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Fumi woke bright and early as the caravans were still rousing. She spotted Echo, waved him down from the gate, and they continued their travel routine, astonishing and startling those they passed upon the trade road.

They arrived at Drekhold a little after noon had passed; the guards halted them at the city gates as Echo came to a stop.

"What's your business in Drekhold?"

Echo held up the letter and his identification, "Post 3. Commander Margrave. For Guildmaster Grovesward."

The man looked closely at the letter before nodding and waving Echo into the city.

The crowds parted as the two made their way through the city. Muttered curses and slurs for Fumi were tossed their way, but she didn't seem to care one bit.

Echo glared at the people who spoke up in such a manner and they shuffled off to their business, withering under his gaze.

My new appearance is good for something at least.

The two arrived at a single-story building with a set of double doors. Echo pushed the doors open and walked through, arriving in the Guild Hall in Saint's Hold.

Nary a person spared him a glance as he made his way to the windows at the back - a stark contrast to his first appearance in resplendent plate armor.

Fumi silently slipped from behind him and stood next to him, grabbing his hand as he led her forward.

They went upstairs and he knocked politely on the Guildmaster’s door.

Willow, his dryad-wife, opened the door. "Yes? How can I help you?"

Echo held up the letter, "Urgent message."

Willow cocked her head to the side and her ears wiggled slightly before she snapped her fingers, "I remember you! What happened to your hair? Your eyes?"

"Please, we must see Isaac."

"Oh, I'm sorry! He's not in."


"..." Fumi stared at the interior of the room with a look of reminiscence.

"He left to deal with an urgent matter. He should be back in a few days."

"Give him this letter as soon as he arrives. I'm going to stay in town until I…figure some things out." He glanced down at Fumi who shot him a glance and a little smile.

Willow nodded and accepted the letter, "Of course. I'll give it to him. Does he have permission to enter your apartment if you're home?"

Echo nodded, "The sooner the better."

The two made their way downstairs as Willow bid them farewell.

He looked down at Fumi, "I could use a drink."

She nodded, "...Mhmm."

They both sat at the bar and two mugs were brought to them by one of the blue-suited attendants. Echo slid his identification plate to the man who curtly nodded and tapped it with an odd pen-shaped instrument before glancing up at him.

"Your current credit is five thousand Dreks."

"What in the hell did she spend it all on?!" Echo stood up and began to turn. Fumi gently slapped him on the back of the head as he made to walk upstairs and give Narya a piece of his mind.

"...Drink with me."

Echo couldn't refuse Fumi's request and sat back down, taking a sip of the smooth liquid. Fumi drained her whole pint in one go, ordering one after another after another. It hardly seemed to phase her.

Come to think of it…I don't feel anything from this.

He looked down at his adventurer plate, and his eyes went wide.

Name   (Race / Rank): Echo Asheron (Monster / S)

Strength: 2,000

Agility: 2,000

Fortitude: 2,000

Defense: 2,000

Offense: 2,000

Magic Resistance: 2,000

Magic Potency:2,000

Equipment: Brightsteel Full Plate, Titansteel   Shield, Skysteel Sword, Spell Tool [Silver Rod], Pocket Dimension Ring

Active Abilities: Alacrity, Bulwark

Innate Abilities: The Dragon God's Blessing, Damage   Resistance (All), Darkvision, Detect Abilities, Detect Magic,  Disease Immunity, Eternal Youth, Evolution Instinct, Far Sight,   Feral Senses, Perfect Casting, Perfect Defense, Poison /   Toxin Immunity, Regeneration

Affinities: Transmutation, Fire, Poison, Protection

So many new Abilities. And new Affinities. How did I get those?

A sickening thought coursed through him as he recalled Bertram’s poisoned daggers, Ingrid’s protective magic, and Velu’s fire arrows.

Did I…get their Affinities?

He knew that he obtained stat increases as he ate monsters that were once people. But Abilities and Affinities?

I could become extremely overpowered.

He tried to distract himself from the sickening thought of eating more monsters just to gain power by looking over at Fumi. Her relaxed demeanor brought peace to his thoughts.

"Want to get evaluated?” he asked, putting his identification around his neck.

Fumi nodded and polished off yet another pint before the two made their way to the Sign-Upwindow.

April was still working once more and had no line queued up. She smiled at the two as they approached. "Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild! Are you here to sign up?"

Echo slid her his identification, "Fumi here needs to be evaluated. And I’ll pay for her membership.”

April nodded and gestured to the frosted glass pane next to her, "Please place your hand here." Fumi did so.

April's jaw dropped as did a handful of those nearby; not nearly the same crowd that Echo had before when he first arrived, but they were not dressed ostentatiously.

