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Going Home with Tamaki!  (Male Listener Version)

The shy, unconfident boy finally gets the courage to ask you out! Too bad that he wracked his brain for step 1 and prepared for you to say no! So when you accept, he's all...flabbergasted! Can't even think of a better place to bring you than his comfort zone - his house.

Well, now that you're in his comfort zone, what'll you do? (Hint: it includes you kissing him wildly in the kitchen, and then feeling how soft his bed is!)


Script Writer: 401

401's links:

https://ko-fi.com/Y8Y56F5S // /codename401.newgrounds.com/

Thumbnail Art: Edited from https://booth.pm/en/items/2914311


Base Script:

Tamaki Amajiki x Listener

Go Home With Me?

Takamki (thinking): I can’t believe Mirio put me up to this…I’m not good with girls…I’m not good with a lot of things. Why am I doing this? This was a terrible idea…I’m gonna mess up, I’m gonna panic…I-I wanna go home…

Tamaki: Ah…hi…I know it's awkward…just approaching you out of nowhere, you probably weren’t expecting me to just…waltz over to you and…um…oh jeez I’m terrible at this I’m sorry I…

Tamaki (thinking): Damn it I knew I’d blow it…! I-I gotta turn this around…I-I…

Tamaki: Look um…you’re really cute…I like how soft your hair looks and…sometimes you smell…amazing and um…I wanna go on a date with you…is…that okay?

Tamaki (thinking): Whatever happens from this…I wanna go home…

Tamaki: Okay I underst- wait you said yes? You actually said yes? Oh um…that…that sounds great…! Um…should I…meet you at your dorm? Or…um…after class? Okay…that sounds great, after class then I’ll meet up with you…

Tamaki (thinking): Holy crap I didn’t blow it…that felt…like a bit of a boost…lets just hope it keeps going up from here? Oh who am I kidding…this might end up being a disaster…ugh…

-Time passes by, classes end-

Tamaki: Oh…um…h-hey you’re here…ehe, I thought you wouldn’t show…but it’s good to see you anyway…I mean, I’m excited, I’m just…not the best in these kinds of situations, sorry…but you seem happy, so I guess that…means something…! Yay…um…where did you want to go? Because um…personally…I…I-I wanna go home…wait you actually want to go with me? To my house…f-for real? Um…I-I mean…if you’d like to…I just…I’ve never had anyone in my house before…outside of Mirio but…um…it’s a bit different since you’re…you’re a girl so…ah, okay then…we’ll go to my house…I’ll lead the way if you want me to. Huh? You…you want to hold my hand…? Um…sure! I’d…I’d like that…just um…take my hand, okay? I’ll…get you there safely.

-He takes the listener’s hand-

Tamaki (thinking): Oh wow…her hand is really soft…and she smells good too…oh gosh…my heart…it’s beating way too fast…I-I’m…I’m going home but…I’m going with this really nice girl…this really nice girl with soft skin…that smells amazing…my head is about to go into overdrive…I feel like I’m about to panic.

-Tamaki realizes that in that small time of thought, the listener had been trying to get his attention which flusters him-

Tamaki: Oh jeez…! I-I…I’m sorry I hadn’t…sorry I was in thought and I just…look…this is my first time on a date, and I had never really thought to do anything like this before, Mirio tells me I’ve got potential for it, but it’s…nerve wracking…I-I know Mirio can do something like that easily but I’m a different case…I-I panic and I have an issue with social cues…the entire time I haven’t said anything…a-and I just focused on how soft your hand was…a-and how you smelled so nice…and I just said all of that out loud without a care in the world…and you still don’t think that I’m weird after all of that? You’re sure…? Haa…you’re so nice. Honestly I-I should…try to relax, I just…um…oh look we made it to my house…

-Door opening-

Tamaki: Um…I’ve been trying to keep up with the place…if I knew a girl would be coming…I-I’d make something for you…I mean I’m not the best cook but um…I do have to eat if I want to use my quirk, but um…that doesn’t really matter right now…please sit and I’ll get you something to drink.

