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After getting absolutely wrecked inhis last mission, a very grumpy Bakugou finds himself in a hospital bed with huge annoying casts around both his arms. It's basically torture for him to just sit around and wait! Luckily for him , you happened to be passing by. Enjoy a night of a pent-up Bakugou getting all possessive of his new favorite medic!


This is the Female Listener Version. For the Male Listener Version click here: ... https://www.patreon.com/posts/70279010

Script: Qisma and Seikyuu!

Thumbnail Base:https://manaitano.booth.pm/

Thumbnail Edits: Unfortunately done by me LOL



|*Muffled voices behind glass doors*|

What the hell do you MEAN I can’t return to class until next week!? Do you have any idea how much homework that’s gonna be?!

I don’t give a damn if my arms are in casts! I can still move my hands--|*bones crunch*| **GAHNHGH!**

…W-Well—just get Recovery Girl to come and kiss ‘em, or whatever!

She isn’t there?! Then who the hell is treating me??

*Pfheh* I don’t need some extra from my school telling me what to do. It’s Deku isn’t it—eh?!

|*door opens*|

Hey! HEY!

|*the doctors exit.*|

I’m still talking, damnit!

|*Listener enters*|

Yeah? The hell do you want-

Hang on..

You’re that new girl/guy from class.

What’re you doing at the hospital?

.. You work here?!

How do you even find the time with all the extra homework we..

Eh, nevermind- that’s not the point!

Look, can you tell those doctors I can’t stay cooped up in this room for a whole week?

|*Agitated*|  For crying out loud you sound JUST like them!

… Wait, what?!

You can get me out of here even sooner?

Well why didn’t you say that in the first place?!

What do you mean I behave like a fucking degenerate?? Do you even know who you’re talking to?!

Damn right! I’m Bakugo Katsuki, and if there’s anything you better remember about me, it’s that bad guys really piss me off.

I can’t stand criminals. They all assume their bright ideas’ll change the world’s order..

Heroes like me need to be on the battle front to blast their asses into the ground, and send ‘em straight back to hell!

So, the quicker you get me out of here the quicker I can save innocent people from those scumbags, and their dark intentions…

Plus I’m gonna beat the living crap outta a certain scumbag for getting my arms in fricken casts!

Tch. Never been more humiliated in all my life.

**pfheh** Don’t get all sentimental on me now!

I’ve proven my point, right? So, out with it! How are you gonna heal me?

|*Impatient*|  Yes, I consent to treatment! Hurry up!

|*listener closes the door and pulls the curtains closed. Approaches Bakugo*|

…You’re just gonna what…?

*Scoff* Are you a fangirl/fanboy or something? Look, if you think that a handjob is gonna heal my arms |*Blankets ruffle, stroking*|  then you may as well fuck outta…--|*moan*| f-fuuck me…

Sh-shut up!

No this boner isn’t because of you..!

…I’ve had it since you came in..

/*flustered*/ J-just get back to the treatment, ok?!

|*Oral sex*|

Yeah~.. it’s good.. Heh, it’s really fuckin’ good..

If my arms weren’t in these casts, I’d grab your hair and have you swallow way more of me than that..

Was that a shiver? The idea of me pulling your hair like a cockthirsty bitch gets you hot, doesn’t it..?

Good, *thrusts* ‘cuz that really turns me on…

By the way, my hips have been itching to get some action. It really sucks being in bed the whole day, let alone a week. But maybe it won’t be so bad if you’re the one sucking, Ahaha.

|*Throat fucking*|

**Tch**, choking already? |*Teasing*|  I thought you were a pro.

Guess I was wrong; you can’t take all of it down your throat can you-


|*Oral sex*|

I can feel it… My arms are getting stronger..

It’s actually working..!

*Moans* I’m close.. I’m close..!

I hope you’re ready for me. Cumming once only gets me ready for more!

So fucking swallow it..!


Ahh… Ahh..

Hmm, well look at that. I can actually move my hands without any pain.

Not bad, new guy/new girl, or should I say, doc.

But I’m still pretty stiff in other areas..

Take that skirt/ those shorts off and get your ass on top of me.

You have the diagnosis; now I need a full dose of your medicine..


Right there—fuck, dig your nails into my skin |*Bakugo’s casts start to crack*|

It drives me crazy!

Don’t stop..Mmm, fuck me..

Fuck me good, babe…! Make it feel good! |*crack crack*|


|*Knocking on glass door*|

Someone’s at the door?

Like I care! |*He breaks free from the casts, grabbing the listener.*|

I’m in the middle of treatment! They can wait..!

And you don’t wanna stop now, do ya..?


See? You don’t give a fuck about those extras right now either.

You know just how to handle this cock, and make your patient feel so fucking good..!

And you’ll never get an experience like this from any other patient..

Look at the way your eyes are rolling for me..

It’s so fuckin’ sexy..

You’re making a mess all over my fucking lap.. I can feel that aching nut’s ready to burst!

But you better keep every drop of my cum in this tight little hole, you hear me..?

/*sex sex*/

Do it for me..!

Take all of my cum..

/*Bakugo and listener cum together*/

Ahh… Ahh… Fuck…

That’s just what I needed.. And my arms feel like new.

Heh, guess you’re not too bad at your job. Thanks for the help, doc.

Well I’m outta here.

/*Bakugo gets up and dresses*/

I already told you I don’t have time to lie around!

Besides, you can change the sheets on your own. That’s part of the job isn’t it?

But hey… /*He kisses the listener sweetly*/ Make sure you keep a bed open for me, ok?

You’re my special doctor now, and you can tell ‘em that.  I won’t take treatment from anyone else but you, got it..?

*kiss* Good.

Gives me something to look forward to on my next visit.

See you in class.

*slaps ass*

Feel you in class too.

/*Bakugo opens the curtains and leaves the room, feint arguing heard through the glass*/

Don’t worry about how I healed, just get the hell outta the way and direct me to the front desk!

Huh!? Whaddyou mean the nurse is here to fix my bones now. You idiot!? You already sent her/him to my room to fix me up, right? My arms are all better!

Kind of a perverted way tho. A hospital using blowjobs to fix someone’s arms…

What? No I didn’t bump my head! Grrr…!



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