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[A/N: The next chapter is just this long. And the one after it is looking like it will be, too. I think bottling up Velra tales in my head for months made them grow...

Someone asked how much of this info Alden was getting. He's getting the overall plot. You can assume Lute's giving him the important highlights, but not every last detail or embarrassing thought he might have had. But since Lute's story is such an interesting one that shows other characters in ways we can't access through the present timeline and Alden's POV, I thought it would better to show it all fully on screen rather than having it delivered through pure conversation.]


“Hazel’s your aunt?” said Alden, selecting a few of his favorite things out of a bag of trail mix.

It was only the two of them in the apartment since Lexi was spending the night with his family and Haoyu was still hanging out with his mom. They’d had the driver drop them off at a grocery store near campus, and they’d bought snacks. Alden was just picking at his. He was too full of wevvi to really enjoy it.

“Yeah,” said Lute, prying the foil lid off a second cup of flan. “Genetically, she’s Aulia’s daughter. Which means she’s sort of Hugh’s aunt, too, even though Hugh is the guy she calls her dad. And she calls Corin her grandpa, but he’s technically her brother.”

“Immortal families are so…different.”

“I do know it’s weird to people from families that aren’t into deliberately breeding wonderkids, but it doesn’t actually feel like a huge deal when you grow up with it. Aulia calls Hazel her granddaughter, and that’s just how it is. I don’t even think about it much until I have to start explaining it to someone else. And Hazel’s really proud of who her genetic parents are…oh, but her mom, Cady? She freaks out if anyone brings it up.”

He licked the back of his spoon. “I think maybe she wanted Hazel’s real parentage to be a secret? She wanted to be the mother of a super super child, so she asked to do it this way. But she also wanted everyone to think she’d made an S-rank without assistance like Hugh’s first wife did with Orpheus. If that is what she hoped for, I don’t know who decided to make it common knowledge…probably Hugh trying to prove something to someone else in the family.”

Alden smiled and nodded politely.

He’d done that a lot during Lute’s explanation because what else was there to do?

“Anyway, people being appalled about the members of the family with unusual origins wouldn’t bother me, except for the things they say about my mom. They act like she’s not a person herself, just some kind of punishment Aulia got for pushing it too far. You’ll note the Grandwitch didn’t try for the Artonan look again after Jessica. Hazel’s so human-averaged that I wonder if they didn’t ask her designers to remove any features that might remind people of Aulia’s whiff.”

And that was yet another subject Alden had no idea how to comment on.

I thought your mom looked kind of pretty in an older, semi-alien way, was so not the right thing.

Aulia’s gene people undershot the height, though, didn’t they? was even worse.

Artonans tended to be petite by human standards, but a significant part of that was due to the fact that they were less sexually dimorphic than humans when it came to body size. When they’d last met, Stuart was around… 5’1”? An inch taller? It wasn’t like Alden had pulled out a measuring stick and asked the Primary’s son to hold still.

Alden didn’t know if Stuart was still growing or not, but he was a pretty normal height for an adult on the Triplanets whether they were male or female. Jessica could’ve been the same height and fit in well with both Artonans and humans, assuming that was what Aulia’s goal had been.

Maybe they couldn’t select for height that specifically so they erred on the side of extra short so that she’d match up with the Artonans for sure?


It seemed unnecessary no matter how Alden looked at it. The only thing that made even a little bit of sense was the possibility that Aulia had expected her daughter to be so in-demand as an Avowed that she would end up living on the Triplanets more than Earth.

Which would mean she’d had Jessica’s entire future job, home planet, and lifestyle planned out before she was born. Somehow that seemed even worse, when Alden really thought about it, than Aulia picking such uncommon physical features for her.

Nobody got to select their own natural starting appearance anyway. Everyone just made do with what they got, loving it or modifying as best they could.

But we’re supposed to get to choose the other stuff for ourselves, as much as the world will let us.

Avowed were already dealing with a lot of limitations. Having your mother plan your entire life out for you before you were even born on top of that?

“What did Aulia expect you to be?” Alden asked Lute. “Did they have some other job picked out for you before you found out you were an Avowed?”

“You mean like how they had all the other children in the family stacked with tutors, and they started taking Hazel to meet her future employers when she was eight?”

“I just assumed it went for you, too.”

“It was different,” said Lute. “With everyone else there was this struggle—to impress Grandma, to earn one of the Chainer class assignments, to beat Miyo and Roman.”

“Miyo and Roman?”

“There was no point in any of them trying to beat Hazel, so nobody ever bothered. She has a legit psychic something going on, and apparently that’s the level of exceptionality Aulia has been aiming to breed into the family for years. And not just Grandwitch…other key relatives seem involved with it, too.”

He wrinkled his nose. “I never wanted to ask for details, but I’m sure my mother was an early attempt. She said she’d tell me who my maternal grandfather was when I was older, but I stopped caring a while ago. I doubt it was Hazel’s donor, Sonde. He would’ve been kind of young, and they wouldn’t have reused him if he’d sired a normal human. But it was probably someone like him. Not just a Rank 1, but one known for unusual mental abilities.”

“I see,” said Alden. “That’s interesting.”

“You’re so polite, man.”

“I just assume half the kids our age around here were at least a little modified prior to becoming Avowed,” Alden admitted. “It’s really different from what I’m used to, but…”

“It’s not that many. Plenty of people are still romantic about making children the old-fashioned way. And the ones who do take it as far as my family are usually shyer about admitting to it than Aulia and company are.” Lute slurped down another spoonful of flan. “Some of them won’t even tell their kids. But you were asking about Miyo and Roman—cousins, obviously. They’re around our age, and they’re also…I don’t know how to say it. Of good stock?”

“You probably should say it some other way.”

Lute shrugged. “They’re both really smart, super dedicated to chaining, and family-oriented. Aulia adores them. They were the grandchildren for the others to beat, after Hazel. I haven’t ever been close to either of them, but they’ve been on my mind more lately. Roman seriously got screwed. He scored an S, instead of the A that was more likely for him, and Hazel was still waiting…”

Ohhhh, he’s the one who got passed over,” said Alden. He experienced an unexpected sympathy pang for the Velra guy he’d never met. “He spent his entire childhood aiming for A-rank Chainer? Got an S? And got…”

“They actually gave him Rabbit,” said Lute. “He told them to go fuck themselves unless they got him Healer of Body, which—”

Alden winced.

“Yeah…we’re the people to see if you want a hard to get class, but Healers? Even if they’re not the rarest, people click yes the millisecond they find out they’ve hit that jackpot. They couldn’t swing it for him. Not at his rank. And I know they must have been trying like hell because Corin’s office handles class purchases and he’d feed Hazel his own liver if she said she was feeling peckish. He must’ve been sweating rivers, thinking Roman might get the big Chainer instead of her.”

“What the hell is so great about Chainer?” Alden asked. “No offense…it’s a cool class. Knowing what little I do, I’m thinking you have some amazing perks and job security. But for your Grandma to want Hazel slotted into it so badly…”

“I don’t know. I have a lot of suspicions now that I’ve actually seen how things work. I doubt this is the whole story, but I think the ultimate goal might be to monopolize Chainer.”

“I gathered that,” said Alden. “The whole world has gathered that.”

Lute laughed. “No, no…you don’t get it. When I say ‘monopolize Chainer’ I don’t just mean Aulia’s trying to make sure nobody else on Anesidora gets it. I mean I think we might really be trying to utterly monopolize Chainer. In the universal sense.”

Alden stared at him. “You mean including the other resource worlds?”

“Yeah,” said Lute. “It might be the only class it’s even possible to do it with. Chainer is already ultra rare on Earth, but it doesn’t even exist on most planets.”

He held up his hands and wiggled his fingers at Alden. “There are some unique anatomical requirements if you want to be good at the whole job instead of just parts of it.”

“You have to have Artonan-looking hands,” Alden said. “Of course. And it would be twisted and weird for them to attach arms to a ewtwee or something.”

“The ewtwee would not like that much,” Lute agreed. “Most species without at least eight fingers and something like thumbs don’t even bother to try wordchains. They can sometimes make it work, but it would be like us trying to dig a sleeping burrow with our toenails. Not completely impossible, but why would we put ourselves through that?”

“So of the large population species that leaves…tmithans and I guess the Fetuna…are lortchish hands too long?”

“They aren’t,” said Lute. “They’re quite good at wordchains. But they’ve also got some strong beliefs, protected by their Contract, that make it hard for the Palace to use them in all the ways they’d like. Same with the Fetuna. Their species practices wordchains widely and respectfully. Parethat-uur loves them, and apparently they’ve produced some amazing Chainers. But they refuse to be seen by aliens once they reach maturity, which makes them hard to handle. I think Parethat-uur would happily chatter away at them through blindfolds or walls, but most people find that kind of thing inconvenient.”

“So it’s the tmithans,” Alden said. “And us. And some rarer species.”

“That’s right. Until humans came along, the Avowed of Tmith more or less had Chainer jobs all to themselves. And then the Palace took a peek at Earth and thought, ‘Wow. Look at those aliens. Those are some gorgeous bastards. Let’s introduce them to our holy purpose.’”

Alden laughed.

Lute snorted. “Seriously. I’m surprised they didn’t send wordchain missionaries over to proselytize the whole planet. I bet the Grand Senate told them to chill out and stay away from us until we’d had time to settle in.” He coughed. “Uh…I have a tmithan coworker. He is so xenophobic against humans.”

“What? Why?”

“In his defense, the only humans he’s ever met are my family members. So it’s probably their fault. And if I’m right about the monopolization thing, Aulia’s on a long-term mission to make herself Queen of the only Chainer clan in the universe…” He drummed his fingers. “Anyway, that’s the thing about Chainer, or it’s my best guess right now. Maybe Hazel is like her proof of concept? Her way of saying humans are better at this than anyone else. Not just humans either. Our family.”

“You think she wants you to be the exclusive Chainers for all of the Triplanets. Is that even a possibility? They would have to take the class away from other planets, and even if they did, class assignments are supposed to be random here on Earth. You guys will eventually lose some of them to people who don’t want to join the family.”

“Yeah,” said Lute. “That’s how it’s supposed to be. But things can change. And the Palace of Unbreaking is a really unique institution. If Aulia could get more Hazels, if she could get the Palace onboard to manage the Artonan end of things and she can manage the Earth half…it’s long-term, like I said. But it doesn’t sound completely impossible considering what a thorough job she’s already doing.”

“So Roman the S-rank who’s spent his whole life learning wordchains got Rabbit,” Alden concluded. “Because Hazel has to get Chainer. Because she’s the one with the special ability that proves Velras are naturally suited for it, and Aulia needs her to be at the Palace all the time to keep that fact front and center.”

“That’s my theory. It makes sense doesn’t it?”

“I see,” said Alden with a straight face. “That’s interesting.”

Lute crumpled the foil lid up and tossed it at him.

“Miyo hasn’t been selected yet,” he said. “I really hope she doesn’t get S. The Artonans probably aren’t going to throw another top rank position at Earth anytime soon unless someone dies, so if she does…it’ll be Roman all over again. She’s just as Chainer-obsessed as he is. If she gets A, the adults have got a slot with her name on it ready and waiting. But if it’s S, she’s going to hate me forever.”

“After hearing all of this,” Alden said, “I’m kind of surprised they gave you the Chainer S.”

“You mean because I only knew six wordchains, hadn’t been trained, had a fractious relationship with Grandma and the entire rest of my family, would’ve preferred several other classes, and don’t speak Artonan?” Lute said dryly.

“Those would seem to disqualify you if you’ve got other cousins lined up.”

Especially if Hazel wasn't completely out of the running.

“That’s because you’re missing another piece of it,” said Lute. “Or you just haven’t realized how much it matters. Maybe it’s one of those things Lexi and Haoyu are always teasing you about—an Anesidora social dynamic. We’ll get there.”



Narcissus House

Watergarden Road


January 9, 2034



Lute Velra was going to third grade. Real third grade. At a school.

His mother had delivered the news a couple of weeks before Christmas. Now it was the first day, and the knowledge of what was about to happen to him was so surreal he felt like he was dressing another person’s body in the new uniform.

The summer uniform for primary students at Nilama Paragon Academy. Which was a school. For children. Avowed children. Whole roomfuls of them.

He was scared and excited and more scared than excited but both feelings were definitely present and—

“Don’t forget the pocket square!” his mother’s voice called from just outside the bedroom door.

She was standing out there because Lute could dress himself, thank you. He was eight. In a couple of weeks, he’d be nine.

Being born in January was an advantage for him, according to his mother, because he would be one of the oldest in his grade. He would not have trouble with the lessons, she promised. His tutors up until now would have been sufficient.

“What if they all speak Mandarin better than me?” Lute had asked in Mandarin while they decorated one of the mansion’s Christmas trees together.

“They won’t,” Jessica had assured him.

“What if they speak German better than me?”

“They probably will if their parents were born in Germany. Don’t worry about it. Your teacher will be speaking English anyway.”

“What if they speak English better than me?”

“English is your first language, Lute.”

“That will make it even worse!” he’d said shrilly.

Now, he picked up the pocket square from where it sat on top of his duvet and tucked it into place. He walked over to the dressing mirror and examined himself carefully. In summer, primary students wore heather gray waistcoats, collared white shirts with short or long sleeves, clip-on sapphire blue ties, gray shorts or pants, and any closed-toe shoe of their preference. Third graders wore yellow pocket squares.

The square color would change every year. In winter, there were coats or sweaters. In middle school, there were blazers.

Lute was focusing on the clothes because so far they were the only real clue he had about what school would be like.

“Are you dressed yet?” Jessica called.

“Yes, Mom!”

The door opened. His mother smiled at the sight of him. “Aren’t you handsome?”

“What if the teacher won’t let me go to the bathroom?”

“They will.”

“What if one of the cousins decides to go to school, too?”

“You’ll be the only member of the family there. I promise.”

“What if—?”

She swooped down on him and lifted him in a hug.

“Mom! You’ll wrinkle me!”

She kissed him on the forehead. “Come on. Grandma has presents for you before you leave. Let’s go see her.”

Lute was surprised. He hadn’t even seen much of Aulia during Christmastime, since she’d been busy on Artona I. With Hazel again. And he’d already been told that she wouldn’t be available for his birthday this year.

It didn’t sting anymore. Much. He and his mother were a team.

But he wished they were the only team in the household sometimes. Grandma Aulia and his mom were also a team. When Aulia wasn’t on the Triplanets, Jessica was with her more often than not. Or running errands for her. Or trying to make the other relatives do whatever Lute’s grandmother wanted them to do.

A lot of family members were loafers. Lute had heard Aulia tell Jessica and Aunt Hikari so during a very rare “girls night in.” She’d said that she “despaired of the loafers ever becoming anything useful to anyone.”

Jessica was not a loafer. She was Aulia’s Principal Assistant. It was an important job, which was why Jessica had the second best suites in every house they lived in. And also why Lute would be getting a cabin of his own on Libra when he turned ten, even though they were in such short supply and other family members coveted them.

He thought it was Orpheus who was going to be kicked out. For being the loafiest loafer and for falling down the stairs a couple of months ago and landing on top of Chef Kabir.

“Grandma’s in the White Parlor,” Jessica told Lute, sending him out the door with a pat. “Go get your presents.”

Lute Velra was no stranger to presents.

