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[Author's Note:

1. This chapter is a series of mini scenes about characters other than Alden. Worldbuilding and insight and a peek at what was happening everywhere else. Just a heads-up so nobody goes skimming looking for him. I think a lot of you have been expecting a chapter like this since Ripples/Waves/Dawn started, actually. Here it is! Next post will be similar and wrap up the "here's what happened to others" with some familiar faces. We might end that chapter with Alden and Esh-erdi actually. It depends on how it breaks. The post a week from today will definitely be fully Alden.

2. POLITICS: It's inevitable that when I start talking about all the different ways Avowed interact with and are viewed by the Triplanets and Earth, politics comes up. When you comment, please remember that the politics are Super Supportive politics and talk within the context of the fictional world. I try to write human fears, desires, and flaws with thoughtfulness. So hopefully it feels real. But it's not meant to match up perfectly to our world. Keep that in mind and keep the comments unthorny if you can! Alden's the only Thorn allowed here.

(I'm sorry. That joke was so bad.)

3. CHARACTERS: Character appearances here aren't necessarily signs that the character is super important and will be making a lot of reappearances in the future. It's a sign that they offer unique insight into the moment or some unique texture to the world. So don't feel like you have to remember any of these newbies unless you start seeing them pop up again and again in the future. Some of them might. Some of them might fade. Time will tell.

4. Enjoy the story!



“Now this is what we’re talking about. This is what we mean when we say Avowed are not us, they’re tools for controlling us.” The voice of the talkshow host flowed from the radio of a restored 1959 Ford Fairlane as it cruised the dark, quiet streets of a California suburb. “For our listeners who haven’t heard about the situation in Uruguay—”

“I think our listeners have heard by now, Wilbert. They’re smart people. They’re staying informed.” 

“You’re right, Polly. You’re right. But for anyone tuning in for the first time, this situation we’re hearing about is a sign of things to come if we slack off on monitoring the Avowed. If we let people who are not us live among us. This woman in Uruguay, she is already a member of their Chamber of Representatives. They have let her in there. And she almost certainly is Avowed. People who know her have said it. This is not a rumor, folks.”

“It’s really not,” Polly agreed. “People have said it.”

“And even if they hadn’t said it, you only have to look at her. You can tell through these videos that people have found of her that there is some magic and some mind control…can you imagine what it’s like in person? Forgive me, Polly baby. You’re the love of my life. You’re a breathtaking human being— 

“I am. One hundred percent human.”

“Take a look at Polly’s picture on our website. That is what a gorgeous, all-natural human being looks like. But the woman in Uruguay—I mean just look at her. Just listen to her. They say that Appeal doesn’t have a strong effect through screens. But what else would they say?  She’s an Avowed. At least a B-rank.”

“Definitely, definitely,” Polly agreed. “At least a B. He’s a really good guesser about this kind of thing.”

“And she says…get this, listeners…people have asked her about it, and of course she denies it. But she also says she feels sympathetic towards unregistereds and hopes her country will change the way it does things.” A loud bell sound effect played. “That’s the warning alarm ringing! She’s ringing it herself. It’s coming out of her own mouth. Can you hear it?!”

“Wilbert gets frustrated,” said Polly. “I’m frustrated, too. How can so many of our fellow human beings not understand the risks? This woman—I shouldn’t really call her that—this alien tool is already a politician. One day, she could lead a country she shouldn’t even be allowed to live in. She could be speaking at the UN. If that happens, she will have an effect on our President. On the leaders of other nations.” 

Wilbert groaned dramatically. “And it’s not like it was in the old days. You old timers remember. There used to be a lot more pushback from humans against the idea that just meeting some Artonans should change how we do things on our planet. But we all live now in a world where people, most people, almost all of our fellow humans are feeding at what I like to think of as that poisoned alien trough—”

“It really is poisoned. That sweet taste is poison.”

“And they’re saying you and me and Polly are crazy. That these ‘superhumans’ are just talented humans. But they’re not. They’re not. When they were children, they were human beings with some kind of a weakness. That’s the theory that makes the most sense to us.

“And it’s very sad, but if you’ll read our books, We Dream of a Lonely Earth and Chaos is a Lie, you will understand that Polly and I are gentle people. We feel sorry for boys and girls with this weakness—a mental pliability is what we think it is—that makes them easier for the Artonans to manipulate and use. They are victims. But once they become Avowed, once they’ve become tools, they…I hate to say it, but we probably can’t save them. They aren’t one of us anymore. When you hear them saying things, you have to know it’s really a wizard speaking through them.”

“If humans were meant to have magic it would have come to us through evolution,” Polly said.

“Tell them about the book, baby.”

“At this very moment, we’re writing a book about raising human children,” said Polly. “We are writing it as fast as we can because everyone needs to read it.”

“That’s right, Polly. It’s a parent’s job to raise children the Artonans would be terrified to use. Strong, safe human boys and girls.”

“We like to call them our little future listeners.” 

“Hahaha! That we do. Now, if you’ve already taken your kids to a House of ‘Healing’ or if you’ve been sending them to a school that uses magical devices to ‘enhance’ the educational experience, don’t panic. Our new book is going to include traditional human alternatives—advice from so many ancient human cultures. We really want to get to the heart of what human childhood is supposed to be. And we talk about ways to cleanse your family of—”

The driver, whose fingers had been drumming against the steering wheel as he listened to the radio show, suddenly reached over and switched it off. His hands tightened on the wheel again. The vintage car accelerated. 

Just a few minutes later, it had to slow down to make the turn into a driveway. The headlights shone briefly on the house number. Below it, a matching plaque bore the name of the family who lived there: 


A blueish glow leaked through a gap in the blinds of the guest room window. The woman inside was up late, staring at the screen of a tablet, trying to think of all the right things to say to her son, Jacob.

Even though his text messages had stopped coming a while ago.



“All right, who set the sound system to play that Walter and Molly trash?”  The middle-aged woman who was speaking set her cards on the table and leaned back to look around the room. 

The nonAvowed-only speakeasy was just a pair of apartments in an F-city free housing block. A couple of years ago, some resourceful people had knocked out a few walls, installed soundproofing, and hung up a sign behind the bar that said “Stormy’s”. As far as such establishments went on Anesidora, it was of the lowest caliber, but it was limping along thanks to the location. 

“It’s Wilbert and Polly,” said a young man wearing a NesiTechnical jacket. “They’ve said each other’s beautiful human names about twenty times so far.”

He’d been struggling to finish the mint julep he’d ordered an hour ago. The glass had left a ring of condensation on the laminate tabletop. The older man beside him was having no such trouble. All that was left of his fifth whiskey was a melting ice cube. He glared at it.

“I don’t really care what their names are. I come here to hang out with people who aren’t casting spells every few minutes or giving me surprised looks when I have to pay for things with a NesiCard instead of an interface,” said the woman. “That doesn’t mean I want to listen to a pair of foreigners tell me that my relatives are Artonan mouthpieces and that I’m diluting my humanity by enjoying a good wrestling match at Brutal Ring.”

“How many Avowed could they even have met in real life if they don’t live here?” another woman added. “And what happened to the canyon drum songs? I haven’t heard all of this year’s batch yet. The bagruoodas were really outdoing themselves.”

The man with the empty glass pushed himself up from the table so hard the poker chips they were using rattled. “Turn that shit off!”

“Cyril,” said the woman who’d complained first, “don’t—”

He was already stalking across the sticky floor toward the bar. A couple of other people at the table winced or sighed.

“He’s been in a bad mood for a year and a half,” someone muttered. 

“It has gotten…”

“I know his feelings are hurt, but isn’t he treating his kid horribly? His own parents basically disowned him. You’d think he’d want—”

His kid?”


“Who’s his kid?” the NesiTechnical student asked curiously.

Before anyone could answer the question, there was swearing from over by the bar, followed by the clatter of a polycarbonate beer mug bouncing across the floor. 

“I don’t need this place! I don’t need people like this!” Cyril bellowed. “I’m going TO WALK ON THE BEACH!!”

He thundered out. In the ensuing silence, everyone looked around at each other. A few people laughed. 

“There are literally no beaches anywhere near here,” said the student. “Should one of us—?”

“Let him go,” said the older woman. “He needs to cool off. Cops are forgiving to drunks without powers. Reason this place is still open even if it’s less than subtle. Whiff-pity perk.”

The student took another swig from the julep and made a face. “At least there’s something. Maybe if I tell my family there are perks, they’ll stop acting like I’ve died.”

The talkshow cut off, and a moment later, the canyon drum songs started up again.

An infogear watch was left behind on the table beside Cyril’s poker chips.



“One more, Bird! Please, just one more!”

<<It’s late, and you said that three spells ago.>>

“And she’ll say it ten from now. Don’t keep spoiling my daughter. She’s insatiable.”

“What did she say, dad?”

“She said you’re tons of trouble. Stop forgetting to charge your phone if you want a translator.”

“She did not say that! You didn’t say that about me, did you, Bird?”

A pretty woman with dark, waist-length hair was standing on the deck of an old yacht. She smiled at the girl who was begging for spells, then turned and let out a singing chant, her arms undulating through the air. As she sang, a brachiosaurus appeared ahead of them, walking meters above the waves. It was lit as if it stood under a sunny sky, even though the night was a cloudless blanket of stars. 

“SUPER wow!” the girl ran forward. “S-ranks are the best. You’re the best of the best, Bird. I’m glad we found you in Thailand. I didn’t know Adjusters could do illusions of things they haven’t even seen before!”

“You do realize we didn’t discover her, don’t you, Annalise?” her father said from his seat in a deck chair. Beside him, an older man lay snoring, one hand gripping a quarterstaff tipped with carved crystal on the ends.  “She and Mr. Dawa are just here because of our job. We don’t get to keep them.”

“I knooow…we all sail for SAL!” Annalise punched her arm into the air. “Hey, Bird, I’m almost eleven. I could be an S-rank soon. It could happen.”

“That’s unlikely considering your mother and I aren’t even A’s.”

The girl gripped the boat’s railing and leaned over it. Strands of hair, once dyed purple but faded now to a dull pink, blew around her tanned cheeks as they approached the brachiosaurus and sailed beneath it. “Magical,” she breathed. 

<<Tell her I have seen this before,>> the Adjuster said. <<An educational  park’s megafauna experience. And I have a skill that helps me recall images.>>

He repeated the message. 

“Hey, that’s really cool,” said Annalise. “Mum gets loads of work on the Triplanets, and she’s been saving up. So if I do get S, I can probably trade into Adjuster.”

<<Tell her if she does want to when the time comes, I’ll help her get to a consulate for trading without being seen,>> said Bird.

“Will you really? That’s—”

<<Tell her if anyone gives her trouble, I will hit them with my staff,>> Dawa muttered without moving.

The father glanced from one of them to the other. After a second’s hesitation, he translated their words for his daughter. Her eyes grew round, and then she started chattering at Bird even more excitedly than before.

<<Avowed helping each other live freely. That’s how it should be,>> Dawa said, his voice intense despite the fact that he’d just been sleeping. <<That’s what this is about.>>

He finally opened his eyes and peered up at the sky. <<These people we’re going to meet, the magical machine they’re bringing us, the weapons—they will all help Avowed for years to come. My group doesn’t always get along with the ones that call our purpose ‘SAL’. But for this…we unite. One step up the mountain at a time. This is a big step.>>

<<A big one,>> Bird agreed. 

“Well, I look forward to seeing what all the fuss is about,” said the father. “This is the most SAL has ever paid us for a job, and I’m curious about this item they’re using to get off the island. It doesn’t sound like it’s worth two S-ranks coming along for something like that. But it’s good to have you both around.”

“Dad, have you gotten another message from the Captain of the boat we’re going to meet? What does he say?” Annalise asked. 

“He actually hasn’t answered my last message. Maybe he’s sleeping, like we should be.”



“I have put our daughter to sleep for the third time,” Ethan Roberts announced as he flopped onto the bed beside his wife, Ekaterina. 

“Thank you,” she said, her hair spilling across one pillow, her arms clutching another to her chest. 

“I scrubbed the last tattoo off her foot. I resisted the urge to use Brute strength.”


“I made up a bedtime story about that turtle rug Lexi bought her.”

“That was Konstantin.”

“Really? That was nice of him. He’s growing—”

“It’s hiding some dents and scratches on the floor.”

He groaned.

“Making up bedtime stories about turtles is sexy,” she said. “If Irina doesn’t start calling for us again in the next five minutes, let’s do something about how sexy you are.”

He smiled. “By the way…did you get us a new mattress?” 

Her brow furrowed. “I keep thinking it feels different, too.”

“Maybe we just got used to the ones we used on the trip to—”

Sirens broke their conversation and the peacefulness of the night. One screamed from just overhead on the rooftop of their building. In an instant, the Robertses were down the hall in Irina’s room, and Ekaterina was wrapping her arms around the little girl, who was covering her ears with her hands and howling her own confusion and fear back at the sudden noise.

“What is this?” Ethan asked, as they stood there staring at each other over their daughter’s head. 

Disaster messages started to roll in, only to be interrupted by a more  personal one.

[Emergency teleportation to a safe location is recommended for your child. Teleportation will be available shortly. The Triplanetary Government urges you to accept. Caretakers and comforters, bound by contract to their duty, will be on site to greet children as they arrive. 

When you are ready to consent to the teleportation of your child, please select ‘yes.’




They were both silent for a single second. 

“I’ll…I’ll get some things packed for her,” Ethan whispered. “In case it doesn’t mind sending them with her.”

