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The Undying made their way down from Soju following the main road. They did not go at speed, simply walking as they enjoyed the scenery. It would take twenty days of decent-paced travel to reach War Camp, where The Choosing would take place. The temporary Capital of the region, which would then default to whichever Clan Overlord won the title of War Chief.

“There’s no point in hurrying,” Fumi said bluntly. “The Choosing won’t happen until the Season’s end.” And thus, she had suggested they take a tour of the Krekyo Dominion mainland.

Thanks to their Aether Shards, the two could sate their hunger. It took a large amount of their Quintessence to do so, and the casual pace allowed for them to enjoy travel for the first time in a long time. No longer jogging across the landscape at speeds rivaling a horse at full gallop. No threats targeting them. Just peace, quiet, and the gorgeous lands they were going through.

But the hunger returned when they arrived in Makhir. A Minor Clan stronghold located between Denar, Xulatar, and Soju. The two monsters were on-edge, and their Evolution Instinct urged them to slaughter the entire town. If not for using their Aether Shards to the point their Quintessence was halved, they would have surely slain all there. It was a constant reminder at the danger they now faced being around large groups of people.

They did not stay long. The Makhir were renowned alchemists who grew vast swathes of herbs, hence their short stop. Echo was able to trade the Treska he had gathered seasons ago in the Kingdom of Cruxia for a few panacea – one apiece for him and Fumi respectively. An emergency backup.

Once back on the road the travel picked up pace as Rose expressed a desire to sit in the pocket dimension for a while. The two monsters were able to pick up their pace, alternating between jogging, walking whilst holding hands, and rutting like animals in heat when the Evolution Instinct pushed them to do so.

“Hard to port!” The Imperial sailor yelled out as their boat fought through the waves towards Dragon’s Sorrow Isle. An island hidden from all maps within Dragon’s End – the most dangerous sea bordering the continent. The prison-colony where all Imperial prisoners who were serving a five-year or longer sentence were sent to.

The sea was named for the long-gone Water Dragons who made this place their home in millennia gone by. A more intelligent and powerful cousin of the Leviathan, these true Dragons were all gone, meeting their doom due to some cataclysmic event.

The ship began to arrive through the stormy seas to the island. All of the crew gathered on the deck and exclaimed in shock and horror as they pointed at the island.

“What’s that?”

“How big isit?”

“Who the hell made it?”

“Where’d it come from?”

The prisoners being transported below decks struggled to peek through the portholes to get a glimpse of what was making the commotion up above.

The prison-island, which used to house an enormous, walled complex, was now being sat on by a colossus size creature, enormous scaled coils wrapped around the jut of rock. The sinuous head poked up, and the men on deck panicked, trying to turn the ship around. No creature could be that big. It covered a several kilometer island!

The huge creature slid into the water, its serpentine form vanishing below the waves as the ocean surged around it.

“Alright! Everyone to stations! We’re going home!” The captain took the helm once more and tried to force the ship around – but the storm was unrelenting.

Suddenly, the sea went still. The sailors screamed in horror or were frozen in place as two massive jaws rose up around the vessel – the water becalming as the bright, white fangs that were the size of watchtowers began to shut.

The jaws snapped closed. The ship vanishing below the surface along with the colossal creature.

The two monsters picked up their speed and ran under the canopy along the road, making excellent time. No training this time as they traveled, just running. Embracing their newfound strength since their large meal at The Eternal Battlefield.

Kumawara was an enormous forest filled with bamboo shoots, ferns, long grasses, and a smattering of various fruit-bearing trees. The two plucked several of the sweet treats as they ran past. Echo found a peculiar fruit that Fumi explained was rather rare – and the flavor was a mix between a strawberry and a green apple.

I’m happy to be here.

Echo truly appreciated his new life. Yeah, sure, he may have had a rough start with the whole capture and cube situation. But now? He was traveling a fantasy world with a woman he loved. A person he was destined to be with.

They took a breather from their travel when they heard a small waterfall nearby. Going off the path, they came upon a small, bubbling brook.

“I want to paint it,” Fumi said.

