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Vythin stood at a large conference table on Haven. All of the Destined Pantheon were present – save for Kalinor - as well as Umbra and Aqua in elemental avatar form. Malvir and Liam finished out the small council that had convened, and Vythin addressed the gathered Gods. “That is where it stands currently. Caeli is not a part of the equation anymore. Terra and Ignis will not be involved, either.”

Slate sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I hate leaving Heimfold to stagnate technologically, but there are other worlds I can focus on instead. This outcome is not the most ideal, but it was the one that was filled with the most possibility.”

Isaac kicked his feet up on the table, “Just leave Heimfold as it is. It’s doing just fine. And it will be even better once Lux is dealt with.”

Aqua stood up, “I know she has to be stopped. But what of her worshippers? They are still fanatical. Not to mention her angels-”

Vythin smirked and opened a portal to interrupt her, showing a view of Kalinor on his throne at Last Light Temple. The Arbiter of Souls glanced sideways, “Oh, the meeting is now?” He looked to Aqua, “If this is about the angels, I’ve already taken care of that. One of Lux’s archangels has worked with me to set up a soul-stream.”

Umbra smirked, glancing at Vythin, “How’d you pull off that bit of espionage?”

“I didn’t,” Vythin replied. “The archangel in question reached out to me. Lux’s madness is progressing rapidly. Enough that even her own highest servants are seeking respite.”

Liam grunted and stood up, “This plan of yours better happen ASAP. We have tens of millions of Lux’s faithful who are marching to Crux Omega for some ritual. Seemingly not in control of themselves in some cases.”

Selena Bowers, the Tritar with flowing brown watery hair, stood up on her chair to be at equal height. “Meir and I have set up obstacles. It should slow them enough.” She glanced to her counterpart, a slim Ogo who dressed like a Gori and was branded with the mark of an exile.

Meir nodded, his voice gently radiating calm and a hint of malice. “I’ve set my clerics along the path. They’ll hit and run – nonlethal weaponry only – and try to buy us time.” The New God of the water, fear, and martial combat put his hands on the table and leaned forward, glancing to Liam. “You’re ready to take the reigns of The Holy Empire?”

Liam grunted in affirmation, “The pieces are in place.” He glanced over at Aqua and Umbra, “As long as these two are okay with it.”

Umbra smirked, “Of course. I will have my worshippers, and I’ll expect somelenience for those that get caught. But Lux has had that region under her thumb for too long.”

Aqua sighed, “Yes. When we converted The Empire into its current state, we had agreed – my siblings and I – to run it together. But we have all grown distant since The Void’s defeat. Lux took the main figurehead position.” She looked to Liam, “You have served The Holy Empire your whole life. I can think of no better person to ensure it remains safe, protected, and well cared for.”

Vythin knocked his fist on the tabletop, “Then it is settled. I will take The Sun, and any willing souls. I’ll take over Lux’s miracles and ensure they persist. I’ve spoken with The Resplendent Scale as well. She will release the Crulon and replace them with mindless undead. We’ve already worked on an integration plan for those Crulon who cannot adapt to the new reality of the situation.” He looked over to Malvir, “What of your monster? I know that Fumi Medrana Xulatar died, but Echo Asheron is still out there. Is he strong enough to defeat Lux?”

Kalinor interrupted through the small aperture in space, “Oh, he’s more than ready. He reached The Universe’s Heart.”

All of the arrayed Gods looked at him in shock, and Kalinor just smirked in response. “He’s got tenacity, that one.” He made eye contact with Selena. “They will be heading to Bastion to have you bring back Fumi’s mind. Want to give it some extra ‘oomph’ to make sure she is better than ever?”

Selena grinned, “It’s my pleasure to make sure that those two can have a happily, fulfilling relationship.” She put a short arm partway around Meir’s waist. “Everyone deserves a happy ending.”

Malvir, who had sat quietly up until this point, pulled his gelatinous mass up to a standing position. “What will we do when they have defeated Lux? Echo’s desire to consume may be something I cannot reverse.”

Vythin’s face hardened, “We do what needs to be done. I believe in you, Malvir. I believe that you can fix some of the harm Tiberius inflicted upon those two. And if not…” he let the thought linger in the air as all of the arrayed Gods knew what he was implying.