He’d once heard an uncle mutter, “God, Jessica spoils him rotten, doesn’t she?”

And Orpheus, drinking something that smelled like mouthwash out of a crystal punch glass, had laughed and said, “Do you think you can actually spoil a squirt like him with things? On this island? In this family?”

Lute had thought about the two comments so much that he felt like he almost understood them.

He walked down the curving stairs into the White Parlor, a small hand trailing along the glossy railing, and he found his grandmother there alone. She was dressed in a tight black short-sleeved sweater and black cropped jeans. Her feet, in black ballet flats, were propped up on one of the downy white pillows. Her dark blonde hair was side parted, and her face, younger than Lute’s mother’s, wore that familiar, lovely smile.

“Lute, my dove!” said Aulia Velra, setting down the croissant she’d been having with her first coffee of the morning and standing to greet him. “Don’t you look like a fine young man, today? Off to school! Come here and let me give you a hug.”

Lute smiled back. He ran to hug her eagerly. Aulia gave wonderful hugs. Like Jessica’s, but taller.

“Grandma, I’m going to be in third—”

“Nope!” said Aulia, letting the word pop off her lips as she took a step back. “First, you have to impress me. I wore this outfit just for you! It’s time for our little fashion game.”

Oh! Lute loved this. They hadn’t done this in a while, but it was special. He was the only one who got to play this game with Grandma Aulia. He knew some of the others had their own personal games with his grandmother, but he thought his was the best.

He squinted at her clothes, thinking hard. It was such a simple outfit, compared to some he’d seen. Tight. Black on black. A big belt accentuating the pinch of her waist.

He knew he had seen the style before because if she was wearing one for the first time for their game, she would explain it instead of asking him to guess. But the name…

“A hint!” said Aulia, reaching over the back of a low chair and grabbing a black beret from the seat. She set it at a playful angle on top of her head. Then she stood leaning against the chair with her ankles crossed, waiting.

“Beatnik!” shouted Lute, finally capturing the word. “You’re a Beatnik!”

He had absolutely no idea what one was, but this was what one looked like.

“Hooray!” cried Aulia, throwing the hat into the air. “Perfect! I’ll have to try something harder next time.”

Lute felt like he was the only person in Aulia’s world. She was very good at doing that.

For the next half hour, they opened presents and talked about harps and the beat generation and schools…

“I am very experienced with schools,” said Aulia, poking a piece of croissant into Lute’s mouth as they cuddled together on the sofa. “I went to one from five to fifteen! Ten whole years. And let me tell you, it’s tough work. You’d better try hard.”

“I will,” Lute said seriously.

“Almost none of your aunts, uncles, or cousins have gone to school until they were adults on their way to college. Well…there was Keiko. But Keiko made such a lot of noise about the fact that she was going to high school for such a long time that we were all bored with it by the time she finally got around to it.” She winked at him. “Don’t tell her I said that, though.”

“Keiko’s never here.”

“That’s because Keiko is still making a lot of noise about running away from the family,” Aulia said. “It’s what she does. You’re different. You are going to one of the best schools in the whole entire country! And you’re only eight. I’m very proud of you, Lute.”

Lute wriggled closer to her. The praise was so warm.

“Now, I know your mother has had a few little talks with you about school, but let me give you some advice of my own. Do you know who you’ll be going to school with?”

“Other boys and girls who are eight.”

“Yes. And what else do you know about them?”

“A lot of them have important parents.”

Aulia nodded, but he could tell from her face that the answer wasn’t sufficient.

“They’ll all know each other already.”

A nod.

“They’ll know lots about us because you’re on the Council.”

Another nod.

Lute suspected he knew what she wanted him to say, but he mentioned every other thing about the children he’d be meeting today first, in hopes that he wouldn’t have to. Finally, there was nothing else left.

“None of them are going to be ordinary when they grow up,” he whispered. “Just me.”

“But you won’t be ordinary, my dove,” said Aulia, holding him close. “That’s what I wanted to tell you. You are, and always will be, a Velra. And I’m sure as you meet more of the world, you’ll come to see how very wonderful that is. Because I have built this family into something bigger than its individual members. Even if you are the weakest and the least of the Velras, you are still one of us, and we are more important than any of those children you are going to school with.”

Lute looked down at his shoes. Something about this reassurance didn’t feel quite as good as his grandmother seemed to think it should.

“Your family is your power, Lute. And it’s more power than you know. As long as you take care of the Velra name, it will take care of you.”

“How do I take care of our name?” he asked.

“Oh well…” said Aulia. “It’s nothing you have to work too hard at just yet. Study. Don’t get into trouble. Make some nice friends at your new school. It’s a good place for you to meet people who will be somebodies one day, and everyone needs to know a few somebodies. When you grow up, you can do the same sort of work for us as your mother. You’ll be my Cabin 3! How does that sound?”

“Good,” Lute said slowly. “Can I…if I live in Cabin 3, can I still visit Austria?”

Aulia tilted her head. “Austria. The country in Europe?”

“I might want to go there someday,” Lute said nervously. “To play my harp.”

Aulia smiled. “Dear, you can play your harp wherever you want!” Chuckling, she added to herself, “Austria. How random!”

Before his mother came to get him a few minutes later, Aulia helped him tuck his new presents into his new backpack. His first cell phone, a tablet, a smartwatch, an emergency locator medallion he was to wear under his shirt at all times—everything a young man needed before he went out into Anesidora on his own.

“And one more thing,” said Aulia, producing a shiny red card out of thin air.

Lute’s eyes fixed on it at once. The best presents always got teleported in that way for dramatic effect.

“I’ll be quite busy for the rest of this month, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend whatever exciting event you decide to put on for your birthday. But this should make up for it!”

She passed him the card.

“It’s a NesiCard,” Lute said.

He hadn’t had one before because he’d never gone anywhere without a grown-up. But he’d seen his mother’s and father’s. And his cousins’.

“It’s your very own NesiCard!” Aulia said enthusiastically as she handed it to him. “And guess how much money is on it?”

Lute gave the question due consideration. Hazel had gotten one with a thousand argold on it for Christmas. She had kept finding excuses to put things in and out of her wallet so that she could show it off.

He didn’t want to guess that much because it would be so embarrassing if he was wrong.

“Is it…a hundred argold?”

“Oh! You think I’m a cheap old lady, don’t you?” Aulia teased. Then she leaned over and whispered in his ear, “It’s a thousand. And you can spend every last bit of it every day if you want to, and it’ll be filled again by the time you wake up in the morning.”

He stared down at the piece of plastic with the enchanted chip in the center.

“How does that sound?” Aulia asked him.

He nodded.

“Give me another hug before you go. The helicopter is waiting for you.”

Lute hugged her goodbye. He flew to school beside his mother in the back of the family’s helicopter. It landed on the pad of a building near the school, and they walked the rest of the way together.

“Did Grandma give you the NesiCard?” Jessica asked.

“She did. I’ll be careful with it.”

“Don’t worry. They’re easy to replace if they get lost…you don’t seem excited.”

“Oh I am!” Lute said quickly. “She said it had a thousand argold on it, and it would be refilled every day. If I wanted.”

“That’s a lot of money,” said Jessica.


“Don’t really spend a thousand argold in a day without talking to me first. If you buy more toys than will fit in your rooms, you’ll have to get rid of some of them.”

She held his hand most of the way, but when they reached the school she let him go in alone. He waved until the moment the doors shut between them.

Then his smile fell. He was glad he had his own money now. He didn’t have that many things he wanted, since Christmas had just happened and his birthday was coming. It was still a big present though, wasn’t it?


She called me the least of the Velras.

He hadn’t been able to think of anything else on his whole way to school. Not even his nerves.

Grandma said that. But she loves me. We played our game.

Maybe…she didn’t mean it. Maybe she meant the least in one specific way. Not the least least.

Probably, she meant it like that.


School was WONDERFUL.

Third grade was the best thing that had ever happened to Lute Velra. After his fear of the other children faded, after his worries about whether or not bathroom breaks would be allowed were assuaged, he settled into life as a primary school student as if he’d been made for it.

His teacher liked him! She complimented him on his art projects, his school work, and his manners. When you followed the rules, she liked you even more, so he followed the rules very carefully. It was so easy.

Much more importantly, the other children liked him. He had friends! Almost as soon as he arrived and just that easily. They weren’t like the cousins. They were all his own age, and they didn’t care about who would get Chainer one day. They weren’t always trying to beat each other at everything. And they didn’t care that Lute wouldn’t ever be an Avowed…mostly.

A few people said things, but only a few.

They played superheroes together at recess, and nobody told him he couldn’t do it. He played, too. They asked if he wanted to play a Chainer superhero, and he said, “No. Water Shaper.” And since almost nobody else wanted to do that, Lute got to be the Water Shaper lots and lots. And he got to be a Meister and an Adjuster and a Wright and even, once, a Brute. But the Brute was supposed to run really fast or pick someone else up to make the game work, and he wasn’t good enough at that to volunteer for a second round.

It didn’t matter. People liked him. Some of them even thought he was cool.

His helicopter was cool. His stories about living on a boat were cool. His passion for the harp…well, the teacher seemed to think it was cool. And everyone else thought it was interesting that he got pulled out of class three afternoons a week for special instruction with it.

“Is it going to be your job?” a girl asked. “Like an instrument Meister?”

“Yes,” said Lute. “I’m going to play all over the world.”

His plans for his future were developing every day, now that he was encountering so many questions about it. Almost nobody at home had ever mentioned Lute having a job, except for Aulia’s comment about how he could be second assistant. But in school, people talked about what they wanted to be when they grew up all the time.

Encouraged by the overwhelming amount of acceptance, curiosity, and friendliness he’d encountered from his fellow third graders, Lute Velra declared that he would be a famous musician. Like an instrument Meister. And even if he traveled the world, he would come back home every night to have supper with his mother.

The dream wasn’t so different from most of the other students’ goals. And when he finally revealed the secret truth Mrs. Yu had shared with him—the one he’d been careful never to let slip around his cousins so that they couldn’t find anything mean to say—it only made the dream sound even brighter.

“There’s a list!” he blurted out after a show-and-tell featuring his harp. He was standing in front of the classroom and fidgeting with the edge of his waistcoat. “Every nine years—not Earth years—the Artonan ranking board for large musical ensembles attends performances all over the Triplanets and the resource worlds. And they make a list of all the best ones.”

The Artonans loved to rank things. Everyone said so. Lute appreciated it in this case at least.

“To get them to visit your group, your planet has to nominate you. And then they come with Artonan experts and they meet with experts from your own species, and they study all kinds of things about the musicians. They even use magic to tell how much the audiences are enjoying the performances. After that, they make a list to let everyone know who the best musicians in the universe are. There were only four Earth groups in the top 27 last time…” He paused for effect. “None of them had an Avowed musician in them. Not even one.

“And two of the groups have beaten the Anesidoran Philharmonic every single time they’ve all been ranked. The All-Earth Symphony and the Vienna Philharmonic.”

Lute paused again, not intentionally this time. It was just so important to him…this one little fact.

“That means that the best musicians on Earth are ordinary humans. Like my parents and me. And I can be the best harpist in the world if I try hard enough. Even if I don’t have magic.”

He looked hopefully around the classroom. Most of the faces were a little uncertain. One boy, who Lute would later discover had a mother in the Anesidoran Philharmonic, seemed appalled.

“Hey! That’s neat!” said Haoyu Zhang-Demir from his desk at the front of the room. “If you become the best harpist in the world, I bet the Artonans might want to hear you play. You could get invited to other planets like we will.”

A few people were nodding.

“Yeah! He could do that.”

“If you’re the best on Earth, I bet they would summon you.”

“I don’t think it’s a summons if you’re not Avowed…?” someone said uncertainly. “Isn’t it just a visit, then?”

“It’s almost the same!”

“I want to buy a ryeh-b’t the first time I get summoned.”

“If Lute buys a ryeh-b’t, it could fly beside his helicopter.”

“He can go like us.”

“Just like us!”

Lute stood before them, feeling as though he might burst from pride and relief.

Third grade was wonderful.

It was such a shame they all had to grow up.


There were warning signs, but he didn’t want to see them.

Toward the end of fourth grade, games of superhero got more realistic. People wanted to talk about how classes actually worked. No more Brutes turning people into goldfish. No more Meisters who were also Adjusters in secret.

Then one day, Vandy Carisson said, “Let’s all pretend to be what we really want to be when we’re Avowed.”

Everyone agreed.

And then several pairs of eyes turned to Lute Velra and looked at him differently than they had mere moments before.

“It’s fine, Lute,” said a boy named Declan who he was particularly close to. “You can just be whatever.”

“Maybe you can be the person we’re saving today,” a girl added. “If we’re all going to pretend it’s really real.”

“Oh!” said Lute. “Okay. I don’t mind.”

He did. But minding wouldn’t change anything.

And they’re my friends.

Another pair of signs came that same year, in the form of new divisions in the grade.

One was unique to Lute. He noticed it because shifts in his relationships with any of his friends caused him terrible anxiety. If someone was angry with him, he would flip and flop in his bed all night, wondering what he’d done wrong and how to fix it.

But he couldn’t fix this one.

There had always been a few people who were not allowed to sleep over at any of Lute’s houses or come for visits.

It had never been a problem in third grade. When someone told Lute their parents didn’t want them visiting because of his family, he immediately thought, I understand completely. The cousins will talk in Artonan so we can’t understand them. Orpheus is always wandering around falling on top of people. Cady made me sit in the corner at the New Year party for no reason. And you never know when Hazel might be coming over.

Now that he’d met teachers, made friends, and been a guest at other peoples’ houses, he was more sure than ever that half of his relatives were completely horrible. And he had a lot of relatives, so half was a large number.

Lute didn’t consider someone disliking the other Velras to be a dealbreaker, so he’d gotten along with the children who weren’t allowed to attend sleepovers just fine. And they’d gotten along with him, too.

Everyone knew that grown-ups sometimes made inconvenient rules you had to follow, and there were no hard feelings on either side. Someone would say, Mom won’t let me visit you on your boat even though I told her everyone else was going and you were my fifth best friend!

And all the children would shake their heads, because, Parents, right?

What could you even do about people who didn’t acknowledge the importance of the bond between fifth best friends?

Slowly, that changed. The classmates who weren’t allowed to visit him at home also started drawing away from him in school. They whispered things to each other that they’d overheard their parents say about his grandmother. Or one of his other relatives. And instead of fifth best friends, they became…

“My mum says your grandmother bribed the Brute councilor to vote with her.”

“My dad says your Uncle Corin slept with his ex-wife.”

“My grandma says your grandma bought the rejuvenation slot out from under her, and that’s why she can’t have another baby until after 2039! So our families are enemies now.”

The Velra name isn’t taking care of me, Lute thought every time one of these accusations was leveled at him as if he were somehow personally responsible. It’s just stealing my friends.

The second division that happened, happened to everyone. All of a sudden, your parents’ rank seemed to matter a lot more than it ever had before.

Carlotta’s parents were a B-rank Brute and a C-rank Rabbit. She’d always been friends with Vandy Carrison. Then she wasn’t anymore.

Instead, she was hanging around Lute a lot. He was happy for himself but sorry for her.

“I said I’d go to high school with her when we both got selected! And we would share our room! And she said we couldn’t do that!”

Because you’re not going to be powerful enough to go to the same high school as Vandy, thought Lute.

