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Alden completely forgot he was flying. The nonagon stopped in midair while he increased the opacity on his interface to make the three Velra faces that were juxtaposed in his vision clearer.

On the left was Aulia, severe and firm with just a hint of sadness at the corners of her eyes. And Orpheus, frightened and sloppy with tears. In the right video window, Lute’s expression had blanked. He’d gone so still that if Alden hadn’t been using the System for this call he’d have wondered if his tech was glitching. 

“My great grandson will be turned over to the authorities to pay for his crimes,” Aulia said. “But an S-rank Chainer might prove difficult to apprehend, and I see no reason for his failings to lead to even more loss of  life.” 

She squatted beside the man and stared into his eyes. 

He shook his head.

She arched an eyebrow at him, and her mouth tightened.

Orpheus’s lips trembled. A few seconds passed, then he fell over onto the pavement at his grandmother’s feet.

Is he unconscious or faking?

Aulia hadn’t even touched him. Alden was sure there were wordchains that would knock you out like that; something that completely sapped your energy was the most obvious. But whatever it was, Aulia did know how to make an impression.

She rose from her fallen grandson’s side and turned her face to the water. The camera stayed on her profile.

“Anesidora has changed so much since I stepped off the ship that brought the first of us here. I’m proud to have seen it. I’m proud to have watched most of you grow up in a country where Avowed are free.

“Because we weren’t once. Not so long ago.

“When they dumped the first generation here, they had no intention of creating a home for us. There were more foreign soldiers than Avowed. More scientists studying us than teachers helping us. In this place as far away from their own shores as possible, humans tried to control superhumans.

“They tried to master us because they couldn’t master their fears. Of us, of other worlds, and of each other.”

She looked back at the camera.

“I don’t blame them. The powers and creeds they had built their lives on had just been stripped of illusion and revealed to be local idiosyncrasies on the universal scale. Things are so much better now, but…”

The corners of her lips turned. A knowing smile.

“But even though I don’t cast blame, I don’t forget. As you all know, I’ve dedicated decades of my life to Anesidora. I have done my best to contribute to the creation of a country where Avowed can use the abilities we’ve been gifted to live as we see fit, to build something beyond the dreams of most ordinary humans, and to protect ourselves from those who would divide us.”

Aulia swept an arm out. “Anesidora is not a prison anymore. It. Is. Our. Power. Our power. How many times have I stood at podiums and said that Avowed must remain united? On this land. Together. 

“We are powerful. But we are also vastly outnumbered by those who would happily use us for their own ends…or crush us because they long for a way of life that disappeared the minute Earth encountered planets full of new peoples and new ideas.

“Progress takes time. Work. Faith. I have faith in the Anesidora we dreamed of on the day when a few of us stood on this very spot and watched the last ship full of prison guards return to their own countries to tell their leaders that they had made a mistake.

“In their rush to handle us, they instead introduced us to each other. And they gave us a common purpose.” 

She walked back over to Orpheus and looked down at him. “The young can’t remember what they didn’t live through. So I beg you to trust those of us who did live through such times. Superhumans at Large and those like them are not liberators. They are selfish and dangerous.”

Aulia sighed. 

“It seems that my longtime opposition to the expansion of Avowed zones in other countries and my support for policies that will encourage unregistereds to come forward peacefully and join us here has made me the enemy of those organizations. The attack on Matadero…it may be my fault in more ways than one.

“I doubt I’ll have much time to explain before someone arrives to object,” she said. “But the Submerger has been in my possession for many years. It was kept onboard my ship, Libra, in a room made by <<The Picklock>>. It was for my personal use and also for the protection of Anesidora in the event of attack by a foreign navy.

“All current council members were aware that the Submerger existed. It was, if it had ever been needed for anything, always at Anesidora’s disposal.” 

She bowed her head magnanimously. “The President has scheduled a press conference for this evening. I won’t reveal the identity of the attack’s perpetrators before she does. Though I believe sooner is better than later for honesty, and since those identities are known…well…

“I do demand—and we should all demand—that the ongoing investigation go beyond Orpheus’s theft of the device from Libra. Sadly, he’s a flawed individual. But his flaws are well known to anyone who’s ever met him. No reasonable person would think he was capable of stealing from a Wrightmade vault of that quality on his own. Someone else, someone more clever and more treacherous than this poor idiot at my feet could ever hope to be, must have been involved. 

“Orpheus can’t tell me who it was. He can’t even remember stealing the device in the first place. And I think we must assume that the mastermind behind his crime didn’t end their own life during the attack. 

“Anesidora has a greater enemy.  

“And that enemy chose to use my grandson and my Submerger to attack Matadero while I was there aiding one of our battlegroups.” 

Her voice shook slightly for the first time as she said, “I’m sorry. I can’t be sure if the attack was directed at our Anesidora or at me personally, and so I must say goodbye to you all for a time. To ensure that no assault on me touches your lives again, I will live at sea, as far from our home as allowed by law, until I am sure that whoever was responsible for this tragedy…whoever was really responsible…is apprehended.

“And I will dedicate the next weeks, months, or years of my life to finding out who that was.”

She closed her eyes.

Alden took a breath. He realized he hadn’t moved a muscle since she started speaking.

“Holy…uh…Lute?” he asked. “Do you know anything about any of—?”

“I can’t talk right now,” Lute breathed. “I think I might be dead.”

“You look alive to me. A little pale.”

“No. I’m dead. I just haven’t fallen over yet.”


“My grandmother killed hundreds of people.” 

Lute had fallen over now. His voice was muffled by the pillow he was holding on top of his face, but Alden could just make out most of what he was saying. 

“I don’t think that was supposed to be your takeaway from her speech,” he replied, cutting across a small patch of lawn toward the front steps of the admin building. “I think the speech was about how she didn’t kill hundreds of people?”

“That fuffuff Orpheus killed hundreds of people!”

That word was fuck-up maybe? 

Aulia had disappeared from her livestream. Instead, a written letter detailing all of the actions she was taking, and all of the actions she thought the High Council should be taking, to protect Anesidorans from further harm was scrolling up slowly.

Alden was confused by Aulia’s confession. On more than one level. 

It had been unexpectedly compelling at the start, and considering how much he didn’t want to be compelled by Aulia Velra, that was saying something. And then at the end, when she’d basically called herself the primary target of the whole attack, he’d thought she sounded like a twisted old politician trying to make herself out to be the victim. 

Only the more he tried to put his finger on why she sounded that way, the more he struggled to articulate it to himself.

Someone used her great grandson to steal a magic device from her ship to attack the place where she happened to be…

If you had nothing else to go on, it would look like she either set the whole thing up, someone set it up to frame her, or she was really the target of a failed assassination.

But the person who directed the boat with the Sinker Sender on it toward Matadero had no intention of doing that when they set sail with the device on board. 

The Artonans had said so. Esh-erdi had said so.

“Has anyone ever tried to assassinate your grandmother before?” Alden asked.

“NOT HARD ENOUGH!” Lute shouted.

“You’re going to be okay, man. This will pass.”

Lute whipped the pillow off his face and sat up. His hair was scrambled. He was breathing hard. “This can’t be happening. This isn’t the kind of thing that happens. Not even to me. Alden, I might as well have SUBMERGER CO-OWNER tattooed over my ass instead of the Velra V.”

“Just try to calm down and talk things over with any family members who might know something?” Alden suggested. “Maybe—”

Another loud scream—this one belonging to someone outside the blanket fort—sounded. 

“Who was that?”

“One of my aunts,” said Lute. “She just read the part of the apology letter about how Aulia’s selling this apartment and a bunch of other places and using the money to build new houses for people…oh my God. It’s my family’s fault Lexi and Kon don’t have a house.”



The personal advisement meeting was on the first floor in a cozy spot that looked nothing like the cramped teacher’s office or boring conference room Alden had expected. A rectangular wooden table with just four chairs sat in front of a wall with an unlit gas fireplace. On the opposite wall, a gallery of matching wooden frames held pictures of famous alumni. There was a coffee maker with a bowl full of pods in one corner. 

It would have been a comfortable place for a meeting, except for the other attendees. 

What the heck? Why? Alden thought while he nodded politely and let Lesedi Saleh show him her favorite kind of coffee pod and the selection of flavored sugars. Why these two? I don’t feel like I need advisement from either of them right now.

Up until the moment he’d walked in, he’d been assuming that lots of people were getting advised about something today.

But while Instructor Klein, who was sitting with his back to the fireplace, might have time for general student advisement at a time like this, Alden doubted that Principal Saleh did. 

Isn’t she dealing with a hundred other things right now?

And they were both smiling at him a lot. Lesedi Saleh was understandable, but Klein…?

He smiled at some people in class. Not Alden. 

His look usually says I’m more of a worrisome chore he’s been given against his will.

Alden took the seat across from the man and stirred vanilla sugar into the coffee. 

“As I was saying…” Principal Saleh stepped through the back of the chair, then sat down. “We just want to have a talk with you before classes re-start. We’re checking in with everyone who was on the bus Friday night. That was a much different end to your trip than we’d imagined.”

Alden relaxed immediately. It made more sense for this meeting to be conducted by the two of them if they were only checking on the few students who’d been on The Span. 

“Since we have you here, we also want to offer you some options for finishing out the rest of this quarter,” the principal continued. “First, how are you feeling about what’s happened? Do you have any concerns or questions? Please feel free to talk about anything you like. The room is private, and anything you say will stay here.”

Alden didn’t really have much to say. The situation on the bridge was over. He was of the opinion that everyone in his class had behaved well and that Instructor Klein had done a good job of instilling order and giving instructions when the sirens first went off. 

What had happened to him afterward wasn’t the school’s business, as far as he was concerned, so he brushed over it by saying he’d been transported to a flyer but there had been a problem boarding it.

He didn’t have any requests they could help him with right now, but he thanked them for offering. 

It took him just a few minutes to cover it all, and he expected there wouldn’t be much more to talk about. But Instructor Klein and Principal Saleh kept exchanging glances that made him think there was a private conversation going on between the two of them.

“You’ve been doing extremely well in the gym,” Klein said finally.

Principal Saleh nodded. “In the short time you’ve had since you were accepted, your progress has been exceptional. We were talking about it just before you arrived. A preservation talent that doubled as a shield for you was already useful. In the past couple of weeks, it’s revealed a remarkable depth and versatility.”

“Thanks,” said Alden. “I’m still working out how I caught the tennis balls with my eyes closed. I’ve made a little bit of progress. I think it’s going to take me a while to get the hang of it, but when I do it should be really interesting.”

“Yes.” Lesedi Saleh smiled again. “Very interesting.”

“The new wordchain you’ve learned is also going to be helpful to you,” Klein offered. “Mastering chains is a good way for someone in your position to make up for low foundation points. If you have a knack for them and you’re willing to dedicate the time necessary to make them a reliable part of your toolkit, that’s something we’ll support.”

“Even if it leads the occasional classmate to decide you’re cheating with performance enhancing drugs,” the principal added lightly. 

I decapitated that classmate, so we’re even now. 

Alden was about to sip his drink when Klein said, “With as well as you’ve done, we all think it’s only a brief matter of time before you level. It’s good work already for the truncated quarter. With that in mind, we wondered if you might want to consider taking a break from the combat class.”

Alden accidentally stabbed himself in the chin with the wooden stir stick he’d left in his cup. 

No! That’s a shitty idea! Why would they suggest it out of the blue?

“No,” he said, being careful not to add an exclamation point. “I don’t want to. Why would I?”

“We only have a few more classes until the end of term,” said Instructor Klein. “In the long run, skipping them for the sake of recovery and personal study might be for the best. And you can start with a full load again in January.”

Is this the same man who gave us all a huge lecture two weeks ago?

You have twenty-one classes between now and the end of the quarter! Be here ten minutes early not ten seconds late. Take your mediocrity elsewhere, time wasters!

“It’s fourteen classes,” said Alden. 

He was trying so hard to keep the “What the hell are you talking about?!” out of his voice even though he was sure it was on his face. 

“I planned to attend all of them.”

It’s why I’m at this school.

“I mean…I was already a little disappointed we weren’t having gym tonight.”

“You’re in a cast, Alden,” Principal Saleh pointed out. 

“Yes, but I could have sat on the bleachers and studied what everyone else was doing. And my<<squishboot>> will probably be off by Wednesday. I’m seeing a really good healer.”

They were both still looking at him. 

“…do I need to bring a note from him?” Alden asked. “I can do that.”

Porti-loth would probably use tree sap to write, “Esh-erdi gave me this. I healed it,” on his forehead. 

“We’re not going to prevent you from attending class if that’s what you want to do,” Principal Saleh said. “As long as you continue to navigate the course as well as you have been.”


“But you have just been through your second disaster in a single year,” she continued. “The program is competitive and stressful. Those factors encourage power growth in most of our students. However, when life outside of school is delivering more than your fair share of difficulty already…intense training can be something that breaks you down instead of builds you. We want you to be particularly cautious about it given your situation.”

“Thank you, but I’m fine.”

“I also want to point out that this is as perfect an opportunity for you to take a step back as we could ask for,” she said. “Several other students, including a member of your class, will be taking personal time due to recent events. Your absence wouldn’t be shocking or resented.”

I am shocked and resentful at the suggestion though. So no. 

“I’m really looking forward to being at every combat class,” he said firmly. “Ten minutes early.”

There was another awkward pause, then Instructor Klein clasped his hands on the table and dropped the smile in favor of a stern look that was much more natural on his face in Alden’s opinion. 

“One thing we haven’t really had time to discuss with your class yet,” he said, “is how important mental state is. And how much superheroing, or any similarly taxing profession an Avowed might pursue, involves managing that carefully.”

For some reason, even with that line, Alden didn’t realize a small strike was incoming until it landed.

“Peace of Mind is an excellent wordchain,” said Klein. “Your use of it on Friday night was completely appropriate. But…”


This is not a big deal. 

He shoved his hand forward to make the nonagon go faster. The wind cooled his face. He told himself his cheeks were only hot because the admin building had been warm and not because he’d gotten flushed from irritation and embarrassment.

It’s their job to make sure I’m okay. They were just doing it.

But he hated the way it threw his own efforts to sort himself out into disarray. 

Here he was, collecting all the fallen pieces and putting Alden Thorn, CNH Student, back together again. He was busy deciding what to do and say about murders, commendations, and Matadero. 

It was his life, he was going to handle it, and he was looking forward to reclaiming his little scraps of normal.

Then here comes someone to throw a rock at me because, “We just want to be sure you’re solid. One of your classmates expressed concern about you. Have you talked to a professional about this yet?”

He clenched his jaw.

This kind of thing is always a trap. You get annoyed because they’re picking at something sensitive. But if they notice you’re getting annoyed, it’s like, “We’ve found a problem after all!” and the questions just keep coming. 

Or you say the wrong thing, freak them out, then they watch you like a hawk for months. And every time you have any emotion whatsoever from that point on it becomes something worthy of analysis.

Not that that would be happening here; he was just having flashbacks to a particularly horrible period in elementary school. Torsten Klein and Lesedi Saleh did seem willing to accept his decision not to prop his feet up and twiddle his thumbs for the next five weeks worth of combat classes.

Alden had explained that the incident on the bus had been triggered by the sudden lack of System features. That kind of thing wasn’t going to be happening every other week…

I hope.

He wondered who’d noticed and “expressed concern”. Not Haoyu obviously; he was fine expressing concern to Alden’s face. 

Let it go. Think of the good things about the meeting. 

They approved of his progress and the wordchain study. He’d gotten a free coffee. They hadn’t asked what was up with him and Esh-erdi.

Though Klein had made an odd comment about how he might want to steer clear of the university’s cultural advisor that could have been a reference. 

They’d also reminded him to talk to his instructors as soon as the System announced that he’d leveled. So that he could get advice about choosing talents and foundational enhancements. 

That’s a problem for another day.


Alden flew around, cooling his face and his temper for so long that he ended up being a little late to the Intro to Other Worlds meeting. He was  disappointed to learn that the course wouldn’t resume until next Monday. The only assignment until then was “do your best” on the essay. 

Vandy caught him at the end of it. “You’re already wearing your uniform.”

“Yep. We match,” said Alden. Except she didn’t have nonagon hair. 

“How did you get hurt? Was it on the bridge?”

“No. It was afterward.”

“You weren’t on campus this weekend,” she informed him. 

Talking to her is already getting familiar. He didn’t mind the way it pulled him back into a known rut.

“I was just waiting around on a healer and finishing my essay.” 

“You finished already?” 

So he was right. She was the kind of person who could look truly caught off guard to find she wasn’t winning at homework…even at a time like this.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I have? I wrote about ewtwee.” Unable to resist, he smiled at her and added, “Did you finish yours?”

“I’ll finish it tonight,” she said. 

Alden wondered if she was going to report back to him the second she’d turned it in. 

They headed to a classroom in the MPE building, then waited around on everyone else so that they could have the meeting for gym. 

Unsurprisingly, Vandy—frequent monitor of Alden’s pockets—was a wealth of information about everyone else. 

While she watched Aulia Velra’s speech on a tablet, she told Alden she was worried about Maricel, who she’d barely seen or heard from since Friday, and Tuyet, who was dealing with a family situation. 

Everly had announced she’d be taking up running to build her stamina. Njeri was trying to talk her into hockey instead. 

Winston and Finlay had had a spat that neither of them would talk about.

Marsha had gotten told off yesterday for trying to practice jumps with her polearm in the street beside the dome village. And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name. 

Maricel and Rebecca had leveled. No one was celebrating them as much as they usually would have because Jeffy had gotten two levels, and yesterday, the mother of a man he’d lifejacketed had come to campus and told him he could have a free lamp.

“A lamp?”

“She owns a lighting store.” Vandy paused the tablet. “Did you level?”


“I’m surprised Konstantin didn’t. He has been practicing for months, and he says he had a breakthrough. So he’s a little disappointed.” She pursed her lips. 

Alden wondered if she was disappointed in her own progress. 

They’d only been at school for a short while, but most of the students had been practicing as well as they could for weeks or months prior to applying. People who hadn’t leveled before they were accepted—which was most of them—were bound to be getting antsy already even if Klein had told them not to.

What he calls the System’s “eccentric” management of leveling really does give it a lot of control over our behavior and moods, doesn’t it? 

Its tendency to announce a level-up after an Avowed had achieved something or learned something new about their powers was both encouraging and manipulative.

If leveling announcements came at exactly “x amount of dominion over the universe gained” it would be more honest. But then it might have had to tell Jeffy he’d leveled a month ago, and he’d have been depressed all of the talent options involved water.

Now it could give him two at once to drive home the point that success came with being helpful and aquatic.

Alden felt…

I don’t know how I feel about them affixing, he realized. But it’s not simple.

He hadn’t had to think too hard about his classmates leveling up yet. When it came to progressing as an Avowed, dealing with himself filled his plate and then some. And, when he had thought about what the others would do, it had mostly been because they were all talking about it. 

They wanted it. They’d joined Talent Dev for it. Leveling the classes they’d chosen would make them proud and happy. It would make them stronger. 

They would get new spells and skills. They would mold themselves into people they could never be without the System. 

And it wouldn’t hurt. 

And they wouldn’t ever know. 

Even if they understood in the factual sense…they wouldn’t know.

He stared at the empty desks that filled the row in front of him. Vandy kept giving him a rundown of everything, but her voice faded into the background. 

It’s not right. So much of it is wrong.

He couldn’t grapple with it right now. He tuned back into Vandy. She was telling him that someone who had family in Apex was talking about moving off campus to live with them. 

Olive and Reinhard had just walked into the room. She was wearing pink tights and sneakers that squeaked on the floor, which would have made it easy to distinguish her from the silent illusionary Olive walking behind her even without Alden’s unique detection method.

“I’m thinking about it, too,” she said. “I love the dorms, but at the moment, I just want to hug my mom and brother about ten times a day to make sure they’re safe. Family matters more than anything else, right?”

“What happened to your foot?” Reinhard asked, grabbing a desk two up from Alden.

“It’s from when you shot me during combat assessment,” said Alden. “The old wounds flare up every now and then.”

“Ha! You’re funny today. Where did you go when—?”

[Video call from Twenty-seven Hundred and Sixty-first General Evul-art’h, Artona I. Connection fee waived.]

Alden stood up from his desk. “Sorry. I’m getting a call. I need to take it.”

He hurried out the door and down the hall before slipping into an open classroom and shutting the door behind him. As soon as he accepted the call, Evul-art’h appeared. She was on her window seat lounger, arms crossed over her chest.

Alden scanned the rooms for signs of Stuart. Usually he was right there to snatch the tablet from his sister.

“Are you squashing him again?” he asked in Artonan. 

Both of her pink eyes were focused on him. When she didn’t answer for half a minute, Alden wondered what was up. When it went on for another half a minute, he got nervous. 

