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The Sun

Azurianth and Chrystalis walked through the lengthy corridors of the new hardlight citadel on The Sun. The couple had been reunited after the former released the latter post-Lux’s defeat. Vythin had entrusted them with protecting Heimfold from aberrations and other threats, renegotiating several divine pacts and treaties to ensure they could move about.

In addition to that, Azurianth was given the monumental task of trying to incorporate The Dragon God’s new religious teachings into the current established worship of Lux. It would be a slow process. But to someone like Azurianth, who loved numbers and paperwork…it was the best Afterlife he could dream of.

Chrystalis was equally happy, as she could now go down to Heimfold and assist mortals directly when they asked for intervention. No longer just marshalling forces on The Sun, she was able to finally engage in her desired activities. And, of course, spend eternity with her soul mate.

Eventually, Hlarmak – commander of the fifth expedition force – reformed on The Sun and joined the two, who welcomed the former angelic commander as an underling to Chrystalis’ command structure.


Rickard had been judged and his soul cleansed of Lux’s brand. As such, he was given the option to pass on to an Afterlife or Reincarnate. He chose the latter and was reincarnated as an insect. He died quickly. Then as a small lizard. Then as a bird. Continuing to Reincarnate repeatedly until he would eventually become something sentient once more. But that journey would take many, many lifetimes.

The Kingdom of Cruxia

Queen Eleanore of the Resplendent Scale kept her word and released all the Crulon from slavery, revealing her undead nature and becoming the Lich Queen of Cruxia. Trini always supported her, and Pomentar was recalled from The Holy Empire to lead the armies of the Kingdom once more, advising the Queen on all matters of military purpose.

Some Crulon took to their freedom with joy, and rushed out into Heimfold, or across the world and through the portal in Bastion to find a chance at wealth and opportunity on Haven. But some were too broken to know anything different. They were given small pensions and allowed to live out their lives as they desired.

And no corpses went to waste. Trini and The Black Scale Axan raised the corpses as mindless undead to perform all the labor once performed by the enslaved Crulon.

The Queen would not have been able to accomplish this without the help of a particularly bright Toskar who was quite wealthy and had bought her way into the royal court. The daughter of an adventurer killed by Echo Asheron – Shara Fielder. She used her vast knowledge gathered over her education and became a renowned advisor.

Far off in the Kingdom of Cruxia, in the Heartwoods, Gherard continued to lead his druids in protecting the forests. The large influx of Crulon who were aimless and sought guidance led to a surge in their numbers, and thus they were able to ensure the safety of that enormous forest for centuries to come.

The Adventurer’s Guild

April and Bartholomew continued their work at the Guild Hall, providing services at the main desks. But Bartholomew and his partner began working part time in a new venture. A new opportunity raised by The Undying company. A school for adventurers. The grizzled veteran relished the idea of teaching a new generation of youngsters. He and Echo became fast friends and drinking buddies.

The Holy Empire of Drekfen

Commanders Tristana and Margrave were called to Liam’s side when he started his coup. The whole of the Imperial Military served him, and without Lux’s firm grip, The Holy Empire quickly fell to the New God’s control. He instituted an upgraded version of Imperial Law – assisted by Slate – and the Empire never knew a more prosperous era.

The Krekyo Dominion

Muroaka Xulatar was recalled from the Gateway to the Krekyo Dominion and rejoined her husband, Overlord Ragged Eclipse. He maintained the mantle of War Chief, and every ten years, Fumi Medrana Xulatar would return to fight on his behalf and help him maintain the mantle. She would then leave his lands, and under the firm and consistent rule of Ragged Eclipse, the Krekyo Dominion grew in power and prestige until they were once more renowned – as much as they had been in the pre-Holy Empire era.

The Artificial Gods

The Artificial Gods sat in council at The Conflux of Creation. Vythin Goldenscales sat on Lux’s throne – the seat having changed to be formed out of gold and black inlayed marble.