The two flew over the oceans faster than ever before – crossing the hundreds of kilometers in mere hours. The town of Kingdom’s End came into view – the furthest settlement of The Kingdom of Cruxia. The rolling hills of the Kingdom’s Grasslands spread out further South as an expansive coastline stretched to the West.

They landed in the center of town – much to the shock and awe of several Crulon and Axan – and went to the Guild Hall doors. Echo willed his wings to vanish as they entered. Other adventurers turned to look at the two and whilst there were some nefarious glances sent their way, there were far more nods of appreciation.

Giving everyone free money paid off.

The two immediately exited through another set of double doors leading to Starhold – the capital of the Siltar Republic. The merchant republic was built upon the rule of the rich. A land where opportunity through capitalistic gain was the ultimate goal of the average person. Starhold was not just the seat of the parliamentary republic, but also the home to Umbra’s center of religious worship. But they did not stay to take in the views. They flew out of the city and made their way South.

Rose explained that Bastion was settled by the Destined Pantheon in 640 After Reformation, approximately four hundred years prior to the current date. Isaac Grovesward had established permanent portals leading from Bastion to each capital city across Heimfold to facilitate transit. And since The Void was defeated and Haven reconquered by Vythin Goldenscales, the permanent portal linking the two worlds was within Bastion’s walls.

The two found their destination just outside the city walls – an enormous cherry blossom tree that stood over fifty meters in height and spanned an enormous swath of land. Vendors were set up under the boughs, and there was a set of queues – one going to a portal with the placard of Bastion above it, and another for people exiting.

The two stood in the queue and made their way through the shining green portal, arriving in the center of an enormous hollowed out tree. Several mechanical servitors were processing travelers through lines, and Echo walked up to an empty window.

“Name and purpose,” a mechanical voice grated out from the front of the construct.

“Echo Asheron. Here to see Selena.” He slid his identification over the counter, and the automaton passed a metal tendril over it.

“Confirmed. Welcome to Bastion,” a small metal disc popped out of the counter top – a pin with a golden dragon head on the front, ringed in flames and entwined trees, dappled with starlight and surrounded by waves and earth. Echo pinned it to his chest and stood aside while Rose did the same process.

They left the entrance area and Echo was rather disappointed at what he saw. Bastion looked busy – people going into and out of the city which had only ten-meter-high walls and was rather plain and small in appearance. The part that stood out was an enormous set of Adamantine gates that stood ajar, each split into three segments with a bas-relief of the various deities that made up the Destined Pantheon along with their names.

The two made their way into the city and as soon as he stepped over the threshold, Echo felt vertigo overtake him and he instinctively flew upwards as to not fall.

It’s enormous…

The city must have had some type of miracle that warped reality – the inside of the walls extended outwards to the horizon. A megalopolis in size, with carved marble stone walkways inlaid with gold and black filigree that provided guidance to a variety of destinations. The main entry area was dedicated to six elaborate temples, each decorated after the deity they were dedicated to. And at the center of the boulevard was an enormous, golden, opaque portal bordered with black. There was a line in front, and Echo instinctively knew that it led to Haven.

People around him separated and gasped as his wings manifested from his instinctual hovering to deal with the vertigo. Echo glanced sideways at the shocked crowd, grimacing. He didn’t want to draw attention like this.

Several mechanical servitors wielding blunt weaponry approached, and a familiar voice came from one of them. “Oh, it’s you.” It was the voice of Professor Slate. “You’re expected. Follow this construct.” The servitor began walking down the main boulevard, past the portal to Haven.

The two followed the servitor several blocks until they reached an area that looked to be some type of embassy square. Banners for a variety of cities and nations fluttered from the buildings around. And in the center of the crossroads, stood quite the odd sight. A ship, as if taken from the ocean and plopped down right in the middle of the city. It’s dark, black wood was flecked with veins of silver, and it was supported by ornate black marble. A ramp extended down to the street from where the side of the ship was cut open, and a sign labeled The Reshiron League – Coffee House Incorporated hung above the entryway.

A young Crulon woman ran out in an ornate black uniform and bowed, “Ssselena is expecting you. Pleassse follow me.”

