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        It felt... awkward to sit there, drinking tea, amongst the gloom of the underground room. The set, clearly ancient by today's standards, was a beautiful porcelain design, with floral flourishes and dense detailing. And she had to admit - it was fine tea, even if it isn't something she drank on the regular. In fact, she seemed entirely out of place sitting in a comfy, padded chair next to a very tasteful dinner table, with two plates bearing cookies and small yellow blocks of cheese, two teacups and a matching cute, small teapot. Her spiky, leather bandit wear as well as her overall wear seemed wholly inappropriate compared to the low-key fancy glamor or this little tea party.
     "Oh, mm, I hope the taste is to your liking?" A low, feminine voice calmly inquired, the velvety voice coming from above. "Do forgive how dry the biscuits might seem, I shan't dare think getting a fresh package would even be possible nowadays!"

She raised her head to look at her... from a lack of a better word, "host". Hanging from the ceiling, attached to a platform with multiple mechanical legs, was a woman. Pretty, roughly thirty by the looks of her, with dark, shoulder-length hair, but with her body partially sealed inside what used to be the cockpit of an all-terrain vehicle. At first it is unclear how such an unholy amalgam of body and machine could even be steered, but that quickly became apparent when the lady turned her massive mechanic body around and showed her backside to the bewildered bandit - an intricate assembly of cables and connectors were surgically attached to the back of her neck. The work done on her body seemed... jury-rigged, but expertly, if that makes sense - whoever did that quite clearly had experience working with cyborgs, as the integration seemed seamless, to the point she seemed to be absentmindedly tapping one of her rear appendages to the rhythm of a concert, played from this facility's loudspeakers, completely unaware of it.      
      "Although if you're anxious about eating too many sweets, I also have some scones," the mech-lady said in a pleasant, conversational cadence. The oversized mech body turned around on the ceiling again to the sound of servos whirring and hydraulics squealing, and the lady lowered her torso towards the tea-sipping bandit lady, who instinctively pulled backwards in her chair. "Though you would have to give me a minute or two to defrost them. Is that fine with you?"

"N-No, that's... that's okay, uh... Aranea?" The bandit stammered, though surprisingly enough - not in fear, more... awkwardness. "I'm uh... Very pleased I'm here compared to the uh... outside. Yeah." The machine-supported lady called Aranea smiled, winking one of her cyborgized eyes at the bandit.
     "No need to tease a lady..." she smirked and intoned melodically whilst moving behind the table to lower her body towards the woman's level. "I know our meeting wasn't exactly on neutral terms, but it's all a misunderstanding, you see!"
      Turning her body to the side, three clear bullet holes can be seen in the side of the vehicle portion of her body. The bandit lady grimaces a little.
      "Hehehe, yeah... Sorry about that, you just scared the piss out of me when you lowered behind me and grabbed me..."
      "Yes, I apologized for that before. You seemed to be chased by horrible wolves, so I had no time to ask if I could..."
      "Oh, no no, it's totally fine!" The bandit lady seemed to be nervous, despite the mostly pleasant tone. "It's just that eh... Hehe, well, you know, I didn't... um... expect, like, a full bed and bathroom and everything here..."   Aranea smiled, bringing her metal-clad hand to her cheek in a pleased fashion and resting her cheek on it.
      "It's no trouble at all! I am so happy to have someone here to talk to who I could help out and take care of, teehee!" A pearly giggle escaped her pretty, upturned lips, soon filled with the edge of her teacup. The bandit lady seemed to be steeling herself before something, gathering courage while intently staring at her teacup. She suddenly cleared her throat, very assertively pulled her chair out and stood up.
      "Well, it's been a pleasant stay, Aranea, and I wanted to thank you so much for the time, but I need to be leaving now." She made a few awkward steps backwards, trying to keep Aranea in sight, slowly inching towards the part of the cavern she was reasonably sure Aranea dragged her through before. Aranea's smile dropped. "Leaving already?", she protested almost childishly. "But it's been barely a week...!"
       The lady cringed internally, remembering the last seven days. Sure, she had food, a great, soft bed, warm water and it was honestly the best sleep she's had in ages, but- "Don't tell me you'd rather go back into that dirty, scruffy Wilderness?" Aranea raised her body from behind the table. The bandit lady, anxiously, stepped backwards a few more times. "There's nothing out there! Barely anyone alive!"
        Aranea seemed to become anxious, the legs of her mecha-body imprecisely pattering in place, nervously twitching. A rising panic was clear in her voice, something which chilled the bandit lady to the core.
        "And what if something bad happens to you!? Who will help you, then!?" The table's edge caught one of Aranea's legs and screeched loudly to the side, pushed away. "You'll... You'll get eaten by wild beasts, or, or worse!" The bandit lady wanted to stammer something, anything out, but babbling a few times, she suddenly turned and started running. Behind her, Aranea's pained voice called for her:
         "No! No, don't go! Don't go, don't leave! Don't...!"
She was tripping over the steel wires hanging around everywhere. Thanking the Goddesses that the wires weren't glued, she hastily picked herself up and, not seeing Aranea following her, took off to run down another set of corridors. Her memory was fuzzy, getting carried upside down does quite a number on her sense of direction, but it seemed to be leading her true.
         "Please, don't go..." Aranea's sad, echoing plea followed her, but she paid it no heed. She's had enough of this creepy spider-lady and her tea parties, six stinking days sitting in this hell hole, dealing with a crazy person. This entire time she couldn't even rape anyone, and her libido was already howling for someone's tears to be squeezed out through their pussy... There, factory doubledoors going outside! Quick, just beside this box, and-
        Something immensely heavy drops from the ceiling just in front of the door. Sounds of hydraulic, pressurized assemblies extending and sharp legs digging into the ground fill the corridor as dust, kicked up by the violent thud, filled its length. The bandit lady drew her pistol again and tried to aim at... something down the corridor, but the dust quickly got into her eyes and she struggled, rubbing them with the back of her hand.

"You can't go..." Aranea uttered, this time in a bone-chilling monotone. "It's not safe outside." "Fuck you, lady, I ain't gonna be your pet!" The bandit lady spat out and fired wildly into the length of the corridor. Fear overtook her ability to think rationally and she soon emptied her magazine, clicking helplessly against the trigger of her pistol. A moment of silence fell on the corridor as the bandit's loud breathing contrasted against the falling dust. No one in the depth of the corridor, no one in front of the doors. She smirked, spit on the ground, and started walking, then running again towards the door. Just as she was about to reach it...

"MM! MM-MMPH!" A hand carrying a cloth encircles the bandit lady's mouth and holds her tight, a chemical smell filling her nostrils.

"It's ok..." A whisper in her ear. "I won't let anyone hurt you, you'll be fine here with me..." The bandit lady's thrashes are becoming weaker the longer she inhales the concoction. Soon, she is only limply struggling, as her consciousness fades. "I'll take care of you... You'll have food... A nice bed..." A final exhale leaves the bandit lady's mouth. She does not resist any longer.
"After all..."
        Aranea cradles her body in her arms, supported on her mechanical legs, as she hugs her and kisses her cheek. With the mechanical noises of moving servos and pressurized hydraulics, she carries her towards her room. "We all have to stay together so we're not lonely..."  

JNT Writer  



Ryan the Siren

While I am not one for spiders.... I love her lol great story too!! thanks eh!!


Yes, very nice story and good writing 💕 I would gladly join Arneas tea party 🤗