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[A/N: A chapter for you all! I hope it satisfies. :) ]

“I can’t believe they all ditched,” Alden said when he and Haoyu were alone once more. The little cauldron was spewing fresh clouds of steam into the room. He had learned to appreciate the melony scent and the way inhaling a new batch of the stuff seemed to reset the sauna experience. Just when you were getting tired of the heat, the dose of steam pushed you back to that point where the temperature felt therapeutic.

“It’s a rather specific crowd here,” Haoyu said from above him. “They’ve got plenty of money, they’re disproportionately likely to be summoned for something dangerous, and they just found out the person coming to visit is the type who probably does summon people for the dangerous missions sometimes. Plus they want to relax. Even if they’re not that worried about a summoning, minding your manners around a wizard of unknown temperament is a little stressful.” 

All true things.

“I’m surprised it was all of them, too, though,” Haoyu admitted. “Normally, in a group that big you’d think there would be a couple who wanted to suck up to an Artonan and a few more who were just not bothered. Can you imagine our teachers running off like that?”

Alden could more easily imagine Big Snake talking Esh-erdi’s ears off than he could imagine him making a rush for the exit.

“I don’t think most of our classmates would have left either,” Alden said.

“Ha!” said Haoyu. “Some of them would bankrupt themselves to buy a membership right this second so that they could come annoy him. Mehdi keeps saying things about how you might be getting secret knowledge and techniques from being around so many wizards at Matadero, and how if he was there he would be getting secret knowledge and techniques and petitioning them to add a bunch of spells and skills to Agi.”

Alden was about to respond when Esh-erdi appeared in front of the glass door. He was wearing a spa robe and carrying a handful of brochures. When he spotted Alden and Haoyu, he smiled, tilted his head, then headed back down the hall the way he’d come.

“He’s leaving!” Haoyu sounded so horrified that Alden turned to give him a surprised look. “Was he upset that we were here? Or is it just me? It’s me, isn’t it? He likes you.”

“You’re freaking out for no reason, man. He doesn’t know you. Why would he leave because of you?”

“Maybe I’m really ugly by Triplanets standards. Maybe I was making an offensive face.”

Were you making a face?”

“I don’t know! I was curious about him. I could have looked creepy.”

Esh-erdi reappeared in front of the door about two seconds later, wearing a towel around his waist instead of the robe and still carrying the brochures.

[See?] Alden texted Haoyu. [He was just taking off the robe because he saw we weren’t wearing one. Trying to match the local style.]

Then, in Artonan, he said, “Hello, Esh-erdi.”

“Alden! I find you in a hot room surrounded by wood. This is very pleasant. I should tell Lind about it.” He walked in a circle around the pedestal with the cauldron on it, having a good look at it and giving them a good look at him at the same time.

Artonans were undeniably alien when nude, or even just shirtless. In adults, the navel was minimal if it was visible at all. Cosmetically darkening the spot where it had been was a thing in certain situations. Nipples, located where humans expected to see them, ranged from flesh-toned to wow-those-are-purple

Esh-erdi’s were closer to the former, but his back striping was vibrant. Two periwinkle blue slashes began an inch below the base of his neck and followed along either side of his spine. The stripes broke and faded before disappearing just above the towel. Artonan females had marks in the same area, though theirs were much less noticeable. Actually, the males’ striping was usually a bit subtler as well. Esh-erdi was kind of showy.

His tattooing, however, was restrained. Lines, whirls, and dots were confined to a band around his right calf. It was impossible to tell if it was one tattoo or twenty carefully arranged together so that they didn’t clash.

Alden watched him stick a finger into the cauldron and then pop it into his own mouth. After a moment, he nodded. “This is well done! Very good. I’m glad humans have this.” 

Then he looked toward Alden expectantly.

“This is my friend Haoyu Zhang-Demir. We live together on campus. Haoyu, this is Hn’tyon Esh-erdi. He saved me from a giant wave a week ago.”

“Hello!” Esh-erdi said before Haoyu could get his own greeting out. “You aren’t ugly. And if you were, it wouldn’t keep me from enjoying an Earth relaxation experience with you.”

Alden had to fight not to smile at Haoyu’s expression of chagrin.

When the knight walked over and climbed up to sit beside Haoyu, Alden caught a glimpse of a pastel green auriad holding his long hair in place on top of his head.

“When I wasn’t much older than the two of you, I shared a traditional oil pool with a ——— and its <<brood>>.”

The name of the species was a chittering sound that went untranslated; Alden had never heard it before as far as he could remember. 

“The people I’d gone on the mission with convinced me that someone had to do it to avoid giving offense.” Esh-erdi thrust his hands away from him in a gesture Alden didn’t recognize. “They were evil.”

“The crikchikchikchik?” Haouy asked, doing what Alden thought was a remarkable job of pronouncing the sound.

“No. The knights I traveled with. They said it was the duty of the young to keep the old amused on long journeys. Of course I don’t disagree, but a pool full of brood isn’t funny. All those sharp little legs…”

Alden was almost scared to ask. “What is a cricketychickdee?”

“The Contract didn’t define it,” Haoyu added.

“That’s an unnecessary <<obscuration>> in my opinion. Imagine a dried lobeberry twice my size, with many legs and a habit of oiling itself.”

By the time he finished explaining the species, Alden was fairly sure they were giant spider raisins who had no Contract and limited contact with the Triplanets. He was also fairly sure that persuading the youngest member of the squad to take an oil bath with them was truly evil.

From there, they ended up talking about Haoyu’s family. Esh-erdi seemed interested in his class choice and very happy to hear that he was following in his parents’ footsteps. Initially nervous, Haoyu was growing bolder with every multilingual sentence. In the process of trying to mix in all the Artonan words he knew, he was occasionally pulling Mandarin and Turkish ones out of his head and throwing them into the mix. Alden had to read the translations to understand what he was saying sometimes.

“Does my father speak words about me while he’s with you at <<slaughterhouse>>?” Haoyu asked, leaning toward Esh-erdi. By then, they were all enjoying cushioning spells. And wooden bowls full of salted cucumber slices because the spa was apparently at such a loss about what to do for their high-profile guest that they’d just fulfilled the only request anyone had made. 

“Yes,” said Esh-erdi. “He spoke of his family.”

“What does he say about me?” Haoyu asked, eyes narrowing as if he suspected his father of saying something he would disapprove of.

“No!” said Esh-erdi, laughing. “You must ask him yourself. I’m too clever to cause trouble with your parents even if you have bribed me with your planet’s version of waterfruit.”

He crunched on another cucumber slice. The steam had faded, so Alden was sure someone would come by with another potion soon.

Haoyu sat back. “I want…” 

He trailed off. Just when Alden assumed he must have changed his mind about sharing whatever it was, he finished the thought after all. 

“I want to be as strong as my parents are. So that whenever one of them is summoned to a battle I can go with them.” Haoyu’s eyes were fixed on the knight. His voice was firm. “How do I do that?”

So that’s who he is. Alden wasn’t surprised at all, but there was a clarifying quality to the thought, as if a critical piece of another person’s inner puzzle had been found and fitted into place. 

He’d had a lot of that recently, with Stu-art’h. Choosing to go all-in on friendship by handing over like thirty puzzle pieces at once was so…Stuart of him.

Now Alden was hearing one of Haoyu’s.

Haoyu Zhang-Demir, he thought. Fifteen-year-old slow cooker enthusiast. Does the recycling wrong. Will straight-up ask a knight how to get to danger so he can watch his parents’ backs.

Esh-erdi regarded him for a while. “Grow as comes naturally to you for a few years, newling. You may satisfy yourself more easily than you think.”

“What if I can’t?”

“Call me.”

Haoyu straightened.

“When you’re at an age when your parents wouldn’t mind me answering the question,” Esh-erdi finished.

Haoyu groaned. “So when I’m ninety.”

Alden’s laugh was drowned out by Esh-erdi’s.


Eventually, people started to arrive. The first was a bearded man who seemed all right until Alden decided he seemed too all right. He refused to glance their way no matter what happened.

