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“What is this ugly thing?” Kibby asked, wrinkling her nose at the results of an entire morning’s work in the kitchen.

“Kibby stinks. She’s mean-mean,” Alden said brightly, jabbing a few of the sacred burning chopsticks into the top of his concoction.

“You stink! Humans stink the most. Go climb in the launderer and wash yourself!”

Alden laughed. Insults were coming along nicely. Kibby really liked being friendly-mean.

“———-! ———- ——! ————.” Sometimes she got a little too into it though.

“This is my special birthday meal,” he said. He didn’t know ‘cake’ yet, and anyway, it was more like a seven layer dip made with colorful vegetable mash. “Yum! Delicious! It’s a human custom.”

“Why are you putting my promise sticks in it?”

“For beauty.”

“You’re dumb. Promise sticks aren’t ————-. They’re important.”

Alden paused. “Are you feeling bothered? Seriously?”

Seriously was a good word. Kibby would stop joking around to answer him thoughtfully whenever he used it.

“No. It’s fine. For your birthday. Your shirt is —————.”

Alden held out his arms and spun so that she could admire the garish Hawaiian shirt. Oh, she really does like it, he realized, examining her expression. That must have been a compliment then.

“Today we eat on the top of the building.”

“Roof,” she reminded him.

She’d shown him the way up there about a week ago. They’d both agreed that it was a bad place and a good place.

It was good because the lab lacked windows, and the only way to see the surrounding landscape and not feel a little claustrophobic was from the rooftop. And it was bad because the landscape didn’t look like it once had. The endless sea of grass was all wilted, rotted, or just plain missing. It smelled funky.

And in the distance, visible through a set of very cool binoculars Alden had found, he’d spied some kind of trail through what was left of the grass. Like something about the size of the armored car had ambled drunkenly around out there. It was a pretty chilling idea. He’d asked Kibby about it, and she’d said one of the three words she liked to use for the demon bugs.


The roof was good and bad. That had been a complicated conversation to navigate. But Kibby really enjoyed her new role as Alden’s language tutor. Managing his word choices pleased her. She had extremely bossy tendencies for someone who was the equivalent of eight years old by human standards. Artonans aged a little more slowly.

Every day Kibby gave Alden brain-breaking “tests” by taking him around the lab and pointing at things, demanding he come up with the name. In addition to the three words specifically for the bugs, she’d made him learn six for what he thought of as simply chaos. He’d memorized them, but he wasn’t sure what the nuances were yet.

When the cake was finished, they headed up to the wide flat roof, where Alden had already set up the party spot. “Surprise!” he shouted, gesturing to the two reclining chairs, the ball-shaped lamp, and the table he’d hauled up while she was sleeping yesterday afternoon. He’d called it strength training and counted it as his workout for the day.

A pitcher of the same blue tea Joe had served him on his last evening at LeafSong was on the table along with cups. Kibby examined it all thoroughly.

“Why are we eating on the roof? It’s ——— ———. Do humans have to do it for their birthdays?”

Alden resisted the urge to make up some insane tradition on the spot.

“No. I just thought it is happy to eat outside while we can. There aren’t many demons now, and night is coming.”

They’d been living in the lab for twenty-eight days. By his math, give or take a few hours he’d lost track of on the first day, he was now sixteen. And in a few Alden-days the real Thegund day would end, and a very long night would come. The light shining through the cloud cover seemed like it was already growing dimmer.

He was a little hung-up on it. Kibby, who’d lived here her whole life, thought it was strange that he was nervous about it.

“There are lots of ——— everywhere,” she said, pointing at the tall lightpoles on the grounds of the complex. “Some of them will be broken, but not all of them.”

“You’ll keep me safe,” Alden said.


“You will. Inside you’re all friendly.”

“You are the Avowed. And you’re old. You have to keep me safe. ————- ———— ————— embarrassed.”

Alden held out his mushy veggie cake. “Make fire for my promise sticks,” he demanded.

She groaned and stomped like it was a terrible imposition, but she pulled her little lighter disc out of her pocket and lit the makeshift candles. Alden set it on the table and sat beside it in his recliner.

“Now, I’m going to say lots of words together for beauty,” he announced. “It’s part of the birthday custom.”

“Say lots of words together for beauty?” Kibby asked in a fascinated voice.