This kind of thing was much less confusing to him than the sudden dislike because of his name. But it was far more worrying.

Because this…this was how the cousins were.

Everyone talking about rank all the time. And thinking about it. And knowing that at the very bottom of them all…

It won’t be like that. It won’t.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Declan Gao, leaning over to take one of the bonbons from the box on Lute’s desk. He’d bought them with his NesiCard. He’d been buying snacks to share with everyone more often lately. “Some people are acting like they’re going to get chosen tomorrow. Vandy might not even be an S-rank. She might not get to go to school in Apex. Anything can happen.”

Declan said not to worry about it, but he was getting really sensitive about rank, too. His mom was an A. And his Dad was a D. That made it very hard to guess what he might be.

Their class was starting to cluster up. High. Low. A couple like Declan who didn’t know where they belonged.

As the year ended and Lute cleaned out his desk to head home for the winter break, he was afraid he was on the verge of losing something.


In fifth grade, they got several new students. Nilama Paragon Academy was expensive; parents who couldn’t really afford to send their children there sometimes chose to save up and wait until they were older so that they could take advantage of the middle school. Next year, when they moved out of the primary building, their class would more than double in size.

For now, it was just a few additions.

One of them was perky. He scurried around their new classroom, introducing himself to every single person, like he was on a mission to make sure he fit in as many handshakes as he could before morning announcements and meditation started. Lute saw him coming and had just enough time to hope this went well before they were face to face.

“Hi! I’m Kon. I live just a few blocks away from here. You can see this school from the roof of my building!”

“Which building does your family own?” Lute asked politely.

Kon’s eyes widened. “No. We don’t own a whole building. Just an apartment inside the building. My parents are ballet dancers and my brother’s in sixth grade. We moved schools together this year!”

Lute’s interest was piqued. “Ballet dancers?”

“I dance, too,” said Kon. “In the youth ballet.”

“Youth ballet! A youth orchestra plays for you when you do Nutcracker.”

Kon blinked.

“It’s not fair that the dancers can be so young but they won’t let you join youth orchestra until you’re twelve,” Lute said. “I wanted to audition.”

He was ready for his first audition but there weren’t a lot of opportunities. Getting to twelve was taking ages. And to make matters worse, The Nutcracker was always in December. Which meant Lute would be nearly thirteen before he could play in a proper orchestra at a proper ballet. He was sure there were other harpists getting ahead of him out there in the bigger world.

“Do you play an instrument?” Kon asked.

All he can do is play harp,” the girl whose grandma was waiting on a baby because of Aulia called from across the room. “So he never shuts up about it.”

“Don’t be mean!” Tuyet said. “Let’s not be mean to each other.”

A boy snickered a little.

Carlotta and Declan were nearby. They…didn’t say anything.

Kon doesn’t know yet, thought Lute. For just a minute longer, he won’t know about me.

The matter suddenly felt urgent.

“It’s really nice to meet you!” Lute said quickly, holding out his hand. “I hope we can be friends. I brought snacks to share.”

Kon’s bright smile brightened further. “Yeah! Let’s be friends!”

By the end of the day, Konstantin was friends with everyone in the class, but Lute still considered it a success.

On the way to the helipad that afternoon, he ended up standing behind Kon and a taller boy who looked a lot like him while they waited to cross the street. It must have been the older brother. He was wearing one of the middle school blazers.

Lute was about to say hello, when Kon suddenly piped up. “Guess what!There’s a boy in my class who’s not Avowed!”

“You’re ten,” said the brother. “Nobody in your class is Avowed.”

Kon groaned. “You know what I mean! He’s not going to be Avowed. His parents aren’t.”

“Seriously?” the brother asked in a surprised voice. “Well…I guess it doesn’t matter in fifth grade. I’m sure his family will send him to another school next year.”


“The same reason we’re going to school here now, Kon. Paragon’s got so many high ranks in one spot. My classes are really different from last year. S and A kids are everywhere, instead of there being just a few of us in a mix of everyone else. We’re starting selection prep lessons earlier than they would in our old school. It’s nice for us, but it would make class really weird for him, wouldn’t it?”

“He’ll just hang out with the lows, right?”

The brother shrugged. “I’m not sure it works like that. The probable low-ranks in my grade seem kind of different than last year, too. Anyway, if he goes to a big school instead, there are bound to be a few other kids like him.”

Lute let them go ahead of him without ever speaking up.

There’s a boy in my class who’s not Avowed, he thought. Kon could’ve said anything. But he said that.

It wasn’t a shock. When Lute compared himself to other people, that was the first thing he always thought, too.

This afternoon it just hurt more than it had in a while. That was all.

There are other things about me. There are so many other things to say.

Fifth grade was the year he went silent.

It was natural, a reflex born of a thousand Velra holidays and parties. There was a family event nearly every week, sometimes more than one, and when Lute was forced to attend them because they were happening in his current residence—they almost always were—he was quiet.

If you were loud, people commented on you. If you protested when the cousins said something mean, then they realized they’d hurt you. They knew what to say next time.

He was getting too old to run and tell his mother or his grandmother. They would put a stop to it, but then he was a tattletale and even the cousins who hadn’t been bothering him would get mad. Strangely, over the holidays, he’d been accused more than once of thinking he was better than the rest of them…because he lived with Aulia.

Being quiet, he’d learned, would get you through three-quarters of all family events without incident. And being quiet was what he started doing at school, too.

He didn’t talk about his music. He didn’t talk about his things. He ignored thoughtless comments about what he wasn’t…so many of those.

At the same time, he couldn’t ignore the fact, anymore, that a few of his friends were only staying friendly because they liked his houses. In a school full of rich kids, he was the richest, and it was just a little too obvious that when he invited them over, they only wanted to spend time with his stuff, not with him. One of them even admitted that his parents had told him to be nice to Lute because of his family.

And then there was Declan Gao, who alternated between being Lute’s best friend on the weekends and being a jerk who didn’t want the high ranks to see him hanging out with Lute at school…

It wasn’t all terrible, though.

Fifth grade was the most exciting year for students at Paragon. They all looked forward to it for the same reason, and as the year end approached, even Lute had to start making noise, because you couldn’t bottle up so much pure eagerness without exploding.

At the end of fifth grade, when they were still young enough that most countries were happy to treat them like non-threats and just old enough that the adults didn’t think they’d be completely impossible to manage, the school arranged the trips.

Three weeks. Three whole weeks worth of days spent away from the island, in the rest of the world. They would travel to the TC every morning. And from there they would teleport, many of them for the first time ever, away to a new place on Earth. They would see rivers! Mountains! More than one barren desert which everyone agreed was really boring and unfortunate!

They were repeatedly reminded not to brag about this to any friends they might have in other schools, since this sort of thing was Very Impossible to implement on a nationwide scale.

Lute heard the teachers calling it “the annual madness.” And in the weeks leading up to it, their travel schedule changed almost daily, sending the class into cries of joy or dismay as they learned what the efforts of their parents, their school, and their government had wrought.

People got strange as the date of the trip approached.

Not Lute, though. He was totally sane about it.

“Do not betray me, Vienna,” he whispered, bowing his head over his desk each morning and holding his palms skyward in supplication. “Ich liebe dich, Österreich.”

“He’s praying to Austria again.”

“I think it’s more like he’s trying to cast a spell on it.”

“Oh, beautiful Zambezi, I have always wanted to see Victoria Falls! I promise not to jump in.”

“Now Everly’s talking to a river.”

“Maybe we should do it, too?”

“You think?”

“Istanbul did cancel our day there because the hero team said they were worried about protests. Haoyu’s really disappointed.”

“…Hello, Machu Pichu! Some of my ancestors were born in Peru.”


He got to go to Austria.

The night before he left, hiding under his blankets at his father’s place, Lute stared at pictures on a realtor’s website on his phone. He picked out an apartment for himself there—a little loft with lots of sunshine near the metro.

He knew it probably wasn’t going to be for sale when he was finally old enough to emigrate, but it was still fun to imagine it. And to spot it from the street the next day when they were on a walking tour, surrounded by a fleet of guides and protectors impersonating guides.

He hid his passport band under his sleeve and pretended he was a local who’d just wandered into the middle of this group of future Avowed by accident. He did it anytime their trips took them to a city.

Here, he wasn’t the odd one out. Every person on the street, every soul in every building—they were like him.

For me, this is the real world, he decided. I’m not alone. I’m just waiting to get here.

He would convince his mom to come with him. There was no reason she couldn’t.


Lute started sixth grade quiet. Safe. Ignorable.

He didn’t really have friends anymore. The last of them—the ones who he’d annoyed by trying a little too hard to keep…oh my god, you guys, Lute Velra is so clingy—had evaporated over the holidays. They were all joining clubs and doing extracurriculars now. Not the kind of clubs Lute could just insert himself into.

Wrightshop apprenticeships. Martial arts for future Meisters. BruteScouts. Heroes of the Future.

It wasn’t like he wouldn’t be allowed to participate. They couldn’t officially discriminate against him, and he was sure the adults would mostly force everyone to behave around him. But there was nothing quite like being the person in the room everyone was forced to be considerate of.

It just made them go from being a little mean to you to really hating you.

This is better, he thought from his spot at the back of the room. I just keep my head down. Be polite to everyone. Ask Mom if I can have a top-of-the-line concert harp for my birthday next week.

I can have it professionally painted. Purple would be fun.

Also, purple didn’t belong to anyone else.

Avowed classes didn’t officially have associated colors and symbology, but people liked to team up, so it was a thing in some settings. If you went into a Swayborhood, you’d see the gray flag with the Artonan symbol for the mind on it here and there. Brutes were red with the symbol for the body. Green for Meisters. Brown or light blue or both done in stripes for Shapers…they couldn’t seem to settle the matter.

It wasn’t something he’d ever thought much about, but the colors were all the rage now that they were in sixth grade. If someone wore a red bracelet or a green hairband, all of his classmates had decided it had to mean things. They were getting superstitious about it in ways that even Grandma Aulia would have found ridiculous, and she’d recently invited a cab driver to dinner with them because when she’d cast her last giant luck wordchain, before Lute was even born, the cabbie had picked her up twice in one night.

She was still checking in on him every year or so to see if she could figure out what the universe was trying to tell her about him.

“Mom, that’s weird, isn’t it?” Lute had whispered after she came to check on him and tuck him in that night.

“Most people think so,” Jessica said with a smile. “But Grandma doesn’t believe in letting things go once they’ve caught her eye.”

Anyway, sixth grade had hit Lute’s classmates with what he could only describe as System fever, and they were making the cab driver thing seem completely normal.

He looked up from his desk at the sound of a squeal from the opposite corner, and sure enough…

“Tuyet! Your earrings are green! Does that mean you want to be a Meister now?”

Soon all the Meister-hopefuls were welcoming her to the fold, like it was all set in stone, even though people were still changing their minds every day and nothing was guaranteed.

Lute had had to change the case on his cellphone from red to black so that people would stop asking if he wanted to be a Brute. It was “just a joke,” but none of them seemed to care that he didn’t think it was funny.

Dark purple. That would be a cool color for a harp.

And for his party this year…

He looked around the room. There were people who would come. Most people would probably come, if he made it an epic Velra bash. They didn’t all hate him, they just didn’t have anything in common with him now that they were getting older and starting to care about things he couldn’t be involved in.

No. I’ll do it like I used to. On the yacht, as long as Hazel wasn’t there. Her family liked to take it over these days. No kids. Just me, mom, Aimi if she’s free, the crew, and a cake.

He wouldn’t invite Aulia. It was her boat. She’d be there or she wouldn’t.

Lute couldn’t even remember the last time they’d played their fashion game.

When he asked his mother about the party, she promised to set it up. If not on the yacht, then at the midtown apartment. Then she added, “You’ll have to go to Hazel’s birthday party next month, remember.”

“I do?” Lute asked, not bothering to keep the horror out of his voice. “Why?

They were sitting together in the White Parlor, eating burgers from a place they both liked but almost never visited. Lute pretended not to know why, but he did.

It was a crowded fast food restaurant in Apex. Full of high ranks. His mom didn’t like to go places like that with Lute, because the presence of the S-rank bodyguards didn’t make crowds of high ranks just a little nervous, the way it did down in F. If they weren’t a little nervous, they made comments sometimes.

Lute thought it would be all right. There was nothing so terrible they could say that he couldn’t ignore it. But she didn’t like it, so he never complained about reheated burgers and fries not being quite as good.

“Hazel wants me at her party?”

Hazel’s birthday parties had often swept him up when he was little. Now that they were older, he was delighted not to be invited. This year she had a set of teenage friend-ish people she had somehow obtained despite the fact that when she wasn’t off doing verrrry important things on the Triplanets with whoever it was the Chainer family members worked for, she was virtually always being tutored by their grandmother or someone else.

The wound left in Hazel’s pride from being forced to apologize to Lute after the whiff jokes had festered rather than healing. And he wasn’t really interested in forgiveness either.

Avoidance was the only thing that kept peace in the household whenever she was around, and she was around so often that avoiding her meant Lute sometimes went days without showing his face to the people he lived with except at mealtimes.

“It’s her fourteenth birthday, Lute,” said Jessica.

“Does that mean something?”

Jessica smoothed the front of her skirt over her legs. “She’s having her Coming of Age party this year.”

Lute narrowed his eyes. “Ewwww.


“It’s a whole year early! This is just a plot so that she can have a second giant ball when she turns fifteen! I’m not wearing a tuxedo and learning a dance for her until she’s actually the right age!”

Jessica cleared her throat. “The theme she’s chosen is Royal Ascot. So you’ll wear a full morning suit and top hat. And there won’t be a dance.”

“What’s Royal Ascot?”

“It’s a horse race. In England.”

Lute considered that. “Horses…might make it okay.”

He hadn’t had many opportunities to interact with horses.

“Can I feed them?”

“It will be a series of Brute races. At the big track in F. Racehorses won’t last long enough to provide entertainment for the whole length of the party.” She paused. “You can offer the Brutes snacks if you like.”


Jessica grinned. “You can hold out carrots and sugar lumps for them—”

“Hazel will probably really do something like that,” Lute grumbled.

He was wrong.

What she did on the day of her party was so much worse.


Aulia -- Finally, I have shown her fully on screen for the first time. I thought for a long time about how to present her, and I decide that doing it through Lute's eyes as a young child had a lot to recommend it. I look forward to showing more of her in the future. :)

Paragon -- The school year at Paragon is year-round, January through December.  They have multiple small breaks throughout the year, and then they take their longest one in December, which is also the beginning of Anesidora's summer since it's in the Southern Hemisphere.


Carl Earl

Yay soup!


thanks! cliffhanger D:


Stop, stop! He's already dead!


Thank you for the chapter! How long has Super Supportive been in the works?


Thanks for the chapter! Aquiver in anticipation for when the actual selection happens. Meeting Aulia for the first time, I was torn between "she seems nice" and "man I see where the cult comes from_


Man, I bet countries really like recruiting "globies" as heroes because they can physically feel the waves of condescension coming off of anyone born on Anesidora. What an incredibly toxic way to raise kids.


I do think it's pretty interesting Aulia distanced herself (intentionally or not) from Lute as he got older. Did she get busier? Did she decide (still several years before he was 15) he was a whiff after all, and not worth spending her time playing Fashion Game with?

John D Jones

With Hazel Aulia wanted Chainer Supergirl and instead created The Bad Seed, amiright?

