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All alone, you find yourself with Diluc. His enormous frame carries his claymore as he walks on ahead. He leads you...deeper and deeper into the thick forest. He stops.

He tells you he has a secret. A secret that would ruin him if anyone found out. But to you, he can't hold it in any longer. He bares his fangs. He's a vampire, and he oh-so-badly needs to taste your blood. But it's not just a taste he's after...

The rope he has in his hand screams. Diluc desires complete control over you.

This is the male listener version of this audio - For the female version ->patreon.com/posts/73150005

Art: https://twitter.com/AvariArts

Script Author: Qisma! (Additions by Seikyuu)


[Enter Diluc and traveler]

“Over there. This should be the last of them. A pity though; I was expecting something more than mere child’s play.”

[He destroys their enemies with swift, flaming strikes.]

“They were no match for us. Well done, traveler. Another mission completed thanks to your help. Your skill with the blade and your command of the elements always makes slaying beasts a simple task.

“Come. We can take a small break before heading back to my tavern.”

[Walking. Crickets chirp]

“I should also thank you for your company. It’s reassuring to know that I have a companion I can entrust to keep my personal matters…personal.”.

“Here, this way.”

“There’s a spot I’d like to show you. It’s just past this waterfall.”


[Diluc jumps over first]

[Traveler turns their head towards Diluc]

“Watch your step. The moss can make traversing these rocks slippery.”

“Hm? You’d like a hand?”

“Hm. Very well then.”

[Waterfall cleared with a hup]

“There. You may let go now.”

“Hm? You’d like to keep holding on?”

“Ah…so you’re saying that it has rained recently.”

“I see. Well, if holding onto my hand will ensure that you don’t trip and bruise or cut yourself, the better.”

“In any case…”

“I visit these woods on occasion when I’m not busy with other matters, to spend some time alone in my thoughts.

“It’s tranquil out here.

“Although, it’s more… meaningful with you by my side now.”

“Which is why I choose to bring you out here tonight…”

[Diluc turning to face traveler.]

“There’s… something about me which no one should ever know about…No one…but you, Traveler. I’m entrusting this secret entirely to you.”

“If you choose to continue being by my side your lips must withhold the information I keep discreet; And I am sure I can count on you for it. For even when I don’t require it, you’re always the valiant hero/heroine that bounds to my aid.

[As he speaks, he slowly begins to transform, his canines becoming sharper, longer, nails tearing through his gloves.]

“You see, in my endless mission to ensure the safety of Monstadt  I have ventured several paths in my life; this one in particular took years of trial and error, transforming myself into the creature you see before you. To keep myself and this power within me alive…I gather vials of blood from my fallen enemies to create a sort of elixir.”

“On average, it’s enough to sustain me for 2-3 days, else I’m filled with bouts of immense headaches. But the power I’ve wielded ever since I began traversing this path is truly massive. Monstadt’s reliance on my blade is proof of that…”

“Stil, is this not what most would call a vampire, Traveler?”

“During the day, I am the Diluc you’ve come to know…”

“But also I am a hunter shrouded in night. A drinker of blood.”

“There’s no need to be afraid, for you are in no danger…”

“However, I do need your aid once more tonight...”

[Diluc gently embraces the Traveler, brushing the hair from their face and stroking their cheek.]

“I find the ‘standard’ methods of feeding to be distasteful, and the thought of feeding upon evildoers that could still have some good in them doesn’t sit well with me. The more delicious the blood, the more painful it is to swallow.”

“And yet, here I am, Traveler…craving the taste of your blood. A sin…that has arisen so mightily in me”

“Will you fulfill this desire?”

[The Traveler nods their head.]

“Thank you.”

“The way in which I choose to do it is in moderation, and will not force you to convert into a vampire. I do not believe you need this power nor want it.”

[He kisses traveler’s ears and neck]

“It heightens my senses… Something as simple as taking in your scent, and *kiss* tasting your skin… Mmm, and feeling your pulse against my tongue triggers the urge to already just...”


[Diluc bites traveler, transitioning to a suckling kiss]

“Your flavor is dangerously addicting…

“Mhm, traveler, you’re quivering~.

