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Set sail! The winds call for a spiritual journey with your companion Kazuha by your side. He’s prepared the ship, he’s prepared some poetry, and he’s prepared to show a side of himself you’ve never seen before! Enjoy the ride! There’s calm waters ahead but the boat’s still gonna rock!


This is the Female Listener Version. For the Male Listener Version click here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/71680156

Script: Qisma!

Art: https://twitter.com/AvariArts


[Scene opens with the sound of masts being released, Kazuha and Traveler boarding the ship.]

“Watch your step. It’s a common occurrence to lose your footing on a ship of unfamiliarity. Even after constructing this very vessel, I’ve still managed to stumble a few times while making my rounds.

“Then again, what is life without a few missteps? How does one acquire growth and development, should their path remain stagnant?”

[They make their way across the deck.]

“It would be a shame to lose such a privilege, a feeling that quite a few of our fellow crewmates are experiencing as we speak.

“Knowledge of restricted access pains their spirits. However, there’s no need to feel bad, dear traveler. There will come a day when they, too, will experience a special quest of their own. One that truly soothes the wanderer’s heart.

“But the journey on this day is meant solely for us.”

[Gates close; anchors lift from the waters. A bell dings as the ship departs.]

“Be that as it may, I can assure you that there is no danger, nor is there an adversary involved. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

“An unusual turn of events for the both of us, wouldn’t you agree?”

~~*Waves gently crashing against the boat*~~

“Well, the purpose of our voyage is to obtain unification within each other. As a traveler myself, the best gift I can offer you is an invigorating experience. It’s one that I trust only with you, through the very nature of my true self.

“Upon meeting, your aura in itself was revitalizing, and nere unforgettable. It dissuaded me quite suddenly...

“I had also made a comment to Captain Beidou the same day you and I met:

[Kazuha takes two steps closer…]

“With this fine ship and the soft sea breeze… would it not be romantically irresponsible of me not to acknowledge it with a line or two of poetry?”

“Though hidden between the lines, part of that inspiration was also because of you.”

[He brushes hair behind the listener’s ear, speaking gently]

With stars above plus waters below,

the sun and moon shall brightly glow.

I’ll guide your body head to toe,

mayhaps to bended knees?

Thus, this moment draws us near

an unknown, yet heart-racing fear,

from shallow breaths not hard to hear,

and lips that tremble pleas…

“My, my, what a beautifu l shade of crimson your face has become. My words must have risen great ardor within you.” **kiss** “So, we truly are destined to traverse this ocean of passion together…

“What say you? Would a voyage that stimulates the senses and guides your bare, amorous soul by nature’s bidding be too bold of me to request?

“I’m more than certain you understand exactly what I mean by this, otherwise, the blush that’s rushed to your cheeks would have me deeply worried…”

[Kazuha chuckles softly, speaking against the left ear] “This is wonderful, our bodies so close, and so warm with longing... The journey has just begun, navigating its way through our hot spots. **kiss** lingering until matching energy grants it release.

[right ear] “Can you guess where mine reside? Hm, you’re uncertain, you say?

“Then your hands seem to have wandered their way to the straps of my sash without your knowing… Nature’s spirit has guided you, just as it has allowed me to follow the contours of your frame. I see you have many spots that require release…”

[They kiss passionately as the boat sails along. He takes the traveler down to the Captain’s Cabin.]

“Normally, a tour and meal would accompany a visit to my cabin...”

[He gently presses them back against the windowsill.]

“But before we can feed our bodies, we must feed our spirits. I ask that you clear your mind, and allow nature’s way to guide us in slowly, gently...”


[Kazuha admires their skin before he lies them back, and strokes himself along their stomach to their chest.]

“It seems the energy percolating against your soft skin needs dispersed another way…

Perhaps… **Kiss** it requires a deeper warmth and touch.”

[He sucks on their nipples, simultaneously teasing their hole with his shaft. His hips thrust steadily against traveler’s innocence, their heavy petting growing wetter and louder.]

“T-Traveler, are you ready.. to release this energy? [He pushes in as far as he can go before pulling out again. He suckles their nipples again.] “Mmmm, it must ache to feel so empty, just as it aches not being inside of you..

“So, we will fulfill this desire. Be sure to keep your face to the sun, and your back to the moon as I fill your mind’s eye with stars…”

[Sex. Wind and energy flow around them, knickknacks rattling along the walls.]

“Incredible. Having only journeyed halfway inside, your v-very spirit showers me in greeting.

“Even so, I must go even deeper..”

**sex sex**

“That perverted look on your face, and the pleas you whimper when I plunge into your belly are so entrancing...

They deserve to be heard, so...”

[Kazuha unlatches and opens the windows, the wind rushing in immediately.]

“Please… (begging, thrusting) please, please, please… let me hear the wind carry your praise across the horizon. I need to hear your voice echo within my very soul...”

[Waves splash against the ship during their sex, the traveler climaxing once, causing a shock of stimulation to hit Kazuha.]

**Ah~!** **Ah~!**

“M-More! Your soul has entangled itself around mine, m-making my need for you even stronger..

Such strength and passion... Ohh, Traveler, I-I never want to let go~.”

[Kazuha ’s mind is in a haze, passionately fucking his precious traveler]

“This sound you make from your throat, and within your depths, effortlessly rivals nature’s natural beauty.

“Mm, I.. I wish t-to become one with the warrior who’s captured my heart. (thrusting) Let our energy unify, and our spirits intertwine, as I seal our connection w-with the very essence… of my being.”

[Kazuha pulls the traveler to his body, drilling them until he reaches release. The energy exuded in that moment rocks the ship, water splashing through the windows and onto their heated bodies.]

“You… y-you’ve far exceeded my expectations, traveler….

“Then again, th-this is no surprise… You truly are… a rare flower…”

[Holds traveler to his body from behind, planting kiss after kiss] “But there is far more to explore…

“This journey is for us, and this ship, much like life, has no definite direction in this moment in time. This new bond that we now share is one that we will forever hold close to our hearts. Even as the sun and moon rise and fall, our spiritual journey will continue to prosper…

“I thank you, traveler, for this experience we’ve shared. I anticipate many more like this in the near future…

“But, I do believe we have a tour to continue, along with a meal, as promised.

“And, if it’s alright with you, of course, might I interest you in a bath? Yes, it will most certainly be warm. I provide only the best for my dearest traveler.

“Good. Now, follow me…

“Oh, and please, remember to watch your step.”

[Scene ends as Kazuha and traveler exit the captain’s cabin.]



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