Siobhan Hokin

It's gonna hurt when we see how Lute got so incredibly jaded

Heather White

I’m loving that the evil old lady was a loving grandmother, at least early on. A loving grandmother who wants to take over the universe. I can handle that level of character complexity, because I still feel completely comfortable thinking she’s awful. And it makes her a fun villain.


I feel bad for the cousin that got denied Chainer bc of Hazel. Before I was like, lol loser. Now I imagine him playing second fiddle to grandma's latest experiment all his life, getting denied the one thing you've wanted your whole life bc Hazel needed it, then her turning up as a B and being put under the gloss..yikes poor dude


Victoria Falls mentioned👀 I Just freaking love the diversity of this story!

Allora Lee

Hazel Velra. You and I have beef. What did you do to my Lute?


I’m looking at every Aulia interaction so critically. Her pulling a Steve Jobs reference on her grandson has to be a clever trick from Sleyca to foreshadow how terribly she treats the Velras, ~just~ like steve jobs treated the apple employees. Yes, it all makes so much sense now. This is clearly a very intriguing metaphor for capitalism and the people at the top hurting those at the bottom… or she was just making a goofy reference. 50/50 shot really.

Twara Sandeep

I'm about to cry for Lute Velra in the middle of a cafe; I understand even more now why he was initially so standoffish


i do wonder if maybe she got manon involved in managing the Velra family. Maybe she wanted a couple whiffs in the family to somehow force everyone else to try harder somehow? aulia and manon being buddy buddy makes sense if you look at how they manipulate people.


I know these chapters are long but these cliffs drive me mad! (Probably the sign of an amazing story.)


ARTONIANS ARE POCKET SIZED?!?!? Why hasen't this been emphasized in the past?! I was thinking of them as tall willowy dudes but it turns out they're actually wizards in a fun-sized package!

Maddy Weller

Oh wow, poor Lute and what a thing for Aulia to say. I have a feeling Lute’s blow up, or whatever happened that made people hate him, is going to happen very soon. Also, I really enjoyed the bit of them talking at the beginning of the story! I’m enjoying the Lute POV, but seeing Alden’s reactions are nice too.


The fact that most of the Velra still feel like people somehow make it ickier. Also it somehow never occured to me that most Artonans are short and I love it

John D Jones

Now I'm feeling agony waiting until Sunday. I will say that now I want Lute, Lexi and Haoyu to come along with Alden on his trip to see Stu'Art'h. Or at least Lute to come along. Just so that he can tell Hazel that he went to Artona I and met people who were waayyyyy more important than those she met.


Seeing my country (Austria) mentioned and having Lute like it so much is really nice. I'm pretty used to Austria never really being mentioned anywhere unless in passing in most media so it made me smile. The chapter itself was heavy, though. I feel for poor Lute. Desperately seeking connection but not really finding something meaningful. The only one who was really on his side was his mother (and maybe Aimi). He's still on good terms with Aimi, I wonder what happened for him to have a fallout with Jessica.


"the least" right in the feels.


(facepalm) She's going to ride the the Brutes isn't she?


His only consolation will be how rich he is, and how insanely rich he will become being an S rank rabbit.


Thanks for the chapter! First: god, kids get messed up enough as is by standardized testing etc, seeing the outcome of that same obsession with "objective" rankings getting applied to their entire existence is positively heartbreaking. Second: is this the first time we've had a year directly stated for the story? I can recall a few times there were rough timeframes based on historical references, but I think this is the first time we've been explicitly able to say "it is currently 2040"? Still pretty much the "present day, present time" I had been thinking of, but might be interesting to reread with that in mind.


Well, one little spot of sunlight here is that Roman probably escaped the Gloss. It sounds like it only hit the Chainers in the family, since Hazel herself wasn't under the effects when we met her.


Velra's and Anisidoran folks being quietly and increasingly exclusionary and shitty to Lute I fully expected. I did not expect Lute's quiet attempts to be positive to hit like a truck. Additionally, for some reason the fact that Aulia has been rejuvinated to look young caught me completely off guard. All of the talk of her being the grandmother and the grandwitch had her in my head as Yubaba from spirited away.

Daniel Zellmer

Wow grandma V is a terrible person


Imagine a being be able to destroy your entire planet is shorter than tom cruise


the more we learn about Hazel the more I dislike her.


It's been there in the text, man. For instance, Joe was called out as being unusually tall for an Artonan... and exactly Alden's (average) height.


I started actually writing it a few weeks before I first posted on Royal Road. So I think it was right at the very beginning of this year. Before that, I'd had the characters and the world in my head for several months, though!


One of the great parts of this story is how so much of it feels so real and normal that when the wild shit happens, it really punches you in the stomach. It's so great going from "children making friends in third grade" to “My grandma says your grandma bought the rejuvenation slot out from under her, and that’s why she can’t have another baby until after 2039! So our families are enemies now.”


Please someone give this poor boy a hug :'( Thanks for the Soup even if it is salty from my tears now *sob* Discord: https://discord.gg/PRyweNZmBW

Fake Powerles

I don't usually like reading flashbacks, but you somehow made this enjoyable to read (for me at least). So, thanks for that and well done.

John D Jones

No. Whatever horrible thing Hazel will (has) say or do at this point will be done or said to Lute. Meanwhile, Lute is becoming good friends with Alden. Alden is likely to become the first human Knight of the Mother World, being extremely powerful and influential on Earth. And the Velra clan as a whole will be frozen out of any close relationship with him because Hazel Velra has been raised to be kind of a horrible person by the other Velras.

Heather White

I hope he did escape the gloss (might’ve hit family, not just chainers, & ppl have also speculated it might’ve even hit Alden, so I’m not sure how defined the gloss’ reach was). And I hope that being a rabbit will let him get some distance from the family, much to his relief as he grows up.

Heather White

As my scroll bar nudged closer & closer towards the bottom of the page, I gradually realized we weren’t going to get to The Incident, and I started grinding my teeth. Because I’ve been dying to know what it was for what seems like a decade or more… Lute, what did they do to you, & what (100% justifiable thing) did you do to get back at them?!?!


Lute stocks soaring to new heights, while Hazels' having the crash of the century. Interestingly, some people have thought she was redeemable still, just some child tantrums and generally being a brat. Seems that is about to change.


I definitely think I'd rather grow up a globie than an Anesidoran, if I was getting superpowers in this world. Even if they are way behind in a lot of ways and struggling with disadvantages from not knowing what was going to happen to them. I think having something much more powerful than you stick a literal rank on everyone you'd ever met would create a nigh-inescapable vortex of rank obsession. Even if you were trying to claw your way out of it and think around it, it would be hard to know when you were actually judging people correctly instead of by the letter, and as a kid approaching the age when you were going to get your own letter, thoughts and anxieties and hunger for the "good" ranks would probably swallow a lot of your life and personality. Even in our world, you've got eighteen-year-olds who've been raised to think something like a college application will decide their entire fate and worth. Starting to think that way about getting the magic you're going to have for the rest of your life at twelve and thirteen, while enjoying the hormone soup of puberty at the same time, would just be awful and make a lot of people awful.


I like the idea of feeding Brutes.

Kinga K

Lute's childhood is such a mood. Seeing the way he is in present timeline, I'm guessing the cliques won't get any better from here, maybe Haoyu or LexiKon (see what I did there? Are they named so on purpose lol?) interactions. Quite the contrast to Earth indeed, too The suspense at the end is real, wonder what Hazel will do/has done. She's very much encased in a bubble that is her upbringing. I don't think she even realises that explaining to Lute what whiffs are and what people say about them was upsetting, she might think she was being nice since she informed him and showed things could be worse. Definitely not the most empathetic person, yet. Has a lot of room for character development - in both positive and negative direction. Looking forward to where you'll take her


The people saying she's redeemable are mostly saying it based on age, and she'll be just turning 14 for the flashback, so they probably won't change their minds. My view is that almost anybody is theoretically redeemable, but that Hazel is unlikely to ever put in the effort to improve based on her circumstances and what we've seen so far.


This WAS a great way to present Aulia. There's a lot of little details we miss out on because Lute doesn't register them, like, say, how old the grandwitch currently looks and just how often she takes a turn with the rejuvenator to maintain that. And there's a lot of details Lute sees but doesn't understand, letting us place our own interpretation on them. For example, that NesiCard. Wow. What a poisonous little gift that is. Sure, it's probably a solid idea to give a scion of a rich and powerful family a little walking around money just in case. A thousand argold, refilling daily, is a bit overkill, but fine. Sure, it's an impressive gift (from an outside perspective) that makes Lute feel grown-up and trusted. But it costs basically nothing from Aulia's perspective. And notably, it's the kind of gift that doesn't require Aulia to actually know anything about Lute. Sure, it could be parlayed into lessons about responsibility with money. But it isn't. Aulia just throws the money Lute's way, probably without checking with Jessica first whether that's okay or how it should be handled. In fact, a gift like this is almost designed to turn Lute into a perpetual dependent on Aulia's generosity. "Infinite" funds, from a child's perspective - that can literally be cut off with a thought. And Jessica won't say a bad word about it. Because SHE'S perpetually dependent on Aulia. All of that layered over charisma, and showmanship. A secret game that Aulia has, just with you. A hundred argold to teleport in a little card, so she can look cool and magical giving it to you. An intensity of focus like you're the most important person in the world... juxtaposed with offhand comments about you being the "weakest and the least" of the entire family. 10/10 cult leadership. 2/10 family management.

Neal Mayne

Tom Cruise isn't that short at 5'7 he's actually right in the global average. He's just short for an American.


It was reasonable to believe Hazel wasn't awful back when we knew less about her. Her first interaction with Alden (getting chainer at a funeral) wasn't great but it was clearly a complicated time for her, her second interaction with Alden (triggering his debt) was rude but we didn't have enough context to know how intentional it was. We've learned a lot more about her since then and it's pretty clear that she's a problem. Lute isn't guaranteed to be a reliable narrator, he's certainly not completely impartial, but the story is pushing us towards trusting him through the characterization we've seen and the way the narration is handled here. Sometimes people suck.

Mason Bially

To be fair Aimi's coping mechanism for her family seems to be just going with things and staying chill. Hard to get on her bad side. Jessica seems like she would have expectations.


Thanks for the chapter ! I love how children are described in Soup, the way they experience things sounds so vivid, it feels very acurate (and Lute is very adorable !). It makes me want to take notes for future parenting references even though it's far from being relevant for me lol On another note, so far Jessica has been an amazing mom (especially considering the context), so I guess Lute's reaction to Alden seeing her had more to do with her job as Aulia's right hand Growing up "normal" in Apex seems downright impossible, Alden's classmates seem a lot nicer in comparison (and his roomates are basically angels)


Honestly, I just love Lute. I think the Velra family is so insane, and I think getting to see what childhood is like on Anesidora really paints all of the non-globie characters in a clearer light. This will probably be the longest I'll ever spend telling the story of someone besides Alden. The only other flashbacks longer than a page or two that I have in mind for the entire serial right now are for Stuart, Joe, Aulia, Boe and mayyyybe Lexi. They might not happen, they are way off in the distance, and they all feel like single chapter affairs to me, not like this Velra Novella I've been playing with in my head since March. I could write this much about Stu and the other art'h's as well, but they have access to too much info for me to actually do it without spoiling all the things.


Even better, he's got the same "Karma" sense as Hazel without even being a test tube incest baby! (Granted, he also inadvertently got modified by Gorgon lol but still)


We haven't seen his mom react to his S rank. That is a discussion that could go very badly - we've seen how much trouble mismatched expectations and results can cause.


I know Jessica has made a lot of mistakes as Lute’s mom and is involved in some of the nefarious parts of the business, but I can’t help but feel bad for her. Every day, she has to look at herself in the mirror and see how much she didn’t live up to any of the potential that Aulia hoped for in her. She looks so different that it’s easy to notice her in the crowd and for people to whisper about her being a failure wherever she goes. And she can’t let herself fix Lute’s height issue because if he’s a freak, than what does that make her?


I dunno, I feel like the "you should hate Hazel" thing is being waay pushed by Sleyca so there's either a reveal of sorts or a redemption arc. Anyways, I'm still waiting for next chapter to see where to slot her plot and relationship dynamic wise with Alden depending on what she did that got Lute to be...Lute


The interesting thing for me though is that other than the internet unrestricted glasses, technically Lute got the exact same things as Hazel at a similar age. Is it because she could sense Lute's inferiority and it was a "see, I think you're as important too!" bribe or is it just a generic "coming of age" gift that grandma gives to every kid and they're somehow deluded into believing that's how much their grandma loves them cause of the scale when in reality it's literal pennies to her.


Yeah - I've been imagining Alden to be like 5'10 - to like 6'1 (Highschoolers in my area are BIG), so I was imaging Joe to be fairly tall.


I'm in camp "Jessica was *wildly* enthusiastic about Lute getting S and Chainer, and that clashed with Lute's reluctance to get selected and take the class".

Neal Mayne

Am I the only one that saw Hazel telling the whiff jokes as a hurt kid lashing out because her cousin she thought was her friend apparently can't stand her, considering that all the other cousins are probably jealous of Hazel and are unlikely to be particularly friendly Lute might have been the only one she thought was her friend. Honestly we don't get Hazels story except through biased eyes personally I think if we saw her perspective it would be a sad tale indeed.

Swiss Jeez

It's kind of amazing that Lute and Lexi later become friends if that was their first intersection.


Well.. its kinda weird that there is so much world building. But the ending cliffhanger kinda makes it interesting, so I guess its fine. Without the cliffhanger I'm not sure I would be back.


Haha! I was actually thinking about Aulia's age. She's too young to have been a beatnik but just the right age to have thought they were cool when she was young. Then I started looking at pictures of beatnik outfits, and one of the first results was the exact one I had in mind and the woman wearing it even looked a little like my mental Aulia. It's here (I'm sorry I don't know who the original photographer/model are to credit them): https://pascalebooysen.com/2020/06/14/lookbook-beatnik-style/ The woman with the pipe and the beret. Though Aulia does not smoke a pipe...


There are a few dates in the text, some of which have changed as Sleyca did edit passes. Sleyca has also stated in comments that the current year is 2040. If you're interested, I've been putting together a timeline of events in the story, which you can find here: https://coral-sheree-56.tiiny.site I'm updating that periodically as new chapters come out. That specific link will always be current to the latest Patreon release, so please don't share it around on RR.


I'm glad nobody realized he wasn't born to super powerful parents before we got to these chapters! I had worked hints in, but I hoped it would stay unspoiled and it looks like it did. :)


hell yeah it's a helicopter! thanks for the chapter! so he is telling Alden his past, I was so curious about what happened in school, nice to see the other characters, makes it more real, though seeing this, I dread the middle school bullying. Aulia was so creepy, a special game for some members to make them feel special and loved, truly a cult leader. It really feels like the rest are only minions to be managed in her cabal. I must say when we first met Lute in Hannah's funeral, I didn't expect him to be more than a passing character like Aimi, I am so glad that's not the case, he's so fun, relatable, and these chapters break my heart. I was outraged at the bullying especially the coldness from the hero students, so I am excited to see what actually happened. and finally have background info on that conversation when the boys first were settling in the apartment.