Alden cleared his throat and belted out the happy birthday song. He was not a gifted singer. Kibby looked stunned and horrified.

But since he’d said it was a custom she didn’t stop him or cover her ears.

“That is… a nice custom?” she said when he was done. “You don’t call it ‘saying lots of words together for beauty.’ You mean ——. I think?”


“Maybe,” she said doubtfully. “Now what?”

Alden leaned over and blew out all of his sticks.

“Oh, I understand,” Kibby said confidently, whipping out her lighter again.

Alden watched her light them all. And then she blew on them, too.

“Was that right?” she asked.

“Perfect,” he said, pulling one of the sticks out and licking some mushroomy-tasting paste off the bottom. “Now we eat it.”


After the meal, Alden attempted birthday parkour around the grounds of the laboratory. When Kibby had asked to watch him exercise after their first magic lesson, he’d tried to turn the simple laps around the facility he’d initially planned into something more entertaining for her.

It was a bit of a failure, but with his trait active it was at least a high-energy one. He’d decided to keep at it. Plain old running wasn’t as much fun as launching himself with unnecessary force off of expensive-looking equipment and buildings that belonged to a corporation that was indirectly responsible for his presence here.

He wouldn’t call himself good at it, but he was definitely improving. Even when he didn’t wear the coat. Usually he didn’t. It was in the vault, saving whatever magical oomph it had left for whenever he might really need it.

He used the heck out of Joe’s ring, though.

Alden’s ring, he decided, letting it do the gripping for him for a split second as he hung from the edge of one of the huge pentagonal satellite dishes. Happy birthday to me. If Joe asks for it back, I’ll look him dead in the eye and say I lost it on the demon moon he sent me to.

He didn’t really blame Joe. It wasn’t like Alden hadn’t known something bad could happen here. But he still felt like he could have been a little more thoroughly informed. About everything. And if Joe had gotten him out of the party…

Don’t go there. It always pisses you off.

If he hadn’t gone to that stupid party, if Manon hadn’t been trying to stick it to Bti-qwol, then Kibby’s sister and her father and the scientist in the green lab coat would all be alive. And Alden and Kibby wouldn’t be here. Only Thenn-ar and the woman in coveralls would have died.

Not like Manon knew. Not like anyone did. It wasn’t on purpose.

But he was looking forward to ratting his fellow Rabbit out to the Sways when he got back home a lot more than he had been.

He ran at one of the curved walls of the perimeter building and tried to do that thing some people could do. A proper run up, amplified by his trait.

He ate gravel. He always did.

He heard Boe’s voice in his head, telling him not to choose a trait that was tied to a fundamentally alien concept he didn’t understand.

It will suddenly be not fucking ‘ground’ anymore because it’s over-crafted or the altitude is six inches too high.”

Whatever the shiny walls of the building were made of was definitely not ground. Alden was going to work it out, though. Either by mastering the art of his final kick-off or reconceptualizing the alien definition of ground that seemed to be built into his trait…if that was even a trick that applied in this situation. It might not be.

He’d asked Kibby about it. She seemed to think it was obvious that ground could never be something that wasn’t native to the planet you were standing on. The building material for the exterior of the residence apparently wasn’t. And if you just wanted to talk in a general way about the substance beneath your feet, you used “floor” instead.

It was a great insight actually, if Alden could just get a handle on the reason for it.

Something about being closely connected to the native soil?

He was honestly surprised his own shoes didn’t prevent him from receiving the trait’s benefits here on Moon Thegund. Was footwear just automatically considered part of its owner?

Ground is weird. And interesting. Inconvenient too.

He’d get the hang of it in one way or another and make Boe eat his words.

At least Moon Thegund wasn’t overly warm. He could conduct his workout sessions without getting heat stroke. Also, he had a cheerleader/drill sergeant most of the time.

“Climb up the side of the ———- facility!” Kibby yelled enthusiastically from her recliner on the roof.

Alden knew which of the little shed-like buildings she meant, though its name had so far escaped definition. It turned something into something else, according to the girl. So maybe it was transformation? Or conversion?

Alden obliged her by brushing himself off and running at the shed. Kick off the gravel like this, not too much force, grab the lip of the roof.

He’d totally launched himself into the wall the last time he tried this. But today he managed it just a little awkwardly. Also the concretey-looking roof here was ‘ground,’ so that was fun. He could leap off of it with enough force to land on top of the neighboring shed.

