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Long time no see, everyone

I have been busy preparing for the December Game Show this month.And now it’s almost ready! Now let’s share with you the production experience and finished product.

Promotional video URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YG9McJWwT7M-ATmu_y_yggdDaDxLJjf8/view?usp=drive_link
Because the promotional video contains NSFW content, Patreon can only paste the video URL, so I uploaded it to Google Cloud. This time I used "After Effect" to create it. It has been a long time since I last used AE. It took me some time to get familiar with it. This time I tried using particle special effects during my work. I really like this dazzling expression. I feel it can make the picture more refined and rich. Pixel Game Maker also has a similar system, but the way of using it is very different from Ae. I haven't mastered it yet. Maybe I will try to use it in the next game.

This is the time to accompany me up to the acrylic board. There is a QR Code that can be linked to X and Patreon. I originally wanted to make small charms and stickers, but I thought it would be a rush for printing. Moreover, short-term rush work may not yield satisfactory results. 

So I spend time working on the next boss instead. The content has been accumulated enough, and new Boss content will be released tomorrow!

Finally, a new trial version has been prepared for the Electronic Game Show. It is a game similar to the previous one. Players must meet the conditions before they can challenge the next level. The only difference is that the new version adds "Fire Dragon" and "Carat". willing .

Of course, the new trial version will not be uploaded to the free platform yet, and will only be displayed at the Game Show for now. I want to be able to give people who pay to support me some privileges. I expect to wait until all bosses are completed before uploading a new trial version to itcho

Thank you all for waiting, and thank you for your continued support. See you tomorrow!




"Fire Dragon" and "Carat". willing 是指非强迫场景是吗(^∀^●)ノシ


我不確定這麼翻譯對不對 是想表達通關米陶諾斯後會隨機接續到"火龍"或著"克拉肯"的關卡