-Tamaki goes to the kitchen but the listener ends up following anyway-

Tamaki: Okay…um…drinks…something I can…huh? Oh hey I thought you were sitting…you wanted to check on me? Oh…ehe…I mean there’s nothing really that you need to check on…I’m just…trying to figure out what you’d want to drink…um…there’s water…juice…um…I could get some soda…but that’d just mean heading out again…I…oh jeez…

-The listener gently holds Tamaki’s hand-

Tamaki: Relax? I’m relaxed I…um…haa…I think I get what you mean…but I’m just…not used to having a girl over…what do I really…do you know? I-I feel like I should know but…um…I just can’t figure it out…like I want to hold you closer to me…but I feel like I shouldn’t…but I don’t know if that would do anything, I don’t want to make any of this weird…so please bare with me here I-I wouldn’t want to make things-!

-The listener suddenly kisses him gently-

Tamaki: …Y-you kissed me…oh jeez…just like that…? Ah…you’re…you’re so sweet to me…I-I think I understand though…I-I feel better…like I can just tell you everything…and all you’d have to do is kiss me and I’d feel like all the stress goes away…you’re special…but I want to make sure that…it’s okay, because once that happens…um…that would make you my girl friend, wouldn’t it? Do you even want to be…my girlfriend? I mean…I feel like because of my status people would look at you a certain way…Mirio would tell you everything…a-and Nejire would never stop talking about it…ah…y-you know what…I-I don’t…I don’t care…I-I like you, I like you a whole lot…I feel like every ounce of stress just goes away when I look at you…wh-when I hold your hand…when I smell your perfume…it’s amazing, like I can just…relax around you…I-I want you to be my girlfriend…I want to be your boyfriend…is that okay?

-Tamaki this time, kisses the listener-

Tamaki: Good…I’m so happy. I feel like I can just…hold you close to me and everything will be better. I’ll even go out as a Pro Hero knowing that I’ve got you at my side, like I’ll have a proper inspiration to help people, knowing I get to see you and be calm…you’re so sweet to me…jeez I feel like I’m floating but I know I didn’t eat anything to give me wings…is this what it’s like to be on Cloud 9? Or is that the usual nervous feeling I get…I don’t know and I don’t really think I care either, I just want to be with you…

-Tamaki hugs the listener-

Tamaki: You’re so warm…and you smell so nice…I like just holding you like this, it’s so nice…and you can keep coming over to see me if you want, or if you’d like I can bring you here…sometimes my parents aren’t around so we’ll have the place to ourselves, we can study or play video games…you can even spend the night with me if you want…but um…if we do that…um…oh jeez the thoughts in my mind…what am I thinking? Um…if I told you that I don’t really know what you’d think of me…you still want to hear it…? Um…you know what…let me…take you to my bedroom…I feel like I could explain it better in a…room where people couldn’t easily walk in.

-Tamaki leads the listener upstairs and into his room-

Tamaki: Okay…my room is pretty big but…it’s comfortable…my bed can fit…another person, and it’s cozy too, I-I like my room…but…what I mean is…you know when there’s a boy…and a girl together in a room like this something is prone to happen where…I…and I just…see you and you’re…I…I don’t know if I can stop myself right now…um…do you mind if you sit here with me…o-on my bed…?

-They sit together-

Tamaki: It’s…our first date…and people talk about this a lot…but…I-I look at you and I see your face, the way you smell is almost intoxicating…and your skin is so soft…but I’m sitting here with you, and all these thoughts are running through me…I’ve never really…done anything with a girl…but…I’m nervous that I want to try it…with you…but I’m sure it’s a bit of a stretch…I just-

-Tamaki is suddenly kissed again, although it’s a bit heavier than last time-

Tamaki: Ah…you’re just…kissing me like that…oh jeez…I- ah! Wh-what are you…?