Yeah sure, guy. Act like you can’t see Esh-erdi casting spells or hear our conversation about the differences between snakes and oontsies. That’s not a suspicious amount of nonchalance at all.

But at lease it was preferable to the next saunagoer—a man who literally said, “Alden the Rabbit! Fancy meeting you here!” before sitting way too close and pretending he was best friends with Alden and something considerably more sycophantic toward Esh-erdi.

“Cucumbers,” said Esh-erdi.

“What, Hn’tyon Esh-erdi?” Their new friend spoke in passable Artonan.

“I feel sad that they’re all gone,” said Esh-erdi, gesturing toward his empty bowl.

By the time the man came back with more cucumbers, his seat had been taken by two members of the battlegroup that had been at Matadero with the knights and Haoyu’s dad. They were a couple who’d been at the spa anyway, and they had decided to say a quick hello when they heard who was here. That quick hello got extended by Esh-erdi starting up a conversation about the Matadero rice wars.

Alden wondered if he was the only one picking up on the fact that Esh-erdi was disappointed nobody had tried to attack him with a bag full of grain.

I mean, I can’t blame them. I don’t think I’m brave enough to boobytrap his shower or whatever, even though he seems to want someone to.

Maybe he could suggest that Drusi-otta try it?

<<We sent the peanut fudge,>> said the woman, nodding at Alden. “For Thanksgiving.”

“I ate that!” Esh-erdi declared. “With champagne.”

[You champagne!] Haoyu texted Alden with a gasp. [Criminal grape juice!]

[I didn’t have any.]

[Why? Still some? Try!]

Alden ignored him in favor of thanking the fudge making couple. Unfortunately, they were the nicest of the people trickling in.

Alden counted three gawkers, two job-seekers, one person who was probably going to blog about the general’s favorite vegetable, someone who seemed really jealous of Alden’s “fortunate position”, and one self-proclaimed future member of the Anesidoran High Council.

Then, a woman walked in wearing a skimpy red bikini. The last time Alden had seen it, Emilija had been wearing it.

“Way more people than I expected,” Aimi Velra said, turning in a circle to take in the room. The steam had been recently refreshed, and she waved a cloud out of her face. “That’s good. You can all suffer…I mean buffer if the general decides to stay after I issue my warning.”

Everyone had fallen silent. Esh-erdi looked intrigued at the promise of a warning…or possibly at the sight of the Velra tattoo on Aimi’s hip. He must have recognized it since Aulia liked to stamp it on her things.

“Thanks for not letting the ocean have my home, Hn’tyon Esh-erdi,” she said in what sounded to Alden like perfect Artonan. “I thought I should tell you that some people in my family have memberships here. Not because they enjoy exercise, just because this is a place where rich people are supposed to have memberships. A few of them are coming to inflict themselves upon you like a swarm of <<flesh-eating flying animals that were eradicated in the distant past>>. I think it’s going to be Corin, Hugh—” 

“We should leave,” Alden said. Probably too adamantly, judging by Haoyu’s outburst of snickering.

Aimi looked at him. “Hi! Dad loved the birthday present. And lots of other people loved watching you send Hazel off the planet. Maybe not her parents, though.”

“That’s not on me. I was just an honest bystander.” 

Alden was on his feet, trying to make “Let’s escape!” hand signs at Esh-erdi, whose eyes were lighting with even more interest.

“You know this woman?”

“We’re <<buddies>>!” Aimi announced. 

“She captured me and put me in a car against my will. She ruined a meal for some ducks. But she also shares her belongings and comes to give warnings, so I’m slowly forgetting about the first part.”

“Your accent is unique,” Aimi informed him.

Alden was too busy trying to keep his towel around his waist while he shoved a bowl of cucumbers at Haoyu to respond to her.

“Snacks for the road,” he said to Haoyu. “Come on. Come on, both of you. We’ll go somewhere else.”

The reasons he could imagine for Hugh, Corin, and whoever else was with them to want Esh-erdi’s time and attention were all negative. Maybe they were angling for Hazel to be declared Queen of Anesidora. Maybe they wanted the knights to give a speech about how Aulia was the best-most-sweetest Avowed, and how she’d had nothing to do with the Sinker Sender theft. Or it could be the opposite—some kind of power play to make sure Aulia stayed stuck on her megayacht for a few years while they did whatever it was people like them did when the boss was busy.

Esh-erdi and Lind-otta do not need further exposure to the worst of humanity on their esvulgivnas. And I don’t need Hugh glaring at me for getting his daughter jettisoned.

Even Aimi might not be as innocent as she appeared. Her mom seemed to be the closest thing Aulia had to a second in command.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Aimi asked.

Alden shook his head.

Esh-erdi allowed himself to be chivvied out of the sauna. 

“I feel so well protected!” he said as they headed for the showers. “And I feel so much more curious about Aulia’s family than I did previously.”

“This is Alden’s Cottontail mode,” Haoyu said.

How did we get to the point where Haoyu feels comfortable telling a knight about our dumb codenames?

“This is Alden being practical,” Alden retorted. “We needed to get out of there anyway. Most of those people weren’t fun. They were vibe ruiners.”

“We can go do something else fun,” said Haoyu.

“I want to do something fun,” Esh-erdi agreed.

They both looked back at Alden, wearing bizarrely similar hopeful expressions.

What the hell? When did I become the Friday night activities coordinator?

He tried to think of something that wouldn’t turn into a circus. “We’re very close to school. Did you want that tour now?”


While Haoyu and Esh-erdi poked their heads into every classroom on the Artonan culture floor of the Forthright Building, Alden trailed behind them, studying the map of the campus he’d pulled up.

The goal was to show Esh-erdi all the most interesting things without attracting crowds of people. Easier than it might have been, since we’ve ended up doing this on a Friday evening. 

No classes were in session, and if they saved places like the student center and the cafeterias until later, everyone would pretty much have cleared out.

I’ll make sure he has a good time and feels like humanity is a pretty cool species despite everything that’s gone wrong. And that way when he’s on the frontlines with his partner and the Primary, he won’t be thinking, ‘Why am I doing this for those people?’

“And someone on this hallway pees in our roommate’s shoes!” Haoyu said.

Or we could tell him something like that.

Alden dismissed the map and examined his tourist instead. Esh-erdi was starting up a story about someone he’d known in school who watered a plant with nothing but her own tears one term.

He came just to hang out with me, I think? There didn’t seem to be any serious reason for Esh-erdi’s arrival at the spa. Maybe he really wants to chill for a couple of hours and not think about anything serious. Maybe Shoe Pisser is the right kind of thing for tonight, after all.

“Do you want to see the learning cushions we use in my conversation class?” Alden asked. “Stu saw them on a video call. They’re acceptable for most human students, but he’s still so mad about them.”

“He gave you permission to use his first name!” Esh-erdi said. “Your friendship buds.”

“Yes.” Alden checked the door to the classroom and found it unlocked, as all the others had been. “I’ve had permission for a long time. I was just dumb, and I didn’t realize it.”

They saw ass-abused cushions in that room, a board with a gokoratch eating a stick figure drawn on it in another, and in a lecture hall downstairs, they found a brunette girl randomly sleeping at a desk. They woke her up by talking about whether or not they should wake her up, and she shouted “One cappuccino!” as soon as her eyes snapped open. That was how they found out she worked part-time at the coffeeshop downstairs and also how she ended up nervously making a cappuccino for an intrigued Artonan.

Next, they went to the performing arts building to ride the elevator up through the glass bubble chandelier while Haoyu explained how the candle balls floating in the blackness were the perfect decorating idea that they hadn’t quite managed to mimic in their dorm room. 

Yet,” he added.

Then they went to Cafeteria North just after closing time to show Esh-erdi the fake town square. After that, Alden had been planning to take a walk through the memorial garden, but as they approached from above on the nonagon, they realized people were arriving early for a vigil that would start just after midnight. To mark exactly one week since the sirens had sounded.

“Did either of you plan to attend?” Esh-erdi asked.

“I went to one a few days ago,” Haoyu replied. “This one will probably be really crowded. So I’d rather not.”

Alden tried to think of how to say that he wanted to walk away from reminders right now, not run toward them, without the desire sounding dramatic or selfish. “I’d rather not either,” he said instead.