He turned to Ignis, “Slate has agreed to a pact, if you’re willing. He won’t interfere at all with Heimfold’s technological development. At the behest of a third party, he desires to keep things as they are.”

Ignis grinned broadly, “I’ll sign it.”

Terra’s voice rumbled, “There’s stirrings of New Gods from other worlds who are thinking of trying to become Arch Gods themselves. That means that war could come. I will continue to hold the edges of our creation in check.” She glanced down at her highest servant, the elemental Vrilta, and nodded at the creation. “My elemental here, with the permission of this council, will remain on Heimfold itself to ensure that no attacks may come from within Heimfold.”

The group agreed and nodded as the earth elemental bowed and merged with the floor, vanishing into the substance of Heimfold itself – a sentient protector who could detect problems within the world itself.

Aqua stood up, “I will continue my duties.” She glanced at Caeli’s empty throne, and felt a pang of sorrow in her heart. “Caeli is still alive, but Lux said she had been stripped of her purpose.”

Vythin nodded solemnly, “Yes. Isaac checked and verified. She is still technically living. Her miracles and Afterlife will persist.”

Umbra grinned, “It sounds like Heimfold is going to be in good hands.”

The Destined Pantheon

The Destined Pantheon sat in a conference room in the largest citadel on Haven, the Dragonsreach Spire. A rift in space opened as Kalinor joined them, taking a seat with the other deities.

“I trust that Bastion is doing well?” Vythin asked as he looked to Selena.

The Goddess nodded, “Yes. We are doing just fine. My network has spread across all worlds. I have eyes and ears in every place. If there are stirrings of a new Arch God war, we will know of it.”

“And this time,” Kalinor added, “The Void won’t be an issue. None would dare try and assault Last Light Temple.”

Slate frowned, “We need to ensure it does not come to that. An war between worlds would not be conducive to advancement and enlightenment.”

Meir shot a glance at Slate, “Regardless, I’m readying fleets…better safe than sorry.”

Slate waved his hand dismissively, “Yes, yes. My priests are working on the new prototype of sky ships as we speak.” He smirked, “Admiral Shimmerblade, taking to the stars. Should we rename you?”

Meir chuckled and lifted a glass full of brandy to their lips, taking a small sip before grimacing, “I’m fine, thanks.”

Vythin glanced over at Isaac, “What about you? How is the new project going?”

Isaac smiled, “It goes well.” He gestured to Malvir, who had been inducted into their Pantheon earlier that day. “He’s helping immensely. We will have prepared adventurers. And we are working on an expansion.”

Malvir buzzed with excitement and his gelatinous mass vibrated in kind, “We’re franchising The Guild! A Guild Hall across every world! Adventurers from all across The Universe, able to respond to calls for heroes. Quests using boards that allow for instantaneous communication.”

Slate raised an eyebrow, “That outcome…was the least likely.” He smirked, “Make sure you set up rules for those traveling from high tech to low tech and vice versa.”

Malvir waved his slimy pseudopods, “Yes, yes. Of course. Already taken care of. Isaac’s portals can restrict that type of thing.”

Vythin leaned back as Kalinor put his hand on his husband’s arm. “Everything turned out better than expected.”

Isaac nodded, “Who knew we simply had to wait for a resilient soul that could endure Malvir’s machinations.”

Malvir bristled at this comment, “Hey! I didn’t want Tiberius to do what he did.”

Isaac gestured for calm, “I did not mean it in a negative way.”

The group shared drinks and reveled for several hours before each going to their own duties.

Vythin and Kalinor were the last to depart, walking to their bedroom and getting prepared to sleep.

“Did you know?” Vythin asked.

Kalinor turned in bed and grinned, “Of course. I saw several possible options in the queue of souls. He just got lucky.”

Vythin put his hands behind his head and sank into the pillows, “Lucky? He went through The Void and back.”

Kalinor snuggled up on his spouse, “Yeah…he did…but I did my job. He found his soul mate.”