“Where’s your brother?”

“In the big living room,” she said finally, “trying to force everyone else to understand something that I can already tell will only ever make sense to him.”

Well…that’s an answer.

She pointed the middle three fingers of one of her hands at him. “Stu likes you more than I realized.”

What does that mean?

She didn’t seem mad. But she did seem a lot less jokey than usual.

“He did name Alden after me,” Alden answered when he couldn’t think of anything else to say. “We do talk every week.”

“Yes. But he experiments sometimes in pursuit of personal development. He has <<phases>>.”

Alden waited.

“Questions about the <<home-wandering>> human were asked today. And he was forced to confess that he didn’t contract with you for Privacy of the House.”

Oh shit. Is he in major trouble for that? 

He’d made it sound like it wasn’t going to be a huge issue.

“I don’t mind getting a tattoo for that,” Alden said quickly. “I have no desire to share information that shouldn’t be shared.”

What kind of idiot would even want dirt on these people? It sounded hazardous for the health.

“It’s not that serious,” said Evul-art’h. “Not to me, anyway. I just wanted to look at you a little harder.”

Alden swallowed.

“And I wanted to tell you that Stu will either call you soon or never again. Depending on how the discussion in the big living room goes.”

“Why?” Alden said. “Did I do something?”

“No. He’s just fallen into the <<trap>> of a family <<negotiation>>.” She crossed her arms again. “We’ll see how it turns out.”





Thanks Sleyca!!


This feels like a second Christmas even though it is "just the rest of the chapter". Thank youuu


Thanks for the chapter! EDIT: Nooo Stuart, I will be so upset if he can't talk to Alden anymore


Thanks for the chapter ❤️


Praised be Sleyca Provider of Soup (Thanks for the chapter)

Anthony Lutz

Yesterday we received sustenance, today we received the main course. Thank you, But, please actually take some skip time and backlog us again. Use this preview method whenever a chapter allows it to "skip a day" without skipping. Until your stress and deadlines are further in the future. Sleyca Soup Sundays, and Soup Whetting Wednesdays could be an option on top of straight-up skipping days until you are under less pressure to deliver to us.


Timing is impeccable


sleyca. sleyca what do you mean never again. /shakes you/ don't threaten us with a lack of stu pls. stew is a good soup. also i get that Saleh and Klein had good intentions. and that there's probably outside factors and the whole disaster thing, so maybe not immediately. but bringing in the good psychologist that they deliberately didn't use during application is probably a good idea anytime soon. my initial thoughts were that they were trying to coddle the rabbit a bit, but it occurred to me that Esh-erdi might have been the one to express concern, not a fellow student. but i'm still really fucking distracted by the stu arc culminating in the background. the pot simmering in the back has suddenly boiled over and idk what i want. presumably stu wants very much to be a knight, and his family doesn't. but how does that relate to his alden calling privileges!! unless evul thinks that knight!stu will require certain responsibilities? or that conveying the truth to alden would be unkind, since it might inspire alden to grow his authority sense?


Sleycaaaaaaa, you can't keep torturing me with stu like that. :( anyway. Lovely soup


STUUUUUU you had better win that argument


Poor Stu *shakes head* family negotiations are always stressful. Prayers for him 🙏

Carl Earl

Well...that wasn't ominous at all Evul. I feel really bad for Alden here. It shows how badly having well meaning, but poorly trained, therapists and counselors can harm the people they are supposed to help. Because the therapists and other similar adults in Alden's life dropped the ball when his parents died, he doesn't realize how much he could actually benefit from being completely honest with a good therapist. I hope he learns.


I'm really wondering how long this low level pretense can be held up. But I'm also wondering at which point they even would get suscpicious.


Evul-art'h went from 2763rd general to 2761st general!!


Nooo, we need more Stu


You rock! No blowing your affixation this weekend sleyca!


Worth the wait


Really liked seeing the preview to this, the preview was meaty enough but it didn’t really end on a satisfying point. Sometimes it’s fun to watch the sausage get made, but now I return to my vigil. Till next soup!


I think Alden will be helped a lot in his pretense by the fact that the System is so obscure in how it awards levels. It might seem strange that he isn't levelling, but who really understands the System, right? As for having to ignore all advice on levelling... Esh-Erdi might prove useful. He seems to want to help Alden with his skill. If Alden tells CNH staff that an Artonan General is giving him advice, they will (probably) stay out of it.

Batty Corvina

Nooo Stu! I hope he can convince his family. 🥺 Losing stu calls would be terrible!


"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name. " HAHAHAHAHA OH MAN THE IRONY


"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name." I feel bad about just how funny I found this. Still trying to think what his name is. Oliver? Maybe?


did you just Stu cliff us? noooooooo


"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name." This was hilarious, and yes, his suspicions are probably correct (at least for Alden, apparently). 😂


Negotiation is SUCH an interesting term to use there. Because it strikes me that right now, Stuart’s family has something that he wants very badly (permission to call Alden) and Stuart has something that his family wants at least as much (the ability to choose not to affix himself, or at least delay his affixation). I don’t know that that’s necessarily what’s being negotiated, but it’s the trade that comes to mind.


AAAAAAAH! Stuuuuu! Dont never call again, I'd die!! Also, what the hell is happening in that living room? Are they making him choose between Alden and his christmas-affixation?


Damn family negotiation trap! A tale as old as time. You gotta give up old freedoms for new ones...dicks.


Cliffhanger after cliff… pleeeease stop 😭


...Evul's number went up. By two. She was 2763, now she's 2761.

Amber Gregory

Stu! You can force understanding into their heads! But I suspect you will need to do their bidding. I swear I could hear Sleyca evil cackling over the Nameless Object Shaper who was falling apart over no-one remembering their name. So harsh


between [“No. He’s just fallen into the << trap >> of a family << negotiation >>.” She crossed her arms again. “We’ll see how it turns out.”] and C102 [He sighed. “I would be much more all right if you would all stop wanting things for me that I don’t want for myself.”] Wondering if Stu family does not want him to be a knight

Emily Howarth

"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name. " I laughed at this. We don't even know his name.


Sleyca I won't forgive you if Stu can't call anymore, now that we know he likes Alden more than usual. There is no sinker sender strong enough to sink this ship now

Jesse Kelaidis

I don’t know why, but the possibility of Stu getting cut off from Alden on the same day as the Joe fiasco and now Klein’s needling comments about peace of mind really hurt my feelings. It’s too much. I would be sobbing in Alden’s place rn.




Yeah, a lot of us have come to the conclusion that while Stu wants to be a knight, his family wants him to live a safe, happy life as a wizard.


Conspicuously not mentioning the name of said object shaper 😂


I’m surprised the knights don’t sense he has too much authority for a B4. Though maybe different skills have different amounts of airhority


You know a story is great when the cliff has nothing to do with combat or life and death situations yet you are still super invested. <3


I'm starting to think that Stu's understanding of the Art'h household is only marginally better than Alden's (the monkey, not the dragon).


I kinda wanna see Esh- erdi or lind-otta finding out about his auriad and authority sense and then asking him to talk to stu about his affixation. Like the living room negotiation broke down , stu will go through with it on Christmas , but wait..a final chance , maybe Alden will convince him to wait and they could start their journey together as knights-in-training. Could be a future arc and Alden won't be alone in learning about the knights.


im a bit confused about the system i remember it being said that skills have different ceilings with level 10 being the highest, but then there were mentions of skill level 14 or something? also how do different rank levels work? is A level 10 have the same amount of authority bound as an S level 5? is there a maximum level for a rank with going beyond it necessitating going up a rank? do other people than S ranks succeed with raising their rank?


Stu has catched a bit too much feelings for Alden. But it's just a phase! 😏


"'No,' he said, being careful not to add an exclamation point." Speaking of exclamation points: Chapter 94: > Lute stood up and went to bang on the wall. "Lexi!!! … " Chapter 101: > She almost stumbled over her own high heeled boots as she stepped aside to let him in. < < Orpheeeeee!!! … > > Notably these are the only two times in which three exclamation points have been written together in speech in the novel (there are a few other times, but not in spoken speech; "_Uneven!!!!!_" from c32 takes the record at five) This is probably related to the vocal enhancements that Chainers get. Anyways, since Alden is now showing the ability to consciously control whether or not he pronounces an exclamation point… I think this is foreshadowing vocal foundation point enhancements for Alden so he can wordchain and cast spells better. (The foreshadowing is especially evident with Klein talking about chains and points a few sentences earlier) But remember how "Uneven!!!!!" had five exclamation points? Soon, Alden will be able to pronounce five exclamation points by channeling his inner gremlin. This has serious implications.


10 is the highest regular ceiling seen but indeed there is "fatter" skill It comes back to the different factions designing the skills. Several have purposefully or by bad design set a low ceiling for the skills. There is the 300 designed to support the knight that should be, if not limitless, going over 10

Will T.

stuuuuuuuuuuuuuu noooo i need you. what wordchain do i need to use to help him with negotiating.


Okay, the possibility of losing Stu calls is distressing me more than the stakes during the actual disaster did, but I've thought of the funniest possible way to resolve this: Alden gets a conference call full of art'hs who are all trying to determine whether Alden is a good influence on their Baby Stu.


Gaaaaaah. That's a *brutal* cliff. Also 'their class' object shaper thought no one would remember his name'? Sleyca, I'm feeling a gut punch out of pure sympathy, there is no describing the OOF of that statement. Give the poor npc a name, Sleyca! Give him a name!

Swiss Jeez

The question is: was it due to personal merit, or knight casualties?


Obvously. The dragon has a much better understanding then anyone.


The Human connection, Mental health help, herd animals, Thinspiration, Trolls, Talk Therapy, Journals, They called him bartender, Root cause, Virtual Reality, Humans are resilient THE HUMAN CONNECTION >We’re checking in with everyone who was on the bus Friday night. That was a much different end to your trip than we’d imagined.” >“We just want to be sure you’re solid. One of your classmates expressed concern about you. Have you talked to a professional about this yet?” Sigh This makes me happy as a critic ( GO SLEYCA ), but sad for readers who might be in similar situations ( May you always have Joy, and Dreams, in your lives, your friend's lives and your chosen family's lives ) Due to an incident in high school, I dropped all classes except those needed to graduate and spent the rest of my school time doing busy work in the counselors office One day a classmate from Biology came in to see the counselor I vaguely remember her previously giving me a non romantic card, or something, one class period ( I was so oblivious. High school crushes, and oblivious high schoolers, could fill an entire library section ) I often chatted with her before class I cannot tell you what we talked about in the counselor's office while she waited for her appointment, but over 30 years later I still remember the guidance counselors comment after my classmate left, "If you two had that conversation a few weeks ago, she might not be dropping out of her classes and taking a work study program*" *I vaguely remember she was taking a part time job and doing individual class assignments at home so she could quit attending school in person So many school staff, adults, friends, classmates, tried to help me through multiple difficult school, and school impacting, incidents But only a fraction of them made a big difference to me at the time ( in hind sight, EVERY effort did have a positive impact so keep trying to be good to the people in your life ) Alden really needs a classmate to have a similar conversation with [Staring daggers at Stuart] supervised by the appropriate professional [unable to stare daggers at Men In Black, er, Votary Drusi-otta. But still trying] Related, From ongoing comment discussions: MENTAL HEALTH HELP Alden's mental heat help could take several forms depending on how "real world" Sleyca wants to be HERD ANIMALS Humans are herd animals and deal with solitary stress poorly ( looking at you motorcycle rider ) and deal better in groups ( looking at you Vandy's call group ) Interesting experiments ( testing done mostly in college age, white males ) were both the Asch conformity experiments ( peer pressure to ignore your senses ) and Stanford prison experiment ( social mores and dehumanization ) Both imply it is easier to "Do the right thing" with the help of positive peer pressure ( GO HAOYU! GO LEXI! ) and the wrong thing when subject to negative peer pressure ( sorry B-List Club ) THINSPIRATION One of the problems with distorted world views, for example, eating disorders, and the internet, is it lets people with similar distorted world views more easily congregate and reinforce the world view through negative peer pressure ( looking at you Polly and Avowed hate groups ) TROLLS Some interesting studies on internet trolls that are outed by the community suggest "trolls require anonymity" might actually be false Some studies, and anecdotal evidence, imply the trolls were predisposed to trolling, the internet just makes it easier for them to find people to troll ( Winston, and S Ranked, Pole arm Lady, behavior on the obstacle course come to mind ) TALK THERAPY In real world, cognitive therapy, it is often just talking to another person about negative thoughts that helps "free the psychic, doom rabbits that are multiplying, and cavorting, in your mind" ( your personal mental health metaphor may vary ) JOURNALS Talk Theray can be applied to writing out your thoughts to a real, or imaginary, other person Dear Dairy, Journaling, Letters, Emails, Sleyca comment sections, etc. THEY CALLED HIM BARTENDER Or Talk Therapy can just be talking with a sympathetic listener Even an untrained, non medical professional Stitch and Bitch, Boys Night Out, Girls Night Out, Sympathetic bartenders, etc. can provide immense therapeutic value ROOT CAUSE The "root cause" of mental health problems is often untreatable ( looking at your first, human knight ), or unknown [REDACTED because internet comment section] Instead mental health professionals will try to form a team ( medical doctor, social worker, school staff, group therapy, etc. ) that can alleviate different patient symptoms ( like Alden's free hot chocolate and new seeds for BaOB ) until the patient can function in society While using talk therapy, and presciption medication ( and spells ), as stop gap measures VIRTUAL REALITY Years after my mental health, provider training; new, cutting edge, therapies, using VR to treat phobias, and first person shooters to treat recent PTSD, are showing great promise Magic like the school's gym could offer radically improved therapy for mental health problems based on non cognitive conditions ( PTSD, Phobias, Anxiety, etc. ) I would not be surprised if Artonans used something similar to treat Avowed returning from summons involving Chaos fields, and demons MARVEL NO PRIZE: Sleyca could explain, in universe, that Mother was waiting for Alden's BoAB to heal before Magic, VR, choas treatments HUMANS ARE RESILIENT One of the problems with studying the efficacy of different mental health treatment programs, humans are resilient Often patients will heal on their own, or partway through a treatment program Unlike antibiotic treatments, it is okay to stop mental health treatments when the patient no longer needs it, especially when medication, or other biological based therapies are used ( looking at you brain scrabbler based therapies ) 🔲


Most skills have level caps between 4 and 10, but there is no specific rule. Flickerer, which Alden's profile is pretending he has, is a single-level skill. Tailor Environment is rare in that it goes at least to 14. A small handful of ancient skills have no level cap at all. This is discussed most in ch. 39; search the phrase "they have ceilings". A few hundred Avowed overall have ranked up, and all of them started at rank S, A, or B. The mechanics behind this are not publicly known. This was discussed most in ch. 23; search for "hyperbole".

Daniel Keogh

You can't take stu away from us! Noooooo


Is Stu negociating to be able to come to earth? It goes well with the ["something that I can already tell will only ever make sense to him.”] and [“Stu likes you more than I realized.”] Add: goes well with ["Stu will either call you soon or never again. Depending on how the discussion in the big living room goes.”] If his family thinks he goes too far, they might prevent him to call Alden


Each skill has a different levels cap. Some has 4 some 10. I remember the same as you that there where some skills at lvl 14 but don't remember where.


So how would you say the dragons understanding of the household is? ;)


I see the pararell between Aldens and Stuarts situation. Borh have grown ups around them that think they know what Alden/Stuart need and should do and then they try really hard to preassure them into it.


Alden's experience with authority is pretty sad. He doesn't think he can show any emotional vulnerability or else he'll face consequences. I'm not sure he's wrong.


I have not kept track of these numbers at all. That can be interesting. I wonder how stable the rankings are. If you are lazy one day could. That change the ranking? I assume that the lower you are the more volatile it is. But how is it close to the top.


Wonder how the bodyguard will deal with this.




That would be a... Bad negotiation terms. That is how you get children that cut all contact with you when they grow up. Considering that if Stu do go through and affix, and the family cut out part of his only chosen social network, but only until he get permission to summon Awoved by himself or get enough away with Mother that she would do it for him. You make yourself into obstacles and harm Stu chance to survive.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Could someone remind me what Klein is supposed to look like For some reason in my head, both him and Arjun look like the Rhino guy from a old cartoon and that’s really spoiling the school atmosphere lmao https://youtu.be/JJexfxLQc7A?si=KRRKKmLbOVq1lPiH

Robert Mullins

One thing that got overshadowed by the rest. I was happy to see Alden considering what it means for others in his class to affix and how that fits into his new world view Very mixed feelings it seems.

A Free Skeleton

Who do we think expressed concern about Alden? They said it was a classmate but I don't see how it could have been, he's hardly talked to any of them. My theory is that they lied a little, and they're actually doing it because of something Esh'Erdi said. Nothing mean by his standards, but I can picture him saying something like, "I met your Ryeh'bt, he seems to have the mentality of a Grivek, what's that about?"

Super Super Supportive Supporter

Sudden thought with no real supporting evidence: it sure would be funny if the wordchains being more attracted to a specific person is due to literal karma It would explain why Lute against Hazel, why Alden is having a relatively easier time, why Artonans have such an emphasis on fair play (then again, this is already explained by wordchains themselves), and would be fun to explore with Aulia


Oh no, you've drawn attention to it and I realise I don't remember the Object Shaper's name


The war on drugs here in the real world was declared in 1971, and since history in this story diverges at around 1963 it is entirely possible that there was no war on drugs in Super Supportive. So the aggressive enforcement against drugs we see in the real world would likely not be happening anywhere in the story except Anesidora. And even then, Anesidora seems more focused on people abusing alien substances rather than homegrown human substances. Just something to keep in mind when we consider Orpheus's addiction.


"It’s not right. So much of it is wrong." Is Alden hating the Affixation process or the fact that Avowed don't sense how they are constraining themselves?


Ch. 77: "And to her right, a man with short, salt-and-pepper hair was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest while he watched the images being projected onto the classroom’s wall." We haven't gotten much else, I don't think.


Mmmm... even alcohol is illegal on Anesidora. Which makes sense, because Anesidora is full of people with the magical equivalent of machine guns and semi trucks grafted onto their souls. And the hero students were given about three separate kinds of drug tests on admissions day. I think they care about mundane, earth-made drugs plenty; it's just easier in some ways to smuggle stuff from the Triplanets than to bring it through the shipping lanes.


I think he hates the information imbalance. They can't make informed decisions. Like giving a 4 year old a contract to become a live long slave for immidiate candy.


There was likely a very public reason that alcohol is prohibited nation wide. To enforce that and have people go with it is no small feat. I can only imagine what lead to that.


Sleyca delivers soup, and as always I want second helping. Have a nice rest and enjoy the break.


Maybe someone in the bus who heard him stack 2 chains just to function? That would be very notable. I think there was one classmate who could cast it and so knows what the effect of one is and probably concerned for him to need 2.


I am a yogurt dipped sandwich, er, jelly donut; Nobody here but us rabbits, er, chickens; Hugs; Fanboying over Vandy, er, Sleyca; Pocket Monitor; Horse, er, Object shaper with no name; Great Cosmic Power, Itty Bitty Living Space; Holy Bat Cliffhanger. Tune in next week. Same bat time. Same bat channel I AM A YOGURT DIPPED SANDWICH, ER, JELLY DONUT >three Velra faces that were juxtaposed in his vision clearer See preview for comments on this infamous ( among readers ) speech NOBODY HERE BUT US RABBITS, ER, CHICKENS >We’re checking in with everyone who was on the bus Friday night. That was a much different end to your trip than we’d imagined.” This actually makes a lot of sense But The lack of a guidance counselor ( a position that often fills multiple roles ), or school therapist, seems suspicious Hopefully Votary Drusi-otta is on the job HUGS >Here he was, collecting all the fallen pieces and putting Alden Thorn, CNH Student, back together again. He was busy deciding what to do and say about murders, commendations, and Matadero.  >It was his life, he was going to handle it, and he was looking forward to reclaiming his little scraps of normal. WOW Just wow Alden is fictional and I just want to hunt him down and give him the hug he so badly needed over the years FANBOYING OVER VANDY, ER, SLEYCA >Vandy caught him at the end of it. The whole Vandy scene is excellent As a huge Vandy fan, I will refrain from further gushing I lied It shows the reader a lot about Alden's, and Vandy's, character with few words and by showing the reader not telling the reader Except it does Tell the reader Sleyca is an expert at using the fish out of water / newby trope for exposition drops while making them feel organic Instead of a dispassionate narrator informing us about Vandy, and Alden, their own thoughts, and words, flavor the exposition with their own bias, and life experiences Sleyca is really good at portraying a wide variety of people POCKET MONITOR >Unsurprisingly, Vandy—frequent monitor of Alden’s pockets—was a wealth of information about everyone else.  This made me grin like a lunatic HORSE, ER, OBJECT SHAPER WITH NO NAME >class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name.  I actually feel a tiny bit bad laughing at this ( Patreon Social Dynamics ) But I still do every time I read it GREAT COSMIC POWER, ITTY BITTY LIVING SPACE >Jeffy had gotten two levels, and yesterday, the mother of a man he’d lifejacketed had come to campus and told him he could have a free lamp. >“A lamp?” >“She owns a lighting store. Does they lamp grant wishes, because Jeffy has some land moves he wants improved Or to turn Instructor Klein's tuna, er, tune from sounding like the Imperial March to a Land Shark, fanboy, leitmotif, ear worm ( pop quiz, which word in that sentence did I just learn this week…? ) HOLY BAT CLIFFHANGER. TUNE IN NEXT WEEK. SAME BAT TIME. SAME BAT CHANNEL >“No. He’s just fallen into the < < trap > > of a family < < negotiation > >.” She crossed her arms again. “We’ll see how it turns out.” DUN-DUN-DUUUUN! 🔲

Partha Peddi

oh, here we go.. < < trap > > of a family < < negotiation > > could be selecting one of the 300 skills or a knight specific skill (to ppl who believe in them) that resembles Alden's BoaB. It might as well be that Stu wants to affix BoaB itself. Stu liking Alden more than Evul realized is a hint towards it.