While he rushed around the room, stuffing a couple of beloved toys and favorite clothes into a small green backpack, his wife sat on the edge of the bed, consoling Irina with pats and whispered words. Explaining what was about to happen.

A few minutes later, the little girl was gone.

Her mother stood on a turtle rug that covered a scarred patch of floor, her arms suddenly empty.

“This is the right thing,” Ethan said. “We both definitely know an emergency teleport isn’t something you say no to.”

“Yes. Our boys…”

“They’ll be fine. We’ll find some way to call. But the CNH campus should be safer than almost anywh—”

Ethan stopped speaking as his interface flared a bright red.

[EMERGENCY ORDERS ISSUED. No summons incoming. You are already at the location of your assignment. 

ORDERS: Persuade Avowed inside Nilama Apartments to follow Contract orders and evacuate. Do not use force or threats of force against other Avowed for the purpose of completing this assignment. Do not leave Nilama Apartments until all Avowed are evacuated or new orders are issued.

Refusal is not allowed. Payment will be…]

“Ethan…you have a red ring of light over your head.”

“You do too.” He was still reading the assignment. “I have to persuade our neighbors to listen to the System, without using force. Most of them will do it on their own, but how am I going to make Mr. Wei leave? He hasn’t left 509 since before Lexi was born. What kind of order is—?”

“You just have to talk to the neighbors!?”

“Why? What do you have to do?”

“I have to rip a bunch of equipment out of a boat in the marina and then run with it across the city!” She looked down at herself. “All right…I can… it’s not too hard. But I should probably put on some pants.”



Lawrence, aka Skiff, polling as the number one most popular hero in Chicago since February and enjoying a contract stipulated raise as a result, had recently bought a historic six-bedroom house near Montrose Beach. He’d thought…hoped…that the promise of a ton of space and spare bedrooms would lure his parents or his older brother into more frequent visits.

So far they hadn’t come. Christmas could happen, though. Maybe.

Saturdays were always crammed with events, so he had to wake up hours before dawn if he wanted a little personal time. He ate a cold beef sandwich  in his new formal dining room and watched a recorded broadcast from Madrid on his interface while he answered fan mail. Chicago kept telling him to let an assistant do this, one who would PR the letters to death. And the Anesidoran government funded a service for high profile Avowed that would also do the job—better, faster, and more subtly—if he wanted his fans PR’d to death in a slightly different way.  

But no. Emails and hand-written replies from the real Skiff were going to be a thing. 

Even though he was behind by a few months. 

“Look at him,” he said in annoyance as a familiar face appeared on the video. The man was modeling one of Madrid’s new hero ensembles. It was hoopoe inspired. So fun. “Sebastian, you dumb jerk. SMILE. They gave you a feathered cape and a headdress, and you look like you’re at a funeral.”

His old roommate flapped the cape half-heartedly, and Skiff rolled his eyes before shutting his interface off so he could focus.

That reminds me, he thought as he turned his attention back to the letter he was writing, I have to talk to that company that wants to sell ‘Skifflops’ about renaming them if they want me to take them seriously.

He finished five letters, writing quickly. As he was approaching the end of the sixth, there was a loud banging on his door. At this time? 

It was way too late, or way too early if you looked at it that way, for it to be for normal job reasons. Something had to be wrong. 

Why didn’t they just call? 

He stood up, but before he could leave the table, a wash of false red coated the room, courtesy of his interface, and he dropped his pen in surprise.



It had happened. He was going to another planet. And not for an awesome money-making adventure with some wild wizards like a couple of years ago. Emergency. The real deal. They were going to make him fight something. A demon. An evil wizard. Or de-flood something awful like a chemical plant full of toxic magical fumes.

I’m wearing board shorts. They have to gear me up for emergencies, don’t they? If there are fumes I get a gas mask? That’s their responsibility. 

Now Mom will be sorry she didn’t come see the new house when I begged.

[Summons to Nilama Family Neighborhood, F-City, Anesidora

Teleport in 9s…]

“Huh? I’m going home?”

Nine seconds later, he was gone. 

The letter he’d left on the table, almost done, was in reply to a little girl whose sister had died in a car accident. 

“Why,” she’d asked, “didn’t the System save her? Why didn’t it send you to stop the other driver? My Mom says it doesn’t work like that, but my Aunt says it could if it wanted to. 

“I hope my letter doesn’t bother you. I went off the high dive at the pool because I saw you talk about how not to be afraid of that on Skiff Says. Please write back.”


Dear Tanwyk,

I’m proud of you for going off the high dive. And for being brave enough to ask hard questions. 

And I’m so sorry about your sister. 

There aren’t any answers that will make you stop missing her and feeling sad about what happened. And I’ll probably only be able to tell you things you already know.. 

The System is a very amazing part of our planet. It allows us to talk to the rest of the universe, and it gives us a way to learn about people we would never in a thousand human lifetimes be able to meet without it. You may have heard of the Artonans using it to help during serious disasters. Or you may have heard that on Anesidora, where most Avowed live, we use it the way people here in Chicago use ambulances—to get to the hospital when we’re hurt or get to safety when we’re in trouble.

Because of agreements with the Triplanets and the System, Earth gets teleportation allowances for humans to use in all kinds of different helpful ways. Anesidora has a larger allowance than most places, but even Avowed can’t always teleport whenever we’d like. There have been times when the allowance was used up, and there was no more left for people who needed help.

That’s always very hard.

A hopeful thing to think about is the fact that the teleportation allowances have been growing ever since the System first became a part of Earth. On Artona I, II, and III, they have teleportation centers and alcoves all over the place. 

Someday, Earth might be like that. And you may be able to use the System for a trip to the other side of the world yourself, just because you’d like to travel. And we’ll be able to save more people who need help. 

But for now, I try to remember that the System isn’t strong enough to fix everything, everywhere. And it’s not meant to do that for us. It has important jobs to do that we can’t always imagine



[OFFICIAL ORDER: Apply Life Jacket spell impression to designated human beings. Not objects.]

“Are you sure? If I make a sunken boat float again a lot of people can ride on it.”

[I am sure.]

“It’s sure,” Jeffy reported to the others who stood in the warming room that had been set up in the TC for cold, wet red halos who were in between tasks.

“Does he get paid extra for every individual order it has to issue?” a man murmured in Chinese.

“Is that the most important thing right now?” someone else said in the same language. “He’s actually good in the water.”

[OFFICIAL ORDER:  Rescue people from flooded location and direct them toward shelter. Follow instructions from assigned partner.

Teleport in 6s.

Teleport is directly into water.]

“Yesenia!” Jeffy said to the woman beside him. “The tel—!”

“Yes, Jeffy. We’ve got this.” she said, winking one aquamarine eye at him.  “Brute divers go!”



It was a summer night at LeafSong, and the hungrycup flowers were feasting on the members of the klerm swarm that hadn’t been repelled by the spells coating the campus. Their staccato screeches were almost loud enough to drown out the conversation of two wizards who strolled a pathway between darkened buildings.

“An ancient Sinker Sender, almost certainly driven by halfwitted humans feeding it wild directions, fragmented into minute particles and ejected into the ocean of a foreign planet by a shield built on reversal theory rather than nullification…” 

The speaker clicked her throat in a mix of interest and disapproval. 

“It sounds like a problem from one of Exalted Master Gyako-tim’s proving tests,” her companion said. “Do you remember how we set aside a room just for moaning that year?”

“The screams. The stress sweat….I think discussing the response of the nascent Contract will be a good topic for the winter meeting.”

“Maybe. We’ll see when it’s over. Right now, I’m just hoping that this somehow leads to the loosening of summoning restrictions on the species rather than even tighter ones.”

One of the campus’s automated carts approached from behind them and then passed. The lone first year student riding in it didn’t look their way.

“Wasn’t that…?”


“Where is he going in such a hurry at this hour?”


Sina Stu-art’h stepped off the cart and headed toward the domed, windowless black stone building. He did not pause to properly straighten his student uniform, and when the door opened for him, he didn’t hesitate to head around the curved hall that formed the hot lab’s perimeter. 

“Young Stu-art’h,” said Worli Ro-den, looking up from his desk as the Primary’s son entered his office. “You must have so many questions about your class’s recent exploration of the fourth bowel of—”

“You aren’t answering your messages in a timely manner,” Stu-art’h said in a rush. He leaned over over the professor’s desk.

Ro-den’s eye flicked behind his monocle. “The last message you sent was a mere four—”

“And I don’t think anyone else on campus will come deliver news to you when that news might help you to shed a portion of your great shame.”

“You are such a charming conversationalist. I’ve missed an opportunity by not chatting socially with you before.”

“Something is happening on Earth that puts many Avowed at risk,” said Stu-art’h. “A large magical spill of some kind in their ocean. Volunteers are gathering in the Grand Senate’s inking hall now to be sworn to task. If you head to the summonarium immediately, you will arrive in time to join them.”

Ro-den froze. 

“It must be difficult for you to commit highly visible acts of service to the Triplanets while monitoring student explorations of fourth bowels,” Stu-art’h said, staring at him. 

“Well…that’s not untrue. But why would you—?”

“I brought you a cart.”



Character notes:

Jacob: Caused all of this. Not by himself, of course, but he was heavily involved.

Cyril: Lute's dad.

Yesenia: If anyone remembers her one and only (unnamed and super brief) appearance prior to this one, I will be floored.

Tanwyk: Yep. That's a little human girl named after Tan-wyk, stopper of volcanoes and lover of Earth grains.

Sina Stu-art'h: Sina is his mourning name. After his sister.

Worli Ro-den: That's our Joe.





Thanks so much Sleyca!!


Thank you


Oh no, this is gonna tank my focus at work.. Thanks for the chapter!

Kinga K

Thank you!!!


Sleyca: I'll stop writing before midnight Also Sleyca: It's 21 hours before midnight Just joking, thank you for the chapter Sleyca! Hope you get some much deserved rest!




Ooof, looks like Jacob’s dad is starting to regret how he felt about his son… just in time for him to get some very very bad news tomorrow. And speaking of bad news… Jessica might have been saved alongside everyone else on the yacht, but it sounds like Cyril is in a lot of danger. Poor Lute. He deserves a chance for better closure than that. It was really interesting to see the variety of emergency assignments that are getting handed out. If Alden hadn’t been so highly commended, he may actually have been assigned a task the way many of us theorized at the start of all this. And my god, I can’t wait to see Joe again. Stuart is truly the best for forcing him to go. That’s such a delightful moment— Stuart knows exactly one person who might have reason to care about Alden specifically, and he’ll do everything in his power to send him to Earth. They have such an and delightful little connection through this one human.


Soooooooup! I cannot EXPRESS how good it is to not only see Joe but to anticipate his arrival on Earth and subsequent reunion with Alden!!! Aaaaahhhhh souper soup!




YES! I've been waiting for a chapter like this... I'm so glad we got to see a bit of Joe. Will we get to see him on earth? Will Alden meet him? that would be great!

H.S. Spudney

Hurrah soup has been served!


Thanks Sleyca!

Twara Sandeep

Thanks for the chapter! We've got a lot of lore and worldbuilding in this chapter, and I love it, especially hearing our Joe may show up on Earth! And we finally learn the mourning name Stu-art'h takes, and therefore, the name of his sister. Also, the reveal of anti-Avowed who believe Avowed are becoming mindless tools to the Artonans should have been less surprising to me, considering Sleyca's extensive worldbuilding. Funnily enough, I was reading a webnovel with a similar plot point, where the people under that System were becoming tools for a higher power.


Thank youuu

Charlie Staner

Stu 100% just manipulated Joe to go help Alden

Guus van der Borg

Joe volunteering for disaster aid? Ok, now I've seen everything... :)

Giants Craft

Whiff speakeasies are a delightful idea. I’m also looking forward to some new bizzaro Joe dialogue. His voice is always enjoyable to read.


Okay, so Polly claiming to be 100% human is totally not sus

Lucia A

Joe is coming to Earth!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Thanks for the chapter 😊

Guus van der Borg

Huh, I wonder if this means Cyril died? Interesting narrative choice. Lute will obviously be hit hard by the news, but at this point it would be just abother shitty thing that happened to him. It doesn't feel like it would make him do something in particular... Or maybe Cyril just had a near-death experience which causes him to want Lute back in his life? That would seem to be more significant to the story (imo at least).


Soup as a starter! yes! Bad joke is best joke, but also a sign of a lack of sleep. Try to sleep in today

Marcus Rodriguez

So that is how Joe is getting back into the story. Here all this time I was thinking Alden would get some permant assignment at Leafsong to covertly learn magic and be with Stuart.



Batty Corvina

Oooo .... Joe heading to help on Earth? Interesting reunion coming if Stuart gets him to go! Very much looking forward to the next one. Thanks for the chapter! I especially enjoyed hearing so many different viewpoints. Including the anti-avowed radio show. It was very believable and it's like I could *hear* the hosts,' cadence through the text. Very nicely written.


oh no! Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz got volunteered for rescue relief by Perry the Platypig (not platypus)

JM O'Hare



Stu!11 Joe!11 I miss them so much!11 Also, lots of interesting and partly disturbing impressions! Thanks for the chapter!


Joe got voluntold, lul

Keven Leigh

I know these chapters are super important, they make the story feel real. I just don't like them. Thanks for the chapter tho..


I love the Contract's handling of Jeffy with very specific instructions.


I was convinced we wouldn't see Joe for ages yet, nice to see him again :)


Stu is worried about Alden. That's precious

JJ Hunter

Sina Stu-art'h, you absolute stunner. Alden can't send messages right now, so I'm sending one for him: thank you. The need is very great, and Worli Ro-den is one heck of a wizard.