Vythin chuckled and the two drifted off to sleep.

White Rose

Rose crept stealthily through the streets of Haven. Despite being undead, she was treated well by everyone she came across. The ecumenopolis offered endless knowledge from across many worlds. She needed for nothing, wanted for nothing. Everything she could imagine was provided for, free of charge. A true utopia where art and expression was encouraged.

And it disgusted her.

Why couldn’t Caelum have wrought such wonders on her world? Why couldn’t The Artificial Gods? Why was this not the standard on every world?

She still pursued knowledge. She thirsted for it. It became a hunger that she couldn’t sate. But in addition to this, she knew that just redistributing knowledge would not be enough. She had to act.

If anything in her past had taught her a lesson, it was that she was an excellent manipulator. And thus she began her work. Coordinating with Selena, she wormed her way into a variety of worlds, stealthily learning everything about how they functioned, and ignited the fuses of resistance movements against unjust New Gods and tyrants. Manipulating, scheming, plotting, using her magic when necessary and on a few occasions, the Aether Shard and her gravity Domain to get involved directly.

And she couldn’t be happier.


“Horizontal!” Fumi yelled. The arrayed races complied and swung their training swords in the specific direction, striking the targets. “Vertical!” Again, they followed her instructions. “Ability!” Small bursts of Quintessence fired off from the various students who were training, and Fumi used her space Affinity to ensure they were isolated in case someone got out of control. “Alright! Good job. Take the afternoon off.”

She left the trainees and went back to the main facility. Professor Slate had helped to build up this enormous academy and instructed Echo in using his transmutation Affinity to build the perfect Adventurer Academy. Here, on Evolution’s End – the name of the world that the two monsters had conquered over the past year – they had founded a school dedicated to teaching new adventurers. As she walked into the entry hall, she noted with satisfaction that more portals were being added by Isaac, who gave her a quick wave before stepping through one of them.

Narya flitted over to her with her partner Sylphie, and they quickly exchanged some information about new incoming recruits before zipping off.

But that’s not until tomorrow.

She went to the large central courtyard and grinned as she leaned against a pillar. Echo was instructing many of the new adventurers on how to properly control their Quintessence. Using his spells, he was strengthening and reinforcing their own control – his universalist Affinity enabling him to mold the recruits into what could be unrivaled mages and warriors. She waved and he grinned, dismissing the class for the day as they scattered.

“Hey sweetie,” he said as he flew over to Fumi, giving her a kiss. “Why the early dismissal today?”

Fumi grinned, “I have a surprise for you.”

She grabbed Echo and they flew up into the sky. They had used Echo’s spells to completely terraform the world. The Academy was the central location where those who did not go home at the end of the day could remain. But beyond the large walls the world was split into many quadrants, many regions, each walled off. Training grounds in a variety of locations and situations – including active volcanic and tectonic regions. Malvir would regularly visit and populate the world with monsters, restricting them to the specific environment. It was a dangerous career to choose, but Echo and Fumi both knew that real growth came out of moments of danger and being threatened with death. Thankfully, they had contingent spells in place, and not a single recruit was killed.

A few were maimed, but they were quickly patched up.

Fumi flew Echo to the top of the enormous citadel, alighting on the roof.

“When did you do this?” Echo asked as they landed on the grassy knoll.

Fumi giggled, “I did it earlier this week. Slate came by and helped me flatten it.” She put her hands to the grass, “Seeds of Plenty.” Her green tinged crimson Quintessence flashed outwards as a large cherry blossom tree sprouted. “Open Dimension,” she reached into the pocket dimension and withdrew a picnic blanket and a basket. “Go, sit.” She instructed.

Echo did so and she handed him a sandwich as they cuddled close to each other. The veridian and deep black sky was scattered with starlight. Stars without number. Worlds without number. An endless, vast Universe full of possibilities. She took a bite of her sandwich and grimaced.

“Did you try cooking again?”