I try to imagine them only hearing one half of Aldens conversations over the system and it is hard to follow what it is about.


Oh interesting Big Sis is starting to warm up even further to Alden and seems like as long as Alden seems to be a good influence she will support his and Stu's relationship. also indeed this was a family matter's chapter with discussion of two different families. Thanks for the chapter and I look forward to what comes next.


Dragon Alden has clearly surpassed the limits of youth and ignorance and allied themself with a heart who's luminous purity has been laid bare before The Primary himself!


Yep, I think adults either want something from you, want for you to do something they couldn't or want for you to not to do something they did themself. It's not very easy to figure out which camp they belong to, especially if you don't trust them/they don't understand you. Them picking Klein to talk with Alden was an interesting.


I think they will go along with inviting him. That way they can do the tatoo and check him out in person. Either a last visit/clean break or more trust in him being a good influence. Likely no more phone calls though, since it is technically against the rules.

Lewis Wood

Sleyca: I can only speak for myself, but I absolutely would not mind if you dropped to 1 chapter per week for a while to rebuild a real, actual backlog of completed chapters.

Robert Mullins

Primary is probably concerned that so many of the women in his family have weekly calls logged with Alden. Both his sister and his daughter. And it seems his daughter was also covering for his son.


Thats true Furious D.The comment was about the similarities in their situation and that they face similar difficulties growing up even if they are from different alien-species, and I think that is very cool of Sleyca. But it would be very interesting to also discuss the balance between grown ups giving freedom to their children so they can grow vs protecting them to lessen their pain. I kind of think they have decided on a path before they listen and understand the childs perspective, witch make the child feel very misunderstood, and also may not lead to the best ending. Soo maybe it is more about how the grown up makes these decisions then what the decisions is. I am also wondering, especially in Aldens case, if the decision they think is best is the best one for Alden or for them. And there is alot of politics involved. In Stuarts case we can be more sure they want the best for him, but that is not the same in Aldens case. Or maybe they just feel bad for using a less than mediocre psychologist at the admissions. But obviously it is the grown ups responsibility to make sure the child has the right circumstances to be mentally okay. I am just not sure about their own objectives.

Robert Mullins

Esh is going to be walking into a landmine when he goes back home and starts talking about his new tree and meeting Stu's best friend.


More authority growth means more conflict. I guess this Stu business hits her harder that she lets on? It's also another time where a Knight tries to memorise Alden's face. Alis'arth did something similar before the teleport.


I'm guessing Stu's family doesn't want him to maintain contact with Alden. Just as Alden has already started to notice that watching other avowed level and interact with their affixations is... Complicated, mildly disturbing... Stu would also have to watch his friend make that sacrifice without understanding it, or him. A brand new Knight does not need that kind of mental burden.


Alden didn't mention the learning cushion when he was naming things that should have clued Evul in to Stu's favouritism towards Alden.

Radha Patel

Alden is practically a Knight but doesn't even want to be one. If he's honest with Stu, he could give a lot of perspective


I think we are missing Stu's status. There are clearly a lot of knights with probably lots of kids. What makes Stu so important to have a meeting? Clearly there a family member who can just be normal wizards. I somehow doubt every future knight goes trough this. :/ I like how many mysteries there still are in the story.

JJ Hunter

Alden's imaginings re: what kind of doctor's note he could possibly get keeps making me cackle. ("Porti-loth would probably use tree sap to write, 'Esh-erdi gave me this. I healed it,' on his forehead.") "'I’m thinking about it, too,' [Olive] said. 'I love the dorms, but at the moment, I just want to hug my mom and brother about ten times a day to make sure they’re safe. Family matters more than anything else, right?'" Eyyyyyyy, arc name reference in-text! Also neatly encapsulating much of Alden's struggles here - he never really felt like he fully had a home with aunt Connie, so the huntskilodge dorm home *is* the new home he's chosen and his roommates are the chosen family he has closest right now and school is the routine nearest to helping him feel normal-ish again, and all of those feel like they're under threat right now. When will Alden get to leave Matadero entirely and sleep in his own bed again? Are the bullies coming for Lute again in even bigger numbers than before? Will Lexi's family be okay? Is Haoyu going to work himself thin trying to keep the rest of his roommates from falling apart??? (Haoyu is probably going to be fine, but Alden himself could really use a return to moooooooing, doing spa homework together, and more Haoyu-cooked meals. also encouragement to do a loop-the-loop or two.) Why wouldn't Alden's instructors just acknowledge that he's doing well in his course in a way that makes him feel seen in a good way instead of having to hide where he's struggles so they won't try to special consideration him out of having what he desperately needs, which is being treated more like everyone else? When will all of Alden's beloved people be safe and well, and when will he actually get to give them hugs in person again? Has Stu snuck his way onto that list?


In addition to Emma, Kon, and Alden there was an Object Shaper who would be trying to turn a box of old glasses, wrist watches, and cell phones into obstacles for their opponents. “I’ve been practicing a caltrop shape,” she said sheepishly. They was a she.


I think it's a taboo to measure it? Alis'arth seemed to need to convince herself to "check" back then.


iunno, Esh had a hard time finding out Alden's skill, and Esh has had much longer to acquire magical knowledge.


Aulia, the grandwitch strikes again. Let's make it public that the Velras caused this disaster! Because of the very special privileges you already resented us for! And then I'll sell all our best property so that my family doesn't have anywhere to hide when you try to get revenge! Okeedokee, I'm out, have fun with that, catch you next Tuesday!


Damn I forgot about her AGAIN! She must be really good at the whole ninja thing lol

Ano Ano

"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name." What an incredible line. I was cackling.

John D

That seems unlikely but could make for some interesting synergy. They would know each other's skill intimately and be able to entrust each other with ideal burdens at speed. Seems more theoretically interesting than good for the story though.

Ano Ano

The war on drugs was part of efforts to repress civil rights and anti-war movements. Maybe it didn't happen in this story, but I would expect that would depend mostly on how the alien's arrival impacted US domestic politics and the Vietnam war.

Hassan Sarwat

"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name" You didn't even mention his name after this I feel bad. I'll remember you random object shaper.

Ano Ano

Great catch biped. I wonder if she got stronger, or if some knights died. I would tend to assume the latter, given the tight timeframe


I’ve been looking for this for a while and missed it here. The big question re:Etiquette—do you congratulate someone on this kind of rank-up, or should it be a call for silent mourning? Those above may have died (even voluntarily in a quiet forrest), or the person rising may have recently undergone the torture of affixation.

Jeremy Humphrey

I feel called out, I don't remember the object shapers name.

David Burchfield

I think that some members of the family don't want Stu'art'h to affix, and are trying to use this as a negotiation point to force him not to.


I’d kind of assumed that Esh-erdi was already in contact with the family as he tried to set up his Rehab Alden project. Esh-erdi and Alden have specifically talked about Alden wanting to communicate with Stuart, preferably realtime as usual. I suspect this meeting was even triggered by Esh-erdi’s outreach


I think you mean Aulia. And I think it makes sense that the more of an idea you have of both sides of a wordchain, the easier it is to cast. If you have never experienced the negative side of peave of mind naturally, then it would be harder to cast it. Maybe

Jeremy Humphrey

If that's true please never tell me. But if it's not true then you're just like me. Forgetting a poor fictional man's name.

JJ Hunter

Alden feeling like "This kind of thing is always a trap" with Klein and Saleh's well-intended attempt at a welfare check with a side of intervention, and Stu falling "into the << trap >> of a family << negotiation >>". Why won't the adults in their lives just understand without them having to expose their vulnerable bits they're still figuring out themselves and risk being under a microscope even more?? It's so hard being half-kid, half-adult and starting to realize there is no magical trophy of adulthood waiting for crossing that threshold once and winning adult status forevermore. It's an ongoing negotiation with reality and you will always have your inner kid with you no matter how old you get.


Why is everyone being so weird about the Object Shaper's name? We all know his name is Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonā no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke.


@WannaBeATree: Mother suggested at one point that Stuart has unusually sensitive authority senses. It seems likely that something like that would translate into an especially painful affixation, and naturally that would be something that his family would want to talk him out of.


... of course Sina's skill might have been BoaB, that would account for Joe thinking the Primary would be weird about it.


It's more complicated than that, since he knows that even if they know intellectually what they are doing, they don't >know< that they are essentially mutilating their haacity


Could be a number of things. Esh mentioning something about Alden and Stu to someone who regards rules, social conventions, and solid objects. Esh mentioning Alden at all, causing a random Art'h to say, "By the way, who summoned him?" and finally figuring out it was an irregular visit. Stu requesting to go to Earth. A votary reporting on Stu's behavior regarding Earth. A polite request for formal verification of the learning cushion thing in reference to the Zeridee politics situation from any* party with a stake in it. *Except the Brute burglar, who can no longer make requests on account of a stake in him




I think she's still undecided and doesn't think she can influence the outcome :(



Cameron C

Nooo not this cliff


thank you! do you remember if there was something about a level cap? or how different levels of different ranks compare? i think its kinda silly if a lower rank on a higher level have more authority. honestly if the real comparison between people is authority behind the scenes it makes no sense to have 2 different metrics for this


Evul ranked up! Congrats on becoming 2761. Unless 2 died…


I think something related to Stu's behavior at Leafsong, Esh's recent gardening & comments, and/or inquiries about learning cushions tipped off a concerned Art'h and it's blowing up.


The teachers probably really think that the gym class is a big source of stress, don't they? It's a bit of a shame Alden didn't correct them.


It is far more likey that they are testing Stu-art'h to see if he will take the same skill Sina-art'h chose, even though it's not the one that will fit im best.


Or, maybe speaking Artonan - a language famous for it's incredibly broad vocal control requirements - is showing fruit in other parts of his life.


Poor object shaper, they might be wrong and dying will finally make people know/remember their name... I hope Stu contact Alden soon. Thank you, Sleyca.


is the object shaper in the program the same from their test? It could be another person with the same class


I’ve been observing for months that Sleyca is setting up Stu to become an Earth exchange student. He’s bringing it up. The family is freaking out, and he is either coming or his family is going to ban him from ever contacting his strange obsession again to go cold turkey….


STU! I am crying and shaking right now, these people are trying to pressure Stu with the only real friend he has! For shame!


Very curious about what’s up with Stu. I wonder if it’s related to him helping Joe get there, etc. Clearly something has changed, and it’s not just finding out Alden visited without a privacy tat. Maybe there are even questions of why that happened, and speculation Mother might have done it. But something changed to get Stu under the spotlight.


Maybe it's not about Stu, but about his father? Like, we know how Zeridee act toward Alden when she learned that he know Stu'art. He MUST be protected, not because of him, but because the thought that his action/wellbeing can lead to discomfort for Stu'art. It could be the exact same thing, but for the primary. What if by affixing he can't tolerate it and cause pain amd suffering to the primary. They don't want HIM to lose another child. I don't know if I remember correctly, but Stu'art dosen't get along well with a lot of people in his family and is very isolated, no? Or something like that, idk but that's what going on in my head right now 🙃 😅


Yeah, but there’s knowing and then there’s Knowing, you know?


I think it is more likely that Alden's mention of desiring his weekly conversation with Stu to Esh-Erdi which made him reach out to have him granted "official" permission to be calling Alden. Likely ignoring the precarious situation it would put Stu in to have his relationship with Alden exposed.


I think a very obvious prediction is that Jeffy grew two levels because he was "doubling down" on his stats and spells (remember he can use them really hard) with his free authority since using it does make it grow...Jeffy being the (second) highest level avowed in his class is only just and right. May he lead us to a brighter future

Jason Harpster

Alden going "nope didn't level (thank god)" still hasn't gotten old. I do look forward to the faculty getting a bot more information to chew on. But the principal calling catching mach 1 speeding tennis balls "very interesting" makes me think when that conversation lands it will be a fun one.

Flying Goat

Now that he has a tutor on Earthling Social Dynamics, Stu needs another for Artonan ones.

Dash Marley

It’s just not true, we all would’ve been wearing little badges that say, “Gone but not forgotten, will never forget you object shaper.”

Ano Ano

Connie's neglect and his childhood counselor's ineptitude are why Alden is so responsible and mature at 16. But they have also made it harder for him to get help he sorely needs. Hope a healer of mind can help smooth that out. Otherwise I think he's going to have a breakdown at matadaro when he dutifully repays peace of mind.


Can't be a mothers' boy forever. You have to learn to grow up.

Ano Ano

I don't think it's the test object shaper. It's the person who broke Kon's parent's bed.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Me too. And that all he wanted to do was get back into the routine of going to classes and clubs, and every single one has either canceled for the week, gone remote, or actively tried to kick him out.

Ano Ano

There was a comment about system theory saying S1 is stronger than A4, which tracks with Mother's confirmation that a level is a certain percentage of growth over baseline.

Ano Ano

We were promised a visit to the knights repast. Come on primary; don't harsh the vibes.

Robert Mullins

I suspect we'll get that final gut punch from Connie next chapter where she'll explain that she doesn't want to be on Alden's priority list because she doesn't want to get separated from her new family in an emergency. Then Alden will start to have a breakdown. Then we'll either get a Stu call or Alden will have an important moment with the knights.


Writting "Their classes object shaper" was worried nobody would remember their name, is deeply funny to me.


I'm pretty sure Alden has some leverage with the Primary in this family "negotiation," actually: the message from Worli Ro'den. Whether he will have the opportunity to use it is a different story. We know Alden has a very different view of leveling than, well, the rest of the human Avowed. It's almost certainly closer to what the knights feel about affixation. Part of the obvious reasons the family are concerned with Stu being close to an Avowed are heading off a natural competition in using their abilities because affixation actually hurts the knights whereas Avowed on Earth in particular seek it at every opportunity. They will very obviously not want this.

Flying Goat

I think you're confusing the Object Shaper's name with the middle name of Stu's pet Alden.


Probably a mistake not to increase the level on his fake profile, given all of the skill growth he's showing them.

Alex Scriber

And adults did what adults always do - they made things worse. It’s interesting how the school instructors so consistently position themselves as antagonists, as is traditional for young adult novels.


I definitely feel like Connie’s gonna do that too, not realising the effects it could have on him


Yeah, he strides along a narrow branch. Show too much and he's exceptional. Show too little, mismatching real and confessed power levels, and increase the risk of discovery.


Alden can only pass the message when he "sees the endless misery on the horizon". That's probably not something he can use right now, unstable though he is.


Nooooo! Stuuuuuuuuu!


The word "interesting" has been closely associated with Esh-erdi so far in the story. In chapter 119, when we are first introduced to Esh-erdi, he calls Alden's commendation interesting: “Because of that experience, he has the highest commendation of any human Avowed. A thirteen-year-old Ryeh-b’t boy. Isn’t that interesting?” Chapter 119 is literally called "Interesting" by the way. Then, in chapter 146, when Esh-erdi interviews (interrogates?) Alden, in response to Alden saying he is friends with Stu-art'h: He pulled a piece of bacon off of the sandwich and examined it. “Aren’t you interesting?” He wasn't talking about the bacon Alden. Everyone knows that. Alden also notices in this same chapter: "Alden wasn’t in the right mood to be amused by the fact that at least one Artonan considered sprinkles to be worthy of the interesting-Earth-items corner, but he did make note of it." It seems that Esh-erdi is very fascinated with Earth things that he considers interesting. Alden being one of them. We also know that he is trying very hard to help Alden, was prying into the origins of his skill earlier in the morning, has a very loose definition of privacy (compared to humans), and is having Drusi-otta, a wizard who is capable of overhearing Alden speak from an unspecified distance away, monitor him all day. And finally, in this chapter: “Thanks,” said Alden. “I’m still working out how I caught the tennis balls with my eyes closed. I’ve made a little bit of progress. I think it’s going to take me a while to get the hang of it, but when I do it should be really interesting.” “Yes.” Lesedi Saleh smiled again. “Very interesting.” DANGER! DANGER! THE ALARM BELLS SHOULD BE GOING OFF IN YOUR HEAD. If Esh-erdi was listening in via Drusi-otta or some other method he now has heard both Alden and the principal of his school call a facet of Alden's skill, something he was /already/ interested in: "Interesting" and he has learned he can use it to catch things with his eyes closed. It's looking more and more likely to me that Esh-erdi figures out about BOaB. There is no WAY he drops the matter now if he happened to overhear that.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

"I am a yoghurt dipped sandwich" is GryphonKnight making a comparison between Aulia and former US President John F Kennedy. It's a supsupified reference to a famous speech where he expressed solidarity by saying "Ich bin ein Berliner," which some JFK detractors in the US mocked, and which makes a great story when you pretend he was an ignorant American calling himself a donut, even though it didn't really come across like that.

Aspiring Moth

I'd just like to note that 5 weeks of term off, 2 weeks of Christmas, and however many days of January until the start of class would be enough time to recover from an affixation. Alden doesn't want to do this, of course, but if circumstances align where he has to take a talent recommended by Esh-erdi to maintain his cover, it would be potentially viable. and we've already been introduced to the boom rooms, which are soundproofed enough to block out the screams


It's very well done here, though. You can see how the adults are genuinely concerned about him and trying to help, but just acting on incomplete information and not understanding Alden's PoV. I continue to want Alden to point out to them that he's only got 8 months (7 now?) to avail himself of the best talent-development program on Earth before he spends the rest of his life 48 seconds away from active chaos battlefields. I feel like Klein would understand that and could become a real asset to Alden, particularly in developing a survival-oriented mindset and the tools to proactively deal with the PTSD.


It's unreal. The poor guy has one friend and they want to take it from him.

Tycho Green

Lute won over Aulia when he won against Hazel. Probably you saying won over instead of won against is where it is not clear what you meant.


Well from their perspective they're asking an injured young man who, when a crisis started, had a panic attack, before a large scale unnatural disaster struck, to sit out from strenuous activity for a bit. And they are recommend he talk with someone cause you know this is the second time this has happened in a year. I mean ya he's got his secrets to keep, but damn if thats not a recipe for PTSD

Emily Gurnavage

He said before he plans to show a level once most of the class has leveled and the teachers start to get a tad concerned for the rest of em. Still not entirely sure how I feel about that though. I go back and forth on it. Too much growth without a level will become suspicious eventually. But he also still really wants to appear "average" to fend off the hard questions as long as he can.


To be fair, it would be even funnier if our entire community had forgotten the name of an object shaper, fiercely afraid of his name being forgotten.


If it’s Stu’s potential affixation, that would absolutely count as endless misery. If so, that’s much sooner than I had anticipated

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I like this theory. I've always been a believer that Jeffy actually can use his spell impression really hard, and we've yet to get an explanation of what doubling-on is.

Emily Gurnavage

Was Winston on the bus? The speedster that absolutely hates Alden's guts with a fiery passion? Perhaps he guessed it would make the school react how it did, or at least in a way that invonvenienced what he sees as his biggest competition. PoM is, iirc, *the* most commonly known wordchain on Earth, so most of his classmates likely can recognize it though. So the pool is pretty wide open.


I'm still not entirely sure that they're wrong, TBH. Alden is absolutely using school to avoid thinking about other issues that are only getting more serious, and he's probably pushing himself too hard right now. It's hard to say for sure.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I was so sure the object shaper was named Sanjay. I felt really proud of myself. But no, according to the obstacle course team notes there's both an unnamed object shaper and Sanjay (class unnamed).