“And I shouldn’t.” Esh-erdi was looking down through the nonagon’s surface. “Since I seem to be distracting for some Avowed.”

“The Adjuster cleaning the cafeteria would have broken that table even if you hadn’t been there,” Alden lied.

“That’s right,” said Haoyu. “Clumsy aim was his problem.”

[Should we take him to see the MPE gym?] Alden texted.

[Who now?] Haoyu asked.

[It says Private Sessions on the schedule. Whoever it is, they probably don’t want us there, right?]

Haoyu shrugged.

[I’ll try to work it out for another day,] Alden typed.

They ended up making the dorm their last stop instead. Alden was under the impression that Haoyu was giving Lexi a warning, mostly because he had texted, “No worry. I can talk Danger Badger and make him open window for us!” 

And Lexi did open the living room window for them the second they speed-dropped out of the night sky. But it was obvious that whatever message Haoyu had sent, it hadn’t included mention of their company.

Alden was positive that Lexi wouldn’t have greeted them in pajama pants and then yelled, “Gahhh! What the—!?” if he’d had any clue who was coming.

The look he directed at Haoyu and the knight was wild-eyed. The one he sent Alden’s way was more murderous.

[Haoyu told me he’d call before we got here.] Alden sent the message as he climbed through the window. [He’s your best friend, so I trusted him. Maybe he messed up a mental text? We’re just going to show Esh-erdi the apartment. Sorry.]

Best to make all of his arguments and apologies now, while witnesses prevented Lexi from doing any actual murdering.

“We have so much food left from yesterday,” Haoyu was saying as he trotted over to the fridge. “You can have supper with us if you want, Esh-erdi.”

[Possibly he’ll be eating supper with us, too,] Alden added.

He was going to leave the explanation there and join Haoyu in digging through whatever was in the fridge, but then he thought better of it. Lexi was looking pale…and that wasn’t actually unreasonable of him. 

Just a few short days ago, Alden had been nervous around the knight. He had a lot more secrets to keep than Lexi did, but he also had a lot more information. 

Haoyu was so chill and grounded and easy to get along with. That made him feel like the normal one. But he’s not. I think he might just be unusual in a way that’s convenient for me. And even he was nervous about meeting Esh-erdi for a second. 

“Hey, come help me put my stuff down,” said Alden. It was a weak excuse to pull Lexi from the room. Alden’s “stuff” was a duffel bag he obviously didn’t need help with. But Haoyu was explaining the pros and cons of cold pizza to their visitor, and neither of them looked around while Lexi followed him down the hall.

[If you want to go, I’ll make an excuse for you,] Alden texted as they entered his bedroom. [The nonagon is right outside. I can send you up to Kon’s room or down to the garden.]

Lexi stiffened.

Is he insulted?

The Meister was air-typing. [What is he doing here?]

Alden chucked the bag onto the floor beside the closet. He quickly ran through his Esh-erdi knowledge and decided most of it was actually shareable.

[He’s probably not shopping for Avowed, despite what all the people who seem to dread that or want that think. He’s here with his partner, and after they finished up at Matadero, they were planning to enjoy Earth for a while. They’re celebrating a relationship thing and vacationing together before they go do bad shit with other powerful people. If they were hoping to pick up some Avowed for that, I’m not sure anyone on Anesidora would even be qualified.

[Their vacation plans got interrupted, but he’s trying to make the most of it, I think, by being curious and blowing off steam when he’s not busy. He’s been doing a lot to look out for me. Too much probably. The biggest risk of having him around is that he’ll decide we need help with something and then he’ll do the helping too enthusiastically.

[He’ll be very interested in you if you stay for cold pizza, but if he notices he’s making you uncomfortable he’ll leave. Or he’ll try something to fix your discomfort…no telling what. He brought me juice while I wrote an essay, and he bought me a tree.] 

When he finished, he watched his roommate read the long message. Finally, Lexi sighed and nodded.

“I’ll go put on a shirt,” he murmured.

It wasn’t long before he reappeared in the living area, well-dressed and ready to point out that Haoyu was feeding Esh-erdi all of the things that had been declared unfit for wizard Thanksgiving a mere day ago.

“We can order good food from somewhere,” he said seriously to Esh-erdi. “You don’t have to eat the mystery dishes and the floor potatoes.”

“Don’t worry,” said Esh-erdi, looking at him with one eye and a smile. “Human food isn’t very frightening. What is floor potatoes?”

Haoyu started describing how the mashed potatoes had been dropped on the staircase because of Kon and then been reassembled, bowl and all, by Kon. 

“And there’s not even any dirt or dust or hair in here as far as we can tell,” Haoyu said, scooping some of the floor potatoes onto a plate for himself. “When he brought them up here, they still had the butter swirl Søren had put on top and everything. Which is amazing! But just in case, we decided not to send these to Matadero with the other dishes.”

Esh-erdi did take a bite of the potatoes, but not until he’d stared at them for a much longer time than anything else.


“You can stay here with your friends tonight if you want,” Esh-erdi said. It was late, and the nonagon was rising above Garden Hall. “All of the most worrying matters have been dealt with. I’d like for you to return to Matadero again at least once so that we can speak of certain things that are best spoken of in that place, but otherwise you’re free to come and go while Lind and I are staying there.”

“Come and go?” Alden asked, almost bringing the nonagon to a halt. The wind ruffled his hair; the air smelled clean and crisp.

“If you want.”

Who would want to come and go from The Slaughterhouse? Alden thought, only to realize that he did want. People he liked were there, and Matadero was convenient for him in some ways.

“The teleportation area,” he said. “It’s all right for me to use it to go see the mind healer on Monday?”

Travel through the TC had its inconveniences, and it would be easier to hide how frequently he was going to the Triplanets if his trips were routed through the cube.

Or if I just vanished from my room like it was an insta-summons. But let’s give Earth a break where we can, right?

“You can use any of the facilities you want,” Esh-erdi said. “Though I’m aware that with your body healed, you may have trouble convincing people Porti is responsible for trips you make to the cube.”

I could tell everyone he was experimenting on me…and he might take that as an invitation to experiment on me.

“Why would I be allowed to come and go from Matadero if I’m not working there?”

Esh-erdi looked thoughtful. “You’ve proven yourself worthy of trust. I like your company and want to enjoy more conversations with you before I leave Earth. It is convenient for me if you’re occasionally in the same location as me, and I do hope to make your life easier. Giving you access to the building is such a <<minute>> privilege that I can’t imaging an Artonan ever questioning it once they know the situation. I find your own people’s fascination with your presence there <<perplexing>>.”

“Um…it’s strongly associated with demon fighting,” Alden pointed out. “And I’m an adolescent. And a Ryeh-b’t. And not very powerful.”

“I know,” said Esh-erdi. “But everyone is aware by now that it’s being used as a house, despite our <<polite fictions>> about making repairs…oh. Do some humans think the polite fictions hide nocturnal battles instead of rest? That misconception might explain some things.”

“I don’t think people think that,” Alden said. “At least not many of them. Honestly, it’s…I can’t think of the word. Novelty? The novelty of me being there. And envy mixed in. And some stranger things that aren’t worth mentioning.”

“I see,” Esh-erdi said. He looked out over Apex. “Change our direction a little since you seem to be coming back with me anyway.”

“Yes. My learning cushion is there. And I have an earring from Olorn-art’h now, and I…”

“You don’t have to explain.” Esh-erdi pointed in a more southerly direction. “Go that way.”

Alden sent a hasty course change notice to traffic control, then did as he was told. A couple of minutes later, they were flying slowly over Punta de la Luna. Esh-erdi cast a spell that produced a familiar giant ball of light so that they could clearly see the hill the ambassadorial residence had once been built on top of.

“They finished recovering everything of value, and we arranged for the trash to be removed this morning. Clean, isn’t it?”

It was. Unrecognizably so. A whole landscape was spread out below them, ready for new construction.

The knight took a step closer so that they were standing nearly shoulder-to-shoulder. “Envy from people who see only the reward, and not the wreckage, isn’t worth the turning of an eye.”  