Echo nodded and opened the pocket dimension. Rose looked up at him from a book. “Ah, are we there yet?”

“Nope. Just taking a break.”

Rose nodded and handed Echo all the supplies needed. Echo helped Fumi set it up and Rose came out to stretch her legs. The gentle bubbling of the spring inside the small stone structure was calm. Meditative.

Echo felt at peace for the first time in a long time.

“It’s come to this, has it?” Aqua muttered as she stared into a large scrying pool, communicating with her sister.

“It has,” Umbra said. “We have to choose my dear sister. Do we ally with the New Gods, or with our siblings?”

“It sounds like you’ve made your choice,” Aqua said glibly.

“I have. Our siblings are lost to their secondary functions for managing Heimfold. You and I are the only sane ones left.”

Aqua waved her hand, “I will look to the waters as I always have and protect Heimfold by keeping vigil from The Deluge. I will remain neutral. Neither aligned with the Artificial or the New.”

Aqua looked up as a Llios ran into her audience hall. The otter-folk stood patiently, but they looked to be in clear distress. “What is it?” She asked her high priest.

“Forgive the intrusion, my lady of waves.” He held up a missive which Aqua grabbed and rifled through, fear rising in her.

She turned to Umbra’s face, “Did you know?”

“Know what?”

“A Water Dragon has re-emerged. One with black eyes. Attacking ships in Dragon’s End.”

Umbra’s face turned to curiosity. “Where in The Void did it come from? They disappeared when Vythin took them to Haven.”

“I don’t know, but I must deal with it.”

“Wait!” Umbra said, keeping Aqua at the basin. “You said black eyes?” Aqua glanced at the missive and nodded. Umbra smiled gently, “That would be a monster.”

She filled Aqua in on the situation that had developed with Tiberius, and how two monsters that she had put on a secret mission would benefit from defeating such a creature.

“We should entrust my oceans to these two monster-minions of yours?”

Umbra nodded, “If they do what I think – no, what I know they will do - then they will be even more capable of the mission I’ve set out for them.”

Aqua sighed, “Very well. I will simply lock this Water Dragon into the oceans of Dragon’s End. Let your minions deal with it.”

“My thanks. I must depart.” Umbra’s face faded.

Aqua sighed and looked at her high priest who waited upon her instructions. “Set out a decree. None shall travel Dragon’s End or the waters near it.”

The high priest bowed, “It shall be done.” He pattered out, shouting orders to lower ranked priests.

Aqua closed her eyes and visualized that section of the ocean, releasing a massive surge of Heat as the entirety became becalmed – none could leave or enter that section of ocean save by her leave. The monster was trapped.

Fumi finished her art piece and after letting it dry for a bit, taking in the calm sounds and sight, the trio packed up once more. But as they did so, the forest darkened to a pitch-black. Both monsters drew weapons and Rose began to channel Quintessence.

“There’s no need for that,” A voice said from the shadows. Umbra’s face peered at them from the canopy above. “I have a message.”

Rose leaned on her staff, “I don’t think we’ve met.”

Umbra glanced at her, “No, we have not.” She fixed her gaze on the two monsters. “There is a monster in Dragon’s End. Aqua is keeping it contained. Whatever your business – finish it, and head there immediately.”

Fumi dipped her head, “After The Choosing. We are on our way there now.”

Umbra’s brow raised in surprise, “You declared for another Clan?”

Fumi nodded solemnly and pulled her armor aside enough to show the tattoo. “Soju is no more. Tiberius destroyed it. I am now Xulatar.”

Umbra’s face was unreadable, “My condolences, and congratulations.” The shadows vanished as the sounds of the forest resumed around the trio.

Echo stood up and brushed his hands off, “We should pick up the pace.” He opened the pocket dimension, and they scooped the supplies into it as Rose clambered in as well. After shutting the portal, the two resumed their journey.

Fumi glanced over at Echo as they sprinted across the sky, choosing to travel in a direct line to War Camp instead of following the roads. Thanks to Immovable Object and their practice turning it on and off rapidly, they could make good time while having effortless near flight.

You need to harden yourself.

