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On Day 152, Kibby woke Alden up with a shriek. It was one of those days when their sleep cycles were way out of synch, so she’d just awakened as he went to sleep. He rolled off his mattress, heart pounding, and saw her sitting on the floor in front of their current television staring at the chaos map.

Expecting the worst, even though he wasn’t sure what the worst would look like, he raced over and stared at it with her.

“Someone’s come,” she said, waving her arms at the tv wildly and looking from it to Alden. “Someone has come to fix it!”


Far away, at the edge of the ever-growing wave of color, a chunk was missing. It was a smooth half-circle shape of clean map, like someone had carved the chaos away with a razor. Whoever or whatever had started repairing the damage had arrived. They weren’t exactly at the location Thenn-ar had shown Alden months ago, but they were in that direction.

“Why there?” Alden asked, excited and frustrated in equal measure to see help arrive at such a distant location. “Why not start here in the center?”

“People are in that direction maybe,” Kibby said.

“We’re people. We wrote that we were people on the roof!”

They’d painted a large message on the roof not long after Alden’s birthday. It said, “People living here. We politely request assistance.”

Not at all the urgent HELLLLLLP!!! Alden would have preferred, but Kibby was the one who’d chosen the logograms for it and she was sure polite requests for assistance were the proper way to earn the benevolence of any passing wizards.

“A city used to be there,” said Kibby, pointing just beyond the cleared zone. “Not anymore, but there are some people still I think.”

They spent the whole day watching the map. And then most of the next. It was nerve-wracking. Clearing the chaos must have been a two steps forward, one step back process. Their excitement peaked every time the cleared space expanded, and they fell into despair whenever the chaos filled it in. The map updated every sixteen minutes. It was a roller coaster.

“All right, that’s enough,” Alden declared, after he heard Kibby growl angrily at the update for the fifteenth time. “This is bad for our brain health.”

“Mental health.”

“That too. We are going to do math, figure out how long it’s going to take them to get to us, and then we’re not going to check it more than once a day.”

“Twenty-six times a day!” Kibby demanded.

“Twice a day!”

“Each,” said Kibby.

“Fine, twice a day each. How far away are they, and how long will it take them to get here at their average clear speed? I don’t know how to read the distances on the map well, but if you tell me—”

“I can do it. I can do the math. If you are quiet.”

Alden shut his mouth.

Kibby stared at the screen for a while, her bare toes wiggling like they always did when she was working on a problem. Then, her face fell. “Oh.”

Alden’s heart sank. He tried not to let it show. “We get to share a room for a long time, then?”

“It’s…it’s a long time,” she said in a small voice.

“Well, that’s all right. We’ll be each other’s company. We can watch a lot more shows. How long is it?”

“One hundred and six more Earth days. If they don’t slow down.”

The chaos raked its fingers against Alden. He took a deep breath and pushed it back.

“That’s not long at all! We’re over halfway there. And maybe they’ll send a ship ahead to look for people here.”

“Do you think they will?”

“I think I would. If I were in charge.”

He spent a lot of time staring up at the sky after that.

Ships never appeared.


In one class, Instructor Gwen-lor started the recording several minutes before the young children entered the room. She spoke to Kibby directly, offering her encouragement and reminding her that she would be happy to answer any questions Kibby might have if she called.

“I wish I could call,” Kibby said with a sigh.

“I wish we could, too,” said Alden.

It was Day 174. They’d watched this video a dozen times by now.

“Do you think Instructor Gwen-lor thinks I’m a bad student for never calling?”

I’m sure Instructor Gwen-lor thinks anyone who used to live here is dead. “I bet she thinks you’re mastering all the lessons you’ve got, and she’s looking forward to sending you more when communication is available.”

“I wish I could go there.” Kibby stared at the screen.

“To the classroom?”

“I could live there, and every morning at first meal, I could ask Instructor Gwen-lor a question.”

“Do students live at the school?” Alden asked curiously. He only ever saw the classroom, and it hadn’t occurred to him it might be a boarding school. “Even children younger than you?”

“Some of them do. If their family isn’t nearby.”

“I could live there with you.”

“You’re too old.”

Alden gave her his best wounded expression.

“You are,” Kibby insisted. “Someone as old as you has to attend a university instead. I can go to Instructor Gwen-lor’s school, and you can go back to LeafSong.”

“I’m positive they don’t accept human students. And I’d never pass one of Ro-den’s lab exams.”