Emily Gurnavage

Watch Alden losing Stu be a large deciding factor in revealing he is a Knight. The school doesn't want him right now, Stu gets cut off, perhaps Connie makes that decision people are talkin about and tells him she doesn't want to be on his emergency evac list, he feels cut off from his friends while on Matadero for another few weeks still, maybe other factors. The thought process being that the reveal would very likely give him the connections and authority to get back in contact with Stu or at least a meeting with the ones who decide to separate them. Surely being both the first and only Knight from his species will come with benefits befitting his station. . Oooh - less theory crafting and more "itd be amazing but will never happen" comin next. What if he takes one of those Knight outfits offered by Mother while on this video call with Evul when the next chapter starts? She would prolly bust into the meeting speaking gibberish at everyone tryna bring them this new consideration for the decision.

Emily Gurnavage

@Clint At least he wont get nearly as hard of summonings as he could/should get though as long as he keeps the fake profile active. iirc it was confirmed that even Wizards browsing for who to summon will only see whichever status is set to active at the time.


Another micro absurdity from Sleyca "He'd gotten a free coffee." Gotta love how well she writes the little weird thoughts that go through our heads 🤣

Emily Gurnavage

@Alex Ehh, I gotta agree with the other 2 commenters. Even taking Kliens known dislike of Alden into account, the schools decision makes total sense here when looking at it from an outside perspective and with only the information they have available. Hell, its a surprise they even phrased it as a *choice* when you think about it, and not a demand or requirement to continue the program. You cant just raise future super heroes and ignore mental wellbeing and hope they dont turn into villains or unstable wrecks too powerful to mingle with the general public.


It’s not like Stu doesn’t know. He watched his sister die because she couldn’t take the pain. He’s certainly not unaware.


I'm using the term micro absurdity for these little things by Sleyca. I also enjoyed "He'd gotten a free coffee." From when he was reviewing the positives of the meeting. They are what leave little lingering smiles after reading, even with deeply concerning chapters


I'm gonna bet Joe's interpretation was "You'll know it when you see it."

Emily Gurnavage

Might be a combo of things. - Stu caring SO much about the events on Earth that he went to the school after hours/on a day off and basically put together a militia to go help. - Esh mentioning the call request from Alden to someone - More than one person in his household has likely noticed his sudden penchant for loooooong video calls when he is known as a loner with no real friends. - Someone put together that that his new friends name is Alden, his pet is named Alden, and a mysterious Alden was wandering around the property before. Theres lots of little clues building up for his family to notice and become suspicious/interested in. Maybe they think he is too involved with this Avowed and want him to find peers among other Knights or Wizards instead (lol).

Jesse Kelaidis

Winston totally has a crush on Alden. It’s just Winston doesn’t know how to handle that and also finds Alden’s behavior baffling and mysterious so he also hates him. Probably similar to how Lute feels about Vandy.


Grandwitch rhymes with sandwich. Coincidence?!?! Yeah, probably... Or is it?! Yeah, probably.


At some point Alden needs to trust the principle enough to at least say "I was assaulted by 3 avowed, who were fought off and killed by the ambassadors assistant who was greviously wounded in the process and I had to carry her wrapped in my skill across a flooded wasteland getting seriously injured and rescued moments from drowning by an Artonion knight who is now tending to me at Matadero". Because once that story fully comes to light he's going to wish the faculty were slightly pre-informed.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

The first time Evul saw Alden, he was dripping sweat in casual gym clothes. She's seen him in bed when he was about to fall asleep, on the bad half of My Body Becomes My Assistant. And presumably also when he's been dressed casually in his usual brown hoodie. Today, when Evul wants to spend a minute staring at him, he's in his formal school uniform with windswept hair. Rebecca didn't even recognize him, and both Haoyu and Vandy have commented on it. I wonder what Evul is looking for, and what she sees.


Aiden is trying to survive and that's mostly trying to delay the inevitable 😅


I had the thought while reading that I think the velra are still dealing with the backlash of that luck chain. The outcome of that luck chain for Alden set in motion a series of events that is profoundly bad for him and created the first human knight and wizard at the same time. I don't know how the greater structure of the luck chain works but this event has profound effects on the authority of humanity for lack of a better term. If I'm not wrong the Velra involved in causing this change in luck for Alden won't be having a great time of it until he gets to where he should have been without their influence.

Aspiring Moth

saying that would turn the suggestion of taking the rest of term off into an order

Ano Ano

What people choose for themselves vs what their loved ones want for them is a big theme. Kibby's family wanting her to not become a wizard. Boe wanting Alden to be a preschool teacher. Thwart Hog telling Alden to want easier things. The principal saying so many kids would be better off avoiding the hero track. Alden's breakdown at the thought of Kibee becoming a knight. Loving lies.


"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name. " omfglol, this one hit me right through the fourth wall 🤣


Fortunately or unfortunately he can’t get the knight uniform while on Earth. It’s only available to him, at least the first time, while on one of the Artonas


I audibly laughed at that. Such a good burn.


Shouldn’t the commendation that appears on his profile level be enough to get him an invitation to family event? The commendations is titled “mother” which is like a seal of approval from the Artona I system and it was given by no. 4. It’s confusing because if the commendation is as important as I think it is I’m wondering why nobody in the room talking to Stu hasn’t looked up his profile yet. It may be because they are fixating more on stu and less on the alien friend. There has to be at least a few skill scholars that can notice his skill is one of the 300 in the family and it’s strange that nobody has noticed Alden as unique. Unless they aren’t taking “alien friend” as a serious thing enough to not look him up and are more “stu did something, it’s a phase, have to (beat) it out of him.”

Tycho Green

The Gloss, man. Responsible for most bad things happening. The problem will only be exacerbated when Aulia casts that shit the next time. Limited benefit in exchange for unlimited detriment. If only the Grandwitch of Fate knew that the Gloss is how Artonans created chaos to begin with.

Victor Cavalcanti

Alden is gonna have a big problem keeping up with his classmates until afixation, everyone is gonna get 4ish levels by then and they are all higher rank. Not to mention when he DOES affix, he can't afford to spend 2 months without training his skill. I wonder how he will compensate for the growing chasm in foundational points, maybe with word chains.


that's kinda terrifying considering how recently her first call came in


Esh come back. I need a trusted adult.

Joshua Flowers

I’d half expected Alden to calmly stress why he desires to continue his regular classes. Dealing with wordchain backlash and being combat ready is necessary for being in prepared for these disasters he has and will continue to walk into

hercule pyro

The commendation is different from the mother privilege. It's a seal of approval from 4, and they know he has it. We have no idea what they're talking about so there's no reason to believe the commendation would necessarily be relevant. Maybe they're even worried about Alden - everyone else is! We don't know.

hercule pyro

Fate/luck magic is the worst thing in fiction because once it's introduced in a story half the people in the comments will ascribe ANYTHING that happens to it.

Daan Kindermans

The absolute best part about that sentence is that Sleyca didn't even mention his name.

Alexander Dupree


Michael Blue

I think Alden is going to be an interesting philosophical question for teachers and students alike. If he is clearly demonstrating growth by leaps and bounds (e.g., elimination of the movement restriction, superhuman catching, preservation from a distance), and doesn’t have an increase in levels, but is also sometimes able to hold his own against A’s (and S’s?) then how important are those numbers for him?

McIntosh Ewell

I wonder what rank he'd be if he announced himself. Does he rate full knight status or is he like an initiate? I find myself wondering if they do the whole Master/Padawan thing

hercule pyro

Yeah that's the thing, every adult who knows him thinks he needs professional help to deal with this stuff and most of them only know tiny bits and pieces of it! It's definitely intentional by sleyca tho - the deflection and defensiveness about how being in a fight that ended with three people dead was nobody's business but his and he's totally got everything under control and people should just stop asking about it was pretty clearly not healthy.


Something about preserving Zeridee from a distance already hints at the endless misery, to me. Before Alden even started dreading that his skill is meant for a saint. "There was only him, wide open. And her—his entruster, his burden. Both. With a gravity like the sun." Maybe this imagery is hinting at that horizon. Or it was just Alden's utter desperation at the time seems miserable enough if that's what it's going to take to advance


This was a good chapter. Lots of good stuff. Especially the speech and the impending Stu drama. I’m not sure what to think about the school meeting though. I feel like we’re supposed to view the teachers as having caring and concern, but bringing Klein into that meeting was just an utterly incompetent choice. Regardless of what feelings and intentions may be in Klein’s head, from day one he made it clear he didn’t want Alden there and his Alden facing behavior has reinforced that. There is simply no way his suggesting that Alden take a step back would ever come across as anything but an hostile act. They should have known better and had someone else take his place. I have to suspect that they just don’t comprehend basic human interaction let alone child psychology.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

New conspiracy theory: Joe putting a sandwich in his pocket is a metaphor for him having grandwitch in his pocket.


@Emily Gurnavage- I'm not sure the lower level on the sheet actually helps. Every summoner out there has heard the viral story of the Rabbit Boy Hero, which means they know he can freeze the progression of a chaos infection and stabilize people for emergency teleport out of a chaos zone. But perhaps I'm missing some of the political aspects. I wonder if he could enter into the 'Arth family <> and come out with an exclusive contract that prevents him from being summoned by anyone else.

Jeff Wells

"And their class’s Object Shaper... thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name." I almost LOL'd when I read that. Poor nameless Object Shaper, who shall forever remain unnamed.


@hercule pyro if they are worried about him then I think it would still come off as “stu why have you been bothering this poor avowed that auntie Ali’s saved?”


Accidentally revealing his auriad might have a similar effect.

Anthony Lutz

he has an even easier method to maintain cover, his fake profile. He's already leveled since being at school and just not adjusted his fake persona, and at Mothers own recommendation he's always going to take affixations in the largest doses he can possible, so he's 8+ months away from needing to deal with this problem.

Michael Blue

I was laughing to myself at the thought of what was going through Klein and Saleh’s mind when Alden said he’s currently seeing a very good healer for his foot. Kon wasn’t able to book a dentist for his teeth; I can’t imagine how much less accessible all healers are after the Submerging. I’d like to think that Saleh and Klein both understand that Alden has a very high bar for what makes a good healer.


Depends what they're worried about. If the speculation (that Stu is insisting on affixing his authority, when he's exceptionally sensitive and unlikely to be able to survive long as a knight) is correct, then Alden's heroic credentials are huge red flags instead of being helpful.


I am having fun imaging Kiv-bee’s reaction to finding out she also can’t talk to Alden now.

Ano Ano

Eh. Klein was there with Alden on the bridge. Also, the guy who was hostile switching to giving praise can be an effective thing.


It was not a two month recovery period as I remember. It was less than two weeks. Alden visited stu for less than half a day and then was in intake for two weeks and he was using his skill again while Boe was there and Boe was there for around a week. So, when he affixes he’ll be super sensitive skill wise for at least a week. Assuming he doesn’t have a revelation that more closely binds his identity to his skill. From what I’ve read the skill causes pain because it rejects the shape it’s in and fights against it. If Alden WANTS to bear all burdens then his authority will take that shape more willingly, reducing backlash and increasing recovery time. The less he hates his skill the less he will feel it’s an invasion of himself and the more he will be comfortable being that shape.


The Vandy-Alden sequence, of her unintentionally interrogating him, the rhythm of it calming him down, and then Alden messing with her just a bit by tossing homework out as bait: “I was just waiting around on a healer and finishing my essay.”  “You finished already?”  So he was right. She was the kind of person who could look truly caught off guard to find she wasn’t winning at homework…even at a time like this. “Of course! Why wouldn’t I have? I wrote about ewtwee.” Unable to resist, he smiled at her and added, “Did you finish yours?” “I’ll finish it tonight,” she said.  Alden just loves getting people's goats, but he does it so very gently and politely

Michael Blue

You say that there’s no way it would come across as anything but a hostile act, but Alden’s internal dialogue after the conversation reveals he did not perceive it as a hostile act.


Yep, Same here. The quality is crispy and Id love for it to not be sacrificed.

Austin Gillespie

I feel like the principal surely suspects SOMETHING to have happened to him beyond what he mentioned. He’s been flying around her campus (and the city) all day on the flying platform and not making a secret out of it, and how many orphaned B rank teens are running around with advanced Artonan medical tech on their foot? Unless she’s too overwhelmed to notice (which would be fair), she seems smart enough to notice things like that

Josh Brooks

I like this series a lot. A LOT. The fact that Alden 1) has realistic emotions that other people can help with and 2) has had experience with people being bad at emotional connection with him when his parents died leading to 3) Alden’s current stress and isolation and “not right”-ness leading to assume everyone around him who CAN help WON’T help like the people from when he was younger is KILLING ME. This is like a genuinely, genuinely heart-clenching story to me and this is a FUCKING SUPERHERO WEB NOVEL. Not to discredit the medium, but finding SS on the same website as other fictions that could not in a million years make me care about the mc’s character more than the setting is a shocker. I’m an absolute sucker for stories about people not wanting to communicate their emotions for valid reasons, bc I think it’s relatable to a lot of people. The in-universe isolation that Alden demonstrably feels combined with a skill that is 100% not helping him open up about his feelings (not necessarily bc it changed him, but thinking of himself as the BoAB probably does something as seen in the last few chapters w Zeri) is extremely hard not to feel internally as a reader. Because it’s well written. I really hope people have been excited about SS because I can’t help but love it

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

They asked Alden about what happened on the bridge, and his very first internal thought was to give a performance review of Klein's handling of the situation. As if Alden's in a position of authority over them rather than vice versa. It reminded me of him as a child trying to catch cheaters at praying. Thinking adults are his job, rather than vice versa, seems to have been a core part of his personality long before Connie. (She played into it and let him be the adult in the room when she shouldn't have, of course.) I don't think Alden owes these two particular adults his openness or honesty, though. They haven't been honest with him about why he's been accepted into their program, and he knows the relationship between himself and the school is extremely transactional.


@maintosh ewell I think the rank assignments are directly tied to authority power and less competition based or merit ranking. It being tied to size or density (reductive: power) of authority also give a new perspective on not just how powerful the primary is but how much pain he endures/ed.

Robert Mullins

Her roommates are going to be salty when they find out he provoked her into starting a group homework session immediately after the island wide emergency.

Daan Kindermans

The adults at Alden's school are trying to get him into more therapy their viewpoint is very understandable if you look at it from the information they have on our rabbit.

Matt DiMeo

Speculation - We think Stu is scheduled to affix soon. what if he was planning to do it shortly after the annual (or whatever) knight suicide ceremony, and a couple of the knights were ahead of Evul?


Semi-unrelated but coul it be that Drusi is inside aldens shadow? Or maybe they are standing right next to alden like Imp from worm or Adam from Lord of Mysteries. Always loved those ways of hiding. Either that or maybe they are super far away and are using a crystal ball old witch style and cast spells over massive distances lol.

Daan Kindermans

That was a very insightful and agreeable comment. I agree especially on the humans are remarkably flexible and amazingly resilient in their healing part.


Sleyca has dropped so many obscure nuggets in this chapter that many people have missed. I’ll marinate my thoughts in some fresh hot Wevii for a while and list them out in a future post.


I can see this. It would be tragic later on when it comes out that he’s a non art’onan wizard avowed.


Somehow, someway, the miscommunication will be reconciled and stu and Alden will have strong bff energy that spans worlds.


We read that part differently then. Had more of trying to convince himself feel to me. Regardless Klein is a terrible messenger for that message. You can see that in Alden’s thoughts before the meeting. He “knows” Klein doesn’t like him. Then that person is part of message of take a step back because maybe this was too much for you. It makes an unwanted message worse.


Even though sleyca has commented that the negatives are over lol. But i guess you can argue the ripples caused by a single butterfly are everlasting. But would we say the butterfly was the cause for all of it? Probably not.


Another excellent chapter that opens up many questions.


I think he was actively working to not say things that would make his listeners react with more worry. It is very telling (and definitely not just Lexi) that other people have found what he deems reassuring and normal to be disturbing.


I feel the same. Just reading about Alden's flashback to elementary school just tugged so hard at the hearrtstrings..


She has to know about him saving Zeridee. She is too well connected


I also laughed. It was definitely one of the situations Lexi would've pointed out to Alden as "being weird without knowing it"

Young Youghurt

Family negotiations sounds like the worst euphemism for talking to.


Thanks for the chapter! Everyone, please enjoy this brainrot that occurred to me and I'm now inflicting on all of you: Jeffy got two levels; Evul went up two ranks. It can't be a coincidence! Evul X Jeffy confirmed. (Sorry Astrid :p)


In one hundred years this could be a PhD topic: “On the use of exclamation points in sleyca’s early fiction, a post-Straussian analysis.”


Wth happened to Stu?? He is my second favourite character, I can't deal with him not calling Alden. And what happened for him to have a negotiation with his family? Has to be that he brought up Alden because Alden influenced one of his decisions (probably the BIG decision) and his family wanted to know why. So now Alden is a "bad influence". And Stu has to bend his decision in order to get to talk to Alden again, that is probably the negotiation part? I just wonder if Stu has doubled down on his decision to affix or if he delayed it becuase of Alden. Probably the latter, because he changed a decision and shocked his family. And he always said to them he is going to affix asap, so the shock must be that he changed his mind. Love Evul. She makes up her own mind. I think Stu's family is going to see soon that he and Evul have more in common than they had first thought. Edit: the more I think about it, the more I believe Stu wants to go to Earth. 1. Evul calls Alden "home wandering". 2. Alden influenced a decision of Stu's. 3. Stu has gotten an idea which he believes will improve himself. 4. Stu asked Alden some very specific questions last time they spoke about sacrifices and being a hero and life goals. And Alden basically told him his perspective - that he went through something horrible and he is not so sure about his life goals anymore. This all seems to point to Stu thinking that he himself isn't ready to affix before he hasn't had a difficult life experience, and home-wandering Alden had such an experience being away from his home planet, so...

Matt DiMeo

It could easily be that “Alis does stuff like that all the time.” Stu’s family are not ordinary artonans who will start freaking out over his glowing organs.


@Sunden Nice catch on the "interesting." I believe that both Big/Little Snake (in a conversation to Ghosten) and Esh describe Alden as "interesting." But, you are right - we don't know what, if anything, that Drussi will share with Esh. And what that could set into motion. I am curious if any adult Artonen had ever heard Alden's side of the Thegund story? It is never said (that I remember) that he shared it with Alis. Could this day of reveals that is quietly being monitored be what Alden needs to get the help he deserves?

Michael Blue

The narrative after seemed to me to be Alden recognizing that as a student who experienced trauma, the check-in with the school about it was inevitable. I think the conversation was better to be had with Klein and Saleh than the psychologist, especially if it was an earnest check-in. Klein seems to be the teacher in the school most willing to navigate difficult conversations head-on, which means he might’ve been the teacher best able to talk to Alden, regardless of Alden’s perception of him.


It sounds like a conversation that's less less respectable of Stu's perspective than it ought to be.


Man, I didn’t even realize she went up two ranks. Who’d remember which knight she was lol The implication of this though is probably that two other knights above her rank have died in the meantime.


Thanks Soup! I am not surprised by the teachers telling him to take a break but wanted to here there thoughts. Also I felt like they were not very direct with sharing how much they know about him, with him. If they asked him about his journey with specific information they knew, Alden might have actually opened up a bit. Also Evul was Evil calling him to say dun dun dunnnnn Wait on pins and needles if your friend is ever allowed to contact you again. Go Stu Go!


It’s a running gag at this point. I hope that his actual name and surname is Object Shaper


I think it is realistic though. I find most people are completely unable to put themselves in someone else's shoes


Which is accurate when it comes to trauma survivors

Skull Leader

"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name." Hilarious~ I will always remember old what's-his-name. But to be fair, Alden going to have a fairly hard time getting people to actually use/remember his name with all the nicknames people are giving him.


Could be, but that isn't a negative shock which would make them brand Alden as a bad influence. I keep remembering the conversation Alden had with Stu in the rain talking about living for himself. Stu was clearly asking Alden for advice in that moment and perhaps decided that he also wants to be "happy in his spot" before making the biggest decision of his life. I think the other commentators have a point that perhaps Stu wants to go find himself on Earth


the only people to know about that are the artonans, esherdi mentioned that previously.


Stu made deals with Jo and perhaps others on behalf of Alden which probably means something.


“And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name.” Ah. And not named in this sentence. I’m sorry I don’t remember your name mr. Object Shaper.

Matt V

I look forward to this story's natural conclusion, with Jeffy as the benevolent, supreme ruler of Earth.

Matt V

I've been looking at it as the staff thinking Alden is catching up to his levels. Since he gained them so quickly while in an adverse situation, they may just think of it as Alden finally learning how to use his skill/levels now that he has the time to put into training with it. It's a bit reductive, to think Alden got his levels not through his own efforts but rather for having been in a dangerous situation for so long, but I can see the adults here making those kinds of assumptions.