Echo and Rose were escorted through the well-lit interior of the coffee house. It was much larger on the inside than the outside – he assumed Isaac’s doing – and they eventually arrived at a large singular Ironwood door. The servant knocked, waited a few moments, and then opened the door.

Sitting behind a large mahogany desk was a Tritar woman with flowing brown hair, dressed in a very ornate brown dress. Standing beside her was an Ogo dressed up in leather armor and with short, cropped hair. “Ah, welcome. I’ve been expecting you.”


Echo walked in and crossed his arms, pushing aside the God-Eater impulse, “Selena?” she nodded and Echo looked at the Ogo, “Who is this?”

“Meir Shimmerblade, New God.” The voice was gentle but deeper in pitch than he was expecting. “I’m Selena’s partner and one of The Destined.”

Rose curtsied slightly, “Pleasure.”

Echo opened the pocket dimension and pulled Fumi out along with the vial holding her soul. He gently set her down on Selena’s desk. “Please.” He looked to her and pled with his eyes, pouring out his emotion into his voice as he felt the torrent gush out of him. “Fix her mind…I need her back.”

Selena chuckled and stood up in her chair before stepping up onto the table. She looked down at Fumi’s body and smirked, “Easily done.” She held out her hand, “Give me her soul please. I need to have a starting point to trace my way back through her memories.”

Echo hesitantly handed Selena the vial, and she put her hands around it as a warm, vibrant chocolate brown color exuded from her grip. She closed her eyes and Echo felt a pulse of Heat as the energy tethered from her grip, to her head, and to Fumi’s head. “How long-”

“Shush!” Meir put a finger to his mouth to indicate silence. “Don’t interrupt her. This can take time.”

Echo nodded and stood still, silent and on the edge of despair and elation as he held Fumi’s hand. Rose stood in the corner and began scribbling in her journal. The tense silence lasted for minutes before Selena took in a deep breath and a final burst of Heat emanated outwards.

“It’s done. Her mind is restored.” Selena sagged back in her chair and breathed heavily.

“What do I owe?” Echo asked.

Selena smiled, “The fee has been taken care of. Plus, I’m a sucker for a good love story.”

Echo looked to Rose. “Are you ready?”

Rose put away her notepad and held her staff. Selena set the vial down on the table next to Fumi. “When I say,” Rose instructed Echo, “Uncork the vial.” She began to channel her icy-blue Quintessence, opening her eyes and muttering an incantation. “Open body, open mind, return to your place, Resuscitate.” She gestured for Echo to uncork the vial and he did so, Fumi’s green soul beginning to ascend upwards. Rose’s magic lashed out and gripped it, pulling it down into the waiting body.

Fumi’s body thrashed back and forth for several moments before stilling. Echo leaned over her, putting his hand on her face.

Please. Come back.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled gently.

Fumi saw Echo’s face above her. The same view she had when she had first met him in those tunnels almost a year ago. The eyes were different. More beautiful than she remembered. He gripped her hand and pulled her close, whispering in her ear. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

Fumi held onto him and cried gently, “I didn’t want to go.” She looked past Echo, to Rose, who regarded the two with sorrow on her face. “Thank you for saving me.” She looked sideways to the strange Tritar who had filled her thoughts and memories a few moments before. “And thank you.”

Selena dipped her head, “Of course. It’s my pleasure to reunite lost loves.”

Echo helped Fumi off the table and held her close. “Is there a place we can be alone for a bit?”

Selena nodded and gestured to her partner, an Ogo that Fumi recognized as an exile. The Ogo grinned, “I’ll escort you to a private conference room.” They introduced themselves as Meir.

“Before you go,” Rose said, tapping her foot. “Let me have the Mimic Cube and my sister’s soul.”

Echo looked at Rose and nodded slightly, opening the Pocket Dimension and retrieving both items, setting them on Selena’s desk. “Go ahead Rose.”

Fumi and Echo followed Meir out as the door was shut behind them. Meir gushed about how he loved Fumi as an inspiration for fighting against the male-dominated Gori culture and promoting the idea that Ogo was just as capable. Fumi just nodded and smiled gently, silently bearing the barrage of compliments that she was notin the mood to listen to.