Heather White

I’m feeling so proud of Stuart right now. I love Jeffy staying in character and arguing with the Contract — pretty sure he was thinking that if he could make a tractor float he could definitely make a boat float. I’m worried about Cyril out by the water, but at least we know why Lute hasn’t heard from him. Seeing Skiff so lonely makes me really sad. He’s such a sweet man. I’m a bit worried about Lexicon’s parents. C’mon Joe, go be useful! Very enjoyable snapshots. I’m craving more, so it’s great to know we’ll be getting another chapter of them.


Joe is coming back for his ring lol


Yesenia, I'm pretty sure she's the blue-eyed woman that wore the Diver Brutes t-shirt and talked to Lute about his graduation pin.

Robert Mullins

This is great and all but we still haven't seen the avowed given an emergency order to pickup a cat from Jeremy's house.


Haha yes. It had to make sure he would know what exactly to do.


The first half of this chapter was very sad. But then we ended with Stuart on a mission and Joe being Joe and wizard students reminiscing about “stress sweat” and this is what I’m here for.


"Ekaterina was wrapping her arms around the little girl, who was covering her hands with her ears" -> Got that backwards, she should be covering her ears with her hands, not the other way around.


Yeah, I hope we will see more of Skiff. Such a nice and warm person.

H.S. Spudney

Is Joe going to earth? Reunion time?


Send some love to Skiff! Also, Jeffy is doing good. Nice.


Oh, I hope Alden and Joe get to interact with each other!!!

Nathan Rice

Oh nice, I didn't even consider that Joe could work off some of his disgrace by helping humans.

Aron Lehofer

So it was a SAL weapons smuggling operation originally, not a planned attack, but it got hijacked by someone. The theory about our friendly and definitely not crazy Sway mindcontrolling Will seems to be true.


I loved loved loved this chapter so much. Especially the last bit. JOE? ON EARTH? I can't stand the hype, it is going to be so epic! Stu, bestboi, I knew he would want to help Alden in some way.


All the way to the self promotion of their books.. so real


Aww Skiff is actually a good guy, I like him a lot more now.


The amusing thing to me is the alien wizards really do expect the Avowed to take over the world.


And to be fair, it is only because there is something in it for him .. like getting his "distinguished" title back


Do I understand correctly that the politician in Uruguay is seen as Avowed by the radio hosts, just because she is pretty and is sympathetic towards Avowed?


I had to take a breath when reading that first snippet. It reminded me too strongly of shit I've heard IRL, so kudos for that. I finally caved and bought the Patreon, loving the story so far. Edit: I meant to ask as well, has it ever been confirmed what the natural lifespan of an artonan is? Esh-erdi said he'd claim Alden thought Zeridee was a century old, which definitely implies they live longer than humans naturally (though this also assumes she doesn't have access to Life extension)

Ano Ano

RIP Cyril. You died like you lived: being a shitty parent.

Amber Gregory

Some fabulous depictions of the madness and wonder that is humanity, but you saved the best for last. I can't help but feel butterflies about Stu and Joe heading to Earth. Thank you so much for these windows

Bob Ross

Alden must never know how many times the Contract replied to Jeffy


That sentence sounds wrong wait Joe and Alden are practically engaged matching tattoos and Joe gave him a ring!


I DO remember Yesenia! She showed up late in the Chainer chapters to talk to Lute on the bus about the graduation logogram pin he had. She had aquamarine eyes, and I'm pretty sure she was wearing a diving club jacket.


Great stuff!!


I worry for Jeffy, he's an Aqua Brute yes but still that teleport directly into water sounds like a nightmare. It looks like Alden might get to return the ring earlier than he thought. Lol

Ano Ano

I don't think Stu is coming. Since he isn't a full wizard, I bet he isn't allowed.


This was especially funny because of how infuriating Earth has been to Alden at times.


> “I have to rip a bunch of equipment out of a boat in the marina and then run with it across the city!” That is actually very interesting. It seems to indicate that one of the disaste relief strategies involves grabbing the other sinker sender and carrying it around to collect the particles.

Amber Gregory

You're probably right about that. I got a bit excited. Still, Joe is just the kind of wizard earth deserves!

Heather White

I’m used to thinking of Stuart as being socially awkward, so it’s a delight seeing him here as a completely confident, assertive badass who is determined to save his friend & knows how to make it happen. Watching him absolutely steamroll Joe was priceless.


I love the world building, and politics is always a thing when comes to civilization itself. Even stories that don't have too much politics still has something related to it. The people who live outside of Anesidora are afraid Avowed are Artonan Wizard's puppets, is a pretty sad thing to think, but nothing can be done about paranoia. The fact Kon's and Lexi's parents actually could tell the bed is different, is pretty impressive. Like was the bed is just perfect until the change or what? And the system managing Jeffy is hilarious. Thanks for the name list, it starts to get harder to remember certain characters and why I recognize it but don't recall the person themselves.

Cyrus McEnnis

If I squint, real hard, and hold my breath long enough to cause mild euphoria from the brain damage I can _almost_ see Cyril's point of view. Just like his son, Cyril had to manage his expectations down into the asthenosphere. Then his son is selected, as an S rank, and all of a sudden you have the emotional whiplash of Lute being an Avowed. And statistically speaking likely to not be his child at all - especially with the genetic hijinks that went into that waste of a DNA helix, Hazel. I mean, he's not winning any Dad of the Year awards for certain sure. And I'd like to think it wouldn't take me 18 months to realise how badly I'm hurting my son by being a little gokoratch about things. But, man, that's gotta _sting_ to have happen to you.


Cyril's death or near death could drive Lute to reconcile with his mother.


Alden's theory: system is trying to passively-aggressively kill him. Reality: all communication circuits are busy trying to explain things to Jeffy.

Cyrus McEnnis

Yeah. It's an easy lever to pull - fear of the different is bad enough when we're the only planet with life that we know of. Add in real aliens, and magical humans who are segregated to the furtherest point of Earth? And jealousy over not being selected? The way Anesidoran society has been depicted I've previously described as "nightmarish" and this is part of the reason why.

Heather White

“It sounds like a problem from one of Exalted Master Gyako-tim’s proving tests,” her companion said. “Do you remember how we set aside a room just for moaning that year?” I’m pretty sure every college everywhere needs one of these the week before finals. And the week of. And possibly the week grades come out.


Stu is awesome.


Reading this was a lot better than I thought it would be. So much information between the lines! I expected known characters doing action things without any worldbuildung. Very pleasantly surprised!

GryphonKnight (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-11 19:59:37 Chaos expert Joe; Farmer Jeffy; Tattoos, ring, bomb; Old employees CHAOS EXPERT JOE Joe is a chaos expert, so I hope we get more cool chaos world building soon Maybe even Joe and GORGON meeting 😈 FARMER JEFFY I love how Jeffy brings a very farmer sensibility ( frugile, efficient, low cost, sustainable, etc. ) "I can take this old thing ( broken boat ) and make a super helpful thing ( mass rescue platform ) for cheap and it is just as good as the rich, city folks, fancy solution" Versus the System "Steal all the rich, city folks, fancy solutions and hand them out to the most needy ( ripping out the boat equipment ). Use all the available authority ( safer to cast rescue spells directly on people ). This is no time to budget. We can sort out compensation LATER." 🚜🏦 TATTOOS, RING, BOMB @Kbzzy >Joe is coming back for his ring lol That sentence sounds wrong wait Joe and Alden are practically engaged Matching tattoos! Joe gave him a ring! and a Bomb! ( maybe that only happens with my military reenactor, married, friends and gunpowder ) ☠️💍💣 edit: OLD EMPLOYEES @Cyrus Often business ( and especially the employees ) find the best solutions to everyday problems Ask the older employees what they use, and what doesn't get frequently replaced, at their jobs The new employees have all the fancy, expensive, gadgets ( looking at you computerized LED flashlights ) but the old employees know the long lasting, gets the job done, doesn't need upgrading every year, equipment ( looking at you Streamlight 4AA PROPOLYMER® LUX DIVISION 2 FLASHLIGHT [ https://streamlight.com/products/detail/4aa-propolymer-lux-div-2 ] ) 🔦
2024-04-11 10:42:03 Chaos expert Joe; Farmer Jeffy; Tattoos, ring, bomb; Princess and the Pea; Old employees CHAOS EXPERT JOE Joe is a chaos expert, so I hope we get more cool chaos world building soon Maybe even Joe and GORGON meeting 😈 edit: As pointed out below, the grabby water is going after manufactured objects not people and natural objects FARMER JEFFY I love how Jeffy brings a very farmer sensibility ( frugile, efficient, low cost, sustainable, etc. ) "I can take this old thing ( broken boat ) and make a super helpful thing ( mass rescue platform ) for cheap and it is just as good as the rich, city folks, fancy solution" Versus the System "Steal all the rich, city folks, fancy solutions and hand them out to the most needy ( ripping out the boat equipment ). Use all the available authority ( safer to cast rescue spells directly on people ). This is no time to budget. We can sort out compensation LATER." 🚜🏦 TATTOOS, RING, BOMB @Kbzzy >Joe is coming back for his ring lol That sentence sounds wrong wait Joe and Alden are practically engaged Matching tattoos! Joe gave him a ring! and a Bomb! ( maybe that only happens with my military reenactor, married, friends and gunpowder ) ☠️💍💣 edit: PRINCESS AND THE PEA Actually, the mattress was destroyed during the party, and Kon had to buy a new mattress and a rug to conceal the damage edit: OLD EMPLOYEES @Cyrus Hotel furniture is great Often business ( and especially the employees ) find the best solutions to everyday problems Ask the older employees what they use, and what doesn't get frequently replaced, at their jobs The new employees have all the fancy, expensive, gadgets ( looking at you computerized LED flashlights ) but the old employees know the long lasting, gets the job done, doesn't need upgrading every year, equipment ( looking at you Streamlight 4AA PROPOLYMER® LUX DIVISION 2 FLASHLIGHT [ https://streamlight.com/products/detail/4aa-propolymer-lux-div-2 ] ) 🔦

Chaos expert Joe; Farmer Jeffy; Tattoos, ring, bomb; Princess and the Pea; Old employees CHAOS EXPERT JOE Joe is a chaos expert, so I hope we get more cool chaos world building soon Maybe even Joe and GORGON meeting 😈 edit: As pointed out below, the grabby water is going after manufactured objects not people and natural objects FARMER JEFFY I love how Jeffy brings a very farmer sensibility ( frugile, efficient, low cost, sustainable, etc. ) "I can take this old thing ( broken boat ) and make a super helpful thing ( mass rescue platform ) for cheap and it is just as good as the rich, city folks, fancy solution" Versus the System "Steal all the rich, city folks, fancy solutions and hand them out to the most needy ( ripping out the boat equipment ). Use all the available authority ( safer to cast rescue spells directly on people ). This is no time to budget. We can sort out compensation LATER." 🚜🏦 TATTOOS, RING, BOMB @Kbzzy >Joe is coming back for his ring lol That sentence sounds wrong wait Joe and Alden are practically engaged Matching tattoos! Joe gave him a ring! and a Bomb! ( maybe that only happens with my military reenactor, married, friends and gunpowder ) ☠️💍💣 edit: PRINCESS AND THE PEA Actually, the mattress was destroyed during the party, and Kon had to buy a new mattress and a rug to conceal the damage edit: OLD EMPLOYEES @Cyrus Hotel furniture is great Often business ( and especially the employees ) find the best solutions to everyday problems Ask the older employees what they use, and what doesn't get frequently replaced, at their jobs The new employees have all the fancy, expensive, gadgets ( looking at you computerized LED flashlights ) but the old employees know the long lasting, gets the job done, doesn't need upgrading every year, equipment ( looking at you Streamlight 4AA PROPOLYMER® LUX DIVISION 2 FLASHLIGHT [ https://streamlight.com/products/detail/4aa-propolymer-lux-div-2 ] ) 🔦

Cyrus McEnnis

/shrug I dunno, I found a hotel bed so damn comfortable when I went on holiday that I immediately tracked down the manufacturer and bought one for myself. It was so much more comfortable.


The anti-Avowed grifter radio bloviating was stomach-turning. Well done! That disaster certainly looks planned. The question in my mind is who or what is behind it? I had originally thought that Will was turned into the act by some demonic entity. Now, though, it looks like something akin to macro social engineering. SAL gets discredited, Avowed more likely to listen to Contract and pulled into closer cooperation with Artonans. Maybe even an opportunity to remove troublemakers under the cover of a disaster.


Glad to read Joe's back. Cannot wait for Alden and him to meet again and Alden returning the ring to him and him trying to refuse to take it back.


Thank you for the chapter.


If your mattress is a bit old, it takes the shape of your body, and you could def tell the difference with a new mattress


I think why it made him cast it on people is that boats are Object and people are Life. The particles would not sink the people but yes the boat


OLD EMPLOYEES @Cyrus Often business ( and especially the employees ) find the best solutions to everyday problems Ask the older employees what they use, and what doesn't get frequently replaced, at their jobs The new employees have all the fancy, expensive, gadgets ( looking at you computerized LED flashlights ) but the old employees know the long lasting, gets the job done, doesn't need upgrading every year, equipment ( looking at you Streamlight 4AA PROPOLYMER® LUX DIVISION 2 FLASHLIGHT [ https://streamlight.com/products/detail/4aa-propolymer-lux-div-2 ] ) 🔦


I like the universities that bring in therapy puppies to play with... there needs to be a therapy puppy traveling popup so that all can take advantage of that type of therapy.


Jeffy, my boy!


