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As mentioned in the previous preview, the progress in these two weeks has been excellent, and I can't wait to share with you the new content produced during this period!Let’s share the last move of Flame Dragon princess first.
This will also be a large-scale move. The boss will summon multiple platforms, then turn into a huge fireball, randomly attack players from the left and right, and finally turn into a stone to attack.

Super fireball!

Huge evil fire skill!!
I hope to reserve more graphics for the new Demo version, so the complete skills are waiting for next time.

Then comes the Hentai scene >:)

Complete the last ejaculation from last status 1 and upload it together

This is a new attempt. I think it’s sexy to simply bulge the throat, but if draw it with x-ray, it can better reflect its depth!

Regarding scene 3, it is also a new attempt. I chose between The Wrap Around and The Elevator, but later I felt that The Elevator could better present the feeling I wanted.

But here comes a new problem. According to game of this position, the butt alone takes up a lot of space, and the lack of face feels weird.

So I tried adding head to the side and found that it was pretty good!

Then, since the left side has expressions, the right side also feels a bit strange, so I added x-ray.Although the workload has increased a lot, I am very satisfied with this composition.

The animation will also change synchronously with the intermediate actions.This really took me a lot of time, I hope you guys enjoy it
All in all, these are my progress in the past two weeks. Almost all the assets are completed, except for putting them into the program and adding sound effects. There is a lot of content and it will take some time, but as mentioned before, I think it can be completed and new demo in early October! If the progress goes well, I will also try to add the gallery to the next version.
Hope you enjoy, see you guys next time!




Great Work \(*o*)>