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Tonight, The God of Contracts, the mighty Zhongli is just a guy asking you out on a date. That date quickly ends - he’s got something sadistic on his mind. He’s caressing you now, in this dungeon deep beneath the earth, urging you to moan and scream as loud as you can. He wants you. He needs you. How will you show it?

(aaaaa just on time! Thanks for voting!)


This is the Female Listener Version. For the Male Listener Version click here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/69852796

Script: Qisma and Seikyuu!

Thumbnail Base: https://woda.booth.pm/

Thumbnail Edits: Unfortunately done by me LOL



-You walk into a pub in Liyue, giving the area a visual once over.

Tonight, you had received an unexpected request to meet with someone at this very pub for an evening of, as he would put it, ‘casual interaction’. It was convenient for you, considering you had finished all of your daily tasks, and earned a bit of R&R - Rest and Relaxation.

But what the request entails remains to be seen. -

Zhongli: “Ah, traveler. I’m delighted you were able to accept my request. I’ve been looking forward to having some time together for quite a while now. “Why, of course. What reason would I have to provoke false emotions from you? Only the truth from me to you, I swear it. You’ve been more than a trustworthy ally in our time of knowing each other. You’re even moreYou can trust that I always look forward to crossing paths with you.

“Come, let’s take a seat in the booth over here. I made sure to keep the one reserved by the window, as I know you enjoy the view.”

{The listener and Zhongli take a seat at the booth}

“I’m certain your journeys across Liyue were productive and plentiful. The land is lush with glaze lilies that bloom and share its beauties and histories. If you’ve not partaken in any festivals yet, I highly urge you to make room for the upcoming several with me as your chaperone.

“But forgive my rambling. Please, enlighten me. I’d be delighted to hear of how you have come to perceive Liuye. What have you found?”

(Zhongli sips tea as you regale him with your last adventure in Liuye.)

“I see you’ve been rather productive. This is no surprise to me, as you’re always the topic of discussion. Traveler, you seem to leave a great impression on everyone you meet; it’s only fair to say, one may find you to be quite the catch.


“You’ve become rather flustered. Is something the matter?

“My gaze gives off… a familiar sense of desire, you say?

“Hmm, you really do have quite an eye for detail, don’t you? Then there’s no sense in wasting time dancing around my intentions. I know you’ve only just sat down, but would it be too much trouble to request we take this conversation elsewhere?

“I will explain everything on the way.”

{They stand and head outside}

“Tell me, have you ever felt a sense of need that just could not be explained? In my current form I can say a variety of feelings seem to affect me more than they ever had when I was a god, but these sensations within my body have only begun recently.

Particularly, these unfamiliar and unpredictable feelings have only commenced appearing on my countenance the moment I first laid my eyes on you.”

Whether it was positive or negative, I cannot yet say, considering the amount of mora I’ve spent on our first contract, but this is but one great impact you’ve given me.

“Since we met there’s been a powerful connection between us, as if our fates were destined to intertwine. Be it your shield, be it your spear, be it your partner, our souls are forever linked.

It is definitely not a feeling I am used to.

“Not to mention, the day we made our special contract is still one of the most precious works of art residing within my mortal memories.

“And I know the feeling is mutual with you, just by the way you look at me.”

{Zhongli takes the listener’s hand, kissing it once, twice}

“The true reason for us meeting like this… is so that I may have you again, only this time, without a contract.”

{His kisses trail the listener’s neck, then meet their lips}

“All that’s required of this request is your word that I may bestow all of my passion unto you…”

“Do you accept? Splendid.”

{He casts one lone meteor to the ground, exposing a metal door. Opens it, taking a

few steps inside before turning back to the listener.}

“There is a hidden underground chamber. For 2000 years I’ve been fortunate enough to keep its whereabouts unknown.

{He pulls them into his arms}

“At least, until now…


(another door)

(magic fireplace)

(echoing chamber)

Here we are Traveler. My private inner sanctuary. If you are interested in some history of Liyue, you might come to enjoy what lines its walls…

But right now, I want to spend this moment listening to your voice, reverberate against the walls…as I make love to you. Come atop this altar.

Gems? Mora?

I assure you, the most valuable treasure in this room is you…

{Kisses leading to passion deep within the chamber. Their kiss breaks as Zhongli pants softly.}

“Yes, release my body from these confines. I must feel more of you, hear more of you.”

(Unzipping, unsnapping)

“It would be your pleasure? **chuckle** I’m simply elated to hear it.”

{Zhongli then removes the listener’s clothes before making his way down their body.}

“I’m certain you won’t mind if I request to hear you sing a few bars for me? **kiss kiss** As you know, I’m also a fan of the Musical Arts. I’ll make certain to write my request right **kiss** here..”

{Oral sex. He speaks sweet nothings against the listener’s intimate area.}

“Yes, simply entrancing, and with a flavor that could rival the finest Osmanthus wine. Your essence shall be my spirits on this night. But we’ll have to use a different tool to access your delectable spirits.”

{Zhongli, after giving his already hardened cock a few slow, steady strokes, inserts himself into them.}

“Lucky for us, I came prepared…”


“Exquisite, simply exquisite...”

{He stops to give the listener a series of heavy pets, kissing them intimately}

“Keeping you in a state of mind-fogging bliss is the only way to acquire such a delicious nectar. **licks fingers** Consider it a type of aging process..”


{Stops, heavy petting}

“Mmmm, a vibrato such as that is unmatched, breathing so deeply from your belly.. **licking** And your essence only grows sweeter. You truly are a wonder to behold, Traveler.”

“Do you now understand why I’ve brought you here, of all places, Traveler?”

“I just needed so badly to hear your voice reverberate so perfectly off the walls, echoing and surrounding and mixing with my own.”

“Your voice is melting into my brain…into my soul…”

“First, I’ve captured your beauty in canvasses. Now I’ve captured your secret sounds in this chamber, saved forever in phantasmal conches for us to enjoy!”

“Listen! Traveler!”

(He summons two conches and places them in your ear one by one)


(they fall.)

{Sex. Zhongli’s voice starts to quaver, edging closer to release.}

“Damnit.. More.. J-Just a little more..”

{He stops and takes a few breaths, petting and stroking the listener before leaning down for another taste.}

“This burning, lustful rapture… is taking over my mind and body, which in turn, will take over yours..

“And I know you’re more than ready, yes?”

“Traveler. Let’s fulfill the finale of the night together!”

{Sex. Zhongli and the listener cum together, he pulling out to caress his cock against the listener’s sex}


“You never cease to amaze me, Traveler.”

“Perhaps we should meet again like this tomorrow evening. I would move the mountains themselves for another night with you.”

Hmm? What do you mean by that works very well''?

What do you have there clutched in your hand?

It seems to be…Another contract?

Be it one thousand nights, hundred nights, a single day, or but a minute, I shall be more than happy to accept it, no matter the cost either.

You really are that valuable to me, Traveler.


Huh? I didn’t read the fine print?

What do you mean…

“Whenever Zhongli calls my name, no matter how far I am from him… I promise to go to his side and fulfill his wishes. However in exchange, he must do the same for me. Wherever I call his name, he must immediately be summoned to my side and fulfill my wishes. Once signed, this contract shall never be broken.”

“...is what it says.”

“I am disheartened. As the god of contracts, it should go without saying that I can read quite quickly under any circumstances. That includes right now. No way I would sign a contract if I did not already read every single bit of it first.”


Essentially it is a marriage contract, is it not?


Then, let us celebrate it, Traveler.

I love you. And I shall appreciate your beauty. Now and forever…




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