That isn’t part of Anesidorian society though. That should be considered part of the planets society seen as it involves people in Uruguay and another country. But only involves Anesidoria as the place one part wants the to exile the other too.


Thanks for the chapter!


It seems unlikely Alden would just abandon earth so soon like that


It is interesting to see the opposing discrimination, to rankism, that people have towards people higher up.


> Yesenia: If anyone remembers her one and only (unnamed and super brief) appearance prior to this one, I will be floored. She met Lut in the bus when he was to announce his selection. She was wearing a divers' club t-shirt.


JOOOOOOE! He's coming for a reunion meet up with our boy

Andrew Boyer

How cute: on RR, they think Alden’s safe now that he’s been teleported. (Insert evil grin)

Skull Leader

From ONE HUNDRED THIRTEEN: The Chainer, V “I’ve always liked that symbol.” It was the middle-aged looking woman in the seat beside him. She was looking at the pin. “A beginning and an end at the same time.” “It’s a pin they give to students at my school,” said Lute. “The principal gave a speech about it.” The woman smiled. Her eyes were such a perfect shade of aquamarine there was probably some magical assistance involved, and she was wearing a shirt for a Brute diving club under her jacket. “Did they tell you it’s sometimes used to remind a person to move forward? It can be a way of saying that no matter how beautiful or painful a moment in your life is, it’s still just a waypoint. You can’t hold onto it, but you can have the next moment.” “She didn’t put it like that.” “Well that’s my favorite thing about it,” said the woman. “So now you know.” ~~~ How could we forget the lady wearing the Brute diving club shirt? It was one of my favorite moments of Lute's story. A random stranger in a single small scene connected more with Lute than his entire family and classroom associates.


I always remember him as the Wooly Rodent instead

Heather White

I hope that conversation happens while Esh-erdi is standing close enough to be eavesdropping (& that Joe knows it).

Allen Polak

"People who know her have said it. This is not a rumor, folks.” “It’s really not,” Polly agreed. “People have said it.” Isn't this the definition of a rumor?


‘appearances here aren't necessarily signs that the character is super important and will be making a lot of reappearances in the future’. Well, I hope that doesn’t include this ‘Jeffy’ guy. He seems fun!


Ah man, Lute might end up losing both his parents…


Stu presented an opportunity Joe actually wanted. Does it even count as manipulation when it's that simple and he was that up-front about it?


Thank you for the chapter! Plenty of worldbuilding! Future heartbreak foreshadowed for Lute. Fearful separation for the Roberts. Skiff has depth and mettle. Like the US Coast Guard, Jeffy goes out! Unrelated question that came to my mind : Alden is a teenage boy. What's the beard and shaving situation?


YESS, I didn't expect a triplanet's POV, I hope Joe appears more, that was very kind of stu-art'h to help him

Charlie Staner

He did present an opportunity that Joe wanted. However, he also did the Stu version of the dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, sequence from mulan before that😂😂😂


I wonder if it’s the other SAL boat, and if they will object… forcefully


That is indeed the definition of a rumor. Congratulations, your vocabulary is more accurate than a bigoted talk show host's.


It also sounds like the person responsible knew what how the SinkerSender would interact with Matadero's shield.

Guus van der Borg

Btw, Skiff is starting to grow on me. He might be on the (anti-)Velra payroll, but every time we've gotten his perspective he seems like a good guy. Lots of bonus points for handling his own fanmail, nothing more disappointing than sending a letter to your hero and getting a form letter in return... Chicago could do a lot worse, no matter what Boe says.

Matthias Schwalm

I did not realize it before, but this would make a whole lot of sense, especially with the behaviour of the ambassador... Curious to see how sleyca will spinn this!


"Alden's the only Thorn allowed here." This is mean-mean towards aunt Connie.


On the interviews he was one of those sure that the kid could've had any class he wanted, so he knows that Alden is the chainer who traded it. It is very likely that he is on the Velra payroll.


Or the equipment in question is something that would react rather violently to the sinker sender. Or whatever-it-is is Artonan owned and precious enough to be worth preserving.

Guus van der Borg

The anti-Velra people also know how valuable Chainer is. That's why they're the anti-Velra people. And anyone keeping an eye on the auction house would know there's a new Chainer in town. Knowing Alden had Chainer isn't an argument for or against it being Velra or anti-Velra. Just that he is on someone influential's payroll


Thorn probably is not Connie’s name. I think Connie was his mums sister, not his dads.


IIRC She Is Alden's mother's sister, so she should have a different surname.


I don’t think it was kind — Stu wants someone there who might be biased towards Alden. He’s trying to help Alden, not Joe. It’s just that he knows what to say to get Joe motivated.


@gotsamo: No, Skiff said Alden didn't apply to CNH on a whim. That's something he could easily conclude because he's stationed in Chicago; Alden's story got dragged all over the news there, so he knows Alden's parents were killed by a villain. He also knows the pared-down version of the moon castaway story Alden used in his application essays.


Thorn is not Connie's last name, assuming the usual rules apply and Alden got his family name off his dad. Connie is his mom's sister.

prashanth sunder

Yesenia was the woman Lute met on the bus on the day when he was going to announce he was Avowed by wearing his graduation pin


I would challenge that anti-Avowed sentiment is just paranoia. I mean, obviously the radio hosts are a bit paranoid and their suggested solutions will not help anything whatsoever, but as explained by Stu, it’s totally expected that the Avowed will eventually take over Earth and start treating non-Avowed as second-class citizens, just as the Artonans do with their non-wizard class. It’s not paranoia for non-Avowed to be worried about that.


Yeah, Jeffy would have been right if the water were acting like water

Matt DiMeo

hmm, I wonder if Matadero has its own summonarium. The one in F-city looked to be in pretty rough shape for a big wizard airdrop.

David Bailey

I think it is less "kind toward Ro-den" and more "he is powerful, competent, and motivated to help Alden, to clear his name"

Jumping Flounder

yesenia was doing laps in the pool at the gym alden goes to right?


There is so much interesting information in this chapter. Then I got to the end and my brain went ‘Stuart! Joe! Yay!’ And everything else I learned fell out. I shall have to read this chapter again :)

Emily Curtis

Wonderful chapter. I was really curious how Stu'arth and Joe would react to the disaster. Looks like Z was right, he would be hurt by Aldens death.

Matt DiMeo

Rabbit is equally a class that you can trade for almost anything, so that doesn’ mean he knows about chainer. But he did look to be watching for Alden at the embassy.

David Bailey

I do not get this flashlight/employee thing you keep posting, or how it relates to Cyrus...


Yup, it's in chainer V. She liked his pin! (I did not remember this but it's easy enough to find with her distinctive were color.) Edit: I see other comments below have beaten me to the punch on this. Not too surprising, in retrospect.


Ah, but you see it's a fact that people have said it. The thing that people have said may be a rumor and repeating that thing directly might perpetute the rumor, but surely no one could blame a reporter for accurately reporting what a source said? Mental gymnastics aside, yes, of course it's a rumor.

William Johnson

Man those attitudes about the Avowed ring true, and I loved the Artonans talking about the disaster like you'd talk about an earthquake in a foreign country. Like, sure it's sad that some people died but more importantly is this going to make my coffee cost more? But most importantly, Joe's coming to town! Also maybe Stuart? Thanks for the chapter!


No, that was Arjun, not skiff. The hero who worked with Hannah and killed the body drainer.


So much fear going on. There are unavowed who are claiming the avowed aren't human anymore. And there are avowed trying to go places where they aren't persecuted. That is a clear message. Normies are afraid of Supers power, and Supers are afraid because the are still insanely outnumbered. Just like real life society, fear males the world go 'round. Thanks for the chapter.


I was seeing it more with Esh directly behind Alden fixing Joe, and Joe with cold sweat trying his best to stay focused on Alden


'they’re tools for controlling us.” The voice of the talkshow host flowed from the radio.' that first paragraph is so ironic. Good detail. Also, I'm 95% sure Polly is a superhuman in hiding based on what you wrote.


that's one of the good part of rereading chapters (here or on RR): the theories we make in comments that are always off whatevere we come up with

Maddy Weller

This was a great look into everything going on! It looks like idiot fear mongers will be the same on every version of earth. “It’s not just a rumor, people are saying it.” I don’t think you know how rumors work. It’s funny that Lexi and Kon’s parents assume that nice things don’t for their little sister are Lexi’s doing, which tracks with him getting all of the costume jewelry for her. Poor Skiff, at first I wasn’t sure why he was so insistent about answering all of the letters himself, and that little girl’s letter was heartbreaking. He’s doing such a good job with everything, it’s really a shame his family won’t come visit him. I hope they do after this. The LeafSong bits! A chamber set aside specifically for moaning, wow. Whatever that was must have been rough. And it’s interesting that summons of humans are currently restricted, I wonder why? Just because they are so new? I love Stu barreling to go get Ro-Den to help. Stu can’t do anything about the situation, but he can send Joe, which will have the benefit of an extra competent wizard helping Earth, and help with his great shame. It’s a nice symmetry, he got in trouble by sending Alden somewhere dangerous for him, now he’s going somewhere that could be dangerous for Alden. I hope Ro-Den and Alden get to interact, and we get to see what happens with the ring haha. We haven’t seen Stu-art’h referred to with his mourning name in a while. I wonder if it means something that it happened now. I hope we get to see Gorgon next chapter! I know he was mentioned as a possibility for alternate perspectives for this event I n one of the author notes, so I hope we get to see his reaction, what information he gets, etc.


When this story arc started, I thought "oh no, and they left their aqua brute at the mall!" But of course Jeffy got summoned immediately for something like this.

Batty Corvina

The idea that joe and alden are engaged made me giggle. Honestly the more context we get, the more it just makes me realize how sus Joe was contracting an inexperienced avowed to do his dirty and semi criminal work on a barely stable planet. He definitely deserved the chewing out by Alis plus any dishonor.


Skiff also would know that Hannah saved Alden and what her powerset was - and that Alden's did something similar.


So one of Lexi/Kon's parents is definitely dead, right? Imagine how Lexi would feel if his dad were saved by Jeffy. Imagine how Lexi would feel if he weren't. EDIT: Some sort of ethical committee should put a proactive restraining order on Joe that prevents him from ever meeting Jeffy. EDIT 2: With Joe on Earth he will have the opportunity to learn what humans actually think of his horribly evil coat!. EDIT 3: A potential magic tutor for Alden has entered the chat! Does the phrasing of their initial contract cover Freeform magic?


Waa is Joe going to make an appearance earlier than expected?? That would be so fun!


I'm still thinking it was chaos influencing him once inside the system less matadero.

Alex Scriber

Good job Stu! It’s so nice to see someone doing the right thing. On that note, good job Kon’s parents and Jeffy! Also Skiff. A lot of people trying their best really. Not everyone, but a lot.

Jon Coates

I'm assuming that the system doesn't want Jeffy applying the life preserver spell to objects since the water isn't behaving like water and could pull people off the boat and under water if they aren't directly protected by the spell. Otherwise his idea would be more efficient. Hopefully we get plenty of interesting interaction between Joe and Alden if Joe is able to make the trip.

David McGillicuddy

I think "[I am sure.]" is my new favourite line in all soup.


I love Stuart


I think that Stu-art'h would prefer to go help personally, but knows he'd never be allowed to as he's a first year student AND the Primary's youngest son, but he can still send someone who knows Alden.


Magic is great and all, but having to dissect some creature’s fourth bowel to advance your wizarding education sounds like a shitty situation

Batty Corvina

I wonder if we'll see some unexpected character development from Jeffy after this disaster. Taking his role and skills a little more seriously perhaps? After seeing what his actual avowed work might look like.


I personally find no fault in this logic. none What so ever

Partha Peddi

I have a lot of conflicting feelings about how the chapter started, but its ending was spot-on what Stu-arth would do to help Alden on his own at Leaf Song uni. I feel sad for Jacob's mom, but feel no pity for his radicalized dad. Joe teleporting to Earth gives us the possibility of him talking to Alden during his stay. Alden will definitely want to talk to him, but Joe might be reluctant. Joe has other avoved contacts on the island as well. Jeffy's story is exactly what I expected the System would tell him to do. I thought Yesenia was the security woman who talked to Alden when he first teleported to the island from Artona 1. But that turned out to be Emily. Then I thought she was the one who urged the TC store clerk to sell Alden the NesiCard. I could not find the chapter on RR, so it is my next best guess.


It's not a completely unreasonable fear it's just that it could be tad dehumanizing to the people under the system. I'm pretty sure most readers during the start of the story were also distrusting of Artorians and their motivations. We have only changed our perspective because of the unique experiences Alden thorn has gone through


Even if it doesn't count as him manipulating Joe, he did navigate a social situation to accomplish what he wanted, which I think is a big step for him. Also, on a side note, whenever I read anything about honor in a fiction I hear Zuko (Atla) screaming in my head.


How naive my friend. You can, of course make it more painful. You can have his father send a message right before he dies. Reassuring Lute that he will always be his son and apologizing for not speaking to him sooner before it cuts off...... and he dies very painfully .....his painful screams drown out by crashing water.....see? it can always be worse.


i hope so. jeffy is so earnest but just doesn't seem to think of what he can do as being that impressive. I do worry though that because he's on actual emergency summons he might get traumatised by something like failing to save someone in time or seeing bodies somewhere he's been sent.