She didn’t disagree with him. He was so terribly old that he didn’t get loving lies.

“At LeafSong there was a girl who could do that,” he said, nodding at the television.

The instructor had just stepped over to turn off the smart screen built into the wall behind her. She almost never used it for her lessons. The previous class using this room must have been more advanced, because the hand-cast spell steps displayed on the board were really involved. They showed the fingers wrapped with string, like the cat’s cradle spell Jel-nor had used to chop up Stuart’s foot.

“That spell?”

“No. A different one. But she used the string for it.”

“It’s a __________.”

“Ooo! New word. What does it mean?”

“A thing that helps you concentrate. And your authority sticks to it a little bit, so you can control more complicated spells.”

Maybe the new word was something like ‘focusing tool’?

“Sticks to it?” he asked. “Like glue?”

Kibby nodded.

“Can you use any string?”

“Of course not. They’re special. They have to be made —————— so that they tie to you and become only yours.”

Alden sighed. He’d suspected as much. It would have been too easy if he could just grab some random twine and start blowing up things that offended him. Like the thorny vine that had busted out of Hazmat Greenhouse Three and started sneaking its way across the compound a couple of weeks ago. It was purple and oozy, and though it was slow moving, it definitely had bad intentions.

Alden lit the day’s promise stick with a few strategic finger flicks, and they knelt on their cushions. Throughout the lesson, Kibby seemed subdued.

It was a chanting-focused lesson. Not something Alden could do, so during this one he usually cast the hand spells he’d memorized instead. Or, if he was in a masochistic mood, he tormented himself by letting his authority push and shove at the boundaries of his skill. Now that he’d woken up to the way his power was wrapped within the intricate confines of the skill, straining against it was turning into a compulsion. Like wiggling a loose tooth. Sometimes it actually kept him from sleeping.

Unlike him, Kibby was always laser focused. She went through the motions of every lesson flawlessly as far as he could tell. The fact that she almost never actually cast anything was starting to bother him. She had power. Even if it was clumsier and stiffer than Alden’s, it was still there. She worked at it. She should have been blowing the kids on screen out of the water by now.

When the chanting lesson was over, she batted at the television quickly, trying to find another show.

“Is something wrong?” Alden asked.


Maybe one more ask? She didn’t take pushiness well, but she was definitely off.

“If something’s wrong, it’s okay to tell your partner. We respect each other and help each other with class, don’t we?”

“Nothing’s wrong with me!” Kibby said in a high voice. She jabbed at the screen, and it flickered out. She stared down at it.

Alden winced. “That’s all right,” he said. “We’ve still got a few more.”

They had long since rescued every working screen in the facility, from tablet-sized to medium television-sized, and stored them here in the vault. It seemed to do a little good. The place was packed to the ceiling with supplies now, which made it less sterile and creepy. But they only had enough empty space to sleep and sit.

Instead of going to pick another television, Kibby just kept looking at her reflection in the dark screen.

“I can’t do both,” she said in a small voice. “I can’t even try anymore.”

Alden waited.

“I can’t do a spell and keep safe. I thought I could. I was getting stronger for a long time. But then I…I don’t think I am anymore. I think today I’m less me, instead of more.”

A uniquely Artonan word for “me.” An expression of identity that included one’s place in relation to everything else in the universe.

Alden knew what she meant.

He hadn’t known when it would happen. Or which of them it would happen to first. But he had known, ever since she told him it would be a hundred more days, that they would probably break down before help came for them.

He’d started to feel the impending disaster of it, lurking somewhere near them.

He could still assert himself. But his askew moments were worse. He kept pulling himself back together, and he thought that the process of wearing down and recovering was still making him stronger. But it was beginning to seem like a fragile state of affairs.

He was getting tired. One day, he would get too tired, and the chaos would start to win the battle it had been losing against him all this time.

An image lit up his mind, one of Kibby’s little sister. Wivb-ee. Still and dead in her father’s arms with hardly a sign of what had caused it.

He tried not to let it show on his face.

“Are you hurt?”

She shook her head.

“Is sleeping under the coat not helping?”

“You said you only gave it to me to keep me warm.”

Alden didn’t answer.

“I thought it was helping. Now I can’t tell.”

“Don’t be afraid. I have plans.”

She finally looked away from her reflection. A tear rolled down her cheek. “You do?”