Skull Leader

You know, I am kind of shocked that for as long as the chapters been named Family Matters, I never thought to think that Stu's family might be on the docket. For some reason, even with that chapter name, I didn’t realize a small strike was incoming until it landed. Well played!

John D Jones

She probably won't know Zeridee's name but Alden already told some of his classmates that there was a "problem" with the Flyer and that he carried an injured Artonan woman to safety. He probably told Saleh and Klein that as well.

Joel Wells

I wonder what his instructor's reactions will be when they find out about the 3 dead avowed.

Temp One

Thank you for the amazing chapter! Since it seems fairly clear Stu's family don't want him to become a Knight. I'm worried they've given him an ultimatum: he can only call and talk to Alden if he gives up his Hn'tyon aspirations. From the way Evul phrased it, they're using Alden's not being contracted for the privacy of the house as an excuse for the punishment as well. If that's the case, it's pretty messed up that they'd use likely Stu's only real friendship as a tool like that. But it might also reveal the depth of the desperation with which his family is trying to prevent him from becoming a Knight.

Matt V

That's a very good point re: the relationship between Alden and the school being transactional. He could be seeing this as them reneging on that deal. They get their kid with the commendation, so he gets super hero school. Especially with Klein in that room, it makes sense that Alden's mind would go there, consciously or subconsciously.

John D Jones

Just make sure to marinate in Stu'art'h's real wevvi and not the artificial stuff which tastes like someone else's sweetened boiling hot saliva.

Matt V

@hercule Considering how many people in the story ascribe anything and everything to it as well, this tracks.

John D Jones

@ Blorcyn Stu didn't make any deals with Joe that directly concerned Alden. He just told Joe about the wizards going to help with the disaster on Anesidora and pointed out how Joe could gain reputation/karma by going as well. It was actually a pretty masterful piece of manipulation. Stu got one of the most powerful and talented wizards (who also knew Alden) to go to Anesidors and help out without actually giving up anything.

John D Jones

The meanest part of that was Sleyca continuing not to give us his name. Like, that first sentence could have been, "And their class's Object Shaper, Steven Vorhees or whatever, had gotten emotional..." But they didn't. Because that poor bastard is going to be nameless forevermore.


I wonder if the privacy of the house contract could be used as a way to tell stu about his affixation while still keeping it under wraps from everyone else.


I love to see Vandy and Alden interacting and I’m happy to see them getting competitive about homework and uniforms, even if Alden is only playing while she’s taking it more seriously lol. If I were the type of person to read too deep into dialogue, and I definitely am, this feels like Vandy’s version of flirting to comment that they are both properly wearing the uniform and to declare that she’ll finish the homework tonight to catch up to Alden. I only pray to Sleyca that we can see more of this endearing awkwardness unfold Also, Reinhard seems cooler than his first impressions have been. His wingmaning of Jeffy and ability to take a razz from Alden has squarely put him in the cool dude category. While he some hang ups about performing well during the obstacle course due to family issues, I think that’s forgivable for a 15-16 year old!

John D Jones

Especially since Hn'tyon Esh-erdi is basically acting as Alden's "Perry Mason."


The Object Shaper name joke was very funny. I have to say that the concerned student though does feel a bit malicious. I went back and reread the chapter and as far as I can tell all Alden did was freeze for a bit. At the same time he froze, a bunch of students were freaking out in various ways, so I would say he was even less obviously freaking out then others. so why would someone 'express concern' about him.

Matt V

I'm sorry, but whose bright idea was it to have Klein and Principal Saleh "advise" Alden in that capacity? Klein is the absolute worst choice given he straight up told Alden he had no business being in the school in the first place. And it's not like he had any personal connection to the principal. Have they even talked outside of the drug accusation? This should have been handled by either an already trusted teacher - I forget her name, but the B-club advisor obsessed with unique skill applications would have been a much better choice - or by an actual counselor/therapist. All Klein/Saleh accomplished was to convince Alden that if he lets on how traumatized he actually is, they will take away this thing that he loves and has worked so hard for. Add to that all this talk about the importance of family - considering Alden's started building up his new found family in both the lodge and hero classes, doing anything to jeopardize that is only going to send Alden into a panic spiral. I hope for his sake that he gets to keep working with his hero group that was starting to mesh so well together. Also Stu! I don't think he'll actually be forbidden from contacting Alden, but I do wonder what outcomes will come about from that trap of a negotiation. And assuming Alden's visit still happens, there will likely be a lot more focus put on him from the rest of the family.

John D Jones

I'm not sure the family's position is really going to be "You can only go through the agony of becoming a hn'tyon if you also give up one of your main pillars of emotional support first." I wonder if this might result in Alden getting an early "invitation" to Knight Rapport One so the rest of the 'art'h's can take his measure.

John D Jones

Evul was good to call Alden to let him know why Stu'art'h might suddenly never call him again. Evul-art'h, like all the hn'tyons we've met so far, seems to be a genuinely good person.


The ‘arth family conversation sounds like the continuation of this from C102 - and I still don’t have a clue about it (unless it’s about knighthood)- “The Ryeh-b’t and the other ryeh-b’t. Not confusing in the slightest.” She shoved herself back into her cushions. After a moment, she said, “Stu, are you all right these days?” He sighed. “I would be much more all right if you would all stop wanting things for me that I don’t want for myself.” She smiled. “You’re still angry with me. I don’t know why you thought I wouldn’t side with the others. It’s only the small matters I allow myself to be careless about. You are not a small matter.” One of her hands rummaged under a golden yellow pillow and pulled out one of her lungsticks. She held the dark tube out to him, and he lit it with a flick of his fingers. “You’ve always been such a beautiful caster, Stu.” He stood. “Thank you for calling Alden,” he said stiffly. “I would appreciate it if you did me the favor again when he has finished resting.” “I’ll do all manner of favors for you, baby brother.” She drew on the stick and sent a cloud of blue smoke toward the ceiling. “Consider doing just one for me in return.”


It’s because Esh and Lind are on vacation, and therefore less important right now.

E Estevez

Do you think they’re talking to Maricel about Jacob?


Yeah she does seem like that. I don't think she is evil, my comment was made in humour. Its one of those things: Thank you for telling me, I'm glad I know, but now I am worried so am I better knowing or not!

Chas Becht

I don't think Klein dislikes Alden. It's more that he dislikes the way the school is using him. If anything he seems to have Alden's best interests at heart, he just misunderstands the situation.

Levi Aul

Hypothesis tangent to this: the Gloss is a wordchain only possibly through a Skill — and therefore, might not be a wordchain in the traditional sense (i.e. a way of one or two parties moving their own base authority that is balanced and so “eco-friendly” / non-chaos-generating) but instead either a literal Skill use that acts like a wordchain—or perhaps a wordchain the System itself uses upon itself, that locks it into a kind of geas in how it responds to other requests, forcing it to weight global outcomes that achieve a goal. My theory is that the System either eats the balancing effect of this wordchain itself; or the wordchain’s initial “self-imposed geas” aspect _is_ negative for the caster, and so it balances positive for the caster (e.g. by temporarily freeing the System somewhat from any “must obey commands” geas-like constraints built into it, so it can more freely work toward its _own_ preferences.) In either case, the “bad luck” that ensues from the Gloss _isn’t_ a direct balancing effect of the wordchain. Instead, it’s the System in part simulating “bad luck” as part of the rules by which the skill operates; but also in part, the System, freed from constraints, _taking the flexibility_ afforded by this to do things that will make its job easier, arbitrarily nudging pieces on the chessboard to work toward a position where the people who use the Glimmer, or are related to them, are marginalized. This has a worrying implication: if Aulia digs deeply enough, she will discover that it was the System itself ultimately to blame for stealing the Sinker Sender and putting that boat on a collision course with Matadero. And most worryingly, the System itself — or at least, the “conscious” part of it that Avowed can talk to, that evaluates global threats, etc — isn’t aware that it did this! It kicked off a planning thread for a Gloss skill “reckoning” execution; and that thread, so single-minded in its goals, made short-term problems for the System itself and Earth as a whole. And then even went so far as to hide its tracks — not because of principal-agent problems, but rather because the best long-term outcome for the System as a whole, would be ensured by the conscious part of the System reacting to the problem as if it were caused by some external unknown entity!


The gloss is no longer in effect as per word of god. Even without that, this is not how word chains have been established to work. The gloss had a clear start and end date/time, and we're way past that. It's been over half a year that the gloss's negative half has been over. It ran out around the time Alden got summoned to Leafsong. The attack on Matadero is also an event that is extremely likely to happen irregardless of the gloss. Jacob getting selected (and thus wanting to get off the island) does not have anything to do with the Velras and their first point of contact is long after the Gloss has run out. Orpheus would still trade the libra for drugs and thus the conditions for the attack are set.


Yeah the information imbalance is bad, it's very complicated though. Is something even real for you if you can't comprehend/feel/sense/touch/imagine something ?

Temp One

I agree! But I could also see them willing to make that bluff. In the hopes it'd make Stu flinch.


I keep thinking about Drusi-Otta watching this entire thing unfold and just being bewildered. 1. Alden's teachers keep telling him he doesn't *need* to come to class - which is bizarre from an Artonan perspective. 2. Alden keeps explicitly (albeitly politely) refusing to not come to class as his teachers indicate he should. 3. She finds out that teachers can advise students on their development, something Esh explicitly wants to do in Alden's case - also, there's an open position for someone to throw tennis balls at kids, which Esh would enjoy. 4. Students casually gossiping about "who levelled" which form Drusi's perspective means "who is excited to carve a portion of themself into a new form after a disaster destroyed their home (even if the destruction itself is traumatic.)" 5. Just the amount of information that Alden hides from everyone in his life. The reasons for his injury would be extremely relevant to his teachers w/r/t his growth but he obscures it - even if there's some stuff he's not allowed to say he goes out of his way to be secretive. 6. From earlier - Drusi probably got a full rundown on what happened on Theogund that she likely didn't know previously, and certainly not from the perspective of the person who was suffering through it the entire time. EDIT: 7. Drusi got a possibly novel (for her) introduction into how human avowed teachers think about the contract (Klein's belief in the value of foundation points) and that they make explicit recommendations about how one should shape the very personal *self* according to the best guesses of the instructors. 8. Would Esh know that Alden leveled? Even if he can't see the notification, Alden would clearly be carrying excess authority for his age and rank and Esh is demonstrably able to sense Alden using his authority. 9. There were two separate conversations that Drusi would have heard: one about Alden returning someone's *teeth* to them and the other about why Alden didn't return those same teeth to someone whose mouth they weren't from. 10. "home-wanderer" was written in a way that makes me think it's either one word or one phrase. Why would there be a word or phrase for that?


I wasn’t expecting a “glowing organs” reaction, I was more expecting it to be a seal of approval from her. When everyone else is wondering if stu should be allowed to talk to Alden then that commendation should nip any angles of “we don’t know this alien” in the bud. There are other reasons for the end result of stopping communication but hat commendation makes it very unlikely that it’s about associating with random stranger.


What is the schedule? Surely we aren’t getting another chapter *tomorrow*, but I haven’t seen anything from Sleyca saying we aren’t. Did I miss something?


I think she’s mourning / feeling guilty over her part in this, even though that isn’t reasonable


Tomorrow is Sleyca's second miss day of May. It was announced in the AN a couple chapters ago.


They may want something less extreme from Stuart, such as going to a mind healer to treat the episode with his sister dying. They may think he is using Alden for a similar purpose, and giving him an ultimatum to prove that he isn't.

John D Jones

The next chapter should come late Wednesday as usual (effectively early Thursday morning for my time zone). But if it doesn't come until a week from Sunday or so, that's also fine because Sleyca fans aren't (or shouldn't be) << grab greedy like a toddler >>.

Levi Aul

Yeah but there was no reason (at least from her perspective) to do it now while it’s still a “might.” There would have been nothing stopping her from calling _after_ it happens, if it happens. Which would have saved him the anguish in the case that it doesn’t happen. Of course, this conversation might prompt Alden to butt into their “family discussion” by e.g. reaching out to the Primary through the knight he happens to have on hand. But Evul wouldn’t have known Alden has any other path into poking at her family besides the one that goes through her.


My bet is that Stu wants Alden to be around for his affixation or beforehand and his family is like "that's weird" and now he has to convince them that it's not but they might just stop him from talking to Alden altogether.

John D Jones

Klein and Saleh probably talk all the time. There's a reason Klein was on the evaluation committee for accepting new students. Of the ones on that committee it was only Klein and Saleh that gave a shit about Alden himself.


Also, CNH offers one quarter of the year off. The real issue is that his summons will resume soon, and I'm not sure he gets another "no summoning time" the next time he affixes.


It's very funny that he/she isn't named in that section.


I am absolutely grab-greedy for soup, but fortunately, that side of me doesn’t get shown publicly because toddlers can’t leave patreon comments


Giving a shit isn't enough, though, you actually have to understand what he actually needs and not just assume it.


I’m so excited for Stu to negotiate his way into CNH! They best laid plans of quiet rabbits and men…

Matt V

Oh, I don't dispute that. Klein's objections were reasonable, but the way he presented his objections to Alden - and his general avoidance of Alden in gym - are not conducive to building a solid rapport. To Alden, Klein is just the teacher that doesn't want him there. And here he is trying to push him out of his class again, only with the principal on his side this time. It was handled about as poorly as it could be, no matter how well-intentioned.


Stu isn't going to forsake Alden just because he is becoming inconvenient. He's not Joe. Also, if the knights aren't total assholes, they ask Stu to delay his knighthood for a year or so instead of dropping it altogether. Making him an ultimatum that goes "choose between your (only) friend and your lifelong dream"... only selfish, selfish centered, asshole people do that.

Temp One

【'I don’t know how I feel about them affixing', Alden realized. 'But it’s not simple.' He hadn’t had to think too hard about his classmates leveling up yet. When it came to progressing as an Avowed, dealing with himself filled his plate and then some. And, when he had thought about what the others would do, it had mostly been because they were all talking about it. They wanted it. They’d joined Talent Dev for it. Leveling the classes they’d chosen would make them proud and happy. It would make them stronger. They would get new spells and skills. They would mold themselves into people they could never be without the System. And it wouldn’t hurt. And they wouldn’t ever know. Even if they understood in the factual sense…they wouldn’t know. He stared at the empty desks that filled the row in front of him. Vandy kept giving him a rundown of everything, but her voice faded into the background. 'It’s not right. So much of it is wrong.' He couldn’t grapple with it right now.】 I think this is the first time Alden has really thought about just how messed up the system Artonans put into place really is. One thing in particular I've been thinking about is the implication from when we first met Esh that he can't use heal spells because of his affixation. That the affixation impacts other aspects of the user beyond just giving them a cool ability. And it makes a creepy sort of sense. We're talking about the thing that makes people fundamentally -who- they are. If your fundamental identity is twisted up into a balloon animal, how would it not impact your behavior and function? Which makes Alden's realization that his friends are tying their fundamental selves up with failed Artonan college school projects all the more horrifying. What does it mean when a portion of your fundamental self has been mutilated into a shape that was effectively designed by an Artonan child? How does that impact who you are to everyone you know and love? Alden needs a therapist with an ironclad nondisclosure agreement.


It would be incredibly ironic if the reason the family objects to having Alden there is that he might learn that affixation is painful for wizards.

Aspiring Moth

that's cover against his skill looking weird due to having too many features, or him levelling far too fast. I'm talking about cover in terms of looking like a normal avowed


Great story, hate that it only took me a week to read it all. I’ll come back in a year or two, can’t stand chapter by chapter reading like this.

Kthryn C

It isn't really about Alden being good enough. Stu needs Artonan friends. People from his peer group who can understand the pressures he is under from school and society.


Now I'm imagining Alden going and flying up on the cookie to talk to Evul-art’h way up in the air like he did for lunch. I really want her reaction while she is looking at him "a little harder" with his perfect uniform that Mother said was handsome and then he casually goes and has Esh's cookie to fly off on like it's nothing. "Oh this? Esh gave it to me for a little bit while the disaster gets cleaned up. Anyway, what is going on with Stu?"


I think Alden probably has qualified for a level or two. The system just recognizes his mental state is not as good as he thinks it is, and knows now is not a good time for that bit of bad news.

Kthryn C

Kon is sufficiently observant and busy-body enough to tell the faculty that Alden needed two wordchains just to speak.


Nah, I’m doing the same thing with tons of RR stories right now. Been doing it with webnovels since webnovels were invented. I had to institute a rule that I don’t start reading one until it’s over 1k pages. Ends too quick otherwise

Robert Mullins

Fortunately for him, he realized a couple chapters ago that his fast skill improvement actually allowed his bound authority to temporarily outpace his free authority. So he was actually given a slight extension on being forced to affix. Granted, he still has plenty of free authority that could be bound. It's just that the ratio didn't change to his detriment as a result.


I never reread webnovels, I just this week started rereading this one and I’m practically caught up. Running into the chapter wall still feels bad but it’s a different bad.

E Estevez

I can also see that happening. Maybe it’s both at the same time.


I imagine the more free authority a person has when they affix the more it hurts. Also the system chooses avowed between an age range of 14.5 to 17 max on earth. It probably has a mechanical reason for it, it might not be possible for Stu to affix later if he’s on the verge of aging out and it might have the most powerful impact when done young.


I usually don’t have to re-read them. My memory is almost totally useless for everything else but I remember near perfectly anything I’ve ever read


I think squish boots aren’t rare. It is difficult to imagine them not being commonly used in emergency centers and hospitals on anesidora. Probably wouldn’t see people out and about with them because most people don’t reject bed rest...


I hope somehow Alden makes it their, bears whiteness to the endless misery of stu’s horizon as he affixes, feels a little “click” in his absolute secrecy contract, turns to the primary and says, “I have a message for you.”


There is a good chance it wasn’t done in malice. Anyone could have been describing there own panic and then mid description said something like “and there’s the rabbit in the back of the bus chaining up with peace of mind before anything actually happened!”. it could also have been malicious and come from Medhi talking about why did the rabbit ET before him, “is it because he’s so unstable he had to wordchain before we got off the bus?!”. There’s lots of room for imagination in there.


I think Klein deserved to be there because Alden was under his care when it happened. And Principal Saleh is there because she’s in charge of the students. Should there have been another person? Maybe. But from the scope that the two adults are working through it all made sense to offer him a chance to take time off.


In response to 8): yes, Esh-Erdi can feel Alden’s authority, but he has no reason to brush against him and the one time he did it would have been after he leveled. He also wouldn’t be able to do it stealthily, Alden would feel him. ... ... now I’m imaging a scene where Esh wants to test Alden and he flexes his authority at him just to see if Alden responds.

JJ Hunter

I love that what Vandy comments on first is Alden already wearing the uniform and not Alden using one of the Artonan generals' personal flyers. There's a kind of purity to Vandy's priorities that make her feel so steadying here. Yes, Alden's clearly had a time of it, but more importantly, he's already finished the homework before her! She's got to finish up ASAP!

JJ Hunter

@Josh Brooks, welcome and well come! Yes, lots of dedicated readers here who enjoy every update and talking about the nuances together. It's a great story that holds up well to rereading.


Edit Suggestion: “I’m thinking about it, too,” she said. “I love the dorms, but at the moment, I just want to hug my mom and brother about ten times a day to make sure they’re safe. Family matters more than anything else, right?” It's difficult to tell if this is Vandy or Olive talking here. Vandy was talking, so it makes it seem like it was her, however it seems out of character. But, by context and the fact that Olive had just walked up to them, it could be Olive and would seem more appropriate. However, on my first read I thought it was Vandy and was confused. On second read-through I think it's Olive.

JJ Hunter

Esh is at least a competent adult! who is willing to loan Alden a cool zoomy magical toy instead of treating him like he's two breathes away from fainting if someone shouts at him. Esh may be coming off New Adult Probation period sooner than most, just by being relatively chill and genuinely helpful in comparison.

John D Jones

*Evul shrugged and took another puff of alien ganja* "That sounds like him. He's such a << softy. >>" Honestly, I'm waiting for Alden to ask if she can invite him to Knight Rapport One right now to testify or speak on Stu'art'h's behalf if that would help.

JJ Hunter

I keep thinking about how Alden actually seems to deal better with the negative half of Peace of Mind when he has something physical he's pushing himself on. Just hanging out in a calm spa with it gave him absolutely nothing to do with the surge in stress hormones besides mentally spiral about it.

John D Jones

@ 11037 Alden gain a level in BoAB is not bad news for Alden. It's good news because he won't have to affix as soon. It's kind of "bad news" for the Earth System because the Earth System wants Alden to Affix as much as possible and as soon as possible. The biggest problem with it for Alden is that the Earth System is not designed to deal with Hn'ytons, just Earth Human Avowed.


