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Indefinite Hiatus Announcement!

TL;DR: I’m going on an indefinite hiatus after my livestream on October 23. Everything is more than okay, don’t worry!!! Be proud!! and more than that I’m really blessed to have had you on this journey! No idea when I’ll be back, but I’ll remember you all as I keep chasing my dreams! Scroll down to see Patreon changes!

Patreon Changes ANNOUNCEMENT:

  • If you still want to support me during my hiatus the Audio Library will stay up for the 10$ and 20$ patron tiers. These are any tier "Bakugou's babe (10$ library) or higher (Akira's Next Social Link, Hanako's Homie, Seikyuu's Senpai) (ALL AUDIOS)
  • Annual patrons please, please, please, tell me if you would like a refund for future months ASAP. Like ASAP ASAP. I’ll try to get into contact with Patreon to get refunds for those of you who request it. They’ll take 5-7 days to reimburse from their end. Annual patrons refers to patrons who decided to buy 12-months at a time when they signed up!
  • I will be unable to promise to make new audios every month.
  • I will be unable to promise to do Game Night, Hangout Night, commissions or perform any other rewards.
  • I will be unable to promise to respond to any message or give any refunds through Patreon’s system after my hiatus begins.
  • Still deciding on what to do with the Discord Server. It will either go from my ownership to someone else to make a sort of fan-server, and so server invite and other discord benefits can not be promised. Or the discord server will be deleted LOL I’ll let you all know in a future post.

art by: https://twitter.com/akahaaaaneko


To my lovely supporters and patrons, thank you from the bottom of my heart! It pains me to go on an indefinite hiatus because I know that I will miss entertaining you all dearly. Words cannot express my gratitude, but I will do my best to express what your kindness and love has meant to me over the years!

Firstly, thank you for keeping me going! With your support and kindness I’ve been able to make hundreds and hundreds of hours worth of audio! HUNDREDS!!! Tons of different characters and voices and scenarios, each one beautiful in their own way! TONS!!! This has all been something special, and I’m honored that you were by my side through this journey!

I think I began creating content 5 years ago? I tried scrolling down on my Patreon page to try and find the first post, but I ended up going over each and every post’s comments instead LOL. It’s an unbelievably fulfilling feeling seeing your kind reactions to the posts! I’ve also read every message and every email too. Honestly, when things got really tough, those words really helped me get through. And times did get tough! Ehehe, but we really made it through every month with a smile, didn’t we? Over the years, I’ve met many of you and became your friends and heard about your own struggles too. I’m really proud of all of you for continuing your journeys as well! I kinda noticed while writing this that these words are kinda babbling, but these are the feelings I'm feeling as I write!

Ahh it feels like forever since I’ve been a voice actor, crafting audios for your entertainment. I’m really going to miss it. I’m really going to miss you all! I’m not sure I can produce content regularly for a while, and I really really really want to make sure I don’t waste any of your time, hope or money. That’s why I want to do this publicly and officially! Also in the same vein of making sure you guys don’t waste your money, if you are an annual-paying patron and want a refund on your upcoming months, please, please as soon as possible write to me that you want a refund, and I’ll get right on it!

As for the reason for the hiatus, well, simply put I think I'd like to live a few dreams and refresh myself!

Over the years you all have done more than kept me fed. I’ve been able to live a blessed, comfortable and happy life! I’ve never had to worry about paying rent on time or going without replacing broken things. I was able to commission help to make more audios even cooler! Even got a few knick knacks like a nicer microphone to help make the audio quality better! 

Literally, it’s because of you and your kindness to support my audios that I was able to get to where I am! I am proud of what we were able to accomplish together! I am proud of who I am today! I feel like I’m heading towards this hiatus as a champion!

Your’s truly,

Seikyuu VA

P.S. I’ve read everyone’s messages sent to me so far and I’m truly truly touched!

P.S.2. Apologies for not getting out this post earlier. I wanted it to be a perfect write up of my feelings but that would take forever ahaha

P.S.3 I hope I wasn't too dramatic and that I was able to convey my feelings! See you someday!

P.S.4 I'll have a celebration stream on twitch at twitch.tv/seikyuuva on October 22! dunno the time



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