“Yes. More than one even. If the first one doesn’t work, we’ll try the second. If the second doesn’t work, we’ll try the third.”

“How many plans?” That was the face that was begging for a lie.

“So many,” he said. “So many that a hundred days isn’t even enough to try them all.”


Alden had three plans that weren’t really plans at all. They were just insane things he was willing to attempt after every other option had been exhausted.

Living in demonville made you think about who you really were and what you could really do when you had your back pressed up against the wall. Alden had learned a lot about himself. Now, he just needed to manage what he hadn’t been able to up until now—figuring out which of the first two plans was the least likely to result in a horrific outcome.

He sat on his mattress, writing in one of his notebooks, while Kibby lay under the lab coat watching a talk show on a tablet. The host was interviewing a griveck.

It seemed that Sophie’s sense of humor wasn’t unique. The show had improved Kibby’s mood. She kept giggling and repeating things the griveck said as the Artonan translations went across the screen.

“Slaughter him,” she whispered. Then she laughed again.

“Hey, short and violent one,” said Alden. “When you finish with that show can I ask you a question?”

Kibby paused the device and sat up. “About your plans? When are you going to tell them to me?”

“As soon as I pick my favorite, Instructor. I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of you. Let’s talk about demons.”


Alden snorted so hard he almost dropped the notebook. “I wanted to ask you about the big thing—the one that made the trails in the grass before it all died. Could it still be out there, or would it have faded away like the bugs?”

“I don’t know.”

“Could there be more like it?”

“I guess so. There aren’t many ________ animals on Thegund, though. Or any people around here. So probably not.”

Yikes. “So…the big ones hunt animals for food? They’re intelligent enough for that?”

“What?” Kibby looked confused. “Maybe. I guess? But that’s not what I mean. I explained this to you when we first got here. I told you all the different kinds of demons there could probably be on Moon Thegund with the current level of corruption.”

Alden grinned sheepishly. “I memorized all the words for demon, but I never have understood exactly what the differences are between them.”

She glared at him, stood up, and walked over with the tablet.

She swiped away from the shows and brought up something that looked like a researcher’s hand-drawn notes. She flipped through them, showing Alden page after page of scribbled Artonan numbers and charts. He understood none of it until she got to a page with an embedded video of a sandy-colored grasshopperish bug in a clear box. The box was in the very vault they were living in now.

Mesmerized, Alden watched as the grasshopper slowly morphed. It darkened, lost definition, and gradually became one of the demon bugs he was familiar with. It spiraled up out of its case. Then, some of the runes he was currently sitting on top of lit up, and the demon was vaporized instantaneously.

Kibby said the word they usually used for demon and tapped on the screen. “My father studied them. It was important to know more about them because they’re unique. They have a weak presence, but almost the whole species has high ———————.”

“I don’t understand that word.”

“If you don’t understand you are supposed to say right away!” Kibby said severely. “Instead of going months using the all kinds of different words for demon without knowing what they mean. This is a science word that means ‘potential to change,’ but in a specific way. There are also ——————, —————, and ——————. And some more.”

“It’s a category that describes the way the bug changes in response to chaos?”

Kibby nodded. “There are lots of categories. For example, things like the food in the greenhouse are different from the bugs. Because what happens to it is more random. Mostly it dies as the corruption increases, but it does all kinds of different things.”

“If all lettuce seeds turned into Thunder Lettuce—”

Kibby groaned.

“—then would it be in the same category as the bugs?”

“No. Because the big lettuces don’t magnify and spread chaos the way the bugs do.”

Oh. The category for demon bugs includes a contagion factor.

That actually made sense. The grasshoppers didn’t just turn into a different kind of grasshopper; they turned into something much more dangerous. That would make them worthy of study.

There must have been a lot of categories. It would involve some extremely specific scientific terms if he got into it with Kibby, and that kind of conversation could take hours for them to work through. It was a rare opportunity, though. How many bored, genius Artonan children who’d grown up with a bunch of demon researchers could you expect to meet in your life?

Alden was about to commit to getting himself educated, when Kibby said, “It’s bad to be like the grasshoppers. You’re not allowed to work here if you are.”

“People can be like the grasshoppers?”

“Yes. The grasshoppers are strange. They’re all the same way. Most species are more like the lettuce; every member is different.”

“So not just different categories for grasshoppers and lettuce but different categories for every lettuce plant?” Yeah, that would take a while to learn. “Is the demon bug category the worst one?”