Pacing note: I reread Ripples->Waves->Dawn over the last week, and IMO the pacing flowed really well reading at a natural pace all in a batch vs a chapter every 3-4 days. The ups and downs of events and lulls read more like that vs a chapter that read in isolation as all up or down or lull (and they felt more…wave-like in that). I enjoyed them week to week but heard others feeling less so (I remember a comment calling that “the screams of riders on the roller coaster”) Just one opinion, YMMV


Join us on the super supportive fan server if you feel like discussing! Discord: discord.gg/SuperSupportiveFans


I think you are confused about saving the best for last. Jeffy's part was third to last.


There is nothing to suggest that they do not get life extensions. Humans have to book them (healers), but I would naturally assume with the availability of wizards and what not that it would be more prominent on the tri planets.


Yeah I think on an Object he would directly be pitting his magic against the Sinker Senders magic, but on a person it should just separate them from the water and whatever object the particle is acting on.


I think it’s interesting (and funny) that the system was responding to Jeffy. There’s probably some calculation the system did that went like “Alden will probably make a smart decision if I don’t say anything. Jeffy will almost certainly make a dumb choice which would jeopardize more lives, so Jeffy gets the resources for a courtesy message”

Bzitka Yaknotz

How can you doubt us, Sleyca? She's either the woman talking with Lute wearing a Brute Divers shirt or the second-year B-rank Aqua Brute if they're not the same people


this is such an impactful chapter imo, it gives us our first real glimpse into the anti-avowed radical group(s), some more insight into SAL and other who have similar goals but might not agree with SAL in general, that contrast is interesting and i feel like both groups are going to end up more relevant in the aftermath of this disaster. skiff being shown as caring is so good too, seeing a hero being kind in a way that the governments he works for keep trying to push him not to be, just warms my heart. the last chunk of the chapter around the Artonan perspective, and then Stu talking to Jo is something i am excited by, it starts with what is realistically a bit of callousness from some average wizards and contrasts that with the reaction of Stu who genuinely cares, and jo's reaction both to the news content and the fact that stu is giving him the news that other's wouldn't. I'm extra curious about Jo's thoughts on that because this looks like stu acting counter to the way the other knights have treated Jo after moon Thegund really enjoy this chapter. love it when alternate PoV's add to the story and world


nah, i think Jeffy, Ro-den and Stu-arth are just some minor characters to give us context :P

Mehmet ali Reyhan

On one hand you are right on the other hand this was caused by SAL they have the biggest blame on this along with mannon and orpheus


I think it's a bit of personal motivation to get support for Alden, and depending on what all Alden has said about Jo, possibly an indication that Stu doesn't believe Jo is just a bad person (time will tell on that i think) and is giving him the chance to prove it


The water is attacking elemental Objects, not elemental Life. If he applied his spell to a boat, the water would just keep attacking until the spell became overwhelmed and broke. The people are only at risk as collateral which the the spell helps mitigate. Also, it probably takes more authority to cast on a large boat than a small person so it’d wear out his spell impression faster if he did that.


I think Stu is worried about Alden and things Alden cares about and reckons Joe has motivation to make sure Alden is fine. Stu was in such a hurry, he even skipped his usual straightening of the uniform and so on.


I’m curious as to what kind of payment the System offers for things like this. I hope we find out. Maybe Jeffy will tell us what he got


Sleyca, you have extremely good reasons to generally stay off the massive timesink that is the SS Discord server, but you should swing by #patreon-memes every now and then and enjoy the absolute comedy gold that shows up after each chapter

Kim Enteiu

I’m hoping this means we get to see Joe ask for his ring back face to face while looking at it on Alden’s hand, to which Alden makes eye contact and replies, “Hn’tyon Esh-erdi advised me to tell you that Alis-art’h held onto it for safekeeping.”

Guus van der Borg

Is the notification system extra shit for other people as well lately? Usually if I click a notification it had a decent chance to jump to the relevant comment (only on the app). But lately it hasn't been working for me at all...

Emily Gurnavage

Maybe failing would drive him to take his powers seriously. It would be nice if Jeffy stayed Jeffy till at least Uni just because hes so enjoyable, but hes gonna regret not taking his power development seriously once he eventually grows up.

Joel Wells

So, it looks like Lute’s dad is SOL. Said he was going for a walk on the beach.


The mandatory vacation is the reason Alden wasn't assigned a task.


He left his infotech watch at the speakeasy. =(


I will be very interested in seeing how the Esh and Lind treat Joe.


so much fear and loathing! it was great to see the breadth of ideologies and viewpoints here, and gosh Joe's coming to Earth!! I can't wait.

Emily Gurnavage

I think just Joe. Pretty sure we were told Stu isnt allowed to leave the triplanets yet, and they double wouldnt allow him to go to a disaster zone before his Knight training is complete. No way. Even if he wasnt who he is, but doubly so due to his status. They already got 2 proper Knights on-scene and are sending a bunch of Wizards to patch up the cracks in Earths contract. Plus, he said the cart was for Ro-den. Got "you" a cart, not "us". Us if Stu was gonna try and volunteer. Unless he sneaks there somehow, but idk how that could happen believably.


Wilbert and Polly remind me of some very real people.


Or it magically reinforces flotation and can be used to protect places from the Sinker Sender particles.


I agree with Phlinn. I'll see if I can find the quote but the sway was ranting (or channeling) someone's thoughts about how could everyone not feel the chaos, it's right there. edit: not the sway, Will the object shaper who crashed the boat. “Sorry,” said Will, his eyes looking right through the teens. “You can’t feel it, can you? I can feel it. It’s right there, scratching and scratching at the door. Why does everyone on Earth pretend it isn’t there?”


I suspect that Stu may not think as badly of Jo as the other knights we've seen seem to. and so he wants to get someone who is known to be competent and has a reason to want to do right by Alden and potentially just Humans in general, and who (speculation here) might actually care about helping people to a higher degree than usual. like Stu going to Jo feels more significant to me in light of the way the other knights have talked about Jo, and the way Stu talked about his peers at Leafsong. Stu seems to have a very strong pull on his moral compass in whatever direction it's pointing, and if Stu just wanted help for Alden or the humans I feel like he'd probably have more options than most


Ah, that's why him leaving the information behind was mentioned like that.


@Allen sadly that's how a lot of politics works these days (I wasn't paying enough attention in the past). Just repeat it until other people repeat it and it's accepted as true by enough people that your opponent has to respond in some way to made up nonsense. Sorry for talking politics here. I'll stop now.


We know that humans age a little bit faster than Artonans, because Stuart is chronologically a little older than Alden but developmentally they’re about the same. The difference isn’t a huge multiplier— probably around 1.25 times a human’s life expectancy. Of course, then you factor in things like superior healthcare and it gets a little unbalanced. And lifespan extensions are a whole other thing. (I think it was mentioned once that not everyone is allowed to get their lives extended?)

Bob Ross

Us 1 month in the future: "Aww, they think Aldens safe now that he's on Matedero."

Richard Fields

This was a good chapter folks, and that's no rumor, people are saying it!


My namesake returns. At least he's not being horrible to any kids this time.


I'm not sure if it would be more efficient. That depends on how the spell works. Does it for example adjust the needed power if it is un the limit for the spell? Also to consider is the practicality of actually pushing a boat around, even under more mundane conditions.


So reading about Joe made me go back, and I think I finally have a full theory/realisation about some Wizards considering Awoved "exsistential threats". Wizards seems to have limits to their growth, while I don't believe Knights and Awoved does. Knights are acceptable in the eyes of Wizards, because they are limited by their nature. All Knights are self-sacrificing to some degree, and none of them will live forever, at some point it will become to much. So knights are not a threat to the power-structure. But Awoved, even if they grow so much slower, can also keep growing, likely without limit. With access to deaging, they could in the long run become a more dominant magical force than the Wizards. So one of the many reasons for having so many useless talents, and explain very little, is to slow down Awoved's growth even further. It would not surprise me if for example Lunervikk (mentioned in chapter 38, famous awoved wright that died repairing a ship), and other strong Awoved, regularly get missions intended to kill them off. I've sort of had these thoughts for a while, but suddenly it fell very clearly into my head. Good old Joe, always makes me think even when he's not trying!

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Hey, Jeffy is smarter than he looks. He spotted that under other circumstances, applying his spell to an object people could cling to would have been more efficient than the instructions the System gave.

Jeremy Goldberg

Thank you for the chapter! I loved the scenes at LeafSong. Stuart and Joe made me laugh out loud, and I fully endorse setting aside a room just for moaning.

John D

I kind of figured Stu'arth had chosen Sina after he told Alden he'd already taken a mourning name. Seeing it written out makes me a little sad for him, it's an interesting tradition. I wonder how Artonans feel about it and its context in their society.


I always love the kinds of chapters in novels. It can basically only work later into the story,/after a major event and opens up a lot future story threads we can be excited about, as well as some gratification, payoff and world building that really improves the quality of a story overall.

Hugh Peeble

Not gonna lie… couldn’t remember who Cyril was and thought maybe it was the person who has their wallet retrieved by Alden so he can let someone know what happened to their non-Avowed family member.

Jeremy Goldberg

My best guess is it fails when you try to go to a comment that hasn’t loaded yet. My workaround is to back out all the way to my list of patreons, drag down to refresh (you’ll see the number of comments next to the chapter increase) then go to the notifications and click again. I agree it’s horrible.


" So one of Lexi/Kon's parents is definitely dead, right?" We really don't know that. Remember how much time Alden spent at the ambassador's house before heading down to Punta De Luna? Lute on the other hand, I'm very worried for Cyril.

Jeremy Goldberg

100% agree. I like to think the system felt the need to specify “not objects” in the first place because it knew who it was talking to.

Bob Ross

"If humans were meant to have magic it would have come to us through evolution" Love love love this line Sleyca, thank you for the reminder that someone peddling fear will express belief in whatever is convenient to sell their fear, and discard that belief when it becomes convenient to do so.

Jeremy Goldberg

I like to think that creature has 37 bowels, and Joe’s teaching job after his disgrace is to walk the students through them, one at a time. The last twenty or so aren’t even that important.


Ahh thanks, now I really want to reread but I think I'll wait until most of the after-effects are dealt with. I'm really hoping he still gets to visit Stu in a month(?)

Jon Coates

True, but we also don't know if there is a significant "start up" cost to using a spell impression. At least not that I remember reading. So if there is an additional cost to multiple activations compared to a single activation there could be a point where one larger activation would be more efficient than many smaller activations. As mentioned by the other reply, I also forgot the water targets Objects rather than targeting people directly so that is another reason not to use it on the boat but directly on people.

Brett Peterson

Yeah, and the description of her as beautiful. At least an Avowed, if not an Artonan in disguise

Darth Xaim

Poor Jacob.... He just wants to go home, and Anesidora wasn't his home... 😭


Without chapters like this one, our fleshed out, 3d main characters walk around a flat set made of paper, the stakes seem less important, and the pacing degrades.


I feel bad for SAL, somebody/something used them for essentially a terrorist attack, and they're going to get dragged through the mud even more than they already are in society if their involvement becomes common knowledge.


Was i scouring the comments in hopes of finding a comment like this? You can't prove it if I was


Well, one thing I think people have forgotten, is that the list of rewards able to be given to rabbits doesn't allow for spell impressions, but DOES allow for actual spell instruction. Which means they were always intended to have the option of becoming knights for at least one political faction. Even if the secondary contract didn't spell it out, it's likely technically an option as compensation.

Calico C

All skills that avowed have access to, save for the original 300, have been said to have a limit on the skill, most of which cap out at 10.


The J. Jonah Jameson grifter archetype is truly iconic. I hope Wilbert and Polly start selling shady supplements to become "Peak Human by Humans!" unlike those good for nothing Avowed that needed the help of Aliens! to be strong. In a more serious note though, while everyone is justifiably icked out by these ppl, they do have legitimate fears despite their ignorance. This is like the whole mutant-metaphor-for-real-life -issues that Marvel started, where it becomes messy once you actually take it seriously, like the nature of Appeal itself is quite a terrifying thing. And there are people like Riley, and the more radical parts of SAL compared to the more idealistic perspective here (which is great to see! I love seeing ideological depth and diversity within organizations!) which will inevitably give them ammo to justify their views. And their overall point actually stands too, I remember some comments prior that was comparing people like Vandy and Avowed in general as superpowered cops lol. And we get to see that tension with Lexi's parents, they don't really have a choice do they? We haven't really seen the consequences of rejecting a mission like that, however no matter what kind of qualms you might have, if you're on the recieving end of the stick like those people rioting outside that emergency bunker a few chapters ago then it doesn't really matter. And not only cops, but Avowed as a method of governance and control? not a totally paranoid line of thought imo. This is the Artonian *Empire* after all, elevating particular people to enact soft power is part of the toolkit of empire, as seen here in Earth. But unlike Earth empires, where expansion is dictated by the constant search of new resource frontiers to exploit, for the Artonians it has a more spiritual/existential bent: for the bulwark against chaos. And they are effective at it too, their mode of governance is flexible enough to assimilate races that live through violence and death like the Griveks after all. In my view, that little talkshow is a great look into the fear and uncertainty that many people have, and eventually future issues that Alden is already entangled himself in. Sure they are probably cynical grifters but the people who tune in definitely aren't, in this case its not irrational to be afraid of a literal magic empire with a semi-omniscient super AI (an empire which may or may not have eradicated/ensalved Gorgon's people due to-- reasons?). So far, as the audience, we are positively aligned with them due to loveable characters like Kibby and Stu, and the noble nature of the Knights, but as we know, with light comes darkness. I guess whats missing is just the perspective from the Avowed fanatics/super-Stans, (Avowed Army?-Taylor's version?) I'm sure the insane PR and the Boy's-esque celebrity status that seems to be built up in other nations would've made some wild groups by now.