Alden tried to imagine the exact position of the house, the greenhouse, the staircase he’d carried Zeridee down.

“You’re right,” he agreed. “That’s true.”

He turned to look at the knight, only to step backward in shock as Esh-erdi’s mouth opened and a huge belch of sound rattled the air around them.

“Oh my fucking hell! What—?” Alden’s words were lost as the noise hit a sort of wet higher pitch, like a phlegmy bullfrog was having its legs pinched off slowly mid-bellow.

When it finally ended, Alden was gaping at the Artonan. “Are you…well?”

Does he need medical attention? Was it the potatoes?

“Fly back to the cube slowly,” said Esh-erdi in his normal, pleasant voice. “We can’t rush through ‘The Elder’s Croak.’ Especially not during your first listening!”




The ducks: Did Aimi apologize to them? NO. She did not.



Thank you!


Thank you for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter!


How are there already three comments?


Anyway thank you for the chapter


Haha, totally called why they bailed last chapter.


alright i can stay up a bit longer


Ty-- I hope Alden starts attributing random unlucky things that happen to Haoyu to be the result of how ugly he is.


Finally! Something for my Esh-erdi xxx fantasies!


Omg will the elder's croak be told entirely off screen ?

Heather White

“Cucumbers,” said Esh-erdi. Oh, Esh-erdi, you observant, devious genius. Thank you for all the ways you look after Alden. Seeing Haoyu and Esh interact was everything I could have hoped for. Poor Lexi.

Bob Ross

"The Adjuster cleaning that table would have broken it even if you hadn't been there." Alden doing his best to show that even a Hn'tyon isn't too old for a loving lie!

Restless LEGO

Nice job Aimi to warn Alden, and to let him know that he actually got her Dad a sweet birthday present! She’s still kinda sketchy, but also weirdly wholesome.

John D Jones

Once again Alden rescues an Artonan from danger. The danger of being annoyed/bored by asshat members of Lute's family, but danger all the same. I think I feel a little better about all the folks who initially left. I suspect it's not that they didn't want to be around Esh-erdi so much as they didn't want to be around the fame-whore twits likely to gather around Esh-erdi.


thanks for the chapter I had chapters that made me smile, cry and some give me anxiety but I still have to see one that does not satisfy me


We get the croak! And it is glorious!


Oh man, I can't wait for the Elder's Croak

Emily Curtis

Finally! Belch time!


I've been wondering: is the Forthright building secretly named after Forthright the author?


soup for the masses!


Misunderstandings will just snowball from here on out, I can't imagine what kind of fables and gossip people have already dreamt up about Alden

Richard Hines

I loved this. Thank you!

alex ayala

I'm dying for alden to confess he's a wizard to esh'erdi

Julian Bello

What a vast croak, why whatever creature made it must be big enough to hold the entire universe. (Cough cough Homestuck)

the btrflyz

That was great, but the cliff for the Elder's Croak is going to make the wait the next few days almost unbearable. Also, Haoyu and Esh in the same scene was 11/10. Poor, poor Lexi.




Favorite line: “She captured me and put me in a car against my will. She ruined a meal for some ducks. But she also shares her belongings and comes to give warnings, so I’m slowly forgetting about the first part.”


That seemed so fun to hang with Esh, his delight at everything is a wonderfully attractive quality about him! I also feel like Esh Erdi was reading the description of how Kon’s spell worked before eating the floor potatoes to make sure it was good lolol


Hahaha Cottontail Mode.

faite kellander

I wonder what this private conversation is. Figure stuff out? I also really looking forward to the next couple of chapters.

Claire McCammon

Such a delightful chapter! Thank you for the SOUP. It was ajoyful way to end the day!


Can someone remind me what the Elder's Croak is?


the elder's croak suddenly seems far less insightful than I had imagined.

Chas Becht

Possible typo: “He gave you permission to use his first name!” Esh-erdi said. “Your friendship buds.” I believe this should be "you're" instead of "your"


Nope, you are friendship buds wouldn't make sense. I think I see what you're aiming at, but buds is used to mean slowly grows, not pals here.

Chas Becht

Mine: "Esh-erdi looked intrigued at the promise of a warning…or possibly at the sight of the Velra tattoo on Aimi’s hip. He must have recognized it since Aulia liked to stamp it on her things."


I mean, with Esh's personality I assumed it would be a fairly humourous tale with a truism at its center.


A story to help explain the respectful silence around knights.


Most likely his relationship with Artonans on Earth, and his Matadero contract.


If you’d told past me I’d be excited that next week a Rabbit might hear the Elder’s Croak on the Nonagon Forsaken By His Mother I’d have thought one of us was mid-stroke and yet here I am, excited

Pax Grey

I envy you. At the end of every chapter, I'm only left craving more.


Might be the discussion involving the matadero tattoo.


Thanks Sleyca! Loved this chapter!


Alden's biography is going to be Stranger than fiction once it hits the shelves.


I do crave for more, but I always have at least 5 minutes where I'm full of soup (the comments help)

Nathan Rice

I wonder if Esh noticed something special about Kon's skill...


Kon. Uh oh. Someone big is going to be watching your career now… I really doubt Esh-erdi was staring at those potatoes just to run a floor dirt check spell.


Honestly my favorite tidbit detail for this chapter was Ami noticing Alden’s unique accent. The lack of response from Alden too. Just felt like a cool way to show the curiosity is still there with the tension and the humor all in a little ball. Thank you for the chapter!

Hamish Mclaren

Thanks for the chapter, I’d been dying to know the colour of Esh Erdi’s nipples.


Edit Suggestions: “The crikchikchikchik?” Haouy asked, ->“The crikchikchikchik?” Haoyu asked,


Tonight We Feast There once was a Rabbit named Thorn With a family recipe that includes corn The Knights ate his turkey The exact details are murky Jupiter even crafted them a << big horn >> 🍗


[System Message from The Daily Soup] Is Sleyca lying to us? [Author Draw-Draw] [Art by Draw-Draw Jr.] Sleyca claims to post on Sunday and Wednesday But Sleyca lives on the West Coast ( UTC -8 / -9 ) and is a night owl In order for ➖100% of the Globe, including New Zealand, to read it before 11:59:59P on Sunday, Sleyca has to post it before Sunday at 3A West Coast ➖75% of the Globe, including Chagos Archipelago, to read it before 11:59:59P on Sunday, Sleyca has to post it before Sunday at 9A West Coast ➖50% of the Globe, including Europe, to read it before 11:59:59P on Sunday, Sleyca has to post it before Sunday at 3P West Coast ⏰


That was such a good chapter! Seeing Hayou warm up to Esh-erdi was great and omg I am so excited to hear the Elder’s Croak!!!

Heather White

I wonder if Haoyu’s passionate explanation of the magical glass balls as home decor will result in a future gift. Seems like the kind of thing Esh would do…


that was a really satisfying chapter thank you


I don’t think so. It was said earlier (during the admissions arc?) that many of the buildings were named after virtues

Heather White

Can you imagine what it looked like to the others in the sauna when a teenage boy herded an Artonan knight out of the sauna, and the knight went along with it? That would have violated so many preconceptions and expectations.


Thank you Sleyca!


So are the artonan stripes like the ones human women have (only visible) or more like an African striped weasels?


Importantly, Alden is willing to forget the *first* part, about being carnapped. Not so much the ducks.

John Koor

Man, that went by way too quickly. Excellent chapter.

Anthony Lutz

“Envy from people who see only the reward, and not the wreckage"... isn't that the most accurate description of hn'tyons ever..


Very fun chappie! Esh is so great, and I LOVED “criminal grape juice!”

Alan Miller

I still think he should have done the Elder's Croak in the sauna, particularly if that's how it starts (and continues?)

Robert Mullins

Yeah, I was thinking the same. Probably a very familiar idea for knights dealing with avowed or ignorant Artonans.

Counting Sheep


Heather White

“Hey Alden, your Artonan kinda sounds like you’re from Moon Thegund. How’d you end up with that accent?”


If you timeskip past The Elder's Croak I will be moderately annoyed. The next chapter needs to be entirely narrated by Esh-erdi. Possibly the next half dozen chapters.