She shook her head. “No, I think the worst ones are for things that come from broken dimensions. We didn’t study those here. Maybe Distinguished Master Ro-den did, but that would have been private work. After those, the worst category is ——————-. It means a being with high authority and high potential for magnifying and spreading chaos they encounter. Then there is—”

“Wait,” said Alden, a suspicion growing inside him. “High potential for spreading chaos. Like the grasshoppers. That’s a way people can be?”

“Yes,” said Kibby. “People like that can’t come to Moon Thegund. We all had to be tested every year. I had to get tested more often because my authority was higher.”

“That made you more likely to have high potential for spreading chaos?”

Kibby frowned. “No? I don’t think so. I think it just means it would be worse if I did.”

“High chaos potential is…a bad thing,” Alden said.

Kibby nodded.

“Um…just out of curiosity, what does a person with high chaos potential turn into if they end up in a place like Moon Thegund. A demon, right? Do they look like the grasshoppers or…”

“I don’t know. That’s a very bad kind of demon. We didn’t study those here either.” She looked at his face. “You got pale. Don’t worry. There aren’t any of those around.”

“How do you know?”

“The map would be worse. Not red.”

“Red isn’t the worst color?”

“No. It’s very bad for Moon Thegund, but it’s not very bad compared to other places.”

“What if there’s someone around with high chaos potential and they just haven’t turned into a demon yet?” Alden asked, trying to hold back a sudden swell of panic. “What if they’re about to do it any minute, and—”

“No! That’s not how it works. The things with high chaos potential turn right away, as soon as the corruption reaches a certain level.”

He blinked at her. “They do?”

“That why the grasshoppers changed before everything else started to.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m sure.

One of the functions of the System was to exert a stabilizing effect on my existence.

Alden had been assuming that meant it stabilized an Avowed compared to whatever the normal amount of instability for a human was. And maybe it did sometimes? But it had never occurred to him that it might also be capable of making a repair to a part of someone that was…weak? Broken?

Susceptible to demonization.

Wait. Do all Avowed have high chaos potential? Or only some of us? Hannah tested Bubble of Patient Waiting on lots of people, she said, and it only had weird effects on some children. But I’m sure she probably tested it on tons of Avowed because that’s who all of her friends were.

Is it chaos potential that really matters for getting chosen or the amount of authority you’re born with or some combination of the two?

The whole chaos potential thing had only ever been a theory on Earth anyway.

Alden just didn’t know enough. Maybe he’d had high potential and then…Gorgon had fixed it? And then the System had fixed it more?

His authority battered against his skill, and it held as it always did.

Kibby was squinting at him. “Were you scared you were about to turn into a demon?”

“No,” he said.

“That’s dumb. We’d both be gone by now if we magnified chaos. Since we don’t, our authority can protect us. Now that it’s fraying we probably will just…we’ll just…like regular people.”

Her lip trembled.

“I have lots of plans, remember?” Alden said quickly. “And this conversation helped me pick which one I want to try first.”

“It’s a good plan?”

“It’s great!” That was definitely overselling it. “It’s weird, though. Please don’t think I’m too weird to be friends with anymore.”

“I won’t,” she said solemnly.



Ok so salvation is on the way, that's fantastic and can't happen soon enough. I'm just curious if a human avowed surviving with a child is going to be top selling biography/alien talk show circuit material or if it's going to be hush hush this never happened alien cia material.


Ok, time to theorize what Alden's plans are. The obvious one which has been discussed in the comments is to preserve Kibby until help arrives. This is not a very good plan. The second plan is to transmit the Gorgon thingy to Kibby, by having Kibby offer him her blood to eat. I think this is Alden's now preferred plan. It is kind of weird though since we the audience know that Gorgon appointed a successor this way and was then expected to submit to the devouring and it doesn't seem mechanically realistic for Alden to be able to do this already. But who knows? I am not sure what the third plan is.


argggg it feels like we're so close! Just a little more! Be safe, Alden and Kibby!


huh... wonder if that is why Gorgon kept the crickets...

Duncan Lester

First scene of next chappy is Kiv-bee flipping her shit reacting to Alden asking to draculize her, for sure


Alden's already enquiring about whether the car would be intact (or other cars around the moon), my money is on attempting to travel to the cleansing zone. While I'm unsure how far that would be, it would certainly make for an exciting climax to the arc/act etc.


