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The hunger returned. As it did every day – or whatever counted as day down in the darkness of the labyrinthine tunnels.

Every time he looked at Fumi, the instinctual urge to consume coursed through him.

And every time that happened, they would venture out into the caverns once more. Nimbly dodging the sensors that blanketed the halls, they found several chambers where horrific amalgamation-monstrosities were trapped in cages. Failed experiments of their captor’s machinations.

They ate those. Writhing masses of flesh. Plenty of meat. Food to survive even longer. That was all Echo cared about by this point – surviving. The pain that came with each meal was agonizing, but with every heart consumed, with every ounce of flesh eaten, he felt stronger and faster.

By the time his tally marks had counted to fifty, the two couldn't leave their hiding place due to the number of magical sensors floating in place…watching every corridor.

The variety of monsters in the tunnels they could hunt had diminished as well. It seemed like Tiberius had figured out what they were doing and stopped the creatures from roaming, hoping to starve them out. Even ducking into the caged areas where the failures were kept was no longer an option, as there were stationary sensors.

Tiberius must have insane stats to have this many spells active at once.

Fumi was growing restless as the two sat in their dark corner of the hovel. They were both covered in blood, grime, and dirt. Like two rats in a far-off corner of some dank and lost dungeon. Scraping by for scraps of food to just live another few hours.

The pain in his stomach grew unbearable. Echo needed to eat something.

But, when he glanced at Fumi, and the instinct threatened to take over, a weird, golden flash would spark across his vision – and suppress the desire just enough.

"...Want to try escaping today?"

Echo nodded, "No point in prolonging it."

He reached straight up and channeled his Quintessence once more, "Transmute Substance." A tunnel opened above him and continued up in a meter diameter until it reached a solid, black rock.

Once I transmute that, we'll have to be fast.

He reached out to Fumi and gestured to his back. She clambered up and wrapped her legs and arms around him to stay in place.

He glanced back and smiled, "Hold on tight." He concentrated and breathed deeply. "Transmute Substance - Pillar."

A spire formed underneath him and began to erupt skyward; not just lifting him and his rescue, but also blocking off the passage as they ascended. The pillar slowed as they reached the stone and Echo raised a hand, "Alter Substance!"

The stone turned to earth and then moved out of the way as his prior spell continued to form a clear pathway.

The light of The Sun shone down, and he winced at the sudden shift in brightness; the stone opening and forming a hole to freedom.

A loud ringing noise echoed all around them and he redoubled his Pillar spell, forcing the two through the gap and up into the fresh air even faster.

Fumi buried her head into his shoulder as they ended up on the ground in a rocky, bleak landscape. Behind them stood The Holy Wall, and in front lay a large plateau which eventually curved downwards before a sudden drop-off led to the desert.

"Transmute Substance - Worldbreaker."

The entire surrounding area jutted with dangerous, razor-sharp earthen spikes as Echo cast the spell, disrupting any chance of them being tracked.

"I want to get some distance. Keep a good hold on me."


Echo looked at the top of the holy wall and smiled.

One more time should be easy.

He cast the Pillar spell once more and rocketed to the top of The Holy Wall, dismissing it once he alighted atop the large structure. Rather than keep the structure behind and leave a trail he waved a hand and channeled Quintessence once more.

"Cancel Spell."

Again, the loss of stamina was barely noticeable, and the spire crumbled to dirt leaving no trace of their ascent. He sprinted along the wall with Fumi on his back, gaining quite a bit of distance before he laid down and scooted close to the edge of the wall facing where they had come from.

Tiberius emerged from a tunnel.

No! They got out!

He gestured to his three monsters, “Go! Find the scent!”

Tiberius cursed and cast his eyes wildly about.

That adventurer was his best chance at accomplishing his goals.

The Maven of the Blade was his backup, whenever she revived.

And he had just lost both.

Echo could Tiberius surrounded by the wolf-hybrid monsters, searching the craggy landscape. An angry yell was all he heard from this distance. He was surprised at his visual acuity.

He shuffled back and gestured to Fumi to move further to the other edge of the wall. "I think we made it. He has no clue where we went."

Fumi lay down next to him and stared at him. "...Thank you for saving me." She said it in Gori/Japanese, possibly out of instinct, Echo assumed.

He leaned back and sighed, just basking in the glow of The Sun and the warmth of The Inferno. After being strapped to an icy cold table, he felt like he was in heaven.

Echo switched to Gori/Japanese and smiled, "It's good to see you in the light."

She looked at him with surprise, "...You know my country's speech?"

"I'm not the best and still make mistakes. But yes."

"...Your accent is odd."

Echo grinned and laughed, "I'm sure it is…I don't know how long I've been down there."

"... Are you Imperial?"

"Nope. I'm an adventurer."

She cocked her head quizzically, "What is that?"

"It's…sort of like a mercenary? Wait…you were captured before The Reformation?"

"...What is that?"

She is old.

Echo explained what he learned about The Empire of Drekfen and its reformation, including the establishment of the Adventurers Guild. It took him a good couple of hours during which she sat in silence but seemed to hang from his every word.

To him, he just relished being able to have the first real conversation he'd had in who knows how long - even if it was one-sided. He reveled in being able to speak again and not just whispering. Not fearing Tiberius tracking him. Not fearing the pain of the cube.

"...My people are dead then. The Krekyo Dominion lost the war." Fumi silently commented as he concluded the few-hour diatribe.

"My condolences." He stared out across the landscape, “Any idea where we are?” The Sun and Inferno had begun their downward descent.

"..." She glanced her gaze East. "...Northern border of Empire. Near Lestosk."

"We should get back to Saint's Hold."

Echo held out a hand and helped Fumi up. "Let's get on with it then." She smiled softly as she climbed back up on his back, and he looked around. "Now how do we get down?"

Fumi pointed off in the distance, "…Look." Echo did and focused on the distance.

He was able to make out the figures milling about on top of the wall a few kilometers away; Imperial soldiers just like the ones he saw at Post 3.

"…They got up somehow."

Echo nodded and took off running, racing across The Holy Wall with Fumi right alongside him.

Tiberius went back to his labyrinthine tunnel network.

It’s not safe here.

If those two acquired more forces and came back, even a being as powerful as Tiberius could not hold them off. Vast strength only compensated for sheer number advantage to a certain degree.

He gathered his supplies, surrounded himself with his monstrous creations, and activated one of his hidden traps.

The tunnel system collapsed as he made his way North into the deserts of Lestosk.

Time for plan B.

Extra Chapter (Goes to Chapter 15 After)

Next Chapter (Directly to Chapter 15)


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