You're right, Big Snake uses the word to describe Alden too! Alden may be a quiet rabbit but he's a very /interesting/ quiet rabbit. And he's only been in school two weeks. Idk if he is going to be able to make a full year without becoming /too/ interesting.

JJ Hunter

@Aspiring Moth, given Alden has been riding around on Hn'tyon Esh-erdi's personal flyer all day, I think his cover as a normal Avowed is permanently, irrevocably blown now. People call him the moon Rabbit; he's in a special Alden-shaped box that's looking increasingly like the one Big Snake has, where people may not even be surprised anymore if he says he has a wizard friend.

John D Jones

I'm pretty sure Kibv-ee's messages will still go through Evul even without Stu'art'h. Because Alis-art'h is still the Fourth Hn'tyon (whose brother is the Primary) and she's not going to tolerate any internal art'h family bullshit making Kibv-ee cry.

John D Jones

At this point I'm waiting to find out how the Gloss went back in time and wiped out the dinosaurs. Did some bad stuff happen to the Velras from the backlash? Sure. Maybe Aulia lost her Council seat and Lute lost his eye. The Submerger attack didn't happen because of the Gloss (at least not directly). It happened because Orpheus Velra was the drug-addled fuckup who decided "Steal the Submerger and exchange it for Super-crack? Sounds like a deal to me! *puff/snort*"

Aspiring Moth

to be clear by normal avowed I mean lacking an authority sense and wanting/needing new skills etc. everyone in his class is over the moon about levels or envious, but if Alden was told that he had to pick a new talent now he would probably vomit from fear. I am thinking of a scenario where he has to pretend to be as enthusiastic as normal avowed about new talents, and not scared to affix the talent suggested to him by esh erdi for example. it is possible that circumstances could put him in a situation where he has to affix to avoid suspicion

John D Jones

Unless/until Alden gets adopted by them and his new last name becomes Thorn-art'h, Alden is not part of the art'h family.


I don't think that is something Stu would aspire to. Why would he attend a school run for Avowed that don't understand the system vs. the second best wizard school on the Artonas?


In over twenty years of life, Stu has yet to successfully gain and keep an Artonan peer as a friend. He's not going to spontaneously obtain one if they take away the one good (alien) peer friend he's managed to get. I know people can be illogical about stuff, but I find the idea that they'd believe otherwise boggling.


8: - I think Esh would need to do what Alis did and really fold Alden in his Authority for him to take a measure of him, and that may be rude to do to an otherwise healthy person.


Yeah, I think so. Authority figures in a disaster aren't going to give a damn about some kid's feelings when they want to get to The Truth(tm).

Zoya Mylovanova

It is not impossible that Stu has problems because of Esh. It did not seem that the guy was opposed to their friendship, he even wanted Alden to prove support to Stuart. Still, Esh had asked Alden if the boy wanted to talk to Stu or just let him know he was ok. This suggests that Esh would have to contact Stuart either directly or through someone from the family. The latter might have caused a problem.

The Ox

There might be a reasonable chance they never find out. Only Alden and an embassy staffer survived that encounter. The embassy is gone, along with all remaining physical evidence including the bodies and an extra arm. Seems clear that the Artonans don't love to divulge anything they don't feel they have to, including that their own staff got nearly offed by some recklessly homicidal thieves. It depends on the politics between the Knights, the Ambassador, and the Anesidoran gov't which we haven't got a lot of data on.

Jack Sprat

I think it makes sense that Klein was there. He was both the teacher on the bus, and he's the teacher overall responsible for their gym classes. Since that is the class they think Alden should skip it makes sense he'd be in the room for the discussion. Plus, he's probably not even aware that he's been negative towards Alden. He's a committed teacher, and is probably blind to the fact he's been displaying a negative bias.

John D Jones

They didn't bring it up but one thing that might seem like a red flag to Saleh and Klein was Alden's lack of reaction to killing Winston. They've both probably seen a lot of B-rank students and heroes. Figure most of them would have reacted to defeating a higher Ranked person with an "In yo' face, beeyatch!" or at least a fist-pump or two. Alden was "All right, so that's done," like he'd just finished a mildly unnecessary chore. Figure neither Saleh nor Klein would see that as a "normal" reaction. This is yet another place where Alden sharing a little bit more with them about his actual goals would probably help him and them. Alden telling them "Look, when I went to the Triplanets I ended up meeting the Primary. The Primary told me that once I turned 30, I was probably going to be doing a lot of work for the hn'tyons, probably in chaos zones. I'm not trying to become a superhero. I'm just trying to get as strong, skilled and prepared as possible for when that happens and this hero track is the best way I know to do that."


I agree so much, it was handled incredibly poorly. Did they even consult the school therapist before planning this little intervention? I think it was Klein's idea. Other than Haoyu (who could've been the reporter) I don't recall anyone else paying much attention to Alden having a freakout during the crisis. I wonder if it was Klein who noticed, and not a student reporting it. I'm not surprised that Klein would want to have this intervention; I am surprised Saleh thought this was a good idea. I think she values Klein's opinion too highly.


I doubt they could actually stop Alden and Stu talking permanently, since it seems like Mother was trying to specifically set up that connection to help both of them.


It's especially ironic because she is many-times-contract-bound to act in the family's interests. So she has somehow doublethinked herself into believing that this is in the interest of the family, while effectively throwing almost all of the individuals in the family under the bus.


It was one month for Alden to recover to the point he could use his authority *at all*. Which is not the same as fully recovered. He was still smarting when he used his skill or when other people targeted him. Here, have a timeline! https://coral-sheree-56.tiiny.site Fortunately, as Charlie says above, Anesidoran schools allow their students a quarter off every year; taking school year-round is an option, but not expected. This was mentioned in chapter 69. This will give him a chance to recover without having to do gym class. Personally, I'm quite sure Alden will get no-summons time when he affixes again. The Contracts aren't stupid and they aren't cruel. They won't send him to jobs he is literally incapable of performing. And they don't have to explain anything to anyone; they can literally say he gets vacation for "other reasons", which is the exact excuse they gave for his recovery time this go around.


His affixation was another really bad experience with authority


Hopefully the negotiation goes well for him. I bet they just want him to do some kind of training. 😆


I think people are, understandably, focused on the last part of what Evul said, but I think the big hint is what she said first. [“In the big living room,” she said finally, “trying to force everyone else to understand something that I can already tell will only ever make sense to him.” Well…that’s an answer. She pointed the middle three fingers of one of her hands at him. “Stu likes you more than I realized.”] Stu has made a second decision that his family clearly doesn’t agree with. It is directly related to Alden, somehow. Here are some guesses, in no particular order: 1) Stu wants Alden to attend his Affixation ceremony (not just the party the week before) 2) Stu wants to visit Earth to help with cleanup 3) Stu wants to do a student exchange kind of thing alongside Alden. Stu would join Alden for a semester at CNH, and then Alden would join Stu at Leaf Song for a semester 4) Stu wants to recruit Alden in some capacity (votary? squire? idk) 5) Stu wants to tell Alden the story of the elder’s croak


It’s really funny to me that the entire art’h household is currently debating whether or not Alden is a good influence on baby Stu, completely ignorant of the fact that Mother sent Alden to befriend Stu because she was worried about both of them

Barrett Fogarty

Just a reminder, Sleyca's Anesidora is an international community of which only 5% would be Americans. Other countries had been pursuing drug controls for decades prior to Nixon's militaristic approach. It's unlikely that Anesidora would have escaped a restrictive approach to drug control no matter what the US did.


6) Stu wants Alden as a member of his support staff when he becomes a knight.


Because Alden is there? And because he is clearly interested in human culture. I don’t think he’s going to graduate and become a superhero, but taking a semester or two to learn about humans is a fine use of time, particularly for such a long-lived people, and an upcoming knight. Knights are the kinds of people who *need* to chase their passions and whims. He could put off his affixation another year and do anything he wanted, and it wouldn’t cost him anything in the end

Josh Brooks

Oh, and you KNOW it was Lexi that outed Alden. It HAS to be. Even it was some other more nuanced and awesome choice that brought up Alden’s health to Saleh and Klein, to me it was Lexi

Ian T Hathaway

"Stu likes you more than I realized." YEEEAH BOIIII


If Stu becomes a Knight, he might be able to just place a call himself

Barrett Fogarty

@Sunden, really nice catch and analysis. Sleyca has these little bits lying around in her chapters that one really has to work hard to spot them, track them down, and then project what they mean. Good job!

Radha Patel

Rereading Aulia's speech reminded me, during the Chainer chapters she told Lute that she went to school from 5 to 15. At 15yo, she was selected, pulled from school by the government, and was never able to go back to school. At times like this I feel sad for her, but that obviously in no way excuses her crimes and manipulations as an adult. Thinking this way, it seems that the fears of regular people has created a bit of a monster

Austin Gillespie

Yeah I guess I don’t have any specific reason why it seemed like a rare thing to me aside just not having much mention of anyone else being in one (and a gut feeling), but as you said most of those people are probably still in the hospital getting slightly slower healing/generally chilling on bed rest.


I saw 'home wandering' as the person who wandered around their home and they didn't know why he was there

Isak Mark

There are also restrictions on communications with awoved and their worlds especially Earth since it's so new. The family could also be negotiating which skill he takes. That they don't want him to bind his authority or at least delay it. They think Alden is using him. etc.

Isak Mark

I honestly think Jeffy will become powerful because he doesn't want to affix "water skills" and therefor will wait until he finds a "land skill"

Jeremy Goldberg

Those are all plausible options. We also know that Stu went to Evul in the first place because he didn’t think most of his family would help him skirt the rules and talk to Alden. So if Stu’s friendship with Alden became general knowledge among his family, it’s possible that the knee jerk response would just be “nope!” and Stu would need to << negotiate >> to regain permission. We already know that Stu’s worry about Alden was enough to prompt him to take proactive action to help. It’s possible that one of those actions attracted the attention of his family and caused his friendship with Alden to come to light. It’s also possible that one of the two Artonans that Alden recently told about the friendship has spilled the beans.

Jeremy Goldberg

“Never” sure is a long time. In a few years Stuart will probably gain the ability to summon Alden himself. Either Evul is being hyperbolic, or something more serious than just “we won’t help you skirt the rules to talk to your friend” is going on.


I really wish the psychiatrists I'd had in college had believed that it is okay to stop mental health treatments when the patient no longer needs it! (Or at least had believed me when I told them that the side effects of my meds were a cure worse than the disease.)


Actually, this was going to be one of my unobserved items that you have observed.... The family finds out that Alden didn't have "Privacy of the house". I can guarantee you that the number of all species avowed that ARRIVE at the art'h household for the first time anywhere other than the official TC (transport center) is zero. And any avowed that do arrive will have protocols of who invited them, and proper contracts..... Thus the only way Alden couldn't have "Privacy of the house" is by Mother transporting Alden to their redoubt skipping the TC. And only Mother would be involved in suggesting the << home-wandering >> human to infiltrate the household to find Stu..... There can be no other interpretations. Mother wants Stu to have Alden as a .......... yet to be disclosed thing. The Mother angle is going to be why Stu is going to win the negotiation and go to Earth to attend school with Alden.


If by ship you mean SuperHero and Super Supportive Sidekick, then yes, that is probably Sleyca's endgame.

Jeremy Goldberg

I completely forgot about this! Thank you! Do y’all think the subtext of “You’ve always been such a beautiful caster” is “You’re so good at spells - you should just be a wizard instead of a knight”? Stu’s family is probably dreading the possibility of Stu being eaten by trees in a few years.


Long-lived is not infinite time. There is always an opportunity cost to any action. Stu wants the respect of his family and it seems that they are trying to urge him to forsake becoming a knight. Spending time on a resource world learning about a culture the Artonans are deliberately keeping in the dark does not signal that you are very serious about your stated desire to become a knight.

Robert Mullins

While I don't doubt Mother's involvement getting out eventually, it's also not surprising how he ended up there. People at risk of ending up as abominations are sent to knight rapports so they can be eliminated if needed. At least on Artona 1. Its possible other planets have different areas for this.


I think it's the latter. Stu-art'h liking Alden more than the other art'h members realized is a big tell.


While I agree on the argument winning part, I disagree on the going to school on Earth part. It would be the equivalent of Prince Harry, leaving Oxford to go to a community college in a 3rd world country that just got hit by a typhoon, just because he has an acquaintance there. This is the Primary of the known universe’s youngest son. Anything that happens to him on Earth is a diplomatic incident of the highest order.


Alden needs to talk to the Primary soon, so that he can speak freely with a therapist.


@John His skill and his free authority will both have gotten stronger. He might come out close to even, but he won't be making major gains. Besides, he probably won't get another meeting with Earth, it will just be an uninformative notification that will stress him out.


Also a community college the teaching conditions in which horrified him


My therapist says it's bad to try to be BoAB

Matt DiMeo

I could see Winston. “Y’know, I’m really worried about my good friend Alden stacking up peace of mindsses on the bus.”

Isak Mark

I think the reason education is so important for anesidoria is twofold, the originals were denied theirs and they meet artonans and see their emphasis on education. It's by law that every citizen has to attend school until 21 if I remember correctly. They also have mandatory propaganda classes.


"And they were both smiling at him a lot. Lesedi Saleh was understandable, but Klein…? He smiled at some people in class. Not Alden. His look usually says I’m more of a worrisome chore he’s been given against his will." Are we seeing fake plastered on smiles? What is Sleyca trying to say here? "...when Klein said, “With as well as you’ve done, we all think it’s only a brief matter of time before you level. It’s good work already for the truncated quarter. With that in mind, we wondered if you might want to consider taking a break from the combat class.” Why stop going to combat class and not the others? Was this whole special advisement meeting only about Alden and possible PTSD? With only the Peace of Mind chain as possible evidence? "“But you have just been through your second disaster in a single year,” she continued. “The program is competitive and stressful. Those factors encourage power growth in MOST of our students. However, when life outside of school is delivering more than your fair share of difficulty already…intense training can be something that breaks you down instead of builds you. We want you to be particularly cautious about it given your situation.”" This is probably Sleyca's money shot for this exchange. I've highlighted the word most, as they are clearly implying that they think the Rabbit should have leveled, seeing as he apparently started so low, and the fact that he didn't experience any power growth could mean he's damaged his class????? "They’d also reminded him to talk to his instructors as soon as the System announced that he’d leveled. So that he could get advice about choosing talents and foundational enhancements. " Final confirmation that Klein and Principal Saleh were fishing for why he was getting so much growth without leveling......


@Jim That’s a very good comparison lol. Yes, I imagine they would be very against it. They probably should be. That doesn’t mean Stu wouldn’t try. And the family does appear to be pretty upset!


It was definitely Mehdi! He’s more subtle about his rankism than Winston, but he’s also a lot more competent than Winston. He probably expressed his “concern” for Alden to force him to take some time off gym, which would give Mehdi time to level and practice enough to avoid getting Winstoned. This is from Ripples 3: [“Even translation is broken now?” Mehdi said. “That seems bad.” “It’s not broken,” Alden said forcefully. “The System is just busy. It’s not going to break.” Mehdi turned to him with arched brows.]


Avowed start with variable amounts of authority, e.g., Lute at S-1 has more authority than is typical.


"Not Haoyu, obviously"--I'll go on a limb and blame him anyway. He certainly knew that Alden was freaking out, stacking Peace of Mind and probably suspected he had PTSD from Thegund as well. In his own debrief he probably unwittingly mentioned his concern in passing as a description of the event.


@SunderGoldmane You are not wrong, but this is a situation that needed to be handled with more care than just throwing the relevant people in a room together. They absolutely should have taken the time to think about who would be best to have this discussion with Alden, especially since Saleh knows Klein and he did not have a positive first meeting. That should have been at least enough to ask some very pointed questions before including Klein in the meeting, and either Klein lied or she didn't do basic due diligence, but either way it's completely inexcusable.


I don't think "good at spells" is the right framing. Magic is the act of extending your fundamental self out to alter reality. I imagine Artonans, who can sense that fundamental self, would have a more nuanced view of spellcasting than simply input output. Would you want to see a family member capable of shaping the world with their beautiful self instead being shaped to fit someone else's design?


The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Aulia's intentions were good, if you believe what she says is true. The principal and Klein are doing their job to the best of their abilities: checking in on a student who is probably traumatized, allow him to take time to regroup outside of a hyper competitive environment and offer what they truly believe is their best advice. And we know Stu's family doesn't want him to die of mutilation. They know the pain, and they want something better for him.


Permanently, no. But for a number of years maybe, and Alden most likely would not be able to visit the Knights Rapport in December like planned.


Not only that, but teleported early to get a flyer. It’s a subtle line that they would know what it means about his importance to the Artonans.


On Discord we are saying he is a morph Brute, named Object Shaper because there are reference to both a male and female in the text. Or alternatively that there is a Sway going around and erasing peoples memories of his name.


They may also have concerns since they hired the not so good Counselor for their screening this time around. If Alden has a mental breakdown he’s not going to convince the Artonans to give the school better stuff.


I think the Anesidorans gov't will learn, since Esh is busy clearing away potential future stressors for Alden, including legal troubles. That might not translate to his school learning, but... I wouldn't count it out.


But in order for him to tell them he would have to trust them and Alden has never been given a reason to trust adults.


Wonder if Stuart strong armed Joe to Earth to overcome a roadblock to going to Earth in person Since Joe is an approved instructor, Joe could oversee Stuart's education while on Earth Esh could even be helping Stuart Maybe Esh is very busy today because Esh is in the big living room

Emily Gurnavage

They use contract tattoos for everything. Why not one where he agrees to never communicate again with that specific human? Wouldnt matter how old he got.

Jeremy Goldberg

Ooof, I didn’t think of that. I could see how it would make sense from the point of view of an overbearing family member too. 1. Stu’s generally a weird guy with weird guy issues. 2. He’s already about to irrevocably ruin his own life, according to us. 3. He’s skirting the rules to talk to this child avowed, which is a bad look even if he isn’t hurting anyone. 4. Now he’s running around doing who knows what because of this human, and we don’t understand his weird-guy motivations. 5. Let’s save him from himself and hit him with a magic restraining order before he does any more damage. Oh that would suck so, so much


I personally think Alden has a form of PTSD and just hasn't realized it yet. Imo he's still in the denial stage of his trauma. He's treating the associated symptoms without realizing he's been fundamentally injured. Really hope he gets a good mind healer. Truly a masterpiece of a story so far


What are you talking about? People go on study abroad trips all the time. I think that the rate in my undergrad was 1/4. That doesn’t signal they’re unserious about their goals. And if you want to talk about opportunity cost, you should consider that his current plan is to sever his infinite futures at the end of the year. The perspective you put forward is, even among humans, quite controversial and far from the objective truth you present it as. You can’t just assume it holds for a literally alien culture, particularly one that has shown such passion and respect for knowledge and learning

Andrew Simpson

He 1,000,000% has PTSD. M A lot of PTSD looks more mundane and familiar than the hollowed out dead-eyed state of war veterans in movies, and I cannot fathom how Alden would go through what he's gone through without major trauma

Andrew Simpson

It could definitely be vandy. We know vandy is very close with her family, despite how socially awkward she is.

Andrew Simpson

That seems incredibly unlikely. Stu is very duty driven. Comically so. He is in wizard college to learn to be a wizard as a prerequisite for being a knight. I don't think he's gonna take a semester abroad with his affixation looming.

Temp One

【She pointed the middle three fingers of one of her hands at him. “Stu likes you more than I realized.” What does that mean? She didn’t seem mad. But she did seem a lot less jokey than usual. “He did name Alden after me,” Alden answered when he couldn’t think of anything else to say. “We do talk every week.” “Yes. But he experiments sometimes in pursuit of personal development. He has << phases >>.” Alden waited. “Questions about the << home-wandering >> human were asked today. And he was forced to confess that he didn’t contract with you for Privacy of the House.”】 Like the rest of the thread, I've been thinking of this scene. And one of the things I can't help but be curious about is *what* precipitated the confrontation. The way Evul says that Stu has "fallen into the trap of a family negotiation" at the end implies premeditation. This wasn't a serendipitous development that occurred from the freak circumstance of an unexpected conversation. This was something plotted. Which begs the question, how did the art'h family figure out that Alden was significant to Stu, and furthermore that he wasn't contracted to silence? Which makes me wonder if Esh might have a hand in this. As he seems like the only party with the means. He knows from his conversation with Alden that he and Stu were becoming friends. He could have also implicitly picked up that Alden has no other contracts from their conversation this morning. It makes me almost think he's actually vetting Alden as a friend to the Primary's youngest child? Perhaps Drusi following Alden's uncontracted behavior for the entire day might be serving more purposes than one. That when the art'h family came to realize what Alden was to Stu, they organized an ambush with the intent to negotiate something out of Stu using his relationship with Alden. I don't think it'd be a trap otherwise.