Probably eating the bone shard or using the bomb to blow up the chaos he does still have those 2 items

The Ox

This is also a possible explanation of what happens to Avowed that disappear. Maybe some portion of them succumb to the chaos and their high Chaos Potential turns them into Demons. Joe did says that there were worse outcomes than a "gruesome death".


Traveling to the cleansing zone makes wayyy too much sense. And they can use the bomb to blow up a demon along the way (the big one we saw shambling around.)

David Burchfield

This chapter answers so many questions, and opens up so many more.

David Burchfield

So three plans, my theories. 1. Preserve Kibby till help gets there. 2. Try to move towards where the Artonans are fighting back the Chaos. 3. Something crazy, like the Gorgon blood thing, or some similarly off the wall attempt.

Duncan Lester

We also haven't heard about the Sense Share gum in a long time. Not sure if Alden had it on him when he teleported to pick berries but that is an option to help Lil Wizzy feel a spell pop through Alden casting, then she could copy it


Yeah, I've been operating under the assumption that Hannah was alive and well due to the mystery around her disappearance - but if she's merely alive, and not so "well" anymore, that's a distinct possibility :(

John Anastacio

I'm wondering if one of the plans is to chew on telesensory magic drugs gum in hopes that at least one is pre-chewed and it will reach the other chewer on Artona III. This would be bad if Jel-nor really wanted to kill him.


Completely off base plan 4: use the sense sharing gum :trollface:

Duncan Lester

Other crazies; carry the Vault (with Kibby/a whole apartment inside), Bomb something Bigly so the heroes stomp on the gas, consume Stu'arths bone shard to pass or copy him a Balance Gremlin, get blasted on Wizard gum and do spells to cheer Kibby up, have a heart to heart re: being orphans and growing through pain.

Duncan Lester

I really want to find out if Alden can drive (bicycle? Hoverdirtbike?) while preserving someone. If all the locusts are dead/gone, might be time to beep beep vroom outta dodge

Duncan Lester

Avowed that come back after a rank up say they don't remember what triggered it. I Reaaaaaaally hope that the answer isn't a horrible chaos chrysalis that the Knights unfucked you from and deleted your memories of.


Yeah, blowing up the big chaos boy to reduce chaos spread was one of my ideas. They could do that and then stay at the base if the chaos is too thick for them to get to the cleaning zone. Would have to bait out the guy somehow to do that, though.


One of the plans has to be something like, use the bomb to accelerate a huge piece of metal that he and Kibby can sit on then preserve it to stop it before they get to the other people. It'd never work but I'm sure Alden thought of it.

Zachary Sloan

Part of me thinks that Alden would be a problem for the Artonans since he would instantly dramatically improve humanity's knowledge about magic (and the way the System works). But it's not like Alden's "method" for learning about this stuff is reproducible (since it basically required being stuck in chaos for a long time, which you can't exactly do on Earth).

Zachary Sloan

I think you might be correct about the Gorgon thing, since Alden mentioned that Kibby would think it was weird.

Zachary Sloan

I just wanted to mention how well the whole "intro" to this story (leading to the major formative event of him being trapped on Thegund for many months) has been executed. The things that have happened have all made sense, but in a way that's very difficult to predict as you're reading. It was probably obvious to most readers that something would go wrong during his Thegund trips, but a lot *less* obvious that it would be something like this.


I wonder if the crickets are like canaries. They are the first thing to go when chaos gets high.

Zachary Sloan

I'm pretty sure the answer is no (at least to using the car's movement to activate the Skill). This came up way back when he first got his Skill, and IIRC it was implied to not be the case. The only way it might be possible if he he was in a car that he could stand up in (and could then pace around or shift his weight during the trip). edit: Bicycle might fall into a sort of grey area though, since he's sorta-directly propelling it.

Elessar Beverly

Ahh, this story makes me too hungry. I'm afraid I can'

Elessar Beverly

...t be satiated. Don't you hate when you accidently press enter after an apostrophe?


If you are stranded somewhere, but help is nearby, usualy what people try is to send up a flare, or if that doesnt work a smoke signal. On an unrelated note, do we know what the explosion radius is of the nice bomb Alden presumably still has ?