What happened in February to make Skiff popular? I may need to check the unofficial timeline.


Maybe it's a rumor, maybe it's hearsay, maybe it's gossip


That's true, but we can see words that say "Ro-den", which can let us picture him in our mind's eye.


Really, it should add instructions to everyone involved to strip and encourage swimmers to strip off any synthetic clothing. I'm not sure if previously living fibers count as Life or Object... Otoh, even people with no authority sense may unconsiously treat their usual clothes as part of themselves and automatically reduce their object-ness for targeting purposes.


I think it may have been him taking down that villain with the lair under the lake?

Aspiring Moth

it's just a consequence of the web serial format. if they didn't stand between you and more Alden, I'm sure you would have less issue with them. the biweekly release schedule has advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional books


Yes, but that is a limit on the individual skill, not the Awoved. They can still grow their Authority and pick new skills, so it doesn't stop their overall growth, but it makes them less likely to become a threat.


Might be that because he's more familiar with Alden's thought processes, he thinks Ro-Den's use is exactly the sort of thing that Alden's talent was useful for and that he would want to do. The other knights just see an exploit, Stu sees Joe giving Alden work that he could feel good about.

Partha Peddi

Such a positive story about Skiff just raises too many death flags for him...


"...it's horrible." Patreon's interface in a nutshell. I usually have to load notifications from the app more than once for them to correctly redirect me. It doesn't work at all on the web.


And his real home isn't too welcoming of him either. he had so much potential as character, he will be missed rip


And they weren't already well liked in the first place too. There was that off hand conversation at the Velras party where wearing their hat gave people the ick, so definitely this will not help them at all

Calum Donaldson

Yesenia: If anyone remembers her one and only (unnamed and super brief) appearance prior to this one, I will be floored. -> The high level Aqua brute that can see in absolute darkness?

Neil H

Yeah, I think you're right about what would happen to the boat.


It was just a sop because the radio host was calling another woman inhumanly gorgeous, in the presence of his wife.

Neil H

I think we saw Jeffy getting his summon several chapters back, when he was with Astrid and Reinhart


@Cyrus. I kind of understand why Anesidora exists now. Just imagine how ostracized an Avowed would be if they are isolated and part if a minority in an otherwise "normal" human neighborhood. Ostracized by some and expected too much of by others


Those avowed may have limited skills, and they may not grow as fast as a Knight Skill holder, but they can still choose new skills. Imagine if Alden couldn't sense his authority, but still followed Joe's advice. Imagine if an avowed like Aulia Velra got one. It's only a matter of time, or poor information security before avowed find out.


Alright, Sleyca, I've got a bone to pick. I don't like short stories. I don't like snippets of characters I can't develop an understanding for or an attachment to that I'll never see again. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, start to finish, and I resent that considerably since it was entirely against my will. How dare you.

Charles Hinton

I am hoping Joe finds a way to stay on earth to be an instructor at the school. Stu knows about the poor state of the language class.


I'm also so excited!! He is one of my favourites (which doesn't actually say much when you have so many favourites but oh well)


What happens when people sworn (and compelled) to serve one nation become the leaders of another? What happens when a System directed quest demands the toppling of a nation's government, with no option to refuse? Are avowed going to take over the world because they want to, or because they have to? Do the Artonans care which?


I think that would be incredibly entertaining, especially considering the language that Joe might teach them, but very unlikely. He can barely stand teaching Artonan students.

Invalid Entry

I know we’re all not supposed to consider the politics as part of a fictional world but if so maybe it shouldn’t be a 1:1 recreation of what we would be hearing on talk radio and Fox News right now except with superhuman instead of vaccines or economic inequality. Now if only we were just humoring them to allow a gentle transition like in Alden’s world instead of watching them grow increasingly more rabid and less circumspect about their bigotry and waiting for them to come completely in the open and establish their next reich so we can finally at least clean up the issue for a few decades with fire and blood.


@Mehmet I actually read this chapter as confirmation that this attack was not necessarily sanctioned by SAL. Those three were expecting to take delivery of the sinker sender, correct? In that case, Will getting swayed or chaosed into causing the attack... That was not in the SAL script.

Tycho Green

Artonan in disguise? You’re killing me, bro. How did you come up with that?😭😭


good question, so far the Artonans have been pretty hands off. One day, if the situation demands it and the Contract says: "Hey, its now time to take our mission against chaos seriously, and we need people to believe" what do you think will happen? Generally I quite like Sleyca's approach, its deeply nuanced, there will be no simple solutions. Everyone has such a different view of what this power means, from unpowered, paranoid normies, to ostracized low ranked Avowed to blue-blooded S-rank familes to the Artonans themselves; Alden especially since he's probably one of the rare few to gain a nuanced perspective. Others don't have that privilege, they can only work with what they know, which leads to the development of people like Wilbur and Polly and Riley and people in-between.


I feel you lol, PoV changes will always chafe, especially since we have such a loveable MC. Perhaps in the future a compromise would be to expand on the themes in these vignettes where they are intertwined with Alden and his friend's story arcs in some way.


lmao micro-managing... Honestly whether the system talks to him because Jeffy's too dumb or just so important (at least in this scenario) are just both funny


its inescapable tbh, stories are a mirror after all. And there are already quite a few difficult themes getting cooked up so far. It depends on Sleyca's finesse to see if it will land, it's difficult though, I'm in no way envious (we all saw the seething with Attack on Titan engaging with these conflicts directly). But I have faith! And even if it stumbles, it will still be a good story.

Calum Donaldson

bagruoodas -> New alien species!

Bob Smith

So you say this: "But it's not meant to match up perfectly to our world.", (and it isn't a perfect match), but then all I can think about is the DiCaprio pointing meme the entire first scene, lol.


He's just a regular ol-guy who wants to spend more time with his family 😭, he doesn't care about all this political stuff

Super Super Supportive Supporter

> Alden’s the only Thorn allowed around here Ah so you’ve killed his parents, and possibly his aunt is next, got it

J. W.

It's very analogous to a big problem disjointed parties and movements face in the real world. Any movement seeking to accomplish something good will have to work around the fact that many of it's members will do terrible, stupid things, make damaging statements, affiliate with parties contrary to the goals of the group, all under the broader name of the movement they're representing. This is all in addition to there always being multiple factions in any of these groups who fundamentally disagree on how to achieve their goals. So the end result is that the broad mission statement that draws an individual to join the group, is not necessarily representative of what the organization actually does in practice. The greatest struggle often becomes balancing the positive goal that the movement is seeking to achieve with the dissenting voices who may not disagree with the movement's driving principal, but DO disagree with the way the movement functions in practice. Or, in some cases, those who don't care for the broad purpose of the movement, but are instead drawn by the allure of what can be done by using the movement as an excuse to join in on the negative actions of certain factions in the movement.


If Jeffy’s spell is “make objects that are covered in water go UP!” and the Submerger particles are coded to “hey - see that object? Cover it in water!” then the System is wisely trying to prevent Jeffy from << hopeful helperly >> launching boats full of screaming people into space


I legitimately teared up at the little girl’s question to Skiff 🥲 gives a very different perspective on why he might be adamant about doing his own fan mail.

Kim Enteiu

Stu immediately goes to Joe to get him heading to Earth as part of the recovery effort? Looks like his dad isn’t the only one with a low tolerance for petty restriction 🤭

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

Yeah, I get that, but once you start naming specific, real-world groups and calling it a "1:1 recreation" of what you would hear from them, that is where I draw the line on calling it politics. It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong. I just don't think that this comments section is the place for that kind of statement. It might be more appropriate to keep it to general musings about what the realism of that scene says about the general condition of humanity in any world.


Yup. But before that, they were on the bridge when the sirens started. I was expecting them to get dumped into the ocean and have to try ro rescue people - without Jeffy.

John D Jones

I am unreasonably unexcited about that last bit with the possibility of Joe AND Stu'art'h heading to Anesidora.

the btrflyz

I believe Bzitka is referring to Jeffy's partner for rescue operations


@SkySeeker, yeah thats reasonable. If people want to have those kinds of discussions do it at the discord or something, its another level of work for Sleyca to moderate this comment section with hundreds of comments

Skull Leader

I hope that Jeffy comes out of this with a new appreciation for his water moves. I hope that Yesenia can help steer him to a path that will minimize Klein's stress levels in dealing with Jeffy's level up choices.


I did not expect a Stu segment, but I love how he's worried about Alden and forcing Joe to volunteer as an emergency wizard. Stu's the best.

Chas Becht

Either that, or an exhaustive survey of the fourth bowels of every known creature with four or more bowels. Why four specifically? No reason, just an arbitrary annoying task.

Heather White

It’s okay. I think that in those last two sentences NameGame was actually saying it was great (good?), but in a funny way. No compromise needed.


Joe! I wanted to catch up with him. And Stu'arth. I also desperately need a Kibby chapter. Alden hides his amazingness from most, but he can't hide it from Kibby. And he do desperately needs someone to tell him what a good job he's done.


The idea that the heroes have letters like that and they answer them is so wildly taxing to my psyche that I feel like it should be included in their introductions to the story. Like if I read about a hero named SuperBob running around helping people I'll think "yeah they're doing a job they're paid for", but if that same hero is introduced as SuperBob, Fan Letter Responder, I will probably take them more seriously as they have difficult conversations with people who really need someone to talk to and that's like someone saying they're a Veteran to me.


@GryphonKnight No wonder Stu's so cold & forceful towards Joe...


Didn't think I could love Stu any more... then this chapter dropped. Sleyca, you always outdo yourself.


You heard J. Jonah Jameson, all I kept hearing was Alex Jones, lol.

Heather White

I think a lot of us hope that he’ll appreciate his skill more. But even here, Jeffy wants his abilities to be used to do something more impressive. He doesn’t want to use his life jacket to rescue people one at a time. He wants to rescue whole boats.

David Giles

When you go from "I'm going to need more string." to "I'm going to need more wall."


Yea, I really want to see Jeffy embrace his powers. He keeps thinking of himself as Aquaman before Jason Mamoa.


@Waterhobit, true, but J.J. is the OG of all new age grifters, when did he appear, like 1960-something? He's an icon, Alden must eventually have a fan/hate club at some point and he only deserves the best


Just drinking, gambling, and ruminating. I think he is/was about to make a turn and reach out to Lute.


I can’t tell if stu has a knack for politics after all or if this is a terrible idea. Can’t wait to find out though!


I doubt stu will be allowed to go. He's not a full wizard. It's probably why he went to joe.

Kinga K

JOE! \o/


I do the same as Jeremy. But you are right, I have noticed it being extra bad lately.


>Yesenia: If anyone remembers her one and only (unnamed and super brief) appearance prior to this one, I will be floored.


She's the lady on the bus with Lute in chapter 113, isn't she?!


She's from the lute chapters. When he's looking at his school pin on the train/bus.


Who knows, after all the full body healing he went through after the moon I wouldn't be surprised if his genes were somewhat changed. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember reading about any Artonans with body hair other than on top of their head. Maybe the healer thought that body hair was some evolutionary defect that humanity is still too young of a species to have gotten rid of yet and decided to help Alden out a little?

Heather White

Amber — When we met Jeffy and he tore his shirt off in the fountain, broke the hand dryer, and demanded the not-hick shirt from Alden, I was annoyed he’d gotten into the program & prepared to hate him. Now I absolutely adore him. I love how good Sleyca is with giving us characters with multiple dimensions.


Definitely written in that late night religious talk radio style. You can see a satire of it in John Oliver's Televangelist episode where they start the church "Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption".


@sleyca no matter what happens to Skiff I’m going to need to know if Tanwyk gets her letter.

Alex Scriber

This was a great “redemption” scene for Skiff. Just remember that he’s also the person willing to spy on a confused teenager for the Velras and subvert the admissions process to help someone he thought was unqualified get in to the best school. The Skiff we see here, trying to help and nurture another child is the same Skiff. Skiff is both those people. Real people are complicated.


A woman named Polly who only repeats her co-host's points, lol, good one Sleyca

Heather White

Keven - I appreciate how you expressed that while you didn’t enjoy the chapter, you can see how this kind of chapter enhances the story overall. It’s so much more respectful to Sleyca’s writing vs. comments people often post saying that because they don’t like a chapter it’s bad writing or doesn’t belong in the story. So, thank you.


If Kabir got evacuated from Libra then Jessica definitely did as well.

Heather White

Stuart is realistic that self-interest is the only lever that will move Joe.


@Austin: Agreed! Alden was getting shuttled off. I'd be very surprised if Stu was allowed anywhere nearby.

John D Jones

Maybe he'll go as Joe's "teaching aide." After all he did help Lute learn Artonan curse words. And now he's with Joe, the Exalted Master of Artonan curse words.

