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You’ve been doing a lot of work and studying lately…Maybe too much. Akira notices this and suggests you take a short break, but you’re fine. You insist!...So…You invite him over and decide to boil water for tea as you wait for him to arrive…And take a quick nap

Script: Anonymous

[Akira Knocks on apartment door]

[tea pot boiling on the stove]

A: Hello?...(knock knock)…You there?

[tea pot boiling louder]

A: Come in?...Oh it’s unlocked!...I definitely read your text all the way after you said I could come over. Hehe. I got a legit invitation to a tea party! Oh. It looks like it’s ready. Let me turn the stove off for ya.

[Akira walks in and turns off the stove]

A: Uhm…There’s barely tea water in here…How long have you had this on?...It’s all evaporated…

You say you fell asleep. You don’t know

A: That’s….not…safe...I’ll fix a fresh batch of tea.

[Akira proceeds to fix a new pot of tea]

A: Love…Guess what…I have a surprise for you. A special surprise! We’ve been very busy and y’know…I- oh!

[Akira pours your tea and notices your dead plants.]

A: All of your beautiful plants are dead…You worked so hard to grow them!...Are you okay?

You raise your head.

A: Eh?!…Whaddya mean yes?...When’s the last time you took a break from your studies? ….2 weeks ago….Wait. 2 weeks ago???...No…Coming to Leblanc once doesn’t count…

[Akira hands you the tea and slips on a stack of scattered papers]

A:  …I think I just broke my ass…I’m fine. (rub rub)…Yes! That’s possible! It happened to that one popular youtuber!!!...It’s a real diagnosis!...Of course I’m silly.

[Akira stands and headpats you]

A: I need you to do something for me…It’s really important. (headpat)…Very importannnt. (headpat)…I want you to take a break for me…(headpat)…No looking at anything school related for the next several hours.

You say you will if he stops the embarrassing headpats

A: Want me to stop the headpats and you’ll take a break?...(exaggerated sigh) Even though youre making that adorable expression?...hmmm. As you wish.


A:  Lets see…How about a date?...Ah-

You grab his hand. Please Don’t stop headpats.

A: (laughs and headpats)…Okay okay a date it is (cheek kiss)…Come here. Come here…

[Akira guides you to the bed]

A: …Lets see…What can we do…(pulls in for a hug)…rest your head on my chest…Mmmmmm (headpat headpat)…We can go to the dessert shop down the street… (kiss) I wanted to try the…the Macarons!…They have so many colors and flavors. I want to try them all.

You mention you want to try the rose and lavender flavors

A: ...Right…Those are unique tastes you have…(headpat headpat)

A:I-I mean I’ll try them too. Yeah! Then lets go. Right now!...No? We can play some video games and cuddle…(kiss)…What?

A: …Of course I’ll be a challenge in video gaems! I went easy on you the last few times…Besides I’ll just have to use my all-out attack of headpats and kisses to distract you. Like this..

[proceeds to all-out attack lol]

A: hehe. Try to hide that cute smile all you want…I can see those red cheeks of yours too. There’s no escaping the [Insert something cringe bf line]- What?.... You want to go train in mementos…Is that the best idea?...

You straddle Akira and bounce on him. “pleaseee”

A:  Love d-don’t move on me like that…O-okay we’ll go!

A: But promise me one thing! Promise Promise. (Kiss)…Disconnect from your studies more often…If you don’t, everything you’ve been working hard on will fall short…because you’ll overstress and burnout…(head kiss)…Then…you won’t be at your best!..So take more breaks okay?... (backrub)… Hello?...Fell asleep…That’s a start.



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