Kibby stomped her feet and applauded.


Magic class happened in the vault now.

Alden had finally found something his tiny roomie wanted badly enough to persuade her to spend significant amounts of time there. The authority-control exercise that resulted in the existential fist bump was very important to her. So important that she was willing to explain it in exhaustive detail when she realized Alden was open to the idea of practicing with her.

Apparently she’d assumed he wouldn’t be at first. Because he was a great and awesome Avowed, and she imagined him to be well beyond this point in his education. He found this assumption almost as mind-blowing as she found his total lack of talent for the fist bump.

“But you can do things with your authority,” she kept insisting. “You have to understand.”

“I don’t understand things. I only do things. And I can only do them at all because of the Contract.”


“I don’t know.”

“Why don’t you know?”

“Because…humans are different than Artonans. Avowed are different than wizards. We don’t feel our authority. So we don’t have to learn magic before we get our skills.”

She looked baffled. He was baffled. There was a lot of mutual ignorance going on.

Maybe it would have been different if Kibby had had a normal magical education. Apparently she was behind where she should have been, which was why the children on her video class looked a few years younger than her.

Alden had pieced together enough to understand that Joe had advised her father not to send her off for formal training when she was a toddler. He thought she shouldn’t pursue wizardry, because she was ungifted. It wasn’t easy to read between the lines, but it sounded like Joe and Kibby’s father both believed that life as a bottom-rung member of the wizard class was harder than life as a highly educated and important member of the non-wizard class.

But a couple of years ago Kibby had decided that she wasn’t going to accept that, and she’d refused to learn algebra until she was allowed to study magic, too. Joe had caved, had a teacher he knew record the little wizard lessons for her, and bought her the cushions.

Two of them. Because you were supposed to have at least one partner for the fist bump.

“Distinguished Master Ro-den gave me eight lessons,” Kibby said seriously.

It was a relationship dynamic Alden hadn’t expected. He was curious about Joe’s reasoning. And he wanted to ask Kibby if maybe she was a genius in the traditional, non-magical sense of the word, since she’d been learning algebra at age six, but he didn’t want to out himself as someone who could not have done that.

If she realized she was smarter than him at magic and math, how was he ever going to persuade her to brush her hair and chew her tooth gum and sleep in the vault so she wouldn’t be constantly irradiated by chaos?

“Today you will be better at this,” Kibby announced as Alden cleared her toys away, and she carefully measured the distance between the cushions with the promise stick. “Because it is your birthday.”

“I’ll try,” Alden said. As always.

He wondered if she thought birthdays actually had the power to transform humans into natural mages, or if she was attempting psychology on him. They’d done the beginner’s exercise at least once a day and often twice for the past eighteen days. Alden would have given up on it by now if he wasn’t using it as a bribe, but Kibby wasn’t a quitter. She wanted a partner like the children on television, and if Alden was willing, she was going to keep patting at him until he finally figured it out.

She lit a promise stick that still had birthday veggie residue on it, and they said the special pledge. Alden had memorized it properly after a few repetitions, and it made him glad that the little girl got such an obvious thrill out of hearing it said to her.

They promised to be respectful to each other during their lesson and patient with each other. They promised to honor the sacrifice of their teacher’s time by bringing their ————- to bear.

Alden was pretty sure that word he hadn’t gotten the hang of was something like ‘acuity,’ but he hadn’t committed to defining it that way yet.

And they ended by saying “I promise I will give my ———-, to you, my partner.”

Alden was still working on that word, too. He thought it was too much of a coincidence for it to really be what he’d been privately thinking of it as in his head: sincere best.

“You’re smiling,” Kibby said as she knelt on her cushion. “It’s a ————. Because you’re going to do better today.”

Oh she’s definitely trying to psych me up.

“Maybe I will.”

He didn’t.

And he didn’t the next day either. Or the one after that.

But finally, shortly after the first long night had fallen on them in truth, Kibby reached out with a determined pat-pat-pat.

And a part of Alden that had been straining against the encroaching chaos for weeks and feeling its own presence for the first time ever—a part of him that had never known it could move as it pleased—reached out toward the small, kind existence that had been trying to get its attention for so long. And patted back.