@Duncan Lester really good point about the sense-sharing-gum, though Joe did recommend having a healer on standby before testing it on a human. It also has bearing on Alden being able to learn from Joe himself (or other teachers), as well as potentially to have Alden teach other humans. I could see them conscripting Jel-Nor into testing it out with Alden, then adapting it as a training method for people trying to explore ideas around shifting perception. There's even a bit of precedent for drug taking + magic within Artonan culture - Joe mentioned in chapter 29: "For more complex contracts, it’s best to have the services of a professional,” Joe explained. “We would get high together for a few hours and have our minds brought into perfect alignment by the artist so that there would be no imbalances in our understanding of our obligations toward each other."

Amit Gupta

Do you think Earth crickets and Thegund crickets are the same though?

Amit Gupta

I hope Artonan's can't just delete memories or atleast find it morally wrong. Else Alden might be fucked. All the learnings over the past months could go up in smoke.


Edit Suggestion: “That why the grasshoppers changed before everything else started to.” ->“That's why the grasshoppers changed before everything else started to.”

John Anastacio

After some thought, I think Alden is going to attempt the conjuration and command of some demon, either to send a message or to protect them from the chaos, or even both. I think that's why he asked Kivb-ee about demons. The topic seems uncharacteristically morbid otherwise (because demons are trying to kill them, and it's unkind to talk about the thing trying to kill you). It would also explain why he's taking notes.


You can if you dont care about the consequences. A Supervillan who increased the chaos in an misguided atempt to become a wizard, in the future maybe?

ard galen

Mmm I think conjuration is waaaaaay beyond his current level.


Could also be that they had to swear to secrecy for missions having to do with chaos, so they pretend not to know. Alden's supposed to be collecting berries after all


Another banger


I wonder why so many ppl in the comments belive Artonans are evil, like, it seems a lot of ppl are assuming malicious intent over everything they do, that is not really so obvious to me, and even if it was, it would be a really mild definition of malicious given that they basically just let earth self govern without taking almost anything and are potentially giving them extra stuff

The Ox

I'm fairly certain that the only people with that information were Joe and Thenn, I doubt Kibby's incredible education included "magical bomb detonation", but Artonan's are weird. They have a bomb, but they don't know how destructive it potentially is, or how to detonate it. It was also supposed to be part one of a two-part bomb, so it may or may not even explode by itself. I assume it can still do SOMETHING, since Alden has carried it around so long. It seems important.

The Ox

He can make pretty kindergarten sounds, light a match, and puff away dust. Next step is not Demon summoning.

The Ox

I think he might easily get past the rescuers. The Systems seem to do most of the heavy lifting with regards to analyzing an Avowed's skills and capabilities so until the Moon Thegund System is online again, they might not get much data on him to get in a twist about.


Could be running/jogging + preserving Kibby towards the cleared zone. Alden's been exercising a lot, might be capable. It would take many days (weeks?), but may be better to get there asap. Less food/water needs to be carried as Kibby would only need to be aware when Alden is sleeping/resting, though constant exercise, lots still needed so maybe not possible. Would prevent further Kibby deterioration, and keep the skill up to prevent Alden's deterioration.


What about driving while wiggling? Shifting foot to foot is enought to maintain it, maybe a butt wiggle is too?


For the record, I believe demons love sound, matches placed in circles, and clean rooms.


I kinda assumed he was gonna use the bomb to try and draw attention from a rescue party. Or something along those lines. Surely the bomb will be used for something.


Naturally because in fiction nowadays authorities=bad. No wonder there are alot of chorona conspiracies or people who belive them.


An individual artonan needn't be evil for the whole Artonan system to be inherently exploitative. The "extra stuff" is given purposefully without the recipient being informed about what they are giving up. The relationship between Artonans and their resource worlds is that of a neocolonial power. They let earth self govern because control is established in other ways. They have (through the avowed) established an artificial nation dependant on them for their primary currency (argold) and development (avowed rewards). They have "granted powers" to the populace, but we now know this is in exchange for crippling any possible magical growth, keeping all wizardry a solely Artonan affair. They have granted information as a part of the agreement, but without context or instruction to use it. Simultaneously providing something of little value to their client state and also coopting any future developments (like when the internet is considered an Artonan development). Would earth have developed some form of wizardry in the future? We don't know, and we cannot know, as any such future has been blocked based on an agreement imposed 70 years ago. With no expiry mentioned. Earth leaders changed? Earth's understanding changed? Doesn't matter, you've got the system based on what people in 1963 wanted. The rewards given may be great, but they are distributed based on Artonan need. It is Artonans who decide the availability, who decide what to add and remove. What if earth needs more healers? More climate control powers? Better hope the Artonans have a need, and that you have cobbled together enough of an understanding to use it. And even if you get everything right, better hope earth's best and brightest aren't pulled away to deal with Artonan problems. Artonans' can afford to lock them into long term contracts, pulling them away from earth. That's not even considering summons. They don't get to say no. Worse actually, saying no is a reward. Asserting your right to deny exploitation is a reward for that same exploitation. The Artonan imperialism machine takes what it wants, and gives only what they don't need.

