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Hihi! This is your Seikyuu back at you with another Positivity Alarm! This one I think is particularly important, and I wish I knew this the first day I was born! Well I guess I wouldn’t get it if I was that small, but, you get the point! Anyway, this important message is: “When you try your best, please don’t feel encouraged if you do not accomplish your goal right away!” I went into the gym the other day and I overheard this trainer yell at this guy for putting up too much weights on the rack. I think he said something like: “It’s only your third week. You shouldn’t get sad if you can’t do as much as Blahblahblah yet!” I’m not sure, but I really felt like that was something that just…made sense, right? Like, when it comes to academics, or managing a business, or playing competitive games, or cooking, or fishing, or anything, “doing our best” means starting at our own personal ‘level 1’ and consistently giving a conscious and consistent effort to keep leveling up at our own personal paces! Phew. I never thought I would have made it this far when I started out doing voice acting. Actually, sometimes, back then I thought I wasn’t trying my best, but now I think I really was and I forgive myself for doubting myself back then…Aaaaa it’s a bit of a complicated feeling but I hope it helps you out too! Let’s enjoy our journeys into doing our best and liking ourselves more!



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