I didn't enjoy reading this, it is unrealistic without there being a driving reason why that I can see. This feels like someone telling me the most insanely overly dramatic telling of their bad childhood I would tell them they have a victim complex and we're leaving things out. However that doesn't seem to be your intention so instead the CIA gangstalked Lute to give him mathematicly the most cartoonishly bad childhood possible. It is well written as always. My own life experience included a not great childhood but two things make Lutes seem totally invented. First Lute would try and leave, it is mentioned but no kid that age has the emotional strength to endure that. After Kon made that comment a normal kid might refuse to go to school the next day or act out. His grades would drop, he might stop eating. Second people do care, even in socially rigid contexts. Yet apparently even Lutes own parents never once detected his problems nor did any teacher or other family members. Also how is it the greatest grandma ever paid a mountain of cash for designer babies and then dropped them on their heads and apparently leaves them all socially stunted? I don't know, I love this story but this section feels like a low point to me but maybe I just can't see the design.


I thought Lute was cool before these chapters but now he’s one of my favorite characters.


They are! If you imagined them otherwise it's probably because of Joe, who's about an inch taller than Alden and the first one we really got a good description of. He's a really big guy for an Artonan. Alden's right at 5' 10" or 176.4 cm.


Amongst all the melancholy and sympathetic pathos I felt in this chapter, I spotted you weaving some mischief Sleyca. An S rank Rabbit. Velra’s ‘second best’ of Lute’s generation. S rank rabbits always going to come clutch, once we understand the hutch obsession of Artonans (Griveks - nuff said). Humans uncanny similarity to Artonans having huge universal opportunity in music and chaining is a really cool pay off of setting. Making our fingers matter more than our single thought brains. Take that brain. Ten digits. One brain. Scoreboard.


Now I'm really tempted to have Alden call Stu-art'h fun-sized so that he can be completely baffled...

John D Jones

At some point I want to see Maricel meeting Alis'Art'h so Maricel can learn the Dao of Dirt-throwing.


Bro I really hope you're being hyperbolic, and that you wouldn't ACTUALLY tell someone to their face that their shitty childhood must have been exaggerated. That's incredibly ignorant and judgemental. Lots of people in real life have legitimately terrible childhoods backed by complex family dynamics. Edit: the above comment was edited after I posted this. I'll add that difficult childhoods can be difficult in different ways. Saying "a child in X situation would do Y" is pretty reductive, different kids can have wildly different reactions. And in the specific context of Lute leaving school, even if the kids are getting worse towards him they still don't seem as bad as his relatives. School is still his (relatively) safe space from his cousins.


I’m going to pretend that at some point in time she was less Aulia like and was struggling to give a gift to one of the kids. She went with her generic gift idea and when it turned out well just said fuck it everyone gets the same basic present, if your special you get more.


It's a joke, or intended in exasperation. I actually a real person who doesn't push strollers off cliffs.


...You really can't imagine the kind of family where a distant patriarch gives the kids everything they need except love? Where gifts are piled and piled on the children, until one day the parents are suddenly asking them to give up all their choices and dreams to follow the family business? This is a classic trope, man. This is how almost every high-intensity specialized family gets portrayed, whether they're in crime or business or government.


on the topic of aliens teaching humans with similar superpowers, I wish Gorgon could teach Boe, sadly he probably can't because of his imprisonment, but it would be hilarious if Boe knew Gorgon can sense(smell?) feelings too

Avery Theron Murphy

Really? I thought it felt mostly realistic of a kid who just doesn't fit in. What seems cartoonishly bad about it?


to each their own, I think it’s delightful we get quality character building, lord knows there’s plenty of the alternative out there, even on RR


kids have literally killed themselves due to depression and/or bullying without their parents realizing there are any issues, nothing presented so far feels unreasonable


it’s not universal but it is common enough even in actual history

Andrew Simpson

As someone who just recently binged and pledged to continue the binge, these flashback chapters are definitely triggering some withdrawal symptoms lol.


God, this chapter was so painful. Brought school PTSD right back out -.- Great writing.


Sleyca, if this isn't spoilers, can you be selected younger than 15? We know most S get selected at 15, but all the bits in story (that I could find) are ambiguous whether younger than 15 is possible.

John D Jones

Don't be mean to Stu'Art'h. He already feels bad enough for [i]gokoratch[/i]ing Alden's class and then making Lute squeak. I do hope that [i]gokoratch[/i] continues to be a thing going forward. Alden being an "influencer."

Aidan Geverdt

I kind of skimmed this chapter but I think I got the jist of it,

The Human

I think there was foreshadowing that Boe was selected as like a 9 or 10 year old, sometime before Alden met him

Neal Mayne

Definitely not Boe was selected before Alden, not before he met Alden.


A great "third" skill for Alden to take on his fake profile would be "Let's Come to an Agreement" a fake rabbit skill that lets him create magic contracts for other people once he's learned how to do it.

Michael Blue

Rabbit skills aren’t hidden from the public; eventually someone would look up or remember (with their enhanced memory) that that’s not a thing.


It was always around 2040, but I did't actually settle on the exact year until Alden got to Anesidora. Since I knew they had a thing for celebrating global holidays I wanted to make sure they had correct dates. If you look at the earlier chapters, days of the week that coincide with specific dates are going to be a little off with the year 2040, but I'll go back and fix those eventually. From the beginning of the intake chapters to now, I *should* have all the dates/days correctly synched with the 2040 calendar.


P look m the




Don't be too too sad! He's sitting in an apartment with Alden now eating flan, so thinks are looking up!

Kim Enteiu

My partner’s sleeping on my arm & I’m trying not to laugh so hard every he mentions how clumsy Orpheus keeps falling on people 😆


Oh southern hemisphere eww


The Brutes would probably like it too, to be honest. As long as it wasn't carrot sticks and sugar cubes. Who doesn't want snacks?

Michael Blue

Seeing Lute unwittingly reference Anesidoran social dynamics in passing to Alden in a chapter telling him all the ways he was bullied and neglected was the icing on top of a very sad (expensive) birthday cake.


It hasn't been stated explicitly, but I think it's been implied. Our first introduction to the rank-selection age relationship told us that most people are selected between 15 and 17, but there are outliers. There's also widespread speculation that Boe was selected at a very young age, before he even met Alden, due to him apparently picking up on Alden's emotions even when looking away in their meet cute.

Maddy Weller

I wonder, would having more then ten fingers make it hard to do wordchains, or is it at least ten to do them properly? I’d imagine extras could get in the way.


There are exceptions though. Kon’s skill and spell weren’t on the normal list. This could be another unique offering by the System. Or it could simply be the skill path that starts with Let Me Take Your Luggage since no one has taken it before.


Lute knows about the Social Dynamics reference now, so this was probably not unwitting.


Thanks! This is awesome! Alden got accepted to CNH on (what will be) my 67th birthday! Nice!!

Michael Blue

True, hadn’t thought of that. This could just be cope on my end, but Alden’s whole thing is pretending to be a perfectly normal Rabbit. Having a skill in his public profile that functions the same way as secrecy tattoos do (tattoos being common knowledge to Anesidorans) would likely raise a lot of eyebrows, and make him in demand with a lot of people he’d be better off not associating with as a pretty squishy B-Rank Rabbit.

David Kanevsky

He only has one skill, LMTYL. Lighting candle, and liquor are not skills, they are spell impressions. Maybe he can pass ot off as a custom reward from a summoning?!but that may be hard to explain

Michael Blue

He still doesn’t have the full context. Alden didn’t tell him the misunderstanding was about rooming with him.


It wouldn't function like tattoos - it would enable him to make contract tattoos. Specifically, it would allow him to let the participants reach agreement without the need for weird drugs. It would be sort of meistery, sort of swayze.


I've realized that some people are always going to have a dislike of any part of the story that deviates from the present-day plot. That's fine. I understand because I've definitely felt that way about flashbacks or delays due to a new character intro in other stories. But since writing the things I'm passionate about is what keeps me churning out chapters, I'll always have to go with the thing I'm really excited about. Lute's backstory is so darn juicy. He could definitely be the protag of his own novel. And his background shows a part of Anesidora it's virtually impossible for Alden to see, so it's coming in from his perspective. This is the last chance for it to be presented in the story without a ton of the more dramatic details being a rehash of things readers would come to know in the future through less interesting ways. I'm also a major sucker for world building, so there's really no such thing as too much of it, imo. The Velras too...so much to unpack there. In general I'm not a flashback writer and I've only very, very rarely left Alden's point of view in Super Supportive up until now. That's how I intend to keep going moving forward. But this is going to be an enormous (wordcount wise) story about Lute and the family and the Chainer class, if that's not already clear. I've been calling it the Velra Novella in my head. It's probably the biggest thing like this I will do...at least as far as my authorial eyes can see into the future at this point. There are at least two more large chapters in it (they are written). I think it will be four total by the time I wrap it up. So I'm very glad you're coming back on Sunday to read the next one, but if it hasn't captured you by then, now you what I'm doing and how long it should last. That's what's up! :)


*four more total, I'm not sure the way I wrote that was very clear


hot Aulia is cannon lmao


I mostly skimmed and skipped. I'm fine with some background here and there but I want to read about.. super supportive. Thus far we had the moon and some gym and that's about it. I'll go 1 more month but I'm on the edge of dropping the story. It was slow but now its just weeks of filler stuff that doesn't add that much to the story. 5 parts of this..

Michael Blue

I might’ve phrased my response poorly. I understood that the skill would make Alden able to make tattoos, but my point was that that’s not something he’d want announced on his profile for a low intensity life

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Very true, very true. Counterpoint - he should be sitting in an apartment *in Vienna* right now, eating flan! (With Alden, naturally. He still needs an Alden.) In seriousness, though, I definitely felt Alden saying "that's interesting." The number of times that has been my go-to response to somebody trying to explain something way outside of my knowledge or comfort zone...


Oh! Was it you who was hoping for the helicopter last chapter? I was excited to see that comment because I was like, Yes! That person is going to be happy with Lute's ride. :)


She's a brat. She might have thought he liked her, but only because she's so self-centered that she can't understand why EVERYONE doesn't like her. Most of them are there to cater to her every want, from her perspective, including Lute. After all, he's not going to be special, so what other use does he have, right? Even if it's a condition brought about by the abusive nature of her family, it doesn't excuse her, or the grownups that enabled her.


Maricel upon First Meeting the Quaternary: Now there's a woman who could build the kind of bridge I have in mind!

John Anastacio

Thanks for the very juicy chapter Sleyca. Lots of delicious worldbuilding. I didn't know much about the other Avowed races, but with this chapter it makes sense that many Chainers are human, what with Artonan and human hands being so similar. From what I can tell, I don't see why it would be impossible for a human wordchainer to invent and develop their own wordchains. I wonder if Aulia has tried. It also seems to me that humans would also be good wizards if they had authority sense, since wizardry and wordchains seem to have similar requirements, including Artonan-like fingers. If and when it ever comes out that Alden is a wizard and he doesn't get purged by the Artonan factions, he will probably receive lots of demands to teach another human to develop authority sense and thus become a wizard like him. He'll refuse of course, unless the human is so old that they won't be selected for Avowal. re: Aulia's ambitions for monopolizing Chainer - I think they are misguided. Also she aims far too low. Chainer like all other Avowed are servants, property. The Palace of Unbreaking itself seems to me to be a small and isolated sect respected by some but ignored by most of Artonan society. If there truly are so many Chainers who are human, and even so there aren't enough Chainer class slots to go around, then that means there aren't many classed Chainers period, and no plausible way to get Earth Contract to ask for more. To me Aulia wants to be the biggest goldfish in only a very small pond. I'm disappointed in her.

Ano Ano

What makes this story so engaging for me is how it dispenses answers and mysteries at a similar pace. There is so much going on out in the world, and we are slowly figuring it out. But just like in reality, the more you know, the more you understand what you don't know. These chapters are a great example. We're getting big answers to short term mysteries about what's up with Lute. We're getting insights into medium term mysteries about the Velras. We are getting hints and suggestions that raise more questions about long term mysteries regarding Antoran politics. All delivered in a heart wrenching narrative of a boy that suffered the cruelty of a hierarchical society and a toxic Grandmother. It's good stuff, and even though it is a new thing for the story in terms of time spent in another POV, it is very much in keeping with the rest of the story in terms of style.

Ano Ano

I was fully chanting "burn the witch" in my head while Aulia was on screen.

Lorevi Q

Yeah Lute might have had a bad childhood but I imagine hers was way worse. At least Lute was raised without expectations. She would have received the Hazel treatment only to have to go each year past her 15th birthday knowing she failed to live up to expectations spiralling worse and worse


Aidan if you're skimming because you don't want to read about the Velras and Lute, it's going to last 3 or 4 more chapters I think. They're very full of drama if you like Lute's character and are curious about the Chainer family, but if not, now you know.


Sometimes a novel starts getting too invested in telling the stories of characters other than the protagonist. It makes me, at least, get frustrated and start wanting to just shift back to what I came for. I feel we’re getting close to that point here. I get it. Backstory for people around the MC and the environment. But maybe do this in smaller chunks. It’s feeling like too much. The fact we’re on session 5 of the same title with more to go is telling. I don’t dislike Lute or his story, but jeez. Too much, all at once.


If Lute is one of the oldest in his grade, then he probably going to be the first in his class to be selected. He may be speaking from personal experience about being the class weakling and getting something special.

Heather White

Every hero origin story needs to include growing up with their arch nemesis. Oh, hello Hazel…


>“The ewtwee would not like that much,” Lute agreed. “Most species without at least eight fingers and something like thumbs don’t even bother to try wordchains. They can sometimes make it work, but it would be like us trying to dig a sleeping burrow with our toenails. Not completely impossible, but why would we put ourselves through that?” Griveck gang rise up we have raptor toesies.


I think that’s exactly right! And she’s passing that generational to Lute by trying to protect him from the pain of having your hopes crushed like she did and has swung too hard in the other direction


Especially since all it takes is failing the cast once to clue people in that it is not a spell impression.


The more I learn about Lute's backstory, the more I wanna give him an enormous hug. Just... that's messed up, man. Poor kid.

Heather White

I’m wondering about this conclusion. I think we need to know more about the breadth of what wordchains can do. It seems like they might be the closest humanity is likely to get to general wizardry (aside from Alden). Aulia may have figured out how to really leverage the class as something far more powerful than we currently understand — we don’t truly know why she decided that monopolizing the class was worthwhile.


Well, the first three chapters of The Chainer, Alden was learning about the class, learning his self-mastery wordchain, and discovering that the Velras are involved with the boater and Manon. Now it's about who the Velras are, as seen through Lute's eyes. Super Supportive is a heavily world-building, character, and slice of life focused story. I try to tell people this at every opportunity. My goal is world immersion. I feel like the future action lines hit harder because of it. If you enjoyed chapters like Roommates, where Alden moved into the dorms or the recent chapter where Stuart watched him go through his school day, those are a couple of personal favorites from the last few. Oh! And Alden's talk with the Earth System of course. If you did enjoy those, as well as the moon and the gym our tastes probably align pretty well. Lute's backstory will be completed in around two weeks, and we'll be on to new things. If you did really think everything other than the gym and Thegund was filler, though, I apologize. I haven't written anything *I* consider filler. Goodness, why would? I only have so many hours in the day, and so much story to tell... Even the party at Kon's, which I feel comes the closest to qualifying as filler, was meant to be an experience for the reader--it's supposed to be a sort of vibey invitation to be a teenager for the night, and a jubilant character extravaganza set up to contrast with a couple of dark and painful small moments (Alden's origami folding of his affixation and Maricel's separation from the life and people she loves.) The B-list was a small oops....it definitely wasn't filler at that time since I was planning to launch a plot point from within the club, but I decided to launch that plot point differently, so in hindsight it's going to look like those characters were given page time quite prematurely. (Sorry, B-listers. Love you guys. See you again soon.) Anyway, what I'm saying is, this is the kind of story where if you want to *fully* enjoy *every* chapter you're going to need to enjoy lots of different stuff like this. The Party is different from Roommates which is different from Alden progressing his magic in the kitchen the night before Boe leaves which is different from Thegund which is different from...etc... I want everyone to love it. And if I could shoot my own passion for this story through the computer screen to pierce all doubting hearts I would. But that's kind of what I'm trying to do by writing it the way I have been since the beginning of this year anyway... Super Supportive gives you Alden, every step of the way, and this universe he lives in, every crumb of it. Presented with as much care and attention to detail as I can manage. That is the story goal. I hope that shines through.