Anthony Lutz

Im of the opinion that they realised Alden is important to Stu because Stu instigated Joe to go to earth to help save Aldens home. I also think the art'h family has/had friendly ties to joe (alis thoughts while relaxing before aldens arrival on thegund) before he was found to have "sacrificed Alden" for personal gain and fell into disgrace with the rest of society. By interacting with Joe in this manner, Stu has stepped into some family politics, or maybe just actual politics by showing he'll do stuff for the sake of Alden.

John D Jones

@ UpgradeDD You might be forgetting about Alis-art'h. There was a small but measurable chance that Alden might end up a chaos abomination. You probably wouldn't want to drop a chaos abomination into your family's teleport complex. Instead, you might send Alden to, say, the middle of the forest filled with trees than can and will kill chaos abominations.


I highly doubt that anyone living in that house other than Stu even knows that Ro-Den is currently on Earth. Why would they? he's not actually that important in the scheme of things. And he just continues to become less important over time.

Michael Blue

I wasn’t reading competitive and stressful environments helping most students as the remaining students having direct damage to the class or leveling mechanism, but as damage to the mental state of the person.


Don't forget 7) Where Stu is crushing hard on Alden and is actively courting him 🤣

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

Evul has to be staring at Alden considering whether weighing in on Stu's behalf would actually be in baby Stu's benefit. She could even have considered summoning Alden so that she and the family could check him out in person, but the very last sentence makes it sound like she has decided to stay out of it.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

I'd forgotten the circle of silence would prevent Alden from talking even to a therapist or mind healer about his affixation trauma!


Alden is still on break, so she could only go so far as sending him an invitation, and not forcefully summon him. Unless she cashed in a favour from mother. Which seems unlikely.


I think "home wandering" is just Artonan for trespassing.


I don’t recall this that the trees alone are chaos killers . Don’t you think that Artonan I has a Matadero like destination just like Earth? And a group of Knights at the ready? Prenotified by mother to avoid any chaos damage? My interpretation of Alden’s arrival point was that Mother diverted his arrival destination herself because she indeed saved him from Abomination.


Stu's exchange with Joe might be viewed by Artonans as something more than Stu trying to convince Joe to head to Earth. Stu may have essentially "voluntold" Joe to join the Triplanets delegation due to their relative social standings. At least a couple of wizards at Leaf Song saw Stu headed to Joe's lab ... that kind of gossip would spread quickly and might get the attention of his family.


I’ve been Team exchange student Stu forever and totally agree with your justifications. And we can make it work if Joe, a highly desired wizard instructor, is assigned to CNH, to ensure Stu doesn’t fall behind.


Sleyca has confirmed that the size of an affixation doesnt change the pain associated with it.


Could all this stem from the Primary, who is probably very much owned, and just lost his daughter in a horrible way, asking Mother to look out for Stu, his smallest? And into Mothers lap falls a half dead rabbit, that Stu cared for. And to get Alden understand Stu better she shows him his most horrible memory. A path for a deep friendship layed out by the Mother? Thus she does two things at once, the second being showing a rabbit the awful side of being a knight.


Negotiation is always a trap, man; you always lose something. Often it's worth sticking your foot in that trap voluntarily; sometimes it isn't. If you really mean to do something, just say what you'll do and then do it. Or better still, do the thing and let people hear about it afterwards. Negotiating for what you want is for when you care about other peoples' opinions and wants and responses enough to give them a chance to change your planned course. Negotiating with family about big stuff can get ugly, because everyone cares so much about what's happening whether that's fair of them or not. And the elder members of the family tend to be cannier in social maneuver, leaving the young at a stark disadvantage. For some things family deserves a say. For some things... ask forgiveness, not permission. You may be right that Esh is indirectly to blame here. Quite possibly he thought "Oh, better make sure Stu's family knows he can call... I've got his dad on speed dial, I'll just talk to him real quick." They learn from Esh that Stu has been skirting summoner laws with Evul's help. Probably Stu kind of dug the rest of the grave himself somehow. Tried to make a point about Alden being upstanding and already within the circle of trust and accidentally revealed that whoops, Stu broke a *second* rule.


Perhaps he payed for the dept created when Mother shared that memory. I think the way Mother operates is very much not for free, everything is probably transactional, and that’s why Lind said that’s “too” much to Erdi


He'd have to tell them that he spoke with mother and why he spoke with mother. That might trigger them finding out about his persona privilege.


I just lol over the bald general ( not one of the real generals even Alden's classmates know that ) falling into one < midden > after another. Esh's comments have real power! And so too would Bashnor's ... But the mystery of the arths and Stu and Alis and Alden and Esh and an und'h and Joe and the class system... gotta wonder


If Esh can feel fractures then I wonder how he will react after meeting with Alden again.


Because he was the only one who cast peace of mind? And not once but twice. Just so that he could function as well as the others.


Ohhh, that would interesting. "Don't tell the secrets of me and my family that you found out while here to anyone else" can go both ways. :)


8) no Stu you can't play with alis' toy. But it's not a toy! It's my guest even if it's an Avowed !

Jean Bohdel

Poor Object Shaper, old what’s his name. I love that our lovely Rabbit will have all the money he ever needs, but can still get happy about free coffee—or at least use it as a plus for a very uncomfortable meeting. These are the things that make the story my favorite.


I find it even funnier when it came right after a discussion saying that he didn't level up


Lmao never? At some point will put all the Knights in a leash!!!😅😅😅😅 they already love him too much.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

True. I think Alden would have accepted an invite though, and it would have been cool to meet Stu's Moms, I am assuming the primary is not there. Doubt it is going to happen yet though.

Marcia McGinley

I'm feeling bad for the Object Shaper too. Has he been named? Do I need to read back through the character notes? Yes, I do....oh no, from Chapter 126 "A - unnamed - Shaper of Object"


"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name. " - Sleyca being a savage again xD. Ah yes, the 'Object Shaper', huh


Hm, not exactly sure how obvious word chains are. I would also argue that the most likely read on him doing it twice is he messed up the first time, not that he needed two. However I can see that a bit better, depending on how easy it is to tell what/when people are casting word chains. I would also argue that casting peace of mind at the start of a potential situation is pretty smart, even if you aren't having a panic attack. But it does give an alternate explanation to my initial read, which was someone trying to undercut him by implying the poor B grade Rabbit couldn't handle it and maybe needs some counseling.


I’m hopeful about the mind healer — we’ve seen that that’s on Esh’s mental to-do list.


So my initial read on the 'fallen into a trap' is similar to Terrestrial_Biped, the 'trap' is that he's negotiating about something that is simply his choice. It's easy to let yourself fall into the idea that you have to convince your family and friends to agree with some decision, when ultimately it doesn't matter, because it's your decision to make. I mean trying to convince them to agree with you is important, but you have to be careful to not fall into the trap of thinking you HAVE to get them to agree with you in order to proceed. Not that I'm sure about that interpretation, but it was my initial thought.


I definitely think there are more layers to why the school suddenly want him to take a combat break than on the face of it and there is some sort of politicking going on in the background. Could be they heard some details of his adventures through back channels and are honestly concerned its too much for him. They did get him a worse psychologist to make sure he was approved for the program. Or they know he's getting a lot of attention from very powerful Artonans and they are worried they will look bad because of poorly taking care of the favourite Rabbit. I think there are lots of possibilities.


The teachers are hoping for an upgrade to the magic gym while Alden is having his birth tree found for top tear healing by magic Anesidorans can't even access except in emergencies and the most powerful wizard overlords are planting that tree back in their own home just in case. I wonder how much of that they are picking up on...

JJ Hunter

Things coming to head with Stu’s family here re: the secrets he was enjoying keeping about Alden, and the tension Evul was previously touching on re: what she and the rest of the family want for Stu that he doesn’t want for him, is reminding me: we still don’t know that much about mourning names, and how choosing to adopt one might inform the purpose (and by extension, the potential affixation?) one might pursue in life. What was Sina-art’h’s purpose? Who was she to Stu-art’h, that he chose to graft her intimate name to his so it would still be spoken as living as long as he himself lives? Was she someone who told him loving lies? Did she help him learn how to hold and brace himself for pain? I do wonder what kind of pattern Alden may have accidentally stumbled into with Stu-art’h (vs. made an entirely new one?) during the mishnen incident when he spoke to Stu-art’h like a peer, called him out with an insult (prick) like a cousin, forced him back to the ground instead of looking at the bad thing coming, and then held him and told him loving lies while Stu-art’h wrestled himself into bracing for for getting more of his leg blasted off.

JJ Hunter

What purpose has Stu of the House of the art’hs chosen for himself? Is his family afraid he’s chosing Sina’s same purpose and Sina’s same bright burning intensity right into an early choice of final rest? What does it mean for Alden to be someone becoming closely associated not just with Alis-art’h, but Stu-art’h? I wonder if the questions here are not at all about whether Alden is potentially suitable to be such a person, but whether Stu-art’h has adequately explained the risks and consequences and ensured Alden is shielded from them as much as possible. The Privacy of the House contract may be like the Matadero one; as Esh-erdi put it, “‘You’re mature enough to practice << proper discretion >>. And I don’t doubt your honesty. We’ll contract you to secrecy eventually because you aren’t << invulnerable >> to the << wickedness >> of others.’” Maybe Esh-erdi has been doing a bit of gentle but firm Alden advocating here with Evul-art’h and the larger family - not trying to break a good thing but feeling where the existing weaknesses are of secrecy without adequate safeguards that could fracture and hurt both Alden and Stu-art’h quite badly.

JJ Hunter

I keep thinking about Kibby working on her own bravery, with Alden as her model, wanting to be sure she can live a life worthy of the mourning name she wants to take. Kibby, who feels so sharply what her prior hesitation cost, who is so determined not to hesitate to act again when action is needed to protect. The chapter where Kibby proves to herself that she’s ready is that same chapter 101 (“Anesidora Time, 07:15 PM”) that kicked off this whole Submerger incident. Three vignettes of people haunted by loss, taking clandestine action to secure or protect some replacement for their loss. Jacob, haunted by the loss of his life pre-Selection, negotiating for a magical tool that we eventually find he’ll trade to SAL for a ride he hopes will take him safely back home. (Orpheus, haunted by whatever genuinely spooky part of S-rank Chainer life has sent him scrambling single-mindedly towards destroying his mind and body ever since he affixed. Hazel, taking a casual opportunity for blackmail that is sure to haunt her later.) Manon, haunted by the increasingly loss of her youth, discontent by so many things, including the latest turns at Leafsong, her many sacrifices for image, worried that Aulia won’t pay her the rejuvenation treatment owed on time at the end of that fifteen year timer. Kivb-ee, haunted by the loss of her family, her father and sister dead when they could have been saved, refusing to make difficulties for Alden by revealing she doesn’t have the auriad she gave him, and therefore doing whatever it takes to secure a replacement and will it into having the same bonded color.

JJ Hunter

We’ve now seen two out of three of these loss-driven actions go off with tectonic consequences. Ironic, wasn’t it, that Aulia’s (grand)daughter Hazel ended up braining Manon with that exact same fifteen year timer, after Manon acted to sabotage yet another party of the rich and famous where Alden was reluctantly serving as notable party entertainment. Manon’s little habit of using pawns to messing with a party organizer she has a particular grudge against with a particular eye towards sticking it to Alden had mortal consequences again - this time for Manon herself. Jacob’s brief career in being a drug mule / magical device smuggler ended with a bang that’s still sinking the reputation of the Velras and sending Orpheus in particular off to prison. (Wonder if Hazel will also face any consequences?) How Jacob even got those drugs as a low-ranked, unconnected “C-rank Wright globie”, how he knew Orpheus would trade for them, how Orpheus was able to steal the Submerge out of a Wright-locked room, why either of them were selected and pushed on their paths to come to that pivotal trading scene at all - there’s still a significant portion of this mystery submerged that has yet to be fully brought to life. No one has discovered Alden has a bonded auriad on him that he can use yet, right? Right??? Kivb-ee was very sneaky and ensured everyone was looking at Kraaa when she stole the replacement auriad from the Museum of the Empire. (Everyone but Kraaa, who was probably looking directly at the child who just called out to them.) Alden was very sneaky and told the healer he was shy and rearranged his clothes himself so he could wriggle the auriad down into his pants. These two very brave, very sneaky kids have totally fooled all the adult knights, wizards, and Avowed around them into looking at other, more important and distracting things than the fact that Alden has successfully developed his own authority sense and therefore now suffers affixations exactly like a hn’tyon without the same privileges and considerations that help make the scheduling and aftermath of that extraordinary suffering recurring less lonely-awful. And Kivb-ee doesn’t know the pain she’s enabled because she doesn’t know affixations hurt for knights.

JJ Hunter

I wonder if part of what Stu’s family is negotiating about here is insisting that Stu not hide that affixation will hurt for him from Alden if Stu wants to continue their association. I wonder if Alis at all suspects Alden might know more than he’s saying about this from unfortunately personal experience - she doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would leave him in such a precarious place emotionally if she knew, but maybe she thought the commendation would be enough to ensure other responsible parties like the current Artonan ambassador on Earth would see to Alden’s comfort and education. Maybe Kivb-ee managed to fool her, and Kraaa has chosen not to say anything (yet).

JJ Hunter

Maybe it’s a good thing that Alden ended up asking Esh-erdi instead of Joe about the traditions around showing he respects Kibby’s choice of taking a mourning name. Esh-erdi doesn’t have a mourning name; Joe does. I can’t help but think that whoever Worli was, their loss is driving Joe’s whole deal in ways we’re only just starting to see the raw edges of.


"Though Klein had made an odd comment about how he might want to steer clear of the university’s cultural advisor that could have been a reference. " Man I hope Alden runs into the cultural advisor. Maybe while he's picking up Esh-erdi on the nonagon. Lots shown to be going on in the background this chapter.


Man, this chapter is so full of information to speculate about and discuss… Alden’s having a bad time. He seems to be getting separated, literally or metaphorically, from many things he’s hanging on to. Joe, his classes, potentially Stu-Art’h, maybe even Connie when they get around to that conversation. I feel like all of this is setting the stage for all that Alden has gained through his actions to come to his rescue. Boe may teleport in and help Alden through this horrible time. I have faith that Stu-Art’h will not trade away Alden, even though it may interfere with his plans otherwise (like having to delay his affixation by some time). He may also have messages from Kibby to cheer Alden up. The Roomie Squad is distracted by their own problems, but I feel like they will still be able to see how miserable Alden is. They will help. And last of all is Esh, who may be able to fix some of the cracks he sees if Alden just tells him *something*, anything at all. I have confidence that Alden will emerge from this on surer footing than he was before. I just hope nothing breaks too badly before someone helps.

Guus van der Borg

I might be projecting because I think the result would be hilarious. But I do wonder if Vandy is starting to develop some feelings for Alden. She's been very vocal of her approvement of him to others and now he's 'beaten' her at homework. Obviously he's a catch. (And she'll probably hear about the commendation soonish, probably also the type of thing Vandy considers very impressive) :) As I said, probably projecting. But the idea of Vandy awkwardly trying to flirt with basically-asexual Alden just sounds hilarious to me.

John D Jones

Klein's not an idiot and he cares about Alden in his own coolly distant way. He knows that Alden really wouldn't want to be prodded about his Commendation and time off world by the cultural advisor.


I think there’s a bit of miscommunication and a clash of perspectives going on during the meeting that caused the staff’s well intentions to backfire. From the staff’s perspective, these gym classes are made to be very intense since they want to put the students under as much pressure as possible to bring the best out of their talents. We see the negative impact that this can mentally have on the students, such as to the light shaper when he refused to be emergency teleported after getting burnt, or, on a milder case, to Lucille when she was crying during the last obstacle course session, or even how Max’s team ended up crumbling due to how toxic the competitiveness was becoming. But we know that Alden doesn’t really see gym in that way. He explicitly and clearly told Lucille how gym is just practice and how it’s not the end of the world if you fail during gym. We also know that he’s not the type to get too high or too low because of gym. E.g. when he had a breakthrough with catching tennis balls, he didn’t get in over his head but instead used it as motivation. He was also, impressively enough, probably the most mentally steady person in his group after dying several times and even sleeping during the first obstacle course. Alden may not be the most stable person due to his PTSD, but his mind and goals are very clear when it comes to school and gym. It’s probably a big part of what motivates him to get out of bed everyday. It should be fine for Alden to continue attending them unless the school plans on doing a session that involves Alden confronting a Boggart in a wardrobe.

Matt DiMeo

I really can’t figure out what’s going on in the advisement meeting. Are they hoping he quits? Guilty they used a bad psychologist to sneak him in? Figure they’ve got everything they can out of him? Frequently we know more than Alden does about what other people may be thinking, but this time I’m just as confused as Alden is.


Poor Kibby! you’re right, she’s in for a awful realization and hopefully we’re in for a heartbreaking comment from Alden saying that he “bearer of all burdens” couldn’t bear to forget her..


I agree. I also understand the faculty's reasons because someone expressed 'concern' about his behaviour on the bus thus they had to talk to him about it. But evidently there was a misunderstanding. Although Alden has many understandable fears, the most incomprehensible to his classmates and instructors would be if his boggart transformed to level up notification from system🤔

Anthony Lutz

I think they might be operating under the impression that the contract will never level you if your having a bad day, much like it waited for a specific day where alden was happy and sent him hot chocolate before letting him know. The stress of two disasters, plus the highly competitive gym class, while he himself is a low ranked suboptimal class for combat, all combining into one, they fear his mental state will prevent levelling. The problem is Alden knows more than them about authority and how the contract is dealing with him, so their meddling is a problem.

Matt V

@Wanna Oooh, I didn't even think of that. Concerned Esh might be demanding an impromptu parent/teacher conference.

Temp One (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-27 03:31:22 @Terrestrial_Biped, @Vysirez, I can see what you guys are saying about the rap being more metaphorical than literal. I had a thought in that direction. Especially since the comment comes from Evul. Who has a known disregard for both rules and solid objects. She might be saying that Stu has fallen into the trap of thinking his family can fly dictate his actions, when he can just do what Evul does apparently. Just say fuck em'.
2024-05-26 17:12:06 @Terrestrial_Biped, @Vysirez, I can see what you guys are saying about the trap being more metaphorical than literal. I had a thought in that direction. Especially since the comment comes from Evul. Who has a known disregard for both rules and solid objects. She might be saying that Stu has fallen into the trap of thinking his family can fully dictate his actions, when he can just do what Evul does apparently. Just say fuck em'.

@Terrestrial_Biped, @Vysirez, I can see what you guys are saying about the trap being more metaphorical than literal. I had a thought in that direction. Especially since the comment comes from Evul. Who has a known disregard for both rules and solid objects. She might be saying that Stu has fallen into the trap of thinking his family can fully dictate his actions, when he can just do what Evul does apparently. Just say fuck em'.


@Rocky, same. My mind only remembers stuff that has no impact on real life. On the other hand, it's great for being a SS fan...


Bit of internet advice, certain abbreviations while being understood in context…


They're definitely not trying to make him quit. I think they're genuinely worried for his mental health and trying to help, just... kind of ineptly.

Winter Holiday

I think Orpheus had already been paid for the submerger, or promised payment for it. Which is why he spent so long trying to get it. Jacob was chosen as the transporter to deliver it. During transit, I believe they were intercepted by the sway who used it to attack Matadero because of the presence of the demon, and had no connection to the person trying to obtain the submerger.

Andrew Boyer

Or getting in a discussion with Natalie (I think that was cook of the moment) about how he ignores both of them.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@JJ I like the idea that Joe's whole deal is heavily influenced by Worli, and that Kibby's mourning name arc is going to be revealing to both Joe and Stu's characters. One speculation I've seen about Worli is that they were the third sibling of the Primary-Alis-?? triplet set. But I think the only clues in that direction is that the Primary and Alis have both shown familiarity and tolerance to Joe beyond what others do. Joe knew the Primary in childhood, and the Primary recognised his ring. Alis chose not to investigate into the lab explosion until after chaos would have eaten any evidence. Maybe there's some obligation to consider Worli when acting toward Joe, and maybe it's someone they knew, if not an actual sibling. (Also, it is starting to bug me that no one has ever mentioned the primary's name, as if he doesn't have one.) Part of Joe's social/political problems are because of the high standards others have for someone of his standing. He's not particularly self-sacrificing, but he seems a fairly normal amount selfish to me given what we've seen of other unbound wizards. Most of what we've seen of other wizards is them pulling people across the multiverse in order to serve them drinks at parties, organize their desks, and to work as personal security against... other wizards, and against lab assistants in chaos zones who are being denied boarding on an evac ship. We see shitty politics and Bash-nor. It's been suggested in-story that the group showing up to help on Anesidora are only there to earn summoning rights, and they're so focused on looking good that they're drugging their back-stage chef to keep them all fed rather than risking being seen eating in public or even buying take-out. The best wizards I can think of that we've seen are the healer at matadero and the healer who kidnapped Victor, who at least paid Jeremy back for the cherry coke. Esh considers Joe's selfishness to be unforgivable for someone in his standing. Maybe Joe really does behave worse than your average wizard. Or perhaps someone with Worli's name is expected to rise higher than a normal wizard on the altruism scale. Perhaps Joe thinks Worli was too self sacrificing and gave too much of themselves to undeserving wizards, and his way of honoring Worli is by leaning in the opposite direction. Maybe the specific chaos research he's prioritizing (and that he's willing to act so shady in order to fund, and even risk loss of life for his assistants) is related.

