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He's shy, he's sweet, and he's a little bit crazy for you! Please enjoy this sweet little dream of a boy who just wants you to love him. (And when he finds out that you do, oh boy, this boy just gets cuter ><) 


Script Writer: 401 (Seikyuu did the last paragraph)

401's links:

https://ko-fi.com/Y8Y56F5S // /codename401.newgrounds.com/

Thumbnail Art: https://twitter.com/VirusuSama



My Relief

The listener feels a hand gently pat their head, before Shuichi kisses their forehead gently.

Shuichi: Hey...hey wake up. You’ve been asleep for almost half the day. You’re not just gonna leave me here with my thoughts are you? I don’t think anyone wants that...oh! Heh...well, good morning sleeping beauty. If you’re wondering where you are, you’re in my room. You ended up panicking from all the stress going on, and you passed out. Everyone just left you alone but...I decided to bring you here.

Saihara sighs deeply.

Saihara: Some people can be so rude...b-but um! N-not me of course, I mean...I didn’t want to seem like I was making you out to be ah...a-a damsel in distress o-or anything...i-in fact ah...I had to make sure that someone like Ouma didn’t try to do anything...you never know...s-someone here could be a pervert...a-and I’m not that, I promise!

He takes a moment to breathe.

Saihara: S-sorry...I guess I got carried away. But I can understand why you panicked, with everything happening, it’s so hard to trust people. Someone would sway you into trusting them...and then the moment you feel like you’ve come close to them...it’s over. I-I’m nothing like that, mind you. I’ve been doing everything I can to help everyone...protect everyone.

He clears his throat.

Saihara: Listen, um...I know very well that this is a terrible time to be saying something like this, but seeing as it’s practically life or death in this situation...I-I have to tell you why I actually brought you here...and...I don’t want you to panic.

He takes a deep breath.

Saihara: I thought for a while, and I thought...if I kept you here, with me, we’d be safe...we’d never deceive each other. I could trust you and you could trust me. We’d stay here when we’d have breaks, and no one could...no one could take you away from me...like I know they all want to. Huh? What am I talking about? Well, you see the way they look at you...the way they all stare...all of them. They always look over you...they talk about how you look...how you dress, the way they walk...I hate when they do that, especially in front of me...like they can just take you away. I’m the only one for you!

He looks at the listener.

Saihara: A-and...you’re the only one for me. I mean...look at you, so beautiful. So kind and sweet, it’s like getting to see an angel within this hell. I-I’ve lost so many people...so many people are being taken away from me a-and now...now that I know I have you...I-I’m starting to get these urges. I saw someone attempting to look at you...attempting to touch you...I got my hands dirtied...I attacked them. Th-they’re not dead...but...I hurt them badly, almost injured them. I-I had to wash my hands...but I still see the blood, and it’s because I did it for you...I think...I think it is...because...I think it’s because I love you. I-I know it sounds strange, but ever since I’ve met you...I’ve wanted to just hold your hands, and kiss your head, j-just like I did a moment ago...a-and you had no idea how good that made me feel! I don’t feel so nervous around you, I don’t feel like I’ll fall into despair, because I have you!

He kisses the listener’s forehead again.

Saihara: We can treat each other like...we’re boyfriend and girlfriend...I-I mean since we will be. We’ll eat together...spend every moment with each other, and I’d never allow them to point at you for a murder...I know you’d never hurt anyone, or anything...you’d never even hurt me. I know you wouldn’t...because you love me, and I love you too!

He kisses her cheek.

Saihara: Ha...I can’t stop kissing you, and I’m not even kissing your lips, as much as I’d love to...I feel like saving that for a special moment. Like...like a gift, then  again, I feel like you’re my gift anyway. I mean, just look at how beautiful you are. I can’t explain how happy I am now knowing that you’re mine, and can never leave me. If you left...I don’t know what I’d do...especially if I found out that someone hurt you in any way...and if you ended up dead...I think it’d be over for me, I would never be able to cope. I think I’d end up killing someone...b-but that’s not happening now! Sorry, I must’ve scared you, I wouldn’t want to scare you.

He caresses her face.

Saihara: I feel...like I can just, stay here, looking at your face, you’re just so...perfect. I just want to hold you forever...and just...keep everyone away. I won’t even let those damn bears approach you. We’re going to get out of here together...then we’re gonna spend the rest of our lives together. We’re going to be happy. Happy and safe...and I’ll do it without shedding a drop of blood...a-at least...starting now, I promise.

He looks at the listener just a bit more.

Saihara: Okay...I think I’m going to do it, I’m going to lean in...and I’m going to seal up the promise of you and me being safe and happy together. I’m going to do it...you know that term right? Sealing a promise with a kiss right? I think it’s the best thing for me to do, just so we’re sure that we’ll never leave each other, and that we’ll always be together forever. We can do that...because I love you...a-and you love me, right?

He gently kisses the listener’s lips.

Saihara: I love you too.

—-- Improved Sex -----

A-Ahh…that was…the most intense thing I’ve ever done in my entire l-life…

I…I can’t seem to move my legs…like…at all…hey. I’m really sorry to ask you this…especially because I want to be…a man that you can count on but…I…seem to be so…full of emotion that my legs…c-cant move and…geez it’s quite embarrassing. I…I don’t even think I can put my own pants back up…could you…? Thanks…

I-I’m so overcome with…emotion that I…I think I’m going to pass out…no…I-I’m sure of it…I’ll pass out..I…I…. I’m embarrassed to ask…but…

Before I pass out…could you…hold my hand? You’ve already done so much for me to make me so happy…but…now I…can’t help but be selfish…


Sorry…I love you….sorry….I love you… (until pass out)




Ohhh, it was Shuichi🤯

Kitty Cat Cosplay

Aaaaahhhhh!!!!!! This audio is AMAZING!!! Shuichi is such an adorable bean 😍 💗

Misty_ Morningstar78

Well I wouldn't have guessed Shuichi 😺. I enjoyed it very much thank you Seikyuu 😸😸



Alastor and Angel

Oooo Thank you Seikyuu-senpai, this is both adorable and ridiculously hot at the same time


Oh please please don't say you will be stopping the female listener NSFW audios? This was really nice but u was distracted by the gender ambiguous, which makes me anxious that you may be going the way of other voice actors on patreon. The whole gender neutral non binary is not erotic to listen too. I noticed you stopped doing the MP3 download links which means needing to listen to your audio on Patreon only, which is frustrating when not online and the long loading on patreon and sometimes pause due to lag on the site. I just hope you wont be only doing gender ambiguous from now on! Your audios are amazing as sex specific in a world captured by the gender woke nonsense. I would be so sad the day you stopped doing female listener with female pronouns, female genitals in your audios in favour for the none gender lot. Please say you will continue with your wonderful voice acting roleplays with female listeners in mind!!!!

Trinity Thatcher

Soooooooo cuuuute~! 💕 (PS, thank you for posting gender neutral audios as well as gender-specific ones. I’m non-binary and it’s so nice to be able to really immerse myself in an audio 💕💕💕)


As a guy these ambiguous ones are really nice to listen to and it takes the work from you to create edits for different pronouns! I love listening to these, Thank you for everything, this was so cute! ❤️