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Sunset Sugar was a star back in the late 90's to Early 2000s but as her popularity waned the world realized no-one really cares about a hello kitty knock off. She's not smart with her money so being the washed up star she is she finds her self working in a gas station some years later. She content though with her little life. Its a turn from the fame and the high fashion, the luxury nights and the reservations at Carbone, Bad Roman and Via Carota but shes happy!

Well she would be if her Shitty boss didn't fuck up her plans tonight! Sunset is a petty girl, and hell hath no fury like a Kitty cat-unicorn scorned....


Ave! I'm happy to have gotten this out and if you're looking at the "Free" Version of the audio I'm so sorry. April fools is one of My favorite Holidays so the idea was fresh and ripe in my head haha. I had a lot of fun writing and drawing this entire production. Total time from writing to production all together was about a week or so. So I'm happy to have got it done so expediently.

And if you are actually interested in a "Sparkle Fart" Version I made one too that's pretty funny,


Disclaimer: The application of artificial intelligence voices in this context adheres to ethical standards. Prior to processing through the RVC GUI software, the voice acting was performed personally by myself. Sunset Sugar is a custom made AI voice



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