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coffee! trees! horror! wait what

Thanks for the commission!

art by @hemmmlock



Akira’s done some research and has found some information for a heist. However, you need some clues before opening the portal to mementos. Time to investigate!

A: Evening Love. Can I get you something?

You want a vanilla Akira sprinkled with a little cinnamon and spice. Topped with a small dose of whipcream and everything nice.

A: Alright. So you want…(repeats order)…Would you like me served hot or cold?

PFFFFFFFT. You slam your head down

A: What? It’s a simple question. I could feel the effort you put into that…Okay okay…I’ll get you the usual annnnnd get ready for our trip to the place!...Yes…The Arboretum. I’ve pinpointed a disturbance there…It could be a palace…But I’m not sure.

[Akira slides you a perfect coffee.]

A: Sojiro! (yells to the back) I’m going on that date!...Thanks! I’m leaving now!

[Akira yanks off his apron and does a stylish pose]

A: How do I look?



Um…Fantastic with floofy hair?

A: You’re so cute when you get all tongue tied…I’ll take that as a compliment.

[Akira gives a kiss and transitions to arboretum; evening outside ambiance]

A: What exactly is an arboretum anyway?...

You enthusiastically explain…

A: …a place where you grow lots of tress, shrubs, and other plants for scientific research and conservation?…So a tree museum!

Mhmm. There’s also parts of it that specifically attracts certain insects for conservation and study. For example. Butterflies and Bees!

[The both of you walk through the gate entrance and tour through the garden]

A:…Wow. You know a lot about this stuff…No…You know more than a little bit…Like how else would I learn to lightly tap flowers to help with pollination. So they can grow!

[Akira taps some nearby flowers. Tap Tap!; Flowers shake]

A: Tap tap!...Yes I’ll be careful. I’m not allergic to everything yeesh…Tap Ta- (Sneeze). I’m okay!...Maybe a little too much Akira pollinating. I am waaaaaay too powerful!

You glare at him

A: Y’know…I’m starting to love it when you glare at me like that…When you look at me so intensely with that captivating stare…(moves closer)…I can see those beautiful eyes that always makes me smile…

You headpat Akira and give him a kiss.

[Akira accidentally brushes against the flower bush]

A: N-no your fine…I didn’t expect a headpat…mhmm…I like it when you do that. (kiss)…Especially when you run your fingers through my hair…(kiss)…like that…(laughs followed by a kiss)…Looks like you’re all out of breath…(kiss)…Aw, but teasing you is fun-

[2 Wasps zip from the flowers and swarm; Akira hugs you]

A: Ack! They’re gonna sting us!

You smile and sigh.

[Wasps fly off and flowers wither, revealing an entrance]

A: I-I thought I was gonna have to use my persona…to protect you…oh…Wasp pollinate flowers too?...I see…then we probably disturbed them…

[Akira’s meta-nav dings; Faint shadow sound comes from the entrance.]

A: Is it me or do those cicadas coming from there sound different?...I don’t like bugs either…But! We got this…You and me…investigating the strange activities in the-

[A mixture of cicada and shadow sounds grow loud]

You grab Akira.

A: The darkness is intimidating?...Did you forget who I am?...Yes! Akira- No I mean Joker! Master of the Shadows! I’ll protect you from the dark…And creepy insects!....

[Akira steps forward and shadows growl; a cicada lands on his head]

A: (focused)…This is serious. I felt a malicious energy coming from there. We may need backup…………………What’s wrong love?...Of course I want the truth…A…Cic..cada…Is..On. My head-


A: Forget the investigation! A nice warm bath sounds better than dealing with THAT. (heaves) Lets go home!



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