Petition to name this chapter "metaphysical pat-pats"


Very cute. I wonder what Joe would think about Alden succeeding at the pat, it seems to be something humans can't normally sense and maybe one of the things Alden was missing for spell casting. I'd guess his ability to even sense it is gremlin related, even given the chaotic environment to help with noticing it


I'm wondering whether there already exist human wizards. System seems to be a crutch in the end created due to lacking talent of other species than Artonians to do magic.


Kibby better not fucking die she's the least obnoxious eight year old I've ever met.


Keep kibby alive!


Joe hadn't said that it's impossible for humans to learn magic but it's extremely hard. They may have further interactions in the future as Joe seems to be researching demonic energies and pressure of demonic energy radiation seems to be helpful in mage training of servant races the same way weights help in strength training.

David Burchfield

I think there are human avowed who can do magic without spell impressions, it is just generally much harder and less effective. After spell instruction is one of the things that can be offered as payment, and Joe even referenced Artonans teaching humans basic spells as payment.


I have different experiences but maybe kids are obedient around me because I'm intimidating due to my height, size and I rarely smile even if I want to just play with them like with my younger siblings since they are cute ;D


You are right yet we are possibly talking only about simplest can trips. By human wizard I was thinking about full fledged one not just half backed noob on a wheelchair.


This was a sweet day in hell.


I like no chapter names


Perhaps its the same reason he didn't want to teach Kibby

alex ayala

Yer a wizard Alden!

The Ox

I actually think Manon might be genuinely horrified to learn that her machinations had indirectly led to the deaths of multiple Artonans (including a child) that Alden otherwise might have saved. So he should definitely tell her that to her face, preferably with an image of Kibby's baby sister. It would have much more weight than mere accusations of manipulation. On the other hand, I'm not sure how Alden is going to PROVE anything concrete with Anesidoran authorities. Maybe the accusation will be enough to get all the Rabbits with "Tailor Environment" on a Sway watch.


It's a shame he can't. Triangle of absolute secrecy and all.


Only eight in Artonan years, we don’t know how many human years she’s been around yet. Maybe they’re closer in age than they think?


I imagine actual sways might have a way to detect if people have been influenced by similar powers.

Matthew Lester

There is no way Manon would care considering she is, effectively, enslaving multiple people. Manon is a supervillain that arranges parties as a side job.


Justice for kibby!

The Stars Align

I think several factors are unique in this learning of wizardry, which joe could not conceive. 1. chaos training 2. he has nothing else to do besides magic training 3. training partner with long patience (due to her circumstances)


Was thinking about "Patty birthday" or "Sincere (best) patting" maybe. I'm partial to puns but your idea may better reflect the cuteness of the chapter

The Ox

I can completely conceive of a situation where Manon believes she is doing nothing wrong and would vehemently deny enslaving anyone. Even the incident where she arranged for Laura to be injured. The easiest person to deceive is yourself. Her skill makes this especially easy to do, since it works in such a passive fashion.


A light in the dark. Hopefully nothing bad happens next chapter...


I doubt the Anedosian dont know what "Tailor environment" can do, they are the ones offering the skill in the first place, as for incriminating Manon for what happen on the moon it would be pretty hard, she didnt know about Alden going nor about the chaos storm, im not sure how that would imply responsability of any kind, what Alden can do speak with someone on Earth about "Tailor environment" more advance applications but that's another matter. As far as i can tell, the skill is comparable to someone with really good skill at manipulating people but better, and you can add on that as a bonus the ability to affecting the environment, wich can make manipulating people a lot easier with practice, definitely something to look out for if you know about it, but i wouldn't call it "enslaving people", I think manufacturing consent is a more appropriate description, not sure wich is worst, id say manufacturing consent but that heavily depend on the situation


Atta boy. Get patted, demons, you’re next. Also this chapter should be ‘patty-cake’


If Alden was more of a prankster, i could see him going around and parting people with his autority


Why am I so excited that the protagonist managed to magically pat someone?