Duncan Lester

Driving a manual and constantly pressing the pedals or wiggling the gear selector maybe?


Nothing you said is necessarily incorrect but its also an incredibly incomplete analisi and assume malice when looking at the situation. First and most important thing, Artonans can just take what they want regardless without giving anything back if they so wish. I dont belive Artonans declared that super must have a nation or that they must use Argold either, iirc that's purely how Humans decided to handle things and the main enforcer of that system are native Earth nations, if you recall Gorgon pointed out that going to the super nation (cant remeber the name) and declare his status to the government is not mandatory and he could just go on and live his life as usual, and yes Artonans could be more transparent with information, I really agree with this point and is the only thing so far that i belive was done explicitly with malice, but the "figure it out by yourself" attitude is a delay at best untill they can figure out what does what and not actually that harmful, going by your "its an exploitative neocolonial power relationship" reasoning, if the humans where taught anything about the system it would be considered indoctrination. The tecnologica development being "coopted" by Artonans is an interesting one, if you have something to copy, why not do so? me and you know that the internet is possible without external help but its not so obvious that it would have developed the way it did, attributing some merit to the vastly tecnologica superior space wizards is natural and i doubt promoted by them, if anything, humans should copy more technology and so far i dont get the feeling Artonans do anything to discourage that, now for the 2 most interesting things, yes humans might have developed magic independently and if that was the case Artonans could have helped humans developed their unique form of magic, because that is what it would take for Human wizards to not be subpart compared to Artonans Wizards, but that is a big if, for all we know Artonans did check if Humans could feasibly learn magic and it just wasn't wort the effort, Alden did learn, under extreme condition and with and unclear amount of help from Gorgon's influence so this might be malice as well but im not so sold on that, also, it would be extremely dumb for Artonans to do that unless they completely integrated Humans in their society, wich would be way more invasive that the current situation. And yes Awoved cant refuse summoning but iirc humans can refuse to become Awoved so you have a choice just a different one. the thing is, as with everything, how a system is implemented is extremely important, there could be things we are unaware of done explicitly for malicious purpose or some of the things mentioned could have been implemented for malicious reasons but, so far, i dont get that feeling

David Burchfield

I think of the Artonans more like interdimensional alien colonialist (resource worlds remember). Many individual Artonans are not bad, and on the whole there is a good argument to be made that humans are better off after being contacted by them (Even losing wizard potential, it is not like Alden would even be in a position to understand what he was missing out on if he hadn't taken the contract to begin with). Also I think they have real and good reasons for why they have the Contract and System set up... its just there are other factions/individuals that exploit people, they have an alien perspective on many things, and the "good" Artonans aren't really going to protect people from the other ones if they go about exploiting people "in the proper way" (i.e. legally).


So I don’t think the point of imperialism is malice, but self-interest. Evil in the sense that people are talking about it here is not universal evil, but based on the reference point of the colonized civilizations (or outside observer sympathizing with them). it is difficult to find systemic power imbalances palatable in fiction. This is reinforced by the pejorative perception that Artorans have of other civilizations. If you overlay this unto our IRL, societies, I think it is easy to see the criticism. Perhaps the objection is using the world evil, which in some interpretations can be closer to schadenfruede which I agree is not the case.


I would say that they are not even colonialists because if you look throughout history they take nearly no influencen in the decision making of their colony and even made a contract with earth with both sides having had the right to put in the contract what they wanted. Not something any colonising power would have allowed. The Artonans were never obligated to just give out stuff for free and that humans have to do something of worth for the artonans is normal. If I want a car to improve my life I have to work for it and that is even more the case for universe bending powers.