Heather White

Re: this is the 5th part of the same title. It’s the smallest part of this comment, but it struck me that if this is an issue people are having it might be useful to make some title changes, especially if there are four more Lute flashback chapters coming. Other than the fact that Alden is still hanging out with Lute, the content in the current five chapters could be split into at least three titles. There were the parts in the train car, which was focused on learning about chaining. The secret agent trip to Laura’s could have its own title, & this could be part 2 of Lute’s flashbacks/personal story. If people are conflating all of The Chainer’s five parts with Lute’s personal flashback chapters, splitting off the first three of The Chainer chapters could change that misperception.

John D Jones

It wasn't before? She's richer than God. Also, de-aging treatment and magic plastic surgeries are things in this world. It'd be way more surprising if she actually did look like a wrinkly grandma.

John D Jones

And the geography of Earth will soon be undergoing a considerable change...

Michael Blue

Adding onto the subtle details, the tracking medallion he was supposed to wear at all times (that every young man needs before going out to Anesidora) was a nice touch.

John D Jones

I just want a scene where Lute meets Joe. Then Lute can learn ALL profanities.

John D Jones

Monopolizing any resource is done to control access to that resource. If you're the only source for something, you can pretty much name your price for that something. Word chains are a fairly valuable tool/resource. If the only source to get them is the Velras, the Velras will be very influential. That said, I think the Velras might be handicapped by their outlooks. Spells aren't important to them because "Humans can't cast spells." Except that through Alden, we know that they can. Aulia and the Velras focus on the Palace of Unbreaking because word chains are the Velra's big thing. But the Palace, useful as it is, really isn't that influential in Artonan society as a whole. Lute's boss looked ready to prostrate himself before Alden's feast once he saw the Commendation Alden was awarded by Alis'art'h.

Box Jellyfish

Have to admit a scene where Alden meets Aulia for the first time and immediately blurts out "Why are you so unbalanced?" would make my day. The fallout would extend for years.

John D Jones

Lute's story is basically The Story. This is the main plot of at least this portion of the story. Aulia wants to monopolize word chains and is somehow using Manon and the Boater to help with that. We're getting a lot of Lute's PoV because otherwise a good bit of the story would go untold.

John D Jones

It's going to be tough to envision Aulia after the youth reveal. I kept seeing her as Shohreh Angdashloo as Chrisjen Avasarala from The Expanse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmRQXpbeA-0&ab_channel=PrimeVideo Watch that and tell me she's not "Scary Grandma" material there.

Nathan Sto

No hugs for you. Cats are restricted to snuggles, for the sake of the human-cat power dynamic.


Swiss Jeez, yes. John D Jones - Lute: You're one of Alden's wizard friends? I asked his other wizard friend how to say dickwad and he told me there was no equivalent in your language. Joe *narrows eyes*: Well you asked an amateur. What can you expect? Lute: Oh so there is-- Joe: Take off your shoes. You're in the presence of an Instructor.

Michael Majcen

Lute as a yute is just too cute. All the feels for the musician!

Jeff Wells

Edited because I came off a lot harsher than I intended, but Hazel has no shortage of friends. The reason she was "hurt" by Lute not liking her is because her whole family has been telling her she's the most important person in the entire world for her entire life. By what right does a nobody, a Whiff like Lute get off not liking her, and even worse telling her so? You can still feel sorry for Hazel, she is a born and bred sociopath. We already knew this by her awful interactions with Alden. The only thing you can say is it's not really her fault she's a horrible person, she was raised that way.

Jeff Wells

This chapter in particular made me so sad. Lute loved his grandmother and mother so much, and just watching it crumble little by little is so heartbreaking. The fact that he's already making plans to move away from home while in middle school, so sad.

John Anastacio

John D Jones - There seem to be Artonan non-wizard votaries of the Palace. For instance, Alden's Opposite. From ch 107: Another thing struck him suddenly. “You said the Palace is giving it to me because I’m an Avowed. And you think the Opposite will be honored. They’re not a wizard, then?” It was the natural conclusion to draw. An Avowed got the special rock when most ordinary wordchain students didn’t. And regular people could cast wordchains. The Palace probably had a large non-wizard class membership. “Most likely not,” said Lute. He sat down on the green velvet chair again and started putting on his shoes. “…it’ll be someone your age. Born on the same day as you, as close to the same minute as possible. They go all-in on the matching if they can.” continuation of my comment: Plus there are all the non-Chainer Avowed like Alden and Vandy who know wordchains. As best I can tell, the Chainer class is Palace-focused and Palace-only. So maybe Aulia is only interested in taking over the Palace? Maybe to Aulia the Palace is a big deal because that's the only Artonan wizard faction she knows. To me, still a reason inadequate to support so many machinations and to mold one's own offspring like bonsai.


Turning family trees into family circles - Aulia on that Habsburg grind. Hmmm, that cab driver couldn't be someone Alden already interacted with, right? Or will interact? Wonder if Aulia will attribute Lute's friendship with Alden as part of the Grand Plan(TM). I just hope that Lute wont drink the kool-aid when more of Alden's secrets are out in the open.


I really want to know Lute's genetic parentage. It will inform how I view a lot of these interactions. I consider 3 cases. 1) Lute's parentage is as presented to him and his S is a complete surprise to everyone. 2) Lute is a natural baby with some high rank father. 3) Lute is a designer baby. In cases 2 or 3, Jessica and/or Aulia should have known Lute had a chance at being Avowed. But they raised him as if him being non-avowed was certain. I have to wonder why. A small part of my brain is considering if Lute and Hazel are experiments on the impact of emotion/expectation on rank selection as children raised in completely opposite ways. If it is case 1 or maybe some ways case 2 could happen, I would be more understanding of Jessica's parenting choices.


Also a little curious how Keiko escaped the indoctrination/ Velra bubble.


Does Chainer exist for all ranks or just the higher ranks? And how big is the Velra clan currently?


Would be funny if lutes mom gets selected at like 45, because her genetic changes make her live 3 times longer than a normal human

Tycho Green

You only planned the story out on your PC or whatever you prefer for a couple of weeks?


I don't see why it wouldn't go down to a D at least. Maybe it's just very powerful, but I'm sure being even a little bit better at wordchains would be useful.


Kerri, I've read your comment a few times. I wonder if you might be reacting to the degree of misery Lute is feeling more than the degree of ill-treatment he's experiencing and that's what's making it read as unrealistic. At this point in the story, the school kids (Hazel and the cousins are a different matter entirely) haven't actually done much to him other than exclude him and disappoint him, for a variety of reasons. Remember, Aulia isn't just rich; she's a controversial politician. A lot of parents would support or even want to suck up to the Velras, although Lute seems to have decided by sixth grade to disdain the 'friends' who only want to hang out with him because they like his family's influence and material wealth. He's rejecting the idea of having a giant birthday party to try to claim some of that for himself... On the other side of it, some parents would be uncomfortable having their children spend time in the household of someone who they knew had vastly different morals/opinions than they do. The parents' distaste for Aulia is filtering down to the kids as "Something's wrong with that Velra family." So they don't want to hang out with Lute because of the association...rather like Alden not wanting to be his roommate before he snapped out of it, actually. Most of what's hurting Lute in this chapter, though, is contained in Kon's statement to Lexi. And Kon is not being deliberately cruel at all. He's just telling his big brother what the most noteworthy thing about Lute Velra is, in his opinion -- he's not one of us. He's not superhuman. It's set up in contrast to the acceptance Lute felt in third grade, when the kids thought he was close enough to being "just like us". Rejection, which is mostly what's happening here, is horribly painful. That's why Lute's suffering so much. But in my experience that kind of exclusionary behavior doesn't get handled well by adults at all. It's pretty hard to fix a situation where all the other kids don't want to hang out with one who has a glaring difference. As Lute says, he's allowed to join their extracurriculars. The adults would make everyone behave. But the very act of the adults forcing the other kids to be nice to him and include him would make them dislike him more. Of course they're hitting middle school now, and Lute's alone, and the pressure cooker that is rankism is working on all of them...and we're starting to get signs of people picking on him more actively. Like the phone case. Bullies do like to target the vulnerable.

Jeff Scott

I like the off-hand reference to Aulia obsessing with people connected to The Gloss. I wonder if Alden will meet this taxi driver and if he ever did become important enough to justify her doing it again with Alden.


Yeah, I feel like I’m getting there too - it feels a bit like everything is being too front-loaded. Maybe it’s better to tease this out over the course of the story? After Lute, are we diving into Stu’arth’s backstory, then into Kon and Lexi’s history, then maybe back to Boe? Marciel’s story needs continuing, and don’t forget Kiv’bee’s escapades. What about the ongoing pov’s of Manon and the kid organising the escape plan. Will we dive into Hayao’s history as well? Gorgon is a big mystery wrapped in an enigma that will need unraveling too. As the cast expands, if we spend 4-6 chapters on each backstory, Alden will just end up acting as a tour bus through all these interesting character histories. I love how well the characters and dialogue are written here - some of the best I’ve read period. I do wish it was more spread throughout the story, in less detail. I might be in the minority but I like not knowing some things for certain - it feels more realistic. Everyone is complex and has an interesting story, but we’re not reading their story.


This story is really something special. Its emotional sensitivity and wonderful characters, its quiet understanding of consequences, its compassion, all set it apart from the crowd.

Box Jellyfish

This chapter gives me a new appreciation for Lexi and Haoyu; despite being there from the beginning, they both accept Lute as a roommate. Good for them. On the other hand Tuyet is looking increasingly shallow, with her little speech after selection about losing friends clashing with her accepting the rank-related groupthink and attitude to Lute. I guess nice doesn't always mean good.


Kind of surprised the grandmother was the person who altered Jessica’s DNA. I had assumed it would be an extreme form of body dysmorphia.


you are not, but Lute is the one being discriminated against and hurt more in that scene. naturally most would empathize with him rather than who hurt him. Hazel was subjected to a different type of abuse but she's self-centered and unempathatic to others (bc of how her family treats her), along with her current and past behavior, people would naturally dislike her and that's fine, she is not evil incarnate though and she'll probably have her time to shine later or we get her pov


New pet theory; are the tree’s around the Art’h compound wevvi trees? Is that why it was such a non issue for Stu to go and grab one, while others need to basically do a whole “ritual” of some kind… how rude would it be for Alden to ask for the ingredients and recipe for Natalie to practice on next time he’s there. I feel like it would be either a level 1 intensity question, or a level 99 intensity question. Could go either way. 🧐 Also, as unlikely as it is to happen, I can’t help but want to see Lute create a “Chaining 101” YouTube channel where he goes over basic chain philosophy and how to do the publicly available chains correctly. Getting an “order” from his employer to educate his “global students properly on Chains” is probably the one way that he could really fork over Aulia’s plans. It would be a well and truly Burn the Bridges option though. And I don’t think Lute is quite mad enough at his family to actually want to screw them over that badly.


Thank you for the chapter! Awesome as always


I don't know if this has been mentioned in a previous chapter, but can i ask what are the chances of being avowed if your parents are both avowed? the way people act in the story it seems like more than 90%


I'm guilty of being majorly invested in Lute's backstory, but that's because he's cool and his childhood is abnormally dramatic and it's also a backstory that reveals things about the Velras and Hazel and the Chainer class and some of the kids Alden knows at school now and... It's a big access point for worldbuilding a part of Anesidora that won't be easy for Alden to see otherwise, and I'm fascinated by what the "becoming an Avowed" process looks like for the Anesidora kids. It also lets us see the Velras in a way that we would otherwise only hear about secondhand, right as we've learned they have an involvement with the boater of some kind. So this is going to be a big story section. Definitely three more chapters. Maybe a fourth. But in general I have little interest in writing other characters' backstories out. I think before now we've only had half a chapter for Maricel and a chapter for the Boe & Alden revision? (I could be missing one..) I mention in a comment above that the only other characters in the story who I currently have tentative plans to backstory in the future are Stuart, Joe, Aulia, Boe, and maybe Lexi. And all of those storylines in my head are only around a chapter's worth of info that would be best shared directly through those characters' eyes (my requirement for whether something should be presented in flashback scenes as opposed to just being learned by Alden through dialogue) The exception to that would be Stuart. He could have a massive one, considering how thoroughly developed his childhood is in my head, but he's almost definitely not getting a *big* block of backstory chapters within the next hundred because writing from an Artonan perspective while avoiding buckets of spoilers ruining things is really hard... Oh I forgot Gorgon. I know things about Gorgon. I don't consider things like Kivb-ee's and Manon's and escape kid's plans to be backstory though. Those are front story from different PoV's. Though even if you're including different PoV's...we've had hardly any of it. A smidge from Boe, a smidge from Gorgon, one from Alis-art'h... Anyway, none of that's an absolute promise about things I will or won't write in the future, but those are my current plans and my general taste as an author and a reader is to focus on a single protagonist. So Alden's PoV in the present timeline remains my primary interest. It's his story. But Lute's cool. And the Velras kidnapped him once. And they do things on the Triplanets. So they get what's probably going to be the longest backstory section in the whole book until/unless Stuart becomes not a spoiler in the future...


It is more than 90%. For kids of two Avowed parents it's a virtually always thing. Whiffs like Jessica and Cyril are extremely uncommon.


It’s clearly not filler, that’s just an unthinking use of a common word. In the way that people use slice of life inappropriately. Stakes isn’t action. Fights aren’t dynamism. Sleyca, you’re a rare talent. I’m not saying that’s everyone has to enjoy super supportive. Though it’s hard for me to grasp exactly why they wouldn’t. But, this isn’t filler and stakes are most raw/well-done when garnished with genuinely impactful characters and contrasts. I care about Lute far more than I did (and I didn’t not care before). When you next hurt him, I will be even more sad.


I personally peg Tuyet as having high level social anxiety. In her own way she is a lot like Vandy, in that she asks herself what the “correct response” is before reacting to anything. Except where Vandy is a sticker for the rules, Tuyets thing is social etiquette. She fears being the outlier. This makes her come off as being both kind and shallow at the same time.


What are you talking about, his childhood is pretty mild?


Is the “ritual” a way for non knights to ask the sentient trees for their fruits across dimensions? If the tree agrees, does the system teleport the fruits to the ritualists? Is the ritual actually a type of Chain. “We offer up a [time] worth of our Authority in exchange the trees Devine fruits”!???