Or maybe it's finally time for Esh to reveal that he clocked Alden as a wizard weeks ago, and telling the story of the Croak is gonna segue into why he's not gonna tell anybody else if Alden's kept it a secret so far.


The story that explains why it's taboo to talk about the knights affixation


She turned out as well as anybody raised by the Velras realistically could. Aside from occasionally hitting legendary healers with her car. Like, she sees nothing wrong with kidnapping random children to serve her own ends, but her approach was probably nowhere near as bad as the solutions her relatives would have come up with if she hadn't got there first.

Zachary McNamara

This feels like a slice of life chapter that has SO MUCH life breathed into it. Sleyca is awesome. Lots of moments that could be expanded, aren't for probably good reasons, and are still fun to imagine playing out yourself.


I can't shake off the feeling that his levity hides the weight of being a Knight. He needs to be flippant to push back the mental burden carried by all Knights. It's both admirable and really sad. He acts like he needs to recharge his battery as much as possible before fighting the Real Fights and his plans for doing so were jeopardized. Thank Alden for the positive vibes boost.


That's why I asked if it was secretly named after them

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Man, ppl on social media are gonna talk about how the thanksgiving rabbit can say things like ‘let’s go guys’ and the general will *stand up and leave* Must be surreal lol

Hapless Scribbler

Oh man the school admins are going to be so pissed Alden took Esh everywhere BUT the gym, the place they most want a wizard to consider renovating hahaha


I die. I live. I read. I die again. Endless eons stretch between now and Wednesday. Will Wednesday ever come? I have no proof.


Keiko Velra turned out the best, and Lute is also turning out well.

Faces The Wind

Cottontail - Event Coordinator

Guus van der Borg

I'm a little sad Lexi and Esh-erdi didn't talk about Mind Writhers. Lexi is probably the one who could benefit the most from a few artonan pointers right now. (Plus, I think mind writhers are cool and I'd like to know more about them myself.)


Thanks Sleyca! The last lines were definitely funny and unexpected. I'm still hoping they get to talk about more serious stuff and Alden isn't forced to keep hiding all his secrets :/

the btrflyz

I thought during that scene "Alden, you can't CHIVY a Knight of the Mother Planet like he's a wandering preschooler!"

Jeremy Goldberg

What a great chapter! It was nice that Esh-erdi just wanted to spend some free time with Alden. The moment where Hayou and Esh’erdi both expected Alden to come up with something to do gave me second-hand social anxiety 😅

the btrflyz

"Why do you sound like a child from the Triplanets equivalent of Kentucky?"


Another great chapter as usual. Artonans seem to possess an incredible vocal range, so much so i'm surprised that humans don't seem to have much trouble learning their language


Maybe it is adjusted for children, since their vocal cords are probably not as developed? Or to the sound frequencies that propagate the farthest?


humans have an incredible vocal range too


Wow, that is a genius idea. Now I will be dissapointed if this does not happen, thanks for that. :( (still great idea though, good thought!)


That was great. He seems to be navigating Lexi better. Now to see how everyone else reacts to him chillin with the general!


I noticed that a while ago too. It's easier if you think of the post schedule as Monday-Thursday instead.


I can't believe that I only noticed this chapter, but one reason Alden wants Stu to stay away from the internet has probably to do with too much easily accesible media of skimpily dressed aliens on there.

faite kellander

This is what I'm hoping for, I think it would be very interesting direction to go to have somebody to seek guidance from.


I've read it 3 time before I noticed that the mistake was in his name of not the chittering sound. 🤦‍♂️

Cyrus McEnnis

Probably not confess to Esh, unless he does it as part of the secrecy tattoo for The Abattoir. But Esh working it out from context and clues? Yeah, that could happen, especially if Alden does an authority "knock" while close to him.


Lexi regrets taking them on as roommates so very, very much


Not sure he can tell it to anyone with a contract that forces them to behave in the triplanets favor, untill it is out in the open.


They could have left when the fame-seekers were around, as a form of silent protest.


Typo: But at lease it was preferable to the next saunagoer— -> But at least it was preferable to the next saunagoer—


Yeah, they're gonna get 500 new learning cushions rather than anything magical!


New head cannon: Ami, dressed super chic as always, goes back to the park and feeds the ducks. She didn't have any bread at home and definitely didn't read any of the signs explaining what ducks should eat, so she's feeding them some super fancy pastries that she likes. The ducks have the best day ever.


This chapter was hilarious so many times. "Was it the potatoes?" Was my favourite And Lexi's reaction

Guus van der Borg

He probably does on some level, but I think he's grateful as well. I was thinking about it on a re-read, but despite all of Alden and Lute's surrounding shenanigans, their rooms are probably the most comfortable of all the ones we've heard of. Both relationship-wise and physically. They have very nice furniture, but more importantly they're all great friends that really only have hangups about Lexi and Lute being bath hogs. I've never even heard about roommates living that drama-free. Meanwhile: Maricel's apartment has a constantly-judgemental Vandy who judges them when they don't train every second of the day. (They like her, but still, constant scrutiny has got to wear thin sometimes) Søren set his apartment on fire. I bet Lucille and Marsha in the same apartment can't always be fun. And then there's Max, Finlay, Winston, and Jeffy's apartment... I don't even want to know what their common area looks like....


@Sindri (puts on conspiracy hat). She is the secret mastermind of the Velras. Her role in the story so far was too convenient. Hit the healer so they took Artonan healing lessons, did the trade for Lute, nabbed Alden. Shared her home, found out how to keep Hazel away from her, gives warnings to others, not on the radar of the "power players" of her family.

Smokestack Matt

Visiting the site where Alden publicly cast a spell, alluding to an important and discrete conversation, and telling a culturally significant story about or relevant to knights. Taken altogether, it's either an enormous bait and switch or he definitely knows.


Yes, I didn't understand if they were darker skin or just indentations

Guus van der Borg

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Principle Saleh will have an internal fit when Alden explains why he didn't show him the gym. I think Klein might appreciate it though. He seems like the type that doesn't like educational interuptions for pr reasons, no matter how potentially profitable.


"Interesting, the Contract is already handing out this spell so soon after they became a resource planet..."

Guus van der Borg

Too public. Esh-erdi mentioned that Knights using skills is technically still supposed to be a secret Even though he realizes that it's not very secret anymore, he probably still isn't really in a position to flout that rule because he feels like it. There seem to be political/traditional considerations as well. Esh-erdi has mentioned multiple times he doesn't consider it something worth keeping from Avowed, but apparently enough people disagree with that that he must/wants to respect that.


Esh-erdi is so cool, he is so child-like yet mature when he needs to be. He really matches well with Alden, I hope he will become his mentor.


Poor Aulia, Esh suddenly has a reason to do a background check on her family and everything they did which impacted Alden


True, but I am sure Lexi tells himself that he is so unlucky, even if he doesn't believe it deep down

Guus van der Borg

"“We can go do something else fun,” said Haoyu. “I want to do something fun,” Esh-erdi agreed. They both looked back at Alden, wearing bizarrely similar hopeful expressions" I am not surprised. Haoyu and Esh-erdi are 'bizarrely similar' in terms of personality after all. :)


If the belch was the elders croak that’s hilarious! 😆

Adam Davies

Fab chappie. Thanks :) :) :)

Batty Corvina

Thanks for the chapter. It was so enjoyable to read Esh and Haoyu interact. I love them both to bits. And Lexi being a grumpy danger badger is adorable. Glad Alden took the time to explain the situation to him to put him more at ease. Looking forward to hearing the Elder's Croak 🤔


> Esh-erdi did take a bite of the potatoes, but not until he’d stared at them for a much longer time than anything else. maybe he was taking a look at it with his authority to figure out what kind of affixed talent would enable such a thing. Or maybe it reminds him of someone he knows/knew who had a similar talent?

Batty Corvina

Kon has basically the opposite skill to his. As he's been said to be good at taking things apart. And Kon puts things back together. I wonder if he was using his senses to see how well Kon had done it and if he could see any flaws. That's my theory at least. 😅


"Why do you sound like a child from Kentucky who ate a college-level science text and is barfing it back up word by word?"