The intended outcome is exploitation, so is inherently malicious. I'm sure many Artonans see themself as benevolent, but the end result is the same. Does the lack of military intervention change that this was a conquest? Does it mean it was off the table if earth refused? There's not any info on how Anesidora was founded admittedly, but I see Artonan influence implied there- an artificial island on that scale would need future-tech or magic. Either Artonans helped, or some of the first avowed just happened to have the necessary skills granted. Introducing a new global currency and highly powered elite individuals all over (especially the mind controlling Sways) was going to upset the social order in some major way. It seems likely to me that they arranged things just so to get a preferred outcome for themselves (we've even seen a human arrangement skill at work). This isn't their first attempt at subjugating an alien species, I wouldn't be surprised if they had the process down to a T. Artonans thought it wasn't worthwhile humans learning wizardry, but that's the point, Artonans decided that. Humans don't get a say. So it was difficult, Alden was in a unique learning environment, does that mean the option should be forever locked away for humanity? Does that mean there are no training methods humans could develop? There's no room for changing attitudes or understanding. No room to accept a lower level of understanding/control with the trade-off of no Artonan rule. The system has been imposed, and that's that. And as for the avowed refusal- "Though you may refuse to sign your planet’s version of the Interdimensional Warriors Contract out of personal principle, you may not refuse to serve.” There are no refusals. An agreement made decades ago locks random children into servitude regardless of their personal thoughts on the matter.

The Ox

Is there any indication whether or not Alden has a stick or two of the Sense-Sharing Gum? I really want him to find a way to use that to help Kibby learn to cast properly and get more Authority. I don't want Kibby to die and I don't want her to live and end up in the bottom of Artonan Wizards society getting bullied by more talented Wizards who're up themselves. I want Kibby to get out there in the Tri-Planets and kick ass. One nice thing about this survival arc is that no one is saying that stuff is still happening because of the Gloss. Alden and Kibby are out there grinding away against the Chaos and there isn't any wordchains poking the threads of their fate around.

Ano Ano

Awesome write up WereGoat. I love how this story is portraying colonialism, and it's nice to see other readers are picking it up too.


He must have it. He had it in Joe’s lab and he went straight from there to Moon Thergund.

Aidan Geverdt

I hope Kibby makes it out alive.

The Ox

I think that Thegund grasshoppers and Earth grasshoppers are both "grasshoppers" because they convergently evolved to fill the same sort of ecological niche. I cannot imagine any good reason why that would make Earth grasshoppers respond to Chaos the same way. They would most likely be more like the lettuce which mostly die but occasionally randomly mutate. Kibby said that was the most common behavior for most organisms. I don't think Gorgon liking the crickets had anything to do with Chaos, and everything to do with him being a prisoner in a sterile office building. The crickets were alive, active, noisy and a welcome distraction. My 2 cents.

Duncan Lester

It would make sense that the Artonans end up Summoning demons at high levels, if their mid level practice summons are Avowed from resource worlds. Seems like their progression probably goes past superheroes and into something else at the top end, and Gorgon confirmed that very high level Wizards have to deal with demons eventually.


@WereGoat The Artonans certainly aren’t the best, but euch, so much ideology. Everything has two sides. Personally, I feel that an important quality of the writing here is how it portrays this sort of setup without immediately casting it in the shades of ideology that so many stories use to justify their good vs. evil battle.

Not Real

I thought Libby’s problem with casting was she couldn’t deal with the chaos and cast at the same time. Chaos being more important, so she hasn’t been casting.


"Everything has two sides" is in itself an ideological statement.


You know, at least one benefit of being able to use magic, is that Alden probably has a good chance of getting hold of a little healing magic. Very useful as a support, and what's more, could probably extend his own lifespan. I bet all the wizards do, if it's a guaranteed perk of the healer classes.

Tycho Green

Saying that the Artonans don't have an ideology is wild. I mean ideology basically just means having a system of beliefs and values. Joe told Alden that as soon as the Primary finds out what skill he has, there will be some trouble. Why? Because more than just having the skill someone must have tipped Alden of. Furthermore, a lot of the things that Alden knows could lead to conflict if he were able to talk about it. Ideology. I’m not sure if we are clear what ideology means, because if the Artonans didn’t have one there wouldn’t be a story to tell.

Michael A Jordan

I love this story. I'm so glad we can directly support you now.

Duncan Lester

Alden doesn't talk about his parents much, but his mom was a nurse at a House of Healing and talented in wordchains. There's places to go there!


He still hasn’t had a chance to look at or practice the word chains the Velyas gave him either!

Amber Gregory

This 16 year old is the best parent ever