Ms. Yu’s words were worth the wait. ☺️


Aw, thank you! I left the comment accidentally when I fell asleep on my phone… Perfect comment.


So, if Aulia knows that Alden can feel wordchain imbalance at least as well as Hazel does, there's absolutely zero chance she's ever going to leave him alone. (New theory: that cab driver is Hazel's actual biological father, she came out B rank because she's half S and half some rando who could feel wordchain imbalance)


So, Hazel *had* no shortage of "friends" in school, because of a combination of her expected S rank and the Velra name. But after the Gloss, everybody hates the Velra name. And after she got a B rank, all her A and S friends would definitely abandon her, and she'd probably spent years bullying the Cs and Bs who could have been her new companions so they aren't going to step up. Her cousins all hate her, often for good reason. Literally her only positive relationship at this point is the Grandwitch herself, who has been actively working to destroy anything Hazel might have developed into on her own so the perfect puppet can be built in her place. And Alden, who she's supposed to have some mystical link of destiny to, blew her off the one time she tried to make an overture and then started hanging out with Lute.

David Burchfield

So I have a lot of thoughts on the last few chapters that I am struggling to figure out how to properly express. In general though i am loving them. I have a ton of theories budding up and floating around but I think I am going to let most grow a bit more before I try to express them. However I do have one that I want to put out there. My current pet/out there theory is that Jessica was gene modded to try to produce a super baby and it worked but not in the way they thought (maybe the dad was a hyperbole, maybe Artonan genes got snuck into the mix somehow, regardless). She got an abnormally large amount of Authority (maybe enough to qualify as a Hyperbole) but very low Chaos Potential. The main/original point of the contract is not to create superpowered servants it is binding the authority of people with high authority and high chaos potential to manage to Chaos Problem (obviously a lot of supposition here since we have very little concrete info on all this so far). So she was never chosen by the System. Lute on the other hand inherited her potential and (His father was a whiff also so maybe he was in the same boat if not as extreme) did have enough chaos potential leading the him getting an abnormally strong/high rank when he was chosen by the system. This has a couple odd implications beyond the obvious. One is that people are operating on really incomplete/inaccurate information when trying to create super babies. Two Jessica has the training and background to make an amazing mage if instructed, maybe a lot of Anisidoran Whiffs do.


The whole 'put all your Avowed on one island' thing never made any sense to the Artonans anyway. Alis would love to teach Maricel how to rearrange continents if they ever met. (I really want the Quaternary's entire cohort to come to earth for a vacation at some point)


@Blorcyn When Alden tried to go to a funeral on the island, Aimi basically black-bagged him to make sure he couldn't avoid trading class with Hazel.


I get the idea of wanting to not spend too long away from the main storyline, I really do. But this isn't just the story of a cool side character and probably-vital party member, it's also the story of the Grandwitch. Who looks an awful lot like the primary villain of the entire series. She's behind the Boater. She's almost certainly behind arranging for Alden to come to the attention of the Primary. She's likely responsible for Kibby's family dying, and Alden being trapped for eight months and then soul-tortured for the rest of his life. We can't see everything directly from her perspective yet because that would answer too much too early and ruin the mysteries, but every additional angle we get to see her from is probably going to be vital to understanding the core conflicts of the whole story.


Alden's already met one taxi driver who got an unusual degree of characterization for such a small role. At the time I assumed it was just to hammer in the culture of the island, where sometimes somebody will just pull over in the middle of their day job and announce that they're being summoned, but now I wonder...


Artonans have issues with recording lessons. Education is supposed to be a sacred ritualized thing, done face to face outside of exceptional circumstances. It took a lot of string-pulling to get those videos sent to Kibby, and that was with the expectation that she would still be talking to the instructor about her progress and difficulties all the time before the system went down. That said, if he's not revealing any restricted secrets, anything that makes millions of humans use the Chains more correctly has got to be a positive, right?


god damn this family is so fucked up


Filler? This is the closest to a backstory we have gotten on presumably one of the major villains; Aulia


I don’t think wizards are a solution to widespread spell casting even for the Artonians there are casts below wizard in their society it just seems like most of them because aside from the lab assistants we have only been to places the elite of their society meet


I usually have trouble following side stories like this but you're doing a kick-ass job with the translation I think 🤔


Isn't 5'10 closer to 178 cm(177.7)? Sincerely someone who's 5'10


I think refusing to even consider fixing his height is a black mark against her. She didn't have to tell him "there Is something wrong with you", she could have told him she was giving him special vitamins so he'd grow up big and strong or something like that. Refusing to deal with it because of her hangups is at least negligent. P.S. It was supposed to be an answer to a comment about how Jessica was up till now a fantastic mom, but I messed up something while replying and it ended up a standalone comment


You guys are actually going to get a clearer view of Alden's suppositions about authority and chaos potential soon. They're still just his suppositions, but it's something he hasn't really addressed since that day at the lab where Kibby tried to explain some things about chaos to him. It's been a few months, so he's thoughts...

Adam Andersson

This chapter made me severely uncomfortable for the first time so far. Most the sad chapters in the story - Aldens backstory, Hannas disappearence, all the things that happened on Thegrund - I've been able to read through in one go and have a nice cry about maybe. The isolation and rejection that Lute feels, not due to some disaster but from people acting like people in a very stratified but relateable society, and in what is essentially a cult, feels just a bit too relateable in a way that I had to take breaks from before I got through all of it. Fantastic writing. I'm just reacting incredibly strongly to it, maybe because I didn't really expect this kind of realistic ostracization despite all the hints about what Lute has gone through.

Adam Andersson

It seems like authority and chaos potential might not allways be completely one to one, since things like the gremlins and an affixation can maybe lower chaos potential. My interpretation of chaos potential so far is that it is more about how susceptible one is to spontaneous mutation from chaos than the size of the authority, since I believe that the grasshopers on Thegrund had a large chaos potential for example.


I'm curious how realistic it would be for non-superhuman musicians to be rated more highly than superhuman ones. I'm in this area myself and while I'm not at the Vienna Philharmonic level, I know enough to know how important technical ability is. Certainly expressiveness is a huge component, but you have so much more brainpower to devote to expressiveness if your technical ability is flawless. The "10%" increases in baseline technical ability per foundation point seems almost insurmountable for a baseline human to outperform a specialized avowed musician IMO, unless at this point in the story there are few enough specialized avowed musicians to still give humans a chance to be better through sheer outlier % of population statitistics.


Sleyca, I hope you don't feel too strongly that you need to justify your writing decisions to others. No work of fiction is going to appeal to everyone, that's obvious enough. Less obvious is that any work of fiction that is liked by some will be ALMOST liked by others. It's inevitable that people will like some aspects of your writing and dislike others. There's no need for you to explain yourself, change your style, or devote much thought to it. Unless that negative opinion becomes so widespread that it threatens your bottom line or whatever. But a single critical patreon comment with 5 likes in a sea of praise is not that.


TBH if manon was involved I'd expect Aulia to do a much better job at tailoring her family than the hot mess we see... although I guess there's the argument that either Manon can't tailor the S's in the family as well or that it would be EVEN WORSE without her tailoring


TBF Lute didn't interact with Lexi at all this chapter aside from overhearing his conversation with Kon. And it was Kon that was (unintentionally) making fun of his non-avowed parentage.


I like this. It would also explain the strange distribution of people's Ranks. If there were just one single Avowed Factor that determined whether people were chosen along with their rank (such as Authority quantity), you might expect there to be a huge number of F ranks (just barely meeting the threshold of Avowed), then fewer D ranks (just a bit more authority), and then even fewer C ranks and so on. Instead, C ranks are the most common, with ranks getting rarer in either direction. If there is a second factor (such as Chaos Potential), loosely correlated with the first, then it all makes sense. There might be hundreds of millions of people with F-level Authority quantity, but only a tiny fraction have enough Chaos that the system bothers with them. There might also be a smaller but still significant population of non-avowed with S-levels of authority, but with a higher percentage having the chaos needed to require intervention. Or maybe low-chaos high-ranks get picked sometimes just because they're useful to have around. This would also explain how high-ranked globies seem to come out of nowhere.


@Sindri How is Aulia looking anything like a final boss? She's the Arc 1 or Arc 2 boss if anything given the scope of the issues introduced in the story - the whole Artonian/Chaos/Resource-World-System issue is way grander than anything Aulia is up to.

Calico C

It might have to do with sample size. There are incredibly few avowed, the grand majority of who do not play an instrument of any kind, let alone professionally. The artonans also rate the audience’s enjoyment, and the superpowered orchestra might only stay on Aneisedora and I think that might skew the enjoyment factor.


Hugs, Adam. Maybe part if it is that Lute is suffering, but we can see how and why the situation ended up the way it did. And there's not an easy way to fix it, even in retrospect.

Heather White

When I read your comment I found myself thinking about why Lute’s pain this chapter felt intense in a unique way. I think for me it was the fact that even more than being in such a messed up family, he was bullied by the entire world he grew up in. It didn’t take single or a specific group of bad actors to hurt him. It was especially painful because he had a brief moment of being free of the familial isolation he was raised in. He had that short, joyful time where he was valued and fully accepted. Then it was yanked away from him, and he became isolated again, but this time he was a single ostracized mote in the social ocean of Anesidora. The world that was bullying him had become vast. Somehow it felt more suffocating for me, because unlike when there are specific bullies you can try to stop or try to deal with somehow, Lute was just stuck in this hopeless position where he was powerless to do anything but shut down and hope for a future escape. And it was so, so many years away.


My mind immediately went to how Hazel’s father apparently told her not to bother learning the piano as a kid. Because once she’s an avowed, her boosted dexterity would make any practice redundant. Put that together with the scene at the funeral where Lute disdained his fellow music students for a lack of ability to harmonise, and I think that maybe music is seen “easy” by avowed. And generally not worth working hard at. Which is a shame…


I am loving Lute’s perspective. He has always been one of my favorite characters, and I really enjoy learning about him. Hope we get to see more.

John D Jones

Jessica was born and grew up to be an Artonan Cosplay/Fetish Doll. Either Aulia and fam refused to "fix" her or any attempt to "fix" her would result in her looking even more fucked up than she already does. I think the "lesson" Jessica absorbed and applied to young Lute was "Accept yourself as you are for who you are because nothing will ever change that." Also, granted there's magic medicine in this setting, but this is the procedure that gets used in our world: https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/find-a-program-or-service/penn-orthoplastic-limb-salvage-center/limb-lengthening/get-taller-with-penn-medicine/the-taller-procedure Okay, yeah, maybe Lute might have ended up a little taller, but how many times will his legs have to be broken (and re-broken and re-re-broken) to achieve that. Too many to be worth it, I think.

John D Jones

Okay, if we can't have Shohreh as Chrisjen as Aulia, can we have her as maybe Grandma 'Art'h? Aulia: Alden is too important to our family. He must become part of it. Chrisjen'art'h: Shut the fuck the up and leave that boy alone, you plastic-faced hag. My son the Primary won't hurt you, but I'll send you to a Hell you're not familiar with if you start some shit with me and mine.

Kim Enteiu

Having already met people who are fanatical about becoming as Artonan as possible it was a definite twist.

Invalid Entry

Wonder if the whole chainer thing is just a cover for Aulia trying to breed a line of human wizards. After all she almost certainly knows as much as Alden does, and the requirements are so similar… it would make sense.

David Kanevsky

Where exactly is Anasadora? Like os it half way between Santiago, Chile and New Zealand? Is it an enlarged existing island? Or is it an artificial floating island that they (im assuming "they" was mostly the space wizards) make from scratch?

John D Jones

Keiko went to Hero School, so she presumably affixed something other than Chainer, specifically something more suitable for Hero work. Keiko lives thousands of miles away from the other Velras (in Tokyo, Japan) and isn't involved in their main word-chain stuff (except for something like The Gloss) which affects the whole Velra family.


Here's the thing. People who complain about the backstory being too long are only doing that because they end up having to wait chapter to chapter for like about a month, which can be a lot, especially if you're excited about some other up-and-coming plot point (waiting for the Stu home visit is painful). But anyone who isn't reading chapter to chapter or who starts reading the story later won't have this 'problem' as they'll be able to binge through it all in one go. So this isn't really a problem that needs any kind of fixing. Not backstory, but something I usually really love but feel is missing from this series is retrospective scenes/flashbacks from other characters. What I mean is, reliving scenes from the story but from the perspective of other characters, I want to know what everyone else feels about Alden and what they think about him & his actions, especially his friends we got a bit of this from Boe but I want Lute & Stu perspectives!


Keiko is a chainer, it's in one of the early chapters, Boe 1 or 2 I think. She also gets a new wordchain in the Aimi chapter.


In my mind's eye Aulia always looked older, closer to 40 or 50. However here she appears younger than her daughter

Ano Ano

You forgot about the immortality. It's a complicating factor.

Ano Ano

Well, we know the palace of unbreaking only summons chainers. If they only need higher ranks, that would be a good reason for it to only exist there.

Ano Ano

It's interesting to me how the thinking in these posts mirror how Aulia thinks.

Michael Blue

I would add that technical complexity does not necessarily add to audience enjoyment. It is not uncommon for audiences to not accurately distinguish things that look hard from things that are actually hard. And then even if it looks and is actually hard, that doesn’t mean it sounds good to most people. Like I believe that Jacob Collier is a musical genius with a lot of technically complex pieces, but a majority of his music does nothing for me. His music sounds like too much going on at once imo.


How did you get this far if you don't like world building?


Its not just the world building. Before it was usually Alden interacting with people. Now its Lute nonstop. I filter out "Multiple Main Characters" on Royal Road every search for a reason because I don't enjoy jumping around with multiple perspectives. B-list was hard, yes. Alden's friend was interesting. But mostly from Alden's perspective. Stayed for the quality until now.


I think she's not just trying to make Hazel a wizard, but also making a human knight. Aulia probably sees the status of a knight in Artonan society, and wants to leverage that for the Velra clan.


I think Aulia loves her family, but she's obsessed with obtaining the power to protect that family too, and if they hate her for it then they'll still be safe at the end of the day. The ends justify the means sort of person. She's probably grown out of touch, like you see a fabulously rich person, a famous celebrity or high-ranking politicians do. She's more or less all three of these things at once. She still had the decency to keep her daughter around in a high position in her "court" even after she didn't become an Avowed. I'm not trying to make excuses for her, but it helps to understand her viewpoint and how she became so passively toxic for her family.


he was still young enough that hormonal theraphy might have worked, depending on the specifics of why he is short, plus I imagine magic would have offered even better solutions.(I mean they can cure genetic diseases, they should be able to "cure" being short). IIRC Penn is not done on children, it is done after you finish your natural growth and the estetic results are not always perfect since the legs may end up seeming too long compared to the rest of the body


I think I'd look at it as mostly a pacing issue. I don't personally have a ton of complaints because I'm forgiving of pacing in serials but the last ~25 chapters or so have mostly been setup. He's new to school, he's meeting his roommates, he's starting to practice hero powers in the gym, he's explaining Earth to Stuart, now he's getting to know Lute. That's all mostly fine but you're hitting 8k+ words per chapter pretty regularly which means that those 25 chapters of setups are probably the length of a full paperback book or two. Again, it doesn't bother me that much but I fit somewhere between the people that demand a tightly plotted story and the people that really would be happy reading a series of wiki articles about the setting. I think the audience on the wiki reader side is big enough that you're going to make people happy keeping at this level of detail, so maybe don't change anything?

