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Master! Take a look! Take a look! I took a picture. With this, it is proof I am now Diamond rank in that new Pokemon MOBA game, Pokemon Unite! It’s still not the highest rank, but I’m only one...two...promos away from reaching it! That’s..that’s just 10 more wins, I think! Maybe less and I’ve never been this close to reaching Master rank in league of legends before so this might finally be a dream come true, i’ve even been having dreams about it...and I’m missing the point AHEM! That’s not what the bulk of what I intended to show you. What I did intend to show you instead is this:

Because I’ve been lazy as a butler, I decided to order in some backup, and!!! Say hello to my little friend! I call it! The super ultra mega magic cannon ultimate soapy hydro hydro hydro jet washer 90 thousand and 88. With this, all I have to do is click this button, and all of our dirty dishes problems will go away!

Ready! 3! 2! 1~






Just stick with the dish washer please! X'D