Name   (Race / Rank): Fumi Medrana Soju (Monster / S)

Strength: 1,000

Agility: 3,000

Fortitude: 2,000

Defense: 1,000

Offense: 5,000

Magic Resistance: 1,000

Magic Potency: 1,000


Active Abilities: Alacrity, Spatial Sever

Innate Abilities: Damage Resistance (All), Darkvision, Deathless,   Detect Abilities, Detect Magic, Disease Immunity, Eternal Youth, Evolution   Instinct, Far Sight, Feral Senses, Perfect Casting, Perfect Offense, Poison /   Toxin Immunity, Regeneration

Affinities: Air, Space

April sat down in the chair behind the window for a moment as the metal status plate popped out in front of her. She slid it with a trembling hand under the window to Fumi who snagged it and put the chain it came with around her neck, grinning and glancing up at Echo.

"...I'm strong?"

Echo smiled back at her, "Very."

April looked up at Echo with some apprehension in her eyes, "Alamayn the Tactician, founder of the Guild, had a cumulative stat total of approximately one-hundred thousand…but he was Blessed by all of the Artificial Gods.”

Hearing the name Alamayn seemed to cause Fumi’s demeanor to darken, and she held the identification tightly, clasping it to her chest.

The two received naught but shocked looks as they went upstairs.

Echo opened the door to his apartment. "Narya! Are you here?" He called out.

No response came to his ears as he ushered Fumi into the room. "Looks like she isn't home."

"...You have a wife?"

"Eh!" Echo shook his head and waved his hands, "Nonono. She is a pixie." He quickly explained the situation and Fumi cracked a grin.

"...Good. I don't want competition." Her demeanor was happier but was still shy.

"Well, it's good you won't be fighting - wait…competition?" Echo was confused but slowly it dawned on him.

Fumi sat on one of the chairs in the main room around the table, "...We both are monsters…We both are immortal…I like you…you saved me…it makes sense."

Echo felt his soul leave his body just a bit before he slowly plodded over to the bedroom.

He had dated in his past life, sure, but never had someone been so bold and upfront. He was a nerd who spent most of his time alone or with other geeky types; he never really had a serious romantic relationship!

Fumi giggled and explored the apartment as Echo sat on the bed. He looked around the room seeking some type of distraction and saw a pile of boxes in the corner. He unpacked them and pulled out the items he had asked Narya to pick up.

Maybe something simple like putting together a futon will help me clear my head.

"...You have a Gori bed to share."

"What?!" Echo dropped the cushions he had started to arrange on the floor before wheeling around. "I ordered this way before I even met you!"

"...Then it's destiny." She gave him an evil smirk as she began to set up the futon.

Echo walked past her and into the kitchen, taking a deep breath.

I need to gather my thoughts.

He sought some form of a distraction. There was a small herb garden in front of Narya’s Ironwood house. He peeked inside.

That's where all my money went.

Her entire miniature house was full of custom furniture and was lavishly decorated with gold and silver. A veritable estate, doll sized.

He sighed and went to the cabinet where food was supposed to be stored. A cold gust blew over his face. He was pleased to see that it was well-stocked as he pulled out some thick-cut steaks and vegetables.

At least I can get lost in cooking for a little bit.

"...Is that where she lives?" She pointed at the little house.

"You mean Narya? Yeah, I made it for her."

Echo kept cooking as Fumi walked over to examine what he was doing.

"...Where are the servants?"

"We have Narya, but she isn’t really a servant. More like a roommate.”

"...Gori have servants… "

"We aren't in The Krekyo Dominion.” He referenced her homeland, where Gori and Ogo originated.

"...Mmm." She walked into the main room as Echo finished cooking and setting the table. He even set out one of Narya's tiny-sized plates and made her a doll-sized serving.

Fumi made an excited noise and looked up at Echo, "...Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome."

She began to eat in earnest and Echo saw pure bliss on her face for the first time, and it made him smile.

This must be the first real meal she's had since she was imprisoned.

He looked down at the sumptuous feast. It was a real spread that he was quite proud of. A good, rib-sticking meal. Then the realization hit him – he had not eaten a real meal in three years. And even before that, in his past life, he hadn’t eaten so well in even longer.

He dove into his food. As he glanced up at her, her eyes met his. And her gaze narrowed. His muscles tightened, and he fought the instinct.




The way she looked at him and her body tensed, he felt in his gut that she must have had the same impulse. They finished their meal in a tense silence. Thankfully, the meat seemed to sate them both for the time being. It took the edge off.

As they finished Echo could hear a thrumming noise as there was a slight 'pop' - which sounded just like a balloon had exploded - and Narya appeared in the entryway.

Pixies can teleport?

"Hmph! You decided to show up again." She flitted over and grabbed Echo by the ear, tugging it how a mother would. "You changed your hair, and your eyes, and disappeared for three years?!”

