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Some of you might have noticed that recently I have been having a hard time keeping up with the daily updates. The writing isn't the problem, but the planning is.

The first book was planned to the smallest details before I even wrote the first chapters, while the second only has the general events that I have to flesh out on the same day as I'm writing a chapter. Which makes it hard to write a daily chapter and keep the quality at a desirable level.

That is why I have decided to go from daily chapters to posting five times a week. Though the chapters will be longer to somewhat make up for the lack of daily uploads, and I feel more comfortable writing a chapter closer to 3k words than 2k words, since I can fit everything I would like into it without rushing or pulling anything.

I studied which days had the least activity, and it was Saturdays and Sundays. So during the weekends, I will use that time to plan the chapters I will write for the rest of the week or try to make a backlog for rainy days.

Also, thanks for putting up with me. I know that I missed a couple of daily updates during the second book. When it comes to certain things, I'm a bit too bullheaded to admit that I couldn't write a full almost 3k word chap and flesh out the plans in the same day.

Anyway, new update schedule:

-Mon - Friday (a chap every week day)
-Chap length will be around 3k words, sometimes a bit more sometimes a bit less. But never under 2.5k words or over 4k words

-Sundays and Saturdays will be planning days. Where no chaps will be posted, but I will try to still be online to answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for the support, and see you all next chap.


Benjamin Shklyar

More then fair. Honestly shocked they lasted this long. But getting a 3k chaoter every week day is insane so no worries.

Mikkel Poulsen

I have seen to many writes burn out to not heartely agree with your decision. Consider making it three times a week or one if you feel the need. Taking a break for a month or two is also a good idea. People need breaks and vacations. So if you don't plan for them you don't get any. Having a buffer isn't always nessecary but it serves really well to cut down on "writers guilt". Remember that we just want the story, and how long it takes is less important. My favorit story, mother of invention posted once a month for years. I still followed it religiously :)

Morris Lin

Your writing is one of the best I've seen on royal road so the fact you were able to keep up a daily upload up to now is already insane. Besides, I think what I love about this story is just the coherency of it that probably came from your planning.

The Golem Crafter

Take your time. A good book takes planning and time. Rushing for quotas only stresses you and lowers the quality of work


Most important thing is to not burn out. Just jot down ideas/notes/plot-points daily, but write chapters max 2-3 times a week.


This happens to literally every author that posts daily, don't worry about it.

Israel Washington

Honestly, I might even prefer this schedule than the previous one. I prefer the slightly longer chapters and if it gives you time/rest to properly plan out future chapters and prevent burnout I’m even more for it.


it's totally okay, the quality takes precedence as long as the quantity is not too low. It's generally super hard to keep up with daily updates. ❤️


I was worried that you wouldn’t have time to have a plan with your previous upload schedule. This actually relieved some of my worries.


Very understandable. All is good