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art: https://twitter.com/bako0_

Hi hi, Master! Time for an inspirational positivity alarm!

Okay, so you might not be into sports, but I think this is a story that everyone can draw inspiration from!

In Major League Baseball, there was a pitcher named Randy Johnson. At a certain point in time, Randy was seen as a good pitcher - even great! But he really wasn’t seen as the super duper pinnacle of pitching. While he was playing with the best, he was averaging average stats. That was, until had a fateful meeting with someone special. This special person said: “Randy, when you pitch, try landing on the front on your your foot instead.”

Randy took this advice to heart, and with just one change, Randy was now set to become one of the most impressive, amazing pitchers in history, winning multiple awards!

Now, you might be asking, “seikyuu, what the heck does this have to do with a positivity alarm?”

I’ll tell ya!

I’m saying that even when things look grim, sometimes it takes just one small change to set you on the path to greatness! You might not even realize that you’re so close to your goal! One small change for the better might be all you need to make your dreams come true! So please don’t give up hope! You’re amazing and I know that you can do anything you set your mind to!



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