After a few minutes they were alone, in a room with a carafe of steaming liquid and a few cups in the center of the table. Echo helped her into the chair as she was still finding her footing and becoming reacquainted with her body. She looked into Echo’s eyes, those prismatic, crystalline eyes. “Thank you for saving me.”

Echo told her everything that had happened. How Rose tricked them, how he had killed monsters, Lux’s possessed worshippers, Tiberius…everything. Fumi just nodded gently and remained silent.

“I had an idea that she was manipulating us,” Fumi whispered. “But I didn’t know for sure.” She put her hand onto Echo’s, “Do you still trust her?”

Echo shook his head, “I don’t think I ever can. I was only tolerating her because I needed her to bring you back.”

“I want to talk to her. Hear it from her. I need to judge her myself.”

Echo nodded, and moved his chair next to her, just holding her close.

Fumi peeked at her identification.

Name (Race / Rank): Fumi Medrana Xulatar (Advanced Monster /   SS)

Strength: 500,000

Agility: 500,000

Fortitude: 500,000

Defense: 500,000

Offense: 500,000

Magic Resistance: 500,000

Magic Potency: 500,000

Equipment: Skysteel Katana (Blightsteel Imbued),   Brightsteel-Kevlar Armored Clothing (Blightsteel Imbued), Short-Range Teleport Bracelet, Physical   Protection Greave, Magic Protection Greave

Active Abilities: Alacrity [Overcharge]   <Achronerate>, Aurora Blade, Enhanced Regeneration, Gori Rage, Lava   Lashers, Resonating Thrust, Rift Strike, Spatial Sever, Unseen Predator,   Voltaic Slash, Waveblade

Innate Abilities: The Blessing of the Flames, The Dragon   God's Blessing, Body Surety, Damage Immunity (Cold, Electricity, Fire, Light,   Sonic), Damage Resistance (All), Darkvision, Deathless, Detect Abilities,   Detect Magic, Disease Immunity, Eternal Youth, Evolution Instinct [Primal   Consumption], Far Sight, Feral Senses, Immovable Object, Perfect Casting,   Perfect Offense, Poison / Toxin Immunity, Radiant Wings, Regeneration   [Regrowth], Tideborn, Undergrounder, Wallwalk

Affinities: Air, Fire, Space, Wood

I’m stronger.

She clutched Echo. “…I’ll be your shadow…I’m never leaving your side.”

Rose walked to the desk and put her hand on the Mimic Cube. “My sister’s soul is in this vial. I intend to use this artifact to make her a body and implant her soul.” Her eyes narrowed as she stared down this New God. “I need to mold her mind.”

Selena frowned, “I am not in the business of changing minds at a whim. It’s a sacred part of a person. There’s a reason even Universalists cannot manipulate the mind easily.”

“What would it take to convince you?”

“Nothing.” Selena smirked, “I know what you’ve done, White Rose. Just by being in my presence, I know everything you are thinking or have thought. I have already looked through your entire memory…everything.” She stood up from her chair and came around the desk to stand in front of Rose. “I won’t help you.”

Rose felt her eyebrow twitch in annoyance, “Well then, I can simply get Echo’s help.”

Selena giggled, her voice almost ethereal. “Universalists are versatile, but they do not have the…finesse…that a pure mind Affinity mage or Domain deity possesses. He could make a crude approximation of what you desire, but it wouldn’t be your sister.”

“Then I’ll just make her body and restore her soul. The echoes can fill in the blanks.”

“You could,” Selena smirked. “But I have a better idea. Echo and Fumi are going to kill Lux. What happens to her worshippers when the Goddess of Light dies?”

Rose crossed her arms, pondering the question. “Most likely, they would go to Last Light Temple-”

“Or convert to the person who takes over The Sun and Lux’s power in this galaxy. Vythin. Here is what I propose: kill Lux with your allies. Once Vythin takes over, release your sister’s soul. She will reconstitute on The Sun.”

“And then I can make a body for her.” Rose smirked, “You are clever.”

Selena nodded, handing the vial and cube to Rose. “I know you legitimately regret what you’ve done, and being willing to atone for anything Echo and Fumi could do is a risk. But your backups are sound.” She smirked, “I look forward to seeing what you do when you decide to leave Heimfold for Haven.”

Rose smiled gently, “Oh, I plan to learn everything I can.”

Next Chapter >


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