I'm still holding out hope Alden will convey something he learned about Mind Writhers from Stu.


They kind of do, though. It's been noted that the vocabulary is *large* by Earth standards, and also that Alden has typical human speech quirks, and that you need to be body-modded to do all the wordchains right. Aimi's Artonan is near-perfect because she was taught from a tot, spends time on the Artonas regularly, and has been body-modded for better vocal range.

hercule pyro

Or, maybe,he was weighing the risks of eating food that had been on the floor.


this was such a fun chapter, thanks a ton! I'm real excited to learn what the Elder's Croak is about, and I am loving esh-erdi's interactions with alden and friends

Guus van der Borg

About wordchains and language though, Lute said he was studying some old wordchains that are in an old pre-unification language. So it seems like the language you use for wordchains isn't derived from some sort of law of the universe. I wonder if that means you could technically do chains in whatever language you want, or construct new ones in a new language? Same with spells. (I doubt it'll ever be adressed in the story. It's always a problem with writing fictional magic spells. Spells being in a specific language will always bring up the debate on how convenient it is that the spells just happen to align to the language. But for the sake of the story it's probably best to think of it in terms of 'it's magic, don't worry about it.' Still, fun to theorize about, imo.)

Guus van der Borg

I have a feeling the next one to know will be Joe. Sleyca has (apparently, this was second hand info for me) said that she isn't done with Joe yet. And the most obvious reason I could see Joe sticking around in this story is as a sort of magic mentor for Alden. I don't really see how he can be used for the story in another way. Besides, he is not under an oath to the triplanets that potentially requires him to out Alden as a pseudo-knight, and is morally flexible enough to teach Alden on the down-low.


I've been really looking forward to The Elder's Croak. For some reason I assumed more than just Alden would hear it.


Has it really only been a week since the flood? I hope as Alden starts his therapy that starts the new arc or just speeds up the pace of the story a tinch


I think the magic therapist is gonna push Alden to open up to the close few who understand, while Alden doesn’t seem at risk for failing to endure an affixation, I believe it’s been stated before that finding solace in a fellow knight is wise during struggling times.


We haven’t seen it yet but I feel that all artonans most likely respect knights. It would be like not respecting disabled war veterans, of course there are probably some exceptions but as a whole unlikely. Also I wonder what the relationship between authority and non wizard class artonans is.


It's probably weirder than that. He has an american accent, plus the Moon Thegund accent. And considering that he's been spending quite some time talking to Stuart who grew up in the Knight Rapport One, his accent is only going to get weirder.


What was the elders croak again? Besides a giant belch, I mean.


Nah... we haven't checked in on Lute in ages. Surely we're due for some Lute chapters next. Elder's Croak in November.


It's in loop-the-loop, but it's the fable Esh-erdi talks about when Alden asks why no one talks about Wizards being avowed.

Giant Sloth

this... this.. this was fucking glorious. Poor Lex for not murdering everyone. The only way to top the chaos would have been for Lux to somehow pop up and be himself.

Carl Earl

I read that a depressing number of times before I saw what the correction was.


I don't know. While it would be really cool, and generally what I'd expect narratively, what are the odds that Kibby hears the story at the same time? I think it could be just as interesting for Kibby to hear about the story and then ask Alis-art'h to tell it.

Carl Earl

Can someone tell/remind me what esvulgivnas means?


I was going to say... I don't think Esh was talking about Punta de la Luna when he said that.


Until told otherwise, I am going to imagine them like the ones the Na'vi from Avatar have.


Some sort of artonan honeymoon. They are breaking themselves to make a whole. Maybe mixing their authority?


Alden just dropped a huge bread crumb leading towards him having given Hazel’s Chainer to the Velras. Some of those creepy over-interested people are going to wonder when and why Aimi kidnapped Alden. The part about the ducks even hints at where it happened. I imagine the Informant will be getting some inquiries.


I think it's an Artonan equivalent of fable. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. Noone talks about artonan knights sort of thing

Carl Earl

I spent so long trying to figure out what Hayou was trying to say in that scene, and I just remembered while reading your comment that alcohol is banned. I don't know WHY, but it seems that is the hardest thing for me to remember.


So, someone probably just recorded Alden giving an order to a knight and them following it, right?


Poor Kon. He gets summoned because of potatoes salad. Or maybe Soren did something to his potato salad?


I have no idea what a mind writher looks like. I imagine it something like an agony inducing whip?

Guus van der Borg

A. I've been picturing it myself as a handle with a sort of retractable whip with a sort of spike or blade on the end? Lexi is often desribed as poking holes in things and lengthening and shortening it. B. I don't think it specifically induces agony. I think it can get extremely hot, almost lightsaber style, and obviously trying to hold it and drag it like Alden tried is gonna hurt like a b****.

Guus van der Borg

To be fair, tour guides would do things much like that. Even if people tried to read into it, I bet the conclusion would just be that Alden is giving a tour.


People who can single handedly demolish a city block should not get drunk.

Guus van der Borg

"Mehdi keeps saying things about how you might be getting secret knowledge and techniques from being around so many wizards at Matadero, and how if he was there he would be getting secret knowledge and techniques and petitioning them to add a bunch of spells and skills to Agi.”" Think this is part of the reason why Mehdi was 'being weird' about beating Alden? That Mehdi thought that Alden had gotten the secret sauce from the wizards and he still beat him?

JJ Hunter

Oh, this was *wonderful*! Everything I was hoping for out of this chapter and bonus Aimi as well. Esh is so invested in the Alden and Stu friendship weaving, my heart. Love how he's treating Haoyu like a newbie knight (newling!). Artonans have back stripes?! I just finally realized that timing of Artonan second meal overlapping with timing of Earth third meal has to do with the longer day lengths on the TriPlanets. I wonder if the Artonans on Earth for extended periods take any special meds to help them sync better to the shorter local day/night?


so many members of the velra family can be equated with seagulls screaming at each other over a piece of trash someone left on the beach.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Yeah, i think this is the most careless-in-public he’s been by far Those aren’t just bread crumbs, I guess he’s making up for his interrupted duck-feeding session

Thomas Todd

Got to give Aimi respect if that was her idea, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone a bit older and more devious (wink wink). Lexi is going to have a heart attack one of these days, I'm just waiting for him to walk on on the Primary, Stu, Mother somehow and the Earth Contract all having tea in his living room, he might have a mental breakdown or just finally give up and accept that his life has gone of track


Further typo: Giving you access to the building is such a <> privilege that I can’t imaging an Artonan ever questioning it once they know the situation. -- imaging -> imagine

J Reynolds

Yes. Alden's accent is the equivalent of Chicago + Kentucky + Royal Family.

J Reynolds

If someone had Informant gear in the sauna, and posted it to the internet, I imagine they would be told that they were no longer welcome at North of North.


Thanks for the chapter! I've learned plenty of new English words from Super Supportive like "votary" (= ninja assassin) or "perwinkle blue" (= pretty pastel light blue, like a handsome Artnonan's back stripes), but sometimes the new words are Sleyca-made, like esvulgivnas (remembered what it meant after a double-take) or oontsie (understood it was made-up when google failed me). The fact that I sometimes struggle to tell the difference is, I think, a testament to both the delightful attention to linguistics in this story and the awfulness of the English language. PS: were male Artnonan back stripes used for... hmmm idk the word in English... mating competition? This sounds like a sport but I mean the process to select a mate based on their appearance or mating rituals. And are they (still) a trait of a handsome Artonan? If so, what are the criteria? Size, flashy colors, blueness? What are the other criteria?! Maybe magical prowess trumps all in the war of love! Or perhaps kindness/nice personality traits or a dedication to any craft in general (Artonan seem to be an enlightened people after all)? No need to answer all those questions, I'm just really appreciating the meticulous writing of foreign species and cultures that make this sort of questioning legitimate instead of extremely nerdy. Sending a lot of love and support to the author, as always!


