to perform her skill on something inedible, I was like, "Ah, there's Alden." Those sorts of things seem to come up wherever Alden is, if I recall correctly. And when he and his roommates were figuring out roommate expectations Alden mentioned specifically that he would have the girls over, which suggest an enduring friendship, something different than these sections, which can feel like he's more along for Lute and otherwise gives the girls very little thought. But I mean part of the purpose of these sections, among others things, could be that Alden is just trying to chill and have fun, and so maybe put certain parts of himself on pause. I don't know. 🤷 And @cafenacet, I'm with you: dumping everything in appeal is incredibly... vain? Shallow? Both? More? But Natalie hasn't shown herself to be self-centered really at all. So I'm not really sure what to think.


A practice partner would be fun, but they would probably snitch on him :(


It would be funny if he got the egg and instanly runs to Natalie. Standing there in front of the door cradling the egg and asking her to prepare meals with it, worth 200 argold. "I want you to use this egg in a dish. This is the only egg you should use. If you accidentally drop it, thats fine. Scoope everything you can up and use that, do not replace it with a different egg!"


I see no appeal in going viral, but there is occasionally joy in getting other people to think your favorite thoughts. Like knowing what a gokoratch is.


@Rubeno: I know the scene you're talking about at the consulate, but I did not see fear anywhere in Alden's reaction. More like embarrassment; he blushed bright red. What's giving you the idea he was afraid, and what do you think he was afraid of?

Matt DiMeo

contracts! Alden seems uniquely (for humans) suited to making sure contracts work right for him.


Also, the demon Gorgon's supervisor was consorting with.


I took his loneliness to be specific to practicing magic without anyone: “Practicing without a partner was still fun, but there was nobody to share your extraordinary juice pop making powers with.” You think perhaps this touches something deeper in Alden? I would love for there to be the kind of connection you find, but it’s hard for me to see more into Alden’s loneliness than what he says. 🤔

Matt DiMeo

A scenario - alden visits stu’arth. The family wants their standard secrecy tattoo. Alden says ok, but he wants to tell Stu some secrets and have them be protected. They take into account his glowing organs and agree. Boom: “hey stu I’m basically a knight. Pat pat.”


Hmm are you annoyed because Alden's sexuality could have been explained or fleshed out more in the story? If so, I admit to being confused, but i'm interested to hear. My guess is that Sleyca has told this part so far pretty close to how she (?) wants to. The lack of much about it I think speaks, both as to what Sleyca's narrative priorities are, at least the immediate ones (of which I don't think this is); and Alden's own understanding of himself.


Oh it's nothing concrete, I just found it kind of poignant (as someone who can be kind of oblivious, myself) that there was the hint of Natalie reaching out as a potential antidote to loneliness, with Alden missing the hint, only to go home and immediately notice a sensation of loneliness :P Even if one sense is romantic and the other is something different, it's still a neat parallel :)


You know, I can appreciate that. Thanks for explaining.


After the last few chapters, I had some random musings about the Gloss/Aulia/Lute, and relative power level between avowed within contracts, thought I'd share here. When Lute & Aulia get tattooed together, there's a little bit of dialogue: ----- "You are against one another again and again." "If it’s unbalanced, the stronger person wins," Aulia said, still distant. "I remember you told me that once." Rekiss-tha grunted. "Foolish human," she said. "How can you think you understand so much when you understand so little?" ----- Aulia is making the assumption that she will be the stronger party, however she's somewhat blithely ignoring the fact that Lute is Mr. very-early-affixation-with-multiple-skills. She's been at this far longer, and built up her power and whatnot, but Rekiss-tha's point is that she may be overlooking something rather important. When Alden & Ro-Den get tattooed together, he says something topical: ----- “Then let me give you my sincere and best answer.” Joe smiled. “I am an experienced and powerful wizard. And you’re a clueless fifteen-year-old human. If there’s a disconnect between what I think we owe each other and what you think we owe each other, then my authority over the contract will absolutely crush yours like an insect.” ----- And then we see Ro-Den immediately start to sweat when forming the contract with Alden, who has the gremlin in his corner. Alden slips in the requirement about "sincere and best instructional efforts" for his skill, and because he's got the gremlin on his side this appears to have quite big consequences, with Ro-Den dishing out truly "sincere and best instructional efforts" to the point of breaking some pretty big rules. Now, if we consider the gloss: On the surface, Aulia uses the gloss assisted by the "velra cabal" (including Lute) to obtain a B-Rank shaper class for Hazel. She has a belief that anyone significant that she comes into contact with during that period is "lucky" to the person doing the chain, and this puts Alden on her radar. However, the gloss is a *group* deal: she may be the one bestowing it, but the members of the cabal get both good luck and bad afterwards. This is important, as what we know of Lute's benefit/luck from the whole deal is a bit odd/suspect: he had his crush ask him out and it turned the whole situation creepy, effectively torpedoing the whole idea. So his perceived benefit was kind of... not particularly lucky. So Lute is contracted to Aulia, and they are at odds, and there's some early signs that he's rather strong. He's also part of the cabal, and while Aulia may see her family having good luck as being in her best interest, there's the same friction with Lute. Could it be that Lute's good luck out of the deal was meeting Alden? He wants deep down to have shaper-style magic, and Alden's the literal only human with future potential on that front. Alden is also increasingly pointed in a direction to undermine Aulia's interests. Could there be a mirror between the friction of the contract, and the friction of what is good luck for Aulia vs Lute? The whole eleventh-hour aspect (of Hazel getting chainer from Alden right at the last minute) might actually be because things had to align to get chainer to Hazel AND Alden to Lute - the circumstances even end up with Alden getting cashed up, facilitating the coat purchase, which results in him being sent off to Leafsong to potentially mess up another Velra plot (possibly Aulia's) and propel him into the situation that ends up with him getting trapped on Thegund, developing an authority sense and so on. If Alden is "lucky" by Aulia's superstition, it's looking increasingly doubtful that he's lucky for *Aulia*. But what if he's "lucky" for Lute?


