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The door to the Adventurer's Guild opened to allow a new figure in. The extradimensional space existed in a fixed point of The Universe – Saint’s Hold. But doors from all over Heimfold opened in the entry hall - dozens of double doors leading to various cities.

It was an enormous space; easily three-hundred meters long. On one side of the main walkway, there was a recessed pit with hundreds of tables; some for drinking, some for games of chance, and others gathered around pedestals for entertainers to occupy. On the opposite, an enormous bar that served food and beverages.

Despite being one of the busiest places, everyone turned to look. Even the most novice of adventurers had a sense for the unusual - hence their chosen profession. But the man who walked through the door was something out of myth or legend.

A figure clad in full plate that shone with a brilliant, blinding radiance. The golden-yellow armor was none other than Brightsteel – a Divine Metal - which naturally repelled magic and illuminated his surroundings.

He hefted a shield on his back made of Titansteel, divine metal like the armor, but dark brown with streaks of white running through it. A sword slung on his hip was made of Tempeststeel, a pale green speckled with neon green inlay, much lighter than any other weapon.

None could tell what he looked like under the full plate as he strode in and looked around - but his mere presence commanded attention due to the sheer ostentatiousness of his gear.

Slowly, business returned to normal, and conversation picked up once more - but many kept a wary eye on this new arrival.

The figure in full plate strode down the main walkway and instinctively some folks stepped aside.

At the far end of the Guild Hall was a set of stairs leading up to some destination; but to either side were queues that slowly shuffled forward. Several signs were hung up and very confident-but-bored-looking attendants stood behind panels of glass serving a variety of needs.

There were four primary windows – Sign-Up, Submit a Quest, Accept a Quest, and Rewards. Each queue was full save for the Sign-Up window.

The armored figure approached and stood silently for a moment before speaking. The voice that came out was calm but firm. "I'm here to sign up to be an adventurer."

"You're not already?!" The attendant took a moment to step away from the window and composed herself before returning with a smile. "I will need some information. Would you be so kind as to place your hand here?" She pointed to a square of frosted glass a meter on each side embedded in the window.

The armored figure placed his hand onto the square and a flash of white light seemingly scanned him before displaying a read-out on the window above.

Name   (Race / Rank): Echo Asheron (Human / A)

Strength: 100

Agility: 50

Fortitude: 300

Defense: 200

Offense: 50

Magic Resistance: 300

Magic Potency: 100

Equipment: Brightsteel Full Plate, Titansteel   Shield, Skysteel Sword, Spell Tool [Silver Rod], Pocket Dimension Ring

Active Abilities: Bulwark, Enhanced Regeneration

Innate Abilities: The Dragon God's Blessing, Detect   Abilities, Detect Magic, Eternal Youth, Perfect Defense, Regeneration

Affinities: Transmutation

The attendant was slack-jawed also before she quickly recovered. "A rank! And you've never gone on an adventure before?”

"That’s right. I didn't catch your name, miss…"

The attendant pointed to the name tag on her outfit, "Please, call me April!"

"Pleasure to meet you, April. I’m Echo."

He had chosen a name that he had been using for years in his past life, his username on any platform he frequented. In memory of his past life’s name, he repurposed that as a surname. A reminder of where he came from.

A small slot on the desk in front of her ejected a steel plate approximately the size of a notecard but a little thicker, with the same stat block printed in black text. She picked it up and examined it closely, winding a small chain through the loop at the top.

"You have an amazing set of Abilities. Eternal Youth, Regeneration. I've never heard of The Dragon God's Blessing before…what's that?"

Echo chuckled under the helm, "I don't know. So, how do I go about going on a quest?"

The woman looked confused before quickly shaking her head and using a customer-service demeanor. "You will need to pay the enrollment fee first, sir. It is one hundred dreks a season to be a member."

"...What is a drek?"

The folks around the newcomer looked stunned and incredulously exchanged glances. April blinked rapidly in confusion once more. "I've heard stories of heroes from other worlds but haven’t met one myself."

I didn't think of using some of my points to start with currency.

He had spent all his starting points on Abilities, gear, and stat increases.

The woman frowned as his demeanor betrayed his thoughts, "Ah, my apologies, then. I can't allow you into the Adventurer's Guild."

"Wait!" Echo interrupted.

The woman paused as she started to pull back the identification. Echo reached his right hand to his right side and channeled some Quintessence into it.

As he did so, a circle in space opened, and the outside edge tinged a radiant silver outlining the black void. He pulled out an ingot of Brightsteel.

He set the bar on the counter and slid it under the window. The same material as his armor in case he needed to repair it.

April looked shocked - as did many of the surrounding adventurers. Bags that were bigger on the inside than the outside weren't uncommon - but pocket dimensions were nearly unheard of except among the highest-ranked adventurers or largest trading companies.

The attendant slid the bar towards herself and pulled out a small jeweler's lens. After examining the ingot, she smiled. "I can exchange this for you. This is worth one million dreks."

Echo blinked in shock - although no one around could see it.

I didn't think it was that valuable.

He glanced around at the staring adventurers. At this point, a small crowd had gathered.

His armor had to be worth a fortune. That explained the stares of jealousy.

He gestured for the bar to be returned and placed his hand on his sword hilt. Hidden inside was his spell tool in a hollow compartment, secreted away so none could destroy it or identify him as a mage.

"Reshape to my will, Transmute Substance," he incanted.

His gauntleted hand glowed the same bright silver as the portal edges had, as he split off all but a centimeter-wide sliver of the metal before the silver glow faded. He stored the larger portion in the pocket dimension and slid the smaller sliver to her.

The consumption of Quintessence made him feel slightly winded, like he had just jogged across a parking lot. What really sucked is he had no type of meter that floated in front of him to show how much he had left. He just had to test until he found his limits.

I have to pay attention to that, especially mid-combat.

April fainted.

Echo glanced around and saw several people recoiling in fear. Several adventurers pulled weaponry and prepared spells, beginning incantations.

What did I do?

Echo raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

An older man suddenly appeared in a dark green suit that was finely tailored. He had pointed ears and broad shoulders with cascading black hair tied up in a warrior knot - easily a head taller than Echo was. He wasn't as bulky as his race should have been, and he had the mark of an exile branded on his cheek.

Ahh, a Gori! Neat.

The Gori were one of a pair of races native to the nearby Krekyo Dominion - a clan-based warrior culture much like the Sengoku period in Japan, with warring Great Clans who vied for dominance. Sort of a blend between a ‘traditional’ fantasy Orc and Elf.

He sighed and put a firm hand on Echo's shoulder.

"Sir, I need you to come with me, please. I'll help expedite this process."

Echo nodded and grabbed the sliver of Brightsteel, following the mountain of a man up the stairs.

The stairs went up two flights before splitting off into two hallways to the left and right. Echo glanced down the halls only to see them end in singular doors.

This big building should have hundreds of rooms for rent.

But he saw only the two. One to the right, one to the left – with many people of different descriptions standing in queue.

The Gori in front of Echo approached a deep-green door opposite the stairs and ushered him in.

The room interior was spacious - easily twenty meters across on all sides and decorated similarly to a garden from Kyoto. There was a small desk off to one side with simple wooden chair. A small koi pond was in the center of the room, along with several cushions.

The door shut behind him and Gori walked past. "Willow! We have a guest," he shouted towards a far door in…Japanese?

Why would they know that language?

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