Haoyu was such an MVP, and this was an incredibly fun chapter to read xD


I think Esh was inspecting the potatoes for ‘cracks’. I wonder how Kon’s skill usage appears to him? Are the cracks gone completely? Filled with gold to bind the pieces? Hairline artifacts like porcelain shards glued together?


oh i hadn't thought of that, that'd be really interesting if so, ofc he could also be staring at them for other reasons, but that sounds reasonable


I mean broken clock and all that.. but Alden is learning secrets and Stu offered to expand Aldens skill options, not that he needs it, but still.

Guus van der Borg

It's the inevitable result when the head of the family is obsessed with keeping the family together but only a minor part is actually useful. The less useful ones will be left to fight for scraps of power/influence.

David Bailey

With most of his vocab being from children's shows and the rest from talking with the ruling class.

L. Rattay

First Haoyu seened worried about meeting Esh'erdi. But as a party badger he immediatly recognised that Esh'erdi was a party badger aswell, so he knew he had nothing to worry about. Party badgers are usually merry and social creatures! They bite only when threatend.

David Bailey

Things I loved about this chapter: Esh-Erdi's childhood stories. Haoyu's driving motivation. Aimi's continued redemption. Alden's country bumpkin accent (with Bluey-level vocab!) Poor Lexi, he truly is the Most Normal Roommmate. Floor potatoes. The Croak.

Andrew Boyer

What are the odds Esh can read what tattoo contracts say?

JJ Hunter

The CROAK-! Oh my gawd, I can see why Esh wanted the privilege of inflicting this on Alden for the first time, I bet Alden's expression was MAGNIFICENTLY satisfying.

Andrew Boyer

It would be ironic if Kon turned out to have another of the 300 original skills

JJ Hunter

Lind has probably been hearing Esh wandering around practicing this for DAYS, hasn't she. Bwahahahhahahahhahahhaha.

Maddy Weller

Poor Lexi, but I’m glad he got to interact with Esh some! Maybe he’ll figure out that all of the Artonans Alden keeps interacting with aren’t as intimidating as he thinks.


@Carl I should have highlighted the change somehow. Can't bold comments, but maybe stars before and after.


close to nil. The iconography is symbolic in nature rather than an actual character set, and the terms are likely encoded as raw intent rather than strict wording (Contract Earth being an unusual exception)


I think his vocabulary may be acceptable - his teacher was young, but she did learn calculus (therefore has a precocious intelligence) being allowed to learn wizardry. As long as he doesn't accidentally refer to a washer as a yucky butt... 😀

David Bailey

I was going off of a previous chapter where he was strongly recommended to watch the teenage version of the children's show 😆


Forgetting the first part? So Alden's willing to forgive and forget the kidnapping, but not the duck injustice?😂


Oontsie: Small Artonen snake like animal that the corn snake, Candy Corn, (better know as Tiny) reminded Esh-erdi of. And to be fair as a native English reader/speaker I also have a list of vocabulary that I have learned from Soup. I think it speaks to the awesomeness of the author - who looks to find the perfect word for the phrase.

Aspiring Moth

the thing about infogear is that anything within earshot of a device is now available for purchase. it doesn't need to be the person with the device who posts anything, and honestly I doubt that they have access to the constant recording stream. that said, what sort of person brings an infogear into the sauna when they have the system interface wired directly into their soul as a waterproof backup anyway


But if they look into it they will see that it happened during the Gloss... so they will probably forgive him.


@Andrew Boyer I think Kon is actually one of the least likely to have one of the 300. He was offered a new, one of a kind Adjuster path that he decided to take and no one had seen before. That doesn't sound like one of the 300 at all.


I really want Alden or Haoyu to have asked Esh (off scene) about "battle plants" for Jupiter. It would make her day.


What the world misses is an encounter between Lute and Boe. They would certainly get along fast.


Somehow I suspect that Alden will build a properly human magic system, and this could excite Lute and make him apply that to wordchains.


Actually, given Aimi's rep within the Family, they may just attribute the whole thing to Aimi being Aimi. Or, for rhe ones who know of Grandma's obsession with Alden, they may rhink Aimi did it for that.

Darth Xaim

Esh-erdi is this universe's Kermit the Frog, confirmed!

Aspiring Moth

yet wizards who can do that and so much more are basically high functioning drug addicts. I don't understand how the triplanets deal with that


It's a fable that Artonans sometimes tell their children to explain Knights.

Nathan Rice

I'm not looking forward to Kibby discovering the pain that she accidentally put Alden in.

Andrew Boyer

Right, but I’m not saying the actual tattoo, but rather the intent behind it. Stu is able to sense inside a beast already for Joe’s class. A knight might be able to read the meaning of tattoos, he was certainly able to remove them, at least.

Aspiring Moth

definitely one of my favourite chapters so far. up there with artonan conversations


Oh my, I don't usually pay much attention to usernames but I do love yours right now.

Travis Magro

It’s possible, however unlikely, that it is one of the 300, just that its new to humans, and was out of circulation, just like how Alden’s is out of circulation now

Alan Miller

IIRC Lute's analysis was that between being a 'globie' and the Gloss nobody realistic would blame Alden for giving them Chainer.

Alan Miller

It's never defined. My personal guess is that it's something along the lines of sharing extending their affixations - a deeply intense event that could merit a vacation/honeymoon period in a pleasant and low stress location.

Travis Magro

I think Esh knows that Alden can cast spells. He alluded to conversations that they couldn’t have outside of a protected space. And he’s telling the elder’s croak now, I think the next chapter or two might see a “hey I know, I won’t tell anyone because we are friends, but I know”


Lmao Esh you rock!


It's not his place to forgive him for that. Gotta have the Unique Avowed that can talk to small animals ask the ducks for it.


Didn't he outright say that he was gratefull to Aulia? And that their money saved him. I thought the secret was out by then.


Ugh just caught the implication of Aulia stamping it on her "things" and her forcing it onto every Velra person. I know this is Alden's thought and not the omniscient viewpoint's narration, but he's pretty insightful. And he also got treated like an object ("prize") by Joe recently.

Skull Leader

You can't duck out of crimes most FOWL! I will show myself to the door now...

William Johnson

The belch right after the heavy stuff sent me! Well done!

J Reynolds

We know that Alden thinks that Boe and Sophie the grievek would get along.

J Reynolds

I once asked a friend: "When do burp jokes stop being funny?" "Never!"


I somehow have the feeling that Esh will find himself swimming in the ocean next chapter. On another note, I like how Esh mentions his reasons by rank of importance. It feels like he takes his own casualness serious.

Adamas Shield

So, dad's jokes, are either a universal constants or at very least share between these two races^^. As it should be :D


Thank you for the chapter! I had such a huge laugh on first reading and a huge smile on second reading. So, I wonder a bit about Artonan biology and evolution. Could they have evolved from a tree frog like ancestor instead of a primate? Between the croak, the back striping, it's leading me that way, but then there is also live birth, nipples and a belly button, which implies a placenta. I have such amusement imagining Alden pushing and dragging Esh out of the sauna at what had to be the amazement of all present. I've seen this as a bit of a trope in some stories where someone has a disregard for the status quo and treats the truly powerful as an equal (to their amusement) until something happens to humble them, much to the chagrin of one or both. I hope that doesn't happen to Alden, at least not anytime soon or until he's grown powerful himself to fill the too-big shoes he's wearing now.

Nick Nickson

People have had favorable interactions with Grizzly Bears. They doesn't mean they are harmless. These beings that are depicted in this story fall in the same category.


Reminder: Candy Corn/Tiny reminded Esh of Slimeless Oontsies. I think of them as hagfish. Worth looking up if you are not familiar with them, and aren't adversely discouraged by slime.


... did we maybe already see what the spiders looks like? The mechanical thing before Thegund. In the student exams. With the knife hands that Alden had to preserve. No wonder Esh said they were evil.


David, I didn't take that comment as pertinent to his vocabulary, more as pertinent to his outlook on life... He was expressing some very childish level opinions and needs to mature to teenage level maturity.


nah, he needs a protected space because the elder's croak is supposed to not be spread to non-avowed and the informant could be spying anywhere, anytime.

