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You find yourself drawn to Café Leblanc every evening after being caught in the mystery of mementos. Maybe the barista who’s taken an interest in you can be of some help. 

---script by anon---

thumbnail by @hemmmlock

It’s almost closing time and a customer leaves the shop. You and Akira are alone.

 A: Hey. What can I get for you? You look tired tonight.


You continue to type on your laptop, unaware of Akira’s question.

A: Hellooo? 

[Akira taps the bar to get your attention and you focus to him.]

A: Hey. Don’t glare at me like that! It’s my pleasure to serve you the perfect coffee when you drop by every evening!

You ask Akira why he asked what kind of drink to get you if he already knew. 

A: Huh?

[Akira clears his throat nervously]

A:  Why did I ask what you want but I already knew? Because!... Becauseeee... Ya know! You’re a special customer! And…I enjoy our talks we have before I close the shop. Especially when I’m able to see that rare, beautiful smile of yours.

You tell him that you didn’t hear the last part of his statement and wish he would speak louder. 

A:  Hmm? Speak louder? …What’s rare? I said…rare… umm…rare perfect coffee that I wanted you to try today! It’s a rare Akira perfect coffee special!

[Akira begins fixing the rare Akira perfect coffee that you’re sure is the usual perfect coffee…]

A: Hoh hoh! I know what you’re thinking!... What makes this the Akira blend? Well!....It’s the Akira blend because its fixed by yours truly…

A: First! I do a little dance like this!... Shake-ah Shake-ah Shake-ah! Theeeeen hum some like this… 

[Akira hums with another lil dance and you laugh]


 [Akira quickly swipes something in front of you and gently places it in the cup.]

A: …Phew! The special ingredient almost escaped! But these hands are faster. (stirs coffee) …. Annnnd ready!  Rare Akira perfect coffee served just for you! My special customer! Tell me what you think!

[Akira serves you the coffee and eagerly waits for a response.]

A: Well…? 


A: ‘It tastes alright’?... Whaddya mean it ‘tastes alright’? Your expression says otherwise. So does the hint of blush on your cheeks.

[Akira laughs and yeets over the bar.]

A:  What’s the special ingredient?... Well… 

[Akira leans over and whispers in your ear]

A: A little..bit...of your happiness.

You become flustered

A: Hey now…Don’t cover your face…It’s cute to see you flustered like that… What?! That’s not corny! My charm is obviously working on you…You wouldn’t be looking like that if it wasn’t the case!... I can hug you if I want?….Hmmm.

[Akira hugs you from behind and leans over to look at your laptop]

 What are you workin on anyway?

[Akira notices a picture of Joker]

A: Is that me?!!... I mean who’s that?

A: A thief… Who got in your way during a heist?...with a persona… In a place called mementos?! Its why you’ve been tired lately?.....Nonononono! I believe you. I’ve been there as well!!! You aren’t crazy!


A: …However…I have an important question about this thief... 

[Akira claps hands together and deeply inhales]

A: Do you think he’s cute…And would you date me?- I mean HIM!...Hey! Where are you going! You’ll tell me in mementos?! Wait up!!!




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