Matt DiMeo

My mental model of Vandy has her paying similar attention to basically everyone, at least until she has them figured out.


Do you think Stu-art'h "likes" Alden, or "like-likes" Alden?


The boggart comparison is really good. No one would understand it who isn't Artonan.

Barrett Fogarty

I think the trigger is that Stu simply mentioned to someone in the family that he'd like to invite Alden to Knight's Rapport for a visit. And they said, "Who?" And he said, "You know, the guy that was here a few months back." And then the trap sprung.

Adam Andersson

Not so much inept as missguided. They're acting quite correctly, based on the information they have, forming reasonable conclusions. How the fuck are they supposed to know Alden doesn't want to level because of the excrutiating pain of affixing when you have an authority sense, for one?

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I'm also confused by what they want, but I'm sure there's something they want. Maybe the cultural advisor gave them a big talking to about something. Klein's concerns about Alden during entrance exams had nothing to do with his mental, physical, or financial well-being, but only that he thought by the time Alden graduated he wouldn't have the skills and points needed to qualify for a hero job, specifically. Arjun is the only one whose concerns were about Alden's mental state. He had to call in a favor just to make sure someone said it, and no one had any intention of listening, not even Klein. Saleh and Klein don't know Alden well enough to counsel him about his mental wellbeing, and it's not just a matter of good intentions and miscommunication and they're trying their best. They already had an appropriate chance to get to understand him better during his interview, and they chose not to take it. They had the chance to get to know him better during gym, and handled him with kid gloves. The school took a stance of willful ignorance and neither Saleh nor Klein have shown any objection whatsoever. We've seen snippets from their perspectives of them being interested in his skills and abilities, but never in who Alden is as a person. Maybe they've had a sudden change of heart, but it seems more likely that they're repeating the same behavior of acting disingenuous because there's an outcome the school wants and it's their job to get it. This doesn't mean they're bad people or that they don't care, but they care about their jobs more and it shows. Alden is telling himself not to be mad at them because they're just doing their job, but them just doing their job is kind of the problem. Alden needs an adult who treats him like a person, not like a job, a hobby, or a prize.

Andrew Boyer

Fortunately (or unfortunately), she only got Alden’s half of the phone call, which probably made it make a lot less sense.

Aspiring Moth

I read it as >kid with super valuable commendation >suddenly knights are calling the school in regards to him >he's been through multiple disasters and may be on the verge of a breakdown that would force him to drop out or do something worse >nooo we don't want to lose our ticket to preferential treatment from the wizards, let's try to prevent him having a breakdown


Imagine if Alden's 'chaos resistance' comes out... I could see her mother helping Vandy sneak into Alden's bedroom. :). While saying Vandy is crushing on Alden is too far, I like to think she has listed and ranked her classmates potential as spouses. Along with working out the 'optimal timed first pregnancy' for her career. I expect timetables. :)

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

Re-reading the section, I think @Anthony Lutz might be right about the teachers having noticed Alden should have leveled. They're experienced enough in talent development to see it. So why hasn't Alden leveled? My new theory is that they think Alden already reached the level cap on Let Me Take Your Luggage, and they think he has no level up options useful for hero work. Why else wouldn't he want to apply the level or levels that they can be fairly sure by now that he's earned? So far their motivation has been to keep the commended rabbit in the program, and that will be hard to do if it gets out that he's already maxed out his only hero talent. So they're hinting very strongly that he should take a break from the part of the program that levels him, to at least keep up the ruse while the artonans are around, and give time for Alden to learn more wordchains or find other options that might make the school look less bad for letting him stick around. They can let him join up later with an incoming combat class that won't already have seen all his tricks, and everybody gets to save face. They can't figure out why he won't take the hint, so they keep needling further, so focused on powers and levels that it doesn't occur to them how hurtful it is to code this all in talk about Alden's mental wellbeing because he actually does need help.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Aguy768 Why does this make so much sense. I'd guess Vandy has Alden high on the list for potential starter boyfriends, so that she can gain relationship experience before moving on to the limited supply of higher ranks who are actual contenders on her optimal spouse spreadsheet.


I just realized that the *real* reason Sleyca wrote Joe out of the story is that Alden speaks Artonan now. She’d need to come up with dozens of Joe-quality swears, which would have an unacceptable impact on the story’s content rating


Assuming normal human perspectives from Stu'Art: I think he considers Adlen to be an extremely dear friend. There are very few people who want to be friends with Stu'Art because of who he is as a person - he's just a little stilted and awkward. The regimentation of Artonan society further complicates this, as even if Stu'Art might have a friend in the common class, barriers of station would impede them getting closer. Alden is basically the only person who 1. isn't related to Stu'Art 2. is someone Stu'Art would consider to be an "honorable" person 3. Is either of a similar station or willing to disregard station altogether to nurture their friendship 4. Wants to be Stu'Art's friend and does so because of who Stu'Art is as a person rather than what he represents.


Literally everything Klein and Saleh talked to Alden about are completely reasonable things for instructors to be mindful of. Alden *has* been through 2 very extreme disasters in a short period of time. Alden is a B rank competing against A and S ranks. If Alden were as invested in his performance in school as Soren the Light Adjuster in addition to everything else he would almost certainly be on the verge of a mental breakdown.


Yeah but it would be funny to see the cultural advisor lose their shit.

Stonedwarf Stonedwarfson

Remember this; The university was afraid that the good psychologist we usually use wouldn’t approve his readiness for hero track courses or combat after reading his application, so they hired a less good psychologist for this cycle. Who would have thought that decision would cause them problems later! Klein and Saleh, are decent people and educators but definitely not decent psychologists. This horrible intervention type of interview we just read is the direct result of them not having a good psychologist on staff.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

I have got to stop coming up with theories. But a possibility came to mind. Complete speculation, but: What if Worli had Bearer, which is why Joe recognised the specific skill when other people haven't, and why Joe's relationship with Alden has been so unusual. And Worli was useful to the Primary in the same way Joe expects Alden to be useful to the primary, which is why Joe expects the Primary to recognise the skill eventually as well. So when the Primary finally recruits Alden for the same kind of endless misery that Joe's Worli was presumably once subjected to, presumably leading to their loss, and Alden reveals that it was Joe who put him on that same path, it'll be a punch in the face. Maybe now that Joe is facing his own misery he has realised that endless misery is not the best way to honor Worli, and it's better if Alden never gets the Primary's attention either through Alden's use of the leveled skill or through the connection between Joe and Alden.

Jeremy Goldberg

I wonder if they advised every kid who was on the span that day to take a break from combat training? Or were they singling Alden out?

Jeremy Goldberg

It could also have been the ambassador’s assistant, or someone she told. I could see her innocently telling the ambassador, maybe as a way to get him to leave Alden alone, and somehow the ambassador felt like it was a good idea to tell Stu’s family. Or maybe she told her relatives, who are apparently somehow knight-adjacent, and they told Stu’s family.

Polar Sleuth

I would feel bad for any boggart who had to face Alden. There are too many fears to take the form of--it would become ridiculous just by trying to be them all at once. You cannot be a closed for business wardrobe, a crashed system, a forced affixition, and a chaos demon all at the same time.... What is a poor boggart to do?


He doesn't know Joe-style swears, though, just Kibby-style ones.

Tori, Writher #1 Fan

@Michael Mehdi and Febri are the Agi-brutes. If Sanjay also is one, I don't think it's been mentioned in the story

Polar Sleuth

@Aguy768. Yes, Vandy has her 5-year plans, and if there is marriage and children, those are definitely on them. Along with a sheet of pros and cons to having her first child before graduating college. If Alden gets his own pros and cons sheet, we'll know because her attitude toward him will change--either "all in" or total ignore.


Remembering Stu’s reaction to Intro to outer worlds classroom state and the attitudes of the students in Interacting with the unexpected lead me to believe there’s no way in hell he’s entertaining the idea of attending CNH.


There no way Stu even wants to attend CNH. He’s a wizard, not an avowed. The school isn’t remotely structured for teaching an Arton’an student.


They can’t find out about his privilege unless he flashes it himself, I don’t think it’s something that can be looked up on his profile like the commendation attached to his level or his emergency responder merit from leafsong. I think it’s under its own separate tab.


@Matt V I want to read a parent teacher conference. I want to read a parent teacher conference. I want to read a parent teacher conference. I want to read a parent teacher conference.

John D Jones

There might have been one or two other, but Alden is still recovering from one traumatic event and now (given the squishboot and that he's flying Esh-erdi's Bastard Nonagon) has apparently gone through another traumatic event.

JJ Hunter

I don't think Stu is contemplating the enjoyable kind of neck biting with Alden ...much. *Jel-nor*, on the other hand, does seem to be into that kind of thing and maybe flirting via daring. Curious what's happened there post-fake duel incident.


Obviously the Primary's name is Primary'art'h. Either that or Object Shaper'art'h. Object is his mourning name. :-)

John D Jones

I think another thing with Klein and Saleh is that the cultural advisor let them understand more about what the Commendation means. It's not a "gold star" or a "pat on the head." It's an acknowledgement that Artonan society owes a kind of debt that cannot be repaid. It's a statement that "this person is worthy of our gratitude and respect." So if Alden has a stress-induced mental breakdown, it means that some extremely powerful (politically and otherwise) Artonans might get deeply angry with Celena North for abjectly failing in their responsibility to care for the living treasure that is Alden Thorn.


They said that they are talking to all the kids on the bus during the Span incident. It would be easy for Alden to check with Lexi and Haoyu if he thinks about it. Or mention in when he's taking Lexi and Kon to F-city

Jeremy Goldberg

That’s a reasonable theory! I’m not sure one way or the other. There’s so much overlap between the symptoms of PTSD and just normal processing of trauma, it can be really hard to tell. PTSD is almost defined as normal trauma response that gets worse instead of better over time. It does sound like a mind healer might help Alden process his trauma so that he *doesn’t* end up with PTSD, so I really hope Esh sets that up for him. Of course, Alden’s case is also complicated by the profound metaphysical damage caused by his recent affixation. My sense is that most of his insomnia was caused by metaphysical discomfort, rather than psychological trauma, for example, but will he feel safe sharing that? Regarding his panic on the bus, was it really that much of an overreaction, or were his peers under-reacting because they didn’t know as much as he did? Alden had good reason to believe that the collapse of the System was basically the end of the world, and he understood what that entailed in a visceral way that his classmates didn’t. Given that context, I’d put his reaction well within the range of normal human responses. One thing to bear in mind is something like 13% of combat veterans suffer from PTSD. On the one hand, yikes! That’s a lot! On the other hand, way more people who experience trauma don’t end up with PTSD than do, so I try not to assume that just because someone went through something terrible, they’re automatically going to have PTSD.


My slightly out there theory is that this meeting is at least in part the result of the 'plans' Esh-Erdi mentioned in his talk with Lind-Otta in 152 > “Did you bring up the healing of the mind again?” > > He dismissed a few of the floating images with a thought and rearranged the others. “Not yet. But I have enacted plans.” my less eccentric interpretation is that the meeting is mostly what it looks like, they think alden isn't taking care of himself mentally and that gym is stressful for him like it is for most people (as opposed to the reality that he is desperately seeking normalcy right now), and so think he should see a mental health professional and get help. Klein was also being notably, oddly nice to Alden in 132 on the Span, though that could be because he switched into a hero mindset due to the flood, it's also possible he noticed alden's mentality even then and that was the seed that became this meeting > “There’s a good chance we’ll make it to an appropriate location before the teleports come due. I know a couple of places,” said Klein. “I’ll reject mine if I need to. Nobody gets left alone.” > > Something about that didn’t sound right. Before Alden could register what it was, the instructor was gone. He zipped by seconds later, plus one Jupiter who looked like she was being jostled a lot more than was comfortable.

Karol Jamison

Afraid he can't handle unexpected stuff without Peace of Mind? He's probably right, they just worry because he's low level. But they're letting their biases color their thinking.

John D Jones

@ Matt DiMeo I think Vandy's pretty much done that by now. She's figured out her First Year Intake classmates. Except for Alden. And it's kind of driving her nuts so she's really focused on him.


Do we think that any of the knights at the family negotiation can see that Alden has a fake profile? My assumption is no, not even the Primary, because then the jig would pretty much be up for Alden. This is a conspiracy-brained tangent, but if none of the knights can see through Mother's obfuscation... what are the odds she's using Alden for her own goals? In chapter 60 she said that "when you have an authority sense and you bind a skill, your power can rapidly snowball. Especially if you work at. It’s why even Artonans can’t affix without swearing oaths that prevent them from harming the Triplanets.” Alden got around those oaths, so my guess is that will enable him to do some things down the road that knights typically aren't allowed to do. So long as he maintains his secret identity (profile), like any good superhero.


I think @Tori, Writer #1 Fan makes and builds on some very good points. I also think that his teachers don't get that MPE gym class REDUCES his stress. They are making the assumption that Alden's inner strength is similar to others his age. As WE know, this is not true. Alden has been tempered through multiple tragedies and is stronger than most could guess. I am also wondering if Drussi had a chance to tell Esh that Alden's school didn't understand his commendation and he or Lind corrected them on the matter...

Jeremy Goldberg

Kon’s family’s apartment is probably doomed. From chapter 91: “It looks great at night. It’s got these impractical spikes sticking up from the roof and the big neon Nilama sign. But it’s ancient, and it doesn’t really hold enough people to justify its footprint for a great neighborhood like this. They’re definitely going to tear it down sooner rather than later.”

Nathan Rice

Like if a dog saved a lost kid and then its bum owners left it out in a storm.

Nathan Rice

Alden is definitely not as well as he thinks that he is. He's on the verge of snapping.


This is a good question! One possibility that came to mind is that the B Rankers are getting more scrutiny placed upon them… Alden’s getting a pass because he’s been killing it in class… but what about Max?


There is a non-zero chance Alden is holding the ring for one piece of a gundam....

Andrew Simpson

Are we getting a chapter tonight? I can't remember if sleyca was taking a skip day.

Jeremy Goldberg

@P. Honey I think you’re right. Also, they have no way of knowing how much damage well-meaning school officials did to him when he was recovering from the body drainer incident. (Chapter 83). I think the alienation he experienced then is behind his desperate desire to seem normal now. Having school officials single him out as different after a disaster must feel like his worst nightmare.

Nathan Rice

It will look a bit suspicious to his teachers and classmates if he doesn't level, but then he's publicly several along already. He can probably hold off a bit longer.

Box Jellyfish

No on the profile, I don't think profiles are something that can be seem without permission from the owner. A few chapters back Esh-erdi was frustrated that he couldn't identify Alden's skill to know if it was good quality or a mediocre student's project; he would know that if he could see either profile. Absolutely yes that Mother has her own agenda with Alden. She is not so subtly nudging Alden in directions every chance she gets.

Box Jellyfish

"They’d also reminded him to talk to his instructors as soon as the System announced that he’d leveled. So that he could get advice about choosing talents and foundational enhancements. " I don't think this is asking about growth without leveling. Back in the group assessment of Alden's combat test Klein was open with his concerns that Alden's skill would top out at level 10 at best (as no-one at CNH thought an uncapped skill was a possibility) and he didn't think the usual Rabbit catalog was going to provide him with a secondary skill that would help in hero work. Klein and Saleh probably just want to make sure he doesn't make a bad skill choice from ignorance as Alden, from their point of view, is marginal as a hero-track student.


Last skip day for May > The second and final posting day skip for the month of May will be on the 26th. No post that day. I've chosen that date because I expect the chapter I'm writing that week to take me significantly longer to put together than usual..

Matt DiMeo

I don’t know how the cultural advisor would know that. No human has ever had it before. I guess it’s not a secret like magic stuff, though.

Matt DiMeo

Stu is happy to find someone who neither treats him like a demigod nor thinks he’s too << strange >> to talk to. For a social weirdo, your first real friend is super valuable.

Desert Yeti

I think Mother's overriding core directive is to assist and care for knights. Everything else is secondary. Since Alden is technically a knight, she is doing what she can to encourage his growth and development. I believe she has an agenda, but that agenda is to Alden's benefit.


Being "Avowed" means making a vow (to the Triplanets). Probably theyre not exactly the same as the oaths the knights take but i think Mother was saying that affixation through a contract always included vows, even (or especially) for artonans


Coming up on our 25th wedding anniversary I wanted to send a card to Rose, the last of a large group of doctors, therapists, school staff, group therapy members, high school teachers, college teachers, etc. that helped me over the years ( hopefully Alden will find his own group ) Apparently Rose passed in 2014 For 30 years she helped people Her last words to me You were one of my few successes


I really don't like skip days. I wish it was just an "every 4th day" schedule. It seems to me that what kept tripping Sleyca up was the Sunday/Wednesday release schedule that was a 3/4 split, and the 3 day split wouldn't be enough time. That would make the 3 day chapter push into the 4 day, and both would be behind schedule. A 4 day rotation wouldn't have chapters release on the same days every week, but it would eliminate the disappointment of no chapter being there. Sigh.

Aspiring Moth

marciel is almost certainly the member of their class taking a break, given her links to Jacob


I just realized that Alden can still call Stu even if Stu can't call Alden. Ch 70: |||“I actually had to look up the relevant laws to check when I received your message. It hadn’t been covered in school, so I was surprised when the System indicated I would have to submit a formal request before replying to you, and that our conversation would be <>.” He sighed. “It’s not as though I would have trouble getting approval for it. But I prefer not to give people reason to gossip.” |||“Sorry. I didn’t mean to cause you problems.” |||“You haven’t!” Stuart said quickly. “Please keep sending me messages. I mean…if you want to…you don’t have to…but you can contact me. Apparently. I just have to wait until the weekends to reply. When I can get someone here at home to make the call for me.”||| I now feel like an idiot for panicking over the potential lack of Stu calls. It took me *three days* and a re-read to figure that out.


My money's on Tuyet. Her mentally unwell brother was out on the ocean when this all went down.


the vibe I got was that everything was one way. Alden could Livestream himself to Stu as much as his argold would allow, but Stu would not be able to send any kind of response without approval / monitoring.


Going from flipping out over a commendation to gibbering incoherently and pointing at big green nonagons


She's practicing within her authority ( both bound and free ). Fascinating way to earn her argeld skald ballad style.

Tycho Green

It's just about Alden very obviously hanging out with a high ranking Artonan. Klein and Saleh are cautious and try to be mindful in the manner they handle Alden. The cultural advisor might infringe on boundaries like the public image staff member they have. The steer clear warning Klein gave Alden didn’t carry a feeling of deeper insight into the commendation. It had more of a "if you want to avoid a tedious interaction" feel.


I think the recent disaster has Saleh and Klein extra concerned about how the school rigged the psychological profiling during the entrance exam. They likely thought the worst stress he’d face for years would be school related where they could just monitor and gently manage him if needed. Klein was unhappy with it, but he ultimately went along with it. Except then this monster SNAFU happened and their Rabbit management plan suddenly blasted out the window. Alden potentially not yet being emotionally ready for the program now becomes a much bigger deal.


Three days to go Unless there's notice


The teachers had to know that benching Alden was a long shot. B-ranks all have too much to prove to ever take a break and Alden is a Rabbit on top of that. The long sight Brute he met with even warned him that B’s will get unreasonably judged. An S can show weakness, but not a B. Plus, Alden not being in hero classes right after the Beat List B’s get in trouble would just spark rumors that he’d been involved and was being punished.


They are frankly bad people. No other B would get this treatment and they offered the timeout because they know most of Alden's value is with Artonan relations so as long as Aldens is safe and healthy they get their prize. I am sure there is a little part of actual consideration of the teenager mental health, but again, NO other B would ever get this privileged treatment, so they are hypocrites at the very list.

Partha Peddi

I dont think patreon posting should be the final revision. It can be the beta or even alpha release. Edits are allowed even after RR posting so long as it does not affect the mini or major plots. 80/20 (alpha release) or 90/10 (beta release) rules feel appropriate for patreon. I hope everyone agrees.

Jeff Scott

"And their class’s Object Shaper had gotten emotional after the campus vigil and confessed to his roommates that he thought if he’d died during the flood nobody would have remembered his name." I love this line, poor nameless self-aware red shirt.