David Burchfield

I think there is still a missing piece as to their current attitudes. Lute did something at some point or they think he did. Perhaps the infamous middle school incident, or perhaps they believe he used to Gloss to mind control his crush. I can see the Gloss combined with its Backlash leaving him in a very bad place in the eyes of a lot of people.

John Anastacio

I don't believe Aulia knows anywhere close to as much about knights as Alden does. Her level of knowledge is probably equivalent to Neha's.

Mehmet ali Reyhan

I think she would know think about it she is so into the artonan politics that she is scheming to take over the chainer class across the universe


Yeah, those words "Brute race" gave me wolf of wall street vibes..


Eeeek yes! Especially since he is double S so should be extra early


Yes, he actually had tremendous courage to survive that family


I had the impression that she was just spending more and more time with Hazel


Thanks Sleyca! This world building is just so tasty, and it just feels so *realistic* even when it is in a world with magic. I am really scared for Lute with the next chapter.. I was never a Hazel fan, I think she has a psychopath gene.. it isn't just nurture with her, her bad nature came from Aulia's genes imo


I think Lute is DEFINITELY mad enough at his family to screw them over like that. The limiting factor, most likely, is that he seems to actually respect the Palace's mission of wordchain preservation, for all that he's scornful of how they go about that. And Lute has had really bad experiences with teaching people wordchains in the past; he's quite convinced the average human would not be a responsible wordchain user.


That’s… not really my point. My point is more it’s a large chunk of stuff that needed to be broken into smaller chunks and spread out. Changing the title is just adjusting deck chairs on the titanic.

John D Jones

Except that this particular Aulia trap is basically made of wet toilet paper considering who's in it. Imagine if Alden talks to Stu about, say Aulia trying to shotgun wed him to Hazel. Stu tells his dad leading to: The Primary (on a call to Aulia): No. Aulia: No? No to what exactly? The Primary: No to all of it. No wedding. No family or breeding Contract. None of it. Alden Thorn is going to be the first human Knight of the Mother World. I will not allow his mental and emotional health to damaged by a loveless marriage to a girl you're using as brood mare so that you can play with Eugenics. No.


'No to what exactly?' 'Just... Just stop. Stop it. What the fuck. Get some therapy.'


Personally I think Aulia loves *herself*, full stop. If she loves her family members, I think it's mostly because she sees them as an extension of herself. When they play along - when they adore her, and work hard to please her, and keep her at the center of their worlds - then all is well. They feed her fantasy and her self-image, so she rains gifts and affection on them, tells them they're important too. But if they "rebel" - if they dislike her, or want something different than she wants from them - then she sends pain their way through all her catspaws.


There's no incest. How on earth are people getting it into their heads that there's incest involved here?


Anesidora is at Point Nemo. It's a real place, the location furthest from land of any spot on Earth's oceans, out in the southern hemisphere of the Pacific. It's an artificial island. We haven't been given details on its construction, but its substrate counts as Elemental Ground, which suggests it's most likely properly connected with the ocean floor.

John Anastacio

Aulia -might- scheme to make Hazel a wizard but she surely does not know that wizards with a skill suffer from chronic pain. It would not be in her best interest to make Hazel suffer so much that she wishes to die. I don't believe Hazel's tolerance for pain is anywhere close to Alden's. Hazel probably does not have a skill without a ceiling either.


I made this so that we can have some discussion while we wait for more Soup. I used braces to signify the beginning/end of each quote. Sorry about the walls of text. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1A) Manon Powers Theory Not sure if anyone mentioned this before, but I think I found an arbitrary limit to Manon’s mind control. She needs to use groups of 3s or relationship triangles. During her POV in chapter 101, she only ever talks about manipulating people in groups, such as the “Karl/Chris/Laura group”. Even when she is manipulating the restaurant owner, it could be seen as the restaurant owner/customers/Manon. Chapter 101: {I’m glad it worked out without me having to create such a sloppy three-person puzzle piece on the fly.} This shows that making three-person puzzle pieces is her default option as well as hinting that she is able to build upon them to make other, more complex relationship structures. It is possible though that this hints to her being able to make 2 or 4+ person groups as well though. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1B) Manon Continued Chapter 101: {apart from that, teenagers changed all the time. Their bodies flooded them with hormones. Their immature brains gave them unpredictable notions. Every day they encountered ideas and experiences that were completely novel to them simply because they hadn’t lived long enough to notice them before.} Manon specifically complains about teenagers here, not children or young people in general. This alludes to Manon frequently using her power on people of all ages, including children, such as by assisting Aulia with maintaining control over her cult/family. It also highlights that the adults and children are easier for her to control, while several Velras, such as Lute and Keiko, temporarily slipped from her grasp as teenagers. Hopefully, Lute has managed to permanently extricate himself from that mess now that he knows about Manon’s manipulations. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1C: Some Manon Puzzle Pieces Chapter 110: {He and his mother were a team.} {Grandma Aulia and his mom were also a team.} {Aulia tell Jessica and Aunt Hikari so during a very rare “girls night in.”} Some potential puzzle pieces (putting the person central to the relationship in the middle): Lute/Jessica/Aulia Jessica/Aulia/Hikari Lute/Aulia/Hazel --------------------------------------------------------------- 1D: Aulia Manipulation Tactics Chapter 110: {She’d said that she “despaired of the loafers ever becoming anything useful to anyone.} Chapter 110: {Lute felt like he was the only person in Aulia’s world. She was very good at doing that.} Chapter 110: {“Nope!” said Aulia, letting the word pop off her lips as she took a step back. “First, you have to impress me.} Aulia controls her family/cult by making them financially and emotionally dependent on her. She then uses the family members’ yearning for her praise/attention/gifts to get them to follow her commands. Chapter 110: {And also why Lute would be getting a cabin of his own on Libra when he turned ten, even though they were in such short supply and other family members coveted them.} Chapter 110: {He thought it was Orpheus who was going to be kicked out} Another way Aulia keeps control of her family/cult is by pitting them against each other in competitions for her attention. She encourages these competitions by making examples of the least useful members. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Aulia and Lute I think that it is unlikely that Lute is modified from the human standard beyond what Aulia did to Jessica because of how she treated him. Before Lute became an Avowed, Aulia spent as little time/effort on him as possible while maintaining the facade of him being competition to his cousins. Chapter 110: {He knew some of the others had their own personal games with his grandmother} There are two main things Aulia does to foster jealousy towards Lute. First, she gives Lute a cabin on the Libra even though he is a whiff and hasn’t done anything of value for the family/cult. Having a cabin on the Libra is something which many of his relatives, including Hazel, did not get to have without a lot of time and effort. The second thing she did is the game she chose for Lute. It is low effort on her part, since it gives her an excuse to wear a fun outfit occasionally, while also being incredibly showy. She likely met with his cousins later in the day afterwards and told them everything about how she wore that outfit all day just for Lute. Things like this, the cabin, and the private music lessons, prop Lute up as a rival for Aulia’s attention that is unworthy of the things he gets. This distracts them from the fact that Aulia actually spends much less time and effort on Lute than on them while providing them extra motivation for her approval. Chapter 110: {It’s a thousand.} Chapter 110: {Austria. How random!} Chapter 110: {“So he never shuts up about it.”} As someone else pointed out earlier, the NesiCard is both a minimal effort present as well as an insidious trap. Considering how much Aulia spends in general, 1k per day is nothing to her and makes it so that she will never need to learn his likes/dislikes. This is highlighted by how she was surprised about him wanting to live in Austria despite Lute pretty much only talking to other people about his dream of becoming a musician there. Aulia also encouraged him to spend that money each day, which is a lifestyle that would make him incredibly dependent on her wealth and approval. Chapter 106: {It was, of course, professional and full of language that implied he was a good person and should be proud of himself. They were confident he would use his “extraordinary gifts in protection of and service to our United Nations of Earth and all other known peoples throughout the universe.”} Chapter 110: {“Almost none of your aunts, uncles, or cousins have gone to school until they were adults on their way to college.} Chapter 110: {You’re different. You are going to one of the best schools in the whole entire country! And you’re only eight. I’m very proud of you, Lute.} Chapter 110: {“They’ll know lots about us because you’re on the Council.”} Chapter 110: {Make some nice friends at your new school. It’s a good place for you to meet people who will be somebodies one day, and everyone needs to know a few somebodies.} Chapter 110: {Even if you are the weakest and the least of the Velras} Aulia’s conversation with Lute before she sends him to is very similar to the eviction notice Avowed receive from their original countries. She focuses on how special he is and how proud she is of what he will accomplish when the reality is that she wants him out of the way. The mission of making friends with the children of their political enemies just seems to be an excuse to gradually cut him out of her life and use him as an example to Hazel and his other cousins for what will happen if they disappoint her. Aulia does accidentally revealed her true feelings towards Lute near the end of that conversation though. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Cab Driver Do you think that the driver Alden and Lute have been using is the cab driver that Aulia has been keeping track of? --------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Hazel’s Party Hazel’s party is going to be terrible for Lute, so I’m going to guess that instead of having Brutes race, she has a Whiff race. --------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Flag Chapter 110: {Brown or light blue or both done in stripes for Shapers…they couldn’t seem to settle the matter.} Some say that the earth and sky shapers are still fighting over the color of their flag to this very day.


I’m unsure about the theory Manon is Tailoring the entire Velra family. Is it possible for her to Tailor by proxy? Because I feel like if Manon was regularly meddling Lute would’ve mentioned her or even just that “hmm it’s a bit weird that a low-ranked Rabbit with Tailor Environment hangs around the yacht when that’s the skill you said can Sway”. I was wondering why Aulia bothered to interact with Lute but didn’t teach him anything, and stopped spending time with him as he got older. The idea that he was just an intentional source of jealousy and an object lesson in what happens when you disappoint her is frightenly plausible.


Manon does not need to be noticed by the person for her to affect them and POV characters like Lute don't really pay much attention to the servants, so she could be present in those scenes without us knowing it. Also, she might only infrequently visit in person to reorganize their thoughts. When she isn't visiting in person to do that, she might instead be giving Aulia advice during video calls on how to get the puzzle pieces into place.


I replied to this comment but accidentally posted it separately below.

David Burchfield

I think she felt he was fine just the way he was. She got gene modded to "fix" her for her mothers plans. I think refusing to consider doing something like that to Lute was her way of trying to do right by him by not perpetuation the treatment she herself received.

David Burchfield

I love theories like this. Far as the three parts thing goes, I don't think it is an actual limitation, I think keeping the numbers low makes the outcome more predictable. It may also be a limit to how much she can strongly effect at once when using her power on other people that she has Authority over. It is interesting how often it came up. As far as her helping Aulia organize her family... Damn I didn't properly think of that but ya it tracks maybe even duties beyond pure people management given Lute's comments about her long term plans (and his separate earlier comment about popping the Gloss Backlash at Leafsong). 1B through 1D seems like very solid reasoning. And 1D and point 2 makes parts of the last chapter absolutely chilling if viewed through the lens of Manon organizing people Aulia Owns (And in addition to the mundane manipulations things like the Nesi Card putting them in Debt to her make them more susceptible to Manon's Power if she is using it on behalf of Aulia.) Looking through it again there are a lot of little things Aulia does to her descendants that remind me of how Manon treated the Boater. When viewed from this perspective a lot of how messed up the Velras seems could be viewed at least as partially a consequence of Aulia managing them in this way. This ties in nicely with Keiko being desperate to distance herself and Lute talking about how "Aulia fucks around with everything, every minute, of every hour, of every day." Sadly we are still at a point where everything is very uncertain due to possible alternative explanations and insufficient information, however I think you make a strong case.


2) Aulia and Lute I actually feel that sending him to school is to make him more useful. We know Jessica acts as Aulia's assistant and I imagine she is the one that has to interact with random people Aulia needs stuff from. If that was the job they were training Lute for, it would make sense to send him to school to get some social skills (important to him, not as important to the actual chainers that will be off-planet most of the time) , and make friends with important people. Life is all about networking, and what better way to network than being friends since you were a child? Having someone off-island, who can travel anywhere they want without being suspicious (musicians travel a lot!) and who is 100% loyal to the family bc they are the family? That's an amazing tool. Even if he had stayed on the island, he would have been a great tool for Aulia to have. She has more chainers than she needs. Another weak chainer is nothing; a very loyal person willing to do anything for you because they are nothing without you? Now that's what I am talking about. Had Lute actually been a human, Aulia would not have gotten rid of him


Don't they only suffer incase their skill are not endless-growable? No vent for ever-increasing chaos to bind itself to. To in the end become undone.


We don't know enough about hazel. But she believes she is the best of the best, if you give a person with that much Ego the opportunity to be THE BEST wizard she would suffer to be that. Clout and Image is what she values over everything else. Being the first (that she knows) knight of humanity would be worth anything to her and Aulia.


I’ve had that type of reaction myself when I’ve read certain stories. Don’t get it about this type of content but some stuff I really need to stop and start a chapter a lot.


Yep. and it seems like a it'd be easier to just yk hire a real sway

Invalid Entry

Yeah, wasn’t talking about knights so much as wizards. Alden’s insights into what the knights really are might be unique for humans, but I would be surprised if Aulia doesn’t know at least as much about Wizards and authority. All it took was one irreverent mad scientist to clue Alden in, and Aulia is balls deep in Artonan politics, she probably has lots of people telling her things they shouldn’t. I also don’t think hazel is a Knight. Her purported psychic abilities are probably related to some nascent artonan style authority control if this theory is correct, but I’m pretty sure the system wouldn’t force knighthood no matter what the contract says, so Hazel must not have ever learned magic. Pretty sure she’s just the latest step, the new brood mare, not aulia’s end goal.

Invalid Entry

The wizard goalpost would also pretty clearly explain why Hazel’s low rank didn’t really hurt her position with Aulia much. It’s the control of authority that matters most (the psychic abilities) not the quantity of it.

John D Jones

Looking back at Chapter 105 I found this bit when Alden asks the girls at the Skate Park if they've seen Lute: [quote]He trailed off as a distinctly uncomfortable shift occurred. Vandy stiffened up like a board. Tuyet’s lips pursed. Everly wrinkled her nose.[/quote] Tuyet seems to be reacting with disapproval. Everly seems to react with distaste. Vandy's reaction seems stronger. More... visceral. I think Vandy was Lute's crush who ended up crushing back during the Gloss. Vandy seems like someone who really wants to control her own powers and destiny. The idea that some luck thing could influence her choices was probably horrifying to her.

John D Jones

A "real Sway" would likely be noticeably as a real Sway. Having Manon come over fairly frequently to do some interior decorating/AKA Tailor the "Environment" wouldn't be noticed or commented on.


The chapters were much better than expected. Please keep going! Don't be in any way discouraged just because I don't agree with all your choices.


I wish we'd just gotten the conversation


Being super rich has its downsides. He is so spoiled, but it also comes with so much negativity. I'd rather be normal.


Whilst I find the Velra backstory interesting it is quite boring.

Jennifer N

Re-reading this chapter as I wait for Wednesday, and I find it very interesting that Lute spoke 'shrilly' when emotional about his first day of school. Kind of like the noise a baby Artonan or aggravated Stuart reaching for a tablet would make. Evidence in favor of Jessica actually being part Artonan rather than just modified to look the part?