Echo gestured to the small plate he had set for her, and she reluctantly let go, flitting over to the smaller table and chair sitting atop the main table. "You spent a lot of my money."

"You did say that I could get some furniture for my house."

"Not custom-built stuff."

Narya nodded and began to eat, her face lighting up in pleasure. She swallowed after savoring a mouthful and looked at Echo with a newfound respect. "I guess non-pixies can cook for something. This tastes amazing."

"Narya. This is Fumi. She will be staying for the foreseeable future."

Narya looked over as if noticing Fumi for the first time before scoffing, "Hmph! Bringing women home, eh? Not like I care."

"...He’s my savior.”

Narya flew up and grabbed Echo by the ear, "Ehh?! You have been out sleeping around for years?! Saving damsels and hiding out in their castles?”

"Why do you care?" Echo asked as he winced slightly from her tugs. "And no, I was captured for your information.”

Narya looked over at Fumi - still holding Echo's ear and twisting it - as she addressed the Ogo warrior. "If you're staying here you have to follow my rules, got it?"

Fumi nodded slowly and pushed her plate away.

Narya let him go and flitted back to her smaller seat atop the table. "Hmph! How long are you staying this time?"

Echo felt flustered and glanced at Fumi who shrugged before turning back to Narya, "I'm not sure. We have to meet with Isaac whenever he gets back…Does the guild have anything like a training area?"

Narya shook her head, "There is an arena that people train in when it's not used for contests out in Saint's Hold. You can rent it."

"Good. Here," Echo reached into his pocket-dimension and pulled out the remainder of the Brightsteel that he had initially shaved a sliver off, sliding over to Narya. "Cash this in. It should tide us over nicely for a good, long while."

Narya's eyes went wide, and she blinked rapidly, "Ehhh?! Okay…whatever you say." Her eyes glazed over with greed, "This'll easily go for a million."

Fumi looked at her and giggled, "...She is too absorbed by shiny things."

Narya flitted up in front of Fumi and pointed at her nose, "What did you say you nobody?"

Fumi began to raise her hand to strike but Echo was across the room faster than anyone could have reacted and gently but firmly held her back.

Narya blinked a few times, registering what had happened and the impending slap coming her way that was interrupted.

"H-h-hey! That's not fair! What kind of monster are you? Who hits a pixie?"

"...A real monster." Fumi’s voice was cold and focused.

Narya glared at Echo and held out her hand, flitting up to his face, "Give me your identification." He pulled it out from around his neck and handed it to her.

She pulled it towards herself, and he reluctantly leaned forward.

Her jaw went slack as she looked at Echo, her expression for the first time showing utter shock and some sorrow. "What happened to you?"

"I'll tell you when Isaac arrives. I don't want to explain twice."

"Hmph! Well…fine!" She turned about and muttered something Echo couldn't catch.

Echo glanced at Fumi who was looking at him curiously - still reserved, and somewhat shy, but he could tell he was making progress in bringing her out of her shell.

Tiberius finished slashing the throat of the guards. The blind woman walked past him and into the large chamber.

“I can only open the portal for one person, and only a set distance.” She sat down in the center of some large ritual circle inscribed on the ground and began to channel her Quintessence. The array lit up with yellow energy, just like the sands of the desert, and glowed.

Space distorted before ripping open, and Tiberius stepped through.

The scent of death hit his nostrils instantly as he stood in a long-abandoned battlefield, the portal snapping shut behind him.

Now, to the mountain.

The evening progressed rapidly. Narya and Fumi exchanged glares as Narya went about doing the dishes and cleaning down the table, the hand slimes making a happy 'squeaking' noise as she went about her business.

As the night began to deepen Fumi grabbed Echo and dragged him to the bedroom, slamming the door shut as Narya went "Hmph!"

"...Time for bed." Fumi pushed Echo onto the futon and began pulling off his shirt.

"Hey, wait! What do you think you're doing?"

She glared at him with murderous intent.




He pushed himself up quickly and stood by the wall.

No! I won't hurt her.

He began to shift to the side, working his way to the door.

I can’t eat another person.


Fumi looked at him with the same glare. He could tell by her tense form that she was holding back as well, fighting against the instinct.

Echo quickly left the room and shut the doors, breathing heavily, as the compulsion faded.

Several minutes passed, and instinct left him.

"...Echo?" Fumi asked, her voice laden with tears.

"Yeah. I'm out here."

"...Please don't leave me."

Echo took a deep breath and let it out. "I won't."


He sank to the ground and felt tears well up unbidden. The thoughts of each mouthful of monster that he had eaten, every single person he had consumed, coursed through his mind. Those then brought back the memories of Tiberius, the cube he had used, the pain Echo had suffered.

He could do nothing against the memories.

Someone…help me…


Next Chapter 


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