Just as I expected, you’re not frightened at all. In fact, you seem rather aroused…

“Do you trust my intentions? I will go no further, should you choose to turn away... But, should you choose to accept, then I will make sure to keep you satisfied…

“Yes? Very good… Curiosity seems to have enticed your consent.

“Such a beautiful trait to have…”

[He takes his time unbuckling, unzipping, and unsnapping traveler’s attire, each article of clothing being dropped to the ground.]

“I need every part of your body exposed to me.  Plus, there’s no sense in ruining your nice clothes.

“Yes, what I intend to do will leave marks, but I have a special elixir that I’ll have you drink before we begin, to speed up the healing process and prevent any lasting damage.”

“*kisses* and you must drink it from my lips for it to activate.”

[Pulls out the elixir and several strips of long rope]

“Shibari is a skill and art that requires patience, intimacy and trust between partners. Every touch serves a purpose. Every little bit of restriction to help me direct your blood flow…”

I will not stifle your sounds, nor will I blind you…”

[He laces rope about their neck, tying 3 knots.]

“I want us both to see, and hear every part of your body. It’s slow *kiss* and steady, and only between us…”

[Diluc worships their body, caressing their skin while tying them up.]

“Lie back on this boulder, and bend your knees.

“Good, now spread your legs open.”

[ties up their arms and legs, suckling the skin between their legs before biting down. Licks. Rubs.]

“Mmm, your nectar flows so smoothly... And your blood isn’t the only essence already leaking between your thighs. It looks like we can begin.

“But first…”

[opens the elixir, trickling some into his mouth before kissing the Traveler. Then, he lifts and carries them over to a large, hook-adorned tree. He drapes the rope loops onto it]

“Now I can enjoy every part of you as I please.”

[Diluc unbuckles and unzips his pants, slowly moving behind them and between their spread, folded legs. Rubs against]

And all you have to do… is let. me. in.”

[Seduces traveler with his hands and shaft]

“Again, you shiver... *spank* hmm, it brings such a plump, pink blush to your butt when you tense it up like that…

“Mayhaps I should…”

[The vampire slides himself inside, driving his large shaft deep.]


[Bites their shoulder] [suckles]

“And now that pink*  has become crimson.”

*He's referring to their butt.

[suckles on their shoulder continue]



“But now that crimson on your ass is practically begging to be tasted too.”

[He pulls out]

*Bites butt* “So be it..” *suck suck / gives attention to the traveler’s butt and genitals*

[Diluc moans with his mouth full. Pulls away and stands, flipping the traveler vertically around by the ropes with ease to face him. Removes his jacket.]

“How rude of me… Shall I resume fucking you?

*Kiss* ‘Yes, please, Master’ you say? [Rubs] There’s no need for begging, For as long as you’re mine, all mine, then I’ll always give you anything you desire.”

What do you desire most?

I see you desire most this

Sinful fucking



[He kisses, then bites and sucks traveler’s chest and neck]

“Your hole accommodates my cock so nicely...

“And these lewd sounds you make from your throat as you writhe... *chuckles* I never knew you to be so perverted.

“Who would have thought it could turn me on so badly…?

“I guess that’s another secret meant solely for the two of us.”

[Sex Sex]

“Such heat… Your body’s ignited, isn’t it? When you cum, the blood will flow through your veins like wildfire…

“And what a feast you’ll be for me…

*panting* “Cum for your Master... cum… [thrusting, whispering] cum, cum, cum…”

[Sex until they both release, Diluc draining every ounce of himself into traveler, taking that golden opportunity to bite and suck their neck.]

“Forgive me, traveler, I may have gotten carried away biting you…

“It was… unexpected to taste blood so enchanting.

“Even so, it wasn’t enough to cause harm, and in time, the elixir will aid in replenishing you.

*kiss kiss* “But you’ve certainly satiated my cravings, and once again, came to my aid.

“It’s rather interesting, how you’ve become so much more than a companion to me, my beloved partner.

“Here, let’s get you down from this branch…”

[Diluc brings the listener down to the ground, kissing them while unknotting their ropes. Transforms back to normal]

“And you needn’t worry, we will be alone for quite some time…

“So before we head back, I’d like a few more moments to cherish you just as I am…”

[Scene ends with Diluc and the Traveler passionately making out to the sounds of the forest.]



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