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Now we switch brands but keeping on with the italian cars we now move to Lamborghini and my personal favourite: The 2001 Murcielago. The first gen of this awesome looking machine, 571hp, 6.2L V12 engine pulling out this 1650kg beast from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.8s and can reach 330+ km/h top speed. Bringing this car from 2D to 3D and then to life has been a work that took me in total over a year. I hope you enjoy this work because this is one of my bests. I'm taking special care on modeling each part of the car with precision and hundreds of hours of looking images on the web to reach the exact proportions and take this one to top level.

The 3D model has passed through 3 stages of reworks.

Further news soon...



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