Allora Lee

Stuuuuuuuu and Joeeeee

JJ Hunter

It feels like all these vignettes are connected by an underlying theme of parents and parental figures, and people living up (or not) to their duties of care. Interesting to start with two dads still struggling with their sons' selection - Jacob's dad turning off the radio right at "'we talk about ways to cleanse your family of—', Lute's dad wanting that same "shit" radio show off (was he blowing up at the exact same line?). Both struggling with what to say, going silent when they're not going off, going off on a walk (or a car ride?) instead of venting their anger on bystanders. One father has likely just lost his son and doesn't even know it; one son may be about to lose his dad and is calling around hoping to hear someone knows he's safe. Annalise's dad bringing his daughter with him on a mission that may be perilous, but also connects her with people who could help her in the future. Ethan Roberts and Ekaterina immediately authorizing the emergency teleport for Irina because they know to never, ever refuse an emergency teleport. And they are still terrified for her, and packing her a backpack and her favorite stuffed comfort toys, consoling her right until she vanishes from their arms, and they have their own involuntary assignments to help their neighbors, their community, evacuate safely in this crisis. Skiff leaning into what should be all the trappings of a successful superhero life and finding his family doesn't want to come join him, won't visit the city he protects to spend him with him. Skiff who still thinks of Anesidora and the Nilama Family Neighborhood as home. Skiff who wakes up extra early every day so he can answer his own fan mail and give real, sincere answers to all the little kids writing to him, struggling with deep pain and confusion. Skiff who's working so hard to be a good role model and who seems so fundamentally lonely between the lines. (No wonder Alden respects him; Skiff's reply to Tanwyk was right up there with what Hannah might have said - it's so fundamentally kind to another kid suffering a life-shattering loss and wondering why her sister wasn't saved.) Jeffy has an assigned partner! Yesenia seems like such a good egg, and potential mentor - I hope they stay in touch after this. I hope Jeffy joins the diving club. The two unnamed wizards treating their duty of care to a resource world and Avowed people in imminent danger as a theoretical exercise and something they hope doesn't adversely affect their ability to <s>exploit</s> I mean, *summon* them going forward. Stu-art'h responding to the same crisis by giving Ro-den a chance to live up to Alden's good opinion of him and offset his own terrible reputation at the same time. Ro-den who has so clearly been trying to avoid getting attached to his students (wonder if they remind him of himself as young wizard? he's so incredibly hard on them, and that may say more about his judgment of himself as a young person than their own capacities for growth), and has gotten one devastatingly sincere Avowed attached to him anyway, not to mention Kibby's own class-jumping, bomb-building progress. And now the Primary's son?? These earnest kids are going to either be the making or the death of Ro-den; he can't evade them. (Pseudo-fatherhood is calling, Joe! Like the Contract selecting an Avowed, you've got that status, now it's time to decide whether you'll embrace it or avoid it.)


Actually I was imagining Joe having to deal with Jeffy as some sort of recompense for mistreating Alden...


I look forward to Joe being utterly gobsmacked by Alden returning the ring.


I'm sure you were quite focused, just not focused on work.

McIntosh Ewell

Really looking forward to Jeffy fully embracing his destiny as an Aquasubmariner...of Love It's kinda funny, kinda sad that Wilbur and Polly's discussion seems pretty realistic. Big Props to Big Stu for strong arming Joe Worli Roden into helping out his best bud and pet namesake. Lastly, let us have a moment of silence for the unfortunate interruption of the Roberts's turtle inspired sexy-time 🙏🏾

John D Jones

I don't think Stu'art'h would have had the "social courage" to do this before meeting and becoming friends with Alden.

Ryan m

Joe the mad scientist going to Earth is not what I was expecting but I’m here for it. Don’t be afraid to take a break if you need to and create a bit of a backlog, don’t want to see you get burned out!!!

Joel Wells

What I think is kinda funny is that Joe probably doesn’t realize that Stu’arth is only encouraging him because he is concerned about Alden. I also like how little of a choice Stu’arth seems to be giving him.


I don't think Jacob's dad has any regrets. But, I wonder if they will get any messages about his demise. Similar to Hannah, the system may just go no contact about the situation if asked. I guess it depends on if there will be any official word that links Jacob to the "terrorist attack" on Matadero. Then there may be media crawling all over his parents to get interviews.


They where smuggling weapons and at least one bomb, so yeah....


I read this as Joe freezing due to his tattoo, but then being confused why Stu was invested enough to give him an opportunity to look good.


To be fair, I still don't trust Artonens. Some of their overarching views are very "big business" - like so what if we are stepping on the little people as long as we get where we are going. I do trust Stu, Kibvee, and Alis. And I trust Joe to act for his own self-interest.


This will definitely be a setup for Alden to use Esh-erdi's joke on Joe.


>He smiled. “By the way…did you get us a new mattress?” >Her brow furrowed. “I keep thinking it feels different, too.” >“Maybe we just got used to the ones we used on the trip to—” 😂 I forgot the party destroyed their old mattress 🎊🎉


She was so projecting. Also did you notice how many times her name was written? Side-main character for sure.


The Engagement is over, Joe wants his ring back


I would like to see Joe being all nonchalant when he see's Alden, like "Oh, hey. Sup." and then Alden gives him a hug.

Andres Ceva

Nice chapter! who was covering her hands with her ears -- who was covering her ears with her hands


Something I hadn't thought of till just now: Jo is an artonan wizard who Alden might be able to comfortably tell about his wizardness without worry. He's done a secrecy tattoo with Alden before, and shown a relative disregard for the normal rules, and now jo's coming to earth. good odds it doesn't happen, i am kind of expecting stu to be the first artonan other than kibby that alden tells, but it's possible.


So you're thinking a False Flag by the Anescidoran Government? That would mean that Aulia planted the sinker-sender for SAL to get a hold of through Orpheus. She can pass it off as theft. SAL get's blamed, and the government gets to enact their controls.

Partha Peddi

We learned that the avoved are being paid for their emergency summons. This differentiates them from Alden's heroics. This points to a possible second commendation for Alden.

Aspiring Moth

I hope Alden backs Joe up to the knights if that does happen. he isn't actually guilty for moon Thegund, but he's taken a big hit because of it. I also really hope this leads into Joe becoming the new ambassador to earth somehow

Partha Peddi

On my re-read of this chapter, I am definitely skipping the first story. It makes me want to vomit thinking about it.


I think there's also a factor of artonan years being longer than earth years? Like I think Esh called Alden a "thirteen year old Ryeh-b't".


Number 33 is magically identical to 11, it's just 1/3rd weaker.

Carl Earl

As someone who has an unfortunate level of contact with religious/right-wing talk shows & radio, the female co-host who only speaks to echo the man's points, or "give an amen" is a depressingly common trope, but naming her Polly WAS a stroke of genius.

Ian T Hathaway

"Alden's the only Thorn allowed around here." Sleyca I'm so sorry I may have to unsub over that. Actual psychic damage lmao

Jeff Scott

Heck, Jo basically already knows, he's the one that started him down the Wizard path, he helped him take the first step, he just didn't see get any further than that.

Jeff Scott

Yes! Jo and Stu to the rescue!!! ... sort of. Hopefully they get to stay on Earth long enough to meet up with Alden.


I did a double take wondering if I wrote this comment lmao


It's definitely possible that one or both of Lexi/Kon's parents are dead. Lexi's dad was in their building, and I recall that it was one of the buildings that was completely covered in water, right? Also, his mom is on a potentially dangerous mission to retrieve some type of artifact from a boat and run it across town. It all sounds good so long as the owners agree to allow it, and don't take offense even if she is System sanctioned to do it.

Desert Yeti

Too close to reality. Feels like it was pulled from an actual podcast. I hate anyone who, however subtly, encourages killing children.


Which is different than Super Supportive Fan Service, which can not be found there despite where Alden may or may not be keeping his Auriad.


More than just a courtesy message, it is listing out very specific orders for him. More than the others on his team. Notice the Chinese folks muttering about how many messages he's getting, and if it means he'll get paid more. My take is the system is being very careful with Jeffy so he doesn't go off and try to do some Land Moves.

Super Super Supportive Supporter (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-11 19:59:37 Sleyca, you are extraordinarily good at writing alien characters and loveable characters, and alien lovable characters If this story ever ends, you should teach a class or something, it would be a public service to create more writers like you I’ve read a lot of books and I’ve literally never seen anything this good, not even from historically great writers If you ever publish this you are gonna make so much money (although I guess you’re already making a ton now)
2024-04-11 19:34:21 Sleyca, you are extraordinarily good at writing alien characters and loveable characters, and lovable alien characters If this story ever ends, you should teach a class or something, it would be a public service to create more writers like you I’ve read a lot of books and I’ve literally never seen anything this good, not even from historically great writers If you ever publish this you are gonna make so much money (although I guess you’re already making a ton now)

Sleyca, you are extraordinarily good at writing alien characters and loveable characters, and lovable alien characters If this story ever ends, you should teach a class or something, it would be a public service to create more writers like you I’ve read a lot of books and I’ve literally never seen anything this good, not even from historically great writers If you ever publish this you are gonna make so much money (although I guess you’re already making a ton now)


Stu probably has the benefit of Alden's opinion of Joe to temper his own. And Alden for the most part still likes Joe and thinks highly of him.

Super Super Supportive Supporter

It’s good it got interrupted before it began, imagine getting emergency teleported in the middle of sex, at least plopstar got some time to put on a bathrobe, wherever she was Now you’re naked and need to fight an ocean while being blue balled

Desert Yeti

It completely changed my perception of Skiff. I'd just had him in my mind as "another Velra stooge," but he's got more to him.


Pshhh and Alden thinks twice before saying he's Stu's friend...

Bob Smith

Or get drained of all his authority to help charge Earth's contract back up.


I like Skiff more the more we find out about him, he was really nice to Alden and about Alden in the interview


It came through as coming from AM radio to me; I guess I am old!

McIntosh Ewell

I really hope we get more letters from The Skiff.

SkySeeker (definitely not Lauren K in a mask)

So, I just had a weird thought. Several people have raised the notion of Joe, who already has a secrecy contract in place with Alden, being a good candidate to tutor Alden in wizardry. While I see several hurdles to that storyline playing out, I do like the idea. That being said, with all the unlikely coincidences that led to Alden developing an authority sense and the ability to do magic, Joe might be one of the few people best positioned in the entire universe to try to replicate those circumstances to create another human wizard once he finds out about Alden. That is not to say he would, for reasons I will get to in a moment, but it is possible that he could. For one thing, he is a chaos researcher. It is evident that long-term exposure to a low-level chaos field was a large part of Alden's experience. Secondly, Joe has the kind of unscrupulous contacts and morals one would need to obtain the resources necessary to undertake such a project in secret. He might even be able to locate Gorgon and cut a deal. Now, given that Worli Ro-den is a member of the "Avowed as an existential threat" school of thought, I believe it is highly implausible that he would go down that road. Still, it is an interesting thought experiment.


@Jeff I think Joe would be shocked out of his boots if he learned Alden was a nascent wizard. He actively told Alden, you don't want to be a wizard and an avowed, knowing that would make him like the Knights, and he would suffer painfully for affixations. Joe was teaching Alden that his chosen skill has much more depth and usefulness than he realized, and if he were to refuse all the glittering prizes the system waves in front of him, he might get a deeper and more meaningful upgrade to his skill. An older path. "If you’re refusing the rewards the Triplanets would prefer you take, it can offer you the next step on the original progression path for your skill. The old one, designed by wizards who assumed you would be training with this one skill for your entire life"

Temp One

@Catherine, I don't know. My impression was it was more that Joe can't stand teaching Wizards? If I remember correctly, Joe is overtly disdainful of the Wizard class for some reason. To the point he worked almost entirely with a mundane staff and was known for being "the guy" to work for if you were mundane. There's a reason Kibby and the rest of his staff seemed to hold Joe in such high regard. So I could actually see him at least tolerating teaching humans far more than he does burgeoning Artonan Wizards. That being said, I do think his goals lie in research and development more than teaching. And he'd leave a teaching role the moment he had an opportunity.


Man, that first part of the chapter is crazy. With no way of telling if someone is avowed or not without access to the system, not only do unregistered avowed have a bit of camouflage, but normal humans will also just accuse anyone who is super charismatic or successful of being an unregistered avowed


Those unscrupulous morals (alongside his ideology) are why I am skeptical of the idea, but it does feel plausible that he would at least find a different species doing magic an interesting subject of study, even if Alden is even more below his standards than LeafSong students


For a powerful wizard, volunteering to help with disaster relief can hardly be a bad thing. Unless Joe yells weird anatomical insults at a crowd of humans and sets back inter-species relations or something, but he's got more charm than that.

Temp One

My impression is that Joe's bombastic behavior with his students might be less him holding them to exacting standards, and more genuine contempt for the Wizard class. I mean, the whole 'fourth bowel' dissection directly harkens back to an earlier chapter where Stuart confides in Alden that Joe has started giving lectures with dubious educational content. Instead, they seem designed solely to inflict suffering on his students. I don't know what a 'fourth bowel' is, but I can at least imagine what it smells like, and how excruciating a dissection process that might be. Joe does not seem like an Artonan that is fond of his students. I think it's more likely he views Wizardlings as being entitled brats who are all well deserving of being humbled. Brutally humbled, even. We also know that, from past chapters, Joe is famous for refusing to work with other Wizards. But is supposedly amazing to work with if you're part of the mundane class. Within that context, I think it's noteworthy Stuart has expressed that, just like Alden, Joe has never sworn at him. Despite swear words seeming to be the dominant vocabulary of his lectures. I'm curious about whether that's because Stuart is the primary's son... Or if it's actually because Joe knows Stuart is going on to a life of self sacrifice as a Knight. Thereby immediately elevating him above the rest of the self-absorbed Wizard class that Joe so seems to hate.


Making a sunken boat float doesn't mean it's necessarily going to float right side up. Waste a lot of spell impressions for something that's potentially worthless


In chapter 40, Joe explicitly said that he refused to teach wizardry (beyond a few that don't require an authority sense) to Avowed because it would be unconscionably cruel. I doubt he'd change his mind about that, even if he had existence proof that awakening an authority sense in a human was possible.