-The listener notices that from the kiss, Tamaki had gotten hard, the listener rubs at the bulge in his pants-

Tamaki: Haa…ah…th-the way you’re looking at me…while you’re…touching me like this…it…it feels so good…k-keep going please…I-I want to feel your hand against it…but I feel like…I may go too far here…d-damn it…I-I can hardly keep focus…I-I shouldn’t worry…I-I shouldn’t…just…haa…

-Tamaki begins to remove his pants, but the listener is quicker, sucking his cock-

Tamaki: W-wait…ah…y-your lips…y-your tongue…it feels so good…it’s…so good…I-I thought about things like this…a-any guy would think about this, but I never thought I’d feel it for real…it’s amazing…please keep going, I want to feel more of it, I-I want to do the same to you, I shouldn’t let you do this without getting something in return…like a gift system…I shouldn’t call it that…j-just come here…

-The two adjust themselves into a 69 position-

Tamaki: …Seeing you like this…your panties…and when I move them I just see…it looks just as soft here as your hand…it feels soft too…it’s…it’s wet…I want to…kiss it…just…keep sucking me there and I-I’ll…follow along…

-Tamaki starts to lick and kiss at the listener’s folds, a few moments of moaning, the occasional few words-

Tamaki: H-hey…the way you’re sucking…if you keep up like that I don’t know if I can hold on…I-I feel like…I’m about to cum…h-hold on…if you don’t…move your lips…I-I…

-Tamaki reaches his climax-

Tamaki: Haa…aah…I-I can…feel you swallowing it…you wanted to swallow it? You actually wanted to swallow it…that seems so lewd but feeling that you swallowed it all…I-I want to do more…and even then…you haven’t…I should…keep going to make sure that you…huh? Another way…?

-The listener positions herself over his cock-

Tamaki: Haa…you really want to…? I-I feel like once we do this there isn’t really any form of going back after this…I-I want to so badly but my head is telling me so much more, I want to…I want to tell you before you do this…that I love you…I love you so much…

-The listener kisses Tamaki before they slide his cock in-

Tamaki: It…it’s in…you’re…you’re so warm…and tight…I-I feel like I might cum already, but I shouldn’t…I-I want to make sure you cum too…y-you’re going to start moving? O-okay…I-I’m ready…I-I love you…

-The listener starts to move slowly, Tamaki moans-

Tamaki: It…it’s so tight…it’s warm…I-I want to…do so much more…should I? I feel like if I do…I don’t know if I can hold myself back more…you don’t care…? You’re sure you don’t care? I-I want to…do more…move faster…hold you closer…I-I want to cum inside of you…just…come…come here…!

-Tamaki holds the listener closer, moving faster as he holds her-

Tamaki: Your skin is so soft…and you feel so tight…all the thoughts coming in at once, like they’re slowly breaking me, slowly making me into something so much more, but I want to be that way with you…only you…I-I want to stay with you, and keep doing things like this…I want to take you to places like a real boyfriend would…t-to show you that I love you and that I don’t want to let you go…you’re the only one who doesn’t think I’m strange, you actually see a lot more…a-and that’s why I think I love you so much…I want to…keep you with me…and right now, I want to make you cum…th-then I want to cum inside of you…I don’t know how many times…I just want you to stay the night with me…ngh…I-I can feel you tightening, all over my cock…a-are you about to cum…? It’s okay…I want you to cum…once you cum…I’ll cum with you, so…l-let’s cum together, okay…? I-I’ll move faster, harder…I want to move deeper inside of you so we can properly be together…!

-Tamaki moves faster, shuddering once the two reach their climax, Tamaki cumming inside, Tamaki lays down again with the listener on top-

Tamaki: Haa…I-I…I came inside, I actually came inside…I-I still feel it…you let me cum inside of you…a-and that means a lot…um…next time…we’ll go out for real…I-I’ll take you somewhere nice…a-and we can have fun…then…you can come back and you can spend the night again, I-I’ll hold you close to me…tonight's gonna be the first time a girl ever slept in my bed…but I don’t…feel nervous for once, I feel like I’ll be okay…I have you here with me…promise me you’ll stay with me…okay?

-Tamaki kisses the listener-

Tamaki: I love you…




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