Aspiring Moth

he said to fly slowly to matadero, implying he plans to tell the fable as they travel. I think the wizardry is more likely, honestly

Aspiring Moth

if Esh-erdi's group does know about Alden's wizardry as some of us suspect, they probably think Joe was the one to teach him. I can see a military tribunal style confrontation with only the knights, their entourage, Alden and Joe in the room. Joe would be forced to trust Alden and release the contract tattoo to clear his name

Andrew Simpson

It's happpppening! I suspect Esh already knows about our rabbit knight, or will deduce it from Alden's reaction during the story.


He will never do it. For all his life adults were not to be trusted or to be depended on. MAYBE after the healer of mind gets him straight, MAYBE.

Ian T Hathaway

Every time Esh speaks I can feel my eyes physically transforming into hearts like a cartoon. I'll be forwarding you my medical bills, Sleyca

Explo Rin

What tells us that the Elder's Croak is a skill instead of a physical ability?

Explo Rin

From Chapter 152, when Alden asked him why no one admits that a knight's "spells" actually comes from his bound authority: “You ask why no one ever mentions the <>.” He spoke easily, with no trace of any of the reactions Alden had feared. “It is something of a secret on this world, though nobody means for it to be a perfectly kept one at this point in our peoples’ relationship with yours. It’s <> in our culture for those who aren’t a hn’tyon themselves, or closely associated with us, to speak of it. To such a <> that many still swear themselves to the maintenance of <>, following the old traditions. “Assuming things go as I imagine they will, you’ll find that around the time our nature becomes more widely understood here on Earth, the silence will be adopted as well.” “Then I’m sorry for bringing it up.” “There’s no need to be. You didn’t call me a pastry. And asking questions for the purpose of educating yourself wouldn’t be offensive to anyone worth worrying about. Some of us, including Lind-otta and I, consider Avowed to be a <> from <>. Though not everyone feels that way, so I would walk carefully around others.” So it wasn’t actually secret. Even on other worlds. But nobody had ever explained it to Kibby, and Alden had never gotten to hear about it while he was consuming Artonan media because it wasn’t talked about at all. “Elder’s croak?” he asked. “I’m not sure the Contract is translating that correctly.” “A <> often told to children and sometimes used to explain the respectful silence. I don’t have time to tell it now. But I’ll make sure you hear it.” Esh-erdi sat up. “I am a <>. Do not let anyone tell it to you before me. The first time is the best.” “All right,” said Alden. Esh-erdi chortled to himself. “It’s been a few years. I must practice my croak! As for the rest of your question, telling everyone that we cast spells is probably the best option. It’s also not untrue from a certain perspective.” And then in Chapter 159, when Alden was about to leave to visit Stu: "A message from Esh-erdi arrived. Alden had felt bad texting the knight when he was busy cleaning up Sinker Sender magic, but he guessed he shouldn’t have, since Esh-erdi’s replies had made it seem like he was pleased with the turn of events. Although this one said, [Do not let anyone tell you The Elder’s Croak. I will be better at it than them.]"

Explo Rin

Esh-erdi has been waiting for this for a long time! From Chapter 152, when Alden asked him why no one admits that a knight's "spells" actually comes from his bound authority: “You ask why no one ever mentions the <>.” He spoke easily, with no trace of any of the reactions Alden had feared. “It is something of a secret on this world, though nobody means for it to be a perfectly kept one at this point in our peoples’ relationship with yours. It’s <> in our culture for those who aren’t a hn’tyon themselves, or closely associated with us, to speak of it. To such a <> that many still swear themselves to the maintenance of <>, following the old traditions. “Assuming things go as I imagine they will, you’ll find that around the time our nature becomes more widely understood here on Earth, the silence will be adopted as well.” “Then I’m sorry for bringing it up.” “There’s no need to be. You didn’t call me a pastry. And asking questions for the purpose of educating yourself wouldn’t be offensive to anyone worth worrying about. Some of us, including Lind-otta and I, consider Avowed to be a <> from <>. Though not everyone feels that way, so I would walk carefully around others.” So it wasn’t actually secret. Even on other worlds. But nobody had ever explained it to Kibby, and Alden had never gotten to hear about it while he was consuming Artonan media because it wasn’t talked about at all. “Elder’s croak?” he asked. “I’m not sure the Contract is translating that correctly.” “A <> often told to children and sometimes used to explain the respectful silence. I don’t have time to tell it now. But I’ll make sure you hear it.” Esh-erdi sat up. “I am a <>. Do not let anyone tell it to you before me. The first time is the best.” “All right,” said Alden. Esh-erdi chortled to himself. “It’s been a few years. I must practice my croak! As for the rest of your question, telling everyone that we cast spells is probably the best option. It’s also not untrue from a certain perspective.” And then in Chapter 159, when Alden was about to leave to visit Stu: "A message from Esh-erdi arrived. Alden had felt bad texting the knight when he was busy cleaning up Sinker Sender magic, but he guessed he shouldn’t have, since Esh-erdi’s replies had made it seem like he was pleased with the turn of events. Although this one said, [Do not let anyone tell you The Elder’s Croak. I will be better at it than them.]"


Somehow the story will deteriorate in retellings down to "The Radish Rabbit fed cucumbers to the General in the sauna."


I could say the same about Avowed. "It's magic, don't over think it" but that's what we do here. :-)


He can't afford for his bird-related reputation to get any worse!

J Reynolds

Realized that Alden has succeeded where Aulia failed. Alden has had a general over for dinner. Kabir said that Aulia has tried just this multiple times but with no success. Another sign (as if another were needed) that Alden is a super-important guy for Aulia to make friends with!

Mason W

I like Aimi. She seems fun for a Velra.

Tycho Green

What clues you in to your inference that Esh suspects Alden has an authority sense? What have you picked up on that makes you say that if Esh hasn’t had any suspicions up to this point, Alden’s reaction to hearing the Elder's croak will lead him to deduce it?


Boe, Sophie, Lute, and Alden. Sounds like a party

the btrflyz

"Shouldn't" would probably be a better word than "can't" Obviously he CAN, because he did


It hasn't been explained much, or clearly. "Like a honeymoon" is the best we have so far. You can extend the implications though; they've decided to undergo the Breaking together. Breaking sounds like it refers to Authority or Death. My three top guesses are that they rely on each other to make it through affixation together; or else they have decided to lay down their burdens and do the ritual suicide in the trees together; or else it has something to do with fighting demons in an extremely dangerous location, which they aren't expected to survive, and that confrontation is the Breaking.


I bet the story is going to be periodically interrupted by a croak, and Esh will just keep refusing to acknowledge the sound that came out of his mouth or Alden's reaction to it.


Nope. The raisin spiders in question are twice the size of an adult human and, presumably, made of meat. The only thing they have in common with the science project is many legs. Granted, that's enough to creep lots of people out.


“That’s not on me. I was just an honest bystander.”  I love the switch from innocent bystander to an honest one :)


I'm not sure it's accurate to day that Alden has a disregard for the status quo, at least in terms of power hierarchy. He is shown being very respectful. All the liberties he has taken have been invited. He tends to drift on the social norms less on class and more on cultural boundaries. He is the all-friend, after all, and his extraordinary empathy and capacity to find common ground are unusual.


Thanks for the chapter.

Aspiring Moth

[Should we take him to see the MPE gym?] Alden texted. [Who now?] Haoyu asked. [It says Private Sessions on the schedule. Whoever it is, they probably don’t want us there, right?] Haoyu shrugged. [I’ll try to work it out for another day,] Alden typed. --- so we probably have a gym session with Esh-erdi as cheerleader to look forward to in the near future

Matt DiMeo

another lost opportunity to ask wth is up with mind writhers.


Can someone remind me, has Alden told Esh about the encounter with Bash-nor? And Bash-nor giving him the 300,000 argold ?


Haoyu’s thought texting is so pleasant to read. It’s so, “idgaf, who cares, you get me.” It just feels so true.

Dalton C Vieira

Can't imaging -> can't imagine

J Reynolds

Saw this xkcd cartoon and one[1] of the three scientists immediately reminded me of Jupiter. https://www.xkcd.com/2977/ [1] But which one?!?


If Alden can come and go at Matadero, that means he gets to keep the nonagon longer!


The fact that it is an actual Croak is just hilarious.