Fumi nodded as she spit out the food. “I should know better.”

Echo chuckled and took a bite out of his sandwich, swallowing it down with a grimace, “That…Hmm…” He looked at her and they shared a laugh. “Let Narya do the cooking.”

“Mhmm.” Fumi curled her arm around Echo and the two sat back on the blanket, looking up at the sky through the branches of the cherry blossom tree.

This is what I wanted.


The two left the top of the citadel as night fell. They went their separate ways for a short while, Echo heading to his office while Fumi went off to surprise some of the newer recruits with a night time training mission.

He closed the doors behind him and rang a small bell. Narya ‘poofed’ into place next to him. “Eh? What do you want?” She was her usual, terse, somewhat rude self. But the softness and subtle undercurrent showed a deep understanding of the adventurer she had come to know and care for like an older brother.

“Would you mind bringing me some good food?”

“Fumi’s cooking?”

“Fumi’s cooking.”

Narya giggled and nodded, vanishing with a ‘pop’ before returning a moment later with a wrap of some type. “I made this after I saw her in the kitchens.”

Echo nodded, “Thanks.” He glanced sideways as a portal opened in space next to him. Isaac walked through as it shut behind him. “Hi Guildmaster. What can I do for you?”

Isaac grinned and walked over, putting his hand on Echo’s shoulder. “I just wanted to let you know that we have portals set up for every established world that wanted one. I wanted to know if you’re okay with me adding The Guild Hall in Saint’s Hold onto your academy here. Make a bit of a streamlined experience.”

Echo nodded and gestured for Narya to leave. She did so with a ‘pop’. “I don’t mind. I think it would be a good idea.”

Isaac pulled up a chair opposite Echo and took a seat. “You’re becoming more of a Guildmaster than I am.”

Echo chuckled, reaching for a carafe and pouring out two glasses of Sunwine from Vythin’s personal stores. “You’ll always be the Guildmaster. I just run the Academy.”

Isaac swirled his wine for a moment before taking a sip and leaning back, sighing. “Yeah. You know, I never expected things to turn out like this. You really broke all of my expectations.”

Echo nodded and sipped his wine, “It was a rough journey.” He smirked, “But it was worth it. I get to live forever with my soul mate. I have power rivaling that of the strongest Gods. I get to teach…It’s everything I could have wanted.” He set the glass down, “And I have you to thank for it.”

Isaac waved dismissively, “No. You earned your way to the top.”

“Don’t you mean I ate my way to the top?”

Isaac chuckled at the joke and held up his glass in a toast, “Yes. You ate your way to the top.” He drained the glass of wine and stood up, stretching before manifesting another portal. “I’ll see you soon.” He stepped through and vanished.

Echo finished off his wine and cast a spell, “Teleportation.” Appearing in his and Fumi’s bedroom. He quickly went to the washroom and got cleaned up before heading to bed. He lay there, staring at the ceiling, until Fumi teleported in as well. She crawled into bed and under the blankets to lay on his chest.

“How was the night training?” Echo asked.

“They were scared,” Fumi muttered as she nestled into his embrace. “It was needed. Everyone should experience a fight at night when they’re not prepared.”

Echo chuckled and kissed her head, feeling his passion rise within him. He pushed her off of him and rolled over on top of her, losing himself in her gorgeous, green eyes. “I love you.”

She smiled and they embraced.


Author Note:

My sincerest thanks to those who are supporting my writing here on Patreon. I wrote Echo's Evolution when I was at a low point in my life and needed to escape the real world. The first version took me a month and clocked in at just around 85,000 words. 

Then, it sat for 1 year until I gave it a try on Royal Road. A more experienced author (NeonDreams) reached out to me, and told me that I should revise and relaunch. 

So I did. I relaunched. And this is the result of those efforts. I thank you so, so much for reading my work and experiencing the dark, sometimes grim, but ultimately satisfying journey of Echo's Evolution. 

Expect my next novel very soon!