I know it's really unlikely that Stu would manage to smuggle himself to Earth alongside Joe, but my mind keeps seeing hysterical scenes where he does and Zeridee, the Ambassador, the Knights, and pretty much any Artonan in the know absolutely lose their shit seeing Alden hanging out with Stu

Guus van der Borg

He doesn't have to teach it to avowed though. He can just pick a vanilla human. That has its own hurdles though. It is likely that any human with enough authority to be a wizard will be made an avowed. So he'd need to work with children <14 years old... I doubt Joe has the motivation to go through the hassle he'd need to go through to surreptitiously teach a child magic. I doubt he's THAT curious.

Aspiring Moth

imagine Stu'arth visiting the dorm and interacting with the roommates in person


@Zenty: Rrorro was WAY too competent to make a dumb mistake like that, and she did tons of research on how humans work. So definitely not.


People's feelings of envy, resentment, and inadequacy are going to find expression one way or another, as a look through a history book will make sadly clear. The AM radio talk-show grifter (and his sycophantic oh-you're-so-right-dear wife) sounded all too plausible.

Temp One

Yup, another 'bravery in the absence of obligation' commendation, even!


It honestly never occurred to me that they wouldn't be paid for emergency summons. They're doing a job for the Artonan Empire, and therefore they must be rewarded commensurately. To make them work for free would feel deeply immoral to an Artonan – reciprocal obligations are a cornerstone of their civilization.

Calum Donaldson

Ya people have a lot better guesses than I did, should have read the comments before commenting!

Partha Peddi

Joe making a friend of Aulia seems plausible when he visits earth. They are friends made for each other. He might even cover up her/family role in the disaster.


The attack was absolutely not "caused by SAL". Building on what mistermerf says above me, there were three people on the boat I'd count as actual SAL members (Captain Adi, Belasco the thief, and Riley) because they actually expressed enthusiasm for SAL's purpose, while Mina, Jacob, and Will all seemed to just be beneficiaries of their island escape services and not members themselves. Will killed at least two SAL members, one of whom was his friend, and probably everyone with him on the boat. This was the very definition of a lone wolf attack. On top of that, Will was at least mentally unstable and possibly being controlled by a third party. Nothing he did could be construed as even his own sane and uninfluenced desire.

Jason Harpster

Attack on Titan played the magic card way too early and way too to often. immortal 150 ft monsters with no need to eat or drink, and only one sure kill vulnerability? Lots of "magic" in a super serious military anime.

Temp One

【"Maybe. We’ll see when it’s over. Right now, I’m just hoping that this somehow leads to the loosening of summoning restrictions on the species rather than even tighter ones.”】 I think this is probably the most disturbing scene (followed closely by the radio scene) of the chapter, for me. It implies that there are certain protections that humans enjoy from being summoned that other species do not have. And are not nearly as ironclad as one might hope. I do not know what those protections entail, but their loss implies, potentially, a serious loss of autonomy on the part of the summoned human. I imagine humans have certain protections that prevent them from being summoned to perform unnecessarily violent deeds that other species, like the grevick, probably wouldn't balk at. Or maybe protections that prevent Avowed from being taken sexually advantaged of? Or protections that prevent them from being thrown into situations with an exceedingly high likelihood of the death or dismemberment of the Avowed? It's just a line, but it implies that there are protections that Human Avowed enjoy that can be taken away by the whims of an alien bureaucracy.

Jason Harpster

I have had more than my fill of IRL people I sadly have to associate with spouting that vein of nonsense. Not thorny or salty just tired. You did it really well by the way, but yeah this is the reason the world is the way it is.....lots and lots of people.....yes anding the sort of privilege they belive they deserve exploiting questionable loopholes to get there.


I keep hoping for a certain grivlok couch surfing in Alden’s dorm


She was in chapter 113, search for "aquamarine" to jump to the spot. She met Lute near the end of the Chainer chapters to comment on his graduation logogram pin while they were both riding on the bus. She had aquamarine eyes and wore a brute diving club t-shirt.


The first one, Bzitka. The second year would be described as a teen rather than a woman, and the Brute Diver was described as having aquamarine eyes.


I've seen no indication that wizards have a growth cap. They're just slower to grow than anyone who has both an authority sense and an affixation. We don't know how they measure up against normal Avowed growth rates; my guess would be that they're comparable, but wizards have a higher average growth rate while Avowed have a competitive maximum growth rate.


My favorite response: "If humans were meant to have indoor plumbing, it would have come to us through evolution."


February IS the month Alden disappeared on a summons, and probably also when the takedown of the lake lair guy happened. Other than that, nothing we know.


Eh, Stu can't do a single thing to force Joe's hand. All he's doing is clearing a path to something Joe already wanted.


I just realized. If Stu'arth goes to Earth, he can't contact Alden (Evul'arth isn't there to place the call). If only there was some else with a blatant disregard for rules nearby that he could convince to go to Earth with him...


We were told from the very start that emergency summons are not only paid, they are paid at a higher rate than normal summons. From ch. 24: "Your summons response timer is set to 48 seconds. (Note: All emergency summons are instantaneous. Response to emergency summons will be commensurately rewarded.)"


Honestly, I wonder if there isn't a minor element of racism in there too. "She's hot, but she isn't hot the same way Polly is."

Partha Peddi

Those emergency summons were assumed to be off world. But we got confirmation now.


My impression was that it's more like a cap on the number of Avowed summoned per year. The prestige level required to summon an Avowed and the cost might both scale inversely with the number of allowed summons. The protections baked into Contract Earth are there to stay, though. Unless the Contract gets renegotiated, Artonans CANNOT break the human morality clauses without the proverbial wrath of god landing on their heads. NO ONE wants the Contract breaking so some idiot anthroboo wizard can get his jollies. Note that despite the (apparently considerable) inconvenience involved in working with lortch and fetuna, Artonans still respect and obey the strictures their planetary contracts laid out.

Nathan Rice

I hope we hear from the Rabbit ladies next chapter and that they're OK. And that Joe is the one that helps them! He needs to prove that he values the lives of human Rabbit teens after all.


Ah yes, the classic: “I’m obnoxiously going to encourage others to stamp on the human rights of select groups, cause I’m an immoral asshole.” Yeah. You nailed the way people like that talk xD


Yeah, that was surprisingly my favourite part of this chapter. And the other stuff in the chapter was great


Well deserved money. The dude has created such a unique society that we get to experience through such a well thought out MC that I’m constantly mind-blown by the dialogue. Deserves every cent.


When the writer makes such an accurate representation of terrible people that you’ll be on the edge of your seat forevermore, waiting for that moment when those terrible people get their just deserts.


Alden’s first heroic deed on the moon was insane though xD. He literally destroyed his very existence in an effort to save one child. Every time he says he doesn’t deserve the commendation I’m like, “oh sweetheart, you really really did.”

Temp One

I think what I like about the Artonans is that they're actually very human in a lot of respects (I think even Joe remarks on how similar their species are), but then there's these sudden gaps in cultures between them and humans that feel more off-putting because of how similar they are, otherwise. Likewise, because of their similarities, it makes it easier to empathize with them than if they were 100% alien. Like the Grevick, where their differences are so outstanding and strange, that it's oftentimes hard to understand their motivations as characters. So far they've come off as humorous, but that's because of their inclinations that we'd otherwise find terrifying. Sophie is still one of the best characters in the series, though.

Partha Peddi

@Vortozan, such ppl have a long list of supporters who never let go. They never go away or get their just deserts. They stick arround and spout their nonsense, as is in the real world.

Tycho Green

Disagree with your take on things. There is a race mentioned during the Chainer chapters that is very good at Wordchains. Once they reach adulthood, they don’t want to be seen by other species. Their wish is respected. (Mostly at least) During the Mishnen incident one of the kids was about to force Alden to obey via Contract. He was harshly reprimanded by another kid for possible misuse of the Contract and reminded of the severe consequences if Alden hands in a complaint. Treatment of each species is different based on their natural dispositions. A griveck wants a fight, to them it’s like a birthday to be invited to fight and receiving some kind of compensation on top of that. The only person that we have seen Artonans alienate for seemingly no reason is Gorgon. Next thing is you need to first obtain the right to summon Avowed, a right that can be revoked for a multitude of reasons. There is a certain conduct wizards are beholden to themselves, forcing a sexual encounter for example would mean that it was their last time they get to summon anyone. The institute that certified their education will likely rid themselves of any connection to a wizard like that as well. As for your last paragraph, all authorities can potentially do that. Hypothetical Chaos incident: They might need to summon all kind of Avowed into dangerous situations. The adults from that species don’t like to be seen? Summoned to bestow Wordchains with a text saying bestow Wordchains on all troops. [This is not a request.]

Temp One

I can definitely see that. The language the Artonan used is 'loosening of summoning restrictions'. And they hope that it'll be in response somehow to this disaster. I don't know how connected the desire is with the disaster. But if it's directly connected, they imply the disaster makes humans appear foolish and underving of technologies they have no business being in contact with. To me, that reads as humans are intellectual inferiors -> accorded less rights that would otherwise be granted a higher sapient species.

Doug Wills

So Polly is 100% named that because she constantly repeats what the other dude says right? Like, she clearly eats a lot of crackers.


One of the myriad things that I enjoy about this story is that Sleyca lets the plot and characters breathe, without continually having characters act like low-attention-span creatures that must check their status screens every two seconds. We, as readers, know that Alden has -probably- improved in some fashion due to the "authority settling in" and managing to maintain entrustment of Zeridee without physical contact. But Alden as a character, and the overall plot as a whole, realistically have more pressing matters at hand: Alden is struggling with PTSD and his desire to be safe vs his desire to help people, and the scene with Esh-Erdi (and these following snippets) are vitally important to understanding the bigger plot picture. This leaves any level-up-bomb to be dropped -after- we have appropriate consolidation of the story or characters. It doesn't mean we're not excited for that level-up, but the story rightly understands that characters dying/not dying is actually more pressing, the fallout with Zeridee/Esh-Erdi/Bash-Nor is more pressing, the return of an old favourite character is more pressing. It helps build anticipation, but also helps not to paint Alden as a brat that is more concerned with his stats than his friends, or indeed the actual story. And it also isn't just that status screens are blissfuly infrequent: Understanding that plot and character progression are what make power progression -matter- is why I wish more stories would take a leaf out of Sleyca's book. Great chapter, as always!

Matt DiMeo

I only noticed on second reread, but lexi’s dad is in serious trouble. He’s not allowed to leave the building until the Contract says so, and we already know the building got Submerged. Eep.

Bryan Thew

S-class high ranking dura brute 50/50 he doesn't have to breath

Blake Noyes

“Ekaterina was wrapping her arms around the little girl, who was covering her hands with her ears” I think you meant covering her ears with her hands, but maybe she just has weird physiology?

Nathan Coppernoll

Good chapter. One suggestion - you may want to play around with the placement of this one on either the RR edition or in a novel, as the reader is jumping around a bunch on the timeline. Like maybe dawn, this one (with a couple like lexicon getting pushed back further), (dark) dawn, sandwich dawn? Just a thought.


Maybe the reason the System is so open to talking with Jeffy is that, even at peak paranoia, it knows there’s a 0% chance he’s involved with the attack. After all, anyone who’s spent time around Jeffy would know that a criminal conspiracy couldn’t survive his involvement.


The radio talk show made me wonder if there is an intergalatic youtuber who travels and documents the known universe for their audience (tom-scott-style) ...


Minor issue: Skiff's summons notice says he's going to "Nilama Family Neighborhood, Apex, Anesidora". Nilama is in F-City.


Joe’s refusal to teach Alden because it would be too cruel is now a moot point. The cruelty has already occurred and been paid for in blood, sweat and tears . It is well within Joe’s character’s wheelhouse to reverse his position and help Alden embrace the suck. Especially since Joe’s penchant for “sticking to the man”. And I just thought of something. Joe’s very being, his Authority, hates Authority so much as to constantly break rules and social niceties


Sina Stu-art’h... SS or SSA = super supportive Alden??? Really enjoyed it. Bring back the Joe! And let it translate some swearing.


I predicted waaay way back in the early days of Alden becoming friends with Stu that Stu would end up attending school with Alden on Earth with the Caveat that it could be justified if Joe was assigned to Earth as punishment and therefore able to be a personal teacher for Stu. It could be Sleyca is setting this plot point justification now!


No-one has asked the most important question yet! Is an Exalted Master better than a Distinguished Master?


We're going to get an early release one Sunday and completely ruin our release time expectations... The just go to sleep angel (just read it in the morning)l on our shoulder will be atomic bombed by the devil (just wait one more hour).


Huh. Just realized. With the way that Artonan names work, -den would be Joe’s family name. If he adopts Alden just think how easy the name change will be. Al-den. Perfection. I don’t remotely think that will occur but both their names ending in den just hit me and made me grin.

Radha Patel

I think the assistants at Moon Thegund or Kibby used to call him Al-den


That happened once when I stayed up late doing other stuff and then checked if the chap was up. And it was. I had work in the morning and it was during the Velra novella. I had the headache to end all headaches the next day


He leaned over over the professor’s desk -> He leaned over the professor’s desk


A gun can kill people even easier than a low level avowed. But well, humans aren't rational

JJ Hunter

Small language quibble re: something that keeps bothering me when I reread what is otherwise such a strong start to the Stu-art'h and Joe scene: I'd rec either using "did not [...] did not" or "didn't [...] didn't" but not the current mix of both ("did not [...] didn't") for describing the things Stu isn't taking the time to do after disembarking from the cart. The current version shifts focus to the didn't where it really belongs on the not hesitating, if that makes sense? Tweaking the second verb to 'did not', for example, would be: "He did not pause to properly straighten his student uniform, and when the door opened for him, he did not hesitate to head around the curved hall that formed the hot lab’s perimeter."