She saw the weakness in her soul mate. In her lover. He cared too much. He was not callous enough. Fumi saw the reality of the situation. She did not regret the monsters she ate. There was remorse for the fact that it was her Clan – both the former and the current – that she participated in eating. But no regret for the power she gained or the action itself. It was necessary for them to grow stronger, to survive. To defeat Lux. To be safe and able to live together forever.

You want to be good, but you can’t be in this world.

She wanted to say that to him. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She needed that hope, that naïve idea that there was good in the world, in her life.

This world was cruel. She knew this because she had suffered greatly. She had lived longer than any other Ogo or Gori. Fumi experienced heartache, suffering, pain, war, famine, disaster. And it left her hollow. His presence in her life was the only good thing she had going for her.

You need to keep getting stronger. I’ll be there to make sure you do.

Gori were the warriors, and the Ogo supported them from the shadows. Traditionally, the Gori were honorable and just, whilst the Ogo would perform intrigue and underhanded deeds. Fumi had stepped out of that role as she became a warrior. But it was time for her to resume that role in some capacity.

You can be just and do what you think is good. I’ll be your shadow, doing what needs to be done.

She would ensure he grew stronger.

The duo paused their journey as they passed over Anseong. Some of the people below looked up at them and pointed or gestured, but they were both far enough away that no weaponry and most spells would not be able to reach them.

More importantly, their Evolution Instinct was not activating. They tested the distance until it did activate, and determined through trial and error that it was at a range of about fifty meters that it would goad them onwards.

She pointed out the War Mountains to the North after their experimentation. “We are close to War Camp.”

“Pretty blunt naming,” Echo replied.

“We are a no-nonsense people.”

Echo chuckled, “Yeah, I’ve learned that if nothing else.”

“I can’t believe he pulled it off,” Malvir said as he walked through the halls of Vythin’s tower on Haven.

The Arch God nodded, “I don’t condone what your wayward discipline did, but I can’t argue with the results. Those two monsters are the best chance we have to deal with our Artificial counterparts without getting involved.”

Malvir frowned, looking out the window upon the skyline, “Why did you do it? Why leave Heimfold? You could have challenged Lux and taken her place.”

Vythin put his hand on/into Malvir’s shoulder and stared out at the sight of his ecumenopolis. “Lux was my ally, once. She helped me defeat Umbra andsaved Kalinor’s life.” Vythin shook his head, “A Divine Pact prevents me from harming her.” He chuckled softly, “Isaac never made any pacts. I’m envious of him for that.”

Malvir nodded, “He’s a wild card.”

Vythin looked back out at the city. “Not really. He is more concerned with his Adventurer’s Guild than Heimfold as a whole.” Vythin leaned against the window and crossed his arms, “But he’s also threatened Lux. She must be the first to fall. And when she does, I can take up her mantle to prevent her miracles from decaying. Heimfold won’t suffer in her absence.”

“I will admit, not having Lux around is going to make my life a lot simpler,” Malvir said as he let himself revert to his more slime form.

“Heimfold is going to get dangerous very soon. I have no doubt that those two will find and kill him. What will you do once you have your artifact back?”

Malvir grimaced at the mention of his friend-turned-traitor being slain. “I will break it. None will be able to make monsters except me.”

Vythin nodded and walked down the hallway, “Glad to hear it. Until our next meeting.”

Malvir turned and slowly made his way to the portal room that would lead back to his world.

Monsters who can devour monsters. He’s taken them further beyond that.

He knew Tiberius’ plan. The two had concocted it when Lux first began destroying their precious creations and they had to flee Heimfold for another conquered world. They desired to make the ultimate monster that could devour even the Gods themselves.

You did it, Tiberius. You actually pulled it off.

Malvir felt sorrow despite the accomplishment. Tiberius went about the task with brute efficiency, with no concern for morals or ethics – something Malvir did not condone. But it delivered results.

We’ll see each other again when you die for good.

Malvir knew he had to stay out of the situation until Echo and Fumi found Tiberius once more and ascended their Evolution Instinct to its pinnacle.

I will bide my time. Once they are ready, I can use them to take my revenge.

Next Chapter >


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