- Seras

Final Stats

Name (Race / Rank): Echo Asheron (Ascended Monster / SS)

Strength: 2,500,000

Agility: 2,500,000

Fortitude: 2,500,000

Defense: 2,500,000

Offense: 2,500,000

Magic Resistance: 2,500,000

Magic Potency: 2,500,000

Equipment: Brightsteel-Kevlar Armored Clothing   (Blightsteel Imbued), Titansteel Shield, Skysteel Bastard Sword (Blightsteel   Imbued), Pocket Dimension Ring, Short-Range Teleport Bracelet, Physical   Protection Greave, Magic Protection Greave

Active Abilities: Alacrity [Overcharge]   <achronerate>, Animus Aura, Bulwark, Enhanced Regeneration, Gori Rage,   Guardian’s Embrace, Splintering Strike, Winter's Grasp</achronerate>

Innate Abilities: The Blessing of the Artificer, The   Blessing of the Flames, The Dragon God's Blessing, Body Surety, Damage   Immunity (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Light, Sonic), Damage Resistance   (All), Darkvision, Deathless, Detect   Abilities, Detect Magic, Disease Immunity, Eternal Youth, Evolution Instinct   [Primal Consumption] <god eater="">, Far Sight, Feral Senses, Immovable   Object, Perfect Casting [Potent Casting], Perfect Defense, Perfect Offense,   Poison / Toxin Immunity, Radiant Wings, Regeneration [Regrowth], Tideborn,   Undergrounder, Wallwalk</god>

Affinities: Universalist

Name (Race / Rank): Fumi Medrana Xulatar (Advanced Monster /  SS)

Strength: 600,000

Agility: 600,000

Fortitude: 600,000

Defense: 600,000

Offense: 600,000

Magic Resistance: 600,000

Magic Potency: 600,000

Equipment: Skysteel Katana (Blightsteel Imbued),   Brightsteel-Kevlar Armored Clothing (Blightsteel Imbued), Short-Range   Teleport Bracelet, Physical Protection Greave, Magic Protection Greave

Active Abilities: Alacrity [Overcharge]   <achronerate>, Aurora Blade, Enhanced Regeneration, Gori Rage, Lava   Lashers, Resonating Thrust, Rift Strike, Spatial Sever, Unseen Predator,   Voltaic Slash, Waveblade</achronerate>

Innate Abilities: The Blessing of the Flames, The Dragon   God's Blessing, Body Surety, Damage Immunity (Cold, Electricity, Fire, Light,   Sonic), Damage Resistance (All), Darkvision, Deathless, Detect Abilities,   Detect Magic, Disease Immunity, Eternal Youth, Evolution Instinct [Primal   Consumption], Far Sight, Feral Senses, Immovable Object, Perfect Casting,   Perfect Offense, Poison / Toxin Immunity, Radiant Wings, Regeneration   [Regrowth], Tideborn, Undergrounder, Wallwalk

Affinities: Air, Fire, Space, Wood

Name (Race / Rank): White Rose (Undead / SS)

Strength: 200,000

Agility: 200,000

Fortitude: 1,000,000

Defense: 500,000

Offense: 200,000

Magic Resistance: 1,000,000

Magic Potency: 1,000,000

Equipment: Whitestone Scepter (Brightsteel, Aether   Shard Imbued), Ring of Veiled Undeath, Short-Range Teleport Bracelet, Flight   Choker, Physical Protection Greave, Magic Protection Greave.

Active Abilities: Control Undead (Mindless, Intelligent),   Touch of The Void

Innate Abilities: Damage Immunity (Cold), Darkvision,   Detect Corruption, Detect Life, Detect Magic, Detect Undeath, Disease   Immunity, Mental Immunity, Paralysis Immunity, Phylactery, Poison/Toxin   Immunity, Sated, Vulnerability (Light, Life, Fire)

Affinities: Death, Gravity (Domain), Ice,   Reanimation, Spirit




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