Elepta Farm’s marleck berry facility had been heavily robotized. Robotized isn't a word. Roboticized or automated would be better choices.


Oxford dictionary disagrees https://www.oed.com/dictionary/robotized_adj?tab=factsheet#25134748


True essence of foreshadowing is to plant seeds early into the story so they can bloom later on without feeling out of place when revealed. Throughout whole story which becomes quite sizable foreshadowing regarding Alden's sexuality it doesn't feels as if he was asexual but rather topic was ignored because even asexuality have it's own key characteristics. We see teenager growing up especially one after several traumas. Surely something like lack of attraction of any kind while his friends very obviously make pairs would result in some kind of reaction from MC? Conflicting thoughts, feeling of inadequacy in comparison to his peers coming from his ignorance of the topic, annoyance at inability to understand romantic behaviors of his peers or simply at idiotic behaviors of his peers etc Then there is something most of LGBT happy people arbitrary calling Alden "ohh he is asexual" without trying to consider already very lacking evidence by the author and that is his traumas. I was initially mislead by idea that asexuality is binary kind of like normal sexuality where it's more caused by genetics and is rather permanent. Well it turns out that asexuality is super complicated and there is something like trauma induced asexuality which considering Alden's innumerable traumas very fits him but then he can heal out of it in time into whatever he was genetically predisposed. Problem is it's my own most probable idea based not on foreshadowing but on overall Alden situation. So yeah it's kind of annoying as sexuality is important part of growing boy character. Albeit Sleyca seems to be wanting to touch upon the topic soon as obvious attraction of Natalie who is super gorgeous due to heavy investment in Appeal points feels to be red herring. Maybe she will be used as a way to showcase that Alden isn't hetero or isn't attracted at all? Who tf knows. I know I'm little bit harsh but Sleyca is too good of a writer to I also hold them to high standard. Especially since story places very high emphasis on devleopmenf of Alden's character. And sexuality isn't something that should came all at once. It should have been long process since beginning of the story.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

Btw about the lute confession situation it is said that luck chains aren't omnipotent and if you don't use the opportunity given by them you will miss out on luck it is likely that wright girl and lute would have dated even after bad luck if lute accepted the confession (also I 100% agree on it being last minute because of them meeting Alden I would also like to point out something Alden said .hazel is not a chainer therefore wasn't affected by the gloss despite this she gets chainer and Alden says"is it lucky for the entire family for hazel to get chainer ? "Which might turn to stuff


Doesn't matter if it's technically correct if the meaning is clear and something a 16 year old might say.


Robotized is actually more commonly used than roboticized! Almost 900k results on google vs 200k. I looked it up when my spell checker marked roboticized as incorrect while I was writing the chapter.

Radha Patel

I've been thinking, Alden's parents were killed a little before Halloween (body drainer's first victims were at an early halloween party). Their death anniversary was ~3 weeks before the current point in the story, but Alden never mentioned/thought about it


So weird. I am sure this is a product of watching 90s era Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons though. (And now I've dated myself.)


Agree, but I just wonder if you aren't overestimating the gremlin's impact. I think Joe' S interpretation would still crush Alden's, the gremlin just feels and complains when their understanding differs *at the time of tattooing*, which is super weird according to Joe. So usually, the weaker party wouldn't even know that they are misaligned. But the one with the stronger authority would still win. So with Lute, I think he is still a few years away from rewriting Aulia's interpretation.. But I do think part of the luck he got from the Gloss was meeting Alden. All Velras got the effects from the Gloss

D Lynn Frazier

Just a suggestion....but something that worked like bolas would be great for weapons for Alden. The trick being that he has to keep contact.