Exactly. Joe said it would require a lot of time. Just think how much all that chaos is accelerating his learning. Humans would never be exposed to any significant level of chaos for a long period. And they are definitely not supposed to have access to lecture videos. Alden has a very unique opportunity


He has to greet Gorgon back with it ! And other Avowed in Anesidora to flex

Zachary Sloan

I'm really curious about those statistics cited by the System(s) now. Apparently there was a ~1% chance of surviving to around the point Alden has already survived, but from what we've seen Alden always had a pretty good chance of surviving this long as long as he managed to make it to the lab (since the demon bugs and ambient chaos aren't a big enough threat at this point to have prevented him from reaching the lab). And the System was aware of his unique circumstances when it said this. And if it's about resources, I think the System is also aware of the resources in the laboratory. Because if they didn't exist, that 0.0007% (or whatever it was) would instead just be 0% (and the 2-month percent would also be 0%). So that makes me wonder where exactly those low percents are coming from. The 0.0007% is likely from stuff we haven't seen yet (like whatever caused all the displaced grass), but I'm less clear on why the original 1% for ~2 months was so low. It could be that those figures are factoring in teleportation accidents (though if the System is aware of Alden's circumstances, it should also be aware that he can safely teleport to Thegund). So it could be that the survival chances *contingent on Alden surviving the teleport* are higher than the ones stated. And they might also account for Alden simply never being told to go to the lab. But that still wouldn't account for the ~1000x lower chance of survival at ~8 months compared with ~2 months.


It probably didnt factor in cooperation with the people already there and assumed they'd die instantly.

The Ox

We haven't seemed to see the phenomenon Thenn described with the air being toxic with chaos particles or gas. I imagine if every breath was similar to being hit by a chaos bug, survival would be difficult. It also seems like the lab has done a huge amount of the heavy lifting keeping them safe. The lab's systems are slowly being degraded and damaged, maybe there would be a statistically predictable tipping point where the lab was no longer a protection?

The Ox

It definitely seems to be a different kind of skill than Sway in every way. She doesn't SEEM to touch your mind at all. Its more like, every choice you make is a door, and Manon's skill makes some doors seem like the right door to open, and make other doors seem like they aren't doors at all. So every choice you make feels like one you decided on of your own free will. From Manon's perspective, she's not a mind controller, she's just a door painter.

Zachary Sloan

I think that's just describing the ambient chaos that Alden already experienced (but has higher resistance to). That level of ambient chaos might continue increasing over time, though. The lab's systems failing seems like the biggest concern, since they're going to be there for much longer (absent some completely unpredicted rescue). While most of the lab is still fine for now, they're not even close to the half-way point yet.


Fantastic chapter!


Could the Gloss have influenced the events so that Alden is stuck here for the same length as he would not have been an avowed? Because if I remember it right it is only because of the gloss that he became an avowed so soon and Gorgon was suprised becaused it schould have happend 8 months later. So the gloss could have tried to correct the events to their original course.


There is no way to know for certain because the full impact of the gloss is still unknown. On one hand (haha), one guy is hoping he only loses a hand, and then Alden got his Chainer then Rabbit trade because of dealing with people who were uneven. Causation may argue he's trapped on a survival quest as a result, but it's really just blursed (Net neutral luck). If anything Manon threw things off, of which that encounter may not have been probability based.


Maybe some minor probability manipulation involved as well. Or at least probability awereness


Met-oosa was prophetic. He is going to be a ryeh’bt wizard for real. I wonder if Alden will find out why that was so controversial before other people find out. Will he specialize in transmogrification too?

The Ox

You could make an argument that he became avowed sooner because he shared stabilty/Authority with Gorgon through the blood offering (what else to call that?). That was a much more immediate and relevant event than the Gloss at that time. I hope that Sleyca keeps the Gloss nice and localized to the chainers that are actually using it. I dislike the idea of having everything that happens to Alden (Good or Bad) always attributed to the Gloss. It makes the whole plot kind of weakened IMO. I much prefer Alden to be the master and architect of his own fate, not having lucky and unlucky coincidences from a fancy wordchain push him along like a tumbleweed.


While sway may assert authority on another's mind, tailor environment asserts authority on that which you own. Through mental gymnastics, Manon believes she owns the boaters, which seems like invisible slavery. Whether there are overall benefits to the boaters is unclear. In order to retain ownership perception through gift payments by being 'rich', Manon's probably skimming off the top of what the boaters are getting through whatever manipulation's possible. Of further note, if Manon's skill is capped out because it's not the original 300 skills, her power can only increase by increasing ownership on more people/things. Running the boaters seems like a great way to artificial boost her authority to a means without being wholly a supervillain. Edit: wrt, "horrified to learn that her machinations had indirectly led to the deaths of multiple Artonans" I mean there is a not gently-subtle context of people hating the fact they are forced to be summoned at the risk of their deaths. If that's Manon's mindset, the only good Artonan is a dead Artonan. It's fitting we see the flaw in that mindset through this chapter.


Would the main character get paid with every day he is away? If mc can extend his authority does that mean he can freeze stuff in air ?


Alden’s gotten real lucky a bunch of times, he’s riding the wave either way. I do agree that it’s pretty unreasonable for the gloss to still be affecting things after its duration expired, though.


@The Ox the chaos in the air is what killed Thenn and probably killed Kibby's family, and Alden talks about it at the end of this very chapter. It is very much an ambient hazard.


@Zachary Sloan The Thegund System knew about Alden's interactions with the Laboratory group, but it died, and it looks like cross-System communication isn't automatic. I don't think Contract III had Alden's knowledge of the laboratory, or his interactions with the lab group, in its calculations at all.

Zachary Sloan

@Manny Mcdude If that's the case, it makes me wonder how it came up with *any* >0% chance of him surviving. The only chance Alden had to even survive more than a couple days is the laboratory, so I assumed the System(s) must have accounted for that when coming up with the "1% chance to survive the first couple months" figure (because otherwise it'd be 0%, since people need to eat/drink).

Zachary Sloan

@Manny Mcdude I think there's a good chance Kibby's family was killed by the bug demon things, since Alden (who is better at evading them than a normal person, plus the fact that you can't exactly dodge them in a car) was hit by several during his trip. It only takes one hit someplace like your torso or head to lead to a pretty quick death if you're a normal non-wizard/Avowed person.


My assumption was that if Alden hadnt been delayed a day, both kids would have been fine, but hed still get dtranded when he arrived the day of the disaster, except without Kibby for company. I suppose whatifs are too complicated to know for certain.

Kate Yen

In theory, the gloss shouldn't affect him at all - from what we know of the Velra family, they can cast wordchains on groups of people, but would have used this one only to affect their family directly. Alden would only be affected insofar as his fortune is tied to theirs - which, to be fair, the grandma very likely believes. Either way, you can safely bet that when the Velras hear about him getting summoned within a day of affixation and subsequently dying on the job - despite bring a rabbit of all classes - they will attribute it to blowback from the gloss. I think the recent chain of events is well within "meteors to the face" territory from their perspective.


@ZacharySloan Alden thought it was the ambient chaos that killed Kibby's fam: "The father and the youngest girl were gone. He wasn’t sure how they had died, but he assumed there was plenty of chaos everywhere now. Either from the demons changing as they smashed into things or it was just…naturally occurring." The vehicle they were in had protections against the bugs, but I'm guessing it couldn't handle such a fatally toxic ambient environment. As for Alden surviving without the lab, there are other sources of food and water, though not very good ones, at the farm. And who knows what Alden would find if he explored in other directions. All we know from the survival calculations is that he almost certainly wouldn't have found enough to survive.


I'm assuming at the very least the system will award him a whole bunch of refusals since he was off planet for several months.

The Ox

So far it is difficult to say exactly what Tailor Environment is doing, if it is working directly on minds or simply funnels people into certain pre-set outcomes indirectly. The descriptions of the skills only give a deliberately vague approximation of what the skill does, this is true even when you HAVE the skill. Plus, we know that intent and imagination have a huge impact on how an individual Avowed can utilize their own skill. Manon's use of Tailor Environment is probably in some ways unique to herself. We also don't know how she feels about other people and Artonons, the System, anything. She could be a villain, she could just be a small-minded greedy control freak. Not enough data.


I doubt they will want to reward Alden in any way with money albeit like @Weregoat says something as cheap as refusals is on the table.


Yeah, and he would be alone in the facility should he survived potentially driving him insane as he is still a mere kid who never tasted true hardship as there was always somebody to help him.


I wonder if tickling would work too. An can you imagine the might of existential tickle? Kekekeke

The Ox

Dude, he had a chunk of sawblade in his abdomen and both of his parents die violently when he was eight. What is your definition of true hardship?


He waited a significant amount of time while the father reassured his daughters. If he only had to take adults he probably would’ve made it back before the system broke.

The Ox

It could be as simple as the core elements of sustaining life. We know that the bugs change what they touch, seemingly randomly. Thenn said the bugs would stop but the red zone would continue to get bigger. Perhaps that means the conversion/change would continue even after the bugs tapered off. Basics of staying alive are air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat. If any one of those gets compromised then they are dead, they need enough food and water to last the 8 months. Alden is smart to be stashing food in the vault, hopefully it will remain intact. Nothing they can do about the air. Perhaps they could exert their Authority to "unconvert" things? Seems like a pretty advanced thing to do, but transmogrification is a thing. Alden already wore the robes.

The Ox

My understanding of the discussion about the Gloss between Keiko and Aimi was that Grandma Velra had cast it directly on every member of the Family, probably in person (no proof of that, but that seems to be how wordchains work). The primary reason for it was so that one of them could coincide with the person holding Chainer (Alden) but also to spread out the bad luck on everyone so that NO ONE DIED from the backlash. I imagine for this to work best, some of the Glossed Velras were sitting at home on the couch where nothing particularly lucky could happen to them, to even out the backlash once the payment comes due. Alden had always been peripherally involved; he shouldn't be receiving a backlash since he didn't make the promise on the front end. It shouldn't matter that he "got something good" in exchange for Chainer. He wasn't part of the wordchain.


Hmm I like Kate’s idea here, Alden dying could definitely be interpreted as a backlash to the Velras, I forgot about the close proximity of the summoning. The Velras were already going to be under public scrutiny for using the gloss, if it got a new avowed killed that would definitely be made worse, so I bet it qualifies as backlash against the Velras. Especially considering that Alden’s personal connections, Cly and Gloom, could be very angry. So, the negative gloss could have caused the last-minute cancellation that lead to Alden getting summoned in the first place, because once that happened, Alden was on the path to getting stranded on Thegund and thus damaging the Velras. Seems plausible. And funnily enough, if this is the case, Alden will be benefitting from both sides of the gloss- on the positive, he got rabbit and a bunch of cash and connection to the Velras, and on the negative, he’s getting some otherwise unattainable skill instruction and a place to learn magic (if he survives!)


Only having two parents die isn't enough for true hardship, three is the minimum! /s


@the ox, He was just a child. Having parents murdered hadn't made him magically mature and he always had help of the adults. He lived as normal teenager of his age. Right now he only matures when he is forced to rely on himsrlf and take care of little child by himself.


You forgot that MC is low level Awoved. Ambient chaos will increase killing anybody weak enough. Statistically humans grow fairly slow. It's only for protagonist benefit of jnqije circumstances that will force him to grow extraordinarily fast.

The Ox

@Rubeno I agree he was just a child. He then had to face a future without the care and attention of his biological parents, instead the far less able or attentive care of his crazy aunt. Right in the text it details how he had to take care of himself for days (weeks?) at a time as a child when Aunt Conny skipped down with friends. He stole her passwords so he could use her ridesharing aps for getting himself around when she flaked on him. His baseball coach said that Alden was stuck being "The adult in the relationship". Denoting unusual maturity for his age. That is not a normal teenage upbringing. I'm not saying it is enough to prepare him for what he is experiencing now, but it sure as heck qualifies as hardship, and made him unusually mature and self-reliant for his age.


@the ox, you can't compare Living on cushy Earth where everything was provided for MC whether it was help of psychologists, adults at school, he had friends etc to a literal battlefront. He was never truly left alone to confront his traumas. There were always people there to help him. Sure, his aunt was unreliable but he had other people around him to keep him stable. Since he arrived at this mission he was forced to rely on himsrlf becauee nobody was holding his hands.

The Ox

@Rubeno I guess you are correct that nobody who has not been on a battlefront has ever experienced one before. I think that Alden's upbringing and experiences did provide him with a high level of maturity for his age, including doing tons of things for himself without anyone "holding his hands" compared to most normal Earth teenagers. Many of those experiences molded him into a person better equipped mentally and emotionally to handle the situation he is in now and take care of Kibby. Better than most teens that are his peers, avowed or not. I'm sure you could find some kids with harsher, rougher upbringings than Alden had if you looked really hard. I would point out that he's not in a battlefield right now, he's in a corrupted zone. I think he's doing pretty well.


@Tycho Met-oosa was the costumer who had designed